Top 5 myth about saltwater aquarium in Hind/Urdu
Discus 7 years ago 1,007 views
In this video I described top 5 popular myth about keeping saltwater aquarium 5 ) if someone wants to keep a saltwater aquarium he have to keep discus fish first this is a myth ,I know many successful saltwater keeper who have never kept a fresh water aquarium 4 ) that you need live rock and live sand 3) that chiller is necessary for saltwater aquarium 2) that you need strong lights even if you want to keep fish only 1) that you don't need to change water in a marine aquarium
10. comment for Top 5 myth about saltwater aquarium in Hind/Urdu
but how to add in nano aquriam
Is necessary to add activated carbon or we have to run GFO
I am from India, Mumbai
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