The central american aquarium

Today we add the central american cichlids to the aquarium! Come see me at BIG FISH DEAL: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: My aquarium backgrounds are made by:

The central american aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 182

Discus 7 years ago 180,117 views

Today we add the central american cichlids to the aquarium! Come see me at BIG FISH DEAL: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: My aquarium backgrounds are made by:

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Most popular comments
for The central american aquarium

unclerandy69 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY - VEE-EH-HAA
Keith Keppler
Keith Keppler - 7 years ago
I never heard of them but interesting for my 125g
Tom Gorski
Tom Gorski - 7 years ago
The Vieja are beautiful fish. Just so many colors if you watch them close. Awesome fish !! I can't wait till I can get a argentina to go along with my 3 other types of vieja I have. Lucky guy Joey, thats a beautiful tank !
Jessie Corceles
Jessie Corceles - 7 years ago
or maybe give some of your fihes away to some selected friends? :>
Kile Gates
Kile Gates - 7 years ago
Trump level trolling with the Veeja
7catstied2gether - 7 years ago
I kept a pair of Synspilum for 5+ yrs. beautiful fish esp. when grown up.
7catstied2gether - 7 years ago
gotta love those VEE-JAH's lol
liam jackson
liam jackson - 7 years ago
Would absolutely keep one of those beauties!
nichola fisher
nichola fisher - 7 years ago
Patiently waiting for today's video..
safin shrestha
safin shrestha - 7 years ago
I have same veija as you joey

10. comment for The central american aquarium

adamscottv - 7 years ago
He's just mispronouncing Vieja now out of spite
Phillyfisherman - 7 years ago
Very interesting and good looking fish, but the growth potential is too much for my setups.
Debi Turner
Debi Turner - 7 years ago
Sweet Joey. It's pronounced "vee-a-ha"
Hammad Siddiqui
Hammad Siddiqui - 7 years ago
I need some help. I have a tank which has parrots and cichlids but my fishes keep on dying continuously. I've been having this tank since a year but I guess it's not getting established. What would you suggest?
Joseph Herbert
Joseph Herbert - 7 years ago
Hi I found a new way to introduce fish,I float aclomated then fed the fish already in the tank to distract them and released the new ones
Mark Lynn
Mark Lynn - 7 years ago
Allison Horne
Allison Horne - 7 years ago
I was given a vieja synspilum over two years ago. She had been living in a very small tank, around 20L for two years. She now lives in a four foot tank with a 30cm+ pleco, they have a love hate relationship but get along ok. Her personality is kinda like Franks and she even plays chase the laser pointer. She has become very fussy when it comes to food, only eating bloodworms, mealworms, superworms and feeder fish. She's currently around 35cm long and does try to bite when I clean her tank, just have to pay attention.
Alena Machen
Alena Machen - 7 years ago
Come on, Joey, listen to the commenters! Lol this was mentioned a lot in the last video you talked about them.
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
I think they are pretty, but if I am going to keep fish of that size, I'd rather keep koi, in a pond. :D
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
I like vieja or any cichlid for that matter :)

20. comment for The central american aquarium

Graa Tata
Graa Tata - 7 years ago
He has said a billion times he will never get a red tail haha, sorry
Liam But
Liam But - 7 years ago
Lawrence Doerr
Lawrence Doerr - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, did you leave firemouths (t. meeki) out of this 120 intentionally?
Ellissa Rose
Ellissa Rose - 7 years ago
Do an Australian native tank
Varun Chandrasekaran
Varun Chandrasekaran - 7 years ago
When you are going to setup the salt water systems
Nanci-Griffin's Aquatics
Nanci-Griffin's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Ariel Nicole
Ariel Nicole - 7 years ago
I should be writing my college essay but here I am....
Graa Tata
Graa Tata - 7 years ago
if that isnt the most relatable thing ive ever read
that guy Zack 21
that guy Zack 21 - 7 years ago
You should make a SpongeBob aquarium
TKA challenge films
TKA challenge films - 7 years ago
Will u ever put some in the 2000g tank
Vince Smith
Vince Smith - 7 years ago
Vee ayy ha

30. comment for The central american aquarium

Frost StoneCold
Frost StoneCold - 7 years ago
I'd really like to see a how to care for the Plat Angels. they are absolutely to die for!
Alprince Abdul
Alprince Abdul - 7 years ago
Are you going to have one of the tanks for goldfish?????
Nanci-Griffin's Aquatics
Nanci-Griffin's Aquatics - 7 years ago
He's done them in the past. But I wouldn't think he'll ever so then again.
Cohner Mullins
Cohner Mullins - 7 years ago
Laura Holmes somebody understands
Laura Holmes
Laura Holmes - 7 years ago
He sends people to Jenny at solidgold for goldfish ;)
Cohner Mullins
Cohner Mullins - 7 years ago
Alprince Abdul If u haven’t noticed he’s not really a goldfish guy he likes true exotics
Triassic Fisherman
Triassic Fisherman - 7 years ago
you should do a feeding video of all your fish
Trey Beasley
Trey Beasley - 7 years ago
Dany Thomas
Dany Thomas - 7 years ago
I was wondering why do you have eels? since you have a polypterus senegalus...
kenneth mills
kenneth mills - 7 years ago
Joey you should get some Texas cichlids they are very very beautiful fish and one of my favorites
rotoR Col
rotoR Col - 7 years ago
las viejas están buenas
Toohot tohoot
Toohot tohoot - 7 years ago
Are the goldfish ever coming back
Sandy Kelley
Sandy Kelley - 7 years ago
Oh and it's pronounced vee-ayy-ha. Think Spanish.
Sandy Kelley
Sandy Kelley - 7 years ago
Hey the vieja argentea are one of my top 5 favorite fish.
Merrill Bryan III
Merrill Bryan III - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, you keep a lot of different fish and obviously know what you’re doing. Have you ever kept rope fish!? I’ve had them before and would love more tips for success.
Me and my Oscars
Me and my Oscars - 7 years ago
Nice looking fosh
Caitlin Wilson
Caitlin Wilson - 7 years ago
Vee-ayy-ha Joey !!
mks15337ster - 7 years ago
Caitlin Wilson he doesn’t care! See in another comment below what he has to say about that.
Meek H
Meek H - 7 years ago
Just been watching all ur videos... I'm currently trying to build my own tank for the first time and quite frankly I'm angry at how u make it look so easy.. Please come to Australia and build my tank for me :) thanks lol
Harish Karunakaran
Harish Karunakaran - 7 years ago
Never left Pornhub so fast...
Liam But
Liam But - 7 years ago
Harish Karunakaran relatable
L' Epoh
L' Epoh - 7 years ago
FINALLY!! Just Ordered A Black D.I.Y Shirt!!!
Steve Notsch
Steve Notsch - 7 years ago
I'm trying to correct you or anything but the name of the fish is pronounced vee yay ha i believe. At least thats what my breeder tells me
Mark Jerue
Mark Jerue - 7 years ago
Put them in with the Asian Arowana? XD
Panchy Boy
Panchy Boy - 7 years ago
Has anybody notice that he didn’t capitalize every first letter?
Dumb SCIENTISTS!!!!!!!
Dumb SCIENTISTS!!!!!!! - 7 years ago
Panchy Boy I
Jason's Plecos & Cichlids
Jason's Plecos & Cichlids - 7 years ago
My favorite and most colorful are the Bocourti. I keep many CA/SA in all my tanks.

