The Best Algae Eater

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The Best Algae Eater sentiment_very_dissatisfied 237

Discus 12 years ago 454,642 views

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Most popular comments
for The Best Algae Eater

Stanton Lagua
Stanton Lagua - 7 years ago
was wondering what the name of that fish store is? i live in orange california and love to check out that store
Bryon Mcgowan
Bryon Mcgowan - 7 years ago
How are they on black beard alge
Ross Thomas-Davies
Ross Thomas-Davies - 7 years ago
Genuinely watched ur video because of the tshirt. Thought this guy knows his stuff he's likes Floyd lol good video
Jonathan Riley
Jonathan Riley - 7 years ago
Nice shirt.
Randy Guangzhou
Randy Guangzhou - 7 years ago
My doesn't clean the plants they bite my angelfishes fins
Jake isjacob
Jake isjacob - 7 years ago
How many gallons do they need
vince1964100 - 7 years ago
Best band ever!
Nate The great
Nate The great - 7 years ago
What kind cleaner fish do u recommend for big(12-16) inch bass because they eat shrimp and snails but I don't want an ugly looking plocostostmas help
G. Com
G. Com - 7 years ago
The bubbles in the background, is that being done by a pump or are those plants photosynthesizing(?) real-time? :-D

10. comment for The Best Algae Eater

gary davies
gary davies - 7 years ago
why not a weird fish floyd t shirt ?
Arturo Mendez
Arturo Mendez - 7 years ago
Hey where are the Angel fish and gold fish?
Carl Eck
Carl Eck - 7 years ago
They will grow to 6 inches so beware of this for those with smaller tank sizes.
Zetta Takem
Zetta Takem - 7 years ago
Hey bird farm man whats up
harvey wind
harvey wind - 7 years ago
Hey you could do way worse than Pink Floyd fella. They were one of the truly ground-breaking and majestic bands, that opened many to vistas and themes to the minds of musical artists. They're of of my true heroes, meaning the bands that were worth my hard-earned money in those old days. As the saying goes, I may be old, but I got to see most of the really cool bands! That's one of the consolations of age in these days, while the popular music of the day continues to turn my stomach.. while the people playing it are proclaimed geniuses. So wear it proudly, if you've actually seen them, then you know things that those who haven't have not dreamed of.
tang box
tang box - 7 years ago
They don't eat algea from my under water submurged light
me.vs.disease. x
me.vs.disease. x - 7 years ago
You should do this for you, what your family and friends thing it dosen't really matter.
Rebecca Brown
Rebecca Brown - 7 years ago
you should try panda garra best cleaner fish
Bartosz Pucilowski
Bartosz Pucilowski - 7 years ago
When you going to start your own branding T-shirt "JacobsAquarium " :-) PS. the Pink Floyd is cool.
BURNING LION - 7 years ago
Great info thanks

20. comment for The Best Algae Eater

Channel of Pets
Channel of Pets - 7 years ago
Do u clean ur tank ween u have a filter?? My mom says u dont
Jessie S
Jessie S - 7 years ago
nice tank, siamese algae eaters ade a great secret weapon. albino catfish are also a nice touch for bottom debris cleanup. never been a fan of plecos , they produce far too much wasfe.
Dino Orlando
Dino Orlando - 7 years ago
How about comparability with other fish? I have Angels, Gold Severums and even small Black Neons. Would that. Be ok? Thanks in advance. Great vids btw.
Ken - 7 years ago
How about otos cat fish?
ZionStone Productions
ZionStone Productions - 7 years ago
what do you use to make your air bubbles so fine or is it co2?
matrix321423 - 7 years ago
What's the name of the fish? And how long do they grow?
Rad - 7 years ago
Hey Jacob! Great channel. I'm getting ready to place an order. Quick question: how many of these fish wpuld you recommend for a 55 gal? Thanks in advance!
BB's bb's
BB's bb's - 7 years ago
wow...beautiful fish
BB's bb's
BB's bb's - 7 years ago
Pink Floyd..good choice..nice video!
Tech Nova
Tech Nova - 7 years ago
Good explanation

30. comment for The Best Algae Eater

Toriless - 7 years ago
MY SAE fish cleans plants but not the acrylic.
Toriless - 7 years ago
Dude! Too many SAE, I have 3 in my 50 gallon. Still, I love mine. Always grazing on algae. Mine are now about 4 inches long each.

I have had problems with those magnetic scrubbers. I have to hand scrub.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
their are doing great with my goldfish and danios :)
Niklas Vesterlund
Niklas Vesterlund - 8 years ago
great video Jacob, :)
Dodgy Bishop
Dodgy Bishop - 8 years ago
That's some really nice pearling going on in the background. :) Or is that some kind of Co2 diffuser running along the back of the tank? Seems like ALOT of bubbles.
Dodgy Bishop
Dodgy Bishop - 8 years ago
Pink Floyd T-Shirts are the best T-Shirts. :P
mike piro
mike piro - 8 years ago
can i keep them in brackish water??
love ides
love ides - 8 years ago
What type of plants are featured in the aquarium?
Fisnik M.
Fisnik M. - 8 years ago
well you can run the Show without a t-shit :-)
MrSparkles - 8 years ago
What about snails?
James Rooney
James Rooney - 8 years ago
You had that thirst on in the fish store others week.
Wilbur Liao
Wilbur Liao - 8 years ago
Will these algae eaters eat my cherry shrimp?
Robert S. Reilly
Robert S. Reilly - 8 years ago
Kelly Cunningham
Kelly Cunningham - 8 years ago
What is the name of your local fish store?
m0rce1 - 8 years ago
yep, i love my sae's too. :)
iamcowhearmeroar - 8 years ago
WHY DO u always wear pink floyd shirts?
zmDakota - 8 years ago
My tank is have a lot of algae now. What is the name your local fish store where you bought the siamese algae eaters? Thanks in advance.
ejkxnejssms gsjx dndnss
ejkxnejssms gsjx dndnss - 8 years ago
will the Siamese algae eaters attack guppies or neon tetras?
m0rce1 - 8 years ago
mine have not, and they could easily fit a neon in their mouth. they are peaceful (sometimes territorial with their own kind but disregard all other fish)
Wes Williams
Wes Williams - 8 years ago
I just ordered plants from you !
svtcontour - 8 years ago
I've read that they tend to go for algae mostly when they are young. Once they get older and larger, they will not go for algae any more.
Joseph Ryan
Joseph Ryan - 8 years ago
Can the algae eaters work with cichlids..
What type of fish can they be put with.
m0rce1 - 8 years ago
i have them with guppys, neon tetras, h. rasboras, clown loach and a pleco and they dont bother anyone.

50. comment for The Best Algae Eater

Tsatsu Gbedemah
Tsatsu Gbedemah - 8 years ago
This was a great video, thanks for the info!
Backhand Things
Backhand Things - 8 years ago
do the fish store.
Christopher Li-Reid
Christopher Li-Reid - 8 years ago
algae eaters are good at doing the work - but they get way too big and way too stupid. lol.
Pratik k
Pratik k - 8 years ago
which fish can live with goldfish
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 8 years ago
well i'm just here waiting for a miracle that our local pet stores would provide those simple things that i need UGHH!
Fishhunter2014 - 8 years ago
Lʊd-wig-ē ă

I hope that helps.
Dipayan Dey
Dipayan Dey - 8 years ago
Thanks Jacob. Btw, what's your opinion on shrimps? Are they effective?
Mario - 8 years ago
Don't these get too big for a 10 gal tank?
Mslageek007 - 8 years ago
I love SAE's!!!
Devjyoti Nath
Devjyoti Nath - 8 years ago
Are Siamese Algae Eater and Siamese Flying Fox same? I found this fish in local petsmart labeled as Siamese Flying Fox.
Simon Cook
Simon Cook - 8 years ago
they eat HC
Roarke Randall
Roarke Randall - 8 years ago
Hey, I'm near anaheim and I'm struggling to find a good fish store. What's the place you talk about in this video?
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
what was this fish called
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
+NeoMinerva yah there trash
Ben Bauman
Ben Bauman - 8 years ago
Siamese Algae Eater
xxshewolfxx undertale fangirl
xxshewolfxx undertale fangirl - 8 years ago
are thay cold water
chat noir
chat noir - 8 years ago
do they eat black beard algae?
chat noir
chat noir - 8 years ago
thanx-happy new year!
m0rce1 - 8 years ago
chat noir yes
Andrew Rushworth
Andrew Rushworth - 8 years ago
Nice young Crossocheilus Atrilimes !
Tate Jenson
Tate Jenson - 8 years ago
Thanks for your video Jacob. Very useful! Question: what do you recommend for getting rid of green dust algae? I have a three month old tank. The two pond snails are not really doing much and the four otos I got didn't make it past two weeks. I want to get amano shrimp but I'm not sure they can help and I'm less sure my tank is ready for them because it's still relatively new. I've already cut down the lighting a lot but slowly and surely the dust algae comes back.
Edgar Giles
Edgar Giles - 8 years ago
what kind of algae eater can i mix cichlids?
Hydro Guy
Hydro Guy - 8 years ago
i live in CA too hope i can meet you
slash boom
slash boom - 8 years ago
good u earned a subscriber :) .. good luck with the hobby
Sebastiaan Jacobsz
Sebastiaan Jacobsz - 8 years ago
the pleco wil not destroy your plants
Sepulchral Miasma
Sepulchral Miasma - 8 years ago
PINK FLOYD! good vid.. I'm planning to use them for both for my 20g planted 6 female betta sorority and my 40g cichlid tank but not for a month or so until my algae grows a bit. I plan on putting 1 in the 20g and maybe 2 in the 40g? Bad idea or no? Thanks.
Shadow Back
Shadow Back - 8 years ago
what is the max growth of this type of algae eater?
m0rce1 - 8 years ago
Shadow Back about 8 inches and can live up to 10 years. very hardy fish.
94110mission - 8 years ago
Mine grew much larger than I ever expected. I bought two, three years ago: one male, the other female. The male is now over 4" long and over an inch thick. The female, about half that size. They have now stopped growing. They were so small when I first got them, and they did a great job on the black, hairy algae problem I had. I now feed them algae tabs but they "do" have a fondness for certain plants, which I found out the hard way after spending $$ for plants they treated like an exotic buffet.
Wernbread - 8 years ago
3 inches
Gregg Horner
Gregg Horner - 8 years ago
They can get to 5-6 inches long. They also eat less algae as they age and they can be aggressive as they get older.
The Forest Korok
The Forest Korok - 8 years ago
what per shop in Anaheim were you talking about? I work in that city and would love to pay it a visit.
Karol Escobar
Karol Escobar - 8 years ago
What would you recommend if you have a betta
Karol Escobar
Karol Escobar - 8 years ago
+Dakota14breyer that's good
Dakota14breyer - 8 years ago
What would you say for a 30gal with one betta and guppies and albino cory cats?
Karol Escobar
Karol Escobar - 8 years ago
+ItsNotButterOMG aww I don't want to 're home it :(
Matt B
Matt B - 8 years ago
+Karol Escobar I'd say seimese but it has to be SMALL and you'll have to rehome it once it grows. 5 gallons isn't enough for anything really.
Karol Escobar
Karol Escobar - 8 years ago
+ItsNotButterOMG 5 gallon and a mixture of both
Matt B
Matt B - 8 years ago
What size tank? Live plants or fake plants?
squigga - 8 years ago
what plants are those in the tank?
Dan Geraghty
Dan Geraghty - 8 years ago
how many should i get for my 4 foot planted aquarium
Matt B
Matt B - 8 years ago
Randy Howe
Randy Howe - 8 years ago
do you or anybody you might know could help me with setting up my co2 system. I live in woodbridge Virginia. looking for someone to come over and help me set it up.
Spencer Steffes
Spencer Steffes - 8 years ago
Would these get along with bettas?
Marty - 8 years ago
Here's another fix for the Algae issue.Hydrogen Peroxide. 4ml per gal of water. Example 55 gal tank 200ml. Maint when under control 1ml per gal of water. RODI is a must!
Must guys! do not put it in your tank direct when adding chemicals always I mean always dose in added water. Good luck. It has been working great for me now for months. Take in mind, I have Discus, and the tank looks AWESOME.
MichaelAllenOfficial - 8 years ago
Hydrogen Peroxide will kill species of Moss. It can also stunt some species of plants other than moss.
MacedonianLion Lazov
MacedonianLion Lazov - 8 years ago
I have a big problem with brown algae. Otocinclus or siamese algae eater who is better for brown algae ?
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
Siamese eat brown hair algae to so personally I like the Siamese.
OriginalMindTrick - 8 years ago
Otocinclus and nerite snail is the way to go.
pataka81 - 8 years ago
they don't eat algae as much as we imagine. they really work if your tank is set up correctly like mr jacob does.
Christian 5o5
Christian 5o5 - 8 years ago
I had one they are good at their job I also have bristle nose pleco and it cleans the glass very well
Jassi Kular
Jassi Kular - 8 years ago
we have a molly fish new Bron babys need help with the food and how to take care of it
9929kingfish - 8 years ago
otos eat more of the brown dust algae
Timoteo Luna
Timoteo Luna - 8 years ago
I bought some Chinese algae eaters did a great job but they also had a taste for fish slime and killed several of my fish attacking them aggressively with their sucker lips. I would rather stick with the masses or two sentences they may not do as good as a job but they will eventually get the job done and won't kill your fish. Is Chinese algae eater the same as Siamese algae eater
Mangesh Saroj
Mangesh Saroj - 8 years ago
substrate name plz????
Henri Coudé
Henri Coudé - 8 years ago
What is the name of these?
Pond. James Pond
Pond. James Pond - 8 years ago
What a tank! The thing you keep the fish in ain't bad either ;) Lol
Joricano - 8 years ago
i have a black molly that loves black beard algae as much as the siamese algae eaters :). i love the bubble curtain in the background of the tank. how did you do that?
Matt Phillips
Matt Phillips - 8 years ago
This is a very narrow minded video... Siamese algae eaters are only good while young after that they'll leave eating algae for more traditional foods and can also be detrimental to your tank/aqua scape for true algae control you need a combination of inhabitants for instance few people know Kribs can play a vital role plus most tetras will graze too. To put all of this into context all new tank setups get algae blooms as its all part of the nitrogen cycle you can't stop it. At this time you can't fish load the system either because your filter cannot handle the bio load the whole tank and filter has to mature and an algae bloom is part of this process. My tank is a 350ltr bow front corner tank by juwel which was up and running with only Aqua soil driftwood and heavily planted. I had a pair of Kribs, dwarf Honey Gouramis a Gold Nugget Pleco and Longfin Bristle Nosed pleco controlled and ate all of my hair algae...
Felicia Cyr
Felicia Cyr - 8 years ago
can you put it into a tank with other fish?
Allen McDonald
Allen McDonald - 8 years ago
can they live with goldfish and no heater?
Gary Sequeira
Gary Sequeira - 8 years ago
do this fish clear all types of algae ?? please reply ASAP ..
9929kingfish - 8 years ago
2bknwn - 8 years ago
thanks for the tank was overtaken with brown algae....bought 2 of these guys and then 3days later it was all gone....amazing how fast they work....thanks again...
KrazyCries - 8 years ago
Hey man I have a question, my aquatic snail crawled out of the tank and I found him maybe 8-12 hours later on the table, his bottom suction part was dark brown and dry, I didn't give up on him and put him back in the water. I prayed, hoping he would live, I noticed he moved but his bottom was still hard, now it seems that the hard part is shedding off of him and pieces of him, but he is now suctioned to the side of the glass again for the first day, do you know if this is normal? Can he heal like us? Do you think he will be okay?
Hamza Mahjoub
Hamza Mahjoub - 8 years ago
Shipping fees to Hungary if you ship there thx
Gavin Powell
Gavin Powell - 9 years ago
Had no luck with them, they just seem to hang around and wait for when i feed my other fish then eat the fish food
Gavin Powell
Gavin Powell - 8 years ago
+yudontsay according to the research i have done they are defiantly the alge eater, corect me if I'm wrong but they have no red in them, there black line goes through there tail and they only have one pair of barbels or wiskers
yudontsay - 8 years ago
+Gavin Powell your sure when you bought them that the store hadnt mistaken them? Many pet stores actually mistakes them from a fish named flying fox as they are so to say identical in the looks.
Francis Poon
Francis Poon - 9 years ago
in fact I over light my tanka bit so there's a lil bit of algae to keep the SAEs alive.. BTW... I have a low tech planted tank and all the greens are lush and green, ¹/³ water change monthly and nothing dies. But be careful when purchasing SAEs, cos they've cousins, the flying fox, the False Siamese Algae Eaters. These look similar but don't do the same job and those are aggressive.
Francis Poon
Francis Poon - 9 years ago
I have 3 and they work great and quick. I don't have to worry about visiting friends overfeeding and natural sunlight or over lighting causing algae. Cos these new buddies do a superb job.. thinking about getting 4 more of em.

