Tank Update: Sexing my new discus

Please watch: "Discussing the pros and cons of Feeder Fish" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhVtY9QWthQ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Happy New year guys, here's an update on my tank and possible sex of my two new discus.

Tank Update: Sexing my new discus sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Discus 9 years ago 10,759 views

Please watch: "Discussing the pros and cons of Feeder Fish" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhVtY9QWthQ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Happy New year guys, here's an update on my tank and possible sex of my two new discus.

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Most popular comments
for Tank Update: Sexing my new discus

Cody Gunter
Cody Gunter - 7 years ago
two recommendations, your siamese algae eater will get aggressive/territorial eventually, definitely eat eggs/fry if possible,
and, try assassin snails for your snail issue. if you get 2-3, and return 2 once the problem is under control. The remaining snail shouldn't be able to reproduce,
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 7 years ago
Thanks Cody those are great recommendations.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 8 years ago
I've bin told you can't sex your discus at that size
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
+ash 92 yea I've seen that, did you read my entire comment before??? Because I did say that lol. The ways I mentioned are all guides to making an educated guess as to the sex of the fish, and it has worked for me.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 8 years ago
Maurice Aquariums but every1 says males have pointed fins an females are more rounded off but I've bin watching the guy of King of DIY channel and he's a expert on how to keep discus he said you can't tell the sex until the female lays her eggs am just going by what he said it's call HOW TO KEEP discus on king of DIY channel
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
AH ... That's where you're wrong mate, it's extremely difficult, but not impossible. Discus are monomorphic breeders, meaning that there are no tell-tale signs of sex till they actually mate. However, when you have experience with them you learn to spot the differences. For example, males have pointed tipped fins while females fins are rounded, it's said males have longer dorsal and anal fins than females, and then you can vent them. All these are just speculation, but they tend to give you guidelines as to the sex of the fish. The only sure-fire way is to let them pair up naturally and even when they lay, only wait till you have wrigglers before assuming they are a pair, as two females will lay together. I hope I've helped you in some way, by using some of the guidelines I've outlined I have successfully sexed some of my discus and even got them to breed. Thanks for watching and I hope you've gained some knowledge.
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 8 years ago
NO loaches with Discus!!! Had one kill three fish!!!! One great Discus and two cory cats. Those damn things are swimming 24-7.

Discus sleep on their sides , one eye up and it was sucked out. Had three cories ,found parts of the two that were killed and half eaten Two months later the third came out of hiding. FB Woody's Discus Closed group.. All fish keepers welcome!!!!!
jason cavenay
jason cavenay - 8 years ago
i used to have 3 yoyo loaches with my discus 3 marlborow 3 blue dimonds 2 orange pidgeon bloods and 3 blue turks and i noticed the loaches kept trying to latch on to my discus to suck them and i noticed a scar on one of my marlborow suspisiuosly the shape of a loach mouth so i gave the loach away and my discus have been much happier ever since and more settled hope u dont get the same problems as me as it could deter breeding with your pair
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
+jason cavenay thanks mate
jason cavenay
jason cavenay - 8 years ago
just thought ide give u the heads up mate
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
+jason cavenay I've always kept a close eye on him. He's OK for now. No destructive behavior as yet.
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 9 years ago
Great looking Discus and I like all your other fish in with them! May you be blessed with breeding success!
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 9 years ago
You are welcome!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks Ricky :D
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 9 years ago
This is Pastor Velcro. I added a second channel so I could keep my fish
keeping separate from everything else. There are only three channels
where I've commented much, so I'm just telling the three of you. Keep up
YOUR good work.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Old School Fish Guy Pastor Velcro I saw your new channel and I am loving the content so far. great job, I'm already subbed up. You're doing great so far.
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 9 years ago
Good addition to the tank.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+j03yYunG Aquariums Thanks Joey
Fish Behind Glass
Fish Behind Glass - 9 years ago
I wonder if fish are ever like, "I can tell the big one that comes to the glass is male. He carries the little box and by the markings on his face. If you notice the bags under his eyes- he's been breeding." Hope that little girl of yours isn't keeping you up to late.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Fish Behind Glass HAHA!!! You're right I wonder if they do tell? I know for a fact that they can tell me apart from my other family members because the come to me at feeding time. As for those bags under my eyes, they're getting bigger lol. Baby wakes up every 2 hours at night, but she's a cutie. She may join me on my next shoot :D
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 9 years ago
Did you say it costs you a 1000 bucks for a discus?
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Scuba Steve Yes bro, Discus down here range anywhere from $250 - $1200 depending on what you want. However, the exchange rate is US$1 is equal to TT$6.40, so that means TT$1000 is equivalent to US$156. So it's possibly not as bad as it sounds.

