Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness
Discus 10 years ago 618,932 views
The highly sought-after Malaysian golden arowana fish has disappeared from the wild. Yet today in Malaysia, buying and selling of the arowana, also known as the ornamental dragon fish, has become a multi-million dollar industry. Over a decade ago, filmmaker Chew Han Tah learned of the dwindling number of wild arowana, and an obsession was born, much to the chagrin of his wife. Chew is exploring the potentially lucrative business of breeding arowana and is in the midst of moving his family to a new home so that he can upgrade his aquarium for his $30,000 worth of fish. In this very personal journey into the heart of Malaysia's flourishing fish business, we see what motivates collectors and investors, and what fuels Chew's dreams. Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
10. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness
20. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness
its good, we dont want america to have this fish either
30. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness
I believe they could have taken extra steps to prevent "Little Red's" passing.
these are captive bred, so stop speaking nonsense, arowana have higher survival in captivity than in wild, specially in asia, so stop talking nonsense
50. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness
1) endangered
2) red aro are dificult to groom, it may take 5 to 6 years for them to go fully red, even some low quality super red may only turn orange when adult, the more red your arowana the more expensive they become.
short to more than 7. Means if the journey to new place is not far,
better pump normal air and little oxigen. Temperature might not the main
issue, because malaysia weather is stable. And outdoor aquarium might
cause fish feel stress, because is too bright to compare with indoor and
too many movement object... For fish pond outdoor is ok, but aquarium
is not. And they also use the chemical to make the fish feel stress
free, but might be too much can cause side effect.
that is one of the most stupid idea ever.
indonesia and malaysia have poachers, releasing them in the wild is allowing the, to be killed, use your tiny brain sometimes
ridiculous, dont you know that Indonesia and malaysia have poachers? it surely be an easy target, so captive arowana have higher chance of survival than wild
A small fish usually survive.
rip little red
100. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness
2- New tank got chemical
3- Transfer 50% of the old water in
4- No salt added/anti-Chlorine
5- Do not letgo the fish suddenly into a tank. Leave it for 1-2hrs to maintain temp and oxygen
Tips from the pro
i have kept crossback most of time i do more than 70% and they are fine, temp? really? these are hardy tropical fish, and malaysia is the ideal climate for arowana, so stop speaking nonsense.
and i dont use Salt when i do water change, or water conditioner, it only depends where you came from.
i agree its caused by paints. so dont be silly
Picture this. You have a family of 5 not including you and your wife. You have kids all under the age of 10. You dont have a job.
You can catch this one fish and sell it for a years wages., This is why poaching of any living animal doesnt end. Poor people have no choice.
After all,, the goal must be to kill God. When Earth dies.. This God does too. We can't live anywhere else... So what would anyone else call it.
.. Rip little red
and you have no idea in Asian Aro. better shut up!
and do you think this guy had no idea in Fish keeping?
ofcource he knows!!!
dont act like you know everything.
you dont know the whole story, so shut up.
shut up Mr. Dimwit.
You know nothing mr. brainless.
but you know deep within your self all that i have said to you are all true =)
So Shut up and stop acting like you know anything
Retarded Dimwit
Cause insecure poor people like you are envious of others.
we can buy substrate if we want to.. but substrate are just for beginners like you.
who have no idea in keeping Asian arowana.
and our substrate is better than yours. instead eat your substrate and shut up.
well ignorant people like you have no idea in fish keeping. better shup up!
I think the sedatives the guy poured in probably did it.
It is true that the flour mask has a rather poor nutrition, especially craving animals purchasing the zoo deal. Besides this, one should bear in mind that the meal worm contains about 95% fat.
No offence, I clearly recognize that you and your son are Arowana enthusiasts but if you really want to have a go at keeping an Arowana for more than 10 years than invest in a pond.
Breeding ponds = Commercial money making ones.
Private ponds = Cost hobby. Besides, seeing he lived in that small of an apartment, it doesn't seem he have enough money to buy a house with property for it nor does it seem like he would be able to build up a proper Protection system for the fish since there exist more exotic predators around that area all from snakes to other stuff.
That is true. But I doubt it would still be ideal where he lives.
Secondly, you won't achieve the same viewpoint of the Arowana as in an aquarium. If anything, he should just save so he can build a house so he has room for his fish and his family.