100. comment for The Best Algae Eater

Francis Poon
Francis Poon - 9 years ago
I say yay to Siamese Algae Eaters too
aussieaeromodeler - 9 years ago
agree with everything you said , had the same problem , used the same solution , one of the best 'clean up crew' fish you can have in your planted tank
Thuddy Waters
Thuddy Waters - 9 years ago
Radar Love!
Ngawang Dorjee
Ngawang Dorjee - 9 years ago
will they eat black beard algae?
aussieaeromodeler - 9 years ago
+Ngawang Dorjee , yes , one of the few algae eater that will eat black algae
RaFr PM - 9 years ago
What is the scientific name?
Ethan Green
Ethan Green - 9 years ago
Stop laughing hehe
Love Fun 2K
Love Fun 2K - 9 years ago
I don't like flying fox. When small is fine will take algae. Once get bigger. They just take fish food. Also attack other smaller fish. I got couple guppy kill by big flying fox.
Loading Please wait
Loading Please wait - 9 years ago
getting them!!!
Kevin Hyun
Kevin Hyun - 9 years ago
Do your SAEs produce A LOT of waste? I have 1 and wow! this thing can poop!
420aire - 9 years ago
where is the spot in anaheim? do you think I can use them in my 3000 gallon koi pond?
Wizard Gaming
Wizard Gaming - 9 years ago
Do you ship to the Canada?
Chode - 8 years ago
What about Australia?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Tommy Wizard Yes we do. But its not cheap.
Tina Wilkinson
Tina Wilkinson - 9 years ago
Enjoyed the video, will subscribe!
srikanth cheeki
srikanth cheeki - 9 years ago
can I leave these fish with gold fish?
Jason Luther
Jason Luther - 8 years ago
Also fish produce high amounts of ammonia when stressed. Discoloration is also caused from high stress environment
srikanth cheeki
srikanth cheeki - 9 years ago
+anewman513 thank u for the suggestion. I changed 50% of water every week. now am seeing those black patches on the body have completely gone. noticeable patches still On fins. hope gradually it reduces with frequent water changes
anewman513 - 9 years ago
+star and fox - You are probably right.  Ammonia burns are typically on the fins only.  If it is 50% of the fish it is likely something else.  
anewman513 - 9 years ago
+srikanth cheeki - Black spots are usually caused by high levels of ammonia in the water or by poor water quality in general. Do water changes more frequently. You might want to start monitoring ammonia levels as well. Goldfish generate a lot of ammonia, so water quality will always be a challenge with that fish. You might want to consider mixing in pellets and other forms of food rather than 100% flakes. Once your water quality is improved and maintained at a good level, your fish should heal and the black spots will go away. Though, 50% is pretty bad ...
srikanth cheeki
srikanth cheeki - 9 years ago
sir i am noticing my goldfish turning black. black patches first started on the fins now its spread to body also. i can say 50% filled with black colour. is this a disease or its normal colour change please suggest me
Jason Luther
Jason Luther - 9 years ago
No. I had one at 3" kill one. Goldfish are algae machines. The siamese will literally suck the slime coat off of it.
john spinosa
john spinosa - 9 years ago
I have 10 Flying Foxes and my tank is spotless. These fish are algae eating machines.
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 9 years ago
What fish are compatible with the algae eaters?
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 9 years ago
+SouperJoshMC Thank you! ^-^
SouperMovieCritic - 9 years ago
They're pretty good with all fish.
BioDevil_Dom - 9 years ago
So would these be okay with shrimp?
BioDevil_Dom - 9 years ago
+Jason Luther Interesting I have seen a few tanks where they were fine together but perhaps it was a different fish entirely.
gnovincejr2 - 9 years ago
+BioDevil_Dom I would like to know this as well?
Syd Wilton
Syd Wilton - 9 years ago
I just got 4 otocinclus catfish a couple weeks ago
Danush Chan
Danush Chan - 9 years ago
what kind of air stone you are using in your tank? it create smooth effect to ur tank.
Donna Nez
Donna Nez - 8 years ago
i believe that is his co2
Ronaldy Suriel
Ronaldy Suriel - 9 years ago
I have 4 of these guys. They are very efficient when they young but they grow huge!!! I have 2 in a 75 gallon,  They were so good at first but over time they became very lazy and they are also very territorial. They are always picking on my other fish
jim a
jim a - 9 years ago
got the same ones from fishalish
Syd Wilton
Syd Wilton - 9 years ago
Sorry ment algae
Syd Wilton
Syd Wilton - 9 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank.How many Siamese ally eating fish should I get
Syd Wilton
Syd Wilton - 9 years ago
+Something Fishy sorry ment oto catfish stupid auto correct
Syd Wilton
Syd Wilton - 9 years ago
+Something Fishy I just got 4 too catfish
Phillip Nguyen
Phillip Nguyen - 9 years ago
None. They get up to 6 inches long. You can get Amano Shrimp or A group of Otocinclus. But no Siamese Algae Eaters.
Amanda Jones
Amanda Jones - 9 years ago
I've got gold ones they are good.
K00L VIDEOS - 9 years ago
Excellent Video! Thumbs up.
Luis Cosme
Luis Cosme - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing your info.Will definitely add some of these fishes.
Luis Cosme
Luis Cosme - 9 years ago
Jacobs... what about cherry shrimps to control algae ?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Luis Cosme You're welcome. Thanks for watching my friend :)
Najkstory FishFever
Najkstory FishFever - 9 years ago
good tips Jacob! i use them to :D
BEN HARRIS - 9 years ago
good taste in music bro...
Matt Pask
Matt Pask - 9 years ago
Would they be ok with a male Siamese fighting fish
Jeff Frank
Jeff Frank - 7 years ago
Matt Pask no they will nip the Betta's fins
Aaron Munn
Aaron Munn - 9 years ago
those fish turn aggressive when they get older, and they can kill and eat each other
Jeffrey Domingo
Jeffrey Domingo - 7 years ago
those are flying fox. SAEs are not usually aggressive
Paul M
Paul M - 7 years ago
good      only the strong survive
D. S.
D. S. - 9 years ago
I tried them, they are amazing cleaners for your glass, plants, but also they attack your other fish.
Enormous problem.
Almost impossible to keep them with Discus, Angelfish or God no, small tetras.
Owen Wellspring
Owen Wellspring - 7 years ago
I have a golden Chinese algae eater, they have a great personality.
Ragnarok - 7 years ago
Yea I agree, they also fight with other fish of the same type ie: Flying Fox, Rainbow Sharks etc.
Rice Man
Rice Man - 7 years ago
Chinese algae eaters are bad tempered also.
Twisty the Clown
Twisty the Clown - 7 years ago
I've got 6 siamese algae eaters in a community tank, and they don't bother any of the other fish. You must be thinking of the golden algae eaters they are even aggressive towards each other. They do, however, do a great job of eating algae when small, just get rid of them before they become a problem.
thefishmachine - 7 years ago
Please go see my video on this
thefishmachine - 7 years ago
D. S. Please go see my video on this
Mike Marchetti
Mike Marchetti - 7 years ago
i agree, great cleaners, but they are highly aggressive towards other tank mates even in my heavily planted 55 gal that has few fish
aussieaeromodeler - 8 years ago
+Toguro , forgot to mention the 2 plecos , Siamese Algae Eaters do a far better job
Toguro - 8 years ago
try bristlenose plecos peaceful animals always cleaning
aussieaeromodeler - 9 years ago
+Damjan Simonov , thats wierd , I have them in my community tank , which houses Discus , and seveal species of Tetras , no problems at all , the SAE's just go about the business of eating any algae and keeping the plants clean and dont bother anyone
kunimiy212 - 9 years ago
agree with damjan, they're notorious for being very aggressive, and once they clean the algae, and you start giving them algae wafers, they won't touch the algae anymore; had to remove it and put it in another tank. If algae is a big problem flourish exel is a plant fertilizer and it has some algaecide in it.
Atrehuba - 9 years ago