50. comment for The central american aquarium

Brian The Tree
Brian The Tree - 7 years ago
Clown knife update
Jayden Farmer
Jayden Farmer - 7 years ago
King of diy I have the kinds of Veja with the red face and blue body with the black dots on the back half of the body but he always jumps around and act freaked out every time I walk close to feed what should I do and it’s just one
mks15337ster - 7 years ago
Jayden Farmer he’ll never answer you! No time for the little people.
Jack Power
Jack Power - 7 years ago
Clown knife update
Phil Shifley
Phil Shifley - 7 years ago
Gilda deSousa
Gilda deSousa - 7 years ago
Veeeeeazhaaaaaaa say it lightly roll it off your tongue,veija veeeeeeeeh!shaaaaaaa
Kim Tolley
Kim Tolley - 7 years ago
Is this a species that could potentially go with oscars?
Kyle Sklodowski
Kyle Sklodowski - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed this video. The more details the better in my opinion. Keep the videos coming my man!
Jordyn Cottone
Jordyn Cottone - 7 years ago
Omg I live in Maryland
Alex Osuna
Alex Osuna - 7 years ago
Jordyn Cottone Omg I live in California
llama games 98
llama games 98 - 7 years ago
Nice vid
Jordyn Cottone
Jordyn Cottone - 7 years ago
Omg I live in Maryland
derek centeno tinoco
derek centeno tinoco - 7 years ago
Yes Nicaraguan fish can i get a shout out i am from Nicaragua
Dominick Shauntee
Dominick Shauntee - 7 years ago
I have kept 4 different species of veija there pretty awesome decently aggressive but definitely not on same size and aggresion of my Umbee I like them alot and if not for making as much room as possible for my peacock bass .. I would consider getting some in the near future ...
Xhaik Xadiq
Xhaik Xadiq - 7 years ago
tell about osar my lovely bro I love you all your voides
adeer siddiqui
adeer siddiqui - 7 years ago
Get way too big for me
AUchief - 7 years ago
Hartwegi's are my favorite fish that I've kept. I can't believe they haven't caught on in the lobby at large and become as readily available. Beautiful fish.
Upside town Downtown
Upside town Downtown - 7 years ago
Yes you need a 4k long. Only that you hide your stress well. Thanks for having wonderful surprises. It's a great inspiration
Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez - 7 years ago
Could you make a tank and divide it into two (by putting piece of glass in middle) and you can have saltwater fish on one side of the glass and freshwater fish on the other side of the glass? ) (like if you agree) :D
Michael Ortiz
Michael Ortiz - 7 years ago
Ela Mongrella
Ela Mongrella - 7 years ago
I guess the more pricey vieja are more pricey because of their baby blue glitter effect.
John King
John King - 7 years ago
Love your videos, and I was just wondering if you had any suggestions on some fish to put in an aquarium with dragon blood cichlids.
Kevin McFadden
Kevin McFadden - 7 years ago
I3IllyI3adAss - 7 years ago
Are you into Dovii or Umbee?
I3IllyI3adAss - 7 years ago
Have you ever heard of a fish food by the name of Southern Delight? If so how do you feel about it?
KCinSoCal - 7 years ago
Sajica would be neat for that tank as next CA fish.
Cinnamon Cat
Cinnamon Cat - 7 years ago
the way you pronounce Vieja is
Vi- e- ha
:) hope this helps
Alex's Animal Channel
Alex's Animal Channel - 7 years ago
Loved it, whats happening with the workshop? You havent used it much so far :)
Zach Hiatt
Zach Hiatt - 7 years ago
Simon Ochsenius
Simon Ochsenius - 7 years ago
This. Everytime he says "veejah" my latinamerican heart dies a little.
LEMaussix - 7 years ago
Currently i have 110 fish in my tank and 3 off the fish are Vieja they are very calm and peacefull a really nice fish. Thx for update onthem
s o u
s o u - 7 years ago
LEMaussix cool
Jordan Pabian
Jordan Pabian - 7 years ago
Also can you make a water changing tutorial for your 120s
nanoaquamania - 7 years ago
Go for a river glider turtle..
Jordan Pabian
Jordan Pabian - 7 years ago
Can you please get an axolotl tank
REVOisMYname - 7 years ago
No livebearers?!
Erika Meilink
Erika Meilink - 7 years ago
That is a beautiful ring you have there.
Westwood 2101
Westwood 2101 - 7 years ago
Im looking for a argentea. They are awesome
Tommy Marka
Tommy Marka - 7 years ago
Really appreciated the change in style my man. I especially liked the details in the video edits, the timelapse, feeding time and the close-ups of the breeds. It was differnet but if I'm honest I think its time you switched it up and introduce new things you want to say and present, the gallerys nearly there and when it is it makes sense to lead your videos from a curators POV. Nice one J ty
Bjorn Solheim
Bjorn Solheim - 7 years ago
please get plecos
Matthew mcconnell
Matthew mcconnell - 7 years ago
Bjorn Solheim they 're very dirty fish they produce a lot of waste .so he probably won't. ☺
Sai Prakash
Sai Prakash - 7 years ago
Hi Joe I need ur help
I planted my aqua with low light plants but my gold fish's are eating them and destroying . wat to do can u suggest me some idea??
mks15337ster - 7 years ago
Joey will never answer you, at least there are people on here who will. Look up Solid Gold and ask her about goldfish. She’ll actually answer your questions.
jonstfrancis - 7 years ago
You can try Anubias, make sure you tie them to pieces of stone or wood.
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
Sai Prakash sadly goldfish eat all plant matter no matter what you try. Their stomachless pits that if theirs any food they will eat it.
Esra Ceylan
Esra Ceylan - 7 years ago
Are you irish?
Marwin K.
Marwin K. - 7 years ago
Ky Truong
Ky Truong - 7 years ago
Prayutsu Pokharel
Prayutsu Pokharel - 7 years ago
get one of them of each species
Rhiannon Sawyer
Rhiannon Sawyer - 7 years ago
Can you use pool filtration sand in aquariums if you thoroughly wash it?
Jon Nash
Jon Nash - 7 years ago
Absolutely, it was his go to for years. Look in older videos. I use it in all of my freshwater tanks as well.
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
Rhiannon Sawyer yes. He has said that he has done it a lot because it is cheaper
Erik Zayas
Erik Zayas - 7 years ago
Ha is like when you say hotel
And the name Vieja means old lady
Jake Wisher
Jake Wisher - 7 years ago
Erik Zayas I hope he reads this comment
Christopher Josse
Christopher Josse - 7 years ago
People thinking of nicaraguan fish : blackbelt cichlid , mayan cichlid
Me thinking of nicaraguan fish : TARPON
hicko wells
hicko wells - 7 years ago
Hi TKoDIY, can you put an update of the nano bonsai aquarium you did at the end of a video please :)
babbs wal
babbs wal - 7 years ago
That aquarium was deconstructed. He did do an update with that information on a different video
WanamakerStream - 7 years ago
I'm dying to get a vieja synspilum in my tank. I have two Oscars, one fully grown at 13 in and one younger one at around 9 in and a synspillum would go great in that tank. Also planning on stocking a jack Dempsey and a jewel cichlid once I get a bigger tank
prakash kumar
prakash kumar - 7 years ago
What's that fish?
Nick something....
Tell me guys I want to see it
prakash kumar
prakash kumar - 7 years ago
hahayourfunny94 still can't find em
Do they have any common name
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
prakash kumar a place that the fish come from. They are Nicaraguan fish.
prakash kumar
prakash kumar - 7 years ago
Bro that's a place
Christopher Josse
Christopher Josse - 7 years ago
Emily-Jane Woods
Emily-Jane Woods - 7 years ago
How do you keep your sand keep. I got play sand, and I use the siphon and no matter how much I try there always remains their pop or water on the bottom, their in a guppy tank and I also have two baby bristlenose catfish in the tank, it’s only used as my quarantine tank as it’s only 20 litres, so to you it would only probably be a 5 gallon tank, I really need some help

And I brought some dirft wood from the pet shop, I boiled it for half an hour before putting it into my tank to refrain it from changing the colour water in my tank but it has made my tank a yellow/orange colour, how do I fix this?

If anybody is able to help me that’ll be great, I’m willing to do anything :(
J Reid
J Reid - 7 years ago
You could pick one or two of the prettiest ones and put them in the big tank
baji - 7 years ago
Get a dovii pair for tat tank
DarkThorns00 - 7 years ago
The amount of people not giving Joey a break because he's mispronouncing vieja is too damn high lol please people remember he does not speak Spanish I know some are trying to help but some are just straight up getting upset of his pronounciation and that's a little ridiculous lol chill out.
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
DarkThorns00 thank you very much for your apology even though it wasn't really necessary.

I just watched his latest video, where he admits knowing the correct pronunciation. If in this video he had said "I know I'm mispronouncing it, but I prefer saying..." instead of "or however you want to pronounce it" then I doubt he would have received anywhere near the number of comments he did.

Do you mind me asking how fluent you are in Spanish?
DarkThorns00 - 7 years ago
Eden's Aquaponics Oh I'm sorry, I though you were a native speaker I didn't mean to, I was just saying some people might have difficulties with pronunciations when speaking another language, or maybe joey was pronouncing it the way he did because he got used to it lol
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
¡Espera! Estoy aprendiendo de español.

I haven't been learning Spanish for very long, so unfortunately I was forced to use google translate because your reply was way above my current proficiency. I guess I deserved that though.
DarkThorns00 - 7 years ago
Eden's Aquaponics Oh I'm aware, I just want people to give him some slack, we're jist here to watch his content after all. A algunas personas se le hace dificil pronunciar algunas palabras en otro idioma, especialmente si nunca ha hablado el idioma en su vida ☺ Tal vez se acostumbro a llamarlas viya and you what they say old habits die hard
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
Some of us pointed out his mispronunciation in the previous video, yet he still mispronounced it throughout this one.

¡Aprendemos de nuestros errores!
SALMAN MUKADAM - 7 years ago
get a pig nose turtle plsss

