Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness

The highly sought-after Malaysian golden arowana fish has disappeared from the wild. Yet today in Malaysia, buying and selling of the arowana, also known as the ornamental dragon fish, has become a multi-million dollar industry. Over a decade ago, filmmaker Chew Han Tah learned of the dwindling number of wild arowana, and an obsession was born, much to the chagrin of his wife. Chew is exploring the potentially lucrative business of breeding arowana and is in the midst of moving his family to a new home so that he can upgrade his aquarium for his $30,000 worth of fish. In this very personal journey into the heart of Malaysia's flourishing fish business, we see what motivates collectors and investors, and what fuels Chew's dreams. Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/

Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness sentiment_very_dissatisfied 209

Discus 10 years ago 618,932 views

The highly sought-after Malaysian golden arowana fish has disappeared from the wild. Yet today in Malaysia, buying and selling of the arowana, also known as the ornamental dragon fish, has become a multi-million dollar industry. Over a decade ago, filmmaker Chew Han Tah learned of the dwindling number of wild arowana, and an obsession was born, much to the chagrin of his wife. Chew is exploring the potentially lucrative business of breeding arowana and is in the midst of moving his family to a new home so that he can upgrade his aquarium for his $30,000 worth of fish. In this very personal journey into the heart of Malaysia's flourishing fish business, we see what motivates collectors and investors, and what fuels Chew's dreams. Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/

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Most popular comments
for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness

Aqua rium
Aqua rium - 7 years ago
It's beautyful but i think they are unlucky
david magistrado
david magistrado - 7 years ago
Just another orginary fish lover that thinks he and his fish are special. Haha
Nelvin's2829 video
Nelvin's2829 video - 7 years ago
I love this and the story!
Hannah 1
Hannah 1 - 7 years ago
And I thought u would've given them a bigger tank
Hannah 1
Hannah 1 - 7 years ago
I woulda cried and laughed if those bags popped
Kiran bobby
Kiran bobby - 7 years ago
How exactly are you maintaining the water parameters
Dexta Chris
Dexta Chris - 7 years ago
I legit cried when the kids was talking about little red at the end and was touching the tv ........... I'm still crying
Q H - 7 years ago
what were the soundtracks used please?
Zahin Zaman
Zahin Zaman - 7 years ago
I wish my girlfriend loved me as much as this guy loves his fishes.

10. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness

James Undau
James Undau - 7 years ago
Nice documentary channel. Provide me information. Sad to see your Arowanas died.
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
Arowana has now joined the gang of endangered fish that have lots of them in cativity like white cloud minnows red tail rainbow Sharks and the others
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
They say albino golden arowanas are the most expensive heard but have u heard of nami green arowanas and platinum silver arowanas XD also if u put your little red arowana in a lake.... it might live longer lol
Miguel Rieza
Miguel Rieza - 7 years ago
They're insane, this is not normal. Just saying the truth.
Kiran bobby
Kiran bobby - 7 years ago
Hi can you please help me out how your maintaining the water parameters for arowana I’m doing so much of exercise to make water soft using chemicals available in market but they are not helping the water becomes hard after few days and my arowana are dying in few days after I get them ... I have lost red aro, 24k , pearl, RTG , silver, in span of 14months
ErNeStgames6 - 7 years ago
Don Facundo
Don Facundo - 7 years ago
" its even in the toilet " lol ! XD
Junuvo Jam
Junuvo Jam - 7 years ago
Contaminated water, one fish dead all the others fine... Yeah seems likely....
generasineondisplay - 7 years ago
sad to see your arowana story..and i have experienced it..and when do you want to maintain again i can accompany you to find a better one in suhaid indonesia..thanks Hendri V
jet kyomi
jet kyomi - 7 years ago
I remember when my Arowana died , my mom cried the most :(

20. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness

R.B.R - 7 years ago
Beautiful, thank you Al Jazeera for the documentary.
Karti Vili
Karti Vili - 7 years ago
Bro what brand of LED light u useing!
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
Karti Vili i think its tanning lights
TAI H - 7 years ago
Poor caring the fish tank was too crowded do they even have filter or test the pH level 2 arowana in 1 tank max. Honestly that guy is dumb
KingEmirZ _RBLX
KingEmirZ _RBLX - 7 years ago
Knew It Malaysian I Really Want To Go To That Farm
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
too bad asian arowanas are illegal in the states.
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
no one is pure Scandinavian. that group of people have disappeared along time ago. if you take a DNA analysis I bet you would be less then 30% Scandinavian
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
graphite that's why you talk like that. cause your a child.
graphite - 7 years ago
I am sorry if you think i was insulting but I have only been learning English for 18 months , it is harder than French I think but my teacher says i should be more fluent in English by my 14th birthday.
graphite - 7 years ago
Phi Salaymang Yes, Germany invented Prozac and they make a lot of money exporting it to the USA, as the USA consumes 90% of the entire world's supply because of the high rates of mental illness ans depression. But no Scandinavians want to move to USA, and I don't know what Germany has to do with Scandinavia, maybe your education is not that good? The only people who want to move to America are Asians, Africans and Hispanics. They are harder workers and more intelligent than most Americans and the world wishes them well and much success in the USA. Hopefully their hard work and taxes will get America out of debt.
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
graphite if our country is so inferior. why do so many of your people move here?
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
graphite if funny how you have to insult Americans to make your little country seem superior. if you were so superior you would know that Prozac was created by a German chemist.
graphite - 7 years ago
Phi Salaymang Im Norse Scandinavian. We are much superior to fentanyl addicted, Xanax addicted, plastic surgery addicted, prozac addicted, mulatto, low IQ , low fertility, low income , morbidly obese, highly suicidal Americans.
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
graphite why would we need to make quick money? we're rich here and you guys are poor. your the ones looking for quick money
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
graphite you guys do alot of inbreeding. even with dogs.
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
graphite you just named everything Asia does. y'all do it with flowerhorn all the time. they look nice in pictures but when we get them they don't look like the pictures.
graphite - 7 years ago
Melania Wong Yes! Americans will just hormone breed these fish for quick money and make hybrids, breed deformity for novelty and ruin bloodlines. Maybe genetically engineer them into glofish.
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
Melania Wong at least we won't eat them into extinction.
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
Phi Salaymang

its good, we dont want america to have this fish either
Julius Esarda
Julius Esarda - 7 years ago
What went wrong? Lesson learned... Next time you know what to do when transporting a fish.
John F.
John F. - 7 years ago
tahts a huge tiger barb!
NarcissiqueDawnn - 7 years ago
Overcrowded like fk
KIPI KAPA - 7 years ago
I'm sad too because my arowana has died too
diary bruce
diary bruce - 7 years ago
Chinese liar, haha
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
diary bruce he aint no chinese dimwit, he is malaysian.

30. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness

Chamelea - 7 years ago
In Asia it's said that when an arowana dies, it's because the owner was supposed to but the arowana sacrifices themself to save the owner out of love.
Michael D. Baker
Michael D. Baker - 7 years ago
That was really sad because you can see how much the family loved those fish. You know a really good ending to this story would be to see this owner work towards starting a conservation farm that doesn't just supply arrowana for the industry but breeds them to be reintroduced into the wild in areas like that lake where they are going extinct and maybe name his business after "little red"..... Little Red Dragon Farm (or something like that).
LBP MICROFINANCE - 7 years ago
Why she die at the end ? because of the water condition ? moving ?
MrDennings - 7 years ago
Little Red probably died while turning around and breaking her neck in that tiny aquarium.
ng joe han
ng joe han - 7 years ago
Everything it's just about the money , seem happy when they sell the fish and brought a new big house
tpsin713 - 7 years ago
Did u get the water acclimated or just dumped her in the new Aquarius? Looks like u dumped her in and didn't leave her in the bag!!
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 7 years ago
Wow I never thought I would want one. Beautiful fish but so big. But after watching this or maybe I should say reading lol. I want one I want to try and help them live longer in capacity. May little red live on in this goal of mine and in the harts of the lucky ones that got to know her.
Arthur G
Arthur G - 7 years ago
Acute stress is a serious thing in the fish keeping hobby.
I believe they could have taken extra steps to prevent "Little Red's" passing.
Mmgty - 7 years ago
Let's be honest East Asians should be banned from keeping any pets. They eat anything that moves and have 0 emotions towards other living things.
Qi Qi
Qi Qi - 7 years ago
Looks tasty...
Closet Grasshopper
Closet Grasshopper - 7 years ago
this family has the saddest life. and by sad, i mean pathetic.
Frankie Underwood
Frankie Underwood - 7 years ago
You know he's sick when he looks and touched at his dead fish
cree - 7 years ago
those tanks are too small for so many huge fishes
Kay - 7 years ago
They're endangered because you buy each one guy!!
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
these are captive bred, so stop speaking nonsense, arowana have higher survival in captivity than in wild, specially in asia, so stop talking nonsense
Jan Ryan
Jan Ryan - 7 years ago
God Arowanas are so overated. Ick.
Blind Truth
Blind Truth - 7 years ago
Crying for a fish get a grip people its a freaking fish.
Silvija Dragić
Silvija Dragić - 7 years ago
So many mistakes
binondoboy1 - 7 years ago
Asian Arowana is small compare to South American Arowana.
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
Swazi Hitler 27 silver arowana is A south american arowana
Swazi Hitler
Swazi Hitler - 7 years ago
that is arapaima you dumbfuck
Tru Blu
Tru Blu - 7 years ago
A dogs gonna dig that up
Tru Blu
Tru Blu - 7 years ago
I catch those in the river up the road from me lol I can get them for free

50. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness

Early Cuyler
Early Cuyler - 7 years ago
One of the first things they always spoke about was the value of the fish, "how much is my Son's worth?" type of comment. If into the fish as a money-making project, that's fine. But, true devotees to the hobby are more interested in the fish's beauty.
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
Blackest Skin its a holding tank dummy. people like you are 90% idiots
Ernie Ramos
Ernie Ramos - 7 years ago
No way that was the o my fish that died. Foul play for sure :'(
Ernie Ramos
Ernie Ramos - 7 years ago
Those tears are tears of regret.
tati makina
tati makina - 7 years ago
expensive fishes he had there but he opted for cheapest and easiest way to move his fish to the new environment.
Eric Pomales
Eric Pomales - 7 years ago
That ending! Damnit! So sad
Osvaldo Hermenegildo
Osvaldo Hermenegildo - 7 years ago
it's the formula he made for the fish to calm down it was way to concentrated and he knows it
Soua Yang
Soua Yang - 7 years ago
R u gonna sell them
Joel Weidenfeld
Joel Weidenfeld - 7 years ago
The wife is great
jem Ogn
jem Ogn - 7 years ago
Lovely fish
THE ZOMBIE TRAINER - 7 years ago
What makes the fish so expensive?
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago

1) endangered
2) red aro are dificult to groom, it may take 5 to 6 years for them to go fully red, even some low quality super red may only turn orange when adult, the more red your arowana the more expensive they become.
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
Has the King of DIY seen this video yet?
something whitty
something whitty - 7 years ago
obviously may not have been shown, but I didn't see the fish acclimate to the new water, plus they put all the fish into the tanks with the water they travelled with. which would have sedative in the water, combined with with all the other fish added the same way with the same water (with sedative). id imagine that was the cause of the fish dying, they was still getting medicated?
joashane garrick
joashane garrick - 7 years ago
Clickbait right?
Directelements - 7 years ago
should have fed it to the homeless
Chris Nicholas Bushell
Chris Nicholas Bushell - 7 years ago
Arowana does not like being touched or moved I believe it died of stress. when they are moved they stop eating for months because of it. Leave them in the wild unless you have such a big tank that they can live in for the rest of their lives as moving them is death
Chris Nicholas Bushell
Chris Nicholas Bushell - 7 years ago
Well that was never seen or mentioned
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Chris Bushell The King of DIY moved his arowana and it was eating the next day.
oakland002 - 7 years ago
There's a ton of other fish out there that REALLY look like dragons.. these look more like giant betta
Abdul Hafiz
Abdul Hafiz - 7 years ago
woow.terbaik bro...
Leo Nidas
Leo Nidas - 7 years ago
Their are so many arowana farms and pet arowanas why not throw some into the rivers and hope they don't extinct
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
Leo Nidas impossible, indonesia and malaysia have high risk of poachers, so pond would be the safest place for them
goodsy3 - 7 years ago
Wait she finds fish offensive? Did i read that right? Wtf
marc vincent solatorio
marc vincent solatorio - 7 years ago
Rip English your fish is so nice to be fry
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing your family's story
TheDaddy2003 - 7 years ago
Transportation and lack of acclimation killed your fish. That was a terrible way to transfer them.
Hoang Long Nguyen
Hoang Long Nguyen - 7 years ago
i would have battered that fish up and fried it. $5000 dinner served
vijayaratnam purushowththaman
vijayaratnam purushowththaman - 7 years ago
They did not care the fish well, and they did not moved them in a good way, They probably deserve this x
Sang Nguyen
Sang Nguyen - 7 years ago
the guy transfer the fish too fast, he didn't let it adjust to the new water before releasing it from the bag
Abel Thomas
Abel Thomas - 7 years ago
That sedative must have killed it
Kelvynn Lee
Kelvynn Lee - 7 years ago
What a weird fetish
roden chong
roden chong - 7 years ago
when pump oxigen to the plastic bag will cause the water PH change in
short to more than 7. Means if the journey to new place is not far,
better pump normal air and little oxigen. Temperature might not the main
issue, because malaysia weather is stable. And outdoor aquarium might
cause fish feel stress, because is too bright to compare with indoor and
too many movement object... For fish pond outdoor is ok, but aquarium
is not. And they also use the chemical to make the fish feel stress
free, but might be too much can cause side effect.
INSANE !!DERANGED!! #1JETSFAN!!!! IN THE WORLD!!! - 7 years ago
R those tiger bards in the tank ???
Sam Ware
Sam Ware - 7 years ago
i suggest food without chemical and bacteria
Dicephalous 90
Dicephalous 90 - 7 years ago
his hobby is at another level, I feel u sir, but the different is Im an aquatic turtle lover
chris puckett
chris puckett - 7 years ago
sad man
James Wilson
James Wilson - 7 years ago
the drug to calm the fish killed it mate stress the fish never liked effects same other two
john darmiento
john darmiento - 7 years ago
fish in jail
K.D Breed
K.D Breed - 7 years ago
Haha talk about quality and breed 90% missbuilt fish
Erdoğan Yılmazçetin
Erdoğan Yılmazçetin - 7 years ago
Selamün aleyküm, la ilahe illah.
ernesto corvera
ernesto corvera - 7 years ago
Beautiful family and really beautiful fish. Arowana its one of my favorite fish
Queenny Cheah
Queenny Cheah - 7 years ago
S Tyson
S Tyson - 7 years ago
sedation killed the fish
the.skyhigh farmer
the.skyhigh farmer - 7 years ago
The fish had become offering for the spirits of the new house.... the house seems not yet blessed yet before the fish are shifted .
Benjamin Nguyen
Benjamin Nguyen - 7 years ago
little china people. cheap labour
DaKing68 - 7 years ago
Can fish farms PLEASE take some of those offsprings and release them back into the wild?????!
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago

that is one of the most stupid idea ever.
indonesia and malaysia have poachers, releasing them in the wild is allowing the, to be killed, use your tiny brain sometimes
Aly Usmani
Aly Usmani - 7 years ago
Bruh I'm weak I thought he was about to fillet little red
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 7 years ago
Restock the wild!
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
beth98362 R

ridiculous, dont you know that Indonesia and malaysia have poachers? it surely be an easy target, so captive arowana have higher chance of survival than wild
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 7 years ago
This has to be the best Arowana doc on the net, just a shame it has such a sad ending
Long Vo
Long Vo - 7 years ago
I have a banja red
Iwan Haniyoto
Iwan Haniyoto - 8 years ago
Moving a big or full grown fish to new aquarium or new place can kill them.
A small fish usually survive.
Fiancé Jays
Fiancé Jays - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure his wife has been killing arowanas. Because he said that arowanas can't live more than 10 years in captivity which is false. I've personally witnessed arowanas live more than 30 years in captivity(multiple of them)
jens banjar patroman
jens banjar patroman - 8 years ago
try to lake Sentarum Kalimantan, perhaps there is still a lot of arowana
Faizal Seventhcore
Faizal Seventhcore - 8 years ago
maybe you should separate the aquarium to little red if she was special for you..
rip little red

100. comment for Swimming with dragons | Multi-Million Dollar Fish Farm | Witness

Jas D
Jas D - 8 years ago
Pretty sure the sedative, temperature shock, and overstocking killed that fish. It takes a lot to kill an Asian Arowana that big. How did they not know about these things when they are experts.
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 8 years ago
when the guy said its just dizzy he knew she wasnt right wrong dose for arowana killed them with that medicine
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
Albino gold wowowow it will be very cool
Jerry Y
Jerry Y - 8 years ago
dang I ain't gonna lie I almost cried. we Asians love a fishes for real tho
kelvin vang
kelvin vang - 8 years ago
It's the water because you can't just move a fish into a new fish tank, you have to let it adept to it. Just don't let the fish go into the water
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
Cause of death:- 1- Water temperature
2- New tank got chemical
3- Transfer 50% of the old water in
4- No salt added/anti-Chlorine
5- Do not letgo the fish suddenly into a tank. Leave it for 1-2hrs to maintain temp and oxygen

Tips from the pro
graphite - 7 years ago
Melania Wong All these American "experts" have never even kept dragonfish! Why? They are illegal in the USA. Americans talk too much opinion and too little fact.
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
silly, it proves you have no idea in arowana keeping in malaysia.

i have kept crossback most of time i do more than 70% and they are fine, temp? really? these are hardy tropical fish, and malaysia is the ideal climate for arowana, so stop speaking nonsense.

and i dont use Salt when i do water change, or water conditioner, it only depends where you came from.

