The Best Algae Eater
Discus 12 years ago 454,642 views
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10. comment for The Best Algae Eater
20. comment for The Best Algae Eater
30. comment for The Best Algae Eater
I have had problems with those magnetic scrubbers. I have to hand scrub.
What type of fish can they be put with.
50. comment for The Best Algae Eater
I hope that helps.
Must guys! do not put it in your tank direct when adding chemicals always I mean always dose in added water. Good luck. It has been working great for me now for months. Take in mind, I have Discus, and the tank looks AWESOME.
100. comment for The Best Algae Eater
Enormous problem.
Almost impossible to keep them with Discus, Angelfish or God no, small tetras.
Hi Jacob! What's the name of the fish shop you mentioned in this video? Thank you!
were they
Do you have any experiences with Crossocheilus reticulatus ?
Do you think it's possible to build and maintain an aquarium without chemicals?
however most shops will claim that fantails don't that big nor to the other double tailed varieties.these varieties normally get 6 to 8 inches while single tails normally get 7 to 10(but have been record to be bigger).
or where talking about goldfish being the same as a koi which are in the same family but are different species.
also gold fish are 6 to 12 inches not under 6 inches.just most don't get to their normal healthy adult sizes cause of stunt along with having their life spans cut really bad.when a fish that can live 10+ years go to a week to 4 years is really sad.
_. the kicker is my husband wanted to get a frog and my two eldest kids love guppies and i know one night imma turn off the lights and find at least the male gone in the morning!! as for the gold fish thing they sell feeders where i get my fish and i can tell the difference between a true gold fish that will stay 6 inches or smaller and a koi that can get up to 2 foot!! and people buy the feeders for their aquariums thinking they wont grow much and then freak out when not only do they grow but they EAT the other fish!! i have also seen pack man frogs misslabled as other types of frogs. i got frustrated 8 years ago when i told the people at petsmart that they had labled platies as mollies and they looked at me as if i were the stupid ones. platies cant breed with mollies but they say they can the only link is that guppies can breed to mollies and sword tails can breed to both platies and molies but the off spring of all three crosses most likely wont survive and have a 75% chance of being infertile or have birth defects that slowly kill them as they grow. ehem anyways im just passionate about getting to know as much as i can about fish and though i know just a fraction of info on tropical (and some cold water) fish and other things i still know more than many of those working to sell them. The new woman at petsmart is rathe rpleased when i point out a fish in trouble or doing a death spiral unlike the others that looked at me like i was stupid!!speaking of shrimp and crayfish mix ups have you ever heard the stories of people buying one thing and ending up with something completely different.a few examples would be buying a goldfish and it being a koi or getting african dwarf frogs and it truning out they where clawed frogs.
it's pretty hard to find a good shop with that perfect balance.the shops in my area are they either treat you like an idiot or there's this one I know you better know exactly what you want and get the fuck out.if not the employs get pissed at you.which when I was new to the store it was kinda of jarring when I came to see what they have and still is at times cause you never know what they have half the time.
I guess most people are to lazy to actually research and just want a quick fix without much effort or thought put into pet care.
I think the algae is the least of your issues.
My fish store told me the best algae eater was the Chinese algae eaters, so we bought one. Now he is huge and has been killing my other fish. Was not told they would do that. I do not have live plants in my tank. What would be the best algae eater for my tank. 46 gal and I do have a few decorations in it.
Edit again: Found out we had Chinese Algae Eaters....They are mean. Where could I pick up your type?
. i only got three and they were enough for my 25 gallon. i hear they grow very big, too. so thats another factor
That said, there is a theory that the great variation in behaviour (some people think they're devils, others say they're saints) stems from the fact they when you breed locally and don't mix a little fresh DNA from time-to-time you get regional types with certain traits bred in to them and fixed. I reckon we've bred them in to psychopaths round here.
That would seem to explain why people in some parts swear by these fish, while people in other parts won't entertain them.
Good video, though, and a great looking tank. Keep up the good work :o)
And you might try mollies sometime; they're often overlooked as algae eaters and eat hair algae all day long.
And there is nothing wrong with putting Floyd out there. Cool tee-shitrs!
i am beginner.
i have 3 male Betta Fish. 2 in one tank separated by glass (of course) and one in a plastic tank by himself.
neither tank has a filter but are both cleaned out each weekend. they are both in the same spot on my desk and share the same amount of light & dark.
but my plastic tank
since the day i got itis growing white cobweb looking, slimy feeling ... bacteria? (i'm not sure if its algae). no matter how much i clean his tank the white stuff grows back over night or the next day. its starts on the ornamentsa plastic plant & hidey holethe quite small but when it gets to the rubble/pebbles/little stones and spreads faster and grows longer.but my glass tank is completely fine! on algae in sight. (i always use API tap water conditioner and API quick start)
i've i can't find a correct name for this bacteria online and there are so many different opinions about it. I've also asked 2 different fish shops and they had no idea what was happening to my tank
yeah someone told me its because plastic heats up quicker which draws the fungus/algae/bacteria to it.
Good video by the way!
SAE's are quite skinny and can be eaten by larger fish. Mine is with Platy fish which have very small mouths.
Filters - Rinse in water from your tank but no more then monthly.
IF you use a carbon filter place it back in the filter after using medication but then remove and replace it after two weeks or it will start leeching it back into the tank. I have planted tanks so I avoid them. They remove nutrient from the water the plants need.
2nd, your tank is over crowded. Too many fish in this tank, perhaps. Or, over feeding and left over food.
3rd, certainly this Siamese algae eater cant live together with Oscar. Oscar will eat it. So, you hv to do more water change.
4th, i believe your aquarium does not hv enough bio filter. Good bacteria will live in bio filter. Never ever wash your bio filter as the good bacteria is growing in it. These bacteria will eat the waste and produce cleaner water for your fish.
Hope it help....
Your the best!!! And the fish are cool got 8 working there ass off now hehe!! After 5min they where working hard!!! Ty ty!
Thanks for the video,will these algae eaters aggressive towards discus ? How big they will get.
Anyway、I hope your 7 Siamese Algae eaters will grow well & it will surely take patience to grow these to the size of my Suki Shalom (*^^*)
40-100 gallons, I assume. It's probably the Angelfish which have aggressive feeding habits. Tetras are relatively passive. Hornwort is another good choice to try since the Amazon Sword is surviving. You can also try just feeding them small soaked salad greens to satiate their desire for such food.
What type of fish. Some are more prone to doing that. Also some plants have thicker leaves are fish tend to not eat those. You need to provide more details.
The Siamese Algae Eater
Good luck on the search, they're great fish!