100. comment for The central american aquarium

Awesome Aquatics
Awesome Aquatics - 7 years ago
Awesome video
Awesome Aquatics
Awesome Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks brother
headz hntr
headz hntr - 7 years ago
i have a vieja maculicaude in a 250 liter tank :D and she is called annie hahaha
Mahalakshmi Santhanakrishnan
Mahalakshmi Santhanakrishnan - 7 years ago
What is your dream fish
Akash Singh
Akash Singh - 7 years ago
Hey Joey,
Gr8 addition to the gallery. I've a question about asian arowana though. You see, i was in the hobby, but 2 years ago i moved to Indonesia,so had to sell my aquarium, but now i'm gonna go for asian arowana since i'm in their country now....i had silver aro i'm doing my research,n came about tanning of the fish. What ive read about is tanning of the red aro is necessary as compared to the gold ones. Ive watched most of ur videos, n i dnt believe i heard anything about tanning....n today i saw d difference between a tanned red aro and a non-tanned 1....can u give me some insight on this....thx bro.
mks15337ster - 7 years ago
Akash Singh don’t hold your breath for an answer. Maybe another channel will help.
Salman Khan
Salman Khan - 7 years ago
Love the tank. I also keep Viejas, specifically hartwegi, synspilum and maculacauda
bb mm
bb mm - 7 years ago
so.... I was planning to get a tank and cycle it then get fish.... BUT my young sisters came home one day and, well, they got a fantail goldfish (it was one of the ones that had  see through-ish skin) and a turtle. Long story short I never got a tank, although I got a calico goldfish, (comet) and they're living in a happy, big, maybe already cycled, pink container. They also bred and layed eggs, no heater, no pump, the eggs died. Anyways before you go super saiyin hate mode, I do know that these conditions are less than ideal for a goldfish, and I am planning to get a big aquarium for them since they get big (yes I will get a heater and a pump) but after they're gone (could be two years, could be 25 years) I don't know what to put in there, any suggestions?
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
bb mm goldfish don't need a heater, friend! Unless you live in a super cold place!
GAMER Xoxo - 7 years ago
Is it a salt water tank?? Cause I was gunna get the sand you put in the tank for my fresh water tank
Nishchaya Pallav
Nishchaya Pallav - 7 years ago
No, thats a freshwater tank.
Ray Lee
Ray Lee - 7 years ago
how about your goldfish? i thought you like them?
Awesome Aquatics
Awesome Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please make a video how to make a big aquarium
Fish Ideas
Fish Ideas - 7 years ago
@Awesome Aquatics
Check his channel he had many videos of big aquariums diy.
bb weasel
bb weasel - 7 years ago
Great vid
Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick - 7 years ago
Nice video Joey! Could you put a pic up of a full grown veja ? Iv never herd of them until now and I would get them if I had a big enough tank
F Andersson
F Andersson - 7 years ago
Do you have any tips for someone wanting to start their very first aquarium regarding what fish and plants to choose?
mks15337ster - 7 years ago
F Andersson your kidding right? You think the KING would stoop so low?? No time for the beginner although he won’t admit that. Good luck!
منوعات E-b
منوعات E-b - 7 years ago
فيديو جميل جدا
Dinges Kraal
Dinges Kraal - 7 years ago
They grow to big for my current tank. Can u do an update on the african ciclids to see those...those are my favourite
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
Most of the tanks in the racking system's look the same
Josh Chillington
Josh Chillington - 7 years ago
I have not seen veeja before but if I had a big enough aquarium I would definitely get them
blue - 7 years ago
Josh Chillington vieja* just so you know :))
Chiang Jing Kang
Chiang Jing Kang - 7 years ago
try put one female veeja with Frank
TeeGee EyeEff
TeeGee EyeEff - 7 years ago
they are pronounced (vee yeh ha)
Charlie Beach
Charlie Beach - 7 years ago
Great vid I haven't even watched yet but I know it will be great
Jon Carmona
Jon Carmona - 7 years ago
Vieja (vee-yeah-haa)
Darker74 - 7 years ago
No.. they are to big and aquarium hobby is much expensive in Holland, comparing to North America.
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
They get to big.
Bob Fact master
Bob Fact master - 7 years ago
I think that amazing large filter you have on the 375 gallon tank , needs a much larger tank !.
DIY tall acrylic tank atleast 1000 gallon.
Put 375 gallon in the other room , your work shop.
Or anything invloving building another big tank
,, you are going to need it.
Platypus - 7 years ago
They look amazing, I've never heard of them before. Shame they grow big, sort of puts me off of getting them. Who knows... Maybe one day!
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
Platypus if you get a pair in a 75 will be a good size tank. You can then add a cuckoo catfish with them even a featherfin catfish would be a good add in with them. But yeah their size and temperament make them rough to decide if you want them. Like the flower horns beautiful but very limiting.
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 7 years ago
Will you gonna do a cold water tank ? I don’t mean goldfish but like Canadian or European fish ? What do you think?
zorzo999 - 7 years ago
yes! what fish are you thinking of?
Jack Power
Jack Power - 7 years ago
Update on clown knife
Steven Davis-walls
Steven Davis-walls - 7 years ago
I would love to have a tank of them someday .
I love your videos....big fan.....just one question: how do you manage to buy such expensive fishes.....or make it easier: how much do you earn from YouTube?.
ThatLow2V - 7 years ago
Still no jack dempseys huh
Sam S.
Sam S. - 7 years ago
joey i live in texas i think there are some forms of cichlids in texas i need to see which kinds there are ..
Sam S.
Sam S. - 7 years ago
i like to find what kind they are .
Mike Radcliffe
Mike Radcliffe - 7 years ago
Sam S. Only the Texas cichlid is native to the US and really is only found in southern Texas. There are hundreds of invasive cichlid species found all throughout the south though.
Rolf De Jong
Rolf De Jong - 7 years ago
I think it is time for a pleco! A giant enormous pleco!
Luis Pérez Camacho
Luis Pérez Camacho - 7 years ago
This is how you have to pronounce it, Joey: VEE-EH-HA
2minute science
2minute science - 7 years ago
add different types of ram cichlids to the tank when it is empty
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 7 years ago
You need a centrepiece fish in that aquarium
Maybe a Tiger Oscar!
Pls do it
Alpha 597
Alpha 597 - 7 years ago
He didnt say it "This is my New Favorite Aquarium" ?!?!
RKB Videos
RKB Videos - 7 years ago
36$? That's it! Fantastic.
Ben Nielsen
Ben Nielsen - 7 years ago
Where do u get ur acrylic from??
World Wolf
World Wolf - 7 years ago
Dude, it's pronounced - "Va-jay-jay"
JohnTaylor Pelletier
JohnTaylor Pelletier - 7 years ago
Could you add Pom Pom crabs to one of your tanks or maybe some shrimps
NORWAY NORWAY - 7 years ago
Add CONGO TETRAS in your empty tank
Everyfin Cichlid
Everyfin Cichlid - 7 years ago
My first fish was a synspillum and shew bred for me about a year down the track
Great colours when they get older
Definitely the reason I’m into aquariums now
Benjamin Vanlandingham
Benjamin Vanlandingham - 7 years ago
I didn't know about the breed of fish..but reminds me of sun fish I have found that sun fish in the lower USA in streams all over all look different depending on area or state your in...
Carla Pappalardo
Carla Pappalardo - 7 years ago
Beautiful but too big for us average aquarists.
Adrian Castillo
Adrian Castillo - 7 years ago
Joey isn't average and this isn't for the average aquarists.
RKB Videos
RKB Videos - 7 years ago
Carla Pappalardo What do you mean? This easily fits in my 2.5 gallon nano :D
Jessica - 7 years ago
I love the way the angels were watching you from the side of their tank. They seem so responsive!
Stevenkhup - 7 years ago
thats a nick tank
Carlos Topete
Carlos Topete - 7 years ago
The first time i heard about vieja was in one of you videos, (the frankenstein fishroom). Since then, i´ve been learning about this and other CA species. I was surprised how many and how beatiful species are in the region.
There are even bigger species like the ones in Parachromis, Nandopsis, Mayaheros etc
The medium sized like octofasciatum, salvinni.
An there are a ton of smaller species you can keep in relatively small aquariums:
Torichtys, Amatitlania, Criptoheros, Nosferatu, the smaller Herichtys..
I don´t quite understand why the region doesn´t have a bigger presence in the hobby.
Thanks man for your work. Very educational. Very inspiring.
The problem with you is that now I need more thanks.
Jordan Hamp
Jordan Hamp - 7 years ago
How’s the clown knife doing
Room 5 Studios
Room 5 Studios - 7 years ago
Gotta admit...he's the best
Angellus Black
Angellus Black - 7 years ago
Omg..... it's VEE-EH-A
Garrison Smith
Garrison Smith - 7 years ago
No and to big but they are amazing
Jose Cortes
Jose Cortes - 7 years ago
Vi-eh-ha .. is the pronounciation of vieja
Adventures In Aquariums
Adventures In Aquariums - 7 years ago
My how I want to go to the big fish deal however I have to work a 48 hour shift that exact weekend.
Kelsey Grier
Kelsey Grier - 7 years ago
I love the rainbow fish tank, I’d like it to stay just as it is! It’s very simple with the wood, moss, and flashy red rainbows, but very elegant. And the fish seam like they have such a fun personality! I want to imitate that tank but stock it with as many red rainbows as possible and only that one type of fish. Community tanks are interesting, but there’s just something about that tank that really interests me.
Aaron Stuckey
Aaron Stuckey - 7 years ago
I have red heads looking for blue ones what about TriMet cichlids never seen you ever talk about thank you
Marcel - 7 years ago
We had a Synspilum which decided to tackle a Severum so when the latter got injured we rehomed it.
Shaikh Mubasheer
Shaikh Mubasheer - 7 years ago
You look a bit fat, sir
MisAnthropy - 7 years ago
Shaikh Mubasheer You're probably just scrawny af
Shaikh Mubasheer
Shaikh Mubasheer - 7 years ago
Choco Stewart
Choco Stewart - 7 years ago
Shaikh Mubasheer ??
Draigonin - 7 years ago
Connor Anderson
Connor Anderson - 7 years ago
Can you get piranha
Cenny Coast Bros
Cenny Coast Bros - 7 years ago
Joey go with the Argentina
Dino Tarrazona
Dino Tarrazona - 7 years ago
And by the way, i think it’s pronounced as vyeha
Dino Tarrazona
Dino Tarrazona - 7 years ago
Had a bifa before he was about 13” and really bulky. Full of personality! Miss that guy! Was really very aggressive though
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 7 years ago
No matter what you do, please don’t pronounce a j in Spanish as an English j that’s like saying jal-a-pain-yo is jalapeño
Alex Cottam
Alex Cottam - 7 years ago
Edwin Brown go cry him a river
___hiro___ gaming
___hiro___ gaming - 7 years ago
Watching from Phillipines. Nice gallery keep it up!
ritesh Gamer
ritesh Gamer - 7 years ago
U still have 2 aquariums. Put turtles in 1 of them.
Red Lotus
Red Lotus - 7 years ago
Please Joey, it's VEE-AY-HA.
KRSwop1 - 7 years ago
My god it bugs me to no end how you pronounce vieja...and, you say it like 100 times each video you talk about them. It’s Vee-yay-ha
KRSwop1 - 7 years ago
MisAnthropy It isn’t my first language either. Doesn’t mean you can’t spend 2 minutes to learn how to pronounce it correctly.
MisAnthropy - 7 years ago
KRSwop1 Get over yourself it's not his first language no need to be so pedantic.
Jase Pope
Jase Pope - 7 years ago
Get a largemouth bass
RAGEING GAMER? - 7 years ago
Hy can you give me the link of which web site you order your fish through thx
Rutger Wentink
Rutger Wentink - 7 years ago
RAGEING GAMER? he orders them from his lfs
SALMAN MUKADAM - 7 years ago
r u going to get some monster fish like oscors,gars , pacu ur gaint gurami .any of them for your 2000g
mike krypta
mike krypta - 7 years ago
Love them I would love to have some of these fish. Been looking but can't find any
58MrMike - 7 years ago
I have all 3 species , plus Cuban Cichlids and Haitiensis . Love them!
Samuel Leone
Samuel Leone - 7 years ago
Y don’t u get any plecos
Jayson King
Jayson King - 7 years ago
Congrats on 700k
TAI H - 7 years ago
Am from new zealand
andy vang
andy vang - 7 years ago
you can crossbreed them to frank or bean when they r of size too to create f1 kamfas
Danette Fischer
Danette Fischer - 7 years ago
Didn't know about them but don't want a fish that gets that big either. They are nice to look at tho
Lego herp guy
Lego herp guy - 7 years ago
How many species of potentially large fish do you have
MOFAT P - 7 years ago
I woulda got some green terrors in there. They're so beautiful.
Hi I'm $ÅM
Hi I'm $ÅM - 7 years ago
Joey you should do a tank with red severums!
Erick Cuellar
Erick Cuellar - 7 years ago
Ellie Grace
Ellie Grace - 7 years ago
Aw I graduate college the second and move out the third so I cant go :(
Francis Cabrera
Francis Cabrera - 7 years ago
Ellie Grace pretty smile!
Troy Steinbugl
Troy Steinbugl - 7 years ago
Ur gonna hit 1 million soon, I so happy for u!!!
Tyson Rees
Tyson Rees - 7 years ago
You should get some Belize vieja
The Izax
The Izax - 7 years ago
I’d definitely keep em one day if I got a big enough tank.
Shielane K
Shielane K - 7 years ago
I forgot all about these fish
Dave Bigtas
Dave Bigtas - 7 years ago
Where's your plywood aquarium?
Janice Stp
Janice Stp - 7 years ago
Prounounced vee ay ha
Aquatic Tanks By MJ
Aquatic Tanks By MJ - 7 years ago
Love the video and the format
JK Feather Ranch
JK Feather Ranch - 7 years ago
I knew of Vieja Synspilum and was planning on one day getting some, once I make my own fish room.
Joseph Tolson
Joseph Tolson - 7 years ago
where do you get your drift wood and stuff for the tanks?
waj today
waj today - 7 years ago
Joseph Tolson I agree I want to know too
s - 7 years ago
I love the gallery but if I had one criticism it would be that there are too many cichlid species
Mikael Löw
Mikael Löw - 7 years ago
Totally agree to many fish in that aquarium
TURTLE DUDE - 7 years ago
_LeGnD_ - 7 years ago
Mia Pedersen
Mia Pedersen - 7 years ago
Nice video.
James Otis
James Otis - 7 years ago
Love the video and the format. I do kinda miss simple short build videos I hope they can come back one day. Oh you should totally set up a Madagascar tank one day!
Keegan Mory
Keegan Mory - 7 years ago
Put an Oscar with them lol
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
Can u use that extra tank to keep a west African tank or a lake Victorian tank
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
Can u use that extra tank to keep a west African tank or a lake Victorian tank
Fishing the Midwest
Fishing the Midwest - 7 years ago
I love zonatus. The Argentina are nice as well. I kept several species in the past
khammy wong
khammy wong - 7 years ago
It’s pronounced Vee-Yay-Ha not Vee-jah
Carlos Topete
Carlos Topete - 7 years ago
kayley ann cochron
kayley ann cochron - 7 years ago
We would like to see a giant tank full of Oscars I know you talked about you want to do it it’s time to do it that I want to see how to take care of Oscars because I’m thinking about doing it myself so I want to king of DIY fish keeping to show me how and what better way to lead by example
Akshay Yash
Akshay Yash - 7 years ago
kayley ann cochron Yess!!
EPIC PRODUCTIONS - 7 years ago
how do you afford all this
Sven Servette
Sven Servette - 7 years ago
Central America is North America, silly.
Sven Servette
Sven Servette - 7 years ago
Alexei Rodz Nope. North America goes down to Panama.
Marie-Christine - 7 years ago
thanks loved meeting your Vija? never heard of them before why not keep them goldfish get pretty huge too...
Tristan Beligan
Tristan Beligan - 7 years ago
Mark Phillips
Mark Phillips - 7 years ago
I didn't know about them and they are awesome but I don't think I'd ever keep them due to the size and I love planted tanks and since they are plant haters I'll shy away from them. But they are awesome and I look forward to watching you grow them out!!
Tyler Peffley
Tyler Peffley - 7 years ago
They are so pretty i would love to keep a pair
Corey Connett
Corey Connett - 7 years ago
This is one of my favorite tanks in the galery rack now!!!! Looks amazing .i love how they were all looking at you throughout the video so cool!!!
Rack system....
1.platinum angels
3 vieja
Anthony Romano
Anthony Romano - 7 years ago
Best tank yet imo
Donald Gilmore
Donald Gilmore - 7 years ago
Dude seriously; Vee-Ehh-Ha. Like the letter V, the letter A and Ha. V-A-HA. Vieha.
Puma1Sunfire1 - 7 years ago
Didn't know about them but couldn't keep them without a much larger tank. More a fan of smaller fish, as in less than 3 inch
Armaan Hirani
Armaan Hirani - 7 years ago
do one on the peacocks
Mr.Fishing Everyday
Mr.Fishing Everyday - 7 years ago
Armaan Hirani agreed
Armaan Hirani
Armaan Hirani - 7 years ago
love this vid
Quincy Lewis
Quincy Lewis - 7 years ago
Can you buy bigger fish
Akshay A
Akshay A - 7 years ago
R flowerhorn hybridized by these vejas?
Michael Ullman
Michael Ullman - 7 years ago
Good god man! "Veee-Ehhhh-Haaa"