Hi Jacob! What's the name of the fish shop you mentioned in this video? Thank you!
Keith Bowers
Keith Bowers - 9 years ago
I got a algae eater today she is so cute her name is Alice may I also have a beta he is ace and he loves Alice and Alice loves ace what a good team right.
Noah hart
Noah hart - 9 years ago
just picked up three of them! hopefully they can help with black beard algae
ibmor Joey
ibmor Joey - 9 years ago
i found a new hobby
Owen's ants
Owen's ants - 9 years ago
how much
were they
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 9 years ago
DO you know if Khuli Loaches are still common? I cant find them right now in my whole city and I haven't seen them for years.
oscar perez
oscar perez - 9 years ago
what's the name of the fish shop?
estrella williams
estrella williams - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info!!!
Cesar Reyes
Cesar Reyes - 9 years ago
spelled floyd wrong lmao
Cesar Reyes
Cesar Reyes - 9 years ago
he secretly likes pink floyed
Jackson Hiew
Jackson Hiew - 9 years ago
Hi Jacob just wondering where can i get air stones like yours in the video producing tiny bubbles that move around slowly? Thanks in advance =)
Mario Hemsley
Mario Hemsley - 9 years ago
Excellent (as usual)!
deidara7117 - 9 years ago
i just bought o cats today -.-
Xuesi Cai
Xuesi Cai - 9 years ago
+deidara7117 always great, they eat different type of algae than SAEs. Powerful in different ways
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
Are these Siamese Algae Eaters good in a community tank with Discus, Cardinals and Corys Jacob? Also are they good for taking care of Brown Algae/Diatoms?
Phillip Nguyen
Phillip Nguyen - 9 years ago
They are not good and can be aggresive in a tank with small tetras and shy Discus. Not sure about the brown algae and diatoms.
Kastin4Dayz - 9 years ago
dude, I have a smaller tank like 2-3 gallons and I have a major algae problem! Its growing on the sand, its growing on the plants. I don't know what kind it is, but it's really invasive. I understand these guys get big, but do you have any suggestions?
Kastin4Dayz - 9 years ago
fine o, the tank was put down anyway
Isaac Ong
Isaac Ong - 9 years ago
put tiny snails or shrimps in there, as 2-3 gallon is too small for any fish.
Stacy Medina
Stacy Medina - 9 years ago
This recommendation is good enough for usual, you come through like a champ! Ordering tomorrow! KEEP THOSE VIDEOS COMIN.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Stacy Medina Thank you so much my friend! :)
Claus Tjørndal
Claus Tjørndal - 9 years ago
Hi Jacob, 

Do you have any experiences with Crossocheilus reticulatus ?
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 9 years ago
I have 2 Siamese Algae Eaters in my 5ft tank & they ate every bit of algae in under a week. They become agressive if theres too many
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
Jacob can these be mixed with gold fish
Ellie Fletcher-Lobo
Ellie Fletcher-Lobo - 9 years ago
Your just adorable, keep in mind if we are watching you we are thinking of what you wear we need information. You are so informative, you think out loud its awesome. Is it possible to turn a basic fish tank into a "planet tank" its more realistic and seems better rounded? I only have four fish for my 20 gallon tank but my plants are all fake is it cool to build it into the "planet tank? thank you for your time to this channel!! take care.
Vanessa Garza
Vanessa Garza - 9 years ago
Can they be kept with betta fish?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Vanessa Garza I don't think it would be safe to do that. These fish are very active. Not the best tank mate for Bettas.
Iceman0230 - 9 years ago
How are these fish with African Cichlids. About 3"?
grumble420 - 9 years ago
Fuck it pink Floyd is the best
jameshone1000 - 9 years ago
what about flyingfoxs
Goldfishhub 055
Goldfishhub 055 - 9 years ago
Hey I'm English were can I get them are they fast swimmers will they get along with a black moors,pearl scales and fan tails I need them!
SF turtle
SF turtle - 9 years ago
What is the name if that alge eater? Thanke
NeoMinerva - 9 years ago
If you are willing to forgo so many beautiful thin and soft leafed stem plants and nearly all mosses, and you want all of your fish to get stressed out because of the their boisterous nature, always fighting chasing each other the SAE is the fish for you. Also about 1/4 will eat BBA. Amano uses juvis and then tosses them, and they mature quick. Use Large Amano Shrimp for hair algae, and otos for diatoms. I don't know what "pro" would thin otos control hair algae...
The Potionist
The Potionist - 9 years ago
I have to agree on the part that they are super efficient cleaners, I had just 1 in my 60 liter tank he was called Dyson ;) I never had to clean my glass and my plants didn't have any algae on them. But now the big downside, I read online that if they get mature they tend to be aggressive towards other "bigger" fish, that problem started about a month when I got it, he was attacking my dwarf gourami 2 of them died and 1 platy. When I wanted to remove him from the tank I had to take out almost every plant because he wasfast so that was a big disappointment. We brought him back to the store and they put him in a turtle tank and he looks pretty happy in there.
Diana Diehl
Diana Diehl - 9 years ago
Crossocheilus oblongus = Siamese Algae Eater; Gyrinocheilus aymoneiri = Chinese Algae Eater (a food fish; grows up to 11 inches; I've seen a six-incher break a 10-gallon economy tank with its tail).
Diana Diehl
Diana Diehl - 9 years ago
+Odyn York understood. thanks. that's why I gave their scientific names above--entirely different groups.
Odyn York
Odyn York - 9 years ago
+Diana Diehl  the chise algea eater is a different fish than the Siamese algea eater....Siamese top off at arount 5 inch and they eat algea so much better than the Chinese one...the Chinese version is also ill tempred while the Siamese is much more laid back
Rahmat Kurt
Rahmat Kurt - 9 years ago
What fish is this?thought of buying
Phillip Nguyen
Phillip Nguyen - 9 years ago
It would be 2 big
joshua burgos
joshua burgos - 9 years ago
+JacobsAquarium would it be to big for a ten gallon?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Rahmat Kurt Siamese Algae Eater. Thanks for watching.
Mark Messa
Mark Messa - 9 years ago
> "Of course I'm not going to buy chemicals ..."
Do you think it's possible to build and maintain an aquarium without chemicals?
Guyve Pouladi
Guyve Pouladi - 9 years ago
Do they eat other fish
keseyjo - 9 years ago
I really love this tank! What are you using to make the subtle, soft bubbles in the background? My air stone is crazy and I don't have a way to turn the pressure down. I'd really like my 55 gallon to have these soft bubbles in it!
keseyjo - 9 years ago
+Acura Safe Awesome! Thank you so much! I'll look into getting me one!
Acura Safe
Acura Safe - 9 years ago
+keseyjo You can buy a valve that control the pressure of the bubbles in your tank. Just visit your local pet store and ask the clerk for the valve that control the pressure of your air pump. I got mine in my tank and it works wonder.
Bryan YSQ
Bryan YSQ - 9 years ago
Who's the Japanese guy's name again?
Ramonito Abarquez
Ramonito Abarquez - 9 years ago
+Bryan YSQ takashi amano, founder of ADA, search it on youtube
dalton lawson
dalton lawson - 9 years ago
Does that pet shop have bichirs and ropefish.
Iknow789 - 9 years ago
You are awesome, man. Probably the only person on youtube talking about aquariums I don't regularly want to ring the neck of for just quoting conventional wisdom without actually understanding what is going on in their tanks when I watch their videos.
Bass Ray
Bass Ray - 9 years ago
I've got one of this fish in my tank but it always under the rock and something behinde the plants I'm not even sure if it eats any algees need help!!! should I buy another so the fish has a friend I also have 4 goldfish in the tank.
Kittenbumble - 9 years ago
SAE are lovely if you have a tank big enough for them as adults, and you want to keep them in general (not just to clear algae then rehome them, which is cruel) but for smaller tanks they cause more problems than they solve IMO.
DREQUIM - 9 years ago
Same problem here bro. Thinking of getting it.... Thanks.  :)
DREQUIM - 9 years ago
+Abhijit Pal Now thinking to not get ADA amazonian....
DREQUIM - 9 years ago
+Abhijit Pal I have exact same things to ans to my family.... :)
Steve Slater
Steve Slater - 9 years ago
Is this fish called the flying fox ?
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Steve Slater No. The flying fox is a different fish.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
if you have an agressive fish problem then getting a marimo moss ball a few malaysian trumpet snails (you can create snail traps and give some away if they breed too much) and a few shrimp and viola you have your cleaner crew!! but for those that love their plants for the love of pete dont get apple ramshorn or mystery snails because once they get dont with the algea problem they will have a nice salad afterwards also dont get a common pleco because once they grow to near full size they will eat your plants too. (this is said to those with fish that might harass the algea eaters)
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
only auto correct could make such innocent things into the most perverted things.I wonder why it does that sometimes.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter lol a friend of mine posted from her iphone on my facebook and she was talking about fancy lace and it posted "im going to get this shitty face" and she was trying to post "im going to get this pretty lace" with a pic....from that day on she turned autocorrect off. i have had bad run ins with auto myself so i turned it off on my tablet and kindle.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
yes.I meant to say carp.not well crap which auto correct decided is what I meant.(when I wrote it I was on a kindle)
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter yuh i know they breed them together sometimes force breeding species that usually dont breed....also you meant to say carp right? and is it bad that i giggled cause i remember that my grampa used to say carp were crap....?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
yeah the ones people call giant goldfish are hybrids.between a koi and a crap.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter ahhhh i like learnin new stuff they should put a the more you know button in the reply section!!! see i know more about the tropicals and various plants and some snails. and yes i have seen wild koi that was recorded at 125 lbs or more in the bigger rivers and people label them gold fish especially here on youtube when they post a vlog. the biggest ones at the zoo here are nearly 2 foot now and i have seen golden koi go for 2k a piece...i dont think the pet shops will carry those they are exspensive even as babies and they will lose money more than gain it!!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
you actually can't find the dwarf varieties.siamese doll goldfish would be the ones your thinking of and their extremely rare with a high chance of having health issues.

however most shops will claim that fantails don't that big nor to the other double tailed varieties.these varieties normally get 6 to 8 inches while single tails normally get 7 to 10(but have been record to be bigger).

or where talking about goldfish being the same as a koi which are in the same family but are different species.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter ahh i was thinking of the dwarf varieties bred to stay unde r6 inches is what they are SUPPOSED to sell. my mom has an 8 incher shes got a pond ready for.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
yeah based on the fact they said it must of been a flake my guess is those frogs must of been starving cause they should be fed frog pellets or blood worms not flakes.cause flakes don't have the needed nutrition for them.

also gold fish are 6 to 12 inches not under 6 inches.just most don't get to their normal healthy adult sizes cause of stunt along with having their life spans cut really bad.when a fish that can live 10+ years go to a week to 4 years is really sad.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter yup and if you arent careful both will dine on your fancy guppies....ive seen it happen they put the "african dwarfs" (i fortunately can tell the difference my husband can not) in the tanks with the guppies and on a few ocasions they have snacked on unwitting little guppies that got too close WHILE I WATCHED IN HORROR!! when i bring this up they just brush it off and say its a fluke _ . the kicker is my husband wanted to get a frog and my two eldest kids love guppies and i know one night imma turn off the lights and find at least the male gone in the morning!! as for the gold fish thing they sell feeders where i get my fish and i can tell the difference between a true gold fish that will stay 6 inches or smaller and a koi that can get up to 2 foot!! and people buy the feeders for their aquariums thinking they wont grow much and then freak out when not only do they grow but they EAT the other fish!! i have also seen pack man frogs misslabled as other types of frogs. i got frustrated 8 years ago when i told the people at petsmart that they had labled platies as mollies and they looked at me as if i were the stupid ones. platies cant breed with mollies but they say they can the only link is that guppies can breed to mollies and sword tails can breed to both platies and molies but the off spring of all three crosses most likely wont survive and have a 75% chance of being infertile or have birth defects that slowly kill them as they grow. ehem anyways im just passionate about getting to know as much as i can about fish and though i know just a fraction of info on tropical (and some cold water) fish and other things i still know more than many of those working to sell them. The new woman at petsmart is rathe rpleased when i point out a fish in trouble or doing a death spiral unlike the others that looked at me like i was stupid!!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
actually I think they come from the plants they get in and not all those hitchhiker are exactly what you want.I've actually heard about people getting crayfish sometimes in their tank either when they bought what they thought/was spouse to be shrimp or it got a ride in with the other fish.

speaking of shrimp and crayfish mix ups have you ever heard the stories of people buying one thing and ending up with something completely different.a few examples would be buying a goldfish and it being a koi or getting african dwarf frogs and it truning out they where clawed frogs.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter yup ive been in an argument with someone that is stead fast on the "1 inch of fish pergallon" they dont know why and dont realise some types of fish MUST be in  aschooling crowd larger than that or you get agression an dothers no matter how many gallons per fish you get agression between males over territory. one shop told me to keep TWO male betas in the same tank and just get a screen devider.....nope i have seen them kill themselves trying to get at each other!! AND i have also been in a store where they got short with me because i was browsing the many types of animals they had and watching the temperment of the fish with each other.....its just radiculous. I did get the woman that kept giving me "advise" to actually stop it when i told her about the care of fancy big tailed guppies and how i take care of an outbreak in my tank. Also heres the kicker, i didnt know HOW i got the pond snails until i saw what they use to clean ...they use FRIGGIN POND SNAILS!! yup more likely than not a coupple of the buggers hitch hicked their way to my tank from theirs via a fish bag or the plants.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
you want one thing but they won't give you want info on something as simple as a shipment and they'll try to get you to buy a another thing which most often isn't the thing you want.

it's pretty hard to find a good shop with that perfect balance.the shops in my area are they either treat you like an idiot or there's this one I know you better know exactly what you want and get the fuck out.if not the employs get pissed at you.which when I was new to the store it was kinda of jarring when I came to see what they have and still is at times cause you never know what they have half the time.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter yup and they HATE it when those of us that actually do the research come in and KNOW what we want or need. i was told not to get MTS or pond snails (the ones that stay tiney) because they will dine on my plants if they are starving by the same woman that is an expert in taking care of fish....
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
true.I never trust pet shop info cause it's often wrong/way behind modern care and sometimes the animals they have are labeled wrong or given a nick name(basically you better know what your looking for).they recommend cages way to small for the animals,poor set ups,diets and so much more.

