Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY

While I was at the Aquatic Experience I sat down to have a chat with Joey - the king of DIY - about our picks for the top five aquarium fish. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Here is a link to Joey's fish Here is a link to Joey's Asian Arowana If you are looking for some fish, Check out Imperial Tropicals. Use the Promo Code "DFT5" and save 5%! (tell them you saw this on YT too :) Click here Yup- That's Joey. It was fun having him around at the Aquatic Experience. These are Joey's top 5 aquarium fish. Certainly I love busting his balls as you can tell. I was kinda shocked to hear oscars were one of his first fish. I knew about the Uaru's and remember way back when he had them as his logo. His comment about discus being, or not being king of the aquarium is funny. "Dainty" haha. While I have never actually owned a Stingray or Arowana, I have always wanted to. The fact that Arowana's are so related to dragons in the Asian culture is pretty cool as well. I am still curious if your good luck- goes to bad luck if you kill one. (i would hope so) Glad to get Joey on my channel for a bit and show him off of the cuff like this. Tank on, "Thanks for watching and we will see you next week" SUBSCRIBE! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Discus 9 years ago 105,085 views

While I was at the Aquatic Experience I sat down to have a chat with Joey - the king of DIY - about our picks for the top five aquarium fish. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Here is a link to Joey's fish Here is a link to Joey's Asian Arowana If you are looking for some fish, Check out Imperial Tropicals. Use the Promo Code "DFT5" and save 5%! (tell them you saw this on YT too :) Click here Yup- That's Joey. It was fun having him around at the Aquatic Experience. These are Joey's top 5 aquarium fish. Certainly I love busting his balls as you can tell. I was kinda shocked to hear oscars were one of his first fish. I knew about the Uaru's and remember way back when he had them as his logo. His comment about discus being, or not being king of the aquarium is funny. "Dainty" haha. While I have never actually owned a Stingray or Arowana, I have always wanted to. The fact that Arowana's are so related to dragons in the Asian culture is pretty cool as well. I am still curious if your good luck- goes to bad luck if you kill one. (i would hope so) Glad to get Joey on my channel for a bit and show him off of the cuff like this. Tank on, "Thanks for watching and we will see you next week" SUBSCRIBE! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY

robert young
robert young - 7 years ago
what the arowana alternative ? I'm in Australia and theres Saratoga
iqbalrc - 7 years ago
fun vid......same here for #1 choice but being in the US have only been able to keep silvers, blacks and jardini for 15+ years. can't wait to see the collab!
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
WRONG !!!! People in the U.S. CAN have Asian Arowanas. Plenty of CITIES licensed Importer/Exporter/Breeders to buy from. They are ALL Micro chipped & tracked. AND the varieties are ENDLESS !!!!
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Severums have been known as "the poor man's Discus" for longer than you both have been alive. Never heard anyone but Joey say that about Uaru. Maybe it's a Canadian thing ?
ArkTiger4c - 7 years ago
I had a Malawi cichlid called Doug because he dug his nests everywhere .....He killed his first girl friend dont know why but he took a liking to his second they became a good breeding pair
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 7 years ago
Ugggh...hate seeing the king of begging. Ask him for his top five BS reasons he gave for scamming people out of $85,000 on his GoFundMe account. Number one has to be that he is a do-it-yourself guy not a financial guy and dust miscalculated the cost.
NST50cc - 7 years ago
I was told from my asian family in Taiwan is if it dies it brings bad luck.. Usually buy another immediately
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 7 years ago
alexander pleasant
alexander pleasant - 7 years ago
Anyone else want them to make love?

10. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY

Kendal Deason
Kendal Deason - 7 years ago
Love you two!! full of great info and advice!!
Thanks guys!!
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 7 years ago
hi I live in Singapore
Max Husa
Max Husa - 7 years ago
is it just Asian arowana because my local fish store is selling a silver arowana
FunLight - 8 years ago
The true kings of aquarium fish are the large marine angels......they become family.
Ian David Atkinson
Ian David Atkinson - 8 years ago
I'm trying to get an aquarium channel off the ground.  My current goal is 10 subs.  Help me out guys! :)
forza fan
forza fan - 8 years ago
lol Dustin was bout beat that ass walking in front of his camera respect
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 8 years ago
I think I might get my first monster fish soon which will be a black ghost knife fish.
Aqua Terra
Aqua Terra - 8 years ago
Awesome my Favourite Fish Keepers !!!! if it wasnt for you guys my fish would be dead lol rip the one I killed by accident til I found these channels
Hafizi Manap
Hafizi Manap - 8 years ago
why american cant keep asian arowana?
Jeanette Fleckenstein
Jeanette Fleckenstein - 8 years ago
1. Asian arowana
2. Rays
3. Discus
4. Uaru
5. Oscars

20. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY

Dheeraj Nandeesh
Dheeraj Nandeesh - 8 years ago
I think u r slightly deranged dustin
Jacob Carter
Jacob Carter - 8 years ago
shamwow guy :))
Michael Yerushalmi
Michael Yerushalmi - 8 years ago
Awesome to see you guys hanging out together! Counting down to the next show this year. I actually work at the Renaissance Convention Center in Schaumburg, Illinois!
dan wood
dan wood - 8 years ago
awesme video
Skippers Menagerie
Skippers Menagerie - 8 years ago
Dustin! Respect for snapping your finger at those people! I had to go back and watch it again. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Darknessfalls - 8 years ago
Wait why is the Asian Arowana not allowed in the US?
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Darknessfalls They are considered an endangered species
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 8 years ago
wait, so there are conventions for fish tanks? OMG plz
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 8 years ago
​+Yong Sheng Loi cool, thanks
Loi Yong Sheng
Loi Yong Sheng - 8 years ago
Nikki The Fox Reef a Palooza is one of them,visit next year
Logan Ross
Logan Ross - 8 years ago
You ever go to Omaha zoo? Some crazy big Arowana's and other Giants....
Spacey Lacie
Spacey Lacie - 8 years ago
Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Illinois can have asain arawana

30. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY

Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Are you going to be at aquatic experience this up coming weekend
koukimiester - 8 years ago
both great guys! both legit.
Joe M.
Joe M. - 8 years ago
Hot looking fish?? Really dude?... lol... King of DIY is where it's at. Dustin's "Hot" Fish lol god damn it I can't believe you said that... Shame on you lol
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 8 years ago
Lol true true
Lenny Velez
Lenny Velez - 8 years ago
ahhh bro love - sooo sexy!
Nate K
Nate K - 8 years ago
50$ for your book?!?! Joey (King of DIY) is practically giving his away
compared to yours... 49.99 for your 64 pg guide vs. 25.00 for a 550 page
DIY guide...? Why are you charging so much?
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 8 years ago
2 of my favorite fish tank guys! love it!
J-Dub W
J-Dub W - 8 years ago
Oscars are the best
Thomas B
Thomas B - 8 years ago
I think I have to agree with Joey. Asian arowanas are hands down the most impressive and majestic freshwater fish. Dragonfish all the way!
noah stump
noah stump - 8 years ago
I ship
Rometiklan - 8 years ago
Epic. Worlds collide!
Steve McDaniel
Steve McDaniel - 8 years ago
The problem with alot of really cool fish is they need their own tank. And unless you have multiple tanks, you are limited to that species. I only have one tank, so I only have fish that are compatible.
Lyle Chipperson
Lyle Chipperson - 8 years ago
6:20 HAHAHA I love the step at me look you give to the those people walking by the camera.
Egidijus Bruzas
Egidijus Bruzas - 8 years ago
why would you guys not believe in truth instead? I love your passion for the hobbie and I watched hundreds of your videos and I will do so more in the future, but I would also love to see you guys living eternal life in heaven, where we will have all the created fish species to enjoy and not only this, God will create new species for He is a very creative God, God bless you guys!
Steve McDaniel
Steve McDaniel - 8 years ago
My top ten: 1. Geo
2. Blood Parrot
3. gold severum
4. angel fish
5. bala shark
6. dragon fish
7. raphael catfish
8. shovel nose catfish
9. cockatoo cichlid
10. discus
nathanyang17 - 8 years ago
2 legends.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
What's up Fishtank People? I am doing a bunch of
30 second videos on Instagram- Follow me for more shorter random videos CLICK
gangsta avas
gangsta avas - 8 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks your from Chicago!?
rivahkillah - 8 years ago
You guys make an excellent pair. The way you roll off each other is cool
noah stump
noah stump - 8 years ago
did joey say "fucking" haha
Andricity - 8 years ago
Lol awesome

50. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY

Edge Of Gaming
Edge Of Gaming - 8 years ago
what was the alternative he said for the arowana? "charidne" couldn't hear him well
John Olsen
John Olsen - 8 years ago
jardini or australian arowana
Tony G
Tony G - 8 years ago
They sell Arowanas in the US.
Poppa Ryno
Poppa Ryno - 8 years ago
I cant wait to run into you on my aquatic journey.
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 8 years ago
We get it you have an Arowana
Haylee Persall
Haylee Persall - 7 years ago
Salty much
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 8 years ago
Jensen Friesen of course
Jensen Friesen
Jensen Friesen - 8 years ago
Ben Donaldson A little jelous are you?
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 8 years ago
Get rid of those stupid adverts before you're videos
Erza Scarlet Art
Erza Scarlet Art - 8 years ago
stingrays are so badass looking I wanna have one
Jonathan Richards
Jonathan Richards - 8 years ago
two future hall of famers of aquariama right herrr.
Kentuckyfied121 - 8 years ago
My first monster fish was a pacu
Dave Davis
Dave Davis - 8 years ago
Too cool, you being into progressive trance.
ozza lowes
ozza lowes - 8 years ago
well look at him it looks like he pops pills for fun
Conor Turk
Conor Turk - 9 years ago
You guys gotta do more collabs
AnkumFishTank/ Oscar Lover
AnkumFishTank/ Oscar Lover - 9 years ago
+The King Of DIY can you tlk more on how you cared for Oscar fish plz
Jesse Maksymetz
Jesse Maksymetz - 9 years ago
Yin and yang fish. Store my friend told me a guy keeping this fish got into a car accident and after his treatment and what not he got home to see his fish had jumped out of the tank and killed itself.
ArmouredUnicorn - 9 years ago
I mean, can we see you cuddle? :D
KaliboseIX - 9 years ago
Great vid Collab with two of the best aquarist! Hey Dustin, what are your top 5 fish? Tank on Dude!
Luis Duffo
Luis Duffo - 9 years ago
this was an awesome video
drewzy2008 - 9 years ago
I didn't know who's page I clicked on. Lol. I've been watching u both off and on 4 over a year... trying 2 better gain knowledge of the fresh water fish. Recently been watching a lot of ur old videos. Cool 2 see u guy's on 1 video. Feels like a small world.
London Predator Angler
London Predator Angler - 9 years ago
wow joey smiles, that face might crack lol
Stephen Is my first name
Stephen Is my first name - 9 years ago
the third fish that feeds of body mucus is the orange chromide, i keep them
Eyesick Aquariums
Eyesick Aquariums - 9 years ago
man this is cool ! thumbs up
Ace Aquascapes
Ace Aquascapes - 9 years ago
Talkin bou't Joey's Arowana fengshui.. makes me say that dustin's planted tanks too has the nature elements required for the correct fengshui. no wonder dustins got good subscriber's too. Great minds think alike! nice to see you both together!
DW_Aquatics - 9 years ago
Awesome video!
junito1957 - 9 years ago
your guys need to re title this top Five Freshwater Fish with the King of DiY because Saltwater Has more Majestic and better looking fish , Queen Angelfish , moorish idol , if i had a huge tank let say 1000 gal i will not keep a sorry ass arowana but a Shark! the small one that grow up to 3 feet
Russell NKD
Russell NKD - 9 years ago
That's your preference not fact!
Anita Lee-Yu
Anita Lee-Yu - 9 years ago
awesome video of Joey and Dustin together!!!
bilal solmaz
bilal solmaz - 9 years ago
I have had three out of that 5. Oscars, arowana, discus last 8-10 years
Piranha and the dirt planted tank
Piranha and the dirt planted tank - 9 years ago
You mean Omnivores rather plant eaters... Right? Herbivores mean plant eaters
Debbie Arthur
Debbie Arthur - 9 years ago
l was just wondering are you going to Maryland in a couple of months? King of diy messaged me he was
insane_monsterjam_ - 9 years ago
why can't we keep Asian arowana
Toguro - 9 years ago
they are endangered
YouTube Hero
YouTube Hero - 9 years ago
Are the stingrays sold in the US poisonous?
vang1990 - 9 years ago
Jux smuggle asian arowana from canada.
allthatzpazz - 9 years ago
WOW!! 2 guys I have mad respect for and have learned/will learn so much and you're both right here in the same video!!!!!! That's so fucking awesome!!!!!! Now I know I'm going to be off to the right start, learning from the best. Man, I feel like I"m watching 2 all star legends. .you are in my book!
M. BK - 9 years ago
LOL I don't know why I was expecting "Alligator Gar" to be one of Joey's favourites xD
Guide_Blakeyy - 9 years ago
his name is Michael Joe Mullen
Two Flaps
Two Flaps - 9 years ago
good stuff guys
Ravindran Arumugam
Ravindran Arumugam - 9 years ago
Nice collaboration
R H - 9 years ago
What’s the alternative to arowana called? I didn’t catch that.
SebsExotics - 9 years ago
jardini they are much more aggressive.
OfficialMouaStar/PureBot - 9 years ago
Jardini. They look cool, especially the gold ones.
david mendoza
david mendoza - 9 years ago
Sick video !
nicksmith1123 - 9 years ago
My 2 favorite in 1 video. Simply awesome!
Mike Bernard
Mike Bernard - 9 years ago
great talking to you both of you. I knew you were funny but I never expected Joey to be funny too. I am already counting down the days to AE 2016!
4thGloryMonday - 9 years ago
Smoke one for me guys.
HybridHerps - 9 years ago
Hrm, I wonder what Rachel's top 5 are, considering how uncommon most of her fish are.
Bocskai Csaba
Bocskai Csaba - 9 years ago
So cool to see both of you guys in the same show!
Corneliu Biro
Corneliu Biro - 9 years ago
Cool video really gave ma a smile!
pittbully13 - 9 years ago
Cool calibration.
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 9 years ago
funny thing is they all want to have an arowana but they can't, so they watch your channel. so many people are jealous because they can afford one but can't get one. the true canadian perk :)
Jamie Quinones
Jamie Quinones - 9 years ago
love the videos u hepled me make up my mind amd get back in to the hobby whit ur help im looking forward to a bigger and better tank then befor
oconano - 9 years ago
I vote Clown Loach. so funny how they sleep on their sides like a person. lol
mightydegu - 9 years ago
Great to see my two favorite youtube fishkeepers together. Joey's top five came as no surprise, but it was fun to see the two of you discussing it casually.
L Snider
L Snider - 9 years ago
Bold move to make fun of his logo when your giving fellacio to a crinum in yours.
tony gillespie
tony gillespie - 9 years ago
hi from scotland UK. love the two of you's helped me alot with the hobby thanks and keep up the good work
kris lockert
kris lockert - 9 years ago
Two great guys bring so much energy to the hobby. i love watching both your channels and never miss a video. Keep up the good work guys

100. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY

gutiersa - 9 years ago
My favorite aquarium gurus!
Mohammed Rizq
Mohammed Rizq - 9 years ago
Roderick Vergara
Roderick Vergara - 9 years ago
First time i like a video on youtube! Awesome!
Haitham Mohamed
Haitham Mohamed - 9 years ago
Great to see you both in this video . Thank you both . Awesome guyz
LowTech Tank
LowTech Tank - 9 years ago
you guys ! two of the legends on my screen at the same time. couldn't stop smiling you both look like your were having so much fun.
Reef Tank 413
Reef Tank 413 - 9 years ago
Badass ! Glad to see the meeting of the masters!
T Holz
T Holz - 9 years ago
Nice video! No room to keep monster fish like arowanas so my discus are the kings of my aquarium.
Jonah Foust
Jonah Foust - 9 years ago
Love the video!!! hopefully i can join you guys at the next aquatic experience.
Eric K
Eric K - 9 years ago
Wow, star struck just watching the video. Lucky I wasn't there. If I had a few beers and saw you guys filming, I'd bust in with a pen and have you guys sign my butt cheeks or something.
eric1998420 - 8 years ago
I'm eric k too, lol
Two Flaps
Two Flaps - 9 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks haha
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+Eric K it would have made for an even better video...though i don't think you'd like where I'd put the pen
Jordan Varner
Jordan Varner - 9 years ago
usually they view the death of an asian arowana as the arowana dying in place of the owner saving the owners life. apparently there have also been legends of that if the owner dies, the arowana dies with it. so it dies in your place but also dies if you die
zack portner
zack portner - 7 years ago
Jordan Varner his just died too :(
Robert Hadley
Robert Hadley - 9 years ago
Yo Dustin! Man I gotta question! Do you keep Marimo I've been thinking of getting it as my first plant type creature for my 10 gallon. What do ya think ?
Heather Martens
Heather Martens - 9 years ago
Yeah!! Proud Canadian eh! Looks like you guys had fun! Nothing like meeting your online networking friends in person! Tank on!
fishwrangler97 - 9 years ago
Hey Dustin I talked to you at AE and now I want to dirt my 20L. The home depot by me has miracle grow organic potting mix, is this the same as organic soil? Ps-Bring thrtle diaries back or get the mrs a mate! She is lonely in the greenhouse haha
Troubles Paradise
Troubles Paradise - 9 years ago
The one thing that I noticed right away was that Dustin couldn't keep his hands off Joey. Lmao. Bromance much? You 2 look great together. Hopefully you make more videos together. Pretty funny.
Troubles Paradise
Troubles Paradise - 9 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks Lmao, I think I'll pass on that. But I hope you guys enjoy yourselves doing THAT video. lol.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+Troubles Paradise So do you wanna see the video where I am half naked in his bed?
Seth B
Seth B - 9 years ago
Does anyone know how long it takes an African leaf fish to grow full size. I've had mine for three months and he's not growing past 2-3 inches. Great vid Dustin!
dipsydodunkeroobaby - 9 years ago
The two top dawgs in the hobby !!! Yeah buddy
Fish Keeping Jamaica
Fish Keeping Jamaica - 7 years ago
Hi my name is Raliegh, Checkout my youtube channel at " fish keeping Jamaica", How about I sub you, you sub me?
Joe Digout
Joe Digout - 9 years ago
Chhhyyyeeeaaa represent Nova Scotia. Just saw Joey couple weeks ago in my favorite local store. Been watching both of your channels since day one! Total love!
taiken5968 - 9 years ago
Did Joey just drop an F-Bomb?
taiken5968 - 9 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks I've never even heard him swear before. I think a little bit of my innocence just died. Haha
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+taiken5968 ......absolutely in the beginning :)
Alec Jagger
Alec Jagger - 9 years ago
Best video ever
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 9 years ago
Nice job gentlemen.
Leslie Graves
Leslie Graves - 9 years ago
Boss Dogg
Boss Dogg - 9 years ago
Great videos good to see both you guys were together thanks for sharing