i agree its caused by paints. so dont be silly
Swazi Hitler
Swazi Hitler - 7 years ago
it is a bad fish water temp nevermind
Tiago Crisostomo
Tiago Crisostomo - 8 years ago
Aqui em 2017 só pra admirar mais uma vez....... o/
businessnik - 8 years ago
An opaque bag would have been less stressful, and they didn't even acclimate to temp/water - just put her from the bag to the tank. That's all just bad practice that probably killed her. Paint toxins would have killed the other fish in there too. So sad. Bad mistakes.
PoppingPepsi - 8 years ago
It was most likely the paint toxin that got into the tank. more than likely the water was similar to the water they were using before and the temp wouldn't haven't killed her unless it was 10+ degrees or more difference.
Stfu Fag
Stfu Fag - 8 years ago
businessnik diam la knnbccb
fedorov2002 - 8 years ago
1:50 what are they eating? Sushi? ))))))
Stfu Fag
Stfu Fag - 8 years ago
+fedorov2002 hahahahha triggered
zul fikri
zul fikri - 8 years ago
be strong bro..i know how it feels of loosing our favourite fish
Stfu Fag
Stfu Fag - 8 years ago
zul fikri stfufag
Something SomethingSomething
Something SomethingSomething - 8 years ago
Wife's reaction isn't really believable, is it?
Joseph Luis M.V
Joseph Luis M.V - 8 years ago
her wife seems happy coz lil red dies,, she poisoned it ^^
generasineondisplay - 7 years ago
haha agree
skyler tremblay
skyler tremblay - 8 years ago
Joseph Luis M.V lolol you made me laugh
rinokaz - 8 years ago
Лучшее враг хорошего.
Gerard Zerrudo
Gerard Zerrudo - 8 years ago
rip little red✊✊
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 8 years ago
How did you build that tank?
Steve Miller
Steve Miller - 7 years ago
With glass
Stfu Fag
Stfu Fag - 8 years ago
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics stfufag
Embcii Bee
Embcii Bee - 8 years ago
:'( id be sad to if I loose a beautiful fish like that.....
Don Quixote Flamingo
Don Quixote Flamingo - 8 years ago
some say arowana die in replacement of the owner, but anyway sorry for your loss.
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
Don Quixote Flamingo true.. same goes to goldfish and lohan
arima44 - 8 years ago
21:07 can anyone tell me the name of this type of lawn grass?
Stfu Fag
Stfu Fag - 8 years ago
arima44 your mother hair grass
Kevin Fonrose
Kevin Fonrose - 8 years ago
arima44 Savannah grass
SoFloBruh - 8 years ago
arima44 cow grass
Samrat More
Samrat More - 8 years ago
Little Red
SmokeThatSkinWagon - 8 years ago
I don't understand why the fisherman don't try to prevent the loss of wild Arowana populations. If they can feel the impacts of their fishing why not try to get the government to place protected zones for breeding to potentially increase the numbers?
Arivananthan - 7 years ago
Because of greediness
BrutikusMaximus - 7 years ago
There are protected zones for the fish. It is illegal to catch arrows in the wild. Most of the ones you see in the market or in private tanks are bred domestically in farms. They've all been tagged with rfid chips
luis arias
luis arias - 7 years ago
Billy Corners fr tho. This one fish, if sold, can feed his family for like 1-2 months.
Billy Corners
Billy Corners - 7 years ago
"I don't understand why the fisherman don't try to prevent the loss of wild Arowana populations. "

