The secret to clear aquarium water!
Discus 9 years ago 578,367 views
Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► What is the secret to clear aquarium water? That is the topic this week! In today's video, I talk about algae blooms (green water), bacteria blooms (milky water), tannin stained water (tea coloured water), and messy water!(floating particles). We discus WHAT we are actually seeing. What CAUSES it. As well as some FIXES and long term PREVENTIONS. Crystal clear aquarium water ► My aquarium philosophy ► Secret to clear aquarium water ► More topic of the week ► Water polisher ► Surface skimmer ► Can you have too much filtration? ► Fish rescue disaster ► Koi pond, fish store tour and family vlog ►
Can anyone help me figure this out?
I don't understand what's wrong but it's frustrating and i've already decided to give up on the hobby and just take care of the ones i got remaining.
10. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!
(The Incomparable Poly Filter)
The chemical compound in these will take out any and all toxic substances and bind them immediately! In the 40 + years I've spent in this hobby I havn't found anything that I'd rather have around for an emergency and they're also great for daily use!
20. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!
30. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!
50. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!
Outside of that... keep rocking it
I have Discus and love the look of a planted tank. My plants are on my 2 small pieces of driftwood. Two air stones and a wave maker. My filtration is a Eheim 2217, an aqua clear HOB filter, and a large sponge filter. Water parameters are perfect. w/c every night .Each night I loose a bit more sand, as I can not siphon up all the fish waste. I use a net to then scoop up the sand and try to get it all.I think the sand is so fine it is then causing the "fog" in my tank. I know you like B/B tanks but what is your take on a fine gravel with 100% plants and Discus
100. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!
1) I have a 20 tall that I am cycling with an already cycled filter. 1/3 of the water was also from an already cycled aquarium. There are currently no fish in it, but it has a huge green algae problem (So where's the food source?). I've recently added some elodea to see if that will help decrease the nutrient load. The light IS on longer than it should be, but this is because the light is a shop grow light that is used for other plants too. I was considering either a UV filter or just putting a box over it for a few days.
2) I have a small 5 gallon heavily planted aquarium (elodea and pearl weed) with a minuscule load of juvenile guppies - maybe 5 inches worth total. I have several of these aquariums that I manage and am suddenly having green algae problems with just one. I have gone years without any problems by doing small water changes from time to time and that's it, so I'm extremely confused on what's going on. I was considering a box for this one too, but I'm afraid it will hurt the plants as well.
Even a small shrimp in a nano aquarium? Is it possible to avoid such water changes with several plants?
We had to change out half the water a couple of days ago due to "ick" praise God we only lost 2 red platys and one black Molly... The "ick" seems to have cleared but with just one treatment...
So what is the benefit of changing out half the water every week???
been enjoying your videos.
I have a problem on new-tank-syndrom / bacteria bloom.
So i setup a new tank with river sand, and the water is milky blurry.
Now its been 3 week, I have been doing 70% water change every couple of day but it became milky quite fast.
I also adding in water from established tank, but it didnt help.
my question is without uv sterilizer, will the good bacteria finally surpasses the bad bacteria?
and how long will it usually take?
Thanks in advance
thinking about making a YouTube video on how to make a device that
monitors and controls all aquarium water levels, Ph, nitrate, ammonia,
and whatever else people need monitored, what do you think it needs to
monitor and control?
I thank you in advance
Joe in NYC
P.s its also not the gravel because this cloudiness hasn't always happened, its only been since ive been adding a little salt to the water (20 grams per 10 litres).
If you dont mind me adding my 2 cents. I find plants help significantly also. Since planting my tanks over the years I find the water quality stays higher for much longer and is clearer as well even with tannin tinted house tank water.
1 hour once a week
I am currently cycling a tank and have high Ammonia and Nitrite(?). I am about to try out your DIY vacuum so I don't have to
do water changes. But after watching this video I am wondering if I should do a water change or wait. Its a new tank about 9 days old.
I just started adding live bacteria and plan on getting water testing kit soon.
Keep up the great work Joey! I am learning a lot from you!
I'll give it more time. I just used a credit card to scrape the glass clean and made a gravel vac like in your video! WOW! what a difference!
Thanks for that video too!
Yes water parameters sounds good.
Btw, I have noticed that white cloudy water is a build up of ammonia. It happens at the beginning of tank set up, in other words, with initial nitrogen cycling. Also, I normally add tap water to my tanks, when doing water changes. The other day, I got distracted and forgot I was removing water from one of my tanks. It ended up in a more than 50% water change. Two days later I had a cloudy tank. Sure enough, it was an ammonia build up (I tested my water parameters). Chlorine in the water must have killed the beneficial bacteria when I refilled the tank. I was not fast enough in adding Seachem Prime.
I currently use a trolley which I fill with fish water and water my garden with it
I use a pump connected to the garden Hose so I'm not wasting additional water.
thank you and I hope you answer
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