Super Rare Arowana FOR MY Aquarium

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Most popular comments
for Super Rare Arowana FOR MY Aquarium

Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 7 years ago
Meh, silvers are cheap

Im getting asian green
Tan Ngu
Tan Ngu - 7 years ago
That is not a rare arrowana
biggunzcdb - 7 years ago
Makesure there are no places he can jump out of the tank. My black arowanadied because he jumped out while I was at work, he made it through a tiny slit between the lid and filter. Close all gaps.
Robbin Yahood
Robbin Yahood - 7 years ago
Why does this kid buy these fish that are hard to take care of when he knows nothing about them?
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Nice, but these are SUPER common especially in the USA. Mine was the same size, then its tail got bitten off. Now its about 8 inches :p
Lan Satler
Lan Satler - 7 years ago
It would be better whitout an flourescent sand for the fish exspecially for arowana because he can get drop eye because of constantly looking down
Mike - 7 years ago
it's not rare
Luis Roman
Luis Roman - 7 years ago
Good price
Mikael Bessiron
Mikael Bessiron - 7 years ago
pretty pet arrowana do you have a pond dimension like ...the sea and i dont talk about this little gar lol love this fish great vid indeed frmo france

10. comment for Super Rare Arowana FOR MY Aquarium

Sam Jenkins
Sam Jenkins - 7 years ago
yea that's not rare ur getting screwed every were u go
Elmo Elmo
Elmo Elmo - 7 years ago
Love the channel I was just one the live instagram video
vawero_0237 - 7 years ago
How can you consider a fish rare when you get it from a pet store?
SALTY GRIM - 7 years ago
This is dead
Animal lover For life
Animal lover For life - 7 years ago
Who agrees he is the best
Phil Cavallini
Phil Cavallini - 7 years ago
Definitely not rare! lol!
Xtreme Pro Exotics
Xtreme Pro Exotics - 7 years ago
You can't say what Gucci... If you don't have GUCCI PRODUCTS!!!! Not hating I do like your channel just joking a little
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 7 years ago
You would of gotten way more subscribers. Giving the guy his own tank. This really funny if he dies.
Juan Diego Vasquez
Juan Diego Vasquez - 7 years ago
Arowana are illegal in United states
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians - 7 years ago
Yeah that’s not rare

20. comment for Super Rare Arowana FOR MY Aquarium

dan the fish man boss
dan the fish man boss - 7 years ago
Your have to get neting for you pong now cuz there jumpers
Stewart Robertson
Stewart Robertson - 7 years ago
Super rare hahahaha
fishingbros58 - 7 years ago
That tank is to small
Teezy Subben
Teezy Subben - 7 years ago
nom nom feeder fish
Daniel Kim
Daniel Kim - 7 years ago
Irshaad Joomun
Irshaad Joomun - 7 years ago
I gave a silver arowana
Saylor Palmer
Saylor Palmer - 7 years ago
ThinkFastz - 7 years ago
Rip little buddy forever in our hearts
Ant Fox
Ant Fox - 7 years ago
Should of got them all
Paul . Alexeyenko
Paul . Alexeyenko - 7 years ago
Its a Baby silver Arowana, from the amazon.

30. comment for Super Rare Arowana FOR MY Aquarium

Fishnatics C
Fishnatics C - 7 years ago
What’s so rare about a silver arowana? See it for sale all the time.
Colten Lewis
Colten Lewis - 7 years ago
How much was that
Stone Bolton
Stone Bolton - 7 years ago
Your gonna need a different tank the gar will eat it
- XxBlu3firexX
- XxBlu3firexX - 7 years ago
I am the 420th like
Asphyxiate - 7 years ago
Lmao, those are not rare at all. That’s the most common Arowana lol. Y’all and the titles of the thumbnails kill me man. Half the fish you guys have are not rare. Baby silver arowana are $12 at my fish store. I’ve never seen one over $100 even at the 14 inch size lol
Wet Pets
Wet Pets - 7 years ago
There gonna fight torn fins are are normal now u will have to wait till they create tank dominance
Trey Haller
Trey Haller - 7 years ago
hey if the animal was super rare why would they sell it in a pet store.
Angel Heady
Angel Heady - 7 years ago
What kind of arowana is it
Wyatt Nickell
Wyatt Nickell - 7 years ago
Lol I got a arowana the same day
Nathaniel Touch
Nathaniel Touch - 7 years ago
rare? , swear you can get these alive at any small Asian supermarkets !!!!
Eric Shultz
Eric Shultz - 7 years ago
Nice fishies i have two marble gar just over a foot now they grow fast
Lucy Ngo
Lucy Ngo - 7 years ago
You should of gotten the bigger one bc I’m worried the gar might take a bite out of it
lei wang
lei wang - 7 years ago
good to have your own style. No need following catch em all
Francisco Murillo
Francisco Murillo - 7 years ago
I love your tank and i think you should get a oscar next
Canadian fishing giants
Canadian fishing giants - 7 years ago
The gar could possibly attack it though
Ron Caper
Ron Caper - 7 years ago
I have 2ft arowana
AI1Gaming - 7 years ago
I already think The arowana is better than The alligator gar
BigMoneyFisher55 - 7 years ago
Arowana are aggressive fish!!
BigMoneyFisher55 - 7 years ago
You know they can grow to three feet long right?!
Naw2day Shawny
Naw2day Shawny - 7 years ago
Jardini? Not very rare but expensive. You want another one you gotta get some distracting fish.