Picture this. You have a family of 5 not including you and your wife. You have kids all under the age of 10. You dont have a job.
 You can catch this one fish and sell it for a years wages., This is why poaching of any living animal doesnt end. Poor people have no choice.
The Snowman
The Snowman - 8 years ago
When you configure the ways humans are destroying planet Earth's ability to house life, this one is right up there. This is income. It's not about survival. Income proceeds everything else, and adds to destroying life on Earth.
After all,, the goal must be to kill God. When Earth dies.. This God does too. We can't live anywhere else... So what would anyone else call it.
muhamad alif
muhamad alif - 8 years ago
goverment dont listen to us, they are too busy stole our money...
mannixon711 - 8 years ago
amazing you did a great job very inspiring!
Barbel Man
Barbel Man - 8 years ago
With so many arowana farms in the area why isn't there a breeding project to start reintroducing them back into the wild ?? Also I agree with another person below in comments .. something, eg feral dog is likely to dig his prize fish up. Hole is way too shallow. Could Maybe put rocks on top.
rocky - 8 years ago
because they are commercially valuable and any wild population will be decimated
Bear Big
Bear Big - 8 years ago
i think the sedatives in the bag was not removed and was poured into the main tank along with the red
roddaz - 8 years ago
your wife poisoned little red bro
Mudafreakin demonslaya
Mudafreakin demonslaya - 8 years ago
roddaz I was going to but she beat me to the punch......don't drink the kool-aid lil red
Bill H
Bill H - 8 years ago
Oh man..I hate you lost that beautiful (and very valuable) fish. How long was she in that bag with that small amount of water? Maybe ammonia built up and burned her gills in that bag.
Bill H
Bill H - 8 years ago
Big fish like that put out a surprising amount of waste.  Whatever the cause it's a shame to kill a fish that big by not being up to the task of relocating it.
MSteveYang - 8 years ago
are you serious??? the fish was probably in it for no more than a few hours, which is perfectly fine. nobody the cause of death. it may even be due to stress from a new environment or it's probably because of the water.
Shaun Leandro
Shaun Leandro - 8 years ago
LMAO, he replaced his late arowana with a peacock bass!
Loring Pittsley
Loring Pittsley - 8 years ago
Hope you have an emergency tank available in case you have a tank issue
Keith Yohai
Keith Yohai - 8 years ago
Very interesting. I hope that this teaches others as much as it did me about the hobby.
Carlyle Tom
Carlyle Tom - 8 years ago
21:55 Is that a Tamarind tree?
warren ivan quirino
warren ivan quirino - 8 years ago
Jack Spar
Jack Spar - 8 years ago
is the wife chinese
Seroga07 - 8 years ago
Anyone else think the obsession is a little too much?
Andrew Givens
Andrew Givens - 7 years ago
Seroga07 everyone has a passion for something.
aiman ashrafi
aiman ashrafi - 8 years ago
JiggyliFAP .FAPFAP - 8 years ago
kovots - 8 years ago
Derek Abel Van Meter
Derek Abel Van Meter - 8 years ago
roddaz - 8 years ago
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
OhFookinELL - 8 years ago
Maybe it was the stress of the move little red died.
Will Max
Will Max - 8 years ago
RIP little red. I never knew you, but i still miss you.
hulmil - 8 years ago
Moonie Ankiah
Moonie Ankiah - 8 years ago
hulmil foso
kovots - 8 years ago
Barking Spider
Barking Spider - 8 years ago
918 _
918 _ - 9 years ago
you should wait the construction finish first , stupid
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
your also stupid
Kush Gamer
Kush Gamer - 9 years ago
yeah she probably poisoned the fish
Sri Dewa Hamza
Sri Dewa Hamza - 9 years ago
I'm sure the sedative killed the fish
Jerry W
Jerry W - 7 years ago
7catstied2gether I agree
7catstied2gether - 7 years ago
Sang Nguyen Who knows how long those bags were sitting in the hot sun? Also, the ongoing renovations probably affected the water chemistry. Perhaps simply the stress of moving killed her. Either way, always sad to lose an old friend like that.
Jerry W
Jerry W - 7 years ago
Sri Dewa Hamza nah it was the wife
Sang Nguyen
Sang Nguyen - 7 years ago
they shocked the fish by not letting it adjusting to the water. transfering the fish too fast will kill it.
Billy Corners
Billy Corners - 7 years ago
kind of what i was thinking
Barking Spider
Barking Spider - 8 years ago
FlamsON Flams
FlamsON Flams - 9 years ago
now eat it sucker iam fish hunter not fish farmer
Lim Kiong
Lim Kiong - 9 years ago
william T
william T - 9 years ago
get back on the horse
DNV J - 9 years ago
His lady was happy the fish was gone. Women get jealous if their husbands focus the attention on something else.
Billy Corners
Billy Corners - 7 years ago
nah, she knows better. I bet hes got a replacement already.
Krave Snickers
Krave Snickers - 9 years ago
Well, "Doh!", exclaims Homer Simpson. If you want Albino Arowana then don't feed them shrimp.
Fyzal Nor
Fyzal Nor - 9 years ago
sad story
.. Rip little red
Navean Arowana Guy
Navean Arowana Guy - 9 years ago
Better love story than twilight
Erik9264581 - 9 years ago
Nice, im happy to see even they use batting poly quilt that stuff does work nice I guess. Walmart for like $8? make sure its 100% poly. 18:10
Adam Abbas
Adam Abbas - 9 years ago
I think sir the cause of death of your arowana is the solution that being put in the water before it was transfered/ pack. It happen also to me. Everytime i buy a fish in petshop after two days some of fish die. Their eye turns to white and theirs a white pigments in their scales.
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
Adam Abbas ikan klau baru beli tk boleh trus lpas kn dlm fish tank. biar kn tu packet plastic float dlm tank slama 1-2hrs then bukak tu bag dlm air.. lagi bgus tarok garam sedikit. mcm mamat ni dia silap, air bekas yg lama jgn dibuang ambil 50% transfers kat tank baru. tips2 org lama ku blaja dari ayah ku dulu
julesabirnbaum - 9 years ago
A lovely story. Arawanas are beautiful ,graceful, fish.Unfortunately the fish is to large for my tanks. This man has a passion for these and passion at anything usually means he is good at it. I salute him and his lovely family.
Ahad rash
Ahad rash - 9 years ago
What is I wanna an alpine nice fish
Carlos Dafilmoto
Carlos Dafilmoto - 9 years ago
I;m sad.. I'm also fish enthusiast.. nice, good story..
Jolly Ranchu
Jolly Ranchu - 9 years ago
I know how it feels to lose a fish, it sucks. I feel like a failure no matter what.
Phu Nguyen
Phu Nguyen - 10 years ago
i agree with other ppl that the fish died b/c of temperature shock. must always acclimate them to new tank! .
S. Banerjee
S. Banerjee - 7 years ago
Billy Corners that was clove oil most probably
luis arias
luis arias - 7 years ago
Billy Corners doesn't really mater, it was a big tank, now if they would've left her in the tank with that, now that would be a problem. They should've temperature acclimate and then slowly started to put the tank water in the bag. That would've been way way better than what they did.
Billy Corners
Billy Corners - 7 years ago
what about the drugs he poured in?
glitchdoc777 - 10 years ago
Such a gd story with a sad ending..... Didn't let it climatise to the water it was goin to be in. It is about keeping water quality not fish.....
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 10 years ago
little reds death was due to you're shite fish keeping skills
luis arias
luis arias - 7 years ago
Michael C. Summey yup. Idk if they was live. There is no problem with that.
Michael C. Summey
Michael C. Summey - 7 years ago
Was he feeding them live mealworms
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
your just Ignorant.
and you have no idea in Asian Aro. better shut up!
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 10 years ago
this guy hasn't a clue about fish, dumping fish into a new setup, bad idea, 
BrutikusMaximus - 7 years ago
arrows are extremely hardy, though not ideal they can more than survive new tanks and water.
Swazi Hitler
Swazi Hitler - 7 years ago
big fish usually do not need acclimation but it is a must for smaller fish
Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 7 years ago
Actually for bigger fish, its ok to just put the fish directly into a tank but just to make sure, acclimate them.
roden chong
roden chong - 7 years ago
when pump oxigen to the plastic bag will cause the water PH change in short to more than 7. Means if the journey to new place is not far, better pump normal air and little oxigen. Temperature might not the main issue, because malaysia weather is stable. And outdoor aquarium might cause fish feel stress, because is too bright to compare with indoor and too many movement object... For fish pond outdoor is ok, but aquarium is not. And they also use the chemical to make the fish feel stress free, but might be too much can cause side effect.
Billy Corners
Billy Corners - 7 years ago
what about the drugs they poured into the tank?
TRE4RERE - 8 years ago
Asians have no idea in keeping arowana-see the thousands of videos of them overcrowded in tanks for evidence.
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 8 years ago
+David Matsunaga the best tanks in the world have substrate. Please show your findings why a tank is better without substrate????????++
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 8 years ago
+David Matsunaga​ you strongly disagree with substrate?,, wow just wow you clearly don't understand bio ecology
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 8 years ago
+David Matsunaga​ paint and other stuff?, if that was the case then all the other fish would be dead. Do you even know how that would even occur in a tank?
Benny Chan
Benny Chan - 8 years ago
what you're saying is very correct, the owner did not let the fish acclimate to the temperature of the new tank and since hes babied little red for such a long time I'm almost positive her immune system was not very strong because she's been used to living in a perfect environment for 6 years. Factor that in with the stress of the trip and the fact that those movers looked like they poured way too little water and pumped way too much air in and you have a recipe for disaster.
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 8 years ago
firstly dave he put the arowana into a plastic bag as we all do, but he didnt cover it while transporting, not doing so can stress the fish, also when he introduced the fish into the new tank he didnt slowly add the water from the tank into the plastic bag. he just dumped it in, clearly the fish died from shock. im sure the water was fine as other fish where looking quite stable in the tank, tis a shame really. ive kept oscars and red bellies over 20 years i have a fair idea what im talking about, thirdly substrate is used for ecological reasons, not just planting, and is far beyond your statemant that its for beginners dave, what a flippant comment. you know you need minimum 180 gallon tank for your arowana when its fully grown?
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
+andrew mockler
and do you think this guy had no idea in Fish keeping?

ofcource he knows!!!
dont act like you know everything.
you dont know the whole story, so shut up.
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 8 years ago
+David Matsunaga basic English. You type like you're 5
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
+andrew mockler
shut up Mr. Dimwit.

