The secret to clear aquarium water!

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► What is the secret to clear aquarium water? That is the topic this week! In today's video, I talk about algae blooms (green water), bacteria blooms (milky water), tannin stained water (tea coloured water), and messy water!(floating particles). We discus WHAT we are actually seeing. What CAUSES it. As well as some FIXES and long term PREVENTIONS. Crystal clear aquarium water ► My aquarium philosophy ► Secret to clear aquarium water ► More topic of the week ► Water polisher ► Surface skimmer ► Can you have too much filtration? ► Fish rescue disaster ► Koi pond, fish store tour and family vlog ►

The secret to clear aquarium water! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 268

Discus 9 years ago 578,367 views

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► What is the secret to clear aquarium water? That is the topic this week! In today's video, I talk about algae blooms (green water), bacteria blooms (milky water), tannin stained water (tea coloured water), and messy water!(floating particles). We discus WHAT we are actually seeing. What CAUSES it. As well as some FIXES and long term PREVENTIONS. Crystal clear aquarium water ► My aquarium philosophy ► Secret to clear aquarium water ► More topic of the week ► Water polisher ► Surface skimmer ► Can you have too much filtration? ► Fish rescue disaster ► Koi pond, fish store tour and family vlog ►

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Most popular comments
for The secret to clear aquarium water!

Gem Davies
Gem Davies - 6 years ago
I have a very slight dusty haze in my new tank it's only been setup one day so do I just leave it alone and let it do it's thing.
John Brousseau
John Brousseau - 6 years ago
cant adding plants to your tank help too
styldsteel1 - 6 years ago
Too much talking. I don't want to know what's causing problems. Show me how to solve it.
Tiffany Marlow
Tiffany Marlow - 6 years ago
I think my water filter is broken too. Sadly it's really new too. Any suggestions? It's in a tank with a "forest" on top with a small crested gecko so it can't be big or loud.
coco J
coco J - 6 years ago
Melky lol
Tania Oro-Hahn
Tania Oro-Hahn - 6 years ago
super helpful. You have great videos which are right to the point and clear. Thank you!
Hamed Baregzay
Hamed Baregzay - 6 years ago
@the kind of DIY
Hamed Baregzay
Hamed Baregzay - 6 years ago
Haha. I’ve had green water and cloudy water before. I just did the long term care and WC every day or other day, and just waited. Worked perfect. Even the smells went away. Any advice for gourami fin nipping? @DIY
QuietGiant - 6 years ago
I've been having water issues even though my water is crystal clear, parameters are fine but i keep losing fish or it's either they get fin rot. Just lost a beautiful butterfly koi a few minutes ago, i spend thousands on meds and equipment and yet they never even work and still die. I love fishes but i'm really fed up now, because i keep trying and nothing works out.
Can anyone help me figure this out?
I don't understand what's wrong but it's frustrating and i've already decided to give up on the hobby and just take care of the ones i got remaining.
The Beyonder
The Beyonder - 6 years ago
perhaps the quality of the water in your area? may i know the size of your fish tank?

10. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!

steven weevie
steven weevie - 6 years ago
tea and melk
flashback95 - 6 years ago
My man said Melk and I the only one dying laughing
1JesusDesciple - 6 years ago
The best thing you can have on hand in this hobby is the
(The Incomparable Poly Filter)
The chemical compound in these will take out any and all toxic substances and bind them immediately! In the 40 + years I've spent in this hobby I havn't found anything that I'd rather have around for an emergency and they're also great for daily use!
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 6 years ago
Will a polishing filter help if it's slightly foggy because of the substrate in a newly established tank? I used Home Depot pea gravel and washed it but it was still slightly cloudy when filled and it is slowly getting better but it is still slightly cloudy.
xdsmastermia - 6 years ago
typical I n new setups especially bacteria growth and decoration issues just let it settle
Jason Bombardier
Jason Bombardier - 6 years ago
I enjoy the way you say "out"
Hannah Saffar
Hannah Saffar - 6 years ago
my issue is i changed my filter media then cleaned out my gravel then its been cloudy for about to days and i used to have the most clear water :(
Joe H
Joe H - 6 years ago
Melk.... Melk..... its MILK!!! lol 3:47
PathisNarrow - 6 years ago
Bienvenedo Pendejos
Bienvenedo Pendejos - 6 years ago
I’ve done many tanks throughout my life and really never had an issue with cloudy water until now. I just set up a new tank, filtered and stocked it well. It seems to be a little cloudier than normal but I understand it and everything in it is new. You’re dead on about just giving it time and make sure you clean any new decorations you put in it. For everyone out there this video is great and like I said dead on. So just give it time. Check your ph and ammonia levels and relax. You’ll be ok.

20. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!

Omar Aziz
Omar Aziz - 6 years ago
How often should I do a water change?
Feyzar Indra
Feyzar Indra - 6 years ago
11 minutes only see your face, worst video
CRR RR - 6 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.  Excellent presentation
Robert Aube
Robert Aube - 6 years ago
Good teacher...thx.
izadine - 6 years ago
Thanks for good info!
Michael - 6 years ago
awesome video. Love your thoughtful clear n direct explanation. Personally I hardly ever put meds in my tank. Oh yes I have a 125 plant tank with 125 cardinals 125 neons 12 large (3”) rainbows. 75 bow with 9. 3-5” angels do a weekly water change at 25%. The only bottled additions I use is flourish iron etc.
Millie Jones
Millie Jones - 6 years ago
i have to clean my fish tank every week as the allgie grows so quickly. it grows so quickly because the tank is right by a window but the problem is that my tank is too big to go anywhere else. what should i dooooooooo
Kid Kid
Kid Kid - 6 years ago
Millie Jones get a smaller tank
brenda gnias
brenda gnias - 6 years ago
I use Felt.. From Walmart.. It works good.
very curious
very curious - 6 years ago
paint the back of your tank BLACk, it will look really good too.
Cyndy Lal
Cyndy Lal - 6 years ago
Maybe cover your tank with a black clothe
beese churger
beese churger - 6 years ago
Millie Jones get a blackout curtain
google plus sucks
google plus sucks - 6 years ago
uv sterilzer
RES - 6 years ago
Question to any body.. I installed in my 20 gal tank two biofilters in both sides of my aquarium and one stone bubble in the middle is that annoying to the fishes
Tom U
Tom U - 6 years ago

30. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!