50. comment for Super Rare Arowana FOR MY Aquarium

Wet Pets
Wet Pets - 7 years ago
I have one like 2 feet long make sure he does not jump out of the tank
Vincent Liew
Vincent Liew - 7 years ago
That gar would be a time could eat or attack your little silver arowana
Gorge Goldman
Gorge Goldman - 7 years ago
can you list all the fish in your tank
Y o U
Y o U - 7 years ago
Cant wait to watch them grow!
J Dos
J Dos - 7 years ago
Fish more less tank stuff
Barbara Howard
Barbara Howard - 7 years ago
Your getting a flipping arapaima ya know that he’ll for sure get ten foot if not 15!!!!!!!!! Your savage
So-Lo Aquatics
So-Lo Aquatics - 7 years ago
Is it really super rare. Or you just bullshittin us
Logical - 7 years ago
It's not rare you can get them out about just every pet supermarket
ll_Lanta_ll - 7 years ago
Wow I shop at petsupermarket but mine doesn't have arowana
Predatory Fish Tanks
Predatory Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
My hujeta gar which is the same size can eat minnows 4 times that size
Darren  Gorney
Darren Gorney - 7 years ago
I like vid
Darren  Gorney
Darren Gorney - 7 years ago
Hey it is me I was kinda mean I just got a stameant do a give away please
ronan rodrigues
ronan rodrigues - 7 years ago
Get him his own tank!
Wilson Koh
Wilson Koh - 7 years ago
In singapore, silver arowana only cost about 10 bucks
McConnell Barrow
McConnell Barrow - 7 years ago
You should get an Asian needlenose gar
Monstar Aquatics
Monstar Aquatics - 7 years ago
That is only $39.99 in Trinidad its like $300.00 and btw separate the gar from him the gar will eat himb
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 7 years ago
Get a archer fish in the same tank they spit water
Carlos Jimenez
Carlos Jimenez - 7 years ago
Dope bro!
John Escarcha
John Escarcha - 7 years ago
in philippines you can get one for $2
Khom Siyati
Khom Siyati - 7 years ago
RAWWfishing your the best bro
Kamdogg 26
Kamdogg 26 - 7 years ago
Name him venom because he looks like a snake with its younger out
Kamdogg 26
Kamdogg 26 - 7 years ago
Francis Olba
Francis Olba - 7 years ago
super rare? thats just a silver a have a new species of asian arowana a cross between a super red and banjar red
Jesse Rampersad
Jesse Rampersad - 7 years ago
kevinLAWLESS420 - 7 years ago
let some minnows swim around the tank and natural feeds
kevinLAWLESS420 - 7 years ago
feed them twice a day
zac does stuff
zac does stuff - 7 years ago
People smoke arowana some times
Miguel Mateus
Miguel Mateus - 7 years ago
If you continue buying fish you should increase your filtration and water changes. The fish would also grow faster.
You could learn a lot by watching king of diy and My aquatic diary
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
I love Osteoglossum!!!!
Twig Flint
Twig Flint - 7 years ago
Get him his own tank bottom dwellers make arawanas look down to much and it gives them drop eye its basiccaly when the eye pops out and only looks down
rl champ edwards
rl champ edwards - 7 years ago
U need to increasd the water flow in your tank and put a flowmazter in your tank
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/ - 7 years ago
what kind of arowana is it color wise or is it just a normal arowana.
einohb gnamus
einohb gnamus - 7 years ago
how big is your tank?
Blue Ant
Blue Ant - 7 years ago
Bye bye clown hello Arawana
Blue Ant
Blue Ant - 7 years ago
Name him Vang
dabbing ninja
dabbing ninja - 7 years ago
Let’s wait for the pacu to kill it
Van Heins
Van Heins - 7 years ago
In the title it says super rare but there not super rare
The Pickle
The Pickle - 7 years ago
let the mosquito fish/minnow roam a bit more instead of hand feeding thim
The Pickle
The Pickle - 7 years ago
the minnows are mosquito fish and they look like guppies and they give birth to live young which are refereed to live bearers , females are way larger then males which are 1inch long.
TwinzBassin - 7 years ago
The Pickle
The Pickle - 7 years ago
you should feed the gar and the rest of the fish that they don't attack the arrowana as much
Jake Schnorr
Jake Schnorr - 7 years ago
Name it silver like from the movie
Harambe Smith
Harambe Smith - 7 years ago
Silver arowana aren’t “super rare” as you put in your title they’re very common
Marshall Hauck
Marshall Hauck - 7 years ago
Baby arrowana is to delicate for that monster tank bro
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Name him Jumpy
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous - 7 years ago
I thought you where gonna go to the other fish place
Hade s
Hade s - 7 years ago
Far is going to eat zee arowana
-Keranos- mtg pulls
-Keranos- mtg pulls - 7 years ago
Arawona are NOT SUPER RARE I have 10 in my tanks. And my local fish store keeps at least 5 in stock at all times. I live here in Tennessee. The only Arawona allowed in the USA is silver Arawona. While the Asian Arawona are banned in the USA
Tyjwalsh Fishin
Tyjwalsh Fishin - 7 years ago
What size of tank?
Jason Musick
Jason Musick - 7 years ago
What happend between you and Zack(if you don't mind me asking) I haven't been on YouTube in a while so I'm lost
Fishlife 101
Fishlife 101 - 7 years ago
Raww fishing can you catch me a peacock bass and try and send it to me