You know nothing mr. brainless.
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
+andrew mockler Laugh all you want.
but you know deep within your self all that i have said to you are all true =)

So Shut up and stop acting like you know anything

Retarded Dimwit
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 8 years ago
+David Matsunaga hahahahahhahahahah what a fucktard you are.
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
+andrew mockler 
Cause insecure poor people like you are envious of others.

we can buy substrate if we want to.. but substrate are just for beginners like you.
who have no idea in keeping Asian arowana.
and our substrate is better than yours. instead eat your substrate and shut up.

David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
+andrew mockler Really? that Depends on your Water parameters.

well ignorant people like you have no idea in fish keeping. better shup up!
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 8 years ago
+David Matsunaga it was a aquarium joke, you're the idiot
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
shut up!
Girlygirljoannahuggs - 10 years ago
The fish was fine till other dude put the sedative in the water. 
Ron Westad
Ron Westad - 10 years ago
masterwellesley - 10 years ago
this to sad
steven ha
steven ha - 10 years ago
They don't worth that much in China anymore ..
MrDutchjohn - 10 years ago
great story
djjmx666 - 10 years ago
to all arowana lovers understand wat feeling of the guy or family  have ....... rather than eat them or relieve ...... (if u kept a goat feed them.... love them ...do u dare to eat them ????) if u r .... not human..... im a arowana lover like him bought aquarium for 3k just for my baby arowana over than my pay.... tats we do for wat we love pet
Long Trinh
Long Trinh - 10 years ago
I never figure why I like the Dragon fish so much but I was born on a boat from vietnam going to Malaysia, birth cert over there.. parents named me golden Dragon in Vietnamese "Kim long" I one day would like Togo Malaysia but with all the planes going down I highly doubt I'll go.... Anyways that's my story and thanks for uploading this documentary!
Yene Konjo
Yene Konjo - 10 years ago
It was absolutely the chemicals residue from the paints, paint thinners, etc that killed the fish.  And more of this guy's fish will die. All of them to be exact.  Powerful chemicals like the ones shown in his garage lets off airborne residue which enters the fish tanks via his oxygen feed source.  Immediate removal of all chemicals is a must, however, it may already be too late.  A real shame because she(little red) was a beautiful specimen and really for mating activities.  Lesson learned as with anything in life.  I am absolutely dumbfounded that he did not know that chemicals and fish do not match, and that its destructive nature does not have to be direct contact, that airborne introduction is just as deadly.  I hope he learns from this and continues his passion.
Naima Shaker
Naima Shaker - 10 years ago
Feed the childrens first and at the end start thinking in fish.
Vandy Niyomkham
Vandy Niyomkham - 10 years ago
i want arowanas but i'm wait til i can afford a 10,000 gallon tank first.
Swazi Hitler
Swazi Hitler - 7 years ago
10000 gallon might as well buy a lake. 1000 gallon sufficient for arrowanas already.
Matthew Kirkpatrick
Matthew Kirkpatrick - 10 years ago
nice music
bothersomepyro - 10 years ago
I feel sorry for this guy,.the passion is there it's just the resources aren't enough
Silver Bar
Silver Bar - 7 years ago
bothersomepyro, because no support from mr. mahatir.
Janssen Sibal
Janssen Sibal - 10 years ago
why dont preserve that fish
Angela Finnerty
Angela Finnerty - 10 years ago
So sad, You passion for these is very strong. You have beautiful tanks. Beautiful video, I enjoyed.
webcyber1984 - 10 years ago
such a awesome fish so sad that it died
Rajat Acharya
Rajat Acharya - 10 years ago
This guy is a flipping pleb... you MUST ALWAYS ACCLIMATE YOUR FISH!!!
Billy Corners
Billy Corners - 7 years ago
he might of, but it was clipped.