10. comment for Tank Update: Sexing my new discus

Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Looking good Mo. Good job correcting yourself since you haven't seen "her" lay eggs yet! I'd really suggest trying to grow those juvies in a bare bottom tank if possible though. Whoa.....what'd you spend on that fish?!?!?
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
I totally agree. That's why I don't buy smaller discus too often to raise. the feedings alone are a lot too.
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Bare bottom is really the best choice for growing out juveniles.  
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Rich's Fishes I agree with you on the bare bottom tank. I am looking at doing a total redo on this tank and resetting it. I'm not feeling the plants anymore. I'll probably go bare bottom with potted plants for easy maintenance. Ass for the cost Discus down here range anywhere from $250 - $1200 depending on what you want. However, the exchange rate is US$1 is equal to TT$6.40, so that means TT$1000 is equivalent to US$156. So it's possibly not as bad as it sounds.
J B - 9 years ago
what??!?! did you just say you spent $1K on that fish???!??!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Jef B (808fishkeeper) Yes bro, Discus down here range anywhere from $250 - $1200 depending on what you want. However, the exchange rate is US$1 is equal to TT$6.40, so that means TT$1000 is equivalent to US$156. So it's possibly not as bad as it sounds.
LJohnson - 9 years ago
your discus look great...
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+LJohnson Thanks man. They're growing nicely
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
I can't believe the Clown loach hasn't eaten all the snails. Discus are looking great.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Maurice Aquariums Tank on Buddy.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby thanks man. The clowns don't eat the MTS. They ate all the Ramshorn snails though. I can't even find one lol
SozoAquatics - 9 years ago
Whats happening Mo ,your vid has inspired me t get some Discus . Great video as usual.
SozoAquatics - 9 years ago
will do thanks
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+SozoAquatics That's great bro. Hit me up if you need any info and tips.
Robin`s aquarium
Robin`s aquarium - 9 years ago
The discus looks great!
Robin`s aquarium
Robin`s aquarium - 9 years ago
Symphysodon aequifasciatus fits with my water values, and i have a 180 liter tank, so i could have a pair
Robin`s aquarium
Robin`s aquarium - 9 years ago
Okey, cool, a pet store owner told you could keep them in a community tank and not needing to change water more often, but they would not get their colours as good as they would in a discus tank, is that correct?
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Robin`s aquarium They're not as time consuming as you think. Worth looking into 
Robin`s aquarium
Robin`s aquarium - 9 years ago
Don`t doubt that! I wan`t some discus myself, but don`t have time for them atm
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks Robin. They're my pride and joy.
tam tam
tam tam - 9 years ago
hey mo :) i have also jojo loches for a month or two and three weary playful fish and ther like to find hiding spots and your discus are very beautiful!!!(sorry for mybad English ^^)
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thank you +Tam Tam. I like the Yoyo loach its pretty and likes to hide.
Ruben - 9 years ago
I've never heard a fish wanting to swim up the water output. When I'm doing a water change and I'm filling up the tank my fish like to swim up the current. You might be able to put a small sock or plastic screen on the output.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks Ruben, I think its the water flow that they like and try to swim up the flow. I'll try putting mesh or a sock and see if it helps.
T Holz
T Holz - 9 years ago
Discus are beautiful!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thank you Tholtz
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 9 years ago
right on

20. comment for Tank Update: Sexing my new discus

IFG - 9 years ago
Majestic looking fish bro
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks bro.

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