Their FIRST aquarium tour!

While on vacation, i took my kids to their first aquarium! I was there last year and actually filmed it all... but then somehow lost all the footage. (along with 2 other aquarium tours...) SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

Their FIRST aquarium tour! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 149

Discus 7 years ago 121,126 views

While on vacation, i took my kids to their first aquarium! I was there last year and actually filmed it all... but then somehow lost all the footage. (along with 2 other aquarium tours...) SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

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Most popular comments
for Their FIRST aquarium tour!

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
My kids have been surrounded by aquariums their entire lives.... So i wanted to see what they thought of a public aquarium! Have you ever been to one? How was it?
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith - 7 years ago
The king of DIY What happened to doing a saltwater system in one of the racks?
Braden Haggart
Braden Haggart - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I live in Florida, there's like twenty aquariums near me. I've visited Winter the dolphin on more than one occasion and even interacted with her (and Panama). Also, I see literally any red on someone in this area and that's tourist blood in the water. Florida has so many but all the natives hate them
Short Giant
Short Giant - 7 years ago
The one in Michigan is more freshwater oriented
Short Giant
Short Giant - 7 years ago
The king of DIY that one is exactly like my home states michigan
Ben Lunn
Ben Lunn - 7 years ago
Beth Wyatt I've been there. It's good, the lift it over hyped but it's still worth going.
Beth Wyatt
Beth Wyatt - 7 years ago
I'm going to one next Wednesday. The deep, in Hull, England !
AzzaBro59 - 7 years ago
it's expensive, cool but it goes way to quick. even big ones your sad kinda when you've seen it all.
Ben Lunn
Ben Lunn - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I've been to a fair few here in England, and I think one in Wales when I was younger. The one I remember the most was The Deep in Hull UK. Not as good as its made out to be but still great
Jeff Cabralda
Jeff Cabralda - 7 years ago
Come to the Vancouver Aquarium. We could show you around and maybe even get you a behind the scenes tour looking at the filtration etc...
kille6525 - 7 years ago
You should do the atlanta georgia aquarium the best i have ever been to
J Groenveld
J Groenveld - 7 years ago
Back in primary school - we had a sleep over at an aquarium. It was absolutely beautiful being surrounded by giant aquariums that what sparked my love for them.
itsdanielman - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I've been to the Monterey bay aquarium
ERbro - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I went to Valencia and saw Oceanographìc
Sam S.
Sam S. - 7 years ago
i love the one in new orleans on the banks of the river.but i would love to see them all on my bucket list..
Rookie4321de - 7 years ago
I've been to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago twice and the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta once. The Georgia Aquarium is really cool. Definitely made the trip worthwhile. I enjoyed visiting both. But then anytime I get to visit any kind of aquarium, I enjoy it. You can swim with the fish at Georgia Aquarium too highly recommend you make a visit sometime. It would make a great video.
Cody Fox
Cody Fox - 7 years ago
The king of DIY get a 360 camera and put it in 1 Thousand
William Rowe
William Rowe - 7 years ago
I love your daughters hedwig backpack from harry potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HangeryGamingHS - 7 years ago
Lindsay Warren
Lindsay Warren - 7 years ago
The Tennessee Aquarium is what I grew up with, and it’s still my favorite aquarium. There are 2 buildings, one is entirely freshwater and the other is saltwater. The freshwater building has almost half a million gallons and the saltwater has about 3/4 million gallons.
AMARJEET SIKDAR - 7 years ago
The king of DIY , I am a big fan of yours and I have watched almost all the videos . I want your ultimate diy handbook but in hardcopy . So , can you plz help me by sending me the linc where can I get it . Plz reply fast
BIG SKD - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Your kids got taller!
TheCobruhAlienat0r - 7 years ago
I went to the NewPort Aquarium in NewPort, KY. It's $24 for an adult and it's a lot bigger than this one. The only thing I didn't like about it is that they had 3 huge alligators with just barely enough dry land to sit under the heat lamps and their swimming space didn't seem big enough either for their size.
Tilly Deno
Tilly Deno - 7 years ago
I was just here with my BF, loved it (:
Mike Salazar
Mike Salazar - 7 years ago
Mall of america season passes! Its awesome to experience!
Mahle Lynn
Mahle Lynn - 7 years ago
no reason I could think of, just I started getting nightmares about huge aquariums out of no where then it just became a weird phobia of mine. My grandma has a huge koi pond and doesnt creep me out out at all... just just the glass with all the water in it freaks me ouuuut:/
sarthak panda
sarthak panda - 7 years ago
Joey we need two saltwater tank in the gallery
The Fairly Odd Couple
The Fairly Odd Couple - 7 years ago
Mahle Lynn any particular reason why? the best way is i would think is to just go. it's like looking at a pool with fish.
Mahle Lynn
Mahle Lynn - 7 years ago
tbh I'm terrified of huge aquariums! still so cool to watch on video but I'm too scared to go to one in person>_< anyone know how to get over this phobia?
Sprite the Bird
Sprite the Bird - 7 years ago
we live by the national Mississippi river museum its lit
The Fairly Odd Couple
The Fairly Odd Couple - 7 years ago
The best one I have been to is the Dallas World Aquarium. I have been to a Sea Life Aquarium, it was average at best.
xSekireiz - 7 years ago
I've was at this one about two years ago! I liked it, it was a nice quick aquarium, something to do when you have 30 minutes free.
Alex lander
Alex lander - 7 years ago
Omg I live near that aquarium are you still their in Orlando
Nalani Rowe
Nalani Rowe - 7 years ago
My favorite is the Aquarium of the Pacific. It's beautiful there it's in Long Beach CA. I plan to take my fiancé before moving from CA to Upstate NY. It is probably the most beautiful on in So Cal. I love that you can pet the rays (non-stingrays)
Zach Presnell
Zach Presnell - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
I like the Columbus Aquarium and Zoo, I heard it’s supposed to be one of the better Aquariums in the United States but that was a few years ago. I recommend it, it is very interesting to learn about each fish in the specific way they present it. It’s unique.
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I have been to Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto! I loved it there and want to go back again. There is a moving sidewalk that goes through a tunnel and the sharks and fish swim over your heads.
N/ A
N/ A - 7 years ago
If you like freshwater aquariums the audobon aquarium in New Orleans is great. Tennessee Aquarium is great too.
tilapiastew - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I've been to the Newport Aquarium, Chattanooga aquarium, and the Ripley aquarium in Gatlinberg, I really liked them all.
extoL - 7 years ago
I have been to a place called "Universeum" in Gothenburg. Its really nice. Tho this place had way to much saltwater and to little freshwater. Still nice tho :) Nice movie as always Joey!
Steven Fay
Steven Fay - 7 years ago
How old are your kids now? I loved seeing their reactions
Nate Vanderloon
Nate Vanderloon - 7 years ago
I went to shedd aquarium in Chicago I would definitely go back again
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i e been to that one. Its okay
Angeween XD
Angeween XD - 7 years ago
The king of DIY joey one day you need to go to the Boston aquarium they have a saltwater ray petting area where you can pet the rays they just go up to you they are very friendly and fun to play with
thestruggler1000 - 7 years ago
Hi Joey I do not live near any aquariums .and 3 years went into a wheelchair and when travelling taking me is inconveniencing for my wife (what about your fancy goldfish are you doing a tank with them)
Ironically Edgy
Ironically Edgy - 7 years ago
Where i live in the uk i have quite a few less than 2 hours away its great, all very big on conservation and education
Jacob Benjudah
Jacob Benjudah - 7 years ago
If you ever get the chance, you should visit the Chattanooga aquarium. You can pet and feed some pretty big stingray, and it's also a really good aquarium.
mauri - 7 years ago
The king of DIY have you ever been to the shed aquarium in chicago
Drew Duckworth
Drew Duckworth - 7 years ago
I have been to the Atlanta, Chattanooga, and Clearwater aquariums and the sea turtle probably has either a bubble in his shell or a swim bladder disease. I think it’s a disability that’s not very common, but causes disability in the hind flippers and swim bladder problems. I forgot what it’s called though.
Andre but Animated
Andre but Animated - 7 years ago
There's a massive one called the shedd aquarium in Chicago and it's like a more down to earth sea world... It's amazing.
prankstersloth - 7 years ago
come to the georgia aquarium!!
Landon Selka
Landon Selka - 7 years ago
I've been to a aquarium in New Jersey and they had some big sand tiger sharks and big rays and a big sea turtle.
John Menter
John Menter - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should take the to the Atlanta Georgia aquarium
Carter E Vlogs
Carter E Vlogs - 7 years ago
The king of DIY for the next aquarium you should take them to the Atlanta aquarium. It has giant groupers and a whale shark
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Thank u for sharing
Kiers2104 - 7 years ago
Yeah Joey please go to atlanta aquarium its massive, they got whale sharks
Delirious WhiteWolf
Delirious WhiteWolf - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! My name Is Victoria Porter and I'm a marine bio student from Florida! I was wondering if you could make a video on talking about the importance of not releasing aquarium pets into the environment as if causes lots of issues, with your large platform I would hope you could spread this message! I'd also love to show it in class to help spread the word as well! I'm a huge fan keep up the amazing work!
Shea Sargent
Shea Sargent - 7 years ago
What was wrong with the turtle?
Rudlofo - 7 years ago
I've been to Newport Aquarium in Kentucky, Shedd Aquarium, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Belle Island Aquarium, National Aquarium, New England Aquarium, Seattle Aquarium, 12 other European aquariums and 7 Asian ones.
Jeff Mueller
Jeff Mueller - 7 years ago
I've been to the one in Toronto I live an hour from there it's pretty AMAZING
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
The king of DIY come see shamu my platinum gar and the rest of my monsters
Erica Maupin
Erica Maupin - 7 years ago
The king of DIY what a great camera man!
The aquarium hobby
The aquarium hobby - 7 years ago
The king of DIY IT was amazing, but almost all salt water. Would like to see more freshwater.
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
The king of DIY The Camden aquarium is pretty close to me, and it is a really cool place. The Georgia aquarium is amazing though, they even have whale sharks.
Marcus - 7 years ago
Joey you would love the one in Atlanta, GA. It is a amazing and I think the largest in the US.
Fish Life-Bettas And More
Fish Life-Bettas And More - 7 years ago
The king of DIY my trip to Ripley's in Tennessee was great
Cian watkins the salty meme Watkins
Cian watkins the salty meme Watkins - 7 years ago
the fish you couldnt identify around 7-40 looks like a cow fish
Its Cuz91
Its Cuz91 - 7 years ago
Been to the National Aquarium in Baltimore its awesome with a rainforest area at the top. Really want to take my son hes 5. Just cost a bit for tickets. Other than that its a couple hours away. Good job on the family trip Joey. Smart curious kids you got.
Aqua Noor
Aqua Noor - 7 years ago
In my place there's no public
Aquarium but see this vedio
Feel like I'm there
Kevin Englisch
Kevin Englisch - 7 years ago
I went to Ripley's Aquarium on a trip to Toronto. It was a zoo.
Aqua Noor
Aqua Noor - 7 years ago
The king of DIY awesome man big fan of you guys I want to be there but can't like your work.
DerpyCOWfish - 7 years ago
7.10 might be a cowfish, they're so cute! Like swimming blocks of cheese lol
Ginga Ninja
Ginga Ninja - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I went to the Monterey bay aquarium. The one from finding Nemo, for my birthday and I didn’t get to see everything because the place was so big
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Steven Willhoite yes, that one was amazing
graeme davey
graeme davey - 7 years ago
If you ever get chance you should take them to the Toronto aquarium they have so many interactive thinks for kids
Ben Pleskina
Ben Pleskina - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Ripleys Aquarium of Canada is amazing
Striker Eureka The Mark 5
Striker Eureka The Mark 5 - 7 years ago
I've been to the Aquarium of the Pacific numerous times, SeaWorld, The Audubon Aquarium of the Americas, and more, I can't remember. The surprising thing is, I'm only 12.
Richard Currie
Richard Currie - 7 years ago
I love aquariums. Been to maybe 6 or 7.
ozzyand thedoors
ozzyand thedoors - 7 years ago
You really need to visit the Henry Doorly Zoo. Their Aquarium is one of the best.
Steven Willhoite
Steven Willhoite - 7 years ago
Baltimore aquarium one of the best grew up in that place
C Krupa
C Krupa - 7 years ago
Growing up in FL I've frequented SeaWorld quite a bit. If you'd ever like to go I can be of help.
Aj Diaz
Aj Diaz - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should get another tank with jelly fish (optional you don't have to )
keng yang
keng yang - 7 years ago
The king of DIY yes been to one in SC they had horse shoe crabs as well
Greg Baker
Greg Baker - 7 years ago
Come to Atlanta aquarium it's soBigg
Lol Jetty
Lol Jetty - 7 years ago
What happen to your shell dweller?
Hydrodragon28 - 7 years ago
Dove have to cycle my 10 gallon tank? Is there something luke pre made bacteria that can allow me to put fish in an hour later?
Alex Hartley
Alex Hartley - 7 years ago
Hey Joey. I'm new to indoor fish keeping, I've been keeping Koi for a few years, and I was wondering what is easier to keep coldwater or tropical. I've had cold water and they dug all my plants out of the substrate and gravel and they make a lot of mess. Wondering if I should keep tropical instead? Was looking at Angel Fish and Penguin Tetra?
PartyBeeSkippy - 7 years ago
I like your rays better
best days
best days - 7 years ago
you should make a Australian style aquarium
Copernileo - 7 years ago
The video you made 2 years ago on the custom plywood aquarium, how much did that cost? Wanting to do the same, Thanks
Super Piplup
Super Piplup - 7 years ago
that seaturtle probably has bubble-but
syed kazmi
syed kazmi - 7 years ago
Hey where do you order your fishes from I can't find any online store that ships to Ontario Canada