Its that simple!
Petet GRAVES - 7 years ago
Are you charging admittance
William Murray
William Murray - 7 years ago
I’ve never heard of them although I’m fascinated by cichlids and have been keeping them for a while, to me personally I don’t think I’d keep them due to their size as it doesn’t seem that rewarding
Are you able to go over where you’ve gotten your cichlids?
I know you got some from Jeff at one fish two fish but what about the peacocks?
William Murray
William Murray - 7 years ago
Sacred Wisp didn’t he say he had ordered them from Thailand one time?
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
All fish are ordered through jeff as he says in previous videos.
Pets & Stuff
Pets & Stuff - 7 years ago
I'm watching this in front of my tank!
Levi's_Space - 7 years ago
I haven't herd of them before, but I would definitely keep one now
John Sanchez
John Sanchez - 7 years ago
You need to make a frontosa tank bro i’ve been a long time watcher of your channel I am a big African Cichlid enthusiast but I would love to see a frontosa tank
Aidan Langford
Aidan Langford - 7 years ago
I’m gonna be that person, but if you want to pronounce it like how it’s pronounced in their native region it’s vee-ay-ha the j makes a huh sound in the Spanish language and the i makes an e sound
MusetheBOXHEAD - 7 years ago
Can you do a challenge? Successfully breed a flowerhorn from a veija and another breed.
Andrew C
Andrew C - 7 years ago
Laura Insausti
Laura Insausti - 7 years ago
I tried this the last time he talked about's useless lol
Carolyn Smith
Carolyn Smith - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, if 15 of them can fit in a 500 gallon system, could a pair fit in the system tank? I have a pair, ive been pronouncing the j like an h. Spanish pronunciation that others pointed out.
Andrew Swain
Andrew Swain - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work
Would love to see a goldfish tank
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
How to pronounce Vieja - Vee-yay-ha
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
I mentioned in the previous video that the pronunciation is V-A-ha. Either Joey didn't read it, or he ignored it. Then again, Joey does mispronounce quite a few palabras.
kenedi charco
kenedi charco - 7 years ago
I need a fish room like yours hahah
David diaz
David diaz - 7 years ago
Make a sunfish aquarium
Brad Odenath
Brad Odenath - 7 years ago
They're labeled under herbivorous in my cichlid book so that may have something to do with the plants. I've been able to feed them on both ends of the spectrum, but in my experience i lost an entire Java moss colony to a black belt who thought it was a salad.
Venomous Blueberry
Venomous Blueberry - 7 years ago
I like the slide transitions
Merlin The Flowerhorn
Merlin The Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
What about the other box of fish?
kent alford
kent alford - 7 years ago
Whats a good food that has blue pigments in it?
Michael.___ Saad
Michael.___ Saad - 7 years ago
Sort of ironic that the tank isn’t in the center of the tank wall
thE Real deaL
thE Real deaL - 7 years ago
Since you got different areas of the world you should do a North America tank..that would be sweet too see some large mouth bass crappie white perch pikes or some
Mr.Fishing Everyday
Mr.Fishing Everyday - 7 years ago
Yes and what about the peacocks
David Moses
David Moses - 7 years ago
I love vieja... I have a fish room with several species of vieja
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez - 7 years ago
Joey can you add a small tank with a beta or guppies and put on a wall..I'd love to see them in your gallery..
Yaniv M
Yaniv M - 7 years ago
Josh Davis-Writer
Josh Davis-Writer - 7 years ago
Are Vija related to Mikrogeophagus?
Josh Davis-Writer
Josh Davis-Writer - 7 years ago
Mr. MPAMPPMS well yeah...but I mean more closely related than, say, a Mikrogeophagus would be with, IDK, a Yellow Labidochromis. Still a cichlid, but not closely related
Mr. MPAMPPMS - 7 years ago
Josh Davis-Writer, they are all cichlisoma so yes they are related.
Xipho 707
Xipho 707 - 7 years ago
I love them
Mc Zar
Mc Zar - 7 years ago
Here in the philippines we use vieja for breeding. They are excellent breeding fish for kamfa(louhan flowerhorn).
Mariano Payo
Mariano Payo - 7 years ago
Was not familiar with the vieja fish, but I'm considering getting a pair. Thank you Joey for all you do for the hobby.
Mister B’s -fish and things
Mister B’s -fish and things - 7 years ago
Love the veija. Have a few myself.
regular gamer
regular gamer - 7 years ago
I counted 16 vija
Cristo Valencia
Cristo Valencia - 7 years ago
Cwinton 63
Cwinton 63 - 7 years ago
Never knew about them, i think i might get a pair for my 240g, but dont know what type yet
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
There are quite a few to pick from! Have fun!
Prajwal Nagaraj -
Prajwal Nagaraj - - 7 years ago
Please make feeding video
Destin H
Destin H - 7 years ago
They are beautiful fish love them all they just get way to big for me and I’d feel bad homing something is just be getting rid of
YellowMellow Fellow
YellowMellow Fellow - 7 years ago
Such beautiful cichlids!
Doug's Fish Adventure
Doug's Fish Adventure - 7 years ago
Joey have you ever thought about keeping killifish.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I did before Youtube! Used to get eggs in the mail and hatch them out!
Windwolvesfly - 7 years ago
It's been said before but I feel like the more times it's in the comments, the more likely it is you will see it. Vieja is pronounced "vee-eh-ha." Because of its Spanish origin, you pronounce all the vowels, and the j is an h sound.
mks15337ster - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Joey, it’s not just to sound like everyone else, it’s to pronounce it correctly. If we all didn’t pronounce words correctly there would be no language, just mumbo jumbo
Windwolvesfly - 7 years ago
That's fine, I just know you've said you didn't know how it was pronounced. Now I know you do, and you're doing what you'd like with the information! And I understand liking how you say something better, never will I pronounce '.gif' as 'jif' just because the latter is technically correct.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I’ve seen it... I just don’t care. Not meaning to sound rude, but I’m not changing how I talk, my accent or how I pronounce a word just to sound like everyone else. I like the way I say. I’ll continue to. ;)
Handryan Sutanto
Handryan Sutanto - 7 years ago
And asian arowana here are arround $100-$500
Savant - 7 years ago
Every time you say "veeja" it hurts my brain... vee-EH-ha.
Sari Harrison
Sari Harrison - 7 years ago
Wheres the oscar love?!?!
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
I knew about them before, but I never knew they had that many varieties of them. I am used to just seeing the Argentina variety.
Console Hunter
Console Hunter - 7 years ago
This is video which i wanted
jim halpert
jim halpert - 7 years ago
hey joey. your eyes are beautiful
Reef Chick
Reef Chick - 7 years ago
Love ALL your videos Joey!!
Aleksander Fimreite
Aleksander Fimreite - 7 years ago
No, I did not know about Weha.