I guess most people are to lazy to actually research and just want a quick fix without much effort or thought put into pet care.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter yes but many people forget the "you have to feed them" rule because many of the stores they get them from tell you that you dont have to feed them. people tend to follow the advice of the so called "expert" at the fish shop. i got lucky and was told that the mystery snails may eat my plants if i dont supliment and to get a nerite one instead. they dont breed in freshwater AND stay smaller than ramshorn and mystery snails. i also learned (not too late but interesting enough) that if you are going to keep platies and guppies its best to suppliment an algea waifer (with the high protein content and garlic in it) to actually keep them healthier AND keep them from eating your plants. i have the 1-2mm pond snails that are happy to leave my healthy plants alone and clean all the brown or green algea off my tank walls and plants and the MTS that burrow in the day and come out at night. they LOVE to clean up the left over cookie and food from what the fish did not eat!!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
there's a way to prevent the snail from eating your have to feed them algae wafers and things like broccoli,cuddle bone,sea shells and other calcium rich foods.they tend to eat those before your plants cause they seek out calcium especially when bigger.never had an issue with my gold flake(my golden mystery/apple snail) since I supplement her diet and shes gotten to be pretty big.not quite the size of the biggest snails of her kind but shells about ping pong ball size.
Reed Smith
Reed Smith - 9 years ago
Jacob, my friend, i know that this is totally off topic but I have been wanting to say this for some time now. You TOTALLY remind me of John Lovitz ... Anyway, i really love your vids and really appreciate your advice. Once I am ready for plants I'm DEFINITELY getting them from you. I am proud of you and the business you started & tell everyone about you. Thanks a bunch Brother.
Jennie Bennett
Jennie Bennett - 9 years ago
HI Jacob....I have an Algae issue in my tank. I have one Comet Goldfish in a 26 Gallon Tank....could you give me suggestions????  I do have a filter system....  Thanks Much  :)
Iknow789 - 9 years ago
+Shinku The Undead Honestly, it's not even enough for a fancy goldfish. They're indeterminate growers, so they'll keep growing their whole lives if the water is high quality and are much better in groups than single. Sure, you can keep one alive for a long time in an aquarium but their quality of life will be poor.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Shinku The Undead you can keep them until half grown in a tank that size and then keep it for a sick tank and over wintering or growing of any babies if you get said goldfish a mate. but i do agree that they need a larger tank or pond. it is better to have 150 gallons per comet as a posed to 10-20 gallons per common and smaller fancy goldfish...(btw the last part is for her benifit i am  abit of a fish nut and want to research all the different things that certain fish need)
Miss Shinku
Miss Shinku - 9 years ago
26 gallons is great for a single fancy goldfish, but not nearly enough for a comet. Comets need ponds.
I think the algae is the least of your issues.
mangisda - 9 years ago
I swear by them. Just dont confuse them for Flying Fox and Chinese Algae Eaters. Also, SEA are only good algae eaters when they are young.
Dino Orlando
Dino Orlando - 9 years ago
I have a small 20 Gallon Tank. Had a Brown Algae Issue. Bought 3 Otto Algae Eaters. Tiny little guys. I immediately saw a difference. 3 days in, No algae. The siamese algae eaters I hear are territorial, so with smaller Fish that could be a problem.
Angela Bettens
Angela Bettens - 10 years ago
My aquarium water was extremely green. Could only see fish if they were next to glass. I bought the uv sterilizer and the water has turned milky. It has been about 3 weeks with the sterilizer running 24/7. Is that supposed to happen?

My fish store told me the best algae eater was the Chinese algae eaters, so we bought one. Now he is huge and has been killing my other fish. Was not told they would do that. I do not have live plants in my tank. What would be the best algae eater for my tank. 46 gal and I do have a few decorations in it.
Nicole D
Nicole D - 10 years ago
I just got a female beta and I am having to change the water every three days because of a strong stagnant water/fish smell. Is it algae? It is only that one fish in a gallon bowl. I don't want to return it but it is really bothersome. I was told to use Poland Spring bottled water instead of my tap because I am have a water softener on the tap.  Please advise! Thank you!
Silentwisher - 10 years ago
What about otto? I have had Siamese(at least thats what we were told they were, but looking at your video, they didnt look anything like yours.) and they are mean to our fish.

Edit again: Found out we had Chinese Algae Eaters....They are mean. Where could I pick up your type?
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 9 years ago
+Silentwisher Siamese Algae Eaters
Togo Toons
Togo Toons - 10 years ago
would love to see a clear demonstration highlighting the physical differences between the Siamese Algae eater and the one that most local stores try to pass off as such; the Chinese Algae Eater. The Chinese Algae eater is NOT desirable, but for some reason many fall victim to buying them thinking thatthey are the same as the Siamese.
That Creepy Family
That Creepy Family - 9 years ago
+Todd Dolce the stores feed this missconception by telling people that they are good algea eaters(to make more money)....nope th echineese ones are more likely to eat your plants than the algea!! it is like a pleco vs a true algea eater yuh the pleco will clean your tank walls and some of the other surfaces but he/she will also clean out your plants as well as said pleco grows. where as true (and hard to find) algea eaters will only eat the algea. BUT as i said the store owners and employees dont wanna tell you this because they want to make money!!
Olu Akin
Olu Akin - 10 years ago
pink floyd or not,, no body cares bro. the fact is that I like your videos. infact keep wearing it, so we know it's you once we're on online
Tree Frog Arborist
Tree Frog Arborist - 10 years ago
But will they destroy/eat all my flame, marimo, ect. algae? What about the algae that's suppose to be there?
Tree Frog Arborist
Tree Frog Arborist - 10 years ago
Gotcha and ty for the feedback!
94110mission - 10 years ago
Yes, they will eat the algae you may want to keep. I have two in my tank and they feasted on my java moss and as they get older they will develop an appetite for certain plants like Rotalla and others. If you have a heavy investment in plants make sure none are on the voracious SAE list of favorites because those plants will be gone!. 
Diana Alfonso
Diana Alfonso - 10 years ago
I need HELP!! what about brown algae? I have 4 goldfish and my tank is infested with brown algae. I do not know what to do. Thanks!
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+timmy reed no its diatoms
timmy reed
timmy reed - 9 years ago
+Diana Alfonso poop.its poop
mihajlo525 - 10 years ago
Pleco, WITHOUT A DOUBT, is the best algae eater. I haven't had to clean algae from my glass in MONTHS. I even threw away my glass scrubber because I don't need it anymore... I own a 120 gallon that has about a dozen tennis ball sized stones that ALWAYS had algae on them, I even tried taking them out and scrubbing them with no avail! But he just strips each rock of algae and they look cleaner then when I got them, he also gets those impossible to reach places like the corners. Plecos are good if you have a large tank with algae growing on structures but this fish is better for caring for plants.
samuricexful - 10 years ago
Do Siamese Algae Eaters always school like that?
James Brassill
James Brassill - 10 years ago
Another algae eater that has a bit of color is the Stiphodon semoni, or Cobalt Blue Goby. They won't eat every bit of algae like the SAE does but so far I have seen mine grazing on even black beard. Its not their favorite and they will favor green hair algae but they would be an addition instead of just a replacement. I have even seen my Stiphodon chase off my SAE to get the best grazing spot, they are interesting little gobys. These fish have some requirements above the typical fish so research before just buying them.
Alex Paulsen
Alex Paulsen - 10 years ago
plecocostomus? I think you mean plecostomus, or "pleco" for short.
darren hopkinson
darren hopkinson - 10 years ago
These are awful nasty little shits.  Seen too many good fish injured by algae eaters especially the chinese version.  Buy at your own risk.  
Alex Paulsen
Alex Paulsen - 10 years ago
Chinese algae eaters are cunts, yes. I've got a rather large one who can sometimes show aggression. A piece of courgette every so often keeps him safe. I have found him to be increasingly shy (again) after he was spending hours away from his hole just sucking everything,.. I got a Siamese algae eater to replace his laziness and scrub away some black brush algae, only time will tell me if he's any better.
Kasik B
Kasik B - 10 years ago
Siamensis prefer flake food and blood worms than algae if u guys want ur siams to  eat algae then u shouldn't feed ur fish.
after12345 - 10 years ago
Name of those plants?
zeler00 - 10 years ago
Different Algae eaters eat different algae
Ice Sharq
Ice Sharq - 10 years ago
Abalone(for saltwater) in my opinion.
robert b
robert b - 10 years ago
yes, these fish work
. i only got three and they were enough for my 25 gallon. i hear they grow very big, too. so thats another factor
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 10 years ago
I heard they will shred plants like Rotala Wallachi, is this true?
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+ThePlantedPassion Yes, that is true. Thanks for watching :)
greatblueherron - 10 years ago
Is it a saltwater of freshwater fish?
2088Miller - 10 years ago
I've had my SAE for 14-15 months (now full grown) and he does not touch algae.  He's skittish, chases my cory cats out of his lair and only swims out for fish food (yes, actual fish food, not algae).  Otos are a million times more interesting if nothing else.  
2088Miller - 10 years ago
+Shane Doe Hi Shane - Thanks.  It is a true SAE.  It's kind of a big fish, so given that it doesn't even touch algae I probably am not going to get more but I hear what you are saying.  Would be happy to get more if it touched the hair algae that grows on my dw (it grows there because it is closer to the light).  Appreciate your feedback.
Shane Doe
Shane Doe - 10 years ago
Make sure it's a real SAE. They should have the black stripe extending into the tail fin, if the stripe ends at the base, it's not an SAE. Also, they're schooling fish, keeping only one will make it shy, secretive and possibly more apt to attack other fish because it feels threatened. Add a few more and it should calm down and be more active outside his cave.
Matts Aquascapes
Matts Aquascapes - 10 years ago
Hi, I am 14 and trying to get more subscribers. Could you give me a shout and tell people to watch my videos. I really love your videos and want to have a channel like your. Thanks for the help, i would if you could do that for me. +JacobsAquarium 
ilookafter thewater
ilookafter thewater - 10 years ago
The so-called sucking loaches have a bit of a bad rep here, in the UK. I've certainly seen them strafe other fish without warning, ripping scales off, and sometimes even an eye out of other fish who can't escape them, and I won't keep them in any kind of community tank.

That said, there is a theory that the great variation in behaviour (some people think they're devils, others say they're saints) stems from the fact they when you breed locally and don't mix a little fresh DNA from time-to-time you get regional types with certain traits bred in to them and fixed. I reckon we've bred them in to psychopaths round here.

That would seem to explain why people in some parts swear by these fish, while people in other parts won't entertain them.

Good video, though, and a great looking tank. Keep up the good work :o)

And you might try mollies sometime; they're often overlooked as algae eaters and eat hair algae all day long.