Wackey - 6 years ago
Everyone try uv sterilize work for me.. the best thing for your fish tank
Mike Ferguson
Mike Ferguson - 6 years ago
My water has a tannin like tint to it in my newly setup 40 gallon but I know it's from my substrate. I used a layer of baked clay covered with potting soil I sifted to remove everything but the soil itself. I then covered the soil with a thin 1/4 inch layer of flora max. I did a dry start and grew a carpet across the complete bottom on the tank but the soil is still leaching out the tannin like color. The plants are thriving in this substrate and I'm pretty sure that with time and enough water changes the water will clear up
Gez501 - 6 years ago
"There is no secret" is an honest statement.... BUT .... You must be prepared to dedicate an almost obsessional amount of time to the hobby. You will be need to be prepared to be working on your tank every day of the week in some way or another. The rest really is study and learning as you go forward. Its not for a person who wants a "casual" hobby.
SPOILED FISH - 6 years ago
Good information. Thanks Joey
southy and goody tank reviews
southy and goody tank reviews - 6 years ago
Thx for green water problem, keep up the word!
Gideon Steinberg
Gideon Steinberg - 6 years ago
New drinking game; take a shot every time he says "and or" . Actually don't do that, you might die.
Tristian Shaw
Tristian Shaw - 6 years ago
Aw man, this bloom has lasted a month bro! Please help
Christopher Fancy
Christopher Fancy - 6 years ago
Thanks Joey. I have been having trouble with green water and this I hope will help. Thanks again keep up the good work
Keith Fuller
Keith Fuller - 6 years ago
Where do I buy melk?
Hage Work
Hage Work - 6 years ago
Joey says that we don't watch his older videos with tutorials but i love watching these and learning about the hobby
Alex - 6 years ago
how do you calculate ammonia production?
Shah Auckburaully
Shah Auckburaully - 6 years ago
Or just use an undergravel filter
Mark Mohamed
Mark Mohamed - 7 years ago
That's a big ass fish
Brookelynn Davis
Brookelynn Davis - 7 years ago
Thank you for the advice your videos are so helpful!!
Brookelynn Davis
Brookelynn Davis - 7 years ago
Thank you for the advice your videos are so helpful!!
Vaibhav More
Vaibhav More - 7 years ago
What is the temperature of heater in summer of flowerhorn tank
tyrannosaurusTEX - 7 years ago
Gina Rodriguez
Gina Rodriguez - 7 years ago
What do you add to your water when you change it. I don't have well water.
Bob James
Bob James - 7 years ago
I have discovered the secret! The exact opposite of everything I do try it
VIRAJPLAYZ - 7 years ago
Awesome video very helpful regards Sunil from India

50. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!

Matthew Davis
Matthew Davis - 7 years ago
Abbas Abdi
Abbas Abdi - 7 years ago
Bring snakehead in tank
Barbyl W
Barbyl W - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Hound - 7 years ago
why cant i just take portion of nature stuff and put it in my tank? and i get nature balance
MerchantMonk - 7 years ago
You put out very knowledgeable videos, well planned and presented! But, if I might advise, please stop leaning into the camera. It makes your head bigger and smaller and is very distracting.
Outside of that... keep rocking it
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
MerchantMonk it is his normal physical subconscious way to say he is enjoying making vids. check his older vids which were sponsored and he is like a robot talking.
Jay Smith
Jay Smith - 7 years ago
this guy looks like k koke
Danyal Khan
Danyal Khan - 7 years ago
I have milky water but my ammonia is only at 0.25 ppm. Whyyyyyyyyy?
Carters models
Carters models - 7 years ago
Any advice on seachem purigen people I talk to say u should remove the carbon from filters and run purigen as it’s better for the fish and plants any advice
Eric Bruening
Eric Bruening - 7 years ago
Will poly floss be enough to scrub out tannins from driftwood?
Reymund Gonzalez
Reymund Gonzalez - 7 years ago
thanks for the break down. now I don't have to freak out and know how to go about my problem
Just4fun -Family
Just4fun -Family - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, was curious if you could help me out with my cloudy tank. I'm new to your channel, and so far it's been extremely helpful so thank you for all your videos! Anyways, I recently purchased a product Acurel F as I was told it's supposed to help my aquarium. My question is I remove the carbon in order to allow the medicine to work. I am curious as to what the processes and how long I need to wait after doing first dose to see if I should do another one as well as when I can put The carbon with zeolight mix or ammonia remover filter back in? Also which one of those two products is better for ammonia levels being high! Thanks again really appreciate all the videos
Og Explorer
Og Explorer - 7 years ago
Why can't I get rid of green water I do water changes and everything waters still green this video honestly didn't help
ROHIT MESHRAM - 6 years ago
Og Explorer is the source water green? Check that first. Secondly, if water turns green after sometime of adding in tank, then there is something wrong in tank. Maybe a colorful decoration, artificial plant, etc. If you have a tooooo powerfull light and is kept on for looong hours then you will get green water(floating algae, good to grow Daphnia) though i dont think this is your case.
Raindrop Services
Raindrop Services - 7 years ago
I really love your presentations. Very informative, practical, thorough and also presented with the right tempo. Thanks!
Chris Heath
Chris Heath - 7 years ago
What is melk? Do you mean milk, or is this a term I am missing?
Sexy Leo
Sexy Leo - 7 years ago
omg too much talking
Brookelynn Davis
Brookelynn Davis - 7 years ago
He's trying to teach us something so shut up
james terry
james terry - 7 years ago
very informative.
Random guy on YouTube
Random guy on YouTube - 7 years ago
I have a fish tank with no fish so it's new the water just gets cloudy every day it was set up 4 days ago now it's 3 august ik it's a bacteria bloom but should I just leave the filter to do something or do a water change
Aaron Simon
Aaron Simon - 7 years ago
Heya. Just leave it be! You started your tank about the same time as mine. It's just going through the Nitrogen cycle. :) You can google "The Fishless Cycle and the Nitrogen Cycle" by INJAF, it explains all of this.
Jim Brown
Jim Brown - 7 years ago
Awesome video.
cutie pie
cutie pie - 7 years ago
you are very smart. you sure know your stuff. ☺
C.J. Pets
C.J. Pets - 7 years ago
my tank is perfect so happy
Grumpy Old Scotsman
Grumpy Old Scotsman - 7 years ago
have a strange one... water in tank looks ever so slightly cloudy/green.. yet when I remove it, its crystal clear with no colour in it.... scrubbed the tank glass ......but stills same... do have sunlight on it .. and perhaps over lighted.
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
Well I suppose I have a milky aquarium even though I only have 4 ghost shrimp and a crayfish
Jacob Dudza
Jacob Dudza - 7 years ago
i found out what made my tank smelly today (not because of this vid) it was when i accidentally spilled the fish flakes onto the cloth below my fish tank :D
Henry LionHeart
Henry LionHeart - 6 years ago
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
jem Ogn i dont hav uv sterilization. and it still good. maybe all other factors are good on my side.
Il mio primo acquario
Il mio primo acquario - 7 years ago
weekly water changes, a moderate feed. And an optimal biological filtration. No need a great mechanical filtration but a good (and so much) bio media. Batterias (in the filter) are the first algaes competitors. Crystal clear water is the result.
TriniRCmodels - 7 years ago
This guy reminds my of flite test josh bixler
Jon Lenin
Jon Lenin - 7 years ago
2:56 , I thought he said "life"
CreepyMonkey HeadGame
CreepyMonkey HeadGame - 7 years ago
what's the secret to filtering my red-eared sliders waste the in the most efficient way LOL I'm running a freakin 75 gallon tank off a pool filter and it's still having problems their two adult male red-eared sliders and I feed them every second day LOL
Freeyourmind - 7 years ago
UV sterilizers are completely useless if they aren't large enough for your aquarium.
pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
I personally think Tannins look awesome
Porpoise Hork
Porpoise Hork - 7 years ago
charcoal does nothing for tannins. the only media I found that pulls tannins out it purigen.
Belle - 7 years ago
Was wondering if you've ever heard of or kept axolotls, I have been subscribed and am a huge fan, I keep and breed axolotls and use a lot of your advice as well as love following your updates and progress on your huge project :) Can't wait to see that huge cement tank done, and how beautiful it will look! Was wondering if you'd ever consider keeping axolotls or doing some DIY to do with axolotls as I do? If not, why have you chose to keep the fish you do? -Alexandra Anomaly/anomaly's axolotls
Srihari Jagannath. J
Srihari Jagannath. J - 7 years ago
best plants for Arowana tank??
lozgod - 7 years ago
Joey your video production skills have grown exponentially from the old days. You are near M Knight Shamalan levels with the B&W intro.
isports photousa
isports photousa - 7 years ago
can I mix eco complete with potting soil? and if so what would I need to look for in potting soil. Thanks Joel
Amanda's Oranda's
Amanda's Oranda's - 8 years ago
I am fairly new to aquarium keeping but I have done tons and tons of research as I have gotten into it and I almost always come back to watching your videos for any issues I have. You are the best! keep the videos coming would love to meet you
Jay Rivera
Jay Rivera - 8 years ago
I have a biocube 29 setup for 2 months now. I moved around some of the rock and when I returned home, the water was cloudy/milky. It's always been clear. I have no fish just dry rock and the water parameters were all on point just prior. Any suggestions?
Rachel Romo
Rachel Romo - 8 years ago
Hi have a 55 gallon with goldfish for half a week, and I did 25 % water change 3/16 should I do every other day, I do have a bubbler. with 3 goldfish foggy and has sand
Andrew Howard
Andrew Howard - 7 years ago
Rachel Romo just do them once a week
bro8831 - 8 years ago
how often and how much of a water change should I do for milky cloudy water?
Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson - 8 years ago
Manjeet Pandey
Manjeet Pandey - 8 years ago
I have 2 tiger 2 cooper and 2 albino Oscar and 7 parrot and 2 silver pulse in 55 gallon tank I put dolphin 1000 canister filter and used sachem clarity and I change 30 to 40% of water change every alternate day but the water always look cloudy or milky can u suggest me what to do to keep my water crystal clear
Andrew Howard
Andrew Howard - 7 years ago
Manjeet Pandey just one Oscar needs 55 gallons to ITSELF. Your tank is hardly big enough for one fish alone
GO - 7 years ago
Manjeet Pandey Way too much fish in that tank
Manjeet Pandey
Manjeet Pandey - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advise i just gave the fishes to the fish keeper. And got new chiclid
drummasterx muc
drummasterx muc - 7 years ago
Manjeet Pandey it's a lot of fish in that size of tank, the tank needs to keep getting water changes 1 a week and just time to cycle, one big thing u should get ready for us when all those fish grow up the water will be very murky due to over stock
pickingtunes - 8 years ago
thanks a lot of help
XC2long4u - 8 years ago
Why does algae have an issue with sunlight but not with artificial light that is the same color temp as sunlight?
vegan unicorn
vegan unicorn - 8 years ago
thank you Joey
SafariY0 - 8 years ago
yo dude everytime i do a water change its crystal clear but after a day or two it becomes green and clouded any ideas?could it be the filter media that needs to be changed
shyamla sharma
shyamla sharma - 8 years ago
I jus got goldfish and they died is it cause of my do i clean my aquarium
Цихлиды Абсолют AQUA
Цихлиды Абсолют AQUA - 8 years ago
Good luck! tell me how to fill baskets external filter, gbl e901 ... them there are 4 things ... I'm from Russia we have is poorly developed, and nobody really knows how? all speak differently ... I Malawi cichlids and I want a healthy and clean water) thanks!
SCHRUBBE1966 - 8 years ago
The Fish looks bored. Do you plant
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 8 years ago
I have Discus and love the look of a planted tank. My plants are on my 2 small pieces of driftwood. Two air stones and a wave maker. My filtration is a Eheim 2217, an aqua clear HOB filter, and a large sponge filter. Water parameters are perfect. w/c every night .Each night I loose a bit more sand, as I can not siphon up all the fish waste. I use a net to then scoop up the sand and try to get it all.I think the sand is so fine it is then causing the "fog" in my tank. I know you like B/B tanks but what is your take on a fine gravel with 100% plants and Discus

Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 8 years ago
Been fish keeping since corner filters!!!! Had a 2217 on my salt water tank 35 years ago (125 gallon)

100. comment for The secret to clear aquarium water!

Joshua Mangler
Joshua Mangler - 8 years ago
Two somewhat unique issues related to free floating green algae - please weigh in.

1) I have a 20 tall that I am cycling with an already cycled filter. 1/3 of the water was also from an already cycled aquarium. There are currently no fish in it, but it has a huge green algae problem (So where's the food source?). I've recently added some elodea to see if that will help decrease the nutrient load. The light IS on longer than it should be, but this is because the light is a shop grow light that is used for other plants too. I was considering either a UV filter or just putting a box over it for a few days.

2) I have a small 5 gallon heavily planted aquarium (elodea and pearl weed) with a minuscule load of juvenile guppies - maybe 5 inches worth total. I have several of these aquariums that I manage and am suddenly having green algae problems with just one. I have gone years without any problems by doing small water changes from time to time and that's it, so I'm extremely confused on what's going on. I was considering a box for this one too, but I'm afraid it will hurt the plants as well.
Chandler Asper
Chandler Asper - 8 years ago
thank you so much for all the info. I've been really worried that I'm doing something wrong with my new Koi tank, but after watching this video I now know what I have to look for. Thanks again.
Wylie Coyote
Wylie Coyote - 8 years ago
Filter socks, ozone/UV sterilizer and water changes.
Richard keith
Richard keith - 8 years ago
Wylie Coyote I love my fine filter sock
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
is it possible to mantain an aquarium without filter?
Joshua Mangler
Joshua Mangler - 8 years ago
I've just used normal aquarium rocks. Elodea absorbs nutrients through its leaves and there is enough waste that seeps into the rock to provide nutrients for my jungle val. If you are going to do this with a larger aquarium, there are guides to follow with soil with a sand cover. Lots of reading before you start.
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
+Joshua Mangler any special care with the soil?
Joshua Mangler
Joshua Mangler - 8 years ago
I maintain several small planted aquariums without filters. It's difficult to get them cycled, but once it's there, it works well. The key is to having LOTS of plants. I use elodea in mine as it's a nutrient hog and produces a ton of O2.
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
+Muhammad Pope > "you would have to do a full water change every week"
Even a small shrimp in a nano aquarium? Is it possible to avoid such water changes with several plants?
Muhammad Pope
Muhammad Pope - 8 years ago
Roger Nevez a small one, but it would depend on the fish, and you would have to do a full water change every week
Brandon De Jong
Brandon De Jong - 8 years ago
I think your secret is that awesome Canadian water you put in your aquarium
shailendra soni
shailendra soni - 8 years ago
there is no algae or cloudy water my problem is yellow water
shailendra soni
shailendra soni - 8 years ago
Rapid Inboundlight bro i have search and found seachem purigen and now water is crystal clear but have a problem with my fish they have fungus and fin rot i used so many medicine fungus cloudy eye and white coming again and again please suggest any good medicine
Rapid Inboundlight
Rapid Inboundlight - 8 years ago
JooteLelo your problem most likely is dissolved organic compounds. Try implementing a good quality activated carbon as a means of chemical filtration, and you should see good results. However, remember to change your activated carbon frequently (every 2 weeks or so) or else the activated carbon will begin to release the substances it has already absorbed, back into the water column.
shailendra soni
shailendra soni - 8 years ago
my aquarium water gone turn to toilet colour again and again it's annoying please help me what should I use for clear water actually I use municipal water it's come already yellow so I should use uv sterlizer or canister filter or ro-di system please help me
Endy Fish keeper
Endy Fish keeper - 8 years ago
because my aquarium is cloudy
Endy Fish keeper
Endy Fish keeper - 8 years ago
how do you clear your aquarium water
m0rce1 - 8 years ago
small critique. using and/or too much. otherwise great info. thanks.
Bobby Baldeagle
Bobby Baldeagle - 8 years ago
I've had aquariums most of my life and I never heard of changing out half of your water before I found your Chanel... How can the tank balance out if you keep changing out the water... I do lose about one to one and a half gallons of water week due to evaporation now that the colder weather is here... And in the warmer months I would loose about a half a gallon a week...
We had to change out half the water a couple of days ago due to "ick" praise God we only lost 2 red platys and one black Molly... The "ick" seems to have cleared but with just one treatment...
So what is the benefit of changing out half the water every week???
KidOmniMan Page
KidOmniMan Page - 8 years ago
It reduces ammonia, nitrates, and any other pollutants in your water. it could change your ph if you've never done a water change and had driftwood or something slowly changing your ph but if you do them regularly from the same water source it won't be an issue. you would have to be doing some crazy filtration to never need a water change. cleaner water will keep your fish from getting sick too.
Bob Wright
Bob Wright - 8 years ago
I am returning to the hobby after my years. I just want to say that your channel is always my first stop and I look forward to reading your book.
Morgan Thorsen
Morgan Thorsen - 8 years ago
how do you remove tannins from water like in your one video where you're sitting up your daughters Aquarium
306K views - 8 years ago
Use activated carbon, put in a little mesh bag and either put in your filter or simply float is around in your tank.
IZZY ALI - 8 years ago
I've rinsed my substrate out before adding it to the tank yet there's still foggy water. I did a water change and it got slightly better and have ordered some activated carbon to add to my filter. Anything more I could do? (P.S not added any fish yet as I'm slowly building a aquaponic system)
catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
probably got a bacteria bloom if it's still cloudy after all these steps this might work if it's just dust get a powerhea d and place it next to the gravel this blows all the dust around allowing your filter to get it
catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
do big water changes 3 times a week and get a product like Crystal clear or green away
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
IŹŹY MØNTANA continue this untill water gets clear and then get rid of carbon filter.(i hav heard that its okay to use it sometimes and not all times, so please research on it more)
Xd Schief
Xd Schief - 7 years ago
Just 1
Just 1 - 7 years ago
Andrew Howard that’s just how it is you have to let it settle I have Flourite and it’s crazy dusty all my plants get a reddish rusty film from the dust I just try not to stir the bottom to much light gravel vac n planting also get a good filter
Andrew Howard
Andrew Howard - 7 years ago
IŹŹY MØNTANA when I changed my substrate from gravel substrate to sand. I rinsed the sand for 3 hours and it was still cloudy in the tank. Had to clean the sand inside the tank as well. But you should just do water changes. Just keep doing them until it's clear.
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
IŹŹY MØNTANA look up how to build a polishing filter on this channel. Let it run for a few days. Gravel will always be dusty no matter how careful you are in rinsing it. The polisher will pull out the dust. If there are no fish I see nothing wrong with adding a floculant to help get it out faster.
La Shonda Brown
La Shonda Brown - 8 years ago
