TheBettaMaster Returns - Discus & Angelfish Tank

I've been gradually adjusting the pH in my 10gallon tank for the new inhabitants. Over the past few weeks, I've added a pair of angelfish and also a pair of discus. The crawfish have been removed for the safety of the fish, but they are doing well in my other tanks. More changes to follow. -TBM Visit My Blogger:

TheBettaMaster Returns - Discus & Angelfish Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 78

Discus 15 years ago 56,033 views

I've been gradually adjusting the pH in my 10gallon tank for the new inhabitants. Over the past few weeks, I've added a pair of angelfish and also a pair of discus. The crawfish have been removed for the safety of the fish, but they are doing well in my other tanks. More changes to follow. -TBM Visit My Blogger:

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Most popular comments
for TheBettaMaster Returns - Discus & Angelfish Tank

Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
OMG i think this is a bit oeverstocked, but the fish look happy!!! this is actually nice, but look into getting a bigger tank for the discus, personally i think the angels could use something bigger but they will survive i have seen a way worse overstock though.
Christopher Su
Christopher Su - 11 years ago
Get some cherry shrimp and let them grow large so the angelfish and discus dont eat them
emazingjodaan - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank
Ross Norwood
Ross Norwood - 11 years ago
what do you use on the bottom? Fine gravel? or Sand?
alianisz - 11 years ago
how did u manage to adjust the ph?
MsWhitekanna - 12 years ago
Do you still have these Discus and Angelfish? I would love to hear an update from you in this regard, since I want to have a Discus/Angelfish combo tank too (albeit a larger one than this).
ch brunett
ch brunett - 12 years ago
i got 3 angel fish togeather and they never fight
Kong Lee
Kong Lee - 12 years ago
How do u get your pH so low with those rocks in there??? I need some tips cause i got a S.American tank pH at 7.4 (out of tap) and i want to lower it
vicky andrews
vicky andrews - 12 years ago
Can u tell me what I need to set up a discus tank please thanks....,

10. comment for TheBettaMaster Returns - Discus & Angelfish Tank

TropicalKIng1990 - 12 years ago
realy cool :)
Boris Koot
Boris Koot - 13 years ago
nice tank but you need a bigger tank and more discus.... if they are 2 males it;s going to get bad...
oscarthewhale - 13 years ago
Aren't Serpae Tetras Fin nippers? Do they bother the angels and the discus?
sonofanutmonkey5 - 13 years ago
Nice tank. It would be awesome if you could check my tank out.
sonofanutmonkey5 - 13 years ago
Amazing fish and tank. Good job hiding your equipment but, even though you obviously know what you are doing, once the angelfish get larger you will definently need a larger tank for the discus and angelfish. I have 3 angelfish in a 55 gal. if you want to check it out but, look at the updated one.
matthew62628 - 13 years ago
is that real valisnernia plant you got on your tank...?
beautykiller17 - 13 years ago
@hhazawat dont put 3 angels together either 2 or 4 they have to be kept in even numbers is what i found out if you have 3, 2 of them will team up and beat up the other one. 10 gallons is way to small for 3 angels anyway 2 angels should even be kekpt in a 30 gallon + Stick with guppies in the ten gal. mollies can be aggresive if you dont have 3 or 4 females to every male, so they cant even be kept in a ten gallon, do your research
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 13 years ago
can you really have a discus in a ten gallon
Scouse Lad
Scouse Lad - 13 years ago
can you make an update on this tank please? i would love to see how everything doing.
ddp7028 - 13 years ago
hey i really wanted to know where you got the crawfish and the sand thanks ddp7028