And there is nothing wrong with putting Floyd out there. Cool tee-shitrs!
razvanvirna131454 - 10 years ago
keep in mind that SAE jump out of the aquarium. so if you don't have a lid DON"T BUY THEM or you will find them on the floor
Soon Sokkeow
Soon Sokkeow - 10 years ago
What r those fishes???
nikki bby
nikki bby - 10 years ago
Great fish best cleaners you can find for your tank better than the plecos, plecos clean well but the size for the mess they leave afterwards is insane! plus they can uproot a planted tank easy. wish i could get these fish again but i now have oscars and they would be fish food for sure!............. great vid look foward to more!
David Do
David Do - 10 years ago
You go to " The Reef"? 
AquaJungle - 10 years ago
True that. Mine keep my tank spotless!
Loai Jaffar
Loai Jaffar - 10 years ago
What is the name of the fish (Algae Eater)
Fishhunter2014 - 10 years ago
The way they graze reminds me of goats. I wonder why they're not called goatfish?
The Angry Gamer
The Angry Gamer - 10 years ago
Hey man quick question. I just recently bought a tank that i keep outside and the temperatures outside will be anywhere from 30-45 degrees farinhight for the next 4 month or so. What kind of algae eaters would i need to buy to withstand that temperature?
Lanie Condez
Lanie Condez - 10 years ago
try hydrogenperoxide
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+g money None that I know would be comfortable in that environment. I've never kept an aquarium outside so I can't say which ones would be able to withstand those temperatures either. Sorry.
Bryan Umana
Bryan Umana - 10 years ago
is that bubbles coming off of your plants????
Bryan Umana
Bryan Umana - 10 years ago
whatttt thats a lot of oxyen wow lol
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Bryan Umana Yes. When plants consume nutrients and co2 they produce oxygen in the form of bubbles that emit from the plants leafs or stems. Thanks for watching.
Momma JP
Momma JP - 10 years ago
Would this SAE be fine in an Angelfish tank? +JacobsAquarium    
Tank life
Tank life - 10 years ago
They will eat your moss
ปิยะ บุญราชกันย์
ปิยะ บุญราชกันย์ - 10 years ago
many tropical fish are in the river from my country . 
ปิยะ บุญราชกันย์
ปิยะ บุญราชกันย์ - 10 years ago
very good information. thank you
i am beginner.
Anita Lee-Yu
Anita Lee-Yu - 10 years ago
R SAE aggressive, i have rosy barb and skirt tretra in my tank now?? 
J. Christian Larsen
J. Christian Larsen - 10 years ago
My local Aquarium shop told me these fish are "too aggressive" and will attack all my other fish.  That seemed weird for a 130 gallon planted tank... any thoughts?
SED71 - 10 years ago
problem is that my goldfish are massive and they like to eat smaller fish that fit in their mouth.
Paul Allcock
Paul Allcock - 10 years ago
Hi Jacob, I bought 6 of these on the basis of this video, and totally agree, they are a great addition. Thanks for the advice.
Toriless - 10 years ago
My darn SAE thinks it's a Platy fish and swims along with them at feeding time and eats the Hikari micro pellets I fed them.  It reminds me of the "Ugly Duckling" that did not know he was a swan and not a duck.  It seems he is always either eating or swimming around.  He makes the slow moving (except when first feeding) female Platy fish look lazy.  I have the baby males in another tank.  My original females arrived pregnant.  It took months of quarantining all babies until mature to separate them so I would not end up with hundreds of them.
East Allen Aquatics
East Allen Aquatics - 10 years ago
my sae does that too!
Jennifer Langley
Jennifer Langley - 10 years ago
Sha ... Pink Floyd is awesome!  Wear all the Pink Floyd shirts you want lol!
1nation1love - 10 years ago
hello friend i had the same problem i tried medicine no succes.then i bought algae eter and it did the job real nice.cheers
Jörgen Bragge
Jörgen Bragge - 10 years ago
I agree.
PAYASO CESAR - 10 years ago
were in anaheim? i live in perris ca but work in anaheim hills. off imperial
Will B
Will B - 10 years ago
will they go well with most fish?
UkZz Snipes 00
UkZz Snipes 00 - 10 years ago
Hi I would like to know if they are Coldwater fish or warm thank you
bloodlucky - 10 years ago
Better than CAE
john doe
john doe - 10 years ago
When they run out of algae to eat, do they start fin nipping other fish?
Toriless - 10 years ago
They will eat regular fish food too.  Mine loves micro pellets, a bit tooo much.  I have seen no aggression from mine.
Diamond Girl
Diamond Girl - 10 years ago
Wowww, thanks for the tip!
PokieMech - 10 years ago
has anyone here experienced this type if bacteria? 

i have 3 male Betta Fish. 2 in one tank separated by glass (of course) and one in a plastic tank by himself.
neither tank has a filter but are both cleaned out each weekend. they are both in the same spot on my desk and share the same amount of light & dark.

but my plastic tank since the day i got it is growing white cobweb looking, slimy feeling ... bacteria? (i'm not sure if its algae). no matter how much i clean his tank the white stuff grows back over night or the next day. its starts on the ornaments a plastic plant & hidey hole the quite small but when it gets to the rubble/pebbles/little stones and spreads faster and grows longer.
but my glass tank is completely fine! on algae in sight. (i always use API tap water conditioner and API quick start)

i've i can't find a correct name for this bacteria online and there are so many different opinions about it. I've also asked 2 different fish shops and they had no idea what was happening to my tank
Toriless - 10 years ago
+mintheman7 Crap!  Just use Prime and seconds later it ready to go!
PokieMech - 10 years ago
+mintheman7 ah I see.
yeah someone told me its because plastic heats up quicker which draws the fungus/algae/bacteria to it.
mintheman7 - 10 years ago
It's not a bacteria. It is the "slime coat" from your API water conditioner. I usually leave a bucket of fresh water with API conditioner out for a week before I do my water change. If I leave a plastic tube inside the bucket, it would get fully coated the white "slime" by the end of the week. All my plastic suction cups inside the tank are coated with the slime as well. I don't know why the slime only accumulate on plastic and not glass, maybe because of static electricity.
angel girls opinions
angel girls opinions - 10 years ago
Hi i am just going to share my thoughts. I had a CAE when I first set up my aquarium. I was told that I had to have one and that it was a very peaceful AE, The person who told me that was so wrong. I had a tank with guppies and tetras, well i lost at least 20 guppies compliments of the 1 CAE, the thing was crazy, it would kill them and sometimes it would just eat the guppies eyes and the poor guppies would have 1 eye and suffer for a week before dying. It was awful. I dont suggest them. 
Louise Taube
Louise Taube - 10 years ago
Thank you!
kevin perez
kevin perez - 10 years ago
Just wondering can you put this with a male betta half moon
Thomas Kievit
Thomas Kievit - 10 years ago
Man, I can watch thousands of these aquarium video's and still can't get enough. I still mis my own aquarium though. I've had one years ago, but I got rid off it cause I didn't had time anymore to maintain it. It was not a small tank, it was 100 cm long x 60 cm wide x 60 cm tall. Around 360 liters. Most fishes were guppies. Hopefully I can start in the future with a new aquarium, but this time with Ranchu's in it :-)

Good video by the way!
Ionut Cozma
Ionut Cozma - 10 years ago
I bought 2 at about 2.5 cm each for a 225L tank. they cleaned the algae in 1 day. Hair algae mostly but really everything vanished. 
Yellowswift3 - 10 years ago
I like your t-shirt. :)
haynerbass - 10 years ago
Nice shirt man.
Lorenz V
Lorenz V - 10 years ago
Dude, you got a UV sterilizer in your tank, that keeps the tank clear.. 
Ryann Von Doom
Ryann Von Doom - 10 years ago
How do they mesh with shrimp?
Cichlidae Mayhem
Cichlidae Mayhem - 10 years ago
Love the shirt, love the fish, tank, plants. Your awesome man lol
Edgar Hernández
Edgar Hernández - 10 years ago
I have an Siamese alga eater but it's a golden fish, I mean is not like the one you showed in this video, do you think is the same specie?
Toriless - 10 years ago
+Rafael Diaz Could be the Chinese AE which are crap?  They are SILVER. If the edge of their strip is smooth it's not an SAE which have a jagged edge to their black stripe that follows their scales.  Fins should also be transparent.  Head should be triangular not round.  Also see how the black extends into their tale (which is should do) but then fade away part way in.  Some fakes have the stripe continue all the way through the tale.  On real ones like these it fades off.  It should also have 2 VISIBLE barbs and 2 additional ones you should not be able to see without doing a taxidermy.
Fish Whisperer
Fish Whisperer - 10 years ago
I have a 55 g tank but can't get these fish because they do not sell them at petsmart plan to get a albino bristlenose longfin Pleco tomorrow
Fish Whisperer
Fish Whisperer - 10 years ago
Your videos taught me a lot and helped me make decisions on what are good fish to get thanks so much and love the videos I subscribed
Dizzlar3 - 10 years ago
Jacob!!!! you genius! i got 3 of these and all my algae has gone! your a legend! cheers!
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thank you so much :)
Gabe Kribbs
Gabe Kribbs - 10 years ago
+Jeyhun Mikayil What you need is a larger aquarium and a plecostomous
Mich Allison
Mich Allison - 10 years ago
can they go with guppies and mollies
Toriless - 10 years ago
+JacobsAquarium Mine swims along with the Platy fish like he is one of them until they slow down at dusk/dawn or night and he still wants to roam about or eat.  P.S. - I got him after seeing this video and doing so follow up research.  I got another one but he squeezed inside the filter in the quarantine tank and broke his back and could hardly move for a day until he died so I was not eager to get him a buddy after that.  He did fine in the same tank and is happy on the 50 gallon along with a male apanse trapdoor snail (they are active like SAEs), ghost shrimp and some non-pregnant female Platy fish.  Nerites snails are boring and hide inthe rocks or crawl up the sides.  JTS crawl over everything and can do some amazing acrobatics on thin reed plants or hanging in to middle of a floating java moss (not sure how he got up in there but he later crawled out) and be OK.  I love then SOOOOO much better then boring Nerites which clean only very limited surfaces.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Yes. SAE's tend not to bother other fish. Thanks for watching friend :)
caserts33 - 10 years ago
Hello, I have a 10 gallon freshwater tank. I have a lot of brown algae growing all over almost everything. For plants I have a melon sword, one anubias (not sure of species) and three aponegeton and one onion plant from a bulb pack. They seem to always get brown algae every week. Wether I do a water change or not. I have no green algae. Do you know what the cause is? And will the Siamese algae eaters eat this brown algae too? Thank you.
Jeyhun E. Mikayil
Jeyhun E. Mikayil - 10 years ago
Hi Jacob, if i am not mistaken these fish will not live with chicilds like Oscar. What do you advise else for greeny and oily water ? My tank is about 25 gallon
Toriless - 10 years ago
+Stevo B Yeah Oscars can get quite big and African Cichlids poop A LOT.  Also African Cichlids like hot (84-86) acidic (6.0 ph) water and SAEs and most tropical fish do not. 

SAE's are quite skinny and can be eaten by larger fish.  Mine is with Platy fish which have very small mouths.

Filters - Rinse in water from your tank but no more then monthly.

IF you use a carbon filter place it back in the filter after using medication but then remove and replace it after two weeks or it will start leeching it back into the tank.  I have planted tanks so I avoid them.  They remove nutrient from the water the plants need.
Stevo B
Stevo B - 10 years ago
Your aquarium has issue with water circulation. It's not fast enough. You can research on surface skimmer system for your tank.

2nd, your tank is over crowded. Too many fish in this tank, perhaps. Or, over feeding and left over food.

3rd, certainly this Siamese algae eater cant live together with Oscar. Oscar will eat it. So, you hv to do more water change.

4th, i believe your aquarium does not hv enough bio filter. Good bacteria will live in bio filter. Never ever wash your bio filter as the good bacteria is growing in it. These bacteria will eat the waste and produce cleaner water for your fish.

