The Pond!

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The Pond! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

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Most popular comments
for The Pond!

JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
Buy Plants Here!
Joni Solis
Joni Solis - 9 years ago
+JacobsAquarium I would like more information about why you used only RO water for the pond. How does using only RO water help control adage? Thanks!
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 7 years ago
I absolutely love you ponds! I can’t believe that you keep down the brown algae so well even with silicate sand!
gopinath r
gopinath r - 7 years ago
hi wat is the depth ?
Nikhil Choudhary
Nikhil Choudhary - 7 years ago
What type of cylinder can be used in aquascaping that are safe and maintainable.
Ivan C
Ivan C - 7 years ago
Plants look amazing first time viewer, i see a lot of plants i cant get where am at now i know where thanks to your vid, keep up the awesome work
Rohit Rai
Rohit Rai - 7 years ago
put some brackets on the top, to cover the pond liner for a neat look.... Its also awesome! But putting the bracket on top will look much better.
Russell G
Russell G - 7 years ago
can i ask, what substrate do u use? i really love your plants
muffemod - 7 years ago
Jacob it's amazing to see how much your channel has progressed over the years!
Clark 9
Clark 9 - 7 years ago
This is by far the most CLEAR,CLEAN and BEAUTIFUL pond I've ever seen!!!! I luv it ❤❤❤

10. comment for The Pond!

Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
Your growing anubias with ro water?
JacobsAquarium - 8 years ago
When this pond was set up I grew all my plants in RO water. Thanks for watching.
Rohit Singh
Rohit Singh - 8 years ago
do you sell seeds online
Yam Gaming
Yam Gaming - 8 years ago
Rohit Singh i think just plant
Mark Zxvlad
Mark Zxvlad - 8 years ago
wow, that was awesome,i hope you can answer two questions, what kind of sand is that ?( i mean because when you buy sand the seller ask you about two numbers, like 20/20 or 20/30) and, what another substrates do you usually use for plants?
omar16777 - 9 years ago
Those fish in that pond would be so happy. LOL
gnovincejr2 - 9 years ago
Geez, hope you don't plan on moving any time soon! LOL
Tina Lynn
Tina Lynn - 9 years ago
Do you keep fish to feed the plants??
Freshwater fish
Freshwater fish - 9 years ago
How many neons are in there ?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Freshwater fish Right now I have about thirty, they like to hide in the plants. Thanks for watching :)
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
Great idea for the plants and the build is superb. Only thing is I would be petrified with all the electrics being just protected by the umbrella. Maybe drought season where you are. Gave me a good idea to grow my plants but will have to be in my garage as I live in Scotland and the weather, even in summer is atrocious lol. Anyway good video and good luck.
Elle Ziehl
Elle Ziehl - 9 years ago
Weird and kind of dumb question, but are all the plants in your pond compatible? Can I have most of those plants in the same tank? And what plants are in that pond?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Elle Ziehl Hi Elle, pretty much all the plants I sell on my website are in my pond. So you could grow all of them together, however for the more demanding plants. You would need to house them under a high output light fixture, dose nutrients and co2. Thanks for watching my friend :)
Richard Walley
Richard Walley - 9 years ago
Get a house already!!
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Richard Walley I wish. Sadly, banks make is so difficult to buy a house in California.

20. comment for The Pond!