20. comment for TheBettaMaster Returns - Discus & Angelfish Tank

Jarthurs2009 - 13 years ago
Awesome you took the Bettas out! I'm so happy, I love you now!! Lol Great job this tank looks awesome now =))
redstar517 - 13 years ago
i liked it better with logan and your bettas
pedro eltacoman
pedro eltacoman - 13 years ago
Lurk1ngLurk3r - 13 years ago
@TheBettaMaster Hi Betta Master i wanted to know if you keep the air pumps running all day or only turn it on when your showing the tank off also check out my ten gallon its kinda like yours Thanks
Lurk1ngLurk3r - 13 years ago
@TheBettaMaster Hi Betta Master i wanted to know if you keep the air pumps running all day or only turn it on when your showing the tank off also check out my ten gallon its kinda like yours Thanks, Lurk1ngLurk3r
Meltedpaper - 13 years ago
@turkeyslayer100 No, NO ANGELFISH can fit in a 10gallon
Meltedpaper - 13 years ago
@islay4 No, angelfish are tropical
Vicc - 13 years ago
@TheBettaMaster wat happened to ur betta fish im missing it!!! i love ur bettas plz make and update about ur bettas.....plz reply quick!
Doggiehello23 - 13 years ago
how do I add ph to it ?
fish - 14 years ago
Also, the reason they suggest not keeping angels and discus together is that angels can easily transmit diseases, even ones they don't have, to discus.

30. comment for TheBettaMaster Returns - Discus & Angelfish Tank

fish - 14 years ago
What happened to the Bettas?
PsychoBillyNiki - 14 years ago
@Kanesska or as fry!
PsychoBillyNiki - 14 years ago
@Emartinez72090 partial water changes and make sure you're not overstocking.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith - 14 years ago
could you house a beta fish with an albino dwarf frog? :$
gtr3cords - 14 years ago
where did you get the sand, and is it safe for any fish??
Edgar_ M
Edgar_ M - 14 years ago
im trying to set up an angelfish tank! but i cant seem to get rid of the ammonia! i tried everything. and my water doesnt look as clear as yours. any advice???please.
Shinok Aenlle
Shinok Aenlle - 14 years ago
in my opinion you should remove those serpae's they are fin nippers and not good for discus and angels its based on my own experience you may not see it but sometimes they randomly nip those discus fins...
islay4 - 14 years ago
Hi nice tank. I really like Angelfish but have a coldwater tank, is there a type that can go in coldwater or is there anything that looks like Angelfish that are coldwater. Thanks please reply
Richard B
Richard B - 14 years ago
@19scottie guppies are not brackish. you are right about mollies tho.
Joshua Killins
Joshua Killins - 14 years ago
where did u get the discus'?
Rae C.
Rae C. - 14 years ago
This is tank is WAY over-stocked. Discus need a much bigger tank, and Angel's need tall tanks...
tomcat13claws - 14 years ago
Nice tank, you seem to take care of it well. You really should invest in at least a 29 gallon. They aren't that much money at all.
Scott Benstead
Scott Benstead - 14 years ago
@hhazawat Just a warning to you, mollies and guppies are actually brackish fish (freshwater with small amount of salt). They can live in freshwater but they will thrive in a brackish water tank.
wssher - 14 years ago
Damn Ur brave. I'm hesitant to have 2 angels in my 28 gal bowfront... Wish I had discus though.
Lori Newman
Lori Newman - 14 years ago
@mattsoccer20 You can't. These fish should be in at least a 40. Since the angels and discus need 10 gallon EACH. I have 8 angels in a 55 and it is overstocked.
TheNinjacat10 - 14 years ago
@TheBettaMaster what happened to ur bettas???????? are they alive or dead? or u switchted them to another tank plz reply
TheBettaMaster - 14 years ago
Never. They even school together now.
Scouse Lad
Scouse Lad - 14 years ago
beautiful tank,i was just wondering do discus and angelfish ever fight????
Wawa4lyfe - 14 years ago
i love the crystal clear water and the setup
ben bush
ben bush - 14 years ago
@hhazawat mollies can act aggressively to some fish, they killed my frog... at least that's how mine are... and for all of those fish id recommend a 20 gallon long... neon tetras do well in groups of six or more and are a lot more enjoyable to watch when they school. with the larger size it also makes it easier to take care of

