The Amount of Money Spent in this Fish Room is.. Worth It!
Discus 7 years ago 11,733 views
This was the fish room the started it all. From the custom made stands to the unique inhabitants of all the aquariums, this was the fish room that changed everything. It isn't the most beautiful fish room and it won't win any awards, but this one is truly special! In this fish room you will find some of the most expensive aquarium livestock in the USA. We didn't build this collection overnight, this has been in the making for the past 4 years. If you'd like to check out what we have or saw something in the video you like, go here: Also, feel free to email me here:
10. comment for The Amount of Money Spent in this Fish Room is.. Worth It!
i like the bees but sadly in my water its not possible .
gh around 30
so now i have red sakuras and i like them also
20. comment for The Amount of Money Spent in this Fish Room is.. Worth It!
Hay do you ship to Canada? ?
Yes I know all about shrimp fever, and S.K.A. (which I prefer) but does flip aquatics ship to Canada??
It has been eye opening seeing your ups and downs on your various videos - thank you for sharing both the good and the bad along the way. This video shows that the end result of your hard work and passion for shrimp is truly worth it all. Wow!
30. comment for The Amount of Money Spent in this Fish Room is.. Worth It!
Can’t wait til you have them available.
Great update Bro!!
Thanks again!