Unboxing Stendker Discus - Amazing Aquarium Fish
Discus 6 years ago 2,593 views
My Discus set up is built and this week, I'm filling it up with these amazing colorful fish. For my first discus, I wanted to go all out and get some official famous German Stendker Discus. ... so that's what I did! These discus are reputed for their strong immune system and fabulous colors. Join me as I embark on a new journey in american cichlids For those of you who haven't seen the video of my building this discus set up, check it out on last week's episode of "Fish Store Xtreme Makeover" ►https://youtu.be/anf_V8XPXiQ Pricing and availability for my freshwater section (The discus are classified under "American Cichlids"): ►http://www.quebec-cichlides.com/livestock?cat=4 For more information about shipping : ► http://www.quebec-cichlides.com/livestock?cat=5 GET AWESOME T-SHIRTS https://teespring.com/stores/quebec-cichlides __________________ Say Hi on Social Media Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/QuebecCichli... Instagram: http://instagram.com/quebec_cichlides Twitter : https://twitter.com/cichlid_geek Website: http://www.quebec-cichlides.com/ ___ PRODUCTS I RECOMMEND (CANADA & USA) CANADA MY BOOK SELECTION (CAN) Check it out here : https://goo.gl/TgtSS6 FOR WATER CHANGES (CAN) Python No Spill Kit (for water changes): https://goo.gl/ZbvsQo Seachem Prime: https://goo.gl/7H6K6M Test kits: https://goo.gl/zSUaaq BEST FISH FOOD (CAN) Northfin fish food: https://goo.gl/8xNdbN USE THESE PRODUCTS FOR CICHLIDS (CAN) Seachem Malawi Buffer : https://goo.gl/hWu932 Seachem Cichlid Salt : https://goo.gl/A8e2oD ___ USA FOR WATER CHANGES (USA) Python No Spill Kit (for water changes): https://goo.gl/9CjQvS Seachem Prime: https://goo.gl/Wif9ud Freshwater Test Kit: https://goo.gl/kcM3c9 USE THESE TO ADJUST YOUR WATER PARAMETERS (USA) Seachem Malawi Buffer: https://goo.gl/2RZizc Seachem Tanganyika Buffer : https://goo.gl/EiyRwc Seachem Cichlid Salt: https://goo.gl/j2BA55 BEST FISH FOOD (USA) Northfin Marine Formula : https://goo.gl/V8e48U Northfin Cichlid Formula: https://goo.gl/cctZy6 Northfin Veggie Formula: https://goo.gl/dmFY4i Northfin Jumbo Formula: https://goo.gl/crLfjM MY BOOK REFERENCES (USA) Konings, A., Tanganyika Cichlids in their Natural Habitat: https://goo.gl/5Sg1qB Konings, A., Tropheus their Natural Habitat : https://goo.gl/zj6dpT Konings, A., Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat: https://goo.gl/DgQ3Rd Konings, A., Back To Nature : Malawi Cichlids: https://goo.gl/FxBXfa Konings, A., Back To Nature : Tanganyika Cichlids: https://goo.gl/xyoy5w MY FILMING EQUIPMENT (USA) My lighting Equipment : https://goo.gl/EcFGGo My Tripod : https://goo.gl/WCcVY8 _ NEWSLETTER The ULTIMATE way to get news straight in your inbox and exclusive content that isn't on Youtube! Sub here: https://goo.gl/aqVnMF _ MUSIC by Jahzzar #cichlidgeek #discus #aquarium #fishgeek #tropicalfish #stendkerdiscus
I had a lot of fun doing this and will likely do it more often in the future :D
For those of you who haven't seen the video of my building this discus set up, check it out on last week's episode of "Fish Store Xtreme Makeover"
The small ones are a big school. They're so cute!
I like that you only got a few varieties of discus, but got them in different sizes.
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