With their unique shapes and territorial behavior, angelfish are arguably one of the coolest fish in the hobby. This video features the top five tank mates for angelfish. This video was requested by DebTim A CANADIAN Girl ••••• I feed my fish, so you should feed my ego! You can do that by liking this video and subscribing to my channel: ••••• Let's connect! Website ► Facebook ► Google+ ► Instagram ► Pinterest ► Tumblr ► Twitter ► VSCO ► YouTube ► ••••• Did you enjoy this video? Well, I couldn't have done it myself: Thank you to the Tank Talk Facebook group for sharing their favorite Angelfish tankmates: Image credits (spoilers) 1: Angelfish: * Jeff Kubina (CC 2.0) * James St. John (CC 2.0) * Jeff Kubina (CC 2.0) 2: Corydoras Catfish: * Thomas Land (Public Domain) * Stan Shebs (CC 3.0) * Matthew Mannell (Public Domain) 3: Plecostomus: * Miroslav.vajdic (CC 3.0) * Paweł Cieśla (CC 4.0) * Miroslav.vajdic (CC 3.0) 4: Discus: * Thesupermat (CC 3.0) * Cuatrok77 (CC 2.0) * Blair McBride (CC 2.0) 5: Malaysian Trumpet Snail: * Buchling (CC 3.0) * Dennis L. (CC 2.0) * Dennis L. (CC 2.0) Music: "Cylinder One" by Kevin Chris Zabriskie (CC 4.0) Source: ••••• Wow, you made it all of the way down here! Great job! - Evan Baldonado

THE TOP 5 TANK MATES FOR FRESHWATER ANGELFISH (4K UHD) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 148

Discus 7 years ago 93,306 views

With their unique shapes and territorial behavior, angelfish are arguably one of the coolest fish in the hobby. This video features the top five tank mates for angelfish. This video was requested by DebTim A CANADIAN Girl ••••• I feed my fish, so you should feed my ego! You can do that by liking this video and subscribing to my channel: ••••• Let's connect! Website ► Facebook ► Google+ ► Instagram ► Pinterest ► Tumblr ► Twitter ► VSCO ► YouTube ► ••••• Did you enjoy this video? Well, I couldn't have done it myself: Thank you to the Tank Talk Facebook group for sharing their favorite Angelfish tankmates: Image credits (spoilers) 1: Angelfish: * Jeff Kubina (CC 2.0) * James St. John (CC 2.0) * Jeff Kubina (CC 2.0) 2: Corydoras Catfish: * Thomas Land (Public Domain) * Stan Shebs (CC 3.0) * Matthew Mannell (Public Domain) 3: Plecostomus: * Miroslav.vajdic (CC 3.0) * Paweł Cieśla (CC 4.0) * Miroslav.vajdic (CC 3.0) 4: Discus: * Thesupermat (CC 3.0) * Cuatrok77 (CC 2.0) * Blair McBride (CC 2.0) 5: Malaysian Trumpet Snail: * Buchling (CC 3.0) * Dennis L. (CC 2.0) * Dennis L. (CC 2.0) Music: "Cylinder One" by Kevin Chris Zabriskie (CC 4.0) Source: ••••• Wow, you made it all of the way down here! Great job! - Evan Baldonado