IŹŹY MØNTANA I'm going thru the same thing , cloudy water, my filter went out on me as I was cleaning the tank and filter, the fish are doing well in there I'll wait until wed of next week and do a water change
La Shonda Brown
La Shonda Brown - 8 years ago
IŹŹY MØNTANA no just wait a little
Plain Vids
Plain Vids - 8 years ago
Hey man, i've been kinda worried.So, i own 2 plecos (they are babies, and currently housed in a 10 gal tank with a betta) who are acting fairly normal. They're pretty active considering they are nocturnal. The ONLY concern i have is... Why the heck is my BN swimming around upside down? He doesnt look injured at all, he's perfectly fine. He sucks on the walls of the tank and is just now getting used to the tank (i got these guys two days ago, they hid behind the filter before i gave them plants and caves). Any thoughts? I'm a little worried because the leopard pleco isn't doggy paddling like the bristlenose is. If you can respond ASAP i'd reeeeeally appreciate it, i'm a longtime fan, ya know your fish, and your definately the guy i need.
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
its been a year... so i am curious as to how are your Pecos?
catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
Sadly he must have the thing that made joyes arowana die xxxxx
C.J. Pets
C.J. Pets - 7 years ago
are you going to keep the plecos there forever? because the grow quite large and should not be kept. in a 10 gal
Fishlover Hi
Fishlover Hi - 8 years ago
Grunge Pony thats wat plecos does i have 3 n they do that to
Petcare - 8 years ago
Cuz i think my aqurium is to popullated
Petcare - 8 years ago
Can you give me a 5 gallon tank plz love your vids
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 8 years ago
I missed a bit at the beginning ... how much milk do i add again ? ... seriously , i also dont have an aquarium ! I have a pond but you are the Oracle man !
Stacy Foster
Stacy Foster - 8 years ago
Outstanding! Thanks
I Triple Dog Dare Ya!
I Triple Dog Dare Ya! - 8 years ago
Why am I watching this I don't even have fish?
Alex Harshman
Alex Harshman - 6 years ago
Clear water=debris free, not the same for sanitary but if you can get clean clear water it should be safe to drink. Not that the water we drink is dirty or anything but if your water treatment facility is compromised for any reason youll know how to manage i guess
Etienne Rojas
Etienne Rojas - 6 years ago
Your watching this cuz you felt like it
Mike Sande
Mike Sande - 6 years ago
These comments crack me up. You need a best comments vid, its a thing now lol
Mike Sande
Mike Sande - 6 years ago
Welcome to your new hobby!!! its addicting but rewarding, no fish tank you crack me up
Mike Sande
Mike Sande - 6 years ago
Because he is a boss!
Saud Nadaf
Saud Nadaf - 6 years ago
I Triple Dog Dare Ya! Hahahahahah
fire truck 23
fire truck 23 - 6 years ago
dennis sørensen something wrong with guppies?
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
Lavinia de Mortalium so how is your tank doing now? i would love to know your tank size n stocking and filteration. i jus started a 10 gallon and its going thru cycling (fishless)
Thomas Young
Thomas Young - 7 years ago
I Triple Dog Dare Ya! Not sure why you clicked it lol
Dumbo Octopus
Dumbo Octopus - 7 years ago
Just in case you decide to get one
KAT - 7 years ago
Lavinia de Mortalium Coooool
Gerard K
Gerard K - 7 years ago
I Triple Dog Dare Ya! Me too
Lavinia de Mortalium
Lavinia de Mortalium - 7 years ago
I started out just like you. Didn't even have an interest in the hobby ....I'm now setting up my first 10gal. Escape while you can
Dasilva LaSanta
Dasilva LaSanta - 7 years ago
why not?
jjhill001 - 7 years ago
I once spent 2 hours watching a guy trim a bonzai tree. I don't know why.
itzCrypt1c - 8 years ago
I Triple Dog Dare Ya! Ikr
dennis sørensen
dennis sørensen - 8 years ago
im sure u do by now... didt u get guppies?
Supergecko8 - 8 years ago
To learn how to have one
Anaconda Squezze
Anaconda Squezze - 8 years ago
I Triple Dog Dare Ya! haha I was thinking the my case I used to have an aquarium...and sometimes had that problem...and I was curious, I guess
vanessa gabriel
vanessa gabriel - 8 years ago
Ming Chong Ng
Ming Chong Ng - 8 years ago
Edz Gomz
Edz Gomz - 8 years ago
this channel should get more views
Hafizi Manap
Hafizi Manap - 8 years ago
anyone please answer me, my aquarium become milky (bacterial bloom) after i wash all media filter (i know im an idiot), after few days my mouthsucking catfish dead and my silver arowana still survive, just wondering that this bacterial bloom is dangerous to any fish?? now im just waiting my aquarium cycling again and how long this bacterial bloom will vanished? sorry for grammar.
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
i hope they all made it through that cycle.
Núria Ferim
Núria Ferim - 8 years ago
Yes, it is a big problem. Since you removed most of the beneficial bacteria, your biological filter isn't able to fully convert the ammonia and nitrite into nitrate. It's highly likely that your fish are suffering from ammonia or nitrite poisoning. I recommend getting an ammonia/nitrite neutralizer, like Prime, until your tank is fully cycled again. That being said, it's been 2 weeks. How're your fish doing now? Hopefully they're all still alive.
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
what about plecos can they clean algea
justin watkins
justin watkins - 8 years ago
my waters like clear but its not  looks like a cold glass of water  but the water is 70
justin watkins
justin watkins - 8 years ago
idk what it was it cleared up  few days later  my water stays clear when I got a new filter system  it cleared it in 3 days
BrandyGameR - 8 years ago
+Puan the Panda no he means that his water looks like cold water condensing on the outside of a glass...bruh you just made his sentence worst lol
Bailey Comardelle
Bailey Comardelle - 8 years ago
He means how when you have a glass of cold water, the glass with condensate on the outside. He says it looks like that.
JBpiification - 8 years ago
Amelia Moore
Amelia Moore - 8 years ago
If my water ph is 6.3 and I want it at 7 what should I do?
Liz Rybarczyk
Liz Rybarczyk - 8 years ago
crushed coral works great
Nick V
Nick V - 8 years ago
Nothing. Not much difference.
Shirish Jadav
Shirish Jadav - 8 years ago
how have you got that blue light thing ?? el wire lights or led strips ??? !!that looks cool. is there a video where you have mention led
ManicMindTrick - 8 years ago
Recommend Purigen for those struggling with tannins from driftwood. Works wonders and can be recharged.
Hector Saldarriaga
Hector Saldarriaga - 8 years ago
Do arowana a like water flow? If I Putting a wave maker in will it be disturbed
Johan Putra
Johan Putra - 8 years ago
thanks for the videos...i've got 1 problem with my discus tank (1 discus and 3 mollies)...well in the tank wall there are lots of worm "like" which white...maybe you know how to solve my prob...? thanks alot... :)
07wrxtr1 - 8 years ago
I had the same problem, picked up some "assasin snails" off amazon, Aquatic Arts sells them. Cool people. The catfish you should be able to get from petco, but foster smith sells them as well. They made a HUGE difference. Maybe consider a different substrate as well. I went from sand to this stuff: Brightwell Aquatics FlorinVolcanit Plant Substrate, the only down side is that it does not trap the ferts as well, but I've not had any of those stupid white worms since switching. Just go EASY on the ferts (less is more).
Johan Putra
Johan Putra - 8 years ago
thanks...will try... :)
07wrxtr1 - 8 years ago
Less feedings, get a ground cleaning crew like catfish, and attack snails.
blitz - 8 years ago
so i just put a new filter in as my old one was not doing a good job its made my water milky so should i keep changing my warter ever other day and wait for the new filter to work ?
blitz - 8 years ago
hi no it was a complete new type of filter so maby but i put a uv sterilizer in and its done the trick
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 8 years ago
Did you put you're old filter media in new filter? if not you're tank is probably cycling again!just keep eye on nitrates and ammonia
sam shng
sam shng - 8 years ago
hi Joey,
been enjoying your videos.