10. comment for Their FIRST aquarium tour!

Goldfish Lovers
Goldfish Lovers - 7 years ago
FireBlade 41
FireBlade 41 - 7 years ago
I need your help I live in a small town in Texas and I have 3 Oscar fish that need a new home any clues
SkeA Loks
SkeA Loks - 7 years ago
Your truly blessed man!!!! Hope you had a good time and made some memories with your family!!!!
SkeA Loks
SkeA Loks - 7 years ago
Short Giant
Short Giant - 7 years ago
That one is exactly like the one in Michigan
Akeem Andrews
Akeem Andrews - 7 years ago
Red Fish or Red Drum in the one tank in the wetland area
desertdawg twisted
desertdawg twisted - 7 years ago
Who do y'all recommend I order fish online off of ?
Scowling Wolf
Scowling Wolf - 7 years ago
aidan zollner
aidan zollner - 7 years ago
Please do a nano tree tank update

Thanks joey
lmendrala - 7 years ago
What a name fish ..a time 4 10
Devon Garvey
Devon Garvey - 7 years ago
It's so sweet that you make sure to engage your kids and make them your priority even though you're filming a video. You're a great dad, Joey! :)

20. comment for Their FIRST aquarium tour!

09092008harrison - 7 years ago
I do not think that it is small
7catstied2gether - 7 years ago
Shame about that sea turtle. Joey, you were right, it definitely has some air trapped in its body cavity
gutiersa - 7 years ago
Your son is a natural
Jwhiser1302 - 7 years ago
New shirt idea my friend! “I’m here for the Rays!” Great video!!
nodrules2 - 7 years ago
I thought i left a comment.
vincent wu
vincent wu - 7 years ago
Can you make some videos about how to breed dragon fish or how to make dragon fish be healthy?
Aaron Harris
Aaron Harris - 7 years ago
Love the style and grouping of the aquariums there. love that they themed them really well
heather jarrell
heather jarrell - 7 years ago
Aww cute family!

You need an overhead tank now
Scyte - 7 years ago
I think that little shark snout has wound marks on it
Bradley Rasmussen
Bradley Rasmussen - 7 years ago
Dunno why I thought about this, but how is your Peacock Bass doing?

30. comment for Their FIRST aquarium tour!

Richard Maloney
Richard Maloney - 7 years ago
Your wife, shy as she is, is absolutely gorgeous. Your family is amazing. Thanks for sharing them with us! It really means a lot to see the family behind the Gallery!
Richard Maloney
Richard Maloney - 7 years ago
Sea Life in Auburn Hills, MI is absolutely stunning. Our Nurse Shark is at least 5 feet long, Stingray Bay is amazing, packed with a 6 foot Green Moray Eel, and the Lion fish are basketball met a football size.
Gabejmon - 7 years ago
At the aquarium in Colorado you can pet and feed rays
Selina Thoma
Selina Thoma - 7 years ago
"It's like a Pokémon. "

Me. Evrytime I see an animal I don't know.
Hyper Ankai
Hyper Ankai - 7 years ago
Nice vid
Emily Does everything
Emily Does everything - 7 years ago
My betta has fin rot got him so he most of got it at pet smart.he has white strings coming off of him and it is making his fins go away.he isn't swimming as much and also no longer will eat his food. His tank is clean. He had a filter. He has aquarium salt and water conditioner in his tank I am changing his water a little everyday to keep it clean do you have any tips I don't want gubbles(my betta) to die
Jacob Hoy
Jacob Hoy - 7 years ago
Well the reason for your problem is that you need to truly cycle your filter. And get like a sponge filter. If you have any less than a 2.5 change it to a 5 gallon because it's easier to keep it balanced. You could get Indian almond leave and do 50 percent water changes. Just make sure you have a fully cycled filter because that's how you can burn the gills of the fish
wu kalina
wu kalina - 7 years ago
Emily Does everything i was too scared to use medications but if after a week or two and there's no difference maybe go buy medication. Sorry im not much help><
carley schaffer
carley schaffer - 7 years ago
Emily Does everything medication.
Dragonhda Armstrong
Dragonhda Armstrong - 7 years ago
Is your daughter a big harry potter fan?
Kourteney - 7 years ago
Who else knew the Pokémon was a cheese. (Cowfish)
UberGaming - 7 years ago
Kourteney me!! Like Taylor’s
Besta TV
Besta TV - 7 years ago
I think they feed then plankton
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
I don't think you would be able to see it if it was plankton. Looked like newly hatched brine shrimp, due to size and colours and also because they are so easy to cultivate in mass numbers.
Green Kitty
Green Kitty - 7 years ago
I think you are the most excited one of all, Joey!! Thanks for sharing : )
MakoSDV - 7 years ago
Those were some nice looking tarpon in that big tank.
The "spotted tree trouts" were actually redfish. :-)
Glad you guys had fun.
Mr. Very Kool
Mr. Very Kool - 7 years ago
Jimothy and Timothy. That's the best.
Timothy Andrews
Timothy Andrews - 7 years ago
My name is Timothy and i was like what?
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 7 years ago
Wife doesn't seem happy?
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 7 years ago
The wife does not look amused
Ancel Rick
Ancel Rick - 7 years ago
nah, probably just anticipated these moronic comments...
MarVill TX
MarVill TX - 7 years ago
She seems upset by the camera.
joshua hurd
joshua hurd - 7 years ago
Thanks for the heads up on nerite snails man I just got my first fish he's a veiltail beta and I added a variety of nerite snails to help clean the tank. I got those in particular because I remember you saying they need brackish water to reproduce.
Mason Pyatt
Mason Pyatt - 7 years ago
Can we name the Black Diamond Stingrays Huwey, Dewey and Louie?
TheLonelyHunterXD - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! You really inspired me to think big when it comes to the fish hobby and i started my own Channel because of you! My friend Cristian has a pretty decent fish room right now and it's only getting better. i just made a video showing his fish room and he even has a tank with 2 goldfish and 2 Cichlids! mind checking it out and telling/ giving me and him your criticism on it?:) have a great new year man!
Victoria Harrington
Victoria Harrington - 7 years ago
You have a beautiful family Joey. Love your videos and also how you promote other good animal Youtubers like Jenny's, Rachel's, and Brian's reptile channels, which I now watch as well.
Dexter Italy
Dexter Italy - 7 years ago
Looks like Joey was more excited than his kids .. it's the passion for aquariums and underwater worlds ..
Nick Moore
Nick Moore - 7 years ago
The Georgia Aquarium is the place to go!

50. comment for Their FIRST aquarium tour!