Superhero Miguel
Superhero Miguel - 9 years ago
Do you recommend to build this and move all fishes to the pond?
Superhero Miguel
Superhero Miguel - 9 years ago
Thanks , one more question can you tell me how to build a 60 gallon fish stand?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Miguel Perez No that is a Tropical fish and requires special water parameters that would be almost impossible to replicate in a pond environment.
Superhero Miguel
Superhero Miguel - 9 years ago
Would sliver dollar fish be OK in the pond?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Miguel Perez That's not really an easy question to answer. Many different species of fish require many different water parameters in order to remain healthy and controlling temperature in an outside pond is very difficult if not impossible. I guess I can say, you just can't throw any fish into a pond, you have to make sure it can withstand pond life.
Superhero Miguel
Superhero Miguel - 9 years ago
If I build a pond to you recommend to place my fishes in the pond?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Miguel Perez I'm sorry I don't understand your question...
matthewpgoscrazytv - 9 years ago
Can you tell me the co2 part names that you used so I can set up a co2 system?
Over9000Unicorns - 9 years ago
Put a big polypterus in there :) Love the pond
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 9 years ago
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums - 9 years ago
That umbrella is ok for now bud...
But you should look into building a small green house in case of a thunderstorm hits.
It looks awesome Jacob! I wish you great success with the hobby and business.
Cheetos405 - 9 years ago
This is so great! It looks like you thought this through very well, and it shows!
- 9 years ago
That's so cool!
Steppe Runner Trio
Steppe Runner Trio - 9 years ago
Looks so cool!
cicco - 9 years ago
pleasure to watch it thanks for video
Edwin Ortiz
Edwin Ortiz - 9 years ago

30. comment for The Pond!

killerwease1 - 9 years ago
Hi Jacob, may I suggest covering your tubes with its own shade to keep them from hardening and possibly cracking and causing a major leak due to UV sun exposure. I noticed those clear tubes are exposed to light and that can cause algae within the tubes causing a blockage and not so fun results. I say this because you put so much effort into this beautiful setup and I'd really hate to see it have problems. Best of luck Jacob.
Oz Hunting
Oz Hunting - 9 years ago
Hi jacob nice looking pond and build this is awesome. One thought that came to my mind though i saw someone mentioned mosquitos but also keep birds in mind because theyll eat your fish. Speaking from experience since i live in florida.
Franzur - 9 years ago
Great job, it looks amazing!
mark suson
mark suson - 9 years ago
Outstanding. Looks like you made all the right decisions and did quality work on your system.
Really nice pond! Would love to have one in my room lol
Fish Behind Glass
Fish Behind Glass - 9 years ago
This set-up is impressive. It looks like it would be possible to break it down and set-up again in a new location with relative ease (like moving to a new place). "Ease" might not be the right word, but possible.
It appears you live in So.Cal., like me. Have you had any evaporative issues with the pond in this dry heat we had lately?
sil15a - 9 years ago
Hey Mate, I absolutely love your pond setup, I wish I could buy plants from you but I live in Australia. Keep up the great work and keep pushing forward!
Aakash Dookhie
Aakash Dookhie - 9 years ago
U should make a pound for fish
I lift Sumtimes
I lift Sumtimes - 9 years ago
julesverne46 - 9 years ago
I just receive my new plants probably from the pond. They look awesome!! good job Jacob and thanks.
XProSer714 - 9 years ago
Wow great Job
Jon Cheshire
Jon Cheshire - 9 years ago
Looks amazing! Keep it up!
GTek4u - 9 years ago
Hey, can you give some tips on RO WATER I've tried and had no success
Kevs Hi Tek Tanks
Kevs Hi Tek Tanks - 9 years ago
hey Jacob. What Color Setting are the kessil's at?
Kevs Hi Tek Tanks
Kevs Hi Tek Tanks - 9 years ago
I called and talked to a tech @ kessil today.  He informed me that you can basically set it where you like.  It's a 6-9000k range. I think I'm going to try running the color almost even with the intensity and see how it works. Trying to lose the yellow look...  Awesome pond, great job!
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Reefkeeper578 That's the thing, I don't know. Kessil offers no solution on how to tell what setting your led is at. Even the Kessil remote goes by percentages, not color rating. So I can't say, sorry. Thanks for watching! :)
Carlos Castro
Carlos Castro - 9 years ago
Wow love it excellent job
Keith's Planted Aquariums
Keith's Planted Aquariums - 9 years ago
Awesome video Jacob! Looking great and you have some awesome red growth. If you have problems with mosquito's put in some mosquito fish but they will breed very fast like guppies. :)
Christian Martin
Christian Martin - 9 years ago
How much did the build of the pond cost? (Wood, liner, screws, ect.)
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Christian Martin Just the pond itself was a little over $200, but if you count all the LED's, filter and co2 stuff, the pond would cost upwards of $1,200. But thankfully most of the stuff I used, I already had. Thanks for watching! :)
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 9 years ago
great job
Joe - 9 years ago
What is the name of the plant you are holding at the end of the video?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+buzz light That would be Anubias Minima. Here is a link
Will Eberli
Will Eberli - 9 years ago
Awesome dude, I have wanted to do a pond myself for a long time. Great to see you have one now!