100. comment for Super Rare Arowana FOR MY Aquarium

Crystal Rose
Crystal Rose - 7 years ago
I think you alligator gar is too aggressive
lewis gibbons
lewis gibbons - 7 years ago
rawwfishing once you are done with growing up those fish get african cichlids it will look beautiful trust me.
Gerardo Cervantes
Gerardo Cervantes - 7 years ago
Try not to feed him food that sink to often or he will get drop eye it is very common in arowana
Rylyn Stacy
Rylyn Stacy - 7 years ago
Are those aisan arawanas becouse if they are they are eligal
connor vaillancort
connor vaillancort - 7 years ago
You Don't no Haw to take care of fish
Egor Shot
Egor Shot - 7 years ago
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
Jesse Bobo
Jesse Bobo - 7 years ago
Your gar might attack the arrowana because there both swimmers of the top of the tank and gar are territorial
Sam Jenkins
Sam Jenkins - 7 years ago
Jesse Bobo
Jesse Bobo - 7 years ago
Bendytendy The Conservative its the other way around in oklahoma
Bendytendy The Conservative
Bendytendy The Conservative - 7 years ago
Jesse Bobo are you dumb. Gar are very timid Arowana are way more aggressive.
Jesse Bobo
Jesse Bobo - 7 years ago
Stijn De Smet that's why I said "might"
Stijn De Smet
Stijn De Smet - 7 years ago
I have an Arowana and a Gar in the same tank, they get along well with eachother. So it’s fine
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
Jesse Bobo
Jesse Bobo - 7 years ago
Pets And Gaming there both really agressive
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
Jesse Bobo you are wrong actualy gars are peacful the arowana is the aggressive and teritorial one
quincy adams
quincy adams - 7 years ago
It is not an arowana there illegal in the u.s because there endanger species.
Harambe Smith
Harambe Smith - 7 years ago
quincy adams only Asian arowana are illegal here in the U.S silver arowana are perfectly legal
James 455
James 455 - 7 years ago
I do agree with separating the alligator gar. Don’t want any of your fishes to die.
socalpatriot 87
socalpatriot 87 - 7 years ago
What the that's a cool fish
Crypt Curse
Crypt Curse - 7 years ago
I expected a baby koi but cool!
Mensur Redzepagic
Mensur Redzepagic - 7 years ago
Needed to get a bigger one
Mensur Redzepagic
Mensur Redzepagic - 7 years ago
The gar might bite him
Victor Hernandez
Victor Hernandez - 7 years ago
do a feeding on the pond
Lacie Murphy
Lacie Murphy - 7 years ago
That arrow is going to murder all of your fish.
Naw2day Shawny
Naw2day Shawny - 7 years ago
Not really.
Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 7 years ago
I have a baby silver too but no lie I think the jardini is better
Thế Sơn Trương
Thế Sơn Trương - 7 years ago
When it gets bigger put him in the pond
Michael Knox
Michael Knox - 7 years ago
Thế Sơn Trương obviously
Fishlife 101
Fishlife 101 - 7 years ago
Dude bout time somebody did what i said
Dylan Noetzel
Dylan Noetzel - 7 years ago
Your tank is way too small it is about 1/3 the size then need.
unless you want to put it in the pool pond then it is ok.
Nintendops Crew
Nintendops Crew - 7 years ago
Name him pops
#janice584 - 7 years ago
This is not even rare it's just a silver arowana
Jeremiah Vang
Jeremiah Vang - 7 years ago
Click bait lol
Kawaii Nathan
Kawaii Nathan - 7 years ago
Finally there is one smart person out of all the idiots
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
Jeovany Hernandez
Jeovany Hernandez - 7 years ago
Not tryin to be rude but pleeeeaaaasssseee dont change all the water just 20% a week
Jeovany Hernandez
Jeovany Hernandez - 7 years ago
Just keep an eye on the fish for any parasites
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Jeovany Hernandez yeah I just wanted to restart because I got another tank so I wanted both to be some what on the same water change schedule
Water 2 Woods
Water 2 Woods - 7 years ago
Can you please tell me how you heat your pond for exotic fish? I just made a pond and want some exotics
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Water 2 Woods pay $1000 and get a heater