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Most popular comments

NuKeD Koala
NuKeD Koala - 7 years ago
Not all plecos are peaceful, adult common plecos are known to be quite aggressive
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 7 years ago
i would never have discus as tank mates with angel fish . i would have angelfish as tank mates with discus
the amphibian and fish channel
the amphibian and fish channel - 7 years ago
Guppys do well to. But it can have setbacks so bot for everyone. I have 2 male guppys and and a breeding pair of angels in the same tank
Sam hewson
Sam hewson - 7 years ago
Not very helpful
O-Kay_TX - 7 years ago
Check out my Angel Fish Video Please Like & Subscribe Thanks:)
Sushilkumar Aquarium Live fish & Features
Sushilkumar Aquarium Live fish & Features - 7 years ago
See Angel Fish Tank beautiful setup....
hadtochangemyname tothis
hadtochangemyname tothis - 7 years ago
I have 4 angels, one large plecko, a large catfish, a shark catfish, 4 Tetras, 6 ghost catfish, one large parrot fish and 2 others that I can't remember their names (yes that's very shitty) but they all live very peacefully together oh and I have 12 snails again I can't remember the name of these ones.
I think it depends on the tank sometimes and how its decorated but they call go wherever. None have dominated a area as their territory. But I also change it around at least every 1 and 1/2 to 2 weeks.
Sushilkumar Aquarium Live fish & Features
Sushilkumar Aquarium Live fish & Features - 7 years ago
See Angel Fish Tank beautiful setup....
Brenda Murray
Brenda Murray - 7 years ago
do not house anglefish with discus, discus ore peaceful fish on the other hand angle fish are aggressive and the angle fish will hurt or even worse kill the expensive discus
hadtochangemyname tothis
hadtochangemyname tothis - 7 years ago
Brenda Murray

Mine lived together for 3 years peacefully until dicky the discus died on transport when we moved and we moved them professionally, I've owned fish for 30 years and work in a tropical fish and cold water fish wholesalers for 15. It just depends on the tank and the fish's personalities. Oh and I've got 7 other species in that tank with my angels and again they're all laid back with each other.


Dutch 4ever
Dutch 4ever - 7 years ago
what a BS video! really? a snail is a good tank mate? A Discus is not a good tank mate for angels as Angels will try to dominate this fish and a Pleco can feast on your Angels large flat body (eating the slime layer) Cory catfish are a great choice though.
David Wong
David Wong - 7 years ago
Play online chess for FREE ~~~
Rosemary Little
Rosemary Little - 7 years ago
Few points I disagree with:

1) don't add Malaysian trumpet snails unless you want an infestation. They will rapidly multiply and destroy the tanks ecosystem if left unchecked. They are almost impossible to get rid of.

2) Plecos get huge. Don't add them unless you have a 4-6ft tank.

3) Angelfish can be aggressive towards other Angels. Not sure about Discus, as I've never had them. It's up to the individual really, some are more aggressive than others.

4) I can agree with the corydoras. I have two in my current tank because the rest of the school died (I'd had them for about 3-4 years), but they like to be kept in groups of 3-6. My Angel will come over and pick at them, but they're quick swimmers so if you have somewhere for them to hide they'll be fine. They need to be fed specific algae wafers - they won't thrive on the stuff that the angels don't eat alone.
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
And also, most corys need carnivorous food, not just algae wafers
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
Rosemary Little
1. Not all plecos get huge and need a giant tank, there are bristlenose plecos and clown plecos that are suitable for smaller tanks then 4-6 feet.
2. Corys don't prefer to be in groups of 3-6, 6 is the minimum for corys, but preferably more. 3 is not good for them, they will get very stressed and be unhappy.
TheHighHorse - 7 years ago
I have 2 angels with pacus and tetras
Nikki B.
Nikki B. - 7 years ago
Nikki B.
Nikki B. - 7 years ago
AquariumKids I found out later, that is correct! But thank you! Love the video.
AquariumKids - 7 years ago
Pterophyllum altum, I believe.
Dylan Brandt
Dylan Brandt - 7 years ago
Not extremely helpful but exquisite music
ŽÄÇHÅRŸ RØDËÑTŠ - 7 years ago
HELP! I'm moving to a new house and I have to transfer 8 common goldfish to a fish tank. These fish used to live in an 80gal. Pond in Florida. They are used to high temperatures. Can they live with Angelfish?!
AquariumKids - 7 years ago
For how long? I wouldn't recommend it because angelfish can be quite aggressive.
Pocky The Dragon
Pocky The Dragon - 7 years ago
I keep my angel fish with my 3 gourami fish and mollys they don't fish but my gourami pick at each other and not my angel
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
There are so many more better fish that go great with angels, the pleco and other bottom feeders are so damn ugly they do nothing for a tank but stand out like sors thumb..
Kaiya's crazy Zoo
Kaiya's crazy Zoo - 7 years ago
I like my common pleco....
Jello Mc Scrooge
Jello Mc Scrooge - 7 years ago
I don't know what you guys are talking about huge common plecos look cool
Don K 2k
Don K 2k - 7 years ago
I call plecos “vacuum fish”
ŽÄÇHÅRŸ RØDËÑTŠ - 7 years ago
It's only the huge common plecos or the sail fin plecos that look ugly. Many others are quit beautiful
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
+Brianna Harter (star and fox) *Got :-)
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
+Brianna Harter (star and fox) When i here the word pleco i always think of the big black ugly ones, i just recently git a spotted cory cat that i actually like.. I was just nevef a big fan of the bottom feeders or sucker fish, but i needed somthing to clean up the bottom of my tank better than what the snails were doing... So not all are as bad looking as i thought..
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
really it's only the common pleco that's butt ugly there are a ton of plecos that actually look good and won't grow to be 20 inches plus(seriously why do they sell common plecos?).