I think the sedatives the guy poured in probably did it.
516Spark - 10 years ago
This guy has real issues
Johan Olsson
Johan Olsson - 10 years ago
food u feed u fish is not god sorry to say it 
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
Johan Olsson not really.. mealworms contain lotsa nutrition and protein. The bad thing to feed ur arowana is gold fish bcoz it contains alots of fats and it can make ur arowana "drop eye" syndrome. The best way to feed the arowana is centipede and make the fish change color real quick. Small fishes is ok but it's really risky bcoz they can contain parasites to it.
Johan Olsson
Johan Olsson - 10 years ago
Recently, it emerged that these meal worms have no great nutrient. Hence, most switched on crickets, cockroaches and Zophobas.
It is true that the flour mask has a rather poor nutrition, especially craving animals purchasing the zoo deal. Besides this, one should bear in mind that the meal worm contains about 95% fat.
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 10 years ago
and what food is that?
NO0BS - 10 years ago
Michael DeSanta
Michael DeSanta - 10 years ago
5:24 the owners name is hang kok lmao
victor paolo panlilio
victor paolo panlilio - 10 years ago
the guy who helped you move the fish killed little red, he poured the fish in the tank right away worh no acclimatization, and were those tanks even properly cycled?
luis arias
luis arias - 7 years ago
But no, they just bloop put her in.
luis arias
luis arias - 7 years ago
The cycle wasnt the issue. They put her/him way to fast. They should've waited for the temperature in the bag was the same wit the tank & then slowly put in some of the tank water in the bag.
Muhammad Abdullah
Muhammad Abdullah - 7 years ago
Meh i dont think tank cycle was the issue..No acclimation and i think way too much clove oil..
Zeemon Chow
Zeemon Chow - 10 years ago
how to contact this MR? i have something want to share with him...
Lim Kiong
Lim Kiong - 10 years ago
Is at malaysia im from singapore
Emerson White
Emerson White - 10 years ago
"After the documentary I made about how collectors are driving the Arowana to extinction the first thing I did was become a collector"
The Fish Whisperer
The Fish Whisperer - 10 years ago
thats what happens when you dont slowly acclimate a fish to the new water. you cant just throw him in and expect him to survive that. the shock most likley killed it. you would think a guy who has kept fish as long as him would know better than to just toss a fish into different water without acclimating it first. 
frank Gurza
frank Gurza - 10 years ago
I had a connection like this to some of my fish, fish are a lot smarter then people think they are. they can be trained and taught to do things. My fishes died because the city where I was living one day decided to add chlorine and fluoride to the water. Not knowing the city did this I did a regular water change and my fish died. I don't know why the city did this. The water was fine before they added these chemicals into it. Now nothing can live and we are drinking this shit. Not only that but we are dumping this crap back into the water system. We need to remove chemicals from the water ill never forget my fish. Most people dont have a love for a fish or care about the fresh water system, but they love their dogs as if they are people which I think is even more weird, then having a passion for aquatic animals as a whole.
Peter421 - 10 years ago
Nazim ABDUL-LATIF - 10 years ago
Why is there a blackout on videos about the Arab and Muslim world? We don't believe in censorship in the USA. Did you make some kind of pact with the US Government to keep the American people in the dark? I'll be sure to let my large social media following know about this if you don't make them available soon.
JiggyliFAP .FAPFAP - 8 years ago
And this somehow got into a documentary of chew?
Nazim ABDUL-LATIF - 10 years ago
Why haven't you made World War One in Arab Eyes Episode 1 Available in the US? I missed episode 1. Episode 2 is now showing this week.
violetcherrysakura - 10 years ago
I really respect and like this wonderful lady, who's full of positive energy and love. There should be more of this encouraging people!
Emmanuel Thommy
Emmanuel Thommy - 10 years ago
most expensive? really? i thought its the koi
leofc8888 - 7 years ago
the expensive Japanese koi is human selected from thousands of fishes. Most of them are cheap if they have been released to market. Only the top grade koi have value and sell at high Price. So the average price of arowana is definitely a lot higher than koi.
rck ism
rck ism - 7 years ago
all arowanas are expensive but not all koi are. the majority are really cheap. every now and then an amazing koi might come along with perfect markings/colours and it warrants an expensive price tag.. but the same can happen with arowana, you get a perfect platinum arowana or really any "perfect" arowana and people will pay 8 figures im sure. i can see why arowana hold the title.
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
Koi is expensive but it must be very old but arrowana is still more expensive because since birth this Asian arrowanas will cause at least a 100+ but koi is nearby but the arrowana is more expensive in money worth since they are said to cause good luck so more are sold more expensive
Blaze AP
Blaze AP - 7 years ago
i guess the 2 million usd koi would say differently
Blaze AP
Blaze AP - 7 years ago
oldest koi lived 226 years. and the most expensive one sold went for 2 million usd. so yes long lived and expensive
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
golden guanyu nice joke, koi are even sensitive and you say long lived? pathetic
SUK MIKE HOK l - 7 years ago
lol not even close ,but koi is longest living
NinjaTech - 7 years ago
Emmanuel Thommy platinum arowana goes for 400,000 dollars.
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
Emmanuel Thommy koi is not even the top 10 most expensive fish. Go google em bro
izuan headstompvega
izuan headstompvega - 10 years ago
Nice documentary.. and beautiful fish the chilli red. That guy is really passionate.
Henry Darr
Henry Darr - 10 years ago
Sorry for your loss , i offer my deepest condolences .
Cycnoches2012 - 10 years ago
I love that you shared this experience with the world.  You have a beautiful home and family!
Airborne82 All the way
Airborne82 All the way - 10 years ago
The wife isn't crying for the fish,those are tears of joy she got rid of the side fish
มีน' สกิดเยส
มีน' สกิดเยส - 7 years ago
Proud Kafir
Proud Kafir - 7 years ago
He even had to bury the side fish in a shallow grave.
Ariel Blanco
Ariel Blanco - 7 years ago
The water was contaminated, but only one fish died? It is so obvious that she probably killed the freaking fish. It is just painful to watch the man and the children feeling sorry. Is "swimming with dragons" a reference to sleeping in the same bed with his wife?
Jerry W
Jerry W - 7 years ago
Daniel Isabelle side hoes always destroying families
Mya Sara
Mya Sara - 7 years ago
Daniel Isabell
Triston Kelley
Triston Kelley - 9 years ago
+Daniel Isabelle Tell me why I was thinking the same, like we know she's truly happy. Now shes ready for all the rest to die, lol.
Airborne82 All the way
Airborne82 All the way - 9 years ago
You gave her the fish stick everyday
drServitis - 9 years ago
Karl Donatella
Karl Donatella - 10 years ago
Owen Taylor
Owen Taylor - 10 years ago
Omg this comment is amazing.
V F - 10 years ago
Eat the fish
Иванский Поланский
Иванский Поланский - 10 years ago
It would be so awesome if u could put genes of betta in it
The Bsw
The Bsw - 10 years ago
Lik dis f u cri evry tim
Nishan Bangera
Nishan Bangera - 10 years ago
whatever it is... i liked it and appriciate his love towards his fish.. could see from his eyes.. when he saw fish dead.. true love towards his fish.. great.. 
John Marcial Hermosa
John Marcial Hermosa - 10 years ago
I didn't expect that it's going to be sad at the end.
Central Solution
Central Solution - 10 years ago
R.I.P little red.
Grimshaw Grummage
Grimshaw Grummage - 10 years ago
what an overrated fish, and completely unsuitable for an aquarium too.
Melania Wong
Melania Wong - 7 years ago
OnlineBackupServices nah not really, its meant for aquarium, Koi is Overrated.
Harry - 10 years ago
Good story about Little Red. Wish you all the best in keeping arowana.
anthony hager
anthony hager - 10 years ago
I had one they die from hitting their heads on the top of the tank, they like to jump.They also catch disease.Your suppose to do water changes once or twice a week with them.But the one guy was right you need a pond 400 gallon minimum.
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 10 years ago
it was in a tank for competition display. which is stressful to fish. think of all that pressure. the little lady couldn't handle it.
Bri Hartwig
Bri Hartwig - 10 years ago
I am so sorry to hear you lost Little Red, She was so beautiful, one of a Kind.
miztaproductions - 10 years ago
A young arowana on malaysia cost around Rm40 while the adult one is around Rm200+
Prateep Sham
Prateep Sham - 10 years ago
some are even 5000+. it depends on the type...
Vasillas Mikael
Vasillas Mikael - 10 years ago
Dude something happens for a reason and i'm sure that his wife din't kill "Little Red" and the other 3 . We just have to move on when we lost our love ones. I'm a KOI lover.
David PhoTWENTY - 10 years ago
Did he not climatized the fish before letting it into the new tank?
Mark Colvin
Mark Colvin - 7 years ago
Probably clove oil.
Ren Louie
Ren Louie - 7 years ago
did you ever acclimate an arowna before?....its hard man its hard
Billy Corners
Billy Corners - 7 years ago
im more curious what was in the water bottle her poured in to sedate the fish
Richard Antigha
Richard Antigha - 10 years ago
A dog is gonna come by and dig them up
Carlos Castro
Carlos Castro - 9 years ago
Leo Ponce
Leo Ponce - 10 years ago
Cant you just eat it?
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
Leo Ponce would u eat ur own dog after they die?
Evil Shrimp
Evil Shrimp - 10 years ago
people long time ago use to eat them now they use them as a pet just like dogs in ancient time.
Tuấn Phan
Tuấn Phan - 10 years ago
Đúng là bậc thầy yêu mến cá rồng
Saffirea - 10 years ago
Poor little red. She was such a nice fish. I had a pet fish I loved so much and then I came home from work and found him dead. It has been six years years since his death that I have brought another fish into my life.
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
Doing water changes every day? Is this some kind of joke?...
No offence, I clearly recognize that you and your son are Arowana enthusiasts but if you really want to have a go at keeping an Arowana for more than 10 years than invest in a pond.
luis arias
luis arias - 7 years ago
Ponds are only for gold fish and koi. They can wit stand the cold and warmth better than most fishes. And water changes arnt even that bad. Like honestly.
frank Gurza
frank Gurza - 10 years ago
they love to look at them and show it off I mean who the fuk has a 3-4 foot fish in their house
Helveteshit - 10 years ago
+Travis MacFarland
Breeding ponds = Commercial money making ones.
Private ponds = Cost hobby. Besides, seeing he lived in that small of an apartment, it doesn't seem he have enough money to buy a house with property for it nor does it seem like he would be able to build up a proper Protection system for the fish since there exist more exotic predators around that area all from snakes to other stuff.
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
+Travis MacFarland +1
Helveteshit - 10 years ago
+Travis MacFarland
That is true. But I doubt it would still be ideal where he lives.
Helveteshit - 10 years ago
Pond won't work in Malaysia considering what wildlife they have there plus laws and what not.

