Tropical Fish Store Tours: Age of Aquariums

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Tropical Fish Store Tours: Age of Aquariums sentiment_very_dissatisfied 87

Discus 10 years ago 165,529 views

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Most popular comments
for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Age of Aquariums

b b
b b - 7 years ago
Finding nemo only hurt the saltwater trade because parents couldnt say no to their kids buying them clownfish and tangs. What's more important if the animal was NOT taken from the ocean and was captive bred. Sustainability is better than a shitty kids movie that does nothing to educate how these creatures live. All fucking movies, tv shows only drive demand and unwanted pets because people saw "a cute pet on tv" and then they throw it away finding out how hard it is. I bet yall talk people out so many times on pets they shouldn't have, small tanks, etc.
Jen X
Jen X - 7 years ago
What is this? A tropical fish store in S. Cali that I haven't been to yet?
Vbp's Oblivion
Vbp's Oblivion - 7 years ago
2easymode - 7 years ago
i like jacob questions and the store guy knows his stuff
Peter Karig
Peter Karig - 7 years ago
Great tour! I used to be really into planted lower light aquariums with moss and fern and anubis covered wood stumps and such. I used to raid dumpsters of stores like yours. A combination of buying this guys huge many years worth of aquariums, filters, pumps, skimmers, etc because it was either his aquariums of his wife, and my dumpster diving had me with some showcase aquariums for very little expense. Great looking store!
Marco Nilo
Marco Nilo - 8 years ago
were are you located Jacob?
shaun joseph
shaun joseph - 8 years ago
cool awesome tour
Joseph Jones
Joseph Jones - 8 years ago
Love the pierce the veil shirt
La_ Chicharra
La_ Chicharra - 8 years ago
well....too bad u took it like guess Im an idiot since changing the resolution will fix that the whole video is focus on jacob and the other guy....instead of the FREAKING STORE nor the planted tanks....I guess that the resolution will focus the plants instead of the 2 guys on the video.....yeah....idiot me.....sorry again.......thought u should take the feedback in a good way and try to be better for the next time......u can film and focus on the tanks......or your camera only takes the sound of the image ur filming?

10. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Age of Aquariums

La_ Chicharra
La_ Chicharra - 8 years ago
camara sucks dou......
Aman Bhattacharya
Aman Bhattacharya - 8 years ago
Guys I am confused which aquarium to choose Glass tank or Acrylic tank, please suggest.
Joloj Aquatic
Joloj Aquatic - 8 years ago
really, nice video. lots of info for the Beginner's...
Valentino A
Valentino A - 8 years ago
cool dude 1234
cool dude 1234 - 8 years ago
I like ur videos it is awesome
JacobsAquarium - 8 years ago
Buy Plants Here!
Albert Ramsay
Albert Ramsay - 8 years ago
never buy a bent cornered tank distortion is dreadful
Shyanne Grace
Shyanne Grace - 8 years ago
Edzel Mejia
Edzel Mejia - 8 years ago
Good video. Reminds me of Captain Planet.
Kee Yang
Kee Yang - 8 years ago
straight rodi or just ro? so they don't add any thing with the ro?
Garrett Hinkle
Garrett Hinkle - 8 years ago

20. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Age of Aquariums

Luke The Vampire Slayer
Luke The Vampire Slayer - 8 years ago
He sounds like Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins, lucky guy
tom ligthelm
tom ligthelm - 8 years ago
Dude I think you need to get a different camera guy / style so you're narrating from behind the camera whilst you show off fish etc as that's why we are here
Alex Yen
Alex Yen - 9 years ago
only in cali
Luke - 9 years ago
im so taking a trip down there!
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
Liked this video. Keep doing them. thanks.
Juan Cuarenta
Juan Cuarenta - 9 years ago
Long beach CA ?
ShinyGoldBacon - 9 years ago
This store's cool, I got some good plants here and my sparkling gourami, too. The gourami was a fish I was looking for for a while, and no shop in the area ever had them. This shop doesn't actually carry them either and they were never able to order any in for me because they couldn't get any they said, but this one gourami snuck in by stowing away in a bag of rasboras, according to one of the guys there!
lnstnct - 9 years ago
ptv shirt \m/,
aaeonfluxx - 9 years ago
Discus and Mollies together .  pH ?
ShinyGoldBacon - 9 years ago
+aaeonfluxx I was there recently, I did not see any mollies in that tank. The discus looked great, though.
iamfrommars2000 - 9 years ago
Hi Jacob, can you talk about how to control evaporation?

30. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Age of Aquariums

민 latex
민 latex - 9 years ago
great good watch video^^ but i dont konw understand you languages ㅠㅠ  i m korean
Stevy B
Stevy B - 9 years ago
Nice show. Really like the plants.
Jamie Lee Siviter
Jamie Lee Siviter - 9 years ago
Wow i wish there was a place like that near me! It looks really nice! Thanks for the tour nice vid man keep it up :)
brans - 9 years ago
great video, just have to work on holding the microphone bc sometimes couldn't hear
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper - 9 years ago
Jacob...was it hard to hold your tongue from correcting the tour guide? He did a great job. Better than most LFS employees. Nice video.
billy wright
billy wright - 10 years ago
That guy is relly camra shy
shibidi - 10 years ago
These guys are very kind and helpful. I called in to see if they had dwarf baby tears and the person who answered said yes. As soon as I got there, they didn't have it and the person I talked to over the phone made a mistake. So one of the older gentleman decided to pull some Glossostigma from one of their established tanks and gave them to me for free. I didn't buy anything but this store has great customer service and have really nice products here. I would definitely recommend. 
A Hsu
A Hsu - 10 years ago
Long Beach...I live in Westwood.
Rapacious Mtg
Rapacious Mtg - 10 years ago
Honestly I have had horrible experiences with ehime <.< they where great when produced in Germany but now there made in china and its killed the quality. I honestly prefer Fluval over all. 
Ivan Corona
Ivan Corona - 10 years ago
Hey jacob, do you know of any good automatic feeder for fish? I'll be gone for a month and I was just wondering if you knew of any good product
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
lol. Yes. Doctor Foster and Smith has some pretty good ones. 
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 10 years ago
Wow I wish I had a store like that near me. Looks really nice
DMAN D - 10 years ago
Thanks for the vid it was amazing, i live in Australia and i don't know of any where like that here.i freaked out at  52:55 i thought you where going to get hit lol.
Andy Djokro
Andy Djokro - 10 years ago
I really wish my area had an LFS like this
MrHoney2U - 10 years ago
Great store
njw1383 - 10 years ago
Wow that store looks awesome
IbeSyke - 10 years ago
i been to this store,  nice video 
H Rez
H Rez - 10 years ago
hello id like to ask you if a 15 watt 18" t8 and rgbw led are enough to grow pearlweed in a 20 gallon tall i have all 300 leds glued to the top of my aqueion  24" hood and if the zoo med ultra sun or the aqueion floramax bulb is better for the job i have looked around but its isnt clear to me.
Jack the Fish Crazy Dude
Jack the Fish Crazy Dude - 10 years ago
Tony Ngo
Tony Ngo - 10 years ago
Omg, just saw your ptv tee at the beginning. What a guy Jacob!
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Tony Ngo Thanks! :)
Josh - 10 years ago
This was great! I took in so much information. Thanks.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Josh Thanks for watching! :)

50. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Age of Aquariums

Tom will
Tom will - 10 years ago
great tour. I was suprised he used r/o water for a planted tank. Never saw the need.
rexlinkfish - 10 years ago
+JacobsAquarium Yeah Its not necessary for some people.. But with my area we have like an 8.6 PH and super HARD water.. So a lot of plants can't survive..
Horn Pub
Horn Pub - 10 years ago
+JacobsAquarium I use ro water and add my dry ferts plus tap water to get the ph where I want it. Since my tap is usually 7.8-8.2.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Tom will Well its not necessary. But some people swear by it. I personally have never used RO water for my tanks and they've been fine. There's a first for everything, so maybe I'll try it now seeing how much this store liked it in their tanks. Thanks for watching.
Vestyxe - 10 years ago
Great video, Jacob.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Vestyxe Thank you so much :)
clydezboy - 10 years ago
Great video Jacob...and a big thanks to the camera guy!
Mike Ritacco
Mike Ritacco - 10 years ago
Great video.  Keep the store tours coming!!  Any chance on flying to North NJ for some?
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
If the store paid for our air fare and hotel costs then sure! ;) Thanks for watching friend :)
NobodysPurrrfect - 10 years ago
wow, that is a beautiful store!!! They deffinitelly take excellent care of their fish, corals, and plants.  
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 10 years ago
Great video Jacob and what a store !
Victor Farias
Victor Farias - 10 years ago
Jacob at 19:14 he said that they battled hair algae. By any chance do you know what they did to overcome the algae?
Guilherme Martins
Guilherme Martins - 10 years ago
Great tour Jacob!!! To me, one of your best videos ever ;) 
Matt Radel
Matt Radel - 10 years ago
great video love the questions you are asking!!
Timothy Walter
Timothy Walter - 10 years ago
No Cichlids? Cool store though. I wish Australia had more stores as diverse as this one.
Timothy Walter
Timothy Walter - 9 years ago
+john boobey
Yeah, pretty much, but the best ones are the independent shops. Chain stores don't really have many options, and independent stores are always at risk of closing down... :(
jake - 9 years ago
I'm Aussie and we need more fish shops
Timothy Walter
Timothy Walter - 10 years ago
Sheesh... Just steal a Tasmanian Devil and put it in a pen. Joking, don't do that. LOL
Timothy Walter
Timothy Walter - 10 years ago
I'm sure it is... Keeping water warm would be hard too because of the climate.
TheRick2325 - 10 years ago
Awesome tour once again Jacob, you are the best at these
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 10 years ago
29:18 is that a green spotted puffer fish?
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 10 years ago
Nice really really nice video Jacob.
ZenScapes4U - 10 years ago
Great tour Jacob!  Enjoyed
Tidal Flux
Tidal Flux - 10 years ago
nice vid, your dad got lazy towards the end lols
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Aquaponaquarium ND Well, he's learning. I think he's getting better. Thanks for watching friend :)
The Crystal Chris
The Crystal Chris - 10 years ago
Enjoying the video thanks for doing it well done

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