Sarah and Gerrard's Discus Aquarium 1st Year

August 29th was the one year anniversary of our 72 Gallon planted Discus tank. We've made a lot of mistakes and learned a whole lot. The number one thing we learned is that it doesn't really make sense to grow out juvenile discus in a planted tank. Enjoy! For updates, check out my blog:

Sarah and Gerrard's Discus Aquarium 1st Year sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Discus 13 years ago 99,603 views

August 29th was the one year anniversary of our 72 Gallon planted Discus tank. We've made a lot of mistakes and learned a whole lot. The number one thing we learned is that it doesn't really make sense to grow out juvenile discus in a planted tank. Enjoy! For updates, check out my blog:

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Most popular comments
for Sarah and Gerrard's Discus Aquarium 1st Year

Raed Jaber
Raed Jaber - 10 years ago
A lot of changes over one year !
not only the species but design, sand and drift wood as well !
I like the spirit you work with
But this is not a drift wood, I think you need to get a drift wood instead of the log :)
you can also add more plants if you wish, it will make your tank fabulous *_^
However still your tank is awesome :)
MrFourJimmy - 11 years ago
what is the temp in the aquarium? and what is the type of filtration system you are using? nice tank btw! I like the way you put the cardinals in to mesh with the discus. The small schooling fish seem to make the aquarium sparkle.
pickabar - 11 years ago
Thanks! I threw it together on a lark to have something to put behind the video. It still puts a smile on my face every time I hear it.
pickabar - 11 years ago
I'm sure we did. We've tried to keep things settled for the last year or so.
pickabar - 11 years ago
I use Seachem Flourish Tabs as I've read that swords are big root feeders. The only downside is that the tabs eventually break up and pepper my otherwise tan sand.
David - 11 years ago
I want to put sand into my future 65 gallon, i will place there some swords and crypts, do you recommend root tabs?
bavariacaesar - 11 years ago
Nice vid ,pic ,music
EpiK1ReM5611 - 11 years ago
seems like your stressing changing the landscape to much?
pickabar - 11 years ago
That should say "to do". Sorry, phone auto-correct got me.

10. comment for Sarah and Gerrard's Discus Aquarium 1st Year

pickabar - 11 years ago
Juvenile discus have to eat often, are very sensitive to water quality and have limited immune systems. If you want healthy, round, colorful adults you need to give the juveniles tons of clean water (limiting nitrates isn't enough) and tons of food. That's really hard to due in a planted tank. Check Simply Discus for much more information.
Jeremy Eaton
Jeremy Eaton - 11 years ago
Why doesn't it make sense to grow out juvenile discus in a planted tank?
WoR entertainment
WoR entertainment - 11 years ago
i like the music for your video. it takes me back when i was a kid and used to play on my nintendo. cool discus by the way
pickabar - 12 years ago
I'm embarrassed to say that it's found wood from Prospect Park. We poured boiling water on it, soaked it in bleach, then soaked it in water mixed with Seachem Safe. All that said, that was a dumb idea and we're lucky we got away with it.
punchmau - 12 years ago
Is that real Driftwood? that could be bad for the fish if is not real treated driftwood.
pickabar - 12 years ago
Yes, we still have the tank. You can get updates on my blog.
Kevin Phillips
Kevin Phillips - 12 years ago
No to the Angels for sure. Tetras and corys are fine. but yeah, no no no no no to angels. they killed 8 of my discus from disease they carry.
bmcginn05 - 12 years ago
I used tap water. I got the pH perfect and no ammonia, nitrates, etc. I'm getting discus soon.
Stu Scott
Stu Scott - 12 years ago
nice tank there , im rely fancying an orange strain of discus to add to my tank
GreenBanditsFTW - 12 years ago
awesome tank what is the plant growing at the top of the tank?