Nikhil Tare
Nikhil Tare - 7 years ago
This video was sweet dad recording their moment
LxrdRed - 7 years ago
You guys should really visit dubai aquarium it's amazing! That have Nurse sharks, leopard rays and all sorts! They also have a freshwater bit where you can see all the fish. Also there is a 7ft long crocodile kept in an enclosure!
Mezza Mez
Mezza Mez - 7 years ago
“Look they’re gliding in the air....?”
yulia gomez
yulia gomez - 7 years ago
I actually worked there for 2 years! the Goliath Grouper's name is Gary, the big Nurse shark's name is potato, and the Green sea turtle's name is Chely. Potato the nurse shark is a big lazy snuggle bug and in the mornings we would find her either cuddling with Chely the sea turtle or Gary the Goliath grouper. it was the cutest ever
Menukaart 24
Menukaart 24 - 7 years ago
Thats amazing was it payed or
as voulantier?
Ashlynn Feather
Ashlynn Feather - 7 years ago
“Check their butts” made me laugh.
Erin Magill
Erin Magill - 7 years ago
that grouper is a goliath grouper
Erin Magill
Erin Magill - 7 years ago
that fish that your son did not know is called a dog face fish
Turd Fergeson
Turd Fergeson - 7 years ago
The most Canadian thing said “Lets wait our turn”
Lew MacDonald
Lew MacDonald - 7 years ago
Turd Fergeson, Norm is hilarious!
Cash Browning
Cash Browning - 7 years ago
The King Of Diy im thinking on making a salt water tank what kind of fish would be not to expensive but also look colorful
Atharva's YTCave
Atharva's YTCave - 7 years ago
clowns(the cheap ones),cardinal, molly
Cash Browning
Cash Browning - 7 years ago
its a 300 gallon tank
StarShotMemes - 7 years ago
Great white? Great white Deez nuts.
StarShotMemes - 7 years ago
AngryBeetle118 I know.
AngryBeetle118 - 7 years ago
StarShotMemes great whites can’t be kept in aquariums. It’s not illegal, it’s just impossible
Hunataa - 7 years ago
love the Hedwig backpack
Kiran Singh
Kiran Singh - 7 years ago
hi joey am looking for a female flowerhorn for my golden base fader....any suggestion? am from india
Lola Plays
Lola Plays - 7 years ago
The dad jokes
Lew MacDonald
Lew MacDonald - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, is your power out? Looks like a bad one for the maritimes.
Lew MacDonald
Lew MacDonald - 7 years ago
So true Shawn.
Shawn King
Shawn King - 7 years ago
Lew MacDonald, I think this is a great opportunity for a video on failsafes and how to be prepared for storms such as this!!
leetlebob - 7 years ago
That "spotted shark" is called a zebra shark.
seropserop - 7 years ago
No definitely not moorish idols
Matthew Pankey
Matthew Pankey - 7 years ago
I went to that aquarium last summer, it wasn't too bad.
syed haseeb
syed haseeb - 7 years ago
Your kids have grown soo much!!
Ahsan Abid Kalim
Ahsan Abid Kalim - 7 years ago
Its a boy!!
david w
david w - 7 years ago
im so glad you pronounced it crayfish. words cant even discribe... shaerk though....
Kristen Franklin
Kristen Franklin - 7 years ago
I haven’t been to an aquarium in a number of years, but I feel like when I go back I’m going to see a lot of it with fresh eyes after watching yours and other fishkeeper’s videos. I can’t wait!
Carli Obrien
Carli Obrien - 7 years ago
Tanya looks like a milf...
Indo Exotic Premium
Indo Exotic Premium - 7 years ago
i see hedwig !!!
Rosemarie Nicole Mele
Rosemarie Nicole Mele - 7 years ago
Hedwig backpack!! Your family is awesome!
Brandon Crowe
Brandon Crowe - 7 years ago
I think we need more Mrs. King of DIY in the videos. Glad that you and the family had a blast! Thank you for sharing!
Kelfin Ramadhan
Kelfin Ramadhan - 7 years ago
seeing that stingray gliding through the aquarium feels so good
Freshenn Jan Alcaba
Freshenn Jan Alcaba - 7 years ago
Why have a jelly with no peanut butter?
Arokhantos - 7 years ago
You should play game called Abzu, wonder what reaction you would have to it :P
Lauren - 7 years ago
Omg ur videos keep making me laugh, that lobster is delicious looking hahaha. Everytime u made a dad joke & i looked at ur daughters face of disapproval it was setting me off laughing again
Star Gaming
Star Gaming - 7 years ago
“Look at this he looks delicious!” God bless you Joey lol
Lucas Nordin
Lucas Nordin - 7 years ago
the king of DIY at a aquarium "oh look its a boy, thats a girl WOW look at this its a dog!
Eitan Nativ
Eitan Nativ - 7 years ago
Can you make a video on were you clean your filters and aquariums and do water changes
Adriefully - 7 years ago
His wife did not look at all enthused to be there lol
Ecartts - 7 years ago
She is probably.. camera shy

But who knows.. maybe she was like roll eyes when Joey wanted to do / visit something ,,fishy,, ..again Haha

Grumpy wife: Come on man.. even on our vacation is still about fish ?

ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
Adriefully yup, joy mentioned it in his Early videos that she doesn't like to be on camera
Alex Alejandre
Alex Alejandre - 7 years ago
Adriefully I think she's like anti cam and anti fish lol
Gary Flores
Gary Flores - 7 years ago
why doesn't he go to the Georgia aquarium
Seals - 7 years ago
I live in Orlando!!
Blue Boy
Blue Boy - 7 years ago
nice vid. although im in korea, i always wanted to go there
creep - 7 years ago
Dang on vacation every month. YouTube doing well
king karan
king karan - 7 years ago
Hey i want that fish
king karan
king karan - 7 years ago
Hii bro i want see bamboo shark
Jochem Braad
Jochem Braad - 7 years ago
Is this at Sealife?
Seals - 7 years ago
Jochem Braad it’s actually the Orlando eye aquarium!
James Wilson
James Wilson - 7 years ago
Now we know what Joey looks like from a fish perspective thanks to his son... awesome vid Bud
Britany Guo
Britany Guo - 7 years ago
Joey: that’s a boy, that’s a girl. Ooo one and a half inch

His daughter: horsies bob bill dory...

His son: shark! Shark!

Hahaha what a cute family
light - 7 years ago
I don’t remember the first time I went to an aquarium but it probably at AQWA(Aquarium of Western Australia) due to my father working there when I was young and it’s probably the only one I’ve ever been to but I’ve been hundreds of times probably and I always love being there, but I think you would love it there sadly not many freshwater fish but tonnes of Australian fish!
Sahana Sundararajan
Sahana Sundararajan - 7 years ago
Hi where do you live
JDa Hawke
JDa Hawke - 7 years ago
The only reason that sea turtle is there is because in the US you can only have a seaturtle if it can't swim because of air in its shell

Sorry if this is hard to understand!
Kathryn Hotem
Kathryn Hotem - 7 years ago
I work at the National aquarium In Baltimore, you guys should come visit it’s a fantastic place!
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
Is that a Hedwig backpack?
Big fish Small ponds
Big fish Small ponds - 7 years ago
you should go to the Oklahoma Aquarium
Big fish Small ponds
Big fish Small ponds - 7 years ago
we've got silver arowana, and plenty one Ray's
Jonathan French
Jonathan French - 7 years ago
You should go to Ripleys aquarium in Toronto. It’s a great aquarium and a big one. Also they let you pet the rays they come right up to you
chris one bxl
chris one bxl - 7 years ago
Greta one again Joey ; thanks ! happy new year for you and your fam and all your followers

100. comment for Their FIRST aquarium tour!