Herzl Chaim
Herzl Chaim - 7 years ago
I think the aro is small and the gar might kill it..
xXBluntMacheteXx - 7 years ago
Your posting so much I can’t keep up
Justin Skelly
Justin Skelly - 7 years ago
Keep an eye on the gar bro, being that they are both top water fish, he may try and smash the arowana. I would of got the bigger arowana cause this one is like snack size haha. Best of luck!
Hunter Sansbury
Hunter Sansbury - 7 years ago
Can’t wait for the pacu to night his barbels off.
Nick Will
Nick Will - 7 years ago
Hunter Sansbury
The AvidAustralian
The AvidAustralian - 7 years ago
there's no restriction on arowana here in Canada so what's the deal in the states is it just by state?
Spirlas bacon
Spirlas bacon - 7 years ago
Isn’t that rare
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
Spirlas bacon i know that i have owned two silvers here in california. But the Asians are illegal here in the states. I was just commenting on Rawwwfishing comment asking if the person has ever caught one implying that if you cant catch a fish in the states its automatically considered rare even tho they are not native to this waters but to south american. Blacks and blues you can also find here but not in the numbers as silvers. Not really rare but more rare then the silvers here in the states.
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
Their not at all rare u spent $40 on it. Get a Black arowana only $250-$500 lol
Spirlas bacon
Spirlas bacon - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing mate you can order them in at like every pet store, at least in Canada
Spirlas bacon
Spirlas bacon - 7 years ago
Miguel Hernandez Uribe you can order silvers at like every pet store, atleast in Canada where the regulations are way less strict then the states
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
You cant catch them unless you are at there home the amazon or south american river systems. They are not native fish and if you find it in northern America its considered an invasive species.
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
marksparks420 - 7 years ago
the super rare elusive silver arowana!!!
Kassidy Castillo
Kassidy Castillo - 7 years ago
He looks like a minnow mixed with a clown night fish
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
Not at all
Outdoorsy Easton
Outdoorsy Easton - 7 years ago
He said let me make sure my hands are nice and wet when he Has to put his hands in the water to get the fish
Patricia Pina
Patricia Pina - 7 years ago
I know you're doing a great job with the fish but I think your pushing it an arapima
Living Nature
Living Nature - 7 years ago
Colbey - 7 years ago
Your pet supermarket is so much cooler than they are in central Florida
Carey Kerley
Carey Kerley - 7 years ago
Colbey i don’t Evan live in Florida I live in Plato Center Illinois
long le
long le - 7 years ago
Name him arrowagon
CritterMan05 - 7 years ago
Ain't they illegal in the usa
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
Fishing Freak oh then thats cool you are luck i wish i could get one for it
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
I have a license that's what I'm saying
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
Fishing Freak every asain arowana are illegal in the US not just the super red. This is cause they are considered close to extinction by the US. You are allowed to have them if you have a special license that is true for all asain arowanas.
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
No their not sorry that was bad on my part only the super red Asian Arowana is illegal in the USA unless you have a license
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
Asian are legal just not the super red
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
Ya I know I have one but it’s a black. Which are very rare in America
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