Hope it help....
MC89Film - 10 years ago
new water...
Ad Mortem
Ad Mortem - 10 years ago
Can i put siames algae eater with guppies?
Ad Mortem
Ad Mortem - 10 years ago
will they eat my guppy fry
Ad Mortem
Ad Mortem - 10 years ago
ur welcome
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Yes, they should be fine. I've kept mine with small tetras and sword tails. Thanks for watching friend :)
Derek correa
Derek correa - 10 years ago
They grow big! but they are still cool. but I like the butterfly hillstream loach too. 
robert justus
robert justus - 10 years ago
How much do they cost?
Nabil Raziq
Nabil Raziq - 10 years ago
My 2 SAE's r not helping out my tank,it only eats food,not helping at all.Now they r about 3 and a half inches.PLZ HELP
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor - 10 years ago
My 5 gallon planted tank has a horrible algae problem. But Sadly i cant get this fish because they need at least a 20 gallon tank :(
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 10 years ago
Get cherry shrimp or amano shrimp
DeWaterDraak - 10 years ago
I am hair algea free,thanks to your video!!
Your the best!!! And the fish are cool got 8 working there ass off now hehe!! After 5min they where working hard!!! Ty ty!
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
You're most welcome, glad I could be of help :)
Thomas Estrada
Thomas Estrada - 10 years ago
Where in Anaheim?
Aaron Strigmeyer
Aaron Strigmeyer - 10 years ago
There's nothing wrong with owning only pink Floyd shirts
What Streamer?
What Streamer? - 7 years ago
Totally agree I have about 6 :)
Aaron Strigmeyer
Aaron Strigmeyer - 7 years ago
HYPESQUAD 03 - 7 years ago
yea there is
GlockWiseSB - 10 years ago
The right cleaner for the right plant. I forget what my problem with SAE was... but they didn't work for my tank. I think they damaged some of my plants or couldn't handle my water temperature or something... :(
Jon molofsky
Jon molofsky - 10 years ago
Pink Floyd shirts are cool!
Mijah Young
Mijah Young - 10 years ago
I find that they tend to be aggressive if not in a school
msnb1966 - 10 years ago
thanks for the information. i'll try them. what about flying fox? some says flying fox is the best algae eater. what do you think?
Fun Aquariums
Fun Aquariums - 10 years ago
I use these also in my tanks and also have had great success.
witch2eyes24 - 10 years ago
My lone cichlid would snack on those, unfortunately. He will eat pretty much anything that goes in the tank. Alas, he must live alone.
Howard Kaemerer
Howard Kaemerer - 10 years ago
leuigia.  i think is how it's pronounced.  my question;  will they scare the living love of jesus out of other fish like big scary looking almost invisible and then jump up and scare the fish pellets out of you, Plecostomus? are other fish comfy and cozy with them around?  i'll do more research.  thanks for the cool video.  BTW playing pink floyd is like playing mozart or bethoven and rocks.  like the shirts.  wanna sell em?  
jay Chaminda
jay Chaminda - 10 years ago
Thanks for the video,will these algae eaters aggressive towards discus ? How big they will get.
Vince H
Vince H - 10 years ago
Sweet tank dude.
百合•希望 - 10 years ago
I love them、too but just to let you know、they grow really big - I had a 8in long Siamese Algae eater in my 110gal Customised Tall Freshwater Cichlid tank (with an Oscar & a Green Terror who loved kissing me on the glass - sadly、both our Siamese Algae eater & Green Terror died of old age which I can't help missing them & my father gave our Oscar away to a friend in of his cuz it's heartbreaking to see her alone) & I can't imagine 7 of them in our 8in long (Suki was her name)? All 3 gals grew up together in a 110 Tall Cichlid Fish Tank & how I wish to start all over again、but I don't think it will be the same as our 3 Loving Angels。。。(。-_-。)。Don't mean to sound too depressing but I can't help missing them every time I watch a video bout fish tanks which I had avoided since they died & last one given away。I missing my Teri's loving kisses the most。I just couldn't find that same feeling we had with them girls。Our good memories with them will always make me smile as well。

Anyway、I hope your 7 Siamese Algae eaters will grow well & it will surely take patience to grow these to the size of my Suki Shalom (*^^*)
bigseanSM - 10 years ago
They are good algae eaters when they are young, when they get bigger they get lazy and just go crazy for fish food and leave the algae alone, still a cool fish though :-)
Vince H
Vince H - 10 years ago
Looking forward to getting some Siamese Algae Eaters!  Nice substrate and plants by the way.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Hi, I like to keep four or more in a group, but it really doesn't matter. In regards to their potential tank mates, I wouldn't recommend mixing them with an Oscar. Oscars tend to eat anything they can fit in their mouths and SAE's are perfect size. So you could try it, maybe give them some hiding places, but even still I guarantee your Oscar will eat them. Good luck and thanks for watching.
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
I has what you are talking about alge eater there are some that well to lach on to the fish
sxmxxl - 10 years ago
Personally I think 2 or 3 SAEs are sufficient? 7 is a bit much and then there are the concerns about not having enough algae for them once they finish all the algae in the tank. But yes, these algae eaters are impressive.
Toriless - 10 years ago
40-100 gallons, I assume.  It's probably the Angelfish which have aggressive feeding habits.  Tetras are relatively passive.  Hornwort is another good choice to try since the Amazon Sword is surviving.  You can also try just feeding them small soaked salad greens to satiate their desire for such food.
sxmxxl - 10 years ago
+Johnny Smith sorry about missing out on giving the details-- I keep 20 cherry barbs, 10 columbian tetras, and 2 black+altum crossbreed angelfish (pterophyllum, if I spelled that right). I used to get uproots every week! Though, I commented 4 months ago.. I've since converted to all amazon swords and used aquarium glue to glue my anubias barteri to my driftwood. I've given up on small-leafed plants for real! Sigh.
Toriless - 10 years ago
What type of fish.  Some are more prone to doing that.  Also some plants have thicker leaves are fish tend to not eat those.  You need to provide more details.
sxmxxl - 10 years ago
+JacobsAquarium ah, okay. There are currently no visible signs of algae in my tank, but I guess I'll heed your advice. I do have a problem with my fish nipping at my plants though, do you have any solution for that? I feed them twice a day, varying between pellet food and tubifex worms.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Two or three? Its not just personal preference. Two or three in a hundred gallon tank for example is going to do nothing. If you have a planted tank, trust me they will have plenty of algae to eat. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean its not there. Algae doesn't always show itself like you may think.
chen - 10 years ago
they just eat fish food, shrimp is the best
Adam Fan
Adam Fan - 10 years ago
what did u use on your aquarium background to have that slowly moving-up bubbles ?  lol
Thomas Curry
Thomas Curry - 10 years ago
who is this asian guy you are talking about?
Sahadi420 - 10 years ago
Takashi Amano
Ramona Viera
Ramona Viera - 10 years ago
i want to know about algae not ur pink floyd t shirt or how many loads of wash u do a week..
amthebadman - 10 years ago
Quit being an idiot :p
AttentionJunkie - 10 years ago
I think SAEs are the hardiest algae eaters.
Amit Tembhare
Amit Tembhare - 11 years ago
u can see them in my profile pic they look like white thread like,
Amit Tembhare
Amit Tembhare - 11 years ago
i have hair alages and staghorn algaes in my plant leaves and they r turning type of white now they sm times look like fuzz algae i really cant recognize them now ,dont know what they are ,i have seimese algae eaters and otta cinclus but seimese are also not eating those dont know hwta to do pls help
streetsharklmtd - 11 years ago
i've tried oto's, CAE's, cory's, pleco's, and none of them helped with my algae! SAE's are next as soon as my local pet store gets them in.
Darren Caruana
Darren Caruana - 11 years ago
Thank man, very informative
ben andrews
ben andrews - 11 years ago
are these Siamese algae eaters warm water fish or temperate as i have a temperate tank but an algae problem
Nancy Volke
Nancy Volke - 11 years ago
Very informative!!
Jhalen Burroughs
Jhalen Burroughs - 11 years ago
Will oscars eat them
tjhutch89 - 11 years ago
had 2 tiger oscars  and fed them crawfish regularly. It's fun to watch the battle, if the crawfish is to big, they ganged up and tore it apart. Too much fun!
JacobsAquarium - 11 years ago
Ashlaloo1025 - 11 years ago
I had a siamese algae eater but he was so agressive towards my other fish (peppered cories, kuli loach, and cardinal tetras) he grew to about 4 inches fast. So I gave him to my dad who has a 5inch bichir and he bullies her in his tank.
GroinFaceGroin - 11 years ago
Are you sure it's not a flying fox? They look nearly identical and tend to be territorial and aggressive. 
Kevin Duong
Kevin Duong - 11 years ago
Can i get the full name of the Siamese algae eater? i'm interested in buying some.
Kyrin Clark-Clegg
Kyrin Clark-Clegg - 11 years ago
Crossocheilus siamensis