Koala Turtle
Koala Turtle - 7 years ago
Dad Joey!! And lol can’t get away without any dad jokes
nylonschnur - 7 years ago
You was rushing so bad
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga - 7 years ago
You should get a cow fish.
My Mind over Your Matter
My Mind over Your Matter - 7 years ago
Thank you for this experience. Your family is Awesome. I like how your children are so happy & interactive during the trip. Keep up the Good work!
Build It
Build It - 7 years ago
A boat I deal sorry for him
Caleb Banta
Caleb Banta - 7 years ago
Around here we have Newport in nowhere Kentucky and shedd in Chicago. Shedd is way bigger but Newport is easier to get to. Both great tanks just different sizes.
engon11 - 7 years ago
The only guy that goes into an aquarium and says, wooow!...... One and a half inch.... Hahahhaha
Deanne Sherriff
Deanne Sherriff - 7 years ago
I’ve been to Orlando a few times, always go to Sea World and the Aquarium. Love it. My son was about 8, perfect age really, he was really into it. It’s a good holiday, but you need a rest when you get back because there’s so much walking, LOL!
Big fish Small ponds
Big fish Small ponds - 7 years ago
Deanne Sherriff I went to the wax museum in the same facility
MAYBACH MUSIC - 7 years ago
I love joeys family there so lovely but the wife is camera shy just like my mum oh welll still lovely family ❤️
Hajong Lee
Hajong Lee - 7 years ago
your son is a natural. i love how he just starts explaining once he gets the camera in his hands
nodrules2 - 7 years ago
your wife is camera shy..... I hear solid gold is single..... I mean I'm not saying you should but I am saying there is some pretty spicy fan fiction.
Alex Alejandre
Alex Alejandre - 7 years ago
Solid gold is mine Bruh, plus it's cheaper to keep her Joey she would take half your tanks in the divorce
fake username
fake username - 7 years ago
She’s married
harsha deyol
harsha deyol - 7 years ago
Me too
Bifkeki - 7 years ago
lol i was thinking the same thing
E. Chiang
E. Chiang - 7 years ago
That backpack tho
Ferdinand Dreiundvierzig
Ferdinand Dreiundvierzig - 7 years ago
What you said you've seen before, I have seen at every SeaLife i've been too yet.
Seems like you aren't the only one liking these kind of tanks.
Betch ValtoZ
Betch ValtoZ - 7 years ago
Dude you saud thid you first tour but you said: ive been here before
Ben Lunn
Ben Lunn - 7 years ago
Yea you retard.
Martin Roche
Martin Roche - 7 years ago
Betch ValtoZ still nothing you retard
Betch ValtoZ
Betch ValtoZ - 7 years ago
BadassRandomness - 7 years ago
It's the kids first tour
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 7 years ago
I like fishs iam ducht hahahahahaha wow so beautiful
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 7 years ago
Ik woon in de stoeterijstraat groenwoud hey
Noah Huisjes
Noah Huisjes - 7 years ago
Fish Lover you're Dutch? Me too!
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
I wonder how many times your kids have heard you say "I want one" over the years?
TeeGee EyeEff
TeeGee EyeEff - 7 years ago
U gotta get one of those rays, joey! u just gotta!
Victor Lopez
Victor Lopez - 7 years ago
I came to this comment section because there’s a lot of fish fans but I have a gold dojo loach and I think it has swim bladder because it keeps floating to the surface and has trouble cooming down and I wanna know if anyone has any tips how to help can anyone please comment back immediately
Alex A
Alex A - 7 years ago
I would just buy some medication for swim bladder and do a 20% water change. Good luck
Randomz Channel
Randomz Channel - 7 years ago
No tips but just to say all fish have swim bladder your fish has a swim bladder problem
strongandbrilliant - 7 years ago
1AARoCnHhHafayN2x9wsUhrH3UFwm4UeWW please I need help for my super red Aruwana anyone anything will do please
Gene Casimero Vlogs
Gene Casimero Vlogs - 7 years ago
I saw a baby lion fish when I went swimming in the Philippines great place.
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 7 years ago
mum just waited at the front door hahahah well at least i enjoyed it hahhahaha
nano tank master
nano tank master - 7 years ago
You should go to the sea life in Manchester (UK) if you get the chance.
Logan Fors
Logan Fors - 7 years ago
i love aquarium I've only been to one 2 times
Veer Deshpande
Veer Deshpande - 7 years ago
What happened to the saltwater
peasil - 7 years ago
You look like yr enjoying it the most
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Yer I no mate . Loos like a nice family day out and it is nice to see him having fun
peasil - 7 years ago
JPs VlogUK i never said they didnt he just looked most excited
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
He and his family looked like they was loving it
Gilmour Hein Htet Zaw
Gilmour Hein Htet Zaw - 7 years ago
Joey when are you taking the goldfish from last few months
Leolu Bert
Leolu Bert - 7 years ago
I just want you to know Joey sea life is the same as SeaWorld when it comes animal abuse, sea life is currently carrying an illegal dolphin in sea life at Hawaii. I don't mean to burst any bubbles I just thought you should know.
GalaxyCallum - 7 years ago
It’s not sea life. It’s a different brand that’s not run by Merlin.
Enid Rodriguez
Enid Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Go to the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans. Way more variety and includes real monster freshwater fish. They also have sea dragons, albino gator and frogs.
Tyler James
Tyler James - 7 years ago
Joey... I enjoyed this video. It was a treat to see your family too! They are real people! I thought they were only figments of your imagination. Thanks for sharing.
Shawn_358 - 7 years ago
I like that backpack lol
Kolton D
Kolton D - 7 years ago
That looks like the one in Michigan you went to
kyle Qwen
kyle Qwen - 7 years ago
Those tarpons swimming with the sharks are just amazing
Marita Wallace
Marita Wallace - 7 years ago
Pls cheack out my betta Chanel
suraj raut
suraj raut - 7 years ago
dad jokes....
Altruysm - 7 years ago
Nike or Puma?
Maxi 1610
Maxi 1610 - 7 years ago
I WANT ONE!! - Joey (Everytime he sees a cool fish)
HangeryGamingHS - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure "Timothy" is a pregnant female
HangeryGamingHS - 7 years ago
I'm watching River Monsters, catches 10ft fish, I want ONE
SMAUG The Impenetrable
SMAUG The Impenetrable - 7 years ago
HangeryGamingHS , honestly you should just go for more beautiful fishes that remain ok at a tank size such as the red torroe cichlid , frontosa cichlid , or altum angelfish . This are the fish that grow moderate size and need at least 100 gallons
HangeryGamingHS - 7 years ago
ya, I remember I wanted a pond so bad I god a plastic tub and put a filter on it, threw some bluegills in and it was all gud until winter last year
SMAUG The Impenetrable
SMAUG The Impenetrable - 7 years ago
HangeryGamingHS , well then wait till you grow up . I am sure your parents wont allow it either
HangeryGamingHS - 7 years ago
well, I'm 12 and my backyard is on a slope(I'am dead inside) and my parent aren't as keen on my fish hobby, also I live in Texas and in winter it gets very cold
SMAUG The Impenetrable
SMAUG The Impenetrable - 7 years ago
HangeryGamingHS , get a big pond
Debasish Tarai
Debasish Tarai - 7 years ago
give us more of em daddy jokes.
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
Those colours make me trip out
Admiral_Thire - 7 years ago
there is a sea life here in texas too. it is suprisingly similar to that one
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
Lol ur son looks like a wannabe of u
Andrew Reed
Andrew Reed - 7 years ago
Have you ever had an Oscar
AMARJEET SIKDAR - 7 years ago
Sir , I want your ultimate diy handbook but in hardcopy . So , can you plz help me .
Ariel Nicole
Ariel Nicole - 7 years ago
Is it weird Joey reminds me of my dad lmao
DarkThorns00 - 7 years ago
Ariel Nicole you're not alone this is the reason why I watch joey. When I was a little kid my dad used to have an aquarium and he always kept it pretty and clean for his fish and got as exciting as Joey gets. It's funny my name kinda sound like yours too
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
Have you met stingrays ugly cousin? Sting Charles
Josiah Potter
Josiah Potter - 7 years ago
Your daughter looks just like you joey
Preston Loveday
Preston Loveday - 7 years ago
We did a behind the scenes tour of there a few months back. The fat nurse shark's name is actually Potato lol and no she in not pregnant.
rick sanders
rick sanders - 7 years ago
Joey are you in Orlando currently or is this footage from some time ago
meowrisaaa - 7 years ago
rick sanders probably from when he collabed with solidgoldaquatics
Edward Poole
Edward Poole - 7 years ago
Can tell your a real good man. Family and love is everything have a blessed new year.
Dennis Vessey
Dennis Vessey - 7 years ago
Strait to acrylic thickness
Prince and princess of diy?
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
Come to the South Carolina aquarium but make it public so I can some and see you! It’s amazing. Also I can get you behind the scenes in some parts! Please come
J delta737
J delta737 - 7 years ago
King of Diy, please do, would love to meet you
SoCal Fish Keepers
SoCal Fish Keepers - 7 years ago
Awesome! Sounds like you guys had a great time
TanKaboom - 7 years ago
Come to the sea aquarium in Singapore shoutout to the Singaporean fans
Ong919 - 7 years ago
TanKaboom Yea yea that.. sry i forgot lmao
TanKaboom - 7 years ago
Ong919 underwater world shut down now a new one called S.E.A aquarium
Ong919 - 7 years ago
Lmao singapores one is insainely huge. the one at underwater world near resort world
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
TanKaboom aeooooo
TanKaboom - 7 years ago
You seem more interested in the tank itself and the equipment
Will - 7 years ago
didn't tanked do an episode one that thin tall jelly fish tank?
Al B
Al B - 7 years ago
Is that supposed to be Hedwig?
hannah - 7 years ago
Have you thought of going to the Aquarium in Atlanta Georgia? It’s suppose to be the largest aquarium in the US and they have whale sharks
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
hannah I love that aquarium
Baconater - 7 years ago
Your kids look way older now
Dude vs Gaming
Dude vs Gaming - 7 years ago
What happened to the Shell Dwellers?????????? They were my favourite
OhDearInPubs - 7 years ago
Dude vs Gaming just get some of your own, they’re not too hard
Raptor Rachel
Raptor Rachel - 7 years ago
DIY fishkeeper: Providing the most wholesome content on youtube
henrydjr - 7 years ago
Have you ever toured the Georgia Aquarium ln Atlanta? They have the Whale Sharks!
Matt Hew
Matt Hew - 7 years ago
You need to come to Atlanta. Best aquarium on the world!
Matt Hew
Matt Hew - 7 years ago
Digging the tank top
Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 7 years ago
Thank u 4 share this!
Shane Katz
Shane Katz - 7 years ago
“It’s a grouper not a groupie”
A golden Life
A golden Life - 7 years ago
You should to a tour off your fish room with your kids
Adam Aquaworld
Adam Aquaworld - 7 years ago
Big shoutout to your wife who supports you with your hobby, she really loves you, mine will be mad only if i say the word “aquarium”
Rohit Dutta Mazumder
Rohit Dutta Mazumder - 7 years ago
Mr. King i think you should go scuba diving once!
Fanny Vargas
Fanny Vargas - 7 years ago
Your daughters not having any of your dad jokes
Fanny Vargas
Fanny Vargas - 7 years ago
saxaphonehero11 yes, I can clearly see that. My phone didn’t include the apostrophe & I didn’t proof read it before I posted.

saxaphonehero11 - 7 years ago
Fanny Vargas he only has one daughter. The other kid is his SON.
David Keo
David Keo - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should get guppies
RunRideDive - 7 years ago
Diving off Mozambique we saw a grouper as big as a Toyota Prius
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Bro her backpack is lit
JorlyWashMunch-alot - 7 years ago
That’s the only aquarium I’ve ever been to lol and sea world lol
sammy cohen
sammy cohen - 7 years ago
Have you ever been to the national aquarium in Baltimore?
Nichlas Charran
Nichlas Charran - 7 years ago
Do a meet in Florida
StayAlone Paul
StayAlone Paul - 7 years ago
Dnt stop these kinds of videos. Do a lil vlog. Keep posting bro... u will hit 1 million in no time.
Rich Sky
Rich Sky - 7 years ago
I thought aquarium kills sharks
GD BobbyMagee
GD BobbyMagee - 7 years ago
Some sharks like great whites and hammer heads usually can't be held in captivity either because of their size or how active they are, but most sharks like sandbars and sand tigers are fine.
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
Awesome family on aquarium excursion, I am as excited as your kids behind my computer screen, mainly because my last underwater world visit was nearly a decade ago.
StayAlone Paul
StayAlone Paul - 7 years ago
We like ur jokes... dnt worry
Soundz - 7 years ago
If you ever decided to have a kid again, and it was a girl then you should name her Rae (Ray)
Rich Sky
Rich Sky - 7 years ago
Your son has Your personality...
Rich Sky
Rich Sky - 7 years ago
Diy you're the definition of a trailblazer
Jennifer Heebe
Jennifer Heebe - 7 years ago
Y’all should go to the Atlanta aquarium they have the biggest aquarium at six point something million gallons
Jennifer Heebe
Jennifer Heebe - 7 years ago
And 3 whale sharks manta rays too
Michael Knox
Michael Knox - 7 years ago
Jennifer Heebe they also have whale sharks. I’ve been there it was amazing!
Daniel Park
Daniel Park - 7 years ago
Rich Sky
Rich Sky - 7 years ago
Your Wife is Awesome for supporting You & Diy
Rich Sky
Rich Sky - 7 years ago
It's A Life & a hobby. It would be too much if he name his son nemo
PEMG HUSTLE WOMAN - 7 years ago
Fish at home
Fish on wedding trip
Fish on family vacation
Balance, you have to have balance.
The Sixth
The Sixth - 7 years ago
lol, i hope so bro
Rich Sky
Rich Sky - 7 years ago
The Sixth I see where you trying to go @. 75% chance his life is great especially if his funds right.
The Sixth
The Sixth - 7 years ago
hope so, for his own good. cos i like the guy
Rich Sky
Rich Sky - 7 years ago
The Sixth. I guarantee she just
The Sixth
The Sixth - 7 years ago
she didn't look or seem like she liked being there though, lol
Ninja Nexus
Ninja Nexus - 7 years ago
Those big fish a 17 ish we're red drum
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Ninja Nexus no they aren’t there’s not dot on there tail
iWuvHuskys - 7 years ago
I've only ever been to the Audubon aquarium in New Orleans. But I've been going since before I could remember and I love it.