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
haha! Loved making the videos while there! A nice change!
Samy Ismael
Samy Ismael - 9 years ago
I really enjoyed the more natural and easy going tone of this interview compared to the (seemingly) scripted presentation on your channel. It shows your personality better as well.
Will Mercier
Will Mercier - 9 years ago
Glad you had fun at the show! It's awesome you came all the way from Canada just for this.
Will Mercier
Will Mercier - 9 years ago
Glad you had fun at the show! It's awesome you came all the way from Canada just for this.
hanzifaction - 9 years ago
Oh my gosh the chemistry is undeniable! ;p I don't think anyone is ever calling Joey dainty, he's a beast. Great vid guys, good to see two fish heads getting together
Shah Esfelazi
Shah Esfelazi - 9 years ago
Americans can't keep Asian arowanas!!!!!
Jordan Varner
Jordan Varner - 9 years ago
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (silver arowana) is allowed, but Scleropages formosus (asian arowana) is not allowed because S. Formosus is on the endangered species list while O. bicirrhosum is not
Shah Esfelazi
Shah Esfelazi - 9 years ago
but silver arowana is from Asia???? so whats the difference.
Jordan Varner
Jordan Varner - 9 years ago
+Quibli you can keep silver arowana, blacks, jardini, and australian. just not asian
Quibli - 9 years ago
+Shah Esfelazi we can keep other species of arowanas i think, i havent looked into it that much
024DJF - 9 years ago
That was awesome seeing you two together.
Lloyd Wang
Lloyd Wang - 9 years ago
We, Chinese, love to keep big beautiful fish, (koi, arowana, goldfish, etc) because it brings good fortune and prosperity.. At the same time, it's a bad omen if the one fish you love the most dies D:
ps. good thing I'm not too superstitious, because most of my very first fish died in about a year after I started fish keeping ~
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 9 years ago
Awesome video. Great to see you guys love on camera for the hobby.
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 9 years ago
David Inthalangsy
David Inthalangsy - 9 years ago
i ship it
Filbie - 9 years ago
Werd lol
merra85 - 9 years ago
So cool that you met joey!
Honda S2000
Honda S2000 - 9 years ago
AWESOME VIDEO!! would love to see you both do more videos together. Especially if you keep that outro!
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 9 years ago
Love it, great video you two ! :)
Mario Medina
Mario Medina - 9 years ago
yes man yes two of my favorite YouTube people at ones the funny thing is you guys upload at the same time to . how long have you guy bin noing each other?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+Mario Medina I have know Joey outside of his YT channel for like 2 years or so...pretty hard not to be friends with the only other person on the planet who does what I do on YouTube. (not that my DIY skills are 1/3 of his)
pecktec - 9 years ago
HA! I got to see this happening. :)
ItsAlleged - 9 years ago
+pecktec So cool to see you see him! keep this stuff coming, guys! I'm subscribed to both of you and love seeing these get togethers
pecktec - 9 years ago
It's always cool to see you doing your thing man. It was a long but uneventful drive back.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+pecktec we are glad you did! Hope you had a good trip back!
wereboarder2009 - 9 years ago
I was not expecting this. but I knew the top 3 before he even said it.Such a huge asset to the fishkeeping community.
Laura Wrenn
Laura Wrenn - 9 years ago
Great video! I enjoyed seeing the both of you together!! Lots of smiles :)
james gonzalez
james gonzalez - 9 years ago
good seeing both of you guys on the same camera now if only we can get you 2 to do a project together would be complete awsome and I'm pretty sure all of your fans on both channels would agree woot
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Love hearing Joey talk off the cuff like this! ....also love to hear how to pronounce "uaru" since I've been saying it wrong in my head this whole time! Awesome vid guys! Embrace the daintiness Joey!
crowndroyal - 8 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks

Actually Dustin He maybe is a funny guy but he also has a massive ego and is a huge thief.

Joey is far from genuine , How about asking him why he would steal items donated to the aquarium society , and how on earth you are supposed to SELL a non profit aquarium society to someone.

If Joey was genuine he would be giving people credit from the ideas he stole for them.
No credit has ever been given from all the ideas in his book or any that came from his videos. They are not all his own ideas and own DIY projects he stole them from somewhere else
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+Rich's Fishes thanks, Its fun for me to see Joey talking off the cuff like this on camera for me. I am a huge fan of what he is doing on Thursdays because I want people to see more about what he is like beyond project....he's pretty funny actually :)
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
Great TV Guys. "DAINTY and PRETTY" might STICK!!!!
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks It looks very Likely. And you will always OWN him. Very funny stuff. Have fun and Enjoy, Life goes by so fast.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+colinbarsby ....he might have set himself a trap!
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 9 years ago
What came first genetically- the uaru or the discus? Anyone?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+Catfish Cave Look at that... No Clue!
BolivianFishKeeper - 9 years ago
Joey is not down with bromance . He pulled his hand out Justin's grip quickly .
Nervous and afraid something could happen?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+BolivianFishKeeper He loves the bromance, if you only knew how he and i messed with people on this trip :)
Ontario Bushcraft
Ontario Bushcraft - 9 years ago
I remember my LFS was run by an old Greek man (North American Fish Breeders) And he had an Arowana in the front tank, that fish was ancient!! That was 25+ years ago and I always wanted one. Joey, love he's representing the Canadians in the hobby. I hope he showed Dustin another Canadian pass time, tilting a few pints of Blue.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+Ontario Bushcraft haha He certainly showed me this...rather fun to watch as well!
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 9 years ago
2 Legends in the hobby and a great video.
orgykicksazz - 9 years ago
my 2 favorite fish tank people on the same vid, what could be better?!
Neighborhoodgaijin - 9 years ago
Hmm discus don't need to be kings they're more regal and majestic like emperors
Riggy Rhino
Riggy Rhino - 9 years ago
I love what you do keep it up:)
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
hahaha yes i've said discus aren't king now joey said it too haha
RED Button
RED Button - 9 years ago
finaly both together :)
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+ivan moreno alas....
Splodge Gaming
Splodge Gaming - 9 years ago
can guppy fry be in water a temperature of 18°c. Also how can i stop the fry from escaping from the edges of my hatchery. This is because they are so small. Thanks. Love your vids.
Michael Norman
Michael Norman - 9 years ago
why is the quality so low
Michael Norman
Michael Norman - 9 years ago
+Dustin's Fish Tanks you should check out the black diamond cichlid. i think it could make a top 10 list
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
+Michael Norman whatever...kiss a$$
Michael Norman
Michael Norman - 9 years ago
Still a good video. I agreed with oll the choices.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Because it's taken at a tradeshow
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 9 years ago

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