Stendker Discus coming in at Discus Hans USA, PERFECT.

This movie covers about 12 hours total, from 2pm till 2am Putting the Discus in the tanks: This is called "the drop & plop" way, our water is very close to the quality of water they come from. Many moons ago we did the "drip" method. The Discus are too long in the dirty shipping water, we always lost more Discus as we wanted. The way we do it now has NO LOST AT ALL so we must do something right lol lol On temp. difference: Temp is very close bags to tanks. In winter time I bring the temp in the rack down with cold water a few degrees and slowly let it heat up again.

Stendker Discus coming in at Discus Hans USA, PERFECT. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Discus 10 years ago 114,074 views

This movie covers about 12 hours total, from 2pm till 2am Putting the Discus in the tanks: This is called "the drop & plop" way, our water is very close to the quality of water they come from. Many moons ago we did the "drip" method. The Discus are too long in the dirty shipping water, we always lost more Discus as we wanted. The way we do it now has NO LOST AT ALL so we must do something right lol lol On temp. difference: Temp is very close bags to tanks. In winter time I bring the temp in the rack down with cold water a few degrees and slowly let it heat up again.

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Most popular comments
for Stendker Discus coming in at Discus Hans USA, PERFECT.

Brett Bergamo
Brett Bergamo - 6 years ago
For some reason i always thought you bred your own.
I swear, next time I’m on the east coast I’m so hitting you up on the way back home!! LOL would love to see this place in Person.
And the Dark Angel? With the blow face. Beautiful!
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 6 years ago
Brett Bergamo I sell a lot of breeding pairs (everybody want to be like me when they grow up lol lol) I only sell the pairs as proven if they have babies in my tanks. To prove them I need a cone in there to let them spawn.
Brett Bergamo
Brett Bergamo - 6 years ago
Discus Hans why the cones then?
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 6 years ago
Brett you're more as welcome, as long as I know a little in advance so I can make sure I'm there. And for breeding, no we don't breed. All Discus are bred by Stendker in Germany, they ship them to me and I ship them all over the USA.
Brantov - 6 years ago
Exellent diccus. Veri nice video. I aquarist. Subscibe you chenell.
discus k
discus k - 6 years ago
5:17 color?
discus k
discus k - 6 years ago
Discus Hans thanks :)
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 6 years ago
Marlboro Red
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 7 years ago
wichid cichlid like Christmas lol
Jeffrey Opalda
Jeffrey Opalda - 7 years ago
do you shipping discus in the philippines
Jeffrey Opalda
Jeffrey Opalda - 7 years ago
i want to breed also discus and start a business in the philippines
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 7 years ago
no sorry I do only USA
ychsing12 - 7 years ago
Wow, it's a tough day!
You don't get tired?
I mean physically.
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 7 years ago
It's what I do approx every 4 to 5 weeks lol It's not that bad as long I keep going. The moment I sit down it's a little hard to get up again lol lol
salviflor floristería
salviflor floristería - 7 years ago
es precioso me ha encantado
Tony Canniffe
Tony Canniffe - 8 years ago
Gives new meaning to unboxing video lol
Stephen Ari Bias
Stephen Ari Bias - 8 years ago
Nice ones

10. comment for Stendker Discus coming in at Discus Hans USA, PERFECT.

DISCUS BREEDER - 9 years ago
i beleive healthy and strong discus can handle every kind of stress ...look theire color didnt change at all which means they're very healthy and strong
pancudowny - 9 years ago
After starting treatment of injecting the medicated solution into it via a pipette, while keeping it properly isolated after it showed signs of internal parasites & not eating, my friend's Red Koi Angelfish died. I blame myself, thinking that maybe I didn't do something right.

Moving-on... Ever since learning about Discus, I've been intrigued & tempted to try caring for one... But many of the tank-condition factors & the initial-price are intimidating. Now that "Malika" is gone, and the two black-marbled angels I bought as replacement--her and two others we lost to hexamita--got bullied immediately by the larger "mating-mature" two of the three remaining... forcing me to place them in with my mature Blood-Parrots instead (They don't mind them!)... I've been thinking: Maybe getting just one to would be the way to go, since my friend is so heart-broken over losing "Malika" (Her own specially-chosen fish of the bunch) and she too is interested in keeping Discus.

The intended home is as follows:

40-gal. "Breeder" tank w/the rear & both side walls having full-length bubble-curtains

An API XP2 & XP3 in-series, arranged & filled as-follows:

1st-stage (XP2): 30-ppi sponge over 20-ppi, with two additional even-coarser stages of sponge, special net-bought bio-media, a layer of floss.