Still too scared to pet the nurse shark though.
lady lex 9999
lady lex 9999 - 7 years ago
go to monteray bay aquarium! it's awesome
Mikey Mucker
Mikey Mucker - 7 years ago
i just went there a couple months ago, i thought it was pretty neat with a great array of different aquariums for how small the area actually is
U R B O I C I Z - 7 years ago
omg my fish s named jimothy
The SuperSquad
The SuperSquad - 7 years ago
You should get a tank build by the guys at Tanked (The Animal Planet TV show)
Eric Fish
Eric Fish - 7 years ago
Eric Fish
Eric Fish - 7 years ago
The SuperSquad good idea
The SuperSquad
The SuperSquad - 7 years ago
Axel Bollian
I know but it would be awesome
Axel Bollian
Axel Bollian - 7 years ago
One of their tanks are EXPENSIVE
Jeanny Boisjoli
Jeanny Boisjoli - 7 years ago
If you love rays that much you should come to the (Zoo granby) in quebec you can touch them and feed them
Tommy Rosario
Tommy Rosario - 7 years ago
The fact that I used to work there and you went is so upsetting
Shane Katz
Shane Katz - 7 years ago
Tommy Rosario why was the turtle floating like that?
Alejandro Alvarado
Alejandro Alvarado - 7 years ago
HI Joey!!I saw some of your videos and I'm finally planning buy some Discus (they are expensive in my country and a little hard to to find), what do you think are the essential things? and which one should I look for. I already have a nice tank and filter. Thank you so much.
Kat Coghill
Kat Coghill - 7 years ago
Discus are very sensitive to water conditions so do a lot of research on what your water is like from.the tap. Here in the uk a lot of people use Reverse Osmosis water.
Cade - 7 years ago
Alejandro Alvarado feed high quality food and keep water parameters stable
Wayne Bradford
Wayne Bradford - 7 years ago
That place looks awesome love the way your wife is like o great more fish your daughter is like im so done with your dad jokes and your sons just loving it .we have a place like that near me in hull called the deep but its not as nig as it was now
Jimmy Dean from 10 news
Jimmy Dean from 10 news - 7 years ago
Like when your dad has fish tanks that compare with public aquariums
willbe wild
willbe wild - 7 years ago
You should get jellyfish
jul b
jul b - 7 years ago
willbe wild yes!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Nancy Campbell
Nancy Campbell - 7 years ago
I was there almost a year ago. I loved it!!
Dalton325 - 7 years ago
You're daughter is slacking. She named every fish in that aquarium, but the only one in your gallery with a name is Frank. :)) And I think you said your son named him.
TJ Newberry
TJ Newberry - 7 years ago
If you're ever in GA, a Georgia Aquarium tour is on me.
Daemon Ember
Daemon Ember - 7 years ago
I love in Orlando and I have never been there
Breana Sanaghan
Breana Sanaghan - 7 years ago
you should make your way out to Chicago to the Shedd! it's awesome and is surrounded by other museums and a zoo so you could make a whole trip out of it with the kids.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Been there and made videos on it!
Cazza - 7 years ago
New t-shirt idea: “I’m just here for the rays!”
KeylorCR - 7 years ago
Cazza gold
Andy Dre
Andy Dre - 7 years ago
Cheese from the futur
Glad S
Glad S - 7 years ago
hi I am new
Bifkeki - 7 years ago
to the world?
sk3tx - 7 years ago
you should come to Singapore and visit River Safari! It’s a dedicated fresh water aquarium!
Hope Ferguson
Hope Ferguson - 7 years ago
I love your daughter's Hedwig backpack. Also, you need build Frank a tank with a bubble in it for you to put your head in so he can interact more. Lol
BlueMoon - 7 years ago
This was so great! Thanks for sharing! :D
Daemon Ember
Daemon Ember - 7 years ago
The what is that? That is a cow fish since they have the dual horns like a cow. They are also poisonous the one you saw is a small fry they get up to 20" not as monstrous as most your fish but still a good sized fish
Timmy Turner
Timmy Turner - 7 years ago
What happened your daughter's tank
Cade - 7 years ago
Timmy Turner She got rid of it
Jackieluvscheesecake - 7 years ago
Yoshi278 - 7 years ago
I said the exact same thing too lol.
Amelia's Menagerie
Amelia's Menagerie - 7 years ago
Haha my favorite aquarium memory was going to the london aquarium when I was five, and my parents asking if the sharks ever ate other fish. Our guide explained that they overfed the sharks, and so they never ate other fish. As she was explaining, a shark bit a fish in half behind her, much to the horror of all the children. She had no idea.
It was hilarious
bobcât - 7 years ago
Amelia's Menagerie
dovanega satjadibrata
dovanega satjadibrata - 7 years ago
Is that hedwig hahaha
Celestial Veil
Celestial Veil - 7 years ago
The boys have 2 little fingers on their butt... okay joey
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Mimiheart9 - 7 years ago
You are SO totally a dad. My daughter's performing at an aquarium at the end of the month. It'll be interesting to see what she thinks. We've been to them before, but not since keeping bigger tanks.
Hello Reeb
Hello Reeb - 7 years ago
So cute the kids reaction. Awesome family! Keep posting videos.
Ryan Henderson
Ryan Henderson - 7 years ago
Come to Tennessee, USA! The Aquarium in Chattanooga is only about 2 hours from the Atlanta aquarium. Both are fantastic!
K C - 7 years ago
Your daughter's backpack ❤️❤️❤️
Vivek Gupta
Vivek Gupta - 7 years ago
I wonder how or why would one dislike this video. This video has nothing to do with Joey making our doing anything. It's just an aquarium tour. I guess they cannot appreciate anything.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
People that say they don’t like me.... but can’t stop watching lol
Rave Wall
Rave Wall - 7 years ago
The fish you said looks like a Pokemon is a cow fish love your vids I know this was a family vacation but next time you come to fl you should do a meet and greet
S S - 7 years ago
That sea turtle with the air bubble in it's shell made me sad. Is there a way to fix something like that without hurting the turtle? Could they make a tiny hole in the carapace to let the air out underwater, then patch the hole with some kind of sealant to prevent any air from getting back in? I've never really thought about that before.
jared491 - 7 years ago
Today I learned how to tell boys from girls... Just look at their butts
Ecartts - 7 years ago
For a moment I felt like I am watching a documentary about dogs behaviour.. Lmao
UltraJJTA Gaming
UltraJJTA Gaming - 7 years ago
That aquarium was okay, but it would be amazing with Frank and Beans
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Annnnnd the Best Dad on YouTube award goes to.......
JJ Jones
JJ Jones - 7 years ago
Thanks for the Awesome Video of the Sea life Aquarium... Looks like your kids had a great time.. and yes sometimes as parents we pay a little more to make sure kids have a memory for a lifetime.. Smiles..
Dayna Waters
Dayna Waters - 7 years ago
You should go to ripely’s aquarium in Toronto it’s pretty impressive and they have a tank devoted to rays and do feeding shows as well
vini110 Reef
vini110 Reef - 7 years ago
yes I agree, then visit Markham Aquarium 2 U for arowana's...
Dayna Waters
Dayna Waters - 7 years ago
Khanh Vo
Khanh Vo - 7 years ago
it's Cheese!
Khanh Vo
Khanh Vo - 7 years ago
ya they were wondering what kind of fish it was
AstonishingAidan •
AstonishingAidan • - 7 years ago
Cheese? Who? From Taylor Nicole Dean?

