Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY
Discus 9 years ago 105,085 views
While I was at the Aquatic Experience I sat down to have a chat with Joey - the king of DIY - about our picks for the top five aquarium fish. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Here is a link to Joey's fish Here is a link to Joey's Asian Arowana If you are looking for some fish, Check out Imperial Tropicals. Use the Promo Code "DFT5" and save 5%! (tell them you saw this on YT too :) Click here Yup- That's Joey. It was fun having him around at the Aquatic Experience. These are Joey's top 5 aquarium fish. Certainly I love busting his balls as you can tell. I was kinda shocked to hear oscars were one of his first fish. I knew about the Uaru's and remember way back when he had them as his logo. His comment about discus being, or not being king of the aquarium is funny. "Dainty" haha. While I have never actually owned a Stingray or Arowana, I have always wanted to. The fact that Arowana's are so related to dragons in the Asian culture is pretty cool as well. I am still curious if your good luck- goes to bad luck if you kill one. (i would hope so) Glad to get Joey on my channel for a bit and show him off of the cuff like this. Tank on, "Thanks for watching and we will see you next week" SUBSCRIBE! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community
10. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY
Thanks guys!!
2. Rays
3. Discus
4. Uaru
5. Oscars
20. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY
30. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY
compared to yours... 49.99 for your 64 pg guide vs. 25.00 for a 550 page
DIY guide...? Why are you charging so much?
2. Blood Parrot
3. gold severum
4. angel fish
5. bala shark
6. dragon fish
7. raphael catfish
8. shovel nose catfish
9. cockatoo cichlid
10. discus
30 second videos on Instagram- Follow me for more shorter random videos CLICK
50. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY
100. comment for Top Five Aquarium Fish with the King of DIY
ps. good thing I'm not too superstitious, because most of my very first fish died in about a year after I started fish keeping ~
Actually Dustin He maybe is a funny guy but he also has a massive ego and is a huge thief.
Joey is far from genuine , How about asking him why he would steal items donated to the aquarium society , and how on earth you are supposed to SELL a non profit aquarium society to someone.
If Joey was genuine he would be giving people credit from the ideas he stole for them.
No credit has ever been given from all the ideas in his book or any that came from his videos. They are not all his own ideas and own DIY projects he stole them from somewhere else
Nervous and afraid something could happen?