Test Strip Aquarium Hack! Water Change Aquarium how often? Daily Dose #21
Discus 8 years ago 57,803 views
How often should you change aquarium water? Make sure you cut those test strips in half and save twice as much money! I also make and show Repashy foods as well. Grub Pie Support us by buying here: http://www.aquariumcoop.com/ Playlists: Fish Room Tours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk9XUY6eNBs&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWw9OJ4nxiHrSL-hkDynugDN&index=2 Breeding Fish For Profit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpW8tHGy6T4&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWwC6MUCEY5CDc2en17DEuHu Fish Room Updates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k15sqdgIq80&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy0z9UYUHJEisZTIbLKAIaJ&index=1 How to Quarantine Fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmCoLQjP7_A&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy_XtG7TtBsRXmErhPpJrie&index=1 How to Build a Fish Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFPXmoxJjzA&index=2&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWycLGJbmCzyBQgquycLrdzG DIY Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BZ6zyQIf60&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy65tSBHmR9Llgw08ceXPx0&index=1 Fish and Plant Profiles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKao1a90Lfk&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWxuU3VTz7lQu0EoFcDiPk5P&index=1 Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: http://aquariumcoop.libsyn.com/ Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/real-fish-talk/id1072185017?mt=2 Android: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/aquarium-coop/real-fish-talk Facebook: www.facebook.com/aquariumcoop
If you perfectly matched all six parameters could you do a water change of any size and if not what is the highest you would go,,as a general rule?
Would you recommend asking the pet shop to let you test the water in the tank you will get your fish from and match the levels before getting the fish? I know you cannot release them right away in any circumstance because you must equalize temperatures.
Many questions,,I know. :)
10. comment for Test Strip Aquarium Hack! Water Change Aquarium how often? Daily Dose #21
I have two HOB filters in a 10 gallon tank. My HOBs uses two different sponge materials, one for mechanical filtering and another for biological filtering. I also added to pre-stage filters on the intake tube after seeing one of your videos.
How often should the pre-stage filters be cleaned? Also how often should the mechanical sponge filter be cleaned? I planned on cleaning the mechanical and biological filter sponge inside the HOB once a month. Should I clean the mechanical sponge more often within a month?
20. comment for Test Strip Aquarium Hack! Water Change Aquarium how often? Daily Dose #21
this would have intestinal worm eggs ( and other things ) ? - or is dechlorinated tap water the better of two evils ?
30. comment for Test Strip Aquarium Hack! Water Change Aquarium how often? Daily Dose #21
1) Air about 10 gallons of water overnight for water change for a 55 gallon tank?
2) Add dechlorinator before adding water to the tank straight from the tap?
Also, for a discus tank(5 discus in a 55gallon), is water change 1-2 times week enough? They will be fed about twice a day.
My english is terrible, I hope you can understand what I'm wrighting... =/
50. comment for Test Strip Aquarium Hack! Water Change Aquarium how often? Daily Dose #21
They have a day for everything else, might as well have one for tacos.
Love the test strip tip. I figured the tabs would fall off.
Thanks Caleb
Simple little life changing moment for me.
Thanks Corey!!!
my PH was under 6.0, my tap water is over 8.8, I did a 33% water change today (15 gallon tank) and will be doing another next week, should get this all cleared up nicely, but i'm happy to know my system is eating away at the ammonia and nitrites it produces, sadly i just started a new job and wasnt able to water change it in about a month.
I have three questions for you, if you have the time, and I appreciate it.
1.) What online fish selling service(s) do you suggest?
2.) suggestions for algae eaters? I'm thinking about getting 2 siamese algae eaters.
3.) I have a single corydora, I'd like to give it some friends, but i can't find any others that match it's colors, will it be as happy with any other corydora?
Sorry for all the questions! Thanks again if you do answer, and thanks for the videos.
You're more or less the reason i'm in the hobby now, I started with just wanting to take care of the fish my parents had properly, because i hate seeing animals mistreated, they of course did not know they were doing anything wrong.... biggest issues were no plants, and no water changes, and just the other night i was laying in bed looking at a bunch of fish, including greg sage's stuff, and geeking out over all of them. It was then that I realized I'm now a fish nerd XD
So, thanks for that.
2. Depends on the type of algae, check out my algae video for which type you should get.
3. Any corydora buddies are better than nothing, but it will like it's own kind the most.
In my water I have to add special stuff like, Prime and some stuff that smells bad, how does the auto water change work do u still have to put that stuff in there?
Nice, keep up all the hard work and great videos !
100. comment for Test Strip Aquarium Hack! Water Change Aquarium how often? Daily Dose #21
Step 2 tear the house down.
Step 3 build your 2nd fishroom.
Step 4 insted of aquariums you put in aquaponic systems.
Step 5 close the loop of water between the houses.
Step 6 profit?
I have seen people on some forums tell members never to use the test strips, and claim they are useless compared to the liquid kit.
BTW, in your Super Red angelfish tank, are those true corydoras julii? Or are they false juliis, C. trilineatus?
Basically any filter that tanks water in without passing through a sponge or other media that will block the waste and then sends the water through a sponge or other media inside the filter before the water goes back into the tank.
too funny
You inspired me too keep fish!
Where did you get your yellow and blue fancy guppies?
When you say nitrogen do you mean nitrates. Also my rasbora maculata are only eating my Hikari first bites and I tried feeding frozen brine shrimp and daphnia but they didn't go for it, is it too big for them? They never seem to go for food on the gravel either unlike my guppies in another tank!
When you say nitrogen do you mean nitrates. Also my rasbora maculata are only eating my Hikari first bites and I tried feeding frozen brine shrimp and daphnia but they didn't go for it, is it too big for them? They never seem to go for food on the gravel either unlike my guppies in another tank!
Not sacrcastec
Anyway, you seem to being have an over reaction in my opinion. All I did was offer some advice to stop them from going out and buying an angel fish or other larger fish that would have much more of a negative affect than something smaller like an apistogramma or other small cichlid.
I've known many people who have tanks like this and will not listen to people being negative and telling them out right to upgrade their tank. They will ignore all the negativity and still go out and get their big fish.
So I opted for a less negative common.
I did not tell them to go out and buy this fish, I just stated that something smaller would be better then something larger and that they should do some research before getting any other fish.
I live in Australia as well, apistogrammas are not that expensive here, average $20-40, which is not that different to an angel fish of $7-30 for tiny ones and $17-50 for larger ones.
I think something like an apistogramma cichlid would be an more appropriately size for you stock level, also many of them are colourful. Just check your water quality/compatibility before getting any more fish.