Da Bellman Zoo
Da Bellman Zoo - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey the next time I take a group of kids from the Boys & Girls Clubs to Sea Life I'll be able to point out the difference between a boy and a girl fish or at least the Rays and sharks LOL
Ryan Westgarth
Ryan Westgarth - 7 years ago
It looks good but they don't have Frank. It's nice to get out as a family and do things though.
why not
why not - 7 years ago
SolidBoredness - 7 years ago
You need to visit Monterey Bay aquarium
The Fairly Odd Couple
The Fairly Odd Couple - 7 years ago
Defiantly one I am dying to visit one day.
BulletproofEq - 7 years ago
I make a point of visiting the aquarium, if there is one, in each city I go to! Some of my earliest memories are of the Shedd in Chicago
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Great video. I went to this one a few months back and loved it.
Amanda Thecheetah
Amanda Thecheetah - 7 years ago
I went there
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
Everyone pays attention to the fish in the aquarium, Joey pays attention to the actual build of the aquarium!
Dara OHanlon
Dara OHanlon - 7 years ago
You'll have to plan a trip to the Atlanta Georgia Aquarium, i've been there several times. One of my favorites. The whale sharks and Manta rays are beautiful to see up close.
Kristina Strait
Kristina Strait - 7 years ago
Dara OHanlon
whale sharks?? No way man! It must be a huge aquarium!
Justin Keats
Justin Keats - 7 years ago
Awesome vid man !! Love to see you get some family time nothing better
Farrel Ito
Farrel Ito - 7 years ago
Little Buble for lil pump
Bro Bliscious
Bro Bliscious - 7 years ago
How long are you gonna be in Orlando?
Bro Bliscious
Bro Bliscious - 7 years ago
Ecartts thanks for the info, was hoping I could meet him also visiting
Ecartts - 7 years ago
He is already back home.. Went for a while.. filmed some videos and came back
Beth Ward
Beth Ward - 7 years ago
liked for the part that your son filmed
Varied Gary Podcast
Varied Gary Podcast - 7 years ago
looks awesome!
Enoch - 7 years ago
Come out to the Cleveland aquarium
Mellow Bobbin
Mellow Bobbin - 7 years ago
What a dad... his jokes, the way he uses the word "pokemon" ;)
DragYourHalo - 7 years ago
At the end of the video... your wife looked like she was TOTALLY ready to leave lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Hahah she’s so tired of hearing about fish. 15+ years now... must be getting old. But I’m just getting started hahaha
Marshall Hauck
Marshall Hauck - 7 years ago
It would be dope if you got a lionfish and puffer tank
S S - 7 years ago
I used to work in a fish store... My manager tried that combination once for one of our saltwater display tanks. Had a Rhinopias, a giant frogfish, a lionfish, and a dogfaced puffer. Within about 15 minutes there was no longer a dogfaced puffer in there, but there was one really fat, happy looking lionfish. Wasn't even a very big lionfish, but it managed to eat the puffer that was roughly the same size as itself.
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
Been there done that
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
That was fun.
Hery Nofryansyah
Hery Nofryansyah - 7 years ago
I need that owl backpack
Shannon Stibor
Shannon Stibor - 7 years ago
He needs a "I'm here for the rays" shirt. We need a "I'm here for Frank n Beans" shirt.
keithp662 - 7 years ago
You should totally go to the Chattanooga tn aquarium. Best fresh water aquarium in the states.
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
Totally awesome Joey, much better than the freezing temp back up north! Wishing I was with y'all! Been along time since I've been to a public aquarium. Heard the one in South Carolina or Georgia is supposed to be day I'll make it. Loved your son's view & now I know which ray is male or female. Thank you to you & family for sharing. Hi family, nice to see you;-) Congratulations again to the Mrs.
Ren Höek
Ren Höek - 7 years ago
Hey Joey have you been to the Florida aquarium in Tampa? Took my daughters there not to long ago, they loved it
Ben Hansen
Ben Hansen - 7 years ago
I really enjoy your videos man, and one of the biggest reasons why is your focus on adding free value to us that watches and follows you. Your an true inspiration and In my opinion one of the biggest in our beloved hobby :) I will now continue creating my background for my tank, diyking-style ;)
Monrad - 7 years ago
If you ever come to Denmark you should viset The Blue Planet! Amazing aquarium with a nice mix off fresh and saltwater. Also a very nice one to visit as a hobbyist
Porlan - 7 years ago
your daughters reaction to your dad jokes is amazing :) nice vid
Lancashire Lass
Lancashire Lass - 7 years ago
I loved Little mans commentary when he was in charge of filming :D
Kristina Strait
Kristina Strait - 7 years ago
Your laugh
Heather Barrett
Heather Barrett - 7 years ago
ahgotta love the terrible dad jokes. you know you love the hobby when you admire and talk about the acrylic and pumps haha, ive never been to a public aqaurium like this sadly :( if i could go then i would probably spend hourse just watching the fish and walking around even if its a small place.
Lazarenko93 - 7 years ago
Heather Barrett been to several and it is so normal for me that I almost dont realise not everyone has that. They got them in most zoo's here aswell. :p
Nita F
Nita F - 7 years ago
They both look like you but your little girl looks more like your wife. Beautiful family
Chuck Chuck
Chuck Chuck - 7 years ago
That one fish was a cowfish
Jakebeastmode 13 Jake
Jakebeastmode 13 Jake - 7 years ago
Lisa Verhaaf
Lisa Verhaaf - 7 years ago
Did I just spot... A Harry Potter backpack? She is perfect! Hahaha
Jacob Viera
Jacob Viera - 7 years ago
prob the coolest backpack i have ever seen "snow owl"
david hooper
david hooper - 7 years ago
Best aquarium i have been to was at laro park
guido Krikke
guido Krikke - 7 years ago
Been to a couple here in the netherlands i liked the one most in burger zoo in Arnhem
Lazarenko93 - 7 years ago
guido Krikke oceanium is ook mooi !
Pat O
Pat O - 7 years ago
Looks like the fam hit up Universal before the aquarium. I’m diggin’ the Hedwig backpack your daughter’s rocking in the video.
Theo Amos
Theo Amos - 7 years ago
Lol his daughter looks exactly like him
Zach Presnell
Zach Presnell - 7 years ago
I heard that the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is quite a good aquarium not sure if you’re into that but it’s worth it
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
Joey, do you think there is any way they can let the bubble out of the sea turtle's shell?
Ahmad .B.
Ahmad .B. - 7 years ago
such a cute family, god bless u joey
Ryan Bradford
Ryan Bradford - 7 years ago
Joey's a perv, staring at fish crotches
kimmie darby
kimmie darby - 7 years ago
OMG I LOVE your daughters bag!!!! Where did use get it? great video as always: )
Pat O
Pat O - 7 years ago
kimmie darby my guess is they went to Universal Studios before the aquarium. That backpack looks a lot like Hedwig from Harry Potter.
MoDot D
MoDot D - 7 years ago
Dad jokes. Luv em
Candyfloss - 7 years ago
Have you done a reaction video with the family for your aquarium gallery?
William Moore
William Moore - 7 years ago
Great video, I loved seeing your family. If you are looking for a summer vacation idea, Boston has a great aquarium and you can book run whale watching boat tours.
Paige Reynolds
Paige Reynolds - 7 years ago
You're a totally awkward dad
yvonne andico
yvonne andico - 7 years ago
Family Fun Times are the Best❣️Thanks Joey for sharing your time w/the fam at the Aquarium
Cole The guide
Cole The guide - 7 years ago
I only live 2 hours away from Chicago so I’ve been to the aquarium there before it was fun
AnalogX64 - 7 years ago
Great video. You would love the Riplye's Aquarium right next to the CN Tower in Toronto :)
Angel Polanco
Angel Polanco - 7 years ago
Joey - what type of light you think the aquarium might have used, on the first tank you came across at the aquarium?
karen pereira
karen pereira - 7 years ago
The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago IL USA contains 5,000,000 US gallons of water, I went to it several times before I had a fish tank. Great place to visit in the greatest city in the world! Peace and Hugs, thanks to the kids for an awesome video day! Karen
Crystal Sharp
Crystal Sharp - 7 years ago
She named that one Timothy.. my youngest son's name is Timothy lol
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 7 years ago
Go to the Georgia Aquarium
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 7 years ago
I love how you are measuring up thickness of tank walls and Tanya is like ermmmm where’s the shops lol
ausgoth - 7 years ago
the sealife aquarium in melbourne is way better in my opinion! but hey, only so much gets through in footage haha, and maybe im just biased since its where im from! ;)
Deep Blue
Deep Blue - 7 years ago
Not a bad aquarium, but I agree not really great for a hobbyists. If you are looking for a good hobbyists aquarium, I think The California Academy of Sciences in San Fransisco is really inspiring, the aquarists actually get to set up their own tank, and I watched a lecture on YouTube where a guy who works their started a deep reef tank in his office and it grew into a whole area of the aquarium. They keep alot of unusual stuff but also common fish like endlers. I took a bunch of really nice pictures.
Inversebat - 7 years ago
I like the way Joey’s kids are not obnoxious
Brad Miller
Brad Miller - 7 years ago
I love seeing the dynamic between you and your kids at the aquarium. Btw, the dad jokes totally remind me of my dad- omg. I was curious if they've ever expressed interest in helping you out in the gallery??
Marquez Drummond
Marquez Drummond - 7 years ago
I went here for the third time last year it's a pretty cool place
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
Joey, have you been to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia? That one will blow your mind. They have whale sharks in a gigantic tank.
James Russell
James Russell - 7 years ago
Better not let under armor see this video, they’re gonna be pissed !
Inversebat - 7 years ago
James Russell lol
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 7 years ago
Omg i thought it was a real owl on her back lol
Alex Brickles
Alex Brickles - 7 years ago
yaoming yen retard
Fish Bish
Fish Bish - 7 years ago
Longfin Bannerfish not moorish idols
John Emanuel Cruz
John Emanuel Cruz - 7 years ago
Hey joey make a 20,000 galons aquarium for salt water and keep some salt water rays...
stargazer209 - 7 years ago
If you went one state up, you could have seen one of the biggest aquariums in the world.
superguitarmaniac100 - 7 years ago
7:25 sick dab
xCLU7CH Cl7Yx - 7 years ago
7:30 “DAB DAB”
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 7 years ago
Theres a sea life in London that ive been to a few times, it amuses me that they seem to use the same atmospheric music everywhere in the world. Sea life are ok, they do conservation projects in the wild, education and stuff like that, much better than the other aquarium in Orlando...
buddiwanbr - 7 years ago
Why not go to Sea World , youre already there. Its 90 bucks a piece though
buddiwanbr - 7 years ago
andrewcul Killer whales are gone now and it is still the best aquarium in Florida . Theres also Marine land too about an hour and a half from there.
andrewcul - 7 years ago
Quite a controversial place, they might be on the 'blackfish' side of it all
Briglight - 7 years ago
Awsome to see you with the whole family
PhilGood 89
PhilGood 89 - 7 years ago
They look like they had a blast especially little dude
lalala95 - 7 years ago
If you ever in Chicago, I love the Shedd Aquarium
PinHead Larry
PinHead Larry - 7 years ago
lalala95 Chicago is the best but don’t come around now cuz we are like frozen af
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
The reason why the jellyfish didn't look very hungry is because they don't have a central nervous system, meaning they literally don't have a brain. They are basically bags of water that have learned how to move, all of their muscles are involuntary movements. Keeping them at home is quite hard, as they don't go towards food (they will literally starve to death because they don't eat), and will get stuck on basically everything. That means: No open filter in/outlets, No airstones, No powerheads and especially no rocks, as they will die from getting stuck behind them. They are also very picky when it comes to flow, as too much flow will tear them apart over time, but too little means they don't get enough food particles.
Carmen Patata Anaranjada
Carmen Patata Anaranjada - 7 years ago
Haha, bags of water
GManPro - 7 years ago
Hawk_ Eye damn, this was an interesting read. pretty cool to know.
Goldfish :D
Goldfish :D - 7 years ago
"Wheres the peanut butter with the jelly?" I DIED
joshua griffin
joshua griffin - 7 years ago
Your son looks just like you
Angeween XD
Angeween XD - 7 years ago
You should go to the Boston aquarium their is a ray petting area
buddiwanbr - 7 years ago
Angeween XD they have one right where they are, its called Sea World lol
Aileen Davis
Aileen Davis - 7 years ago
Angeween XD Used to live in Beantown, grew up with that aquarium. Nothing else had ever compared. I heard they redid the ocean tank and I've been dying to check it out
Laikin Simons
Laikin Simons - 7 years ago
I love seeing you interact with your family! They bring out the best in you ♥️
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
He is a family man that's why
ells5656 - 7 years ago
Come back to england and go to the DEEP such a huge aquarium.
Jerry Cat
Jerry Cat - 7 years ago
I love the deep!!!
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Going their thisnuwar it is meant to be really good . I did some filming at one in Blackpool last year and it was only small
Finley_rob - 7 years ago
When joey sees a sting ray he goes full nerd mode and also love your videos I love the panda cross back
Duc Tran
Duc Tran - 7 years ago
Only joey will go to an aquarium and talk about the thickness of the acrylic and the pumps.
Mike Farley
Mike Farley - 7 years ago
Duc Tran he ain't alone
Finley_rob - 7 years ago
You should go to predictory fins cause there are lots of big Fresh water fish
B Mowdy
B Mowdy - 7 years ago
I love the family video! It's cool to get to see your family!
Jacob Benjudah
Jacob Benjudah - 7 years ago
The King of DIY. If yo u ever get the chance, you should visit the Chattanooga aquarium. You can pet and feed some pretty big stingray, and it's also a really good aquarium.
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 7 years ago
I think the Toronto aquarium has salt water and fresh water
Fungus m
Fungus m - 7 years ago
its a fish tank bigger than i have? kill it
StarMC - 7 years ago
Love how excited Joey gets when he notices a ray
Fungus m
Fungus m - 7 years ago
Fish Shopping With Joey
Day5 Aquatics
Day5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
You need to trek down to Springfield, MO to the new Bass Pro Shops Aquarium. It is definitely worth the time.
KINGNEPTUNE2001 - 7 years ago
Dad jokes, dad jokes everywhere!