I have a problem on new-tank-syndrom / bacteria bloom.
So i setup a new tank with river sand, and the water is milky blurry.

Now its been 3 week, I have been doing 70% water change every couple of day but it became milky quite fast.
I also adding in water from established tank, but it didnt help.

my question is without uv sterilizer, will the good bacteria finally surpasses the bad bacteria?
and how long will it usually take?

Thanks in advance
karen williams
karen williams - 8 years ago
you are a smart guy. loving your videos
Family Toy Review
Family Toy Review - 8 years ago
Melky? What is that at 3:50?
Bob bOb
Bob bOb - 8 years ago
Deanne Illsley
Deanne Illsley - 8 years ago
My husband added water and changed filter now the water is all smokey it happened over night. I've had my tank for years and don't like doing water changes because I always end up killing the fish. my waters been good in till now fish have been making babies. now some fish have died. because of this smokey water. we only add water when some evaporates. what should I do to save my fish. should I do water changes?
Kiran Nayak
Kiran Nayak - 8 years ago
+Deanne Illsley I've been changing 20-50% of the water twice a week and have no problems. Maybe your fresh tap water has chlorine so you need to use an anti-chlorine / water conditioner ? Chlorine kills fish. When you change filter, you have to wash it in the same aquarium old water you have removed into a bucket, when you're replacing tank water. Hope this helps.
xlindzy37x - 8 years ago
What a beauty of an Arowana. Holy moly.
Gacy Lacy
Gacy Lacy - 8 years ago
Amazing job on that tank bro !!! Love it ...
ProtoPrints - 8 years ago
Hey are you interested in a self monitoring and caring tank? I'm
thinking about making a YouTube video on how to make a device that
monitors and controls all aquarium water levels, Ph, nitrate, ammonia,
and whatever else people need monitored, what do you think it needs to
monitor and control?
Chelsea RayLynn
Chelsea RayLynn - 9 years ago
love this guy but I cringed everytime he said "melk" >_< but very informative especially for a beginner starting out taking care of aquariums.
stateniland - 9 years ago
Hello.. Very in depth descriptions.. I have a question.. My 75G Tenecor freshwater is being replaced.. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have on the best way to go with a new tank (glass or acrylic and brand names) and also a very good canister filtration system..
I thank you in advance
Joe in NYC
lora smith
lora smith - 9 years ago
very helpful thank you so much
Lee Brailsford
Lee Brailsford - 9 years ago
hi dude. can I use perlite in my marine tank filter? I used it in my fresh water trip with out any effects.
Alex Rice
Alex Rice - 9 years ago
I have a milkyness problem, but it only happens when i do water changes, if i do more changes, or change more in one go, it simply gets worse. i don't think its bacterial because it happens within seconds of adding the new water to the tank, and it doesn't go away for 2-3 days. what is wrong, and how can i make it better?

