VLOG - Aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs

aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs. Tropica is a world-leading aquarium plant grower that exhibits at the Interzoo trade show every two years. I was invited to help aquascape seven planted tank nature aquariums in a couple of days. We used a huge range of plants and styles to create showcases for the show. The aquascapes will be grown in from now (Feb 2018) to the Interzoo show (May 2018). Check out the Tropica website - http://tropica.com/en Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff - http://bit.ly/2j5OwuY Follow my aquascaping journey... Instagram http://bit.ly/2AkOVDp Facebook http://bit.ly/2kgg1po Twitter http://bit.ly/2iCujjx UKAPS (superb resource for hobbyists) http://bit.ly/2kgmwbA KEEP ON SCAPING T SHIRTS NOW AVAILABLE!! http://bit.ly/2zWyiz5

VLOG - Aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Discus 7 years ago 8,704 views

aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs. Tropica is a world-leading aquarium plant grower that exhibits at the Interzoo trade show every two years. I was invited to help aquascape seven planted tank nature aquariums in a couple of days. We used a huge range of plants and styles to create showcases for the show. The aquascapes will be grown in from now (Feb 2018) to the Interzoo show (May 2018). Check out the Tropica website - http://tropica.com/en Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff - http://bit.ly/2j5OwuY Follow my aquascaping journey... Instagram http://bit.ly/2AkOVDp Facebook http://bit.ly/2kgg1po Twitter http://bit.ly/2iCujjx UKAPS (superb resource for hobbyists) http://bit.ly/2kgmwbA KEEP ON SCAPING T SHIRTS NOW AVAILABLE!! http://bit.ly/2zWyiz5

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Most popular comments
for VLOG - Aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs

GreeneNatives - 7 years ago
Where is the tour of Tropica?
Loricarii - 7 years ago
"Keep on scaping" ❤️
Really nice job, looks beautiful all of them!
mokre łapska
mokre łapska - 7 years ago
Must be a very hard work actually but You guys having fun :)
Prestige Reef
Prestige Reef - 7 years ago
You really are an artist, with livestock being your paint :)
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Thanks man
Victor Gonzalez
Victor Gonzalez - 7 years ago
That biotope looks so amazing. Is it possible to see an update (progression) to that tank in the future?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Yes, there will be updates hopefully before the show. I may also revisit Tropica before
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas - 7 years ago
Where can I buy a tank like the one with the under gravel filtration that you showed, the very long one where you showed under all the substrate.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Panta Rhei the shop in Germany
Northie - 7 years ago
Whaaat. You were (momentarily) in Finland! I should have come to tell you hello. :)
Joyce Wolan
Joyce Wolan - 7 years ago
help, i have a white fungus on my fish in my new aquaurium, i have never had it in my other tanks, the store is over loaded with treatments , what would you use, i already lost two fish, every one says to add salt but i have plants, thank you
SaltyFreshAquatics - 7 years ago
Would love to see a follow up video once that river tank is up and running

10. comment for VLOG - Aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs

JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Great video!
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
Truly wonderful aquascapes. Also that river aquarium looks awesome.

You both did an awesome job, well done.

Thank you for sharing. Great video. I enjoyed watching. Thank you. :)
Kit Chan
Kit Chan - 7 years ago
you are a botanist.
Tim Harrison
Tim Harrison - 7 years ago
Great look behind the scenes George. Love the "Easy" tank... just goes to show you don't need to go all out to create a great scape.
Bentley Pascoe
Bentley Pascoe - 7 years ago
I really want to see that river style India tank up and running. So much wonderful work George and Jurijs!
AquaCreation - 7 years ago
george, what substrate is used for the 11:00 "biotope" style ?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
It’s a plain fine gravel sourced locally. We also used pockets of soil for the plants
Fishpalace - 7 years ago
Great video and what a variety of different tanks and plants. R u going to interzoo in May?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Thanks. Not sure yet..
kara loft
kara loft - 7 years ago
Wie gatz? Jurgis is so dashing too.. How come here in US Bolbitis is most always titled as 'ASIAN FERN'?!
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Common names are often misleading
Mr D
Mr D - 7 years ago
Love the "twin" wood design...
Shirley Mcintyre
Shirley Mcintyre - 7 years ago
The easy is so nice but I love the medium scape. The begiNner tank is so cute. The advanced tank is going to be stunning!

20. comment for VLOG - Aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs

Ian Cho
Ian Cho - 7 years ago
Why is this annoying music added in the video?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
It’s impossible to please everyone. Most viewers seem to like my choice in music. I spend a lot of time choosing it. Appreciate your feedback
Darryl Moore
Darryl Moore - 7 years ago
That was amazing to watch, I can’t pick a favorite. I loved them all.
weed mand
weed mand - 7 years ago
nice! i drive past tropica everytime i go to my favorite fish store, i have never had the chance to visit tho haha. keep the videos coming man!
vvrriissvvllaadd - 7 years ago
I am from USA , everything here is made with a hammer and saw . If you open a store like this in Florida , LA . or NY , you will be multimillionaires
Nicolas - 7 years ago
Where is the link for the Biotope aquarium with the flow on bottom ? Very curious to see how it work.
DylanDaGoat - 7 years ago
Super awesome vlog and love your cinematics! I was inspired by your budget aquascape, so I worked four hard hours aquascaping today! I'm going to upload the video on that soon today.
sniperwipers - 7 years ago
What do the medium tanks require in way of CO2 and ferts? Are they needed? can it be liquid Carbon?

George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
CO2 and ferts will benefit all plants but with medium category you can get away with lower levels.
Flippsen - 7 years ago
the music was kinda too loud.
Allan Hellman
Allan Hellman - 7 years ago
Great video George. Cool to see the BTS.
ADA Aquascaping Design Arts
ADA Aquascaping Design Arts - 7 years ago
Awesom my friend George. Greetings buddy Jurijs

30. comment for VLOG - Aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs

Wet Sleeves
Wet Sleeves - 7 years ago
You lucky bastards!!
Tim Bracco
Tim Bracco - 7 years ago
The first one or easy
Cap48 - 7 years ago
Thanks for this video George, it's very beautiful !
James Sheen
James Sheen - 7 years ago
Looking forward to seeing the aquarium with the Yangtse Rocks develop
Ravi Aquarium
Ravi Aquarium - 7 years ago
Amazing and beautiful video

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