Severums with Oscar Fish? Gone BAD
Discus 7 years ago 914 views - I feed all my Oscar fish and severums Omega One brand foods. Here is the cichlid pellets. Omega One Cichlid Food: Keeping severums with Oscar fish as tank mates. Algae is pretty much unavoidable. Just have to control the amount of nutrients in the water either by water changes or competing plants. I got snails when my tetra tank started doing that. But once they got big they stopped eating it 😑 now I have 3 slackers. I had 2 types of algae tho, the green and brown. I liked how the green looked so I started cleaning the brown off the decor and gravel (vacuum) and left the green alone. Eventually the green out won the brown. The plus side is the green seemed easier to control. And since u have a comet, it should really like the green algae. Mine wants nothing to do with the brown alage xD You're awesome!! I was thinking about snails so this is helpful info:) My fish tank is actually in my living but across from my picture window. Yes there's sunlight exposure but not direct .... I think I also was leaving the lights on longer during the day. I was LOL @ your 3 slacker's!!! This group has been very helpful! I am very grateful. Oscar fish with severums. I call them the 3 musketeers too 😂 they crack me up. My tetra tank is right at a window so it's definitely my fault 😅 it's easy enough to care for tho since it's only a 10g. If you do decide to try out snails, I'd suggest just getting one. Goldies are gross, especially in a 20 gallon. Your goldie might also decide it looks like a yummy snack so keeping a close eye on both their behaviors would be important too. My 3 snails r with my goldie now, but I'll be moving them soon since it's low key freaking me out 😂 this group is extremely handy! I've learned a lot from the short time I've been in it. Personally, I’d leave it alone to grow! Green algae is a very nutritious food source and looks very natural. Plus, algae is one of the best nitrAte destroyers there is. To control it, you should understand that algae grows out of control with excess nutrients in the water, especially too much light and/or overfeeding of your fish. Severums with Oscar fish. I feed him twice daily and will be cutting down on the lights. THANK YOU so much for all this great, helpful info!!!! So appreciate it!! Alright, so this is going to be an extremely noob question lol. I have kept black moors for a long time but haven't had goldfish for quite some time.... I didn't know half as much as I do now from being in this group, but im wondering would it be okay to mix an oranda with a black moor or butterfly tail? Ya'll are amazing! Im waiting on my 55 gallon to be delivered and was just going to get a butterfly tail but I seen the most beautiful oranda at a local fish store and I dont know if I can pass it up, but I looooove butterfly tails lol You might also think on quarantine treatments, a lot of new fish from pet stores come with internal and external parasites. My go to is a couple days of hex shield for internal parasites, and a month of prazi for external parasites. I dont treat for anything else unless I see issues. Should I feed them regular food also while feeding them the hex sheild? Prazipro?
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