Fishing Freak silver arowana is not illegal in the states only the asians are. Rawwwfishing says this fish is super rare but it is not even normal rare. Rare would be the jardini or african arowana or even the blue and black arowana. If he wanted a super rare he should have gotten a asain arowana but then he would be braking laws. I see this fish all the time and i have owned two here in California. Rawwwfishing is giving out false information to his viewers.
CritterMan05 - 7 years ago
Thats what i thought just was not for sure
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
Ya they are
I have one but good job
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
These are legal but only the asain arowanas are not
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Pierce Griffith
Pierce Griffith - 7 years ago
CritterMan05 lmao nah fam, not at all
Gamer dan
Gamer dan - 7 years ago
khim tejedo
khim tejedo - 7 years ago
Arwan maybe a good name
Steven Q
Steven Q - 7 years ago
Name him draco
Aidan Lafferty
Aidan Lafferty - 7 years ago
So cool
Amateur Fish Keeping
Amateur Fish Keeping - 7 years ago
When acclimating ur new fish turn the lights off so that the fish does not get stressed and the gar might be less aggressive to them and also add a bit of ur water to the bag to let them get used to the different ph. After an hour turn on ur lights an try to feed normally ❤️ but love ur channel and have for a long time
lewis gibbons
lewis gibbons - 7 years ago
the arowanna will actually 1 and 1/2 foot a year i used to own a silver arowanna like you and keep up the good work.
RC MAN 23 - 7 years ago
I recently got my 4th one. Gonna post a vid soon. But i have vids of my 2 foot redtail cat that zack got (tank) and i have vids of my old silver too.
X-Pert 0utdoors
X-Pert 0utdoors - 7 years ago
Your garage is gonna eat it
Knox Folsom
Knox Folsom - 7 years ago
I wanna get an arowana for my 55 gal
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
He bought it so he can have it grow bigger than move it into the 75gallon but it's dead now so
Knox Folsom
Knox Folsom - 7 years ago
Lol your saying a 55 gal is too small and rawwfishing got a 10 gal for an arowana
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
And the 12 inch width isn’t enough for an Arowana to turn around in
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
Looks like a 75 gallon but that’s too small I have a 190 gallon and Arowana
Knox Folsom
Knox Folsom - 7 years ago
What size tank does rawwfishing have
Fishing Freak
Fishing Freak - 7 years ago
Way to small of a tank bro
Knox Folsom
Knox Folsom - 7 years ago
A baby one like he has then grow him out to be in my bigger tank
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 7 years ago
Please don't
Ninja Nexus
Ninja Nexus - 7 years ago
What are you going to do once the gar get to be like 5 or 4 feet long with the potential to eat or kill anything else in the pond
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Lubie Cipki
Lubie Cipki - 7 years ago
RAWWFishing go for arapaima <3 cant wait to see her in tank also awesome episode
EMo mG
EMo mG - 7 years ago
Name him Dragon
Damion Villa
Damion Villa - 7 years ago
Dont die
Brendan Conners
Brendan Conners - 7 years ago
Nice dat fish
Eric Fish
Eric Fish - 7 years ago
Far is going to attack and eat your arawona fish
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
The gar will attack it most likely
enzo knol
enzo knol - 7 years ago
Eric Fish yes
Jake Schnorr
Jake Schnorr - 7 years ago
Eric Fish who is far
Average Joe
Average Joe - 7 years ago
Broooo bout time one of y'all gets an arrowana
Joseph Salvato
Joseph Salvato - 7 years ago
fish fighterr
fish fighterr - 7 years ago
Nice g I like
maali weston
maali weston - 7 years ago
What kind of Arowana
Paul . Alexeyenko
Paul . Alexeyenko - 7 years ago
Baby silver arowana...
RC MAN 23 - 7 years ago
Naw2day Shawny no its a silver
Naw2day Shawny
Naw2day Shawny - 7 years ago
Probably jardini
RC MAN 23 - 7 years ago
Tristan Lobo no its a common silver
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