like the leopard frog pleco,longfin bushynose pleco and the Starlight Bristlenose Pleco.all these look good and actually fit in most tanks unlike the giant butt ugly common pleco.

corries actually do look good in huge shoals especially the emerald cory which are metallic green.
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
I keep mine with cherry barbs and congo tetras..


Treatz Treatz
Treatz Treatz - 7 years ago
I keep my angelfish with Firemouths and Parrots and they do just fine :)
Myah Vrbka
Myah Vrbka - 7 years ago
I have rainbow fish and severums with mine and she does just fine but she HATES other angelfish
Yoshi278 - 7 years ago
Idk about corys but the list isnt great for different reasons. in my experience gourami and bristlenose catfish are great
Marissa Parker
Marissa Parker - 7 years ago
I keep thinking of how I want to paint the trumpet snails shell to look like a unicorn horn lol but I don't know that putting paint on him would be a good idea unless there was safe paint... and there's prob not ha
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Marissa Parker yea don't a lot of snails breath there there shell
Nadia Démoré_2018
Nadia Démoré_2018 - 7 years ago
I have 2 Angel fish in my 36 gallon tank would i be able to add Discus to the tank if yes how many would i be able to add?
Brenda Murray
Brenda Murray - 7 years ago
do not put anglefish with discus, discus ore peaceful fish on the other hand angle fish are aggressive and the angle fish will hurt or even worse kill the expensive discus
Nadia Démoré_2018
Nadia Démoré_2018 - 7 years ago
My angel fish aren't very high action they mostly stay to them self's very calm fish which i'm lucky to have i have had previous fish to the tank and they left them alone and let the other be the dominate fishes of my tank i have a soft flow in the tank also but i would need to get something for the acidic Ph in my tank i asked the man who sold me the fish (he's a breeder not a person from a pet store i only get my fish from people who have experience with the animals) he said i would be able to get discus but keep an eye on them for awhile to make sure they are okay in the tank i have another tank to re home them in at my house encase it doesn't go well for them in the larger tank but i would want to test it out to see how it would work but thank you for the advice :)
apple sandwich
apple sandwich - 7 years ago
To answer your question, i wouldn't put discus in that tank. They like soft, low-flow water and a very acidic ph. They also can best stressed in a high-action tank.
apple sandwich
apple sandwich - 7 years ago
Discus, along with a large price tag, get very large, and require very specific care. The debate of putting angels with discus is as old as the hobby itself, but can be done, given a lotof experience
Amateur Learner
Amateur Learner - 7 years ago
Can koi fish and hammerhead be tankmates with angel fish?
why now
why now - 7 years ago
If you're talking about the hammerhead catfish then no. Those guys grow to like 3 feet long and will be able to swallow those angelfish with no effort.
Anupam Chattopadhyay
Anupam Chattopadhyay - 7 years ago
well unfortunately they will not be good tank mates as angels are or could be very aggressive so the koi might be attacked
Angel Reyes
Angel Reyes - 7 years ago
1 gallon would be ok
Jerome Saverimuttu
Jerome Saverimuttu - 7 years ago
Amateur Learner yeah a ten gallon tank would be fine.
ShizanFahad - 7 years ago
Muhammad Hazim
Tommy D
Tommy D - 7 years ago
I have 2 gold, 2 kissing and a opaline gouramis along with a blue paradise gourami no issues. the gouramis play chase. wanting to add 4 rainbows and a few more amazon swords in the future.
ŽÄÇHÅRŸ RØDËÑTŠ - 7 years ago
Tommy D You have my dream tank I lol rainbowfish and gournamis are my two favorites lol
Jon Lenin
Jon Lenin - 7 years ago
You say 'and' when its the last item on the list.
Gowtham S
Gowtham S - 7 years ago
mlp universe
mlp universe - 7 years ago
my pair of angels herd my corys around is that normal


