Top 10 Freshwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners
Discus 7 years ago 28,438 views
Link for my instagram - There is a reason i keep saying all of these fish are "So Awesome and so so easy to care for" ;) These are some of the best beginner aquarium fish from my personal experience. This is an ultimate guide for beginner freshwater fish. If you are just getting into the awesome freshwater hobby and looking to buy some fish I definitely recommend choosing some of the awesome fish on this list. All of these fish can be kept in an aquarium of less than 30 gallons. Im sure all of you guys will be happy keeping these fish. Thanks for watching and leave a comment. Fish care guide videos - Check out some fish
10. comment for Top 10 Freshwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners
It is a cruel process that decreases the fish's life expectancy