Using a Plenum in a Goldfish tank that is 25-years old now and still going.
Discus 7 years ago 1,804 views
Using a Plenum in a Goldfish tank that is 25-years old now and still going. The link below is for Shaun’s Fish Tanks YouTube site and his newest video is called: Anoxic Filter Update Day 46. Shaun talks about how he went from one water change a day in his Discus tank to now he is only doing one every four days and he will probably change that in the oncoming future to once a week or fortnight. QUOTE FROM SHAUN: “Still a little bit more to go before the anoxic filter fully kicks into gear but so far there are massive changes in the way the tank presents.”
It is just wonderful to know more about anoxic filteration. I have been keeping fish since 1970, now in my 60s I am still at the hobby.
It is difficult to get the right type of cat litter in M'sia here. Can zeolites gravel be used instead of the specific kitty litter.
I have no problem with laterite as it is everywhere here. Also what is your opinion on kaolin clay? Can it be useful?
10. comment for Using a Plenum in a Goldfish tank that is 25-years old now and still going.
There are pros and cons about using carbon but I have used it in all my tanks constantly and I find none of the negative affects of what people claim it does to be a hindrance in its use. However, because it increases redox, right there it should be telling you something.