P.s its also not the gravel because this cloudiness hasn't always happened, its only been since ive been adding a little salt to the water (20 grams per 10 litres).
William Goboff
William Goboff - 7 years ago
Stop changing the water. My bet is u are using quick start with your water chanhes. This gets rid of the chlorine. Chlorine in our tap water kills the bacteria in our water. Just let it be for a week or two and only feed your fish a little bit every other day. The bacteria that is growing will die off soon enough
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
yup. impure salt sounds more of culprit. also check you tap water. in summer time we get cloudy tap water and high chlorine(dunno why)
Usha Kolhe
Usha Kolhe - 7 years ago
Might be Becks of impure salt
S Davies
S Davies - 8 years ago
Alex Rice you have cloudy tank syndrome by the sounds of it
sheila westbrook
sheila westbrook - 9 years ago
I've used many of his ideas my aquarium 55 gal has been crystal clear no water change for 2 years!
sheila westbrook
sheila westbrook - 9 years ago
+halozone3 my fish are healthy and very colorful.
Gold Vulcan
Gold Vulcan - 9 years ago
Joey im going nuts my entire build has come to a screeching halt bcos im fighting with the price of uv lights. Where is your cheep diy video on uv lights for a 65 gallon...heeeelp lol
Cas Baker
Cas Baker - 9 years ago
yowmymen - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info, I learned a lot - wait and time. Now I know why my water is tanning.
1423stuart - 9 years ago
Great vid ,Do you think the day will come when we could have pressurized tanks to keep deep sea monster fish lol.. ?
will hobbs
will hobbs - 9 years ago
fantastic video, I learned a lot, thanks
Anandu Ashokan
Anandu Ashokan - 9 years ago
If i add charcoal on tank it will help to clear water ?
geek gamer
geek gamer - 7 years ago
Anandu Ashokan it should do
STEVE ORTEZ - 9 years ago
What is your opinion on Diatom filter
Michael Litle
Michael Litle - 9 years ago
Water parameters could be good but I'd like to see a stingray care guide or a factual documentary type video on stingrays in the aquarium.
skylinevspec000 - 9 years ago
Fantastic video as usual!
If you dont mind me adding my 2 cents. I find plants help significantly also. Since planting my tanks over the years I find the water quality stays higher for much longer and is clearer as well even with tannin tinted house tank water.
Unicorns For Life
Unicorns For Life - 9 years ago
+the king of DIY do u recommend to have a uv sterelizer in the tank 24/7?
Julius Esarda
Julius Esarda - 7 years ago
daniel zamudio
1 hour once a week
Pakhi Aquarium
Pakhi Aquarium - 9 years ago
i like your diy
fish bowl
fish bowl - 9 years ago
in the old days,we threw a diatom filter on the tank for a few hours and the water would turn crystal clear,lol.
Draco A Lo Boriqua
Draco A Lo Boriqua - 9 years ago
I have an idea for you how to use rain water for an aquarium
Mike Bernard
Mike Bernard - 9 years ago
Met and talked with you in chicago! just proving to you i am subscribed. you are hilarious
Mike Bernard
Mike Bernard - 9 years ago
talk about a great weekend
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Mike Bernard Whats up Mike! I remember you for sure!
Foop - 9 years ago
Is there a way to have 1 big tank, divided in two, operating on one sump, and have one be a cold water and the other side tropical. Could it be the cold side flows into the sump, where the heater is, into the warm side, and then another pump where it flows directly from the warm side ti the cold side. Is it possible or am I going crazy?
nanoaquamania - 9 years ago
Hey joey, the white thing and the tannins had been removed using seachem purigen, its really worth, it works best using reactor, like ur diy sand filter/reactor.
Trevor Powell
Trevor Powell - 9 years ago
Thanks for all your videos Joey, You are helping new aquarium keepers and old timers equally as much. Keep up the good work. I deffer a lot of my projects to your advice. Keep it going, you are making a huge impact on a-lot of people.
Russell Heath
Russell Heath - 9 years ago
Well done, thank you.
George Moorachian
George Moorachian - 9 years ago
I have a goldfish tank (lightly planted with a few varieties of anubias).  And one day I discovered I had a relatively small brownish particles in the water column causing cloudiness.  I do weekly 75% water changes.  And after the water changes, the tank was crystal clear.  But it didn't last a day.  Ammonia and Nitrite were always zero. And Nitrate ranged from ~2.5-15 over the course of the week.  I cleaned my filters (HOB and canister), which had much of the same particulate matter causing the cloudiness, growing in the filter and canister hoses.  After cleaning the filter, I still had the problem.  Then I tested for phosphate.  I had about 0.5 ppm.  I added a phosphate remover to my filter, and voila, my tank water was crystal clear.  Now, whenever I see those pesky particles showing up again (every 4-6 weeks), I know it's time to replace the phosphate remover.  And now my filters don't require cleaning as frequently as they used to.I know my solution doesn't remedy the root cause.  But, it's a super easy solution.I figured I'd comment, since it was a cloudiness issue that you didn't mention - to much phosphate.
George Moorachian
George Moorachian - 9 years ago
+George Moorachian Bottom line is that most of the food is sinking pellets or gel.
George Moorachian
George Moorachian - 9 years ago
+Ice Sharq I feed them once a day. And trust me, they find all of it. I typically feed them New Life Spectrum goldfish food or Repashy Soilent Green gel food. It drop the food in a feeding ring, so it doesn't scatter before it sinks. I occasionally feed freeze dried brine shrimp, as a treat. (that goes every where) And once a week I give them a slight of cucumber, boiled first, which is removed after they've had their way with for an hour.
Ice Sharq
Ice Sharq - 9 years ago
+George Moorachian How about feeding? Do you only feed the goldfish what they can finish? Regular pellets/flakes usually contain phosphates that get released when they decay.
George Moorachian
George Moorachian - 9 years ago
+Ice Sharq I have water clarifiers. But, it doesn't solve this issue. So, I rarely use them. My tap water is is pretty good. I've tested my tap water, and there's no detectable phosphates or nitrAtes. It's soft and has a pH of 9.2. I add buffers, targeting 7.5, and a bit of Seachem Equilibrium, every time I do a water change.
Ice Sharq
Ice Sharq - 9 years ago
+George Moorachian Do you use water clarifier? Phosphates can be caused by poor tap water quality.
George Moorachian
George Moorachian - 9 years ago
+Ice Sharq Yes. A black moor and an oranda.
Ice Sharq
Ice Sharq - 9 years ago
+George Moorachian Commons or Fancies?
George Moorachian
George Moorachian - 9 years ago
+Ice Sharq I have a 29 gallon with 2 goldfish.
Ice Sharq
Ice Sharq - 9 years ago
+George Moorachian How big is the tank? 1 goldfish needs at least 20 gallons.
shaggsterman - 9 years ago
I'm having problems with brown algae any tips
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks for the great tips Joey.
Evan Thë•Flame
Evan Thë•Flame - 9 years ago
I really like the tea colored water for my tank. I always use Indian almond leaves for my tank to turn water to tea color and also provide natural habitat and other benefits for my fish such as betta and Arowana :)
CityReefer - 9 years ago
Great information as always.
Theunis Van niekerk
Theunis Van niekerk - 9 years ago
Hey man thanks for the great vids can you make a vid on diy LEDs for planted tank?
Theunis Van niekerk
Theunis Van niekerk - 9 years ago
Hey man thanks for the great vids can you make a vid on diy LEDs for planted tank? Thanks keep up the great videos
Theunis Van niekerk
Theunis Van niekerk - 9 years ago
Hey man thanks for the great vids can you make a vid on diy LEDs for planted tank? Thanks keep up the great videos
Anupam Immortal
Anupam Immortal - 9 years ago
The best explaination of the secret of clean water. everything has been covered in this video. Great video king!! :)
Kez Brinkley
Kez Brinkley - 9 years ago
I dunno if you've covered this but I've recently got signs of fish tb would you no how to help or if you no of anyone that could? Sorry I no its way off topic kinda
james gonzalez
james gonzalez - 9 years ago
how do you fix ph crash I've noticed that my ph crashes really fast on a bare bottom tank no drift wood or any deco and ph crashes within a day going from 7 to 6 unknown of the cause but hopefully someone might have an answer water changes happen about 1 a week or sometimes before that due to ph crashing api ph stabilizer doesn't seem to help
eric ford
eric ford - 9 years ago
i feed my turtle in a different tank and i have a canister filter for a 100gl tank on a 55gl
eric ford
eric ford - 9 years ago
what about for turtles or do u know someone that reviews turtle tanks
Tim Trethan
Tim Trethan - 9 years ago
great video Joey! ive had a lot off tannins leech from wood lately and was a big help finding out to remove them!!! cheers bud
Frédéric Imbeault
Frédéric Imbeault - 9 years ago
the secret... make your water changes guys and you Will get your water clear with good media and polishing power head!
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 9 years ago
You're having more and more fun with your videos....I like it;) great as always
Tammy H
Tammy H - 8 years ago
+TQ about 188464.... Just subscribed myself
TQ - 9 years ago
+Timm Lombardo Am I missing something? Seems to be at about 90k now.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Timm Lombardo Insane isn't it!? Im so incredibly grateful for it.
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 9 years ago
Water changes, keeping your mechanical media clean, and patience - the secrets to more than just clear water!
ana torres
ana torres - 9 years ago
awesome nice informative video hopefully you soon make a nano tank DIY video would be nice to see what is nano TANK to you
Honda S2000
Honda S2000 - 9 years ago
Another great video Joey! You are the MAN!