I tend to preffer fish that stay small. I don't have a lot of space for aquariums, therefore I can't house a healthy environment for very many big fish!
I have recently gotten into discus and have successfully gotten a pair. How ever, I will have to look at what to do with the other 2 other discus when they out-grow my space.
tony flamingo
tony flamingo - 7 years ago
get ur ass back to the uk
Cristo Valencia
Cristo Valencia - 7 years ago
tony flamingo stfu
Katherine Forner
Katherine Forner - 7 years ago
See you in Rockville!!
Carmen Patata Anaranjada
Carmen Patata Anaranjada - 7 years ago
Carmen Patata Anaranjada
Carmen Patata Anaranjada - 7 years ago
The king of DIY haha glad i could help!
john d
john d - 7 years ago
Couldn't finish the video because of how you say it.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
This has been the best comment on how to pronounce it haha.... I’ll still say it like I do tho. ;)
Cindy Lu Roman
Cindy Lu Roman - 7 years ago
They are beautiful. Thank you...
Mr Zebra
Mr Zebra - 7 years ago
Please build a pond from aquascapes
Germaine Odelia De costa
Germaine Odelia De costa - 7 years ago
Buy a clown knife
veedub916 - 7 years ago
I've lost track, to may tanks and to may fish....
veedub916 - 7 years ago
maybe I lost track of all the Videos!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Hmmmm... it’s one room with 13 tanks... only 9 have fish.
Nicholas Roux
Nicholas Roux - 7 years ago
You should get a Musky! they are so much fun to feed
Sonu FISHKEEPER - 7 years ago
I wanna see your video on your discus display tank.. future thoughts for it and the things that may occur in the system with the present stocking in future.
JuggheadJones - Vivacity
JuggheadJones - Vivacity - 7 years ago
I love NW Cichlids
StudnickaAquatics - 7 years ago
I was aware of them but have never kept them. They could be an interesting addition if I expand my fishroom. I do like the format. Good Video.
Blank - 7 years ago
Just FYI almost there... VIEJA, pronouncing the E as an elephant and the J as in Haha = VIEJA
David Loyarte
David Loyarte - 7 years ago
joey put the KING OF DIY banner under the 375 because the filtration and pipes are kind of ugly
Cris Vega
Cris Vega - 7 years ago
David Loyarte the filtration is absolutely stunning
cooter cat
cooter cat - 7 years ago
thinking about getting a synspilum for a 180gal im setting up, that and a few rotkeils and clown loaches.
Michael aquarium
Michael aquarium - 7 years ago
Joey awesome fish looking good you picked the right fish for their tank
The amazing Cousins vlogs and games
The amazing Cousins vlogs and games - 7 years ago
They look like albino peakock bass
john d
john d - 7 years ago
Vee.  Ay. Haww
Joshua Hernandez
Joshua Hernandez - 7 years ago
What ever happened to the peacock bass?
Kid Arrow
Kid Arrow - 7 years ago
Joshua Hernandez second comment i have seen on this. Joey had a bass?
tattoo charlie
tattoo charlie - 7 years ago
The angels in the background look amazing
Jordan - 7 years ago
Hahahaha Im from west coast canada and I feel like since binge watching your videos im picking up your eastern accent hahahaha marrrrk parrrk hahaha
Rt TRY - 7 years ago
What happend to the peacock bass in the quarantine tank?
Heather Barrett
Heather Barrett - 7 years ago
its still there. still too small to add to the tank
Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 7 years ago
Add some green terrors
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 7 years ago
Tomato tomato
Lauren Chin
Lauren Chin - 7 years ago
What happened to beans?
cooter cat
cooter cat - 7 years ago
he gave him away
Paul Introcaso
Paul Introcaso - 7 years ago
We randomly got a few Vieja Fenestratus in at the store I worked at. They were about 4-5 inches and one was entirely white. Have been considering getting one, am excited to watch how your guys grow out!
phillymanpete - 7 years ago
Veija Argentia are my favortie. I have seen them push 16 inches when fully grown and they are absolutely STUNNING! Nice set-up featuring several species of the Veija.
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 7 years ago
Gday Joey. I did not know there was that many different types. I have the room and the tanks to do these but no sorry not in my plans for now lol. For now i will watch them grow and develop in your gallery... thanks for getting a cichlid i dont know much about and growing my knowledge. Thanks again
kamani lawrence
kamani lawrence - 7 years ago
will you be bringing back the goldfish
Sal Amato
Sal Amato - 7 years ago
Looking bad ass joey
Sanuda Kumuda
Sanuda Kumuda - 7 years ago
They gust get too big
Sal Amato
Sal Amato - 7 years ago
The fish looks like a catch
I am Godspeed
I am Godspeed - 7 years ago
Helms of Old Valyria
Helms of Old Valyria - 7 years ago
It's pronounced (vee-A-ha
Des420 - 7 years ago
I wonder if wasting time was the actual point instead of being funny?
Helms of Old Valyria
Helms of Old Valyria - 7 years ago
I didn't get that either
Des420 - 7 years ago
Is it pronounced; pronounced?
Helms of Old Valyria
Helms of Old Valyria - 7 years ago
Yea, I googled it. It means old lady and that pronunciation is taken straight from its description. Also when you press the speaker icon she pronounces it that way, plus my Puerto Rican fiance told me how to say it.
Helms of Old Valyria
Helms of Old Valyria - 7 years ago
Yea, I googled it. It means old lady and that pronunciation is taken straight from its description. Also when you press the speaker icon she pronounces it that way, plus my Puerto Rican fiance told me how to say it.
Des420 - 7 years ago
Is it?
27 Bedford
27 Bedford - 7 years ago
Its pronounced pronounced
ZMightyCheeba - 7 years ago
I loved the format, great work!
Keegan Rothman
Keegan Rothman - 7 years ago
You should turn one of your older tanks into a saltwater tank and put some triggerfish, tangs, and some pufferfish.
OG TOUCH - 7 years ago
Didn’t you have a ghost fish ? Or a knife fish ? I think some should go on the 2000gallon
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
It is wonderful to see the tank housing those beautiful fish.
Nice job joey.
Thank you for sharing.
Daniel Fisk
Daniel Fisk - 7 years ago
Also ... format is okkk ... I feel like you might as well add more fish care factors into those though
Daniel Fisk
Daniel Fisk - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
Yeah maybe a little lengthy ... another 10 mins of a run through doesn’t hurt though ... what environment they like, temp, behavior, food(which you touched on) ... but you might want to save those and do shorter ones on each tank for the future ... maybe one day you’ll run out of things to talk about ya never know haha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
True. Original was 35mins....
Daniel Fisk
Daniel Fisk - 7 years ago
Nice tank! ...I did know about the veija but didn’t realize there was that much variety ... I would keep them if I had space... and joey did you already do a video on the racking systems sumps? Your not running moving beds under there too right ? Or if you got a second post the link where you did cuz I can’t find .... and I saw the caddy in the last video ... good for you man congrats on everything
Harrison The Outdoor Guy
Harrison The Outdoor Guy - 7 years ago
Can you make a North America tank?
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 7 years ago
I have a texas they are beautiful
Bread Guy
Bread Guy - 7 years ago
Harrison The Outdoor Guy yeaaaaaaaaa he should do that
Monstar Aquatics
Monstar Aquatics - 7 years ago
I would like to keep some
Ed Wolfram
Ed Wolfram - 7 years ago
Maybe you will have another mil or so followers and another 1000+ tank may appear by the time they need moved out.
JD 4
JD 4 - 7 years ago
I remember you aren’t big on your discus tank because you have done it before but
You could put in the German blue Rams in your discus tank because they are good fish in that kinda of tank and they are beautiful fish too
JE Ford
JE Ford - 7 years ago
Love the format
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
I would totally keep veja but taking a second glance at these comments I would probably be afraid to actually say their name in front of anyone for fear I would get corrected on pronunciation XD
Mickr4 - 7 years ago
I feel no interest toward those "Vegetas". They are not particularly pretty, being cichlids they are too aggressive to cohabit with most other fish, they get too big too quick and the fact that they are plants n' scapes destroyers is also a big bummer.
If those are all things you don't mind, then you're better getting some astronotus ocellatus instead. More beautiful, love to swim around the tank and are frighteningly intelligent. (I trained my lutino tiger oscar to swim to the surface to get petted before being fed.)
One of the prettiest cichlid in my opinion are Cichlasoma salvini. By far my favorite. But they have nasty tempers tho. ^^
IM TeeShirt
IM TeeShirt - 7 years ago
I'm trying to convince my wife to let me get an aquarium but I'm in the military so I move every 2-3 years is her argument. How can I convince her to let me get an aquarium and also do you think it is even viable for me to have an aquarium with this lifestyle? Question goes for anyone in the comment section as well.
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 7 years ago
IM TeeShirt tell her theres a lad in Australia renting with over 20 tanks (only have 12 set up now) its hard to move keeping mature water filters running as quickly as possible and keeping fish alive and happy but if you really love it you will do what ever it takes im not saying go get 12 to 20 but 1 please
AshE - 7 years ago
Say the letter "v". Say the letter "a". Say "hah" (like hahaha lol). Put them all together... "V. A. Hah".
Kathy Shelley
Kathy Shelley - 7 years ago
You may have answered this elsewhere but it's hard to look through everything - do you have a good/reasonably priced source for Manzanita wood?
mks15337ster - 7 years ago
Kathy Shelley he’ll never ever answer you, don’t waste your time asking, in fact don’t waste your time watching him until he starts to answer us.
varanidguy - 7 years ago
I did not know about these fish but I don't plan on keeping any because of size. It looks like I'm destined to live in a desert for life and water is expensive, so a large tank is out of the question unless I come up on a very good income.
Sticks and Stones
Sticks and Stones - 7 years ago
Veja are awesome fish, would definitely keep one!
Melodi Campbell
Melodi Campbell - 7 years ago
Ricky Rodriguez
