She Loves Our Discus Aquarium

This is our planted aquarium. As you can see, she really enjoys it!

She Loves Our Discus Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Discus 16 years ago 14,210 views

This is our planted aquarium. As you can see, she really enjoys it!

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Most popular comments
for She Loves Our Discus Aquarium

ivan alvarado
ivan alvarado - 13 years ago
beautiful tank!!!!!!!
Deetprox - 13 years ago
omg dudeeee that is amazing!
Franky P
Franky P - 14 years ago
damn.. i love it more than her.
Wild Cuipeua Discus
Wild Cuipeua Discus - 14 years ago
Adorable daughter and beautiful tank. It looks overpopulated though. I would leave a smaller number of cardinal tetras, some other smaller fishes, and the discus of course. You might also consider adding 1 or 2 discus more, since they are a schooling fish. Just a suggestion. Otherwise, great video.
Swarnendu Sen
Swarnendu Sen - 14 years ago
Congrats!Lovely tank!Can't decide who's cuter!The discus or the kid!
Johnzith1212 - 14 years ago
down in front
Tang526 - 14 years ago
awesome vid man, this makes me happy.
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 14 years ago
@greatoutdoorsman2009 There are 4 adults. The plants are varied. I cannot recall all the names off the top of my head. Myaca is in the background... rosefolia, sagitara... mosses...
oppressednation - 14 years ago
beautifull aquarium mate absolutely spot on you really know what you are doing

10. comment for She Loves Our Discus Aquarium

OneBadAssMerc - 14 years ago
@Darter02 i have a 90 gallon with 4 tangerines and your looks bigger how many discus do u have and wat kind of plants are those
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 14 years ago
@greatoutdoorsman2009 it's 75 gallons
OneBadAssMerc - 14 years ago
how big u tank b
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 15 years ago
Actually, the plants take care of a lot of the waste. I do occasionally use my Python siphon to suck up some of the debris. If you don't have one of these devices, check them out. They really help with water changes!
Anthony Littler
Anthony Littler - 15 years ago
@AsianburnsForlife i would put five in you should leave about 40 litres per fish
marisco wetzke
marisco wetzke - 15 years ago
mein gott das kind würd ich eine klatschen
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 15 years ago
I've had the best luck with Sagittaria subulata for the foreground. Alternanthera reineckii ''roseafolia'' in the mid-ground and Mayaca fluviatilis in the back corners. That Mayaca grows really, really fast! I also inject CO2 and the temperature is always around 82 degrees F.
AsianburnsForlife - 15 years ago
can you please tell me what kind of plants you have in your tank please ? and what temperature do you have your tank at? thanks
Trevor Stauffer
Trevor Stauffer - 15 years ago
cool aquarium!
AsianburnsForlife - 15 years ago
thanks alot for the reply its really helpful, I want to get it right before i introduce discus into my aquarium.

20. comment for She Loves Our Discus Aquarium

Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 15 years ago
NEVER take them out! Yoinks! I change the water once/week. I use a siphon to remove about 1/2 the water. I then bring my tap water, which is fortunately very good with little chemicals or minerals, and bring it up to the same temp as the water in the tank. I then reverse the flow in my siphon (a Python model) and add water conditioner directly into the tank.
AsianburnsForlife - 15 years ago
When you do your water changes what do u do, take the discus out and then put them back in after you have changed the water, or leave them in. How often do you change your water in a week.
AsianburnsForlife - 15 years ago
I don't have a ghost knife atm and i don't think i'll get one now haha. Anyway how many discus can i have in my aquarium ?? without over crowding.
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 15 years ago
I have heard that keeping the knife fish with discus can end in bad things. I've heard of two separate times of ghost knives plucking out the eyes of discus. So, personally, I would not add discus to that aquarium.
AsianburnsForlife - 15 years ago
I have a 200 litre tank, can you please tell me how many discus i could have in it, and are discus compatible with black ghost knife fish. You have a very beautiful daughter and aquarium , I know what your going through my little sister hits my aquarium all the time.
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 15 years ago
Lights are a Coralife Brand Fresh Water Aqualight. I also have a standard 48 fixture with a color enhancing bulb in the front to offset the greenish/blue light of the grow bulbs. I have a gallery of photos of this on Pbase. Just google "Darter02, Discus" and you'll find my site.
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 15 years ago
Filters are two Penguin BIO-Wheel 350s. I added extra baskets to them that have peat moss and gravel in them. I do not change the carbon filters, I just clean them in a bucket of aquarium water when I do water changes. I also placed a ball of filter floss in the top of each unit, right where the water comes in. This adds another place for nitrifying bacteria to do their thing. I just wring it out in the same bucket of aquarium water that I used to clean the rest of the filter parts.
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 15 years ago
Its a 75 gallon tank. My CO2 system is very simple. I bought my gauge and needle valve from an online source. His name is Rex Grigg, just google him, he knows a lot about this stuff. I use a simple diffuser that is in a tight bunch of plants. The plants catch most of the bubbles of gas and keep them in the water column. My substrate is a mixture of small gravel and a material specifically for planted aquariums. I cannot recall the name its been a few years
goatschilling - 15 years ago
lol very well put!!!! love the tank man plants and fish look awsome. thanx for sharing the video lol great just great
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 16 years ago
No kidding... really??? She's ONE, don't you think I have been trying to teach her NOT to do that? I just didn't think a clip of me saying, "Don't hit the glass! Don't HIT the glass!! DON'T IT THE GLASS!!!" would be enjoyable... ;-)

30. comment for She Loves Our Discus Aquarium

Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 16 years ago
Yes, I inject CO2 the gas into the water. It helps the plants grow a lot faster, and if done correctly, will help keep algae from taking over. Every once in a while, my tank gets very overgrown. I have to trim the plants at least once/week. If I don't, let's just say it becomes hard to see the fish! The best source of info out there on the web is put out by a guy named Rex Grigg. Just google that name and you'll find his website. I bought my regulator off of him and am very happy.
Ron Lutz II
Ron Lutz II - 16 years ago
The grass is Sagittaria subulata, I have to keep it trimmed in the center or it will grow as tall as you sort of see on the right front. (In fact, yesterday it actually flowered where it meets the surface!) As far maintainance, I have to work on it at least an hour/week or it gets out of control FAST! I have to trim plants, clean filters and change the water. I also inject CO2 into the water for the plants... Thanks!
Chuck Petrosky
Chuck Petrosky - 16 years ago
1ST off let me say Awesome Tank. I have a 130 gallon tank and my new granddaughter is facinated with it also. Wish I still had Discus. Asking Santa for some Marboro colored discus. Again...AWESOME TANK!!

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