I am currently cycling a tank and have high Ammonia and Nitrite(?). I am about to try out your DIY vacuum so I don't have to
do water changes. But after watching this video I am wondering if I should do a water change or wait. Its a new tank about 9 days old.
I just started adding live bacteria and plan on getting water testing kit soon.

Keep up the great work Joey! I am learning a lot from you!
Honda S2000
Honda S2000 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Thanks Joey!! Total nerd here but I got stoked when I saw you replied to my comment!

I'll give it more time. I just used a credit card to scrape the glass clean and made a gravel vac like in your video! WOW! what a difference!
Thanks for that video too!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Honda S2000 A tank typically needs 6 weeks to cycle. Give it more time. Add stock slowly. Make sure the bacteria have a continuous food source.
gutiersa - 9 years ago
Almost forgot, awesome video with Dustin!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+gutiersa haha! Yu, he has another 1 or 2 videos of me, I have one of him.(us). I Just dont know when they are all coming out. Unfortunately we were both really busy or we could have filmed more!
gutiersa - 9 years ago
Really? I can't wait to see them. You guys are my faves (like my kids say). Well actually you are my fav, and Dustin is my second fav; but don't tell him I said that!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+gutiersa We actually filmed 3 or 4! :)
gutiersa - 9 years ago
Yes water parameters sounds good.
Btw, I have noticed that white cloudy water is a build up of ammonia. It happens at the beginning of tank set up, in other words, with initial nitrogen cycling. Also, I normally add tap water to my tanks, when doing water changes. The other day, I got distracted and forgot I was removing water from one of my tanks. It ended up in a more than 50% water change. Two days later I had a cloudy tank. Sure enough, it was an ammonia build up (I tested my water parameters). Chlorine in the water must have killed the beneficial bacteria when I refilled the tank. I was not fast enough in adding Seachem Prime.
gutiersa - 9 years ago
I see, thanks
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
Ammonia is colourless. It's bacteria as mentioned. You will get reading of high ammonia when this happens, but what your actually looking at(what is clouding the water) is not ammonia.
schopenhauer1962 - 9 years ago
I bought a large tank in August, and every time I hesitate to use it. it's tank number eight now and every time I have this bacterial bloom. (thirty years of tank keeping and still overfeeding my fish.)
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 9 years ago
Solid tips Joey.
Theodors Travels
Theodors Travels - 9 years ago
I'd like to hear more about planning the water current. Not flow to the filter, but avoiding so called "dead spots." For example, if I'm going to build a 3d background, I need to know in advance, that the currents cover the whole tank, because I don't want to add any powerheads somewhere in the future, to ruin the look.
Elaine Tan
Elaine Tan - 9 years ago
how about easy ways to recycle/reuse fish water on the garden?
I currently use a trolley which I fill with fish water and water my garden with it
SuperGamer Bro
SuperGamer Bro - 6 years ago
+Catfish Cave the python is attached to a tap and needs additional water for it to work.
ROHIT MESHRAM - 6 years ago
I have a overflow pipe with a valve that leads into the pots. Just open the valve every morning and 10% of tank gets empty. Top it off. Tada!
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 9 years ago
Lol... who said anything about wasting water - a siphon works with the help of gravity; its not connected to a faucet. From tank to yard.
Elaine Tan
Elaine Tan - 9 years ago
+Catfish Cave I hate the concept of pythons. using fresh water to remove fish water..