50. comment for TheBettaMaster Returns - Discus & Angelfish Tank

IGenesis - 14 years ago
@TheBettaMaster is the plants plastic?where is ur bettas?
IGenesis - 14 years ago
@TheBettaMaster is tat plastic plants ?where are the bettas?
oppressednation - 14 years ago
@fishkeeper456 thats just discus keepers being snobbish and i reckon some just try to blame angelfish for there ineptness .discus require lots of space and top quality conditions to their liking or else they quickly go down hill suffering from all sorts of different probs.angelfish and discus are found in the same habitats in the wild they can even be found swimming in mixed shoals in fact with a big enough aquarium sparsely stocked they compliment one another all fish can carry parasites
TheBettaMaster - 14 years ago
Yes, but I try to make it hard-to-see. I prefer to hide my unnatural looking equipment if I can.
TheBettaMaster - 14 years ago
The best advice I can give is for you to have fun, and take time to plan out your aquascape. Make your tank and expression of your own creativity.
Barak Obama
Barak Obama - 14 years ago
Im going to get a new ( first trpoical tank ) its around that size 10 gallons and gona have like 2 or 3 angles neon tetras and maybe guppies or mollies =) if you got any advice plz tell me
Victor Moreno
Victor Moreno - 14 years ago
Those arent live plants right
tieulong chung
tieulong chung - 14 years ago
do you have filter in your tank?
JS - 14 years ago
Hi, I was wondering if you knew anything about lighting? Because I have a 55 gallon that I want live plants in it but It has black sand which means I need better lighting...But idk if I should get something like a 6700 or 10k kelvin rated light or an Actinic Blue light any answer would be great!
TheBettaMaster - 14 years ago
This was only a temporary home, and the discus did very well here. There is no longer a problem keeping discus and angelfish together as there was before. The parasite problem you refer to has been almost totally eliminated through selective breeding & widespread sales of discus fish, and is no longer a problem. Furthermore, the use of RODI water and UV sterilizers have undoubtedly further decreased the likelihood of the spreading of pathogens.
TheBettaMaster - 14 years ago
Nope. Aqua Terra Brand Natural White Sand,
Victor Moreno
Victor Moreno - 14 years ago
Nice tank the snad is it Caribsea Aquarium Sand?
steamtil - 14 years ago
ur fish tank is perfect for those fish ... aslong as the filtration isgood the fish will be happy !! dont listen to all the knobs saying its to small... have fun
steamtil - 14 years ago
ur fish tank is perfect for those fish ... aslong as the filtration isgood the fish will be happy !! dont listen to all the knobs saying its to small... have fun
Twondonedidit - 14 years ago
Very nice tank but the discus fish needs at least a 50 gallon to be happy. Its not fair to the fish to live so close in captivity.
Samantha Griffith
Samantha Griffith - 14 years ago
thoses fish are way to small for thoses fish
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
Discus are schooling fish and it's recommended to keep them in a pack of at least 3. Juvenile discus will be ok in your tank temporarily, but you'd eventually need to upgrade to a larger tank.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
I use API brand pH down.
bobontheroof - 15 years ago
Ya i was wondering what way you adjusted your pH aswell since my tap is around 7.7ish~
punchmau - 15 years ago
How did you adjust your PH? Is there any other natural way to do it, instead using Chemical adjusters?
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
I knew that these juvenile discus would be fine in this setup for awhile until I finished setting up my larger tank. I suppose I could have waited and placed them in the larger tank to start off with, but no harm done. The discus are doing fine, and as soon as the finishing touches are placed on their larger home, they'll be placed in.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
This is a temporary home only.
P L - 15 years ago
don't you think you're overloading your small 10 gallon tank with all those fish? discus need a lot of room.
Robin C
Robin C - 15 years ago
I love your tank. What sand substrate are you using?
brend w
brend w - 15 years ago
You will need a much bigger tank than that for discus alone, unless you want to stunt their growth which can lead to death. Is a nice tank though :)
Melloki - 15 years ago
Very nice looking tank, I really love the bubble wall in back and that nice white sand. Are the plants live or plastic?
34charlie45 - 15 years ago
i had 5 discus a while ago in my old 40 gal tank and the 2 biggest grew to 7 odd inches b4 i got rid of them all and atm i have a new 40 gal with angels n gouramis and 1 festivum and my angels are at like 5 inches now i bought them at 1 inch each so u need to upgrade to a bigger tank, i can tell u love ur fish so be kind and get a much bigger tank minimum of 30 gallons the bigger the better. ace fish anyway good luck mate
DanTheGangsta0 - 15 years ago
in my opinion a bit overcrowded but looks really nice
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
Generally it's not recommended to keep these fish together. However, I've done my research and have found that many people were able to keep them together successfully. Fortunately, the discus and angels are still doing well, and if anything goes wrong I'll be able to react very quickly.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
I keep my discus based on recommendations from the internet site of rockymountaindiscus. The discus will adapt to higher pHs, but I've read that it's optimal to keep them at lower pH (~6.2). With the smaller tank they are in right now, I don't want to risk anything until I move them to my larger tank.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
Yes, this is only temporary. Stay tuned.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
Just be patient.
Mike Loewen
Mike Loewen - 15 years ago
hey i added sand into my tank and washed it very well the water is still alittle couldy any suggestions
RunFaster011 - 15 years ago
won't discus get to big for 10gal?
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
I use Aqua Terra brand natural white sand.
David Valladares
David Valladares - 15 years ago
k thanks but what about the sand?
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
It'd be fine as a temporary home for juveniles, but would require a larger tank in the future. Also, you need to be really careful when mixing Discus with Angels. Make sure the angels are disease free, and aren't added straight from the store. It's also good to make sure the angels are smaller then your discus, and to treat the water prophylactically for disease causing microbes.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
I use a bubble wall air diffuser.
mmmxpoptarts - 15 years ago
What kind of airpump are you using? I like how it's an entire wall of bubbles.
David Valladares
David Valladares - 15 years ago
could i put 2 discus and 2 angels in a 20 gal long? also do you use a gravel vacuum to clean the sand?
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
you are right.. but this is an outdated video. the fish are being gradually transitioned to a large tank. stay tuned.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
I bought it at a local pet store. If you google 'Aqua Terra Natural White Sand', you should be able to find it online pretty cheap. There's a website that sells it for less then $4 per 5lb bag. You'll probably need about 5-6 bags.
Sam - 15 years ago
where did you get the sand? im going to get a 30 gallon in like 2 weeks and i want sand instead of gravel but im haveing no luck. all im finding is saltwater sand...
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
It's been working well so far, but it's only temporary. They are still juveniles, so the fish should be fine for now. I plan on moving them when my larger tank is set up.
Michael Nguyen
Michael Nguyen - 15 years ago
is 10 gal tank a little bit small for all those fish?
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
I have a larger tank, and will move the discus over as soon as it's ready.
jkennedy1007 - 15 years ago
tanks looks great just get a bigger one for the discus sake
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
It varies depending on where you go. Rockmountaindiscus offers a large supply at reasonable prices. It's probably not a good idea to keep discus in the same tank as bettas unless they are divided somehow.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
Aqua Terra brand natural white sand.
Kieran Barnett
Kieran Barnett - 15 years ago
what sand is at that you use as i am wanted to change my gravel and like the look of this tanks very nice discus