The Siamese Algae Eater

Good luck on the search, they're great fish!
Vandeth Soeu
Vandeth Soeu - 11 years ago
man , you are funny 
johnpipi2 - 11 years ago
Do you have a uv sterilizater inline on your tank?
Jared Shillingburg
Jared Shillingburg - 11 years ago
ottos generally only eat diatoms(brown dust algae).
Jared Shillingburg
Jared Shillingburg - 10 years ago
you would probably be best off with just one. they clean brown super fast.
caserts33 - 10 years ago
Would a few ottos be ok in a 10 gallon? I have brown algae that gets a little out of control and can be a pain to continuously scrub all the rocks and plants.
ingrid panezo
ingrid panezo - 11 years ago
bro your laugh is contagious lol  great video
Stacey Kuhn
Stacey Kuhn - 11 years ago
Jason Flessner
Jason Flessner - 11 years ago
Ok just dont ever get Chinese alge eaters they are extremely aggressive
Domski Photography
Domski Photography - 11 years ago
what kind of sand do you use??
Mad5cout - 11 years ago
Siamese Algae Eater - 6" max length.  Otocinclus - 2" max length.  Now you know why people use otos.  If you don't have a 30 Gallon+ tank, you shouldn't be keeping SAEs.  Otos are one of the best options for smaller tanks.
caserts33 - 10 years ago
So is there any specific fish that will eat brown colored algae? I don't have green algae growing. And also, better off in a small tank? I have a 10 gallon freshwater set up and just don't have the space and money to set up a bigger tank. This tank has a lot of brown algae and cleaning it almost every week can be a pain.
Jarod Dunbeck
Jarod Dunbeck - 11 years ago
Ottos do not touch the algea to that true SAE's will demolish.   I have Ottos, Bristelnose Plecos, and SAE.  They do not all eat the same algae so its not like you can say, 'hey I have a small tank I'll go with Ottos' etc.. Ottos mostly are good for diatoms and that is about it.
Tim Massey
Tim Massey - 11 years ago
I'm not too surprised those Otos didn't do a good enough job in that big tank. They're more for smaller tanks IMO because they stay so small.
Jarod Dunbeck
Jarod Dunbeck - 11 years ago
Has nothing to do with their size, they simply dont' eat the same pest algea that SAE will.  The reason SAE are so amazing is that they will eat even black brush algea and they are constantly busy cleaning. Ottos don't eat hair algae or BBA. 
ClockBloxStudios - 11 years ago
what type of aquarium do you have? 
Sivanesan Letchumanan
Sivanesan Letchumanan - 11 years ago
Hi Jacob, 10q for d gr8 video. do u think this Siamese algae eater is harmful for other fishes like tilapia? 10q
KTtheSWEETIE0404 - 11 years ago
Different types of fish and algae eater eat different kinds of algae. Otocinclus do not eat hair algae. The fish you got get very very big. 
ShamuAquariums - 11 years ago
i had a siamese algae eater. i loved that fish but my crayfish killed it. that was the last straw and that crayfish was out of there. i hope to get more SAE's but the ones i have seen in fish stores lately are too small and my big green scat would eat them.
ShamuAquariums - 11 years ago
once a fish or crayfish kills something, either put it in a different tank alone or with other fish that it can't kill or give it back and trade it for something else
a rees
a rees - 11 years ago
I got up this morn and my cray was snacking on a 70 dollar ghost knife I think he might join yours lol
The Rider
The Rider - 11 years ago
when they are litle  when they get big dont eat much and they are agressiv
ShamuAquariums - 11 years ago
the chinese algae eaters get big and are aggressive. siamese algae eaters are not aggressive and dont get that big. 
Dillon Johnson
Dillon Johnson - 11 years ago
garra pandas are better algae eaters in my opinion you should try them ive only found them on ebay
topeqsama - 11 years ago
thumbs up (y)
biel alzina
biel alzina - 11 years ago
Is it posible the algea eater You may manta in them just by mating them eat algea
ttttrigg3r - 11 years ago
I saw some at Petsmart in HB near golden west. Pretty sure they're SAE for 37cents each. Check them out.
Erin Hanson
Erin Hanson - 11 years ago
when they get bigger they stop eating algae and prefer meat based foods like shrimp pellets
Ethans YT
Ethans YT - 11 years ago
They eat algae if you learn to spell.
BenD Dalley
BenD Dalley - 11 years ago
i have 2 Siamese algae eaters and they don't eat hear algae they gust swim and hide how can i get them to eat algae
hmrhuang - 11 years ago
Agreed. Ancistrus is the best. SAE are not strictly algae eaters and Plecostomus can get really big for most home aquaria.
Taylor Phelps
Taylor Phelps - 11 years ago
Siamensis algae eater? Is that what you mean?
Cornick - 11 years ago
Probably died on the way home
Tom Constable
Tom Constable - 11 years ago
Hi Jacob, What sort of tank do you have? Love To know. Thanks
Kenneth Bullen
Kenneth Bullen - 11 years ago
I am so glad I stumbled onto this video tonight I have the same issue cause I have good nutrients in my Tank and really strong good light and the Hair Algae is killing me I'm going to buy these fish this weekend instead of phosphate remover because a natural solution should be used in a natural setting
irishhiphopman101 - 11 years ago
why do u have no fish in your tank
irishhiphopman101 - 11 years ago
finaly someone with 1080p
irishhiphopman101 - 11 years ago
i love your tank
Jeff Powell
Jeff Powell - 11 years ago
I have had the best luck with Bristle Nose catfish.
MerkinMuffly - 11 years ago
The best algae eater is cleaning your tank, most of the so-called algae eaters just dirty the tank up more by non-stop crapping.
sarzn - 11 years ago
some times they are. but usually they don't. and their mouth dont make any serious damage to other fishes.
Jesus My Savior
Jesus My Savior - 11 years ago
Put two or three Moss Balls in your tank for clear water...25yrs...☺
Gregory Easthouse
Gregory Easthouse - 11 years ago
Hello Ritesh, Up very close you can see that these stripes have a saw-tooth edge. Also the horizontal stripe extends through the tail fin and when this fish sits on the bottom of the aquarium, it sits on its fins, so it's belly doesn't touch. These are thought by some to be distinguishing characteristics of the so-called True Siamese Algae Eater, Crossocheilus siamensis. There are a couple of other similar looking species that are said to not be as good for aquariums. I hope this helps.
namples dewolf
namples dewolf - 11 years ago
how you get that nice bubble effect in the back? the slow moving bubbles
Doom Black
Doom Black - 11 years ago
Good videos buddy.
REEMIKS - 11 years ago
Led Zepplin tshirts?
Ricardo Gutierrez
Ricardo Gutierrez - 11 years ago
my plecos haven't done any damage to plants
Erick O
Erick O - 11 years ago
I got 7 Siamese algae eaters and my glass got allot of algae my Otocinclus did a better job plus they don't stress out my fish like the Siamese.
Ritesh Pawar
Ritesh Pawar - 11 years ago
Hey Jacob is there any other name for the Algae eaters ? Aquarium shops in Mumbai (India) are unable to find that species here !! I had Plecos but they would even eat up my plants so I had to give them away to a friend who owns a pond. Now I need algae eaters desperately... any ideas ??
John Radish
John Radish - 11 years ago
If you actually get a true SAE, they shouldn't be aggressive. If you get a chinese algae eater, or a flying fox, you might not be so lucky
Jayne Aron
Jayne Aron - 11 years ago
hey jacob will these fish be fine with crs ?
CI321 - 11 years ago
are these fish aggressive? I herd they were
MomentsFROMFriends - 11 years ago
What substrate are you using in that tank?
Kevin Liu
Kevin Liu - 11 years ago
Jacob this is my 1st time on your channel yes Siamese algae eaters are the best ones out there but you do need to be careful for when they get bigger when they get bigger they start to pick on your other fish and fight or eat the other fish and this is true
Ursus sapien
Ursus sapien - 11 years ago
They do a rocking job on black beard algae, too. They often bully corydoras when adult.
Jörgen Bragge
Jörgen Bragge - 11 years ago
Dana j
Dana j - 11 years ago
hi Jacob bc of your vids I started a planted tank. Your awesome!! I have a airstone in my tank do you think its necessary with the plants now?
Deborah Armstrong
Deborah Armstrong - 11 years ago
No...he talks about both the Otocinclus and the Siamese Algae Eater. He very clearly says that the Siamese Algae Eater is the more effective fish.
JacobsAquarium - 11 years ago
The Reef in Anaheim.
Bob Vu
Bob Vu - 11 years ago
Hi Jacob, noticed that you live in OC, i''ve been looking around local fish shops and i can't find any SAE, most of the ones i seen are Chinese Algae eater, can you please tell me where you got yours? Alex
t Ak
t Ak - 11 years ago
r these otocinclus? they look abit different than mine
Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
plecos are intolerant of their own kind
Adrian Gimenez
Adrian Gimenez - 11 years ago
As they get older and larger they seem to ignore the algae and just grub on normal fish food. I feel as if as they get large the algae isnt enough to supplement them at all
Peninsula Painting Projects
Peninsula Painting Projects - 11 years ago
Brandon Ritter
Brandon Ritter - 11 years ago
Subscribed! You have great videos and they are really helpful!
Samoh Kul
Samoh Kul - 11 years ago
My pleco not only killed my other pleco, he ate very little algae. He preferred the fish food. About 12" long he craps a lot.
Samoh Kul
Samoh Kul - 11 years ago
ME TOO! My pleco killed my other pleco. The pleco ate very little algae. He preferred fish food.
wolverine1865 - 11 years ago
well i have a 13" pleco and he does not clean the algae.
Nik Skwarok
Nik Skwarok - 11 years ago
Thanks Dude! I am having the same problem, I will give it a try!
Ada Cheng
Ada Cheng - 11 years ago
thanks :) do u know if I can return a fish at petsmart
Pandorartist - 11 years ago
I think it depends on the pet store, cuz I got a fish from Petco the other day and the bag said I can only return a fish if I provide a sample of my water to prove it wasn't due to my tank. They also said they aren't going to make up for the fish it may have infected or killed in the process!
Ada Cheng
Ada Cheng - 11 years ago
What pet store do u go to. I didn't know you could return fish. I've had fishes die on me in less than a day and I know it's not my tanks fault, I think it's because i bought a sick fish or something, but i never went to return them because I didn't know you could
Kasumi97 - 11 years ago
Oxygen does not have to come from bubbles. As long as there is CO2 coming to plants, there will be oxygen released in the water
grim refeer
grim refeer - 11 years ago
I love pink floyd! <3 :)
Jeffery Goines
Jeffery Goines - 11 years ago
They would last maybe an hour in my tank. Live food for a Polleni Cichlid.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
They work, but when they get big they will eat all your moss. You cannot grow any kind of moss with SAE. It is better to get Amano shrimp and Otos! Peace.
Manuel Olivero
Manuel Olivero - 11 years ago
ur a cool dude
dublinboy32 - 11 years ago
you couldent be so more wrong,there the worst and il tell you why.they start of brillant eatng away and away all the algae,but then when they get a bit bigger theyll start eating the other fish food no matter wat food it is,and because of doing this they chase away the other fish stopping them from eating,they also becaome nasty bullys.none of my fish were getting to eat and they were starven and died they also suck the slime of the bigger fish taking away there protective coat they are devils
Casey knight
Casey knight - 11 years ago
thank you for making your videos they helped me so much
disturbeddude123 - 11 years ago
what is the gallonage of your tank?
kyrin clark-clegg
kyrin clark-clegg - 11 years ago
There's an airstone behind them. So, no
MrFreshguy303 - 11 years ago
I have a turtle in my fish tank, can these two live together?
Nicholas Wood
Nicholas Wood - 11 years ago
Tried this out for a month. I took the pleco out and put in a team of four flying fox. In my 29g, I noticed a lot less algae on the plants and less patches on the grass. I did a good cleaning for waste and scraped algae. The algae didn't grow back nearly as bad. These guys don't get deep on my ornaments and rocks but at least I can scrub that off and not see algae on the plants.
ProcraftSc2 - 11 years ago
Cool video, nice fish. Should check out my fish tank videos. I got some crazy assortment of fish in all my tanks!
Jimmy Fung
Jimmy Fung - 11 years ago
do they clean the glass as well?
Scotty M
Scotty M - 11 years ago
I agree as well I have a Chinese alge eater everytime I get a new fish it attacks it especially my betta fish my ant had to get rid of hers because it would attack and kill her bubbled eyed gold fish.
Katherine Shaver
Katherine Shaver - 11 years ago
Second that. Make sure it's a Siamese Algae Eater; that one word does make a difference.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 11 years ago
Another thing when you buy make sure you are buying the siamese algae eater and not the chinese algae eater. They look the same but the CAE's will stop eating algae as they grow they also become territorial. Great video.Subbed.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 11 years ago
Nice video. I also use SAE's they are great algae eaters indeed. The oto catfish is not a bad algae eater.they just eat different type of algae than the SAE's.for hair, or black beard algae the SAE's are the only choice. I'de like to say though that algae eaters are only part of the answer. If the unbalance is too severe the can't cope with the algae growth. Its better to find what is causing the algae and fix it. Amano shrimps are also great algae eaters if you ever want to check them.
JessePinkman - 11 years ago
i'll probably just rent some since i own such a small tank (8gal) return them after i'm satisfied. wouldn't want to keep them in such a small tank.
Real*Eyez#Realize*Real#Liez #2004#
Real*Eyez#Realize*Real#Liez #2004# - 11 years ago
u could make a video while they were eating/cleaning your fish tank. btw cool vid.
Angel Castaneda
Angel Castaneda - 11 years ago
Arrowanas are nice, but it sucks how you cant really keep them in a planted tank because they'd eat all the smaller fish (SAE) Those suckers get huge too!
Robert Fernandez
Robert Fernandez - 11 years ago
continued greener than ever and is growing like crazy, there's no traces of algae nowhere, I love this fish, they should have a monument because they really do their job. I didn't know about them until I saw your video. Thanks again, and keep posting your videos, they are very instructive and your tips are very effective. Thanks again.
Robert Fernandez
Robert Fernandez - 11 years ago
Jacob thank you very much for this video, my tank is 60 gallons and I have Christmas Moss that was entirely covered by red algae, I had to trim part of it, because it was disgusting. I bought a bottle of Algaefix API at Petsmart and it was the worst choice that I could ever make. I do not recommend this product, it killed me 3 of my adults roseline sharks, only one remains alive because I did a water change, I bought 3 Siamese algae eater and was like a miracle, my moss is back to life and
angelmraven - 11 years ago
is their a smaller versionor veriety of this fish?, they might get too big
XxLkira55xX - 11 years ago
would they get along with a Betta fish?
Tim B
Tim B - 11 years ago
Will you hangout with me some time!?
Lucien Barbarin
Lucien Barbarin - 11 years ago
I have a planted tank and had a huge outbreak of brown algae. My plants, substrate, the glass and all my décor was covered. I was freaking out! After doing some research I went out and bought 3 Oto's for my 60gal. Within 3 days my aquarium is completely clean. Now I'm thinking of adding a couple to my pond...they are awesome.
Orionsector - 11 years ago
I thought Siamese Algae Eaters were aggressive? I had some before that would chase other fish constantly - I was glad when it finally died...unless I'm thinking of a very similar looking fish (Chinese Algae eater?)
kyrin clark-clegg
kyrin clark-clegg - 11 years ago
SAE's are fast but wouldn't be fast enough
Robert Sabatke Jr
Robert Sabatke Jr - 11 years ago
My girl friend and I just bought one I can't imagine having seven...they get six inches long.
cat cota
cat cota - 11 years ago
can i put them with goldfish?
818arthur - 11 years ago
will they eat small snails, what should i get to take care of small pests
jalcaraz612 - 11 years ago
