The central american aquarium
Discus 7 years ago 180,117 views
Today we add the central american cichlids to the aquarium! Come see me at BIG FISH DEAL: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: My aquarium backgrounds are made by:
10. comment for The central american aquarium
Come on, Joey, listen to the commenters! Lol this was mentioned a lot in the last video you talked about them.
20. comment for The central american aquarium
30. comment for The central american aquarium
50. comment for The central american aquarium
Vi- e- ha
:) hope this helps
I planted my aqua with low light plants but my gold fish's are eating them and destroying . wat to do can u suggest me some idea??
Ha is like when you say hotel
And the name Vieja means old lady
Me thinking of nicaraguan fish : TARPON
Nick something....
Tell me guys I want to see it
Do they have any common name
And I brought some dirft wood from the pet shop, I boiled it for half an hour before putting it into my tank to refrain it from changing the colour water in my tank but it has made my tank a yellow/orange colour, how do I fix this?
If anybody is able to help me that’ll be great, I’m willing to do anything :(
I just watched his latest video, where he admits knowing the correct pronunciation. If in this video he had said "I know I'm mispronouncing it, but I prefer saying..." instead of "or however you want to pronounce it" then I doubt he would have received anywhere near the number of comments he did.
Do you mind me asking how fluent you are in Spanish?
I haven't been learning Spanish for very long, so unfortunately I was forced to use google translate because your reply was way above my current proficiency. I guess I deserved that though.
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100. comment for The central american aquarium
Gr8 addition to the gallery. I've a question about asian arowana though. You see, i was in the hobby, but 2 years ago i moved to Indonesia,so had to sell my aquarium, but now i'm gonna go for asian arowana since i'm in their country now....i had silver aro i'm doing my research,n came about tanning of the fish. What ive read about is tanning of the red aro is necessary as compared to the gold ones. Ive watched most of ur videos, n i dnt believe i heard anything about tanning....n today i saw d difference between a tanned red aro and a non-tanned 1....can u give me some insight on this....thx bro.
Check his channel he had many videos of big aquariums diy.
DIY tall acrylic tank atleast 1000 gallon.
Put 375 gallon in the other room , your work shop.
Or anything invloving building another big tank
,, you are going to need it.
You need a centrepiece fish in that aquarium
Maybe a Tiger Oscar!
Pls do it
Great colours when they get older
Definitely the reason I’m into aquariums now
There are even bigger species like the ones in Parachromis, Nandopsis, Mayaheros etc
The medium sized like octofasciatum, salvinni.
An there are a ton of smaller species you can keep in relatively small aquariums:
Torichtys, Amatitlania, Criptoheros, Nosferatu, the smaller Herichtys..
I don´t quite understand why the region doesn´t have a bigger presence in the hobby.
Thanks man for your work. Very educational. Very inspiring.
The problem with you is that now I need more thanks.
Rack system....
1.platinum angels
3 vieja
Its that simple!
Are you able to go over where you’ve gotten your cichlids?
I know you got some from Jeff at one fish two fish but what about the peacocks?
Would love to see a goldfish tank
I tend to preffer fish that stay small. I don't have a lot of space for aquariums, therefore I can't house a healthy environment for very many big fish!
I have recently gotten into discus and have successfully gotten a pair. How ever, I will have to look at what to do with the other 2 other discus when they out-grow my space.
Nice job joey.
Thank you for sharing.
Yeah maybe a little lengthy ... another 10 mins of a run through doesn’t hurt though ... what environment they like, temp, behavior, food(which you touched on) ... but you might want to save those and do shorter ones on each tank for the future ... maybe one day you’ll run out of things to talk about ya never know haha
You could put in the German blue Rams in your discus tank because they are good fish in that kinda of tank and they are beautiful fish too
If those are all things you don't mind, then you're better getting some astronotus ocellatus instead. More beautiful, love to swim around the tank and are frighteningly intelligent. (I trained my lutino tiger oscar to swim to the surface to get petted before being fed.)
One of the prettiest cichlid in my opinion are Cichlasoma salvini. By far my favorite. But they have nasty tempers tho. ^^
It’s spelled vieja but the ja in Spanish is pronounce ha
They're certainly lovely.
Good luck though. I love viejas
Is a pleasure watch a video from you.
From a Portuguese fan!
Olá Miguel conseguiste perceber o nome da vieja que ele mencionou que era a mais cara...obrigado
Edit: Excellent work. The high speed footage is so cool, and the tank is showcased perfectly during the explanation. It's really well done. The fish look cool too.
"vi" pronounced as the "v" on TV
"e" pronounced as the "e" on elephant
"ja" pronounced as "ha" on happy
What do you do when you get a fish that looks like it's dying ? Example- the fish is sideways, gasping ect.
Do you humanely euthanize?
I am having a few fish that are coming in like this and aren't getting better. Please help. I need answers. ( everyone like so Joey can help me please )
I have a question.
What kind of wood do you use in the central america aquarium?
I like that!
I am from germany and a big fan of yours!
Right now, my largest is a 55 gallon and compared to my ten, its giant lol
Vieja = VEE-EH-HA
Pronounce the J like an H.