20. comment for Sarah and Gerrard's Discus Aquarium 1st Year

pickabar - 12 years ago
Everyone has their own experiences, but I disagree that 5 is a good number. I think six is the bare minimum, unless you are talking about a confirmed pair. Most of the folks on Simply Discus would agree with me, I'm sure.
pickabar - 12 years ago
I don't recommend getting a group smaller than six. I had five for a while after one died and they were much more shy and a lot less fun to watch. As soon as I bought another fish, they went back to their old happy ways. I also strongly suggest you don't do a grow out in a 75 gallon tank, because you'll need to do large daily water changes if you want them to grow to their full potential. Check out simply discus dot com for a wealth of information.
pickabar - 12 years ago
I don't recommend discus for a tank smaller than 48 inches. They are also much happier in groups of at least six. They are much more shy even in groups of five. Check out simply discus dot com for more info.
bmcginn05 - 12 years ago
Hey, is 3 Discus, 2 Angels, 8 Neon Tetras, 4 Lemon Tetras, and 6 Panda Cory Catfish good in a 46 gallon bowfront tank? Anyone please respond ASAP.
john perez
john perez - 12 years ago
DiEGO MONTOYA yes 5 is good for a 75 gallon aquarium it's 10 gallons per adult discus fish or 5 gallon for medium discus fish u could go up to 7 discus and couple neons ....
Diego Montoya
Diego Montoya - 12 years ago
Hey me again, is five a good amount for my 75 if i really want to try to get them to grow out, still an awesome video, Thanks!
Diego Montoya
Diego Montoya - 12 years ago
Thank you!!!
pickabar - 12 years ago
Thanks for the kind words! Definitely do some research before you start the adventure. I recommend the Simply Discus site. If you want to start with a planted tank and you don't want to bother with daily water changes, your best bet is to buy adults. They cost more up front, but they have stronger immune systems and don't need their water completely pristine. If you want the challenge of raising juveniles, you should start out with a smaller tank (say 55 gallons) and go bare bottom. Good luck!
Diego Montoya
Diego Montoya - 12 years ago
Amazing video I'm about to get a 75 gallon discus tank, any suggestions?
Katie Peach Kiwi
Katie Peach Kiwi - 12 years ago
0:57 xDDDDD

30. comment for Sarah and Gerrard's Discus Aquarium 1st Year

pickabar - 12 years ago
Thanks for the kind words!
pickabar - 12 years ago
Did you start out with a planted tank? I did and I really regret it. Discus really need daily changes and super clean water for the first year of their lives. That was really hard for me to do in a tank with plants. If I ever buy anything but adults, I'll definitely do the grow out in a bare bottom tank.
pickabar - 12 years ago
72 gallons. I should add that to the description.
aprofromuk - 12 years ago
How big is this tank pls ??
pickabar - 12 years ago
Thanks! It's a little song I put together just for the video.
Nate Logston
Nate Logston - 12 years ago
great info. thanks!!
pickabar - 12 years ago
Thanks for the kind words! We don't do c02, but we do dose Seachem Flourish once a week, GH Booster twice a week, Iron Chelate once a week and Reef Builder once a week. We also use root tabs for the swords, since they are in a sand substrate.
Nate Logston
Nate Logston - 12 years ago
looks terrific! great work! do you do any co2 or fertilization for your plants?
ccbeauch - 12 years ago
if you put together the plantedtank and the .net and then the long part thats where to find it :) take that youtube!
ccbeauch - 12 years ago
so it wont let me post the forum but its on the plantedtank with a .net and /forums/showthread.php?p=1983187#post1983187
ccbeauch - 12 years ago
What are those triangle looking things on the back fish wall. This is also one of my favorite videos on the web and you inspired me to get a 72 gallon fish tank! This is my forum where I have been updating on my tank and stuff. my discus are a year old now but they seem to be a lot smaller than yours are in your video. I hope the small tank I had them in didn't effect them in a size way. thanks for the insperation!!
PAPAROSS - 12 years ago
Great progress in just one year!!! Growth, detail and color, spawning, etc. are all impressive achievements. I guess it pays to get stock from reputable source plus a good "know how" and patience. Again, great job!
pickabar - 12 years ago
It's mainly water sprite, which has proven to be a hard to kill nitrate sponge. We also have Brazilian Pennywort, but we've mad more mixed results with that.
GUPPYFRY1 - 12 years ago
Whats the floating plant?
Hayden228 - 12 years ago
Nice :D What do feed your babies ? :) They've grown into wonderful coloured and well formed adults :) (unless they were different fishes in the video?) Hahaha :D really hope to see your reply :D cheers !
pickabar - 12 years ago
The tank we have right now holds 72 gallons of water, give or take the volume of the substrate, plants, fish, etc. I wish that I had bought the 90 gallon non-bowfront tank, instead.
Dark Matter
Dark Matter - 12 years ago
inches long?
pickabar - 12 years ago
72 Gallons. I wish I'd just gone with 90...
GoldfishRsoDelicious - 12 years ago
like i said i kept discus but that was 15-18years ago when marineland 350 magnum's were top of the line filtration systems, lol. Equipment/chem media has gotten substantially better and it may very well be possible. I do want to point out that almost all plecos grow extremely slow though, but take the updated/modern advice from simply discus, i mean hell even i peak and see what there doing cuz if its good enough for a discus its defintely good enough for just about any other fw fish.
pickabar - 12 years ago
A few folks on simply discus have had incidents with dwarf plecos, but many others have kept the two together with no issues. They've been in our tank with our discus for almost two years now and they don't seem to be growing any larger or getting any more aggressive. Thanks for the feedback!