Ricky Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I actually have one male and two females veja synspillum that I caught while fishing out of the canals in West Palm Beach Florida nice fish I've had them for a little while now I enjoy them very much glad to see you have some too
I am Godspeed
I am Godspeed - 7 years ago
Joey for an empty tank on the rack system, how bout a group of amazon puffers? They're freshwater community fish (not aggressive) around 3-4 inches, and have also been known to trim their own beaks from time to time! Maybe a group of 6 or 7 plus a few tetras to spice it up would look nice?
keaton smith
keaton smith - 7 years ago
What happened to the bass that you had in the QT tank
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 7 years ago
keaton smith. Bass what. I thought i seen all his videos. I must of mist some or one.
George Nelson
George Nelson - 7 years ago
keaton smith and the clown knife?
Joshua Nelson
Joshua Nelson - 7 years ago
Will you ever get any eels?
bri's art
bri's art - 7 years ago
Get archer and leaf fish and make a plaudarium PLEASE!! (:
Jawon Day
Jawon Day - 7 years ago
Where’s the peacock bass
Brayden Foster
Brayden Foster - 7 years ago
There was mention of a new DIY website early on. Is this still in the works? May have missed an update on this along the way.
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 7 years ago
Brayden Foster me to
Termi - 7 years ago
Big Fish was a good movie...
Anthony Peck
Anthony Peck - 7 years ago
Starry Dwarf Cichlid would be a great add to ur collection
DragonFlyShot1 - 7 years ago
Greetings from Nicaragua DIY King!
panaque - 7 years ago
I bet they taste like Talapia, just saying...
Blue Yeen
Blue Yeen - 7 years ago
Nice fish :) personally I prefer the cichlids, these ones get a bit too big for the average aquarium keeper.. saying that, if you're looking for really colourful large fish, you should look into Oscars, especially the mostly black ones with red markings! Now they are beautiful fish :)
Madelyn Gutierrez
Madelyn Gutierrez - 7 years ago
It’s easier if you pronounce vie ha
It’s spelled vieja but the ja in Spanish is pronounce ha
Nomad - 7 years ago
They're really nice but I'd probably not keep only because I love Oscars and they get that size. If course I never knew about or wanted a flowerhorn either but now there's Frank... so.. Maybe have to have Oscars and a Flowerhorn and no not in the same tank..don't need the oscars murdered lol Joey didn't you say you also wanted a saltwater Lionfish as well? Volitans Lion gets about that big as well.
nathan butler
nathan butler - 7 years ago
Put a couple peacock bass in the 2,000g
Bec M.
Bec M. - 7 years ago
I love you Joey, but it's so hard to listen to that pronunciation.
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 7 years ago
never heard of them before, but I think they are neat! not too sure about getting them, my biggest tank is 29g... no room in my apartment for more... yet!
WakeupGrandOwl - 7 years ago
FYI, it is pronounced BEE-YAY-HAH :) (more or less)
They're certainly lovely.
jake isham
jake isham - 7 years ago
Elvis Gonzalez
Elvis Gonzalez - 7 years ago
You should do freshwater parrot fish and another saltwater aquarium.
Chrissy Polans
Chrissy Polans - 7 years ago
Yeah, not overly fond of cichlids, but ok to learn about them a bit. I'm more into nano tanks or fishes w personality (like FRANK) ;)
sammy cohen
sammy cohen - 7 years ago
Hey I live in Maryland where in md is it? And what is it
Young Aquarist
Young Aquarist - 7 years ago
I hope they end up in 375 that would be perfect
Kane BigDucksFan
Kane BigDucksFan - 7 years ago
Vee-A-hah.....long A sound in middle syllable. Translation from Spanish: old woman.
kitten trigger
kitten trigger - 7 years ago
i have a firemouth
William Castro
William Castro - 7 years ago
I LOVE your tanks
Llama Loveskfc
Llama Loveskfc - 7 years ago
I have just rescaped my 27 gallon and need a wow fish Any recommendations was thinking along the lines of a electric ram
mks15337ster - 7 years ago
No time to answer you, too busy with his fish. Maybe we should be too busy to watch!
Rick Booher
Rick Booher - 7 years ago
Have you ever thought about salvini cichlid rio almoloya they are a beautiful cichlid bright yellow with black latitudial strips and bright redish orange under bellies and turquoise specks in the fins. 6 inches full grown typical cichlid deposition. Absolutely a beautiful cichlid from central America from the Rio Almoloya in the state of Oaxaca. Check them out. Might be my next fish investment.
ZENO SUPREME - 7 years ago
They look ugly tbh
HonneyDew - 7 years ago
you look ugly tbh
Tim Poore
Tim Poore - 7 years ago
you are gonna be there while im in Okeechobee music festival
Veija is Spanish for “old woman” so the “J” makes the “H” sound. So it would be pronounced “ve-ay-ha” or “ve-ha” depending on who you talk to.
NEVER IF - 7 years ago
Sup. Watch you everyday. Please record half hour hour of red discus and angels when nobody their thanks
David Johnston
David Johnston - 7 years ago
vee a Ha the J has a soft H sound like in happy, not a hard J like in jerk. vee a Ha.
Joshua Meldrum
Joshua Meldrum - 7 years ago
I didn't know about these until now. They are neat but there are a lot more other fish I'd like to try first.
Mariah R
Mariah R - 7 years ago
Hows the Clown Knife fish doing?
Jose Medina
Jose Medina - 7 years ago
Where are the peacock bass
Fishy Wishes
Fishy Wishes - 7 years ago
Man! You have some awesome tanks!
Josh Platts
Josh Platts - 7 years ago
No didnt know about them but yes i would consider keeping them
vids 1
vids 1 - 7 years ago
Where's ur goldfishes at
Shawn Parker
Shawn Parker - 7 years ago
Inti Amaterasu
Inti Amaterasu - 7 years ago
het,, Vieja is pronounced "vee" "eh" "ha" it means old lady. spanish.
uNiTy - 7 years ago
Vieja are beautiful I will say that, however I think they just get too big for my taste. I would love for one day to have a massive aquarium and keep monster fish, but if I'm doing that I would rather have Arowana in there.
JoMercenary - 7 years ago
Plants and Vieja don't mix
Jason Goad
Jason Goad - 7 years ago
Would they do well n a pond. N would fresh water stingrays do well n a pond. Year around if the temperature stay at 72-78 degrees
Jason Goad
Jason Goad - 7 years ago
I know tiger oscars can. But I’m just getting tried of seeing them. They been n there for 15-19 years now.
taxu - 7 years ago
No, they're not hardy enough
Amaan Usmani
Amaan Usmani - 7 years ago
Jason Goad they shouldn’t be kept in a pond. At least I don’t think they’re supposed to be kept in ponds
Titanfall - 7 years ago
Jabet Aguiluz
Jabet Aguiluz - 7 years ago
Is it me or he had more rainbows before?
Mrshawnd0e - 7 years ago
They’re all I keep. Vieja and paratheraps
Nathaniel brown
Nathaniel brown - 7 years ago
You should get a pet bass
RyeRockdaBeam - 7 years ago
Joey, When is your next meet up at, Uncle Sam's Discus?
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
Too big but if they have the personality of Rachel O'Leary's Cranky Pants they would be worth it
gun_blazing 420
gun_blazing 420 - 7 years ago
cody's fish room
cody's fish room - 7 years ago
You should make a video dedicated to Frank for his birthday
Jennifer Rodriguez
Jennifer Rodriguez - 7 years ago
If this is the one that means "old lady", Vieja is pronounced like "vee-eh-ha" where the "ha" is a harsh sound, like of flemmy, like you've gotta spit.
Jennifer Rodriguez
Jennifer Rodriguez - 7 years ago
In spanish, the "j" sound is always that flemmy sound
Jay - 7 years ago
Man you're butchering the pronunciation its embarassing
LightTheBeacons - 7 years ago
Shut up mate
Jay - 7 years ago
Look back, hes been told numerous times.
ا اا
ا اا - 7 years ago
Jay yeah, so embarrassing for not knowing how to pronounce words in another language you’re not familiar with.
Joshua Wright
Joshua Wright - 7 years ago
The Argentia to me look like large Bolivian rams. Does anyone else see the resemblance?
Joshua Wright
Joshua Wright - 7 years ago
Mrshawnd0e - 7 years ago
Not when they reach adulthood
sebleton - 7 years ago
I like all your videos but I would prefer this video format to be honest. great video
XxPandaAgentxX Faris
XxPandaAgentxX Faris - 7 years ago
Make a canadian tank...
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
I don't think many of the native fish would survive in the tropical conditions of Joey's aquarium gallery.
God Emperor of Mankind
God Emperor of Mankind - 7 years ago
+God Emperor of Mankind Seems a bit large even for Joey.
God Emperor of Mankind
God Emperor of Mankind - 7 years ago
Trout, minnows, salmon, Northern Pike, and walleye?
johndough813 - 7 years ago
What is that on the wall behind him? It looks like a thermostat but I'm not sure if he did a vid on it. Those are some nice fish. I'm shocked he didn't add any Oscars or Dempseys.
Gemini - 7 years ago
Just hearing you pronounce "Vieja" with a "J". The J in vieja is pronounced with an H sound. Try saying it like this Vieja = Vieha. Nice video BTW.
Tashishi - 7 years ago
Love this style of video. Sadly, I can't keep larger fish right now - I've only got a 26 gallon! :)
Rachel Harder
Rachel Harder - 7 years ago
Wow, that is a stunning tank! It almost rivals the platinum angels with the scape and plants. Great job! I’d never heard if these fish before and I would consider keeping them if they didn’t get so big. They are a beautiful fish!
RDFISHGUY - 7 years ago
Vee. Eh ha! Common man. YouTube has a pronunciation video. I can’t take you seriously when you call them veeja.
Wade Higgins
Wade Higgins - 7 years ago
20 mins videos are accepted
Loricarii - 7 years ago
Looks like a nice fish, but it just doesn't appeal to me... And it gets to big. I like this kind of video and it could even be longer...
Not Mvs
Not Mvs - 7 years ago
I just had a vija synspilum pass after 6years of keep. I can attest to how large they get. Pulling Ali out of the tank was a bit of a struggle.
Pilani Nhliziyo
Pilani Nhliziyo - 7 years ago
Hey I’m glad to see you keeping centrals. I hope you keep them long enough for people too see them in their full glory. I used to keep and breed all types of vieja. At the time the genus was undergoing a bit of a name change to paratheraps. Nowadays I believe they go under a variety of names. Look it up. One species that I think you would ❤️ is the “regani”. They are stunning as adults. If you ever start another CA tank try em out!
Philip Raposo
Philip Raposo - 7 years ago
the problem is that the vieja syns will outgrow the other 2 species rapidly because they are the fastest growing vieja. they will likely beat on the other fish as they will have a big size advantage. also consider any time a pair spawns it will be total chaos in there. I bet you get a few months before you need to start removing some fish.

