Symphysodon discus aquarium (500d 720p)

Discus fish in my planted aquarium; shot with canon 500d 18-55 (red turquoise, pigeon, leopard snakeskin) -

Symphysodon discus aquarium (500d 720p) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Discus 14 years ago 23,606 views

Discus fish in my planted aquarium; shot with canon 500d 18-55 (red turquoise, pigeon, leopard snakeskin) -

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Most popular comments
for Symphysodon discus aquarium (500d 720p)

angarag odkhuu
angarag odkhuu - 10 years ago
Hey how many gallon?
Marian Sterian
Marian Sterian - 12 years ago
Tetratec EX700 and Juwel internal filter. Waterchange once a week 50%.
TQ - 12 years ago
That's the cleanest aquarium water I've ever seen! What filters do you use and how many of them? How often do you do water changes and how much do you change?
Manuel Mussner
Manuel Mussner - 13 years ago
These arent symphysodon discus but symphysodon aquefashiatus
Guthierry Bianchi
Guthierry Bianchi - 13 years ago
lindo lindo lindo
iPODtouchUSER1995 - 13 years ago
You shouldn´t be keeping 5 disci in a 200l tank. I would say 300 minimum for that kind of fish. But they seem to be fine, I would change thetank, though.....
Николай Чанков
Николай Чанков - 13 years ago
Николай Чанков
Николай Чанков - 13 years ago
@marian4232 Thanks
Marian Sterian
Marian Sterian - 13 years ago
Hi, The song is Fuego - Nicaieri nu-i ca acasa

10. comment for Symphysodon discus aquarium (500d 720p)

Николай Чанков
Николай Чанков - 13 years ago
What is the name of the song that is heard?
Jacob's Plumerias
Jacob's Plumerias - 13 years ago
Absolutely stunning aquarium, I am getting my discus tomorrow and hope to have a tank this awesome.
Catalin Cicau
Catalin Cicau - 13 years ago
mersi si felicitari
Tobias Karim
Tobias Karim - 13 years ago
I'm thinking of making a amazon looking tank, whit black gravel, some wood,floating plants, and a nice amazon backround, and i dont know if i should get a black piranha, or discus and then breed'em but the only problem is that i dont know anything about discus, just that i love the way they move, how they breed,eat and ofc their colouration and the shape of their body could u plz give me any info?
Marian Sterian
Marian Sterian - 14 years ago
@MixTechn Salutare. 100x40x50
Catalin Cicau
Catalin Cicau - 14 years ago
Sal, un agvariu reusit. Poti sa ami spui dimensiunile lui? Si eu am facut unul, are o saptamana :D
yorki111 - 14 years ago
nice LSS :)
Viacheslav Shershun
Viacheslav Shershun - 14 years ago
Beautiful Aquarium, the only thing I would have changed the background. Otherwise great!!
Marian Sterian
Marian Sterian - 14 years ago
Se schimba cat mai des 40-50% Substratul il aspir.
Marian Sterian
Marian Sterian - 14 years ago
Tetra Discus

20. comment for Symphysodon discus aquarium (500d 720p)

Marian Sterian
Marian Sterian - 14 years ago
@m76ario Salutare, Detalii sunt in linkul din descriere.
m76ario - 14 years ago
@marian4232 : ce tipuri de neoane ai / aveai la momentul filmarii?
Lucas Moreira
Lucas Moreira - 14 years ago
awesome, realmente pereito e a qualidade da camera é espetacular
alex180384 - 14 years ago
un acvariu foarte reusit.Felicitari.Vroiam sa te intreb cum se intretine apa la discusi cate ori trebuie schimbata(sau inlocuita partial) cum cureti substratul?
Marian Sterian
Marian Sterian - 14 years ago
Acvariul are 100x40x50. Lumina standard Juwel + inca doua neoane de 39W = ~170W. Are si pH controller. The tank has 45 gallons.
suavitel fabric softener
suavitel fabric softener - 14 years ago
how many gallons? look great and awesome camera
savin raul
savin raul - 14 years ago
frumos acvariu =D> ce dimensiune are acvariu ? si ce lumina ai la el ? ai ph controler la co2 ?

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