Awesome video. I have been to that aquarium before which is awesome.
Squishydoodoo - 7 years ago
I'm completely agree. I was there last summer and was totally underwhelmed by their displays. The tanks looked poorly maintained and there was a bunch of sick looking fish everywhere.
Jacob Allen
Jacob Allen - 7 years ago
The aquarium by me has two sea turtles and both of them have really bad swim bladder problems. They even glued weights to their shells to help try and balance them.
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 7 years ago
Box fish or cow fish
cripwhaa - 7 years ago
This is cute, i used to be really interested in science and biology as a kid so i was always learning stuff and whenever my parents took me to a place like this i would be the one sexing the animals, that's a boy that's a girl etc. My parents always got embarrassed though and acted like i was perverted, funny to see this now. I'm on the spectrum so i filed that experience away in my "its wrong to say those things in public" file, and now I see a regular guy trying to teach his kids about it. I think now my parents were actually the weird ones in this situation.
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
Did you study biology though? or at least kept it as a hobby? My parents were always supportive of me when it came to (micro)biology, which caused me to decide to study biology in college, and hopefully make a job out of it one day.
Fungus m
Fungus m - 7 years ago
keep moving kids, i wanna look at rays
magichwoo - 7 years ago
Shhhhhhh.... There's an owl hanging on your daughter's back. Lol
J money
J money - 7 years ago
Hey i got a question what would be the best thing to feed adolesent oscar fish
J money
J money - 7 years ago
Hawk_ Eye what is beef hart?
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
Flake food, sinking pellets, bloodworms, beef heart. (i like Hikari Cichlid Gold)
Vivian Cooke
Vivian Cooke - 7 years ago
Newport aquarium has a huge sting ray touch tank with lots of cow nose rays and a tube you can crawl into to look at the rays above
Airy74 - 7 years ago
Why do the stingrays in these aquariums that we see swimming around looking like they are flying underwater and yours don't Joey?
Airy74 - 7 years ago
Trines Nails Oh wow! Thank you for the reply. I didnt know that!
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 7 years ago
Airy74 plus they are “flying” stingrays that does live at the bottom
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 7 years ago
Airy74 because saltwater tens to swim further and chase fish instead of eating what’s in the bottom :)
xCLU7CH Cl7Yx - 7 years ago
who els saw the invisible fish!!!!
Bert M
Bert M - 7 years ago
That was nice. Your kids enjoyed it and now have one more fond memory of a great day with their dad. Worth it!
Jonathan Maultsby
Jonathan Maultsby - 7 years ago
If you're ever in Cali, head to the Monterey Bay aquarium!!
Jose Morey
Jose Morey - 7 years ago
Theres Puertoricans speaking on the back
Han-Z Waligurke
Han-Z Waligurke - 7 years ago
i wonde why they don't have any real reef-tanks?
Helga Falckenberg
Helga Falckenberg - 7 years ago
My very first video, i have ever made, when i was 7 years young, was ways much better than this, you have made now, i am still puking...
KINGNEPTUNE2001 - 7 years ago
Helga Falckenberg Puking? Really? You have not videos on your channel as well. I doubt everything you have said.
AnonymAlkoholiker - 7 years ago
There's no one on facebook with that name, so I'm guessing it's a salty aquarium-youtuber. (No pun intended). M. Mass perhaps?
Helga Falckenberg
Helga Falckenberg - 7 years ago
Toby Tomlinson, wir können uns gerne in deutsch weiterunterhalten! Oder in arabisch, wenn Sie wollen!
Michael Braun
Michael Braun - 7 years ago
Helga Falckenberg your channel glhas no content
Toby Tomlinson
Toby Tomlinson - 7 years ago
Helga Falckenberg learn how to speak English before you try to criticize someone
Fanatix aquatics
Fanatix aquatics - 7 years ago
ive been to the shed aquarium in chicago. it is by far the best one i have been to
Zach Woodman
Zach Woodman - 7 years ago
Fanatix aquatics it’s 45 minuets from me
Fanatix aquatics
Fanatix aquatics - 7 years ago
the tank right after the goldfish and chiclids was my favorite
Matth Maes
Matth Maes - 7 years ago
Loving your content. Keep up the good work! Greetings from Belgium.
Jose Orantes
Jose Orantes - 7 years ago
keep the boy in an aquarium in the gallery
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
Darius- "what is that?"
Joey- "a fish tank, just much bigger than mine"
addjewelry - 7 years ago
Very nice.
Vampyrisk - 7 years ago
Can we talk about how cute your daughter's backpack is?
carii 626
carii 626 - 7 years ago
Vampyrisk omg yeeessss!!!!
leo cadman
leo cadman - 7 years ago
Next time you are in the uk go to the Birmingham sea life centre it’s my favourite aquarium in england
Derek Smith
Derek Smith - 7 years ago
Your next shirt should be “ I’m here for the rays” and have two sting rays with sunglasses on!
Gladiator 51
Gladiator 51 - 7 years ago
hey guys, what should i feed red dragon flower fry, i just got them shipped to me and they are very small just wondering what to feed them for time being
Gladiator 51
Gladiator 51 - 7 years ago
AnonymAlkoholiker Like the cereal? how should i feed it to them
AnonymAlkoholiker - 7 years ago
Gladiator 51 Corn flakes
Enoch Robinson
Enoch Robinson - 7 years ago
Motion sickness!
Chelsi Martin
Chelsi Martin - 7 years ago
I love when you do videos like this. Does your wife not like being on camera? She kinda had that "get that the hell out of my face" look lol she's very pretty though :)
Armaan Hirani
Armaan Hirani - 7 years ago
I love your daughter's hedwig backpack thats awesome.
Jack McCoy
Jack McCoy - 7 years ago
I went to one of these, theres one in dallas (where i live). They overstock the tanks and all of the fish in the tanks are starved. I do NOT recommend
Ayaan Yousaf
Ayaan Yousaf - 7 years ago
I still think you should live feed your fish
PointlessNic - 7 years ago
who's your daughters beta
PointlessNic - 7 years ago
Samuel Amberg
Samuel Amberg - 7 years ago
I kinda feel bad for your family. They always have to stay out of the room when exciting things happen! Especially first time things. This is a first when they get to be on camera and enjoy it
prankstersloth - 7 years ago
come to the georgia aquarium!!
Beautiful Deathh
Beautiful Deathh - 7 years ago
Thats a Boy! Thats a Girl! lol lost it there
Tim Jack
Tim Jack - 7 years ago
Haley has great taste in backpacks!!
bohn only's
bohn only's - 7 years ago
So many cool exhibits, it's a shame they blast that deafening cacaphony. Doesn't all that noise stress the fish? I know it'd drive me nuts.
LIL Shredder
LIL Shredder - 7 years ago
The one in Scottsdale AZ is really awesome
Cindy Esterhuyse
Cindy Esterhuyse - 7 years ago
I love your daughter's owl backpack. Soooo cute!
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 7 years ago
wow your kids look exactly like you!
Thushar Jithesh
Thushar Jithesh - 7 years ago
Lol I wonder why
Dragon Family
Dragon Family - 7 years ago
You should come t o Australia Queensland and go to sea world because u can touch the stingrays
Mr. T
Mr. T - 7 years ago
Your dougters bagpack is CUTENESS overload!!!!
JustCallMeGrace - 7 years ago
I was just there last summer!!! Small but very interactive...great for kids! My favorite aquarium has to be the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk CT. I've also been to the National aquarium in Baltimore which was pretty cool
Keyan Severson
Keyan Severson - 7 years ago
This is joeys house in 2020
Kaitlin Moore
Kaitlin Moore - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Carbonell
Jeffrey Carbonell - 7 years ago
My daughters give me the same look when I make dad jokes
Lauren Klinger
Lauren Klinger - 7 years ago
Lol your boy as such a ham!
Aubrey Brown
Aubrey Brown - 7 years ago
The Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, TN is my absolute favorite!
Jack Power
Jack Power - 7 years ago
Can guppies go with angelfish
Mitchell Thawn
Mitchell Thawn - 7 years ago
I don’t think your wife was looking very happy
The Hutch
The Hutch - 7 years ago
Mitchell Thawn I think she doesn't like being filmed, she sounds happy when you can hear her talking in the background
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains - 7 years ago
That's nice your wife and kids could take you there :)
folkmarcmetal - 7 years ago
hahaha them dad jokes, epic
Derek Checketts
Derek Checketts - 7 years ago
This is Joey's house 2030
Mr. Ar
Mr. Ar - 7 years ago
Hey you should make atleast one marine tank bro
Jamal Turner
Jamal Turner - 7 years ago
Oh that's a manta ray
Mapantz1 - 7 years ago
I loved this video! My Dad was the first to take me to an aquarium like this, when I was around 10. He passed away on December 12th, so this was a reminder of how great my dad was.
Mr. Ar
Mr. Ar - 7 years ago
Aww i love his dad jokes
MrMagnat007 - 7 years ago
Darius : The Prince of D.I.Y.. Great camera work.. You actually hold the camera more stable than your father does lol..
Jamal Turner
Jamal Turner - 7 years ago
You should let the kids do Frank's fish tank
Animalbytes Ruiz
Animalbytes Ruiz - 7 years ago
It’s a type of cowfish
Brikeytrashnumber3 -
Brikeytrashnumber3 - - 7 years ago
If you ever end up in Chattanooga Tennessee their aquarium is amazing. Three building dedicated to marine life (and some birds). They’ve got an entire building dedicated to fresh water, one to salt water, and from what I remember the third is birds and some other aquatic animals like alligators and otters.
ThornHeartRed - 7 years ago
Just took my 1-year-old niece on her first aquarium tour. She loved it!
Kristopher Priedkalns
Kristopher Priedkalns - 7 years ago
Only a true hobbyist notices the rimless 1.5 inch thick acrylic before the fish
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Very cool they looked like they enjoyed it
Ashley Haig
Ashley Haig - 7 years ago
Here is Omaha, Nebraska we have the best aquarium!
Katya _
Katya _ - 7 years ago
Why don’t you ever set up aquariums with your kids or add new fish with them? Or they aren’t interested? :)
Sreptiles - 7 years ago
If you ever visit The Netherlands I very very much recommend visiting the aquarium at Blijdorp (it's a zoo) it quite large and shows TONS of different species in a variety of large and smaller tanks. (ALSO IT HAS OCTOPI, I LOVE OCTOPI)
benny dejesus
benny dejesus - 7 years ago
When did you visit Orlando
10emmy10 - 7 years ago
Love her Hedwig backpack!!
KrabzAga - 7 years ago
lol its a blizzard in New York xD
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago
Your kids are awesome. Y'all should vlog.
Joel Hernandez
Joel Hernandez - 7 years ago
Dad jokes the best
M. Stam
M. Stam - 7 years ago
M. Stam
M. Stam - 7 years ago
yeah i thought so, i have a Pyrrhura Hypoxanta (i think that is also a conure but i only know the latin name)
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago
She's a Patagonian Conure. Her name is Mary.

You should watch my videos.
M. Stam
M. Stam - 7 years ago
omg what kind of parrot is that in your profile picture?
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago
M. Stam me too
The awesome Boys channel
The awesome Boys channel - 7 years ago
It’s cool
Fashooga - 7 years ago
Wife is like: “Get that camera out of my face!”
FishingCraziness1 - 7 years ago
Glad they had fun
Nicholas Charles
Nicholas Charles - 7 years ago
Thoughs were goliath groupers
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 7 years ago
Baltimore & Charleston SC have amazing aquariums
TheCheesewalrus - 7 years ago
when he's with his family Joey goes from the king of diy to the king of dad jokes lol. looked like fun guys!
Andrew Perry
Andrew Perry - 7 years ago
I have heard the Chattanooga aquarium has a really big freshwater section you should check that one out
pursuedsubset 59
pursuedsubset 59 - 7 years ago
if you came during the first week of the year how are you guys wearing tank t shirts and shorts!! im freezing lol.
RussianSpetsnaz0123 - 7 years ago
it was probably filmed awhile ago then he decide to upload it now
Blue Tail Bettas
Blue Tail Bettas - 7 years ago
That first tank(the round one) every one looks at fish Joey "look at that air stone
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Tree trouts are red fosh good game fosh
Cyn Walling
Cyn Walling - 7 years ago
So adorable, your daughter named all the fish. <3
Bleach - 7 years ago
Come to Melbourne sea life so much bigger
Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers - 7 years ago
Nice to see videos with your family!
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago
Melissa Byers

