Top 10 Freshwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners

Link for my instagram - There is a reason i keep saying all of these fish are "So Awesome and so so easy to care for" ;) These are some of the best beginner aquarium fish from my personal experience. This is an ultimate guide for beginner freshwater fish. If you are just getting into the awesome freshwater hobby and looking to buy some fish I definitely recommend choosing some of the awesome fish on this list. All of these fish can be kept in an aquarium of less than 30 gallons. Im sure all of you guys will be happy keeping these fish. Thanks for watching and leave a comment. Fish care guide videos - Check out some fish

Top 10 Freshwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners sentiment_very_dissatisfied 40

Discus 7 years ago 28,438 views

Link for my instagram - There is a reason i keep saying all of these fish are "So Awesome and so so easy to care for" ;) These are some of the best beginner aquarium fish from my personal experience. This is an ultimate guide for beginner freshwater fish. If you are just getting into the awesome freshwater hobby and looking to buy some fish I definitely recommend choosing some of the awesome fish on this list. All of these fish can be kept in an aquarium of less than 30 gallons. Im sure all of you guys will be happy keeping these fish. Thanks for watching and leave a comment. Fish care guide videos - Check out some fish

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Most popular comments
for Top 10 Freshwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners

Shelby Decker
Shelby Decker - 7 years ago
Nice video!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Raccoon Creek Aquatics
Raccoon Creek Aquatics - 7 years ago
This is a beautiful tank!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot!!
Amanda Cradduck
Amanda Cradduck - 7 years ago
How big is that tank?
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
That is a 125 gallon glass aquarium
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks and good luck with your aquarium.
Kerry Mccarthy
Kerry Mccarthy - 7 years ago
Nice video, thANKS
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
No problem
Dan McAdow
Dan McAdow - 7 years ago
Great video and love that tank! I just started a 29 gallon tank, and was wanting to put Tiger barbs and a Black red tail shark in it. Would that be ok and how many Tigers barbs would fit?
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
No problem
Dan McAdow
Dan McAdow - 7 years ago
Eagle Aquatics awesome thanks!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yah that would be fine, you can put a decent amount of tiger barbs in there, probable around 5 or 6 and maybe a redtail shark with them, freshwater is no where near as sensitive as saltwater so you can put a decent amount of fish inside of freshwater aquariums and not have a problem. Good Luck
Cody Black
Cody Black - 7 years ago
good job on the video thanks, alot of info and alot of species covered, one thing though the tiger barbs i have are super aggressive there like mini piranha's had to separate them from my electric blue rams, guppies, tetra's or anything smaller/nice colours/fanned tails, they literally would chase and hunt down and kill certain fish wake up with dead fish and tails missing, it was like a fish horror story, lol but other the that the tiger barb is a awesome fish one of my favs super hearty like he said but mine are mean as hell ahaha !!! BEWARE !!!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Man thats something I haven't heard of them becoming that aggressive but I see where you are coming from, I have kept them in the past and they are widely known to be big fin nippers and I experienced that a lot. Thanks for the comment.
steve mcdaniel
steve mcdaniel - 7 years ago
I like guppies, neons, cardinals, swordtails, mollies, bn plecos and a betta in a small or beginners tank. Must have a heater.
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
steve mcdaniel guppies dont need heater. if the room tem is in mid to uppers 70s they should be fine
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
That would be cool, yes you definitely need a heater.

10. comment for Top 10 Freshwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners

Lamarck Leland
Lamarck Leland - 7 years ago
Those glassfish you showed at 4:32 were tattooed that color, that's not their natural color.
It is a cruel process that decreases the fish's life expectancy
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yah true.
StonebergerSpeedShop - 7 years ago
Eagle Aquatics at least with glofish just there ancestors were injected with jellyfish pigments. And the fish you buy now were just needed from them.
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yah I know Thats the only way they had them at the time otherwise I would have bought natural ones. I do feel bad for these fish and also glofish for them putting fake color forms on them, it shouldn't be.
Stephanie Susberich
Stephanie Susberich - 7 years ago
I have seen so many videos where people say you need to have goldfish in at least 29 gallon tank per goldfish. But here you said they can live in pretty much any size tank. I really would love blackmoores, but can't fit anything over 5-10 gallons in my house, so I gave up on getting them. According to what you say, is it is possible though to have them (two) in a tank smaller than 29 gallons?
Stephanie Susberich
Stephanie Susberich - 7 years ago
thanks for the tip!
Beastmaster64 - 7 years ago
I keep 2 black moors in a 5 gallon tank and they’re doing fine. In my experience tank size for goldfish really doesn’t matter.
Stephanie Susberich
Stephanie Susberich - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Im not saying any goldfish can go in any size tank, I was just giving a generic gold fish owners way of keeping goldfish, which is usually in a glass bowl on the counter. I dont have experience keeping goldfish, but they generally are some of the most bullet proof fish in the freshwater hobby and can pretty much live in any environment so I dont see why you couldn't keep 2 in an aquarium less than 29 gallons. Thanks for the comment.
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends - 7 years ago
Great vide, thanks for sharing. I'll show some Love and Subscribe # 431. Feel free to check us out sometime. Happy New Year!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks for the sub. Ill check out your channel!!
Kaiya's crazy Zoo
Kaiya's crazy Zoo - 7 years ago
I wouldn’t recommend a cup for a betta. They do way better in a 2.5 gallon, only because the cup thing is a myth because of the pet stores saying they live in puddles. But otherwise, I love the tank it’s looking really good!
Rachel Tojio
Rachel Tojio - 7 years ago
collin lambert that's true, I have a betta he lives in my 10 gallon. I'm just saying a betta can live in a cup it just will be miserable and sad.
collin lambert
collin lambert - 7 years ago
Honestly unless you can't fit or maintain a 10 gallon for a betta there isn't any reason you shouldn't use one
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks, I was just giving general things that a lot of people would and do keep these fish inside of.
Dank Duckle
Dank Duckle - 7 years ago
Goldfish aren’t really that good for beginners, they’re really messy eaters and they poop a lot
Dale Sergent
Dale Sergent - 7 years ago
Gold fish don’t have stomach that’s why they poop so much they just have a bunch of intestines
littlerose - 7 years ago
Yep, and they need at least 110L (30 gallons) for ONE fully grown fish, then 80L (20 gallons) for each fish after that MINIMUM, with strict weekly water changes. They get HUGE - my parents have one in their 600L (158 gallon) tank that is as long as my forearm. Sure, they can "survive" in smaller, but a dog can "survive" in a crate barely big enough for it to move too. Not much of a life, is it?
Rachel Tojio
Rachel Tojio - 7 years ago
Dank Duckle omg my goldfish are so messy they move the gravel to one side oh the tank and eats the plants.
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
True, but they are virtually indestructible.
Adam O
Adam O - 7 years ago
How big is this tank? And very good info keep up the great work!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thank you. That is a 125 gallon freshwater aquarium.
Fishman - 7 years ago
New to your channel. Thanks for sharing
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not a problem, thanks for subscribing.
Awesome list! Tank looking awesome!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks so much man, I get a lot of my inspiration from you videos and fishroom, I really appreciate the comments, I just wish i could get my channel out there more to more people in the hobby so they can see what i got.
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
Normally for freshwater you dont need to wait very long if you use a bacteria to "jumpstart your tank like API quick start. It only can take a few days if you use that stuff. If you dont use it I would let is sit running for a couple weeks to a month. Thank you and thanks for the comment.
catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
Goldfish can live up to 40 years
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
All of the fish do eat the same food I feed them a mix of everything from flake to pellet foods and also frozen foods they all love it. They can live a very long time, I have had fish like my angelfish live for almost 5 years now, its crazy. lNone of my fish are very aggressive in my tank but some of the most aggressive fish in the freshwater hobby are like pike cichlids, tilapia, mostly any really big fish. Thanks for the comment.

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