The Discus are Gone?!
Discus 5 years ago 7,945 views
I tried discus for the first time, and it has not gone well at all. A few of the discus have died, and I am left with two that seem to be doing well. This is an establish planted aquariums and only the discus have died. The corydoras, shrimp, apistos and tetras have all been fine. Link to where I buy my aquarium lights, plants, fertilizers and other fish-related supplies: T-shirts and website: New Videos Twice Per Week (Wednesdays & Sundays)! Subscribe: Instagram: Facebook: Please Support via Patreon: Mail To: Tazawa Tanks 58 West Portal Ave #235 San Francisco, CA 94127 Email: Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links. If you click on the affiliate links, I will receive a small commission, which helps support this channel and allows me to continue making content for you to enjoy. Thanks for supporting Tazawa Tanks!
If you were to try again try when there full grown or wild discus. I'm sure you would have better success.
10. comment for The Discus are Gone?!
20. comment for The Discus are Gone?!
Thanks for sharing.
30. comment for The Discus are Gone?!
Oddly, I have a female betta who seems to love heavy water current. I've seen her deliberately trying to swim under the filter output despite her little fins not being strong enough. I've tried to tell her this, but she doesn't listen! Go figure. xD
Good luck on the remaining sanzo
50. comment for The Discus are Gone?!
Good luck,
They are generally more active then angle fish they swim more. In your case they don't move . Also your tank is extremely bright I suspect that the light might be to strong. In a similar size tank I have seen up to 10 full size discuss with other fish and some juvenile they will normally school up. A second thing there is normally hiding spots for them like a drift wood. They will have plants on the surface to cast a shadows in the tank. I hope this helps.
Yesterday my big frontosa got spooked and jumped against the lid a couple of times and bumped into the glass and rocks.
He didn't make it. Gone withing seconds of that happening...
Sometimes you just can't do anything about it. Unfortunatly.
The same goes for most species that become sought after in the pet trade. Puppy mills anyone!!!
If your temperature and other water quality parameters are being met then it falls to infection / parasites and genetics as I mentioned.
Not sure how long you quarantined but it seems like the other stock in the same tank are unaffected so I'm leaning towards bad genetic stock as the broad cause. Don't let this turn you off trying again later with better discus.
I had 6 small (3-4 inch) discus, 4 ft tank, fed 5 times daily. 20% water change daily within 2.5 years they were monsters.