50. comment for The Pond!

Anoop Sreenath
Anoop Sreenath - 9 years ago
HeyJacob .. How di you keep mosquito's away from your pond?. Or do the fish in your pond take care of them?..
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Anoop Sreenath So far the neon tetras seem to being doing a good job, if that becomes a problem however I will probably have to buy more fish to eat the mosquito larvae. Thanks for watching! :)
Edwin Arroyo
Edwin Arroyo - 9 years ago
Nice video about you new pond very nice congratulations J.C
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Edwin Arroyo Thanks for watching! :)
xXVip3RXx - 9 years ago
Jacob using seachem equilibrium restores your gh , but how do you restore kh in the water???? If it is pure RO water it must have 0 kh and 0 gh !! Please answer !!!
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+xXVip3RXx I'm not entirely sure, to be honest I don't know everything there is about using RO water. All I know is, I use it and add Seachem Equilibrium and my plants are flourishing. Thanks for watching! :)
FortWayne Fishtanks
FortWayne Fishtanks - 9 years ago
I bet those neon tetras are happy in their new environment!
Joni Solis
Joni Solis - 9 years ago
+JacobsAquarium Are the neon tetras added to the pond to control mosquitoes and other water animals? What about bugs that eat the tops of the plants sticking out of the pond. Here in south Louisiana I have a problem with that. Great looking plants -- I hope to order some from you as soon as the weather gets cooler.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+FortWayne Fishtanks They sure do! Its cool because when I walk up to the pond to feed them they all come out of hiding to eat. They have tons of space to swim now, its like a fish mansion! lol. Thanks for watching! :)
brans - 9 years ago
Nice pond, hey how good or bad would it be to put UVB lights the kind to use in a turle tank, in a planted tank?
Agr414 - 9 years ago
I think it would work as long as it's not one of those heat lamp/uvb (mercury vapor)combo lights otherwise you would never be able to get the bulb close enough to provide enough par without evaporating the water at a very fast rate. If you have one of the cfl bulbs or t8 bulbs I would stick to low light plants. The t5ho would definitely work but the color spectrum may look weird. I've heard that some terrestrial plants respond well to uvb light but I haven't really heard of any special response from aquatic plants which is probably due to the fact that the uvb rays don't penetrate very far into the water column. You should try it while mixing 6500k light with it and see how it turns out. You might be onto something and could see some crazy results(hopefully not algae soup lol.)
Traci Llewellyn
Traci Llewellyn - 9 years ago
Could you he solar panels to power it
Joshua Behl
Joshua Behl - 9 years ago
This looks amazing. I am curious, how bad is the evaporation? I live in Florida and I am curious if I could build something like this without having to refill it every other day. Awesome job man!
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Joshua Behl Surprisingly, I only have to top it off once a week. I thought the evap was going to be horrible because its outside, but nope, so glad! Thanks for watching! :)
Johns Aquariums
Johns Aquariums - 9 years ago
You should put some shrimp in there and they would breed like crazy, you could sell them too.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Johns Aquariums I already had red crystal shrimp on the website and they didn't sell, I think I'll stick to plants only. Thanks for watching! :)
Agr414 - 9 years ago
Pond looks awesome, but idk about using artificial light. I would've opted for using a shade cloth and would take advantage of that SoCal sun. Good luck.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Agr414 As I said, unless I want a unreliable source of light or major algae growth, there is no reason to rely on the sun. The only circumstance where the sun because useful is if the plants you're growing are emeresed. Meaning their isn't hardly any water to grow algae. However, emersed grown plants are somewhat difficult to transition to growing submerged depending on the species of course. So to avoid all that and offer my customers a more stable plant, I grow submerged under artificial light. Thanks for watching! :)
Dominic Guarino
Dominic Guarino - 9 years ago
