Top 10 Tankmates Of Discus Fish
Discus 6 years ago 36,508 views
Discus Fish Tank Mates Discus Fish Tank Mates are an essential part of your discus fish aquarium. Discus fish are slow moving schooling fish. When looking for discus fish tank mates you want to make sure that you select fish that are slow moving and will not compete with the discus for food. The most common discus tank mates you see in a discus aquarium are tetras. Neon tetras, cardinal tetras, blood eye tetras, penguin tetras. Tetras are also slow moving schooling fish so that makes them tank mates for discus fish. Top 10 Tankmates Of Discus Fish 1.Dwarf Red Fire Gourami 2.Harlequin Rasbora 3.Rummy Nose Tetra 4.Serpae Tetras 5.Cardinal Tetra, Neon Tetra 6.Loaches 7.Corydoras Agassizi 8.German Blue Rams 9.Angelfish 10.Bosemani Rainbow Fish I hope you like my video, if you like my video then please subcribe my channel.... Thank you for watching. For Subscribe To My Channel click on this link below, .....
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