100. comment for TheBettaMaster Returns - Discus & Angelfish Tank

TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
They are in another tank. There are some more videos if you're interested.
Thomas Dunn
Thomas Dunn - 15 years ago
Where did you put your Bettas and Crawfish... i mean Logan
Dank RolledTight
Dank RolledTight - 15 years ago
whered u get ur angels preferebly the gold 1??
Star2000s - 15 years ago
that is a gorgeous tank.
Aaron Garcia
Aaron Garcia - 15 years ago
agh man i miss logan =( my dad had discus before he died and your tank is overloaded and since the discus are big lodan will hide more so you can still keep her in there =D ( she will also eat the poopoos )
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
These are small discus (about 2 inches), and I take care of them based on recommendation from RockyMountainDiscus. They recommend 5gallons per discus (this is a 10g tank), and I also used treated water that is changed frequently. Furthermore, disease spread amongst fish is always a possibility. By your reasoning, you shouldn't keep multiple discus together in 1 tank ever since they are the even more closely related. The fish are doing well, don't worry about it.
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
It's temporary. I have a 50 gallon tank that I'm currently adjusting and a larger one on it's way. Also, the discus are still pretty small, and there will be plenty of time to move them later. Rocky Mountain Discus recommends 1 discus per 5 gallons of water, so it should be fine.
west betta
west betta - 15 years ago
i know its too small but its a nice show tank set up!
west betta
west betta - 15 years ago
nice tank set up =D
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
That's fine. As long as your temperatures stay relatively consistent & you avoid extremes (less than 65 or over 90 degrees), your fish should be oK. Temperatures do matter a lot more if you are trying to breed your fish though. And if you can help it, going with the ideal temperature is always best.
csgamer1 - 15 years ago
very nice setup : ) i love the sand! wish i had some. looks really nice,
TheBettaMaster - 15 years ago
Generally between 84-86 degrees.
Tor Thuresson
Tor Thuresson - 15 years ago

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