1,435 likes 892,250 views 11 years ago
Unser größtes Diskus-Aquarium mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 3000 Liter + 750 Liter Biofilter Volumen im...
3,018 likes 851,895 views 13 years ago
Featured in Tropical Fish Hobbyist's (TFH) September 2011 issue in the Adventures in Aquascaping column, we take you...
2,960 likes 811,414 views 13 years ago
Since many of you ask, the long plants in the back are called Jungle Val. This is the my most popular video...
2,119 likes 782,092 views 13 years ago
150 gallon /560 liters. Eheim 2180, Fluval fx5, air pump but no Co2.6 Discus, 4 clown loaches, 4 corydoras sterbai, 2...
1,662 likes 775,666 views 13 years ago
My 240G planted Discus tank.
7,487 likes 721,439 views 7 years ago
DISCUS AQUARIUM FISH!! I loved sitting back and watching how the team at uncle sams unbox and add their discus. Some...
2,119 likes 782,092 views 13 years ago
150 gallon /560 liters. Eheim 2180, Fluval fx5, air pump but no Co2.6 Discus, 4 clown loaches, 4 corydoras sterbai, 2...
1,662 likes 775,666 views 13 years ago
My 240G planted Discus tank.
3,679 likes 702,959 views 9 years ago
How i made $20,000 in one month, selling Discus ► https://goo.gl/6xEySN Where to BUY DISCUS: https://goo.gl/YOo1iR...
1,195 likes 701,089 views 13 years ago
second vid from my 450 liter tank running since March 2011 - have fun :)
2,663 likes 695,781 views 15 years ago
Discus fish breeding. Hatchery and reproduction in a nature-like environment and under the best conditions in every...
4,072 likes 647,304 views 8 years ago
HOW TO BREED DISCUS VIDEO INDEX: (click show more) Where to BUY DISCUS: https://goo.gl/YOo1iR Introduction @0:05...
The "Uaru, severum, discus and angelfish community tank" video is part of the discous aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Echinodorus Amazonicus can be found in the shallow waters and ponds. You will not find cichlids like that there.
I dont say it cant be done. It may work with the Severums, Discus and Angels, but most of the big cichlids like Astronotus, Midas and etc will tear them apart.