Diver joe
Diver joe - 7 years ago
Well done!! Liked and subscribed .... check out my channel when you get a chance
Jobe Berends
Jobe Berends - 7 years ago
I just set up a new 10 gallon tank with live plants, two young anglefish (2 inch high), 7 neon tetras, 3 Kahlu loaches, 2 bristlenose caatfish and some snails that came on the plants. This is working really well. (Only will the fish are young I will upgrade the tank when their bigger.)
alien_invation :3
alien_invation :3 - 7 years ago
Sashvin Raj agreed
Sashvin Raj
Sashvin Raj - 7 years ago
Jobe Berends you'll need to upgrade soon... doubt the angelfish would grow up comfortably in a 10gal, though a 40-55gal should be good for all of them there
Karen Mellott
Karen Mellott - 7 years ago
I enjoyed your video! If I may offer a couple suggestions:: Some LFS clerks may not know to advise new aquarists that many of the most common plecos can become quite large (10"+/-), & lazy (inefficient algae cleaners) Bristlenose plecs, however, remain great at cleaning, are full of personality & max out at 4" to 5"
Also, on mixing angels & discus - bc of potential microbe incompatibility (more prevalent w/some delicate discus strains) perhaps research. to avoid problems
Michelle Baldonado
Michelle Baldonado - 7 years ago
Clever ending!
Ya yang Zhou
Ya yang Zhou - 7 years ago
Gouramis and tetras work great.. Pls don't put these with guppies. My friend had given me 10 guppies and I'm down to 4. 2 of them still have chunks of their tail taken out..
Small Tacklebox Fishing
Small Tacklebox Fishing - 7 years ago
Can a betta go with angels?
AquariumKids - 7 years ago
I wouldn't recommend that, but be sure to have a backup plan/tank if do you decide to try keeping them together.
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 7 years ago
Hey Evan great to see you.. I love this.. thanks for doing this video. I have corys and plecos.. no snails yet. You do an amazing job on your videos.. well done as always.. have a great weekend!! =D
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 7 years ago
AWe and thanks for the mention that was so sweet!!
Kazz - 7 years ago
My top 5:
A school of Serpae Tetras, Opaline Gourami, school of Corydoras, Rainbowfish, and Plecos.
My Opaline Gourami is probably my favorite freshwater fish right now so, can't leave him out of any of my lists lol.

I also keep my Angelfish with a school of Serpaes, cories, pleco, and an opaline gourami. I recently had a massive tank crash and lost half of my fish, luckily most of the serpaes, cories, angelfish and my opaline gourami survived, so I'll be restocking with more cories and serpaes, maybe try to breed my opaline, and get some rainbowfish. Also, most snails (in my experience) are good tank mates with angelfish. My ramshorn infestation ruined my life, but my angelfish don't care about them, so I'm getting dwarf chain loaches to take care of the situation lol.
FintasticFish - 7 years ago
I'll keep this info in mind when I setup an angelfish tank! Thanks
AquariumKids - 7 years ago
Yes, the generic title screen that I use is of the ocean (saltwater) even though this video is about freshwater fish. I know ;)
AquariumKids - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching! Have you ever kept angelfish?
Ana-Maria Coman
Ana-Maria Coman - 7 years ago I have a rescued female Angel fish ...With 2 plecos ,guppies ,mollies,pearly and normal rasbora..
They get along though.

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