50. comment for Sarah and Gerrard's Discus Aquarium 1st Year

GoldfishRsoDelicious - 12 years ago
Nice selection of discus and various fish, but lose the pleco cuz the pencil sized poo it will give off at around 4-6 inches will be a discus keepers nightmare w/ water quality. Trust me, as a former discus & pleco owner these fish simply don't mix. Ask a lot of other discus owners, plus pleco are generally nocturnal, when they get larger and more aggressive at night u will cringe when ur discus have hickeys and scratches in the morning. Hope this helps, keep up the good work.
Lloyd davies
Lloyd davies - 12 years ago
i think the fish ttank i very nice looks calm and peacefull well done
Garbage Man
Garbage Man - 12 years ago
Ugly Fish Tank?? Well, why dont you upload your fish tank video so we can see...ahh... whats that??? you dont own a fish tank??harry van blah blah blah. Well STFU and go back to your cardboard box, and stop being rud to peoples hard work, asshole...... Picabar you tank is awesome!!! I LOVE Discus !!!
pickabar - 12 years ago
Everyone has a right to their own taste!
pickabar - 12 years ago
I'm down to once a week 75% changes, but for the first year of the tank I was doing daily 50% changes. If I had it to do again, I would have either bought adults to start with or done the grow out in a barebottom tank. Discus juveniles are cheap, but also very sensitive to water conditions in order to grow well. They aren't quite as demanding once they are adults. I would recommend checking out the Simply Discus forums if you are thinking of getting into Discus.
L Ng
L Ng - 12 years ago
what's the usual water change for this tank? Also how much to you suck out and replace? Do you test your water parameters often? I've always loved Discus but never had them because I thought they were hard to look after.
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
nice video like to see the progression check out my account if possible guys and gals
harry van wolput
harry van wolput - 12 years ago
such a uggly fish tank !!!!
cebosound1 - 12 years ago
very cool video. its great to see the progression.
pickabar - 12 years ago
Thanks for the compliments!
pickabar - 12 years ago
Thanks for the kind words!
pickabar - 12 years ago
pickabar - 12 years ago
pickabar - 12 years ago
The Brilliant Turqs are from Discus Hans. The Pigeon Bloods are from Discus Madness.
scrambler250r - 12 years ago
where did you get them from? very nice tank & beautiful fish.
pickabar - 12 years ago
I feed them beefheart mix, Tetra Colorbits, Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flakes and Freeze Dried Blackworms.
Neeraj Lestat
Neeraj Lestat - 12 years ago
within 1 year they got that big and even laid eggs??????????what u feed them with??
PaNdeM0niuM - 12 years ago
Nice tank! i love the simplicity of it.
Pauli Kennsteh
Pauli Kennsteh - 12 years ago
kendrid - 13 years ago
@sundaegirl108 Many reputable dealers (like Hans) ship fish via overnight shipping. It's expensive but if you want quality fish it is the way to go. Most fish store discus are stunted/peppered garbage that is way overpriced.
stu telfer
stu telfer - 13 years ago
@pickabar I've said that...countless times haha, n cool cheers hopefully come across some!
pickabar - 13 years ago
@SeedmasterStu We're replacing our driftwood and then that's it! Maybe... ;). It's white birch that we found at Prospect Park.
stu telfer
stu telfer - 13 years ago
Love it how its not just me who fiddles with aquascape regulary :P nice aquarium what tree did those branches come from do you know? Looks good. Discus are also nice i'm just getting into breeding them lovely fish :)
pickabar - 13 years ago
Yep, they ship them like that via a special fedex service. Thanks!

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