Underwater Aquarium Footage!
Discus 6 years ago 2,788 views
While I was investigating a possible crack in one of my aquariums, I decided to stick my camera underwater for some cool aquarium shots from a fish's perspective. New Videos Twice Per Week (Wednesdays & Sundays)! Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/c/TazawaTanks Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Tazawa_Tanks Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TazawaTanks Website: http://www.TazawaTanks.com Please Support via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tazawatanks Email: follow the link in the "About" tab↗️
Yes!! Please continue underwater filming as much as you want to!!
The underwater was very cool!
Great video!
10. comment for Underwater Aquarium Footage!
Also the multis looked so good, can’t waist to get my hands on some similis
Glad that it was just bubbling of the silicone. Cracks suck!!!
20. comment for Underwater Aquarium Footage!