Kyle Carter
Kyle Carter - 7 years ago
I have stood exactly where you have
IncogPollywog - 7 years ago
Have you ever been to the Florida Aquarium in Tampa? I love that place.
Entety 404
Entety 404 - 7 years ago
still bigger than my countrys only aquarium
Entety 404
Entety 404 - 7 years ago
the 1 that is confused with Slovakia
Mr. Ar
Mr. Ar - 7 years ago
Entety 404 which country
Duramax Pat
Duramax Pat - 7 years ago
Get a pufferfish
The Deamon
The Deamon - 7 years ago
I want an aquarium shower!!!!!
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Pokemon fish=cow fish
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Bog fish with turtle is tarpon
Nicholas p
Nicholas p - 7 years ago
i had enjoyed that aquarium when i went i would have loved company but sadly had none
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Are your angels fresh or salt
Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
david clayton
david clayton - 7 years ago
Braxton Mclean they’re freshwater.
Jeff Mueller
Jeff Mueller - 7 years ago
Carter Alt
Carter Alt - 7 years ago
What do your kids say when they are asked what their parents do? Or when you have to fill out a form what do you say your job is?
Sara Pander
Sara Pander - 7 years ago
be my dad pls.
Dalyluvr - 7 years ago
I worked at this aquarium for 2.5 years. It is an ok aquarium but they treat their employees like dirt.
Skylar durrant
Skylar durrant - 7 years ago
I’m thinking of working at the Vancouver aquarium
JFalk - 7 years ago
Tell your boy, i recommend Monterey Bay Aquarium and Lisbon Oceanarium. Pretty sure YOU would love the Lisbon Oceanarium. Cheers
G Cilidales
G Cilidales - 7 years ago
JFalk Monterey Bay aquarium it's amazing
Brandon Ayala
Brandon Ayala - 7 years ago
You should plan a trip to the Monterey bay aquarium in California
Ecartts - 7 years ago
The Cowfish is now a Pokemon haha
Johnny Carreiro
Johnny Carreiro - 7 years ago
Y would u want to pet an anemone?
Ella Humphrey
Ella Humphrey - 7 years ago
Went to the Georgia Aquarium for birthday. My present was swimming with the whale sharks they have there it was amazing and they only swim a few feet away from you. It was pricy but the best present I ever got!!!!!
Fish Life-Bettas And More
Fish Life-Bettas And More - 7 years ago
That was amazing enough for me to watch the whole thing. Please watch one of my videos Joey, I can't guarantee you will like it but please watch one. Next week I'll upload a thing on the nitrogen cycle
The aquarium hobby
The aquarium hobby - 7 years ago
Ben H
Ben H - 7 years ago
If you get a chance, you should get out to Chicago and go to the Shedd Aquarium during the summer. Right on Lake Michigan, they have outdoor exhibits, and some great tanks featuring species from all around the globe. They've got all sorts of animals besides fish too
Time to use the scale of life.
TheTNTerminator - 7 years ago
Shark Reef at The Mandalay Bay in Vegas is pretty cool
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Lol Dad jokes!
iTzJoKeR 760
iTzJoKeR 760 - 7 years ago
Heh dad jokes
C.Haskins - 7 years ago
Lol he did not come for a family vacation... he came to see the rays
Alyssa Delaney
Alyssa Delaney - 7 years ago
How have your children never been to a public aquarium?!?!?
Alyssa Delaney
Alyssa Delaney - 7 years ago
Wishes They’re probably around 10-12 years old, I was around 5 the first time I went to an aquarium.
Wishes - 7 years ago
Alyssa Delaney when your dad has a fish room why pay to go to an aquarium
Alyssa Delaney
Alyssa Delaney - 7 years ago
Also, you should come to Baltimore, Maryland. We have a great aquarium
Swazi Hitler
Swazi Hitler - 7 years ago
How tall are you and your kids?
Ibraahim Daud
Ibraahim Daud - 7 years ago
I went to the sea life in London
Bayrische Cichliden und L-Welse
Bayrische Cichliden und L-Welse - 7 years ago
Nice Video ...
Sefadil - 7 years ago
They are all grown up now :D
N Alzaabi
N Alzaabi - 7 years ago
can we take a moment to appreciate the hedwig backpack?
Mason Potter
Mason Potter - 7 years ago
omg cheese is in this video
iobocasper bos
iobocasper bos - 7 years ago
When are ur goldfish coming back
Charles Keezer
Charles Keezer - 7 years ago
you are only about 30 minutes from my place! lol.. That aquarium is actually kind of cool. very laid back and the see through bridge is amazing. i stood on it for about 10 minutes. The "Backstage" experience was really neat as well
ZENO SUPREME - 7 years ago
"you know whats the difference between a boy and a girl" , NO
Granly Rodriguez
Granly Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I was just there 5 days ago
Bob Tate
Bob Tate - 7 years ago
The wife did NOT look pleased to be on camera.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Wibbs - 7 years ago
It's a boy it's a boy it's a girl it's a boy it's a girl..Joey the Fish doctor
Roo G
Roo G - 7 years ago
Go to the Baltimore aquarium it's the best
Sergio G
Sergio G - 7 years ago
Joeys wife looks mean
Mikael Thorén
Mikael Thorén - 7 years ago
Nice video again. First time you made me dizzy. ;)
Wibbs - 7 years ago
It's funny because joey said "it's for the kids" but yet joey is having more fun then them haha
Iryniepoo - 7 years ago
Baltimore National Aquarium is amazing too... Lots of rays!
TheoriZe - 7 years ago
"He looks delicious" Haha Joey I love it!
Terry Runyon
Terry Runyon - 7 years ago
Getting saltwater fish ideas for the 120?
King Curry
King Curry - 7 years ago
You should visit Monterrey bay aquarium here in california
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 7 years ago
I’m honored your daughter named a grouper with my name. So it’s official I’m a groupie of your channel, lol. Awesome public aquarium
Damon Eggleton
Damon Eggleton - 7 years ago
You should come to the London Aquarium, you would love it!
John Cornan
John Cornan - 7 years ago
Mr Diy ... Ur daughter look like u .. she have exactly same face as u.. sir
Adventure Bound
Adventure Bound - 7 years ago
Seriously depressed wife bro fix that before anything else
Adventure Bound
Adventure Bound - 7 years ago
Jesse agreed and body language defensive crossed arms as well
Jesse - 7 years ago
you could see it in her eyes
DerpyCOWfish - 7 years ago
Cowfish at 7.10!! Cowfish are so cute and sociable!!!
gerry avalos7
gerry avalos7 - 7 years ago
You need to come to Monterey Bay Aquarium!!! In monterey, california. Not only a Aquarium but also very in depth with Marine biology and so much more!
Mickey03 Estr
Mickey03 Estr - 7 years ago
cheese´s father
Marty Main
Marty Main - 7 years ago
Get in your home.
You crack me up. LOL!
XanderNotZander - 7 years ago
Love mobular rays, absolute favourite
Wibbs - 7 years ago
Joey are you still building the tall tank for beans?great bid keep up the good work
David J
David J - 7 years ago
What about a saltwater tank in your house, separate from the gallery. About a 500 gallon.
Paula Samuelson
Paula Samuelson - 7 years ago
What an awesome visit to the Aquarium with your family. So good to see you had an wonderful holiday. My daughter and her family and I went to the Aquarium in Phoenix,Az. I was amazed... I had never been to a Aquarium like this ever. I have been to Sea World but that was in the '70's and they are very different now. Thank you for sharing I really enjoyed it. Plus you were able to explain gender difference between some fish with your children. By the way your daughter really looks like you.
SnowLeopard46 - 7 years ago
Those are Manta rays not Sting Rays
Off-Brand Bleach
Off-Brand Bleach - 7 years ago
You should go to the Georgia Aquarium. Truly amazing experience
Tyler Heroux
Tyler Heroux - 7 years ago
Those fish you referred to as moorish idles are actually false moorish idles :)
addjewelry - 7 years ago
Tyler Heroux I believe they are Banner fish.
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
You know wat they say never work with children or animals. Nice vid thanks.
yk ia gaming
yk ia gaming - 7 years ago
riplys is in toronto Canada
yk ia gaming
yk ia gaming - 7 years ago
go to riplys aquarium
Cody Nicklas
Cody Nicklas - 7 years ago
I live near Pittsburgh so I've been to the one in Pittsburgh... and also been to the one in Baltimore... the Pittsburgh one is ok... I think it was better when I was a kid and they had bigger sharks... but they have a beautiful Giant Pacific Octopus that's always fun to look at... the one in Baltimore was awesome don't remember it much but it was way bigger
chab3ly - 7 years ago
Can you do a story time about what you did before YouTube?
Hannah Simon
Hannah Simon - 7 years ago
The wife just looked mad. Is she upset that he admit that his family left him at one point while building his channel?
Jameson Reams
Jameson Reams - 7 years ago
Your wife is like I don’t like this place
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
Wow Hayley and Darius have changed so much! Good to see them in another video! And also I have to add, I LOVE Hayley's backpack
smotherway - 7 years ago
Joey you would go NUTS over either the Georgia aquarium or the Monterey Bay aquariums... biggest in the world!
Gaby Jaspan
Gaby Jaspan - 7 years ago
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2 yes :)
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2 - 7 years ago
smotherway the one in Georgia is the Atlanta one correct?
Chris Kim
Chris Kim - 7 years ago
If you ever visit California, you should visit the Aquarium of the Pacific or Monterey Bay Aquarium
Josh Corbett
Josh Corbett - 7 years ago
If you ever get a chance to come to the UK, visit The Deep in Hull, largest aquarium in Europe I think
The Dro
The Dro - 7 years ago
My favorite fish was the invisible fish.
RICL14 - 7 years ago
You should make the last racks salt water.
Christian Runge
Christian Runge - 7 years ago
Nice joke ahhaha
Challenge Nature
Challenge Nature - 7 years ago
The red weird fish was a cow fish which is salt water and can grow up to 2 feet
Raine Rivers
Raine Rivers - 7 years ago
Next time you go to Florida you should take the kids to Silver Springs and ride the glass bottom boats lol my Dad took me as a kid and it was awesome lol
Off-Brand Bleach
Off-Brand Bleach - 7 years ago
Its so much fun
Rob Lavalle
Rob Lavalle - 7 years ago
From one Father to another you just made some memories with your kids i like to see a real man have a good time with his kids and wife. I took my son to that aquarium and he loved it. Joe you keep being you a good man a great Father and husband. God bless and Thank you for what you are doing and for getting me bake into the hobby.
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
The amount of jokes in this video
Guitarded And Broke
Guitarded And Broke - 7 years ago
I live just around the corner from the Tampa Aquarium in Florida. I love it and go on a regular.
Ruan Swart
Ruan Swart - 7 years ago
Hows the little baby peacock bass and beans doing...
Debra Roper
Debra Roper - 7 years ago
That place looks massive! Thanks for showing us
J. Guest
J. Guest - 7 years ago
So when are you upgrading?
Vrelock - 7 years ago
J. Guest just imagine him making his home into an actual aquarium
Jaslene the taco person
Jaslene the taco person - 7 years ago
247 comment i think anyway....hi Joey
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
You made me a bit dizzy
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Haha! The "fish tornado" got me motion sick! lol
Dani Kbob
Dani Kbob - 7 years ago
Anyone else get a Pokémon GO ad right before he and his son spotted the "pokémon" fish? lol
Evan Maynard
Evan Maynard - 7 years ago
The dad jokes get me every time haha
bannana is nice
bannana is nice - 7 years ago
I went to one but it was very small because I live in Northern ierland
Ginga Ninja
Ginga Ninja - 7 years ago
Yo Joey you should get a fahaka puffer. Btw keep up those dope videos
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Ginga Ninja I second that
Sou Yang
Sou Yang - 7 years ago
Is your daughter a harry potter fan too? My wife is a harry potter nerd.
Texiipop - 7 years ago
Joey's Next Video: So I have converted my house into a shark aquarium
Pyromanci - 7 years ago
Wait..... didn't we see this one already? This aquarium looks so familiar.
Keanu's Aqua life
Keanu's Aqua life - 7 years ago
Joey seems more excited than his kids lol
Kaminsky Evans
Kaminsky Evans - 7 years ago
You should take them to shedd aquarium.
gigi giggio
gigi giggio - 7 years ago
so joey, how many of those fish did you buy? lol
18difway2liv - 7 years ago
Your wife looked uninterested xD
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Agree with Sammy tho.. She didnt feel comfortable with the camera
Sammy B
Sammy B - 7 years ago
18difway2liv I think she maybe camera shy ! Poor love
Street Gangster
Street Gangster - 7 years ago
Can u do any update on ur daughters aquarium please
Alex Cottam
Alex Cottam - 7 years ago
Street Gangster she no longer wanted it so she doesn’t have it anymore but i was also hoping for an update someday but nevertheless, he said she is getting back into it though and he will do a Video soon with her

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