I love the pond man! Any news on when you will be restocking Pearl Weed? I'm dying to get my hands on some!
American Aquatics
American Aquatics - 9 years ago
Just brainstorming here, but why not hook up those lights to solar panels?
Since they are out in the sun, why not get some free energy?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+American Aquatics It would require large, EXPENSIVE, solar panels to produce enough electricity to power these LEDS. We're not talking about five or ten watts of electricity needed, its allot of power. The cost of solar panels does not justify the return at this point in time. Maybe once the business grows, but for now, I can't afford that. Thanks for watching! :)
Whooly Gamer
Whooly Gamer - 9 years ago
Love the way it looks!
Tornected - 9 years ago
That's a complicated setup! (In my opinion)
al - 9 years ago
What fish did you put on there
Nikhil Gupta
Nikhil Gupta - 9 years ago
+al I see at least neon tetras
CL0WN FAC3 - 9 years ago
I wonder what would happen if you threw in 2 male and 30 female guppies?
coolwater411 - 9 years ago
Cool pond put goldfish in there lol
notdescribed - 9 years ago
I am beyond impressed. You and Dustin have some really great plants. :O
subfusioN - 9 years ago
Wow, those are some healthy plants! I love the pond. Thanks for sharing it with us!
subfusioN - 9 years ago
My pleasure to watch it.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Thegamertologist Thanks for watching! :)
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 9 years ago
Wow, very clean water! And so many plants!
Bestvineslols - 9 years ago
Awesome great video but what plant is that with the pink middle and green outer leaves and is popping out of the water
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Bestvineslols That would be Ludwigia Peruensis, here's a link
Nhoj Eod
Nhoj Eod - 9 years ago
looks great, hope the umbrella holds well in the wind if a storm comes.
steve lewis
steve lewis - 9 years ago
Ace pond. And the possibilities are endless. You could even dip your feet in and have a bit of a paddle on a hot summer's day.
Good work, dude.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+steve lewis Hahaha, maybe! Thanks for watching my friend! :)
brix360 - 9 years ago
Wow! i am completely blown away by your investment! I hope everything works out and goes very well! i wish you the best and once i set up my 55, i will definitely buy a ton of plants from you! as well, keep us updated as always!! (:
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+brix360 Thank you so much! :)
Alex Yen
Alex Yen - 9 years ago
Whats the plant at 4:48 looks like s repens?
Alex Yen
Alex Yen - 9 years ago
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Alex Yen You're correct, we will soon be offering this plant on the website. Thanks for watching! :)
ary kenshin
ary kenshin - 9 years ago
Hi jacob the pond looks awesome!
The Potionist
The Potionist - 9 years ago
Nice plant pond! I wish I lived closer so I could order some from the pond, but in guessing you don't ship to Holland haha! I do have a question about baby tears. I had to redo my 13 gallon tank because of a leak so I've redone it just the way I wanted, good plant substrate and nice lava rocks. Now I want to make a little carpet on one of the rocks with baby tears but I don't know how to attach them to the rock so they can root into it. I've done java fern and anubias so I know how that works but could use some help with the baby tears or even moss carpet. Thanks !
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 9 years ago
Wow! Gorgeous pond!
Duc Tran
Duc Tran - 9 years ago
9628s - 9 years ago
The pond looks awesome
Matilda Nilsson
Matilda Nilsson - 9 years ago
That's Awesome!!
Buzz Killington
Buzz Killington - 9 years ago
That's awesome
Kevs Hi Tek Tanks
Kevs Hi Tek Tanks - 9 years ago
What color setting are you running in relation to the intensity setting on the kessil's?.  360 model specifically?
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 9 years ago
damn next is gonna be a warehouse
brix360 - 9 years ago
+Rico Suave or his very own aquarium store!
Riley Klein
Riley Klein - 9 years ago
Looks amazing! The water is crystal clear and the plants look outstanding.
Landon Meeks
Landon Meeks - 9 years ago
jj murphy
jj murphy - 9 years ago
Great vid ! Why didn't you live stream Saturday ? :o

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