Secondly, you won't achieve the same viewpoint of the Arowana as in an aquarium. If anything, he should just save so he can build a house so he has room for his fish and his family.
Dang Thuy Duong
Dang Thuy Duong - 10 years ago
The Doberman Triangle
The Doberman Triangle - 10 years ago
Great story
Feral Hunter
Feral Hunter - 10 years ago
Beautiful story
Denimpapi 69
Denimpapi 69 - 10 years ago
This fucking bitch of wife you could see how he was sad but she was half giggling i bet she killed that arowana on purpose so her husband gives more attention to her.
Mandar Loke
Mandar Loke - 8 years ago
hahaha.. lol.
Jop3lius - 10 years ago
lol. or maybe she just looks that way naturally, trust me, i know couple of "wipe that smile off your face" persons that just cant help it.
Devin Tan
Devin Tan - 10 years ago
There is something called fish tank cycle.......
adib osman
adib osman - 10 years ago
great video!
Stfu Fag
Stfu Fag - 10 years ago
Loh yeh moh yeh arh!!!
Winston Larry
Winston Larry - 10 years ago
Awesome movie man love it
niva01 - 10 years ago
Disturbing documentary.
Kevin Grunsell
Kevin Grunsell - 10 years ago
Why is he tapping on the glass? How dumb are you!!!
Andrew Liem
Andrew Liem - 10 years ago
arwana mostly from indonesia, how come being malaysian national fish? lets enjoy it as everyone fish .....
Abu Ridzwan
Abu Ridzwan - 10 years ago
Dear Andrew Liem, Indonesia are the home of the most beautiful chili red arowana as in Pontianak, and the most beautiful Blue Base Golden Arowana are originally from one of  Malaysian River, my Pekan Baru friends try to breed Malaysia Arowana but they couldn't get the same gred....lets enjoy the different
Don78ism - 10 years ago
He was talking about the Golden Asian Arowana which can only be found in the wild in the lakes and rivers of North-western Peninsular Malaysia. It's the same reason as why Panda is the national animal of China, and Kangaroo to Australia. Malaysia's national icon is the Malayan tiger, but Golden Arowana can be our national fish :)
Andrew Liem
Andrew Liem - 10 years ago
i really disagree arwana is most expensive fish. the living art is koi fish
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
Only exceptional show Koi can compete with Arowana pricing. A normal grade Koi at the size of 30-50cm would not cost you more than $1000. Asian arowana babies easily go for a couple hundred, a healthy Asian Arowana 30-50 cm would cost you a few grand easily! High grade show Arowana's are most of the time priceless, people have offered up to 80 grand for Arowanas and theyve been declined. Each fish is beautiful in their own ways, but to be perfectly realistic Arowanas are considered the most valuable fish on the market. Its true that Koi have more variety and colour, but they are bred in mass quantities which further devalues them,
Simeon Hill
Simeon Hill - 10 years ago
$50 dollars for a small one . 20 in a pond and you have 1000 ponds . this is $1mil worth of small fish . So it would be more because some of them are older
Thianro Uklian
Thianro Uklian - 10 years ago
where you get all your money? heehe
Leandra - 10 years ago
Thanks for the upload.
Marutan Ray
Marutan Ray - 10 years ago
arowana are extinct in the wild because you keep buying them in the shops!
Mysha Eliana
Mysha Eliana - 10 years ago
stvstv0616 - 10 years ago
This is nuts!release them to river or lake where they can swim freely,u freak!
luis arias
luis arias - 7 years ago
Your stupid. These are raised in tanks. They wouldn't survive in the wild. Smh. They wouldn't be able to eat cuz they're used to food comming from above and the water is a bit different. Learn more about a subject and then write something that is actually worth reading. Not some nonsense.
Don78ism - 10 years ago
Arowanas have more chance to survive in the industry than they are in the wild. In the wild they will be subjected to foreign Thai and Indochinese poachers who would sell them in black markets. Plus, Malaysian quality assurance agency has recently drafted a national action plan for Malaysian Golden Arowanas. One of the key focus is to ensure vast gene pool for the species, aside from ensuring best quality arowanas are produced from the industry. 
roborovski008 - 10 years ago
Eddie Tan
Eddie Tan - 10 years ago
Tank overcrowded my friend. Get rid of some of the tankmates. 
Paulo Labuyo WildHunter CHANNEL
Paulo Labuyo WildHunter CHANNEL - 10 years ago
Nice aryana

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