I think it is a black arowana becuz of the dot near its gills
Jake Schnorr
Jake Schnorr - 7 years ago
maali weston silver
Lexi Skornia
Lexi Skornia - 7 years ago
You’re the best!!
Jack Ordway
Jack Ordway - 7 years ago
I love your vitos so much
Jack Ordway
Jack Ordway - 7 years ago
Dom Morgan
Dom Morgan - 7 years ago
Name him jeffy
Colin Wade
Colin Wade - 7 years ago
Hahaha just kidding
หิวขาว Channel
หิวขาว Channel - 7 years ago
Beware alligator gar
Lucas Jacob
Lucas Jacob - 7 years ago
I've always wanted an arowana there so cool
Tyler Tomlin
Tyler Tomlin - 7 years ago
Rawwfishing how much was the arowana
Jeovany Hernandez
Jeovany Hernandez - 7 years ago
Tyler Tomlin 150
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Omg that cost you only 39.99 over here in australia they cost like 70.00 at that size
Firetiger24 Rules!
Firetiger24 Rules! - 7 years ago
Carson Aquariums that's Asian a rowan but you need permit for them
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
Pets And Gaming where
Firetiger24 Rules!
Firetiger24 Rules! - 7 years ago
Tristan Lobo order them online or in China. In China they are $20.00
Carson Aquariums
Carson Aquariums - 7 years ago
Aren’t they illegal in the USA
ABU kahn
ABU kahn - 7 years ago
i must give 50-90€ for one baby
abraham wadoe
abraham wadoe - 7 years ago
in indonesia one like that probably cost a $1 or less lol
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
In australia they have tons of regulations on what’s imported so that’s why the cost is so high
Bor Benda
Bor Benda - 7 years ago
It depends what kind of arawana
Naveen bhuvanesh
Naveen bhuvanesh - 7 years ago
Tristan Lobo here in india 10 us dollar
Sub and like Channel
Sub and like Channel - 7 years ago
Tristan Lobo yeah and the archers where $17 and in Australia they are $50
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
i get baby silvers for 8$
Jameson Reams
Jameson Reams - 7 years ago
Name him Gucci
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Try and make sure it doesn’t get drop eye it is very common in arowanas
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
Big booger
Kookamongus - 7 years ago
Let loose the minnows so that they will chase it like a savage
Daniel Miller-irl
Daniel Miller-irl - 7 years ago
I love your channel I liked and am subbed
marquesdabest - 7 years ago
Are you interested in a pacu?
marquesdabest - 7 years ago
I stay in sunrise if you wanna come see him
marquesdabest - 7 years ago
About 3inchs
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
How big
Jaxon Brannon
Jaxon Brannon - 7 years ago
What kind of arowana
Ethan Gutierrez
Ethan Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Arachnid Facts
Arachnid Facts - 7 years ago
Name him Oliver after the green arrow
Brily Vanderwege
Brily Vanderwege - 7 years ago
Love your vids forever keep them coming but do your research on them
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
Name him Crossbow
Bass Destruction
Bass Destruction - 7 years ago
A future monster for the pond
RAWWFishing - 7 years ago
Tyler Tomlin
Tyler Tomlin - 7 years ago
First I love your videos and I have always wanted a arrowana
WRW TRICKSHOTS - 7 years ago
Tyler Tomlin I was first
Kamdogg 26
Kamdogg 26 - 7 years ago
Name him rodrigo
Bass Destruction
Bass Destruction - 7 years ago
I new you were going to get one of those they are on of the coolest fish ever
Kookamongus - 7 years ago
I want arowana
Macon Patterson vlogs
Macon Patterson vlogs - 7 years ago
First comment like my comment raw fishing
WRW TRICKSHOTS - 7 years ago
Macon Patterson vlogs I was first
The Fishee
The Fishee - 7 years ago
Dope AF
WRW TRICKSHOTS - 7 years ago
Early squad WYA
WRW TRICKSHOTS - 7 years ago
Maurice Hsia
Maurice Hsia - 7 years ago
That fish is sickkk
The Fishee
The Fishee - 7 years ago
Zachary W.
Zachary W. - 7 years ago
Duanne Seeber
Duanne Seeber - 7 years ago
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago

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