Good luck though. I love viejas
Miguel Matos Art
Miguel Matos Art - 7 years ago
Stunning fishes and the aquarium too.
Is a pleasure watch a video from you.
From a Portuguese fan!
Bruno Silva
Bruno Silva - 7 years ago
Miguel Matos Art
Olá Miguel conseguiste perceber o nome da vieja que ele mencionou que era a mais cara...obrigado
Brenda Kelly
Brenda Kelly - 7 years ago
I always enjoy your videos Joey.
The pink Freddy Plush
The pink Freddy Plush - 7 years ago
Get gloshark's and glofish
King Random
King Random - 7 years ago
The pink Freddy Plush I agree
Triggered Feminist
Triggered Feminist - 7 years ago
vee - A - ha
Wes Lee
Wes Lee - 7 years ago
Wow, i can't believe they arrived 3 weeks ago. Time flies. I've never seen them in any fish store. I think they would be a good option if you're looking for something different from the norm.
Will Bohland
Will Bohland - 7 years ago
Edit: Excellent work. The high speed footage is so cool, and the tank is showcased perfectly during the explanation. It's really well done. The fish look cool too.
Cajun Queen
Cajun Queen - 7 years ago
Vee ay ha. It means old lady in Spanish.
Jay - 7 years ago
lol Vieja (Vi-e-ha) is old lady, Señora Mayor is "lady who is older" ; much more ploite but Vieja still means old lady and this guy is saying Veejah lol
C Money
C Money - 7 years ago
Cajun Queen no it doesn’t old lady in Spanish is Señora Mayor, Vija means stripes
Aaron - OmgHazey
Aaron - OmgHazey - 7 years ago
You know joey, if you weren't Canadian I would roast you for the way you say Vija.
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
the vieja boucourti is nice
That Girl
That Girl - 7 years ago
Letter v-ye- ha
Raul Rodriguez
Raul Rodriguez - 7 years ago
VIEJA = old lady,
"vi" pronounced as the "v" on TV
"e" pronounced as the "e" on elephant
"ja" pronounced as "ha" on happy
steven greer
steven greer - 7 years ago
Nice video, but to be honest, I like all your videos. I purchased a pair of chiclids I thought maybe this fish. But now that I've seen them more closely, I'm starting to think they aren't. The pet store labeled them texas cichilid, and they are a beautiful pair of fish. The male has started forming his hump on his forehead, and the female is close to double his size.
GalaxyTrout - 7 years ago
i would love to own a veija. Specifically Veija Godmani
dgvinn - 7 years ago
No ive never heard of them and no i wouldnt keep them myself , im more of a nano type of keeper but i love what your doing and find most uploads you do interesting and informative .
Jose  Aleman
Jose Aleman - 7 years ago
Vieja : VEE-EH-HA
Triggered Feminist
Triggered Feminist - 7 years ago
Triggered Feminist
Triggered Feminist - 7 years ago
J Mo Cichlids
J Mo Cichlids - 7 years ago
Never heard of them but they are beautiful
lol ll
lol ll - 7 years ago
J Mo Cichlids || yes
Travis Wise
Travis Wise - 7 years ago
Is that buzzing borthering anyone else or is it just me?
A. M. Taylor
A. M. Taylor - 7 years ago
Assuming it's one sip every time Joey mispronounces 'Vieja', how many of you were trashed by the end of this video...?
Leon Puissant
Leon Puissant - 7 years ago
Sub on mai YouTube channel Aboneer op mijn YouTube kanaal
Ronin80 - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, ever consider owning freshwater pufferfish? Those are my favorite at the moment.
Toby Tomlinson
Toby Tomlinson - 7 years ago
Just for the future you say it like veyha
Tristan Lam
Tristan Lam - 7 years ago
Kevin Hernandez
Kevin Hernandez - 7 years ago
bxkid7 - 7 years ago
pronounce the h instead j
JTB Reptiles
JTB Reptiles - 7 years ago
What happened to the peacock bass? Also, I can't remember seeing the vieja being added!
Anthony's Outdoors
Anthony's Outdoors - 7 years ago
JTB Reptiles Probably ditched them once he realized that they will eat any fish that fits in their mouths and I've never seen them take pellet food.
Dylan Noetzel
Dylan Noetzel - 7 years ago
get a electric blue accara
T Ch
T Ch - 7 years ago
Would not put the vieja with arowanas. Not worth risk of $30 fish killing a $1000 fish
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 7 years ago
Is a segnal Bichir ok for a 55 gallon
Tristan Lam
Tristan Lam - 7 years ago
For a Senegal a 90 or bigger would be best, or a shallower 70, give him a lot of room to swim
Tristan Lam
Tristan Lam - 7 years ago
But there is a lot of cool stuff you can do with a 55, I am partial to freshwater archers or puffers.
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 7 years ago
Tristan Lam ofc sir. Thank you! What tank do you recommend?
Tristan Lam
Tristan Lam - 7 years ago
Senegals max out at around 18 inches. If the tank is super narrow, then I wouldn't do it with a full grown adult, maybe a baby. If its temporary, just get him a bigger tank down the road and you're all good.
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 7 years ago
Gelber Schwamm It’s not a permanent tank but it’s all I can afford rn
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 7 years ago
Gelber Schwamm what should I put it in then
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 7 years ago
Tristan Lam and the tank is narrower width wise
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 7 years ago
Tristan Lam no other fish yet
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 7 years ago
TBM Avenger lmfao dumbass I wasn’t asking Joey himself. I know a lot of aquaria experts watch his videos. I’ve already googled it and I just want to get a first hand response
Gelber Schwamm
Gelber Schwamm - 7 years ago
Tristan Lam I disagree. Wouldnt put a bicchir in a 55 gal
Tristan Lam
Tristan Lam - 7 years ago
depends on the other fish and decor, but yeah, a 55 is big enough
TBM Avenger
TBM Avenger - 7 years ago
Glenn Quagmire Google it, Joey ain't responding to you
Jack Power
Jack Power - 7 years ago
Joey what happened the clown knife
Ethan Wright
Ethan Wright - 7 years ago
Jack Power it's still with the clown loaches in the 'clown tank'
pikiah Studios
pikiah Studios - 7 years ago
I'm really looking forward to the saltwater rack system and hoping that doesnt change in your plans, could do fish only with coral inserts if a reef is too much, get some stunners in there, emporer angel, puffers, triggers have a lot of personality too i think that would suit you more based on your chosen interests rather than a reef system you have enough to do in the gallery already realistically.
seth bannister
seth bannister - 7 years ago
Yep, I’ve kept veja and made a lot of people happy when moving them onto bigger homes.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
So you are saying you will solve the veja problem with butter and garlic?
Liftedlifestyle - 7 years ago
Hey joey do you still House the peacock bass you picked up from one fish two fish
Monty Gyarados
Monty Gyarados - 7 years ago
never heard of veja, but would definitely keep them in a larger system. Very stunning.
Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt - 7 years ago
What happen to other lot of fish that didnt turn up
Catalina Dawn
Catalina Dawn - 7 years ago
Bee, yay, ha- vieja
ItsAlleged - 7 years ago
yea, or even V - A - hah .. honestly if he would just stop making the "jay" sound I think it would be fine
ONEFUNFONE - 7 years ago
Should of named it the cichlid gallery.... rolls eyes. There's plenty of other fish out there to keep, just a lot of wasted tank space I'm seeing. Why is everyone so damn nuts about cichlids anyways? I've been keeping over thirty years myself, just never saw the point in them for several reasons.
Heather Barrett
Heather Barrett - 7 years ago
because he likes them. although he does have other fish that arent cichlids
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
because they look cool?
Kristopher Priedkalns
Kristopher Priedkalns - 7 years ago
Never heard of them but I love em
Ngoc Ly
Ngoc Ly - 7 years ago
get a red or gold Asian arowana :)
Reg Pollock
Reg Pollock - 7 years ago
I like the presentation you did with this video.
Matthew Telesco
Matthew Telesco - 7 years ago
What happened to those bass you got?
Conner Berrier
Conner Berrier - 7 years ago
could you try putting catfish in the 120 after the fish in it now grow it out?
Nathan Sederholm
Nathan Sederholm - 7 years ago
Fishan Chips
Fishan Chips - 7 years ago
Omg, the aquarium gallery is coming together beautifully.
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
Nice. They will be good in a big 500g tank. Cool vid Thanks.
lunatrics - 7 years ago
argentea are going to be good lookers
RissaRoo - 7 years ago
Joey... sad question.
What do you do when you get a fish that looks like it's dying ? Example- the fish is sideways, gasping ect.
Do you humanely euthanize?
I am having a few fish that are coming in like this and aren't getting better. Please help. I need answers. ( everyone like so Joey can help me please )
Jack Puffer
Jack Puffer - 7 years ago
If nothing works n u have to euthanize overdosing clove oil beyond the anesthetic point works well. N let the fish sit in it extra long. It's basically an anesthetic. Sorry u have to deal with that.
Kristopher Priedkalns
Kristopher Priedkalns - 7 years ago
If it's too bad and not gonna heal I'd put it out of its misery. Do it quick and don't make it suffer anymorr
J w
J w - 7 years ago
Veija or vei-haaa. Lol. Love these fishes. My favorite fishes are veijas.
baeo fume
baeo fume - 7 years ago
"vieja" means "old lady" in spanish
MrGenedancingmachine - 7 years ago
you like vidya games?
Michael Moses
Michael Moses - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Yeah yeah... I like my way better. ;)
Dominick Brown
Dominick Brown - 7 years ago
What would one recommend getting for a 55 or 75 gallon tank? No tiger cichlid.. Something colorful though
John Beatty
John Beatty - 7 years ago
Pronounced "Vee-Ay-Ha".
Kayley Lord
Kayley Lord - 7 years ago
I love all of you’re tanks! It’s a dream of mine to own an arowana one day, just don’t have the space for it yet.
FadedPegasus h
FadedPegasus h - 7 years ago
Every one knows those big fish are going in the big tank
uzairmo - 7 years ago
I liked the format of this video
Tai Vaj
Tai Vaj - 7 years ago
Frank x Vieja Syn = Classic Kamfa Flowerhorn fry. It would be awesome to see it done by you! Happy Fish Keeping!
Toni Blonske
Toni Blonske - 7 years ago
Hello king,