2nd-stage (XP3): Activated carbon, Zeolyte crystals, phosphate absorber & two more stages of floss (increasing in fineness).

It's Community:

A (approx.) 10" Iridescent Shark

Three (3) Angelfish, ranging in 2"-3" size (Body only)

A juvenile Blood-Parrot

A 3"-length Silver Dollar

Seven (7) Neon Tetras, ranging from "Juvie" to "Jumbo"

Water temp: 80-82*F.

I get my water tested weekly, just before maintenance (Weekly 50% of water w/vacuum-cleaning of gravel, and change of floss + fresh water-treatment chemicals. Hoses cleaned bi-weekly, as necessary. Canisters fully-serviced monthly.) and the only dubious thing they find is are high Nitrate levels. I've heard that certain Nitrates & plentiful food-supply can encourage growth, so...

I also moderately feed Hikari Mini-Pellets for Cichlids (For the shark) and Omega-One flakes (For the others) once daily.

So... Does this sound like even close to ideal for Discus? Is there anything I missed? Please respond, because I'd hate to drop good money for even the least expensive one of these beauties to only have it die shortly after.

D I E G O - 7 years ago
Did you get the discus?
Silvi Jano
Silvi Jano - 9 years ago
Great vid. Do you also have e video for the wooden tank racks and how they were assembled?
Silvi Jano
Silvi Jano - 9 years ago
+Discus Hans thank you so much :)
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 9 years ago
+Silvi Jano send me an email at and I will try to send you some pictures.
Amanda's-Aquarium - 9 years ago
wish you had a supplier here in Scotland of Stendker
Amanda's-Aquarium - 9 years ago
+Discus Hans oh wow ill check this out i have a Maidenhead aquatics near me thank you :- )
Amanda's-Aquarium - 9 years ago
+Discus Hans oh wow ill check this out i have a Maidenhead aquatics near me thank you :- )
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 9 years ago
+PinkSaltire08 Think one of those probably can ship to you:

This list is from:

Great Britain 

 Maidenhead Aquaticsall over the UK and  Dorset Discus @ Pets Direct & Aquatics Bridport0044-1308420747  Complete Aquarium Service Ltd. CF118TQ Cardiff0044-2920710792 Devotedly Discus Mark EvendenEast Sussex BN 26 6 AJ0044-1323 483689 WRG Discus Bob GraingerEdingburth EH12 7SW0044-1313348959 Coral Reef AquariumG51 1lb Glasgow0044-414297112 Independent Aquatic Imports Ltd.SL3 0AX Colnbrook0044 1753 687050
Aquarium Hobbyist
Aquarium Hobbyist - 9 years ago
wow the way you hold these b'ful discus!!
Darren Clarke
Darren Clarke - 9 years ago
Think that is my dream job !!!!
Spiritofequis - 9 years ago
Hans, you are a hard working Man with the nicest looking Discus to show for it! I have several of yours in my tank that are GORGEOUS!
Thank You Hans!
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 9 years ago
+Spiritofequis Thank you. I do the work here but for the Discus we have to thank the Stendker family for breeding them. Great to hear you are happy with the Discus.
tovar83 - 9 years ago
interesting method. what is the maximum difference in pH and TDS between water A and B so that it does not cause osmotic and pH shock to discus?
Husain Alqabandi
Husain Alqabandi - 10 years ago
mr. hans how are you?
your discus shipment from singapore? or where?
Husain Alqabandi
Husain Alqabandi - 9 years ago
can you give us some advice to keep Wild Discus please its different another discus types its not easy for keep 
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 9 years ago
No, all our Discus are coming from Stendker in Germany.
cepuras - 10 years ago
Hans, you have a very nice operation, just short of being a gold mine :)

20. comment for Stendker Discus coming in at Discus Hans USA, PERFECT.

cepuras - 10 years ago
So are the fish partially tranquilizer, sedated for shipping?
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
no no, just off food for a few days and clean water for shipping.
Annabel - 10 years ago
Oh my gosh! They're so freaking gorgeous!!!
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
Thank you Annabel
Austin Dowd
Austin Dowd - 10 years ago
did you not acclimate these?
edit: just read description >.< I love your discus cant wait to buy some one day
kris2341 - 10 years ago
this plop and drop method is very interesting, since you say the water chemistry is similar, is the temperature of the tank the same as the bag? Or is the bag temperature cooler and are the fish going into a tank of warmer temperature water with similar chemistry?

I mainly want to know in order to have a sort of benchmark hardiness for what is considered quality discus compared to lesser discus (like what mine appear to be).