I have one of those because they grow and look like rainbow sharks. For algae I prefer nerite snails because they don't reproduce in fresh water, they come in different cute pigments and decorate, and they clean your glass and everything in your tank. I get little ones as well so they can clean inside small areas.
Why - 11 years ago
Forget plecos man these guys are the best.
Why - 11 years ago
Yeah man they're great algae eaters and they eat snails too man I think cause there's a lot of shells laying around..
pecktec - 11 years ago
Man those guys get pretty big.
Gururaj Deshpande
Gururaj Deshpande - 11 years ago
I have a question. I have bought a few snails. I have had them for a month and they have been multiplying like crazy. Do the alge eaters multiply?
Ryan - 11 years ago
How are SAE's with shrimp? I was going to get some Oto's but you've changed my mind :)
St3rv1S - 11 years ago
I think the problem with these fish is they grow very large. An aquarium with base dimensions of 150 ∗ 45 cm should be the smallest considered. This is one of the reasons I can't have these fish and stick with catfish (which don't take care of the algae really..)
AntiTarex - 11 years ago
Something worth mentioning is that although the SAE's are absolutely fantastic algae eaters, they can commonly be mislabeled in the store. There are a few other fish that look VERY similar, so make sure you know exactly what to look for or you may be disappointed. Additionally, don't go for the Chinese Algae Eaters if you can't find the Siamese and expect the same performance. They'll stop eating algae after a while and will terrorize your other fish.
Luke Hagi
Luke Hagi - 11 years ago
Are these fish good with angelfish?
Rithik Baral
Rithik Baral - 11 years ago
I just got four
TheJodo2010 - 11 years ago
Try ghost shrimp. They breed fast so you won't have to buy more if you get a large enough quantity so you don't have to worry about your turtle eating them. There will always be more to eat later. Also they eat everything that is edible including the turtle's leftovers. They even eat their molted shells so you don't have to clean up after them.
Phantomic - 11 years ago
just got these two days ago to fix my massive black beard algae problem, and now almost a quarter of the algae is gone with only one siamese algae eater!
oaken siren
oaken siren - 11 years ago
i got 2 SAE but one keeps chasing the other
Ankit Toppo
Ankit Toppo - 11 years ago
My plecostimos (I think its spelled that way) catfish works great. I actually had to get it algae wafers. I think its because my tank is 20 gallons and yours is 50
luckywarrior220 - 11 years ago
reptilekeeper864 - 11 years ago
i have a 10g.. along with a 2 more 10gs 75g 29g. i got algae on my glass.. its not tall its just patches on the glass.. what will work for me.
TheTrainWreckKid - 11 years ago
I am thinking about raising either perch or trout, would they be able to be in the same tank as this algae eater?
Micah Trines
Micah Trines - 11 years ago
I am a big fan of pink floyd to
Sagar Rai
Sagar Rai - 11 years ago
I thought those fishes were schooling fishes so brought but didn't know they were algae eater.
cat cota
cat cota - 11 years ago
can i put those fish with goldfish or they are too aggressive ?
Caroline Jordan
Caroline Jordan - 11 years ago
I have a CHINESE algae eater. He cleans really well, but he's grown rapidly.... O.o I'm worried about when he's done growing, and he gets mean...
cjw - 12 years ago
the guy in the shop told me these things only grow to 3inches so I bought 4, now i find out they grow to 5inches, the twat. how long do they take to grow? I have 125l tank with 8 harlequins and my sucking loaches just added today. will these out grow my tank?
Hary Feltersnatch
Hary Feltersnatch - 12 years ago
those look like the minnows in the stream in my back yard...
Batt4Christ - 12 years ago
IN my experience, SAEs do a pretty good job when they are young, but as they grow, the also begin to prefer fish food over algae. Indeed, when they get over about 3 inches, they almost always go off the "algae" and any bigger, and they will eat no algae. And they get SMART and FAST - so hard to capture to remove.
Ethcon1 - 12 years ago
Pink Floyd is awesome!!! Keep wear the shirts!!!
Cody Yost
Cody Yost - 12 years ago
Awesome Video bro! Thanks for the tip on these fish! I subscribed, cant wait for more videos! LOVE the tank!
what can you reccomend for a 10 gallon? I have two puffers and four to five ghost shrimps so its pretty stocked, but because of my poor lighting, I have brown algae :/
Ryushei - 12 years ago
What are good algae eaters that goes along with gold fish? i have a 55 gallon with 2 filters and like 1 very small oranda, 2 medium size black moors, and 2 adult ryukin. i have a planted tank but the goldfish eats some of it but ive been getting some algae and i was thinking what kind of algae eater goes along with gold fish, could you help me?
The angry salmon
The angry salmon - 12 years ago
Plz help me!! im after a 600L tank! and cant find any for sale :O( any ideas??
Michael Morgan
Michael Morgan - 12 years ago
I had/have 1 of these and 2 plecos. No algae at all. one of mine died because i was cleaning my power filter and it got sucked up and died :(.
Nishant Datta
Nishant Datta - 12 years ago
are the gold ones a variant of SAE ??
HolyKripple - 12 years ago
I also live in Anaheim, I go to a Ma and Pa place down in Tustin and holy crap are they both super clean tanks check it out also if you plan on going down here again.
unholy boner
unholy boner - 12 years ago
pink floyd all day:)
Arthur Lowe
Arthur Lowe - 12 years ago
What type of plants are those in the tank?
AsianPotatoe - 12 years ago
What LFS did you go to? (In anaheim) I live in Anaheim too! Unfortunately, my taiwan moss is starting to get covered by this algae, and I'm wondering if I should get them, but I have shrimp... so yea. Is the store The Reef by any chance? The tanks looks like the ones they use there. :)
Adarexia - 12 years ago
dude how did u create those small air bubbles which r behind the plants ?
Josh Ko
Josh Ko - 12 years ago
What happens if the SAE's eat all of the algae and they starve? Do they eat pellets or just algae? And my tank has been looking a little green/yellow. I don't have a heater or light, but I have one filter running. I have a 20 Gal. The poop seem to go on the opposite side of the filter. Should I run two on each side? Thanks!
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis - 12 years ago
Good vid!
Monkau - 12 years ago
sure do, mine love blood worms, shrimp pellets, algae wafers, anything!
ShrimpMage - 12 years ago
How large do they get?
keyair123 - 12 years ago
AKA the "flying fox"
Coltsfan - 12 years ago
would the SAEs work in a tank with an arowana?
WillsABoss - 12 years ago
are they coldwater? if not do you know any coldwater algae eaters?
leang kang
leang kang - 12 years ago
hi bro i like your son on anther video i think he is your son. soon cute bro and smart
Boyan Kartolov
Boyan Kartolov - 12 years ago
Hi what is the store name, I live in Anaheim too, it would be nice to stop by. thanks.
Joshkels foster
Joshkels foster - 12 years ago
yeah i got three of them they just about keep my 55 gallon clean, but i also have an pleco that takes care of the rest=)
Jeremy Maldonado
Jeremy Maldonado - 12 years ago
i have some clear type of algae strings in my tank do u know what it could be it started forming on my plants and glass next to to the plants its really hard to see but its there got it soon as i added a plant from petco in there any ideas?? i thought of these SAEs but every fish they said they are agressive to i have lol thanks
Kris Clements
Kris Clements - 12 years ago
I have a 10 gal tank. Male crown tail betta, female betta, African dwarf frog, 6 or 7 ghost shrimp, and an otto. Our algae is out of control right now and the shrimp and otto aren't cutting it. I see SAE's have a minimum tank size of 30 gal. Any chance it would be okay in a 10 gal?
Lakwatsero - 12 years ago
I have a 35 gal fish tank with 20W capacity of light system. Now I converted my fish tank into a planted aquarium. My only concern was how much supposedly the amount light must be? could pls help me out this thanks!
shelby kliment
shelby kliment - 12 years ago
I wish they sold these fish near me. Also I have some questions. Can I have these fish with discus? I wanted to do a discus tank with plants. Do you have any suggestions?
Crystal Rizzo
Crystal Rizzo - 12 years ago
My slipknot turtle, who is slow, ate one of mine.
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
My tank is 50 gallons.
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
Lots of co2 and high lighting.
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
Yeah I wouldn't keep SAE's with turtles, I think they would make a snack out of them at night when they are less active.
wjeon5000 - 12 years ago
do the plants in the bacground grow a carpet?
Andrew Cerbone
Andrew Cerbone - 12 years ago
i have a planted tank and i lost power for a week from sandy and my tank is fairly new so the plants took a big hit. any suggestions on getting my plants back up to par ?
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
No they do not, no matter what algae eater you get you're still going to have to scrap your glass or acrylic clean every now and then.
Caleb Poulson
Caleb Poulson - 12 years ago
Lady Bugg Rocks
Lady Bugg Rocks - 12 years ago
I love your videos thanks you help me out a lot.
grettagrids - 12 years ago
mine are not cleaning the green thick algae off things :( pretty sick of scraping it off considering I am about to have hand surgery. maybe that type of algae is too hard for them?
Caleb Poulson
Caleb Poulson - 12 years ago
What is the smallest tank you can give them and how much are they? Thanks!
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
Oh hi Frank! You own Global Aquatics right? Nice to see you on YouTube! :)
Andrew Hu
Andrew Hu - 12 years ago
they ate other fish????!!!!!!
Johnny Nguyen
Johnny Nguyen - 12 years ago
those fish ate the mollys at walmart
miagy420 - 12 years ago
I like the review, verry in depth... respect
Glen Eric
Glen Eric - 12 years ago
Oto's are the only peaceful fish that eat algae...The rest I know are aggressive once they mature enough... I'll just stick to otocinclus...
skyh2k - 12 years ago
can you ship me 3 or 4, I'll pay for them. It's hard to find them here in the south.
Filo011 - 12 years ago
SAE get massive 14cms big... haha but there great fish for algea eating, you have to be carful though if u feed them to much fish food they will stop eating algea so don't over feed these fish
Utsukushii - 12 years ago
How long do they get?
Dylan Lew
Dylan Lew - 12 years ago
what do you feed them?
ShannyShineSun - 12 years ago
I buy'd some of this.. but soner or later one and one died.. :(
Boywithafishtank - 12 years ago
I so much want to have a couple of siamese algae eaters :) But i'm afraid to have a sort of algae "competition" in my tank, cause my amano shrimp are doing an AMAZING job at cleaning hair algae, and my pleco eat every tiny spots of algae on the glass and big leaves :)
Capt. Zach Truong
Capt. Zach Truong - 12 years ago
i love my siamese algae eater, i bought it when it was 3 in. long around january and i had tons of algae on my driftwood and itt swiped it clean now its around 4-5 in. im considering buying more
starli haleb
starli haleb - 12 years ago
Sweet video! I have a pleco in my tank, but it's not planted whatsoever. It's good to know what type of "cleaner fish" you want to have when doing a planted tank. Your tank is beautiful. :)
gtariman03 - 12 years ago
Most algae eaters are not really aggressive. They will never harm a single fish.
gustavo limon
gustavo limon - 12 years ago
whats your lfs called? in anaheim
Insanonaga - 12 years ago
I agree with him, BUT. I prefer dwarf hairgrass over crypts.
Insanonaga - 12 years ago
Plecos are awesome, except for one thing. THEY POOP LIKE CRAAAAZY!
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
I think you got these mixed up with the Chinese Algae Eaters, these are much different and pretty much keep to themselves.
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
Oh yeah, these little guys eat algae really well and they're so delicate. They cleaned off my baby tears spic and span.
Jacob Kramer
Jacob Kramer - 12 years ago
I have horrible hair algae in my java moss. would they eat the algae out of my moss?
zee guy
zee guy - 12 years ago
yes man do a show about the store you went to i am from Iraq and i like to see stores in usa thank you
TechYK - 12 years ago
Hello Jake, would you say these fishes grow large? I was just wondering if I could fit a couple of those in my tank but it's a 25 gallon tank, so I don't know if that would be enough for them to be comfortable
iamstarstuff001 - 12 years ago
Why did you give your fish away?
mike2dg - 12 years ago
Bristlenose plecos r beast mate they not too big n eat lots i never use my magnet cleaner n mine is a 150l tank
mike2dg - 12 years ago
Arowanas r expensive fish how much was that big 1 jacob? Asians say they r lucky n u get bad luck if it dies from u or myt b good fortune not luck
Matthew Weybright
Matthew Weybright - 12 years ago
I had a few of these in a non-planted tank and they were extremley aggresive towards almost every fish in the tank. One died the other would constantly chase the other fish. Be careful these fish are AGRESSIVE!
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
All in good time :)
TheRick2325 - 12 years ago
I agree, they are awesome. I got 3 of them, 2 in my 55 and one in my 20
AdamFJH - 12 years ago
SAEs are very easy to keep and fun to watch. They do eat black hair algae but it's definitely not their favourite food. As soon as they get a taste of something better they're not going to bother about the black hair algae. You're better off scrubbing off the algae and improving the water quality, adding more plants to out compete the algae for nutrients and/or dosing with Seachem Excel which is also a algaecide but do not over dose.
Satanloverbarrera - 12 years ago
Yea man! you would cut it under a stem, then i think you can actually float them till then get enough root growth. But tanks looking good man, i have the same tank size and its cool to look up to high tech one like yours. gives me hope lol
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
Good idea! :) I never thought about doing that. Are they pretty easy to propagate?
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
I gave them to a friend.
Ghost Carter
Ghost Carter - 12 years ago
where are the rest of your fish?
MrLeo34 - 12 years ago
Olive Nerite snails are excellent algae eaters in my experience - they also can't reproduce in fresh water. May not work for hair-algae though.
rexlinkfish - 12 years ago
Bristle nose plecos are good for planted tanks and only get 5 inches. They actually love planted tanks.
rexlinkfish - 12 years ago
Just to warn you when they get bigger they get pretty aggressive. Not as aggressive as chinese algae eaters but still aggressive when older.
jj murphy
jj murphy - 12 years ago
do u have a fishtanktv account if not u should make one
Satanloverbarrera - 12 years ago
Hey man! You should trim up the ludwigia and replant it to grow more :)
gsshaw123 - 12 years ago
any type of plec or shrimp i'd put infront of any algae eaters or catfish any day. I have had everything, and honestly my shrimp and plecs have always done the job a lot more effectively
MrDk1122 - 12 years ago
You should get a bristle nose pleco. They dont get big, don't tear up tank and they are safe for plants. I have an albino one and it is really pretty. You should look into them.
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
That's cool, I love to watch them too.
Aquatic Mastery
Aquatic Mastery - 12 years ago
i have 3 SAE, when I got them they were that small, but in a monther or two, they grow to 3-5 inches. But the are so fun to watch
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
Thanks :)
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
1048 N State College Blvd Anaheim, CA 92806
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
Algae wafers are good, petsmart and petco sell them.
JacobsAquarium - 12 years ago
I gave them to a friend because they were pecking at the plants ruining them. I plan to fill the tank up with tetras instead.
beautykiller17 - 12 years ago
What happened to all the gouramis, they looked great in there?!
jj murphy
jj murphy - 12 years ago
wut do u feed them once u run out of algae
BigNastyreborn - 12 years ago
in anahiem? hmm i live in crestline sanbernardo mountains and i haven't found any good pet stores for freshwater fish
BigNastyreborn - 12 years ago
cool story bro

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