I have a question.
What kind of wood do you use in the central america aquarium?
I like that!

I am from germany and a big fan of yours!
Everything Aquatix
Everything Aquatix - 7 years ago
turbosmoke _official
turbosmoke _official - 7 years ago
What about Oscar big and colourful
swag 31556
swag 31556 - 7 years ago
you should attempt to make an even bigger tank like 10000 gallons
Mitch 846
Mitch 846 - 7 years ago
Get oscars
Marquis Nichoslon
Marquis Nichoslon - 7 years ago
Yes! I have a pair of lemons! and ruby reds with electric blue jacks! absolutely beautiful fish please get them or think about them
CA Pearson
CA Pearson - 7 years ago
What, No FRANK !?!?!?!
CA Pearson
CA Pearson - 7 years ago
xxCutlery , as much as I think Joey tried to steer away from that happening, Frank has indeed become the least likely, yet likeable, mascot of his channel. Buddy was an icon but Frank has become part of Joey's channel brand. People identify with him. He isn't a crown jewel like Buddy was but people identify with average looking with a golden personality.
xxCutlery - 7 years ago
CA Pearson true! Frank is the channel Mascot.
CA Pearson
CA Pearson - 7 years ago
xxCutlery , every video needs a little FRANK and Stine !
xxCutlery - 7 years ago
CA Pearson he and the bichir have their own tank not in the racking system, they were moved in a recent video. :)
AARON KING - 7 years ago
Why you have such a bad taste with cichlids why.
Ioan Cristian
Ioan Cristian - 7 years ago
Nice ....watching youre video already 4 years from bulgaria....i have one question...i found out they brought one arowana in my city ...i want to step up and to try to have it...the problem is that i have only one aquarium and realy no chance to put another one for the arowana...i have some 5years silver angelfish some huge golden fish and one 17 year old Plecostomus. Which i cannot give up.They are my Budys. The aronava is small still 24 you think they will acomodate?
Cellistic - 7 years ago
Ioan Cristian unfortunately the arowana is a very aggressive species and generally cannot be kept with the type of fish you have as once it reaches its full grown size it will eat them. If you were to get another tank to house the arowana, you could start with a small one but it will quickly outgrow that and will need a 180 gallon tank or bigger
turbosmoke _official
turbosmoke _official - 7 years ago
Come to uk
musclecliff101 - 7 years ago
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 7 years ago
I like seeing all your tanks. No, I would't keep them. I'm obsessed with nano and native fish.
Michael Hesford
Michael Hesford - 7 years ago
Yes, it's in Maryland! I want to come
Carlos Mac
Carlos Mac - 7 years ago
btw your setups are too dark. It looks claustrophobic in my opinion.
Rugved Kulkarni
Rugved Kulkarni - 7 years ago
Are you not going to be doing any salt water aquariums?
Chris Last
Chris Last - 7 years ago
If they are not juveniles... I won't get them. Something I picked up from my dad.
Tom Jumonville
Tom Jumonville - 7 years ago
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Very cool tank mate
Anthony Guerrero
Anthony Guerrero - 7 years ago
Elsa S
Elsa S - 7 years ago
Vieja = "VeeAHa"
David Alfonso
David Alfonso - 7 years ago
“VEE-eh-HA” would be the right pronunciation for vieja.
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
I did know about Vieja!! One of my LFS often has them available. I think if I had the tank space available I would rather opt for Festae, though. (It's pronounced "vee-ay-hah" btw)
Daniel R
Daniel R - 7 years ago
These fish look a lot like bluegill. You should keep some bluegill, you can catch them almost anywhere so they are really cheap. The best part is, once they get too big you can always cook them up.
mpraka - 7 years ago
comment of the year ROFL xD
TheBBallEnthusiast - 7 years ago
Daniel R I think you're on the wrong channel to be commenting on. I recommend TarraDarraBros
Isaac Boatman
Isaac Boatman - 7 years ago
Do a cold water tank and keep brook trout!
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
I thought brook trout can handle warmer water and its rainbow trout that need to be kept cold.
iamwatchingyou - 7 years ago
What happened to your Plywood tank? what is it housing?
Raul Olivera
Raul Olivera - 7 years ago
i didnt know about vieja
wolfgang1691 - 7 years ago
Thank you for all your great content. You should make one of your tanks a carnivorous tank with Oscars or parana
Bradley Harris
Bradley Harris - 7 years ago
I haven't heard of them but now that I saw the video I'm considering stocking them in a tank with a black pacu.
Isaac Boatman
Isaac Boatman - 7 years ago
I didn't know about them and I personally would rather have my oscars.
Jacob Chrem
Jacob Chrem - 7 years ago
I knew about them for a while now, and I have come across a beautiful synspillum (if that's how it's spelled lol) in my LFS and I regret not buying him.
nancy white
nancy white - 7 years ago
V yay hah
heatheruga81 - 7 years ago
They are absolutely amazing to watch but I didn’t know about them till watching your channel. Thanks for sharing the education. I tend to stick to the smaller fish considering I have no room for anything that large.
Kami Kingsley
Kami Kingsley - 7 years ago
When the Vieja reach their full size, put them in the 160 gallon. If that's the size of the Rainbow tank. They are stunning fish. Great choice of fish, much better than mine.
Jacob Chrem
Jacob Chrem - 7 years ago
Kami Kingsley the rainbow fish tank is 375 gallons lol it's a huge tank! I think they will look amazing in there.
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 7 years ago
I fully watched the ad twice but I downloaded the vid for later consumption sorry about your Analytics.
Candace Sawyers
Candace Sawyers - 7 years ago
I would love some vieja
Delsin Escobar
Delsin Escobar - 7 years ago
What kind of lights do you have on your tanks
KiidCloud - 7 years ago
If I had a big enough tank, I definitely would! They appeared so inquisitive whenever you were in front of the glass.

Right now, my largest is a 55 gallon and compared to my ten, its giant lol
CISWltd 3D
CISWltd 3D - 7 years ago
have a number of them over 3 6ft tanks and the largest is a 12 inch male Zonatus called magnus also have beani, dovii love them all, great video by the way and look forward to the next
Amazing Animals
Amazing Animals - 7 years ago
Get a Red Tail Catfish
airjaff - 7 years ago
do a brakish tank, they are quite rare, but cheap to keep, and the fish are really cool, puffers, archers, monos, mangrove jack, targets
kenzies pet world
kenzies pet world - 7 years ago
This is cool!
Tim En
Tim En - 7 years ago
Alex Atkinson
Alex Atkinson - 7 years ago
Yaaayyyyy new vid
Black Hood
Black Hood - 7 years ago
The editing of this video is amazing!!!
IKing Drip
IKing Drip - 7 years ago
Love your vids bro
Random videos 94
Random videos 94 - 7 years ago
Someday, I'm going to have a 600 gallon tank, so I can have every gourami.
pugs 261
pugs 261 - 7 years ago
Cool video
kenzies pet world
kenzies pet world - 7 years ago
pugs 261 o2l
carman178 - 7 years ago
Aqua rium
Aqua rium - 7 years ago
They will become to big
Francois Gagnon
Francois Gagnon - 7 years ago
Aqua rium no worries:)
Aqua rium
Aqua rium - 7 years ago
Francois Gagnon thats Gigant Fisch i know Them(sorry for my English i am from Germany ) Joey is one of my Favourite YouTuber
Francois Gagnon
Francois Gagnon - 7 years ago
Aqua rium did you not finish the video
KING OF NOTHING - 7 years ago
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 7 years ago
Joe Marano
Joe Marano - 7 years ago
Great video. It's about learning what's in the Gallery along with it's beauty.
Gladiator 51
Gladiator 51 - 7 years ago
Can we please have a birthday for frank, everyone like and comment give frank a bday because you know he deserves it
cody's fish room
cody's fish room - 7 years ago
Gladiator 51 I guess that makes sense...I agree
Gladiator 51
Gladiator 51 - 7 years ago
cody's fish room we first saw frank in the channel last year February 23 so I know that's not his birthday but that is his birthday on the channel to me
cody's fish room
cody's fish room - 7 years ago
Gladiator 51 when is Franks bday?
gartzilla - 7 years ago
Vieja. Vieja. Vieja.

Vieja = VEE-EH-HA

Pronounce the J like an H.
Dave baum
Dave baum - 7 years ago
you need to do a North America stream tank
Tactical Warrior Viking
Tactical Warrior Viking - 7 years ago
You know what is also entertaining, easy to keep, and cheap, and usually commonly available? Plecos, please get some.
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
I second the motion for plecos!!
Tim En
Tim En - 7 years ago
you look like rapist
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown - 7 years ago
Tactical Warrior Viking plecos aren’t entertaining imo.
Wyatt Ray
Wyatt Ray - 7 years ago
Tim Daigneault
Tim Daigneault - 7 years ago
Easily my favorite setup of yours I’ve seen over the years!! Not enough love for this group. “v-eh-ha” the J is silent it’s a Spanish word. I had the same feeling when I stocked my setup, why didn’t I do nics...
Dendro Herpguy78
Dendro Herpguy78 - 7 years ago
Joey you're killing me. Say it with me, vee-ay-ha
Austin moczulski
Austin moczulski - 7 years ago
I live in Maryland do you.
Austin moczulski
Austin moczulski - 7 years ago
Up_Syndrome Ok.
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
Austin moczulski he lives in Nova Scotia
Rafe de Bruin
Rafe de Bruin - 7 years ago
i like you and your aquariums because you don't put way to many fish in your aquariums like others do
Leonardo Granguillhome
Leonardo Granguillhome - 7 years ago
It is pronounced viehha arhhentea. Good video.
Ray-an ragucos
Ray-an ragucos - 7 years ago
was it hard to record this video while on a step ladder? :)
Cocotte - 7 years ago
In your empty aquarium, you should maybe consider to put Black Diamond Cichlids. They are endemic to Madagascar and they are awesome !
Cocotte - 7 years ago
Paratilapia polleni indeed.
Tim Daigneault
Tim Daigneault - 7 years ago
Cocotte polleni?
Luke - 7 years ago truly are a fish addict.
cody's fish room
cody's fish room - 7 years ago
Luke it is a hobby
Melisa Rojas
Melisa Rojas - 7 years ago
I just purchased a 55 gallon and I have no idea how I’m going to stock it. Any ideas, joey? Unfortunately viejas might be too big... lol
cody's fish room
cody's fish room - 7 years ago
Oscar they are very pretty
elena flynn
elena flynn - 7 years ago
Melisa Rojas peacocks are beautiful
LoneWolf - 7 years ago
German blue rams, they are very easy to keep and only get to be 2-3inchs. Very pretty fish!
Scott Donges
Scott Donges - 7 years ago
I had one recently and it was extremely aggressive it attacked everything in the tank. Granted this was probably just the attitude of this particular fish, but just a word of caution that these fish are capable of being extremely aggressive.
alexander roesdahl
alexander roesdahl - 7 years ago
Is the Synspilus not a Paratheraps species or am i wrong?
alexander roesdahl
alexander roesdahl - 7 years ago
Aha! Gotcha, thanks mate! :)
salalalam - 7 years ago
I think Vieja is the old name for this genus. Paratheraps is a revised name.
Tortiller - 7 years ago
noice c: like ur vidoos ;-;
Sauman Qureshi
Sauman Qureshi - 7 years ago
Great video, great visuals DIY

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