I dont think my Vietnam discus (where the importer i got em from says they come from) would survive that kind of drop in.
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
+kris2341 Send me an email at 
kris2341 - 10 years ago
+Discus Hans Thats good to know, if the water is similar, and temperature is similar, the acclimation can actually be skipped for superior results!

I made a thread on simplydiscus detailing my experiences if you would care to take a look. Success or fail with my current 4 remaining discus, I will probably give your discus a try the next time around once I clear the growout tank out.
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
Kris, it depends on he season. We measure the temp in the bags and adjust the temp in the tanks (system) close to the bag temp. Because Stendker knows of course how to ship their Discus, they come in good as warm. If needed we cool the setup down a little with colder water. Stendker Discus are known to be the hardiest around.
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 10 years ago
i would have prefered trebate joints for the racks.
majestic cichlids
majestic cichlids - 10 years ago
Hans I am breeding angelfish successfully and I want to start trying to breed discus, what are your water parameters and I would definitely like to buy a breeding pair very soon but I am undecided on what color type to get. I know you're busy but if you get a minute of time can you please check out my videos under majestic cichlids and tell me what you think, if in your opinion am I ready to take that step up to discus breeding? Please leave a comment on my video it would mean the world to me because to me your one of the greats if not the greatest discus breeder in the world!
Ed Prust
Ed Prust - 10 years ago
Wie is die lelijke kale met die bril??
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
+Ed Prust Ed heb je een nieuw telefoon # thuis??? probeerde je een paar keer te bellen maar het geeft: niet werking nummer?? Stuur me even een email met het juiste nummer 
Ed Prust
Ed Prust - 10 years ago
+Discus Hans Gaat goed zo te zien 
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
Dat's een ouwe kerel die hier werkt lol
dinski21 - 10 years ago
Hope all is running smooth at the shop. I have a question regarding your set up and it'll be great to hear from you.

What size tanks do you use? Pairs? Grow out Tanks? future pairing tank? or is it all your tanks the same size?

And where can I buy those great sponges from? AUS or can i get them here in the states?

Thanks in advance, SWWWWeeeTTTT videos and Discus!!! 
Tamberly Showalter
Tamberly Showalter - 10 years ago
what are the ones at 10:00...very pretty
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
At 10:00 are the Blue Diamonds 2.5"
Mike Farley
Mike Farley - 10 years ago
Great video, Hans! Good to see all arriving so healthy and ready to go in their new world. I bet they were hungry too!

30. comment for Stendker Discus coming in at Discus Hans USA, PERFECT.

Diskuszucht Stendker
Diskuszucht Stendker - 10 years ago
Thank you, Hans! Excellent great video! Wonderful fishes. Good job, Hans! Please inform in your video, that you have check the temperature and water parameter for the new fish before you put them in your tank. Congratulation!

Die Temperatur wurde schon vor Ankunft der Tiere in den Aquarien heruntergefahren und so optimal auf die Fische vorbereitet. Da unsere Wasserparameter Discus Hans bekannt sind, wurden auch die Wasserwerte schon im Vorfeld angeglichen. Daher brauchte weder ein Temperaturangleich, noch ein Wasserangleich gemacht werden.
Amos Chiang
Amos Chiang - 10 years ago
wow more than half a million USD worth of discus?!
Ryan Kisor
Ryan Kisor - 10 years ago
Cool video Hans!! Very relaxing. I'm making another order from you this weekend. Going to go a bit bigger this time. Best wishes! Ryan
alfanathan1 - 10 years ago
Come to Australia open a shop here greedy shop owners here need some competition with their ridiculous prices on stendker discus
alfanathan1 - 10 years ago
Do you think 1200$ for a non proven Marlboro red pair is reasonable
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
Importing from Germany into the USA is very expensive, I think bringing the Discus into Australia is even 2x expensive.Pricing has not ALWAYS to to with greed from people, most people don't understand the risk and "hidden" cost to get good quality Discus into your country.
Discus Hans
Discus Hans - 10 years ago
Che it's very nice lol

Obsidian, it's called "the dop & plop" way, our water is very close to the quality of water they come from. Many moons ago we did the "drip" method. The Discus are too long in the dirty shipping water, we always lost more Discus as we wanted. The way we do it now has NO LOST AT ALL so we must do something right lol lol

Obsidian762 - 10 years ago
Well that's really convenient. That's quite a time saver.
Obsidian762 - 10 years ago
Hey Hans, I have a question. Why don't you acclimate the new fish to your water? I'm sure there's a good reason :p
Che's Discus
Che's Discus - 10 years ago
Must be nice: )

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