I use a pump connected to the garden Hose so I'm not wasting additional water.
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 9 years ago
+Elaine Tan I run my python all the way out to the garden. No mess, no fuss, no work.
Jake Young
Jake Young - 9 years ago
Do a fish update
Florida Fish Guy
Florida Fish Guy - 9 years ago
Great video, I hope you make a video on different types of mechanical media and which ones you recommend.
Haitham Mohamed
Haitham Mohamed - 9 years ago
Fantastic as usual ! Can you do an episode on algae if you don't mind sir !
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 9 years ago
What ever happened to that small saltwater nano tank you had?
Florida Fish Guy
Florida Fish Guy - 9 years ago
Thank you sir
Skogs Shrimpy Shrimp Shrimpry and More
Skogs Shrimpy Shrimp Shrimpry and More - 9 years ago
Great video this week Joey! i like the tannins in my water from the driftwood. it gives it a more natural feel i think. Water parameters would be an awesome topic for next week.
tetra neon
tetra neon - 9 years ago
want disvus
pecktec - 9 years ago
Ow man the fist time I had cloudy water it was on my first tank before I understood the biological process and rinsed my bio wheel in the sink. DOUHHH!
Brandon A
Brandon A - 6 years ago
mandarin125 50% watee change is not a bad thing. I do 2 50% wc's every week on my african cichlid tanks (280,225,180,125)
mandarin125 - 7 years ago
Today I saw milky water in my new tank. I panicked and changed about 50% of the water because I thought I overfed. Oops! So mad at myself!
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
pecktec its okay. we hav all been there. :) from mistakes we learn.
S Davies
S Davies - 7 years ago
pecktec Same lol.
AllAboutFishies Sweets
AllAboutFishies Sweets - 9 years ago
Same here I am in the hobby for a year now and last month I was cleaning my tank in a hurry because i have other plans. And I place the canister filter in my sink without thinking properly I rinsed everything with tap water and a week after that boom milky water and algae appears telling me i messed up! Was thinking really hard what happened then I remembered what I did! Anyway my tank is getting better and half of my plants died but the fish are fine!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+pecktec Sounds like what i used to do!
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 9 years ago
Fired Up info, and very helpful.
Eric K
Eric K - 9 years ago
You already did a water parameter talk on your app. Great info on it too!
Eric K
Eric K - 9 years ago
Wish this came out a month ago, ha. I had the fake rock/ cloudy water problem. Took the fake holey rocks out, water change, and poof! All clear. Paint was coming off them. I was banging my head against the wall for a good 6 weeks trying to get my tank like Steve Poland's!
David Alfonso
David Alfonso - 9 years ago
Hi Joey, I missed you at the Aquatic Experience in Schaumburg last weekend. I ran into Rachel and she said you were just near her, but I didn't see you. Anyways, quick question, how do you check your water parameters? Do you buy those kits they sell at the pet stores or do you have a DIY way to check the parameters? Thanks!
Austin Boni
Austin Boni - 9 years ago
Great informative video joey thanks!
Valdino Higgs
Valdino Higgs - 9 years ago
Hey I'm building a plywood aquarium. And I would like to show you the progress
Dan D
Dan D - 9 years ago
you;re not the king of DIY ONLY. you are the KING OF FISH KEEPING!!!!!
Dan D
Dan D - 9 years ago
awesome info! this video cleared some questions in my head too!
Steves Trains
Steves Trains - 9 years ago
One thing to also check first is to make sure your clarity issue is with the water and the the result of a thin layer of bacteria or algae on your tank walls or simply that the acrylic has turned hazy. While that is an obvious thing to check, sometimes you simply forget to clean your tank sides or don't realize what can grow on them if you are just starting out.
Keith Champion
Keith Champion - 9 years ago
what would you suggest for red slime algae? I don't really want to use chemicals as this would be for a breeding tank. thanks for the videos Joey.
Steve Poland Aquatics
Steve Poland Aquatics - 9 years ago
Great info Joey.
Bob Hastrich
Bob Hastrich - 9 years ago
kehw - 9 years ago
This really helped me. Great video. I was only researching this 2days ago.
Jamnation - 9 years ago
Any thoughts on blue green algae?and how to deal with it?
Dale Sayson
Dale Sayson - 9 years ago
sir anny advice for a planted aquarium lights? I found a 3000 lumens LED light and I'm not sure if it will work well for my shrimp tank. is there a good and down side?

thank you and I hope you answer
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
start low and learn as you go with experience and notes from experienced keepers.
pittbully13 - 9 years ago
+Dale Sayson it really depends on the style of planted tank. You can go high tech/high light or low light/low tech. I would advise first going low light to get your feet wet. I don't want to hi jack joeys comments, so come over to my channel or g+ and we can talk.
Dale Sayson
Dale Sayson - 9 years ago
Its my first time to do a planted tank so with good lighting there is no need for co2?
pittbully13 - 9 years ago
When looking for planted tank lights, worry about the color temp rather than lumens. Usually 6500k temp lights are used for planted tanks.
Will H
Will H - 9 years ago
Enjoyed your part in Dustin's latest video.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
What is the secret to clear aquarium water? That is the topic this week!
Don’t forget to also follow me on Facebook!

I also wrote a book that you should check out!!
Freemans Aquatics
Freemans Aquatics - 8 years ago
FX6 bubba you will be pleased
Chris Bradley
Chris Bradley - 8 years ago
will a uv filter help a bacterial bloom ?
devingibson4 - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY will bamboo plants cause the tannon turtles chew on thebamboo plants and I was wondering would that cause the tannons to release
Venice Mackay
Venice Mackay - 9 years ago
+Venice Mackay oh and i have no real problems with my water quality use a lot of chemical media along with the biological , but my ph was to high at 7.6 because my RO membrain was used up and i needed a knew one. got that now and ph is fine, my discus were not happy but now they are fine was going to treat them with anti fluke and wormer but not sure if i have to now as they seem a lot better. would love it if you could give me some advice on this if you have the time. thanks
Venice Mackay
Venice Mackay - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY oh and i don't use a uv at the moment even though i keep 2 discus in my community tank, as i was told that thees discus don't need one.
Venice Mackay
Venice Mackay - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY another great video thanks.
Alexandra Curren
Alexandra Curren - 9 years ago
+Sam Janke You can by several different kinds of sterilisers, in-line ones for canister filters or ones that are directly in your aquarium, it's essentially a UV light inside a housing the water travels through, the light kills the free floating algae as it passes through.
Xarias Fury
Xarias Fury - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Loved the videos and how informative you are. I do have one question though, my tank has a large Pacu, about 6-7 inches long and I have no wood in the tank but the water is always turning a little on the yellow side, biological and mechanical filtration are present though and the water is clear. It's just a little yellow all the time. What can a possible reason be?
jason stone
jason stone - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY i had free floating algae issues and completely killed it by adding more air and blacking out the tank for a few days. it cleared i did a water change and had no issues arise gain. it also killed some of my plant life as well but seemed like a fair trade. lol
marcofico1 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY simply the best!!

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