Weekly Discus Tank Maintenance

Weekly Water change on 150 gallon Discus Tank. Approx 2 hours from start to finish. Check out the other techniques we use to maintain our discus tank at: http://www.krillaquaria.com/discus-maintenance We at Krill Aquaria are aquarium enthusiasts who wish to share our experiences, techniques and devices we utilize to enjoy nature’s aquatic artistry. Check out our aquariums and techniques at: http://www.krillaquaria.com/

Weekly Discus Tank Maintenance sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Discus 9 years ago 15,806 views

Weekly Water change on 150 gallon Discus Tank. Approx 2 hours from start to finish. Check out the other techniques we use to maintain our discus tank at: http://www.krillaquaria.com/discus-maintenance We at Krill Aquaria are aquarium enthusiasts who wish to share our experiences, techniques and devices we utilize to enjoy nature’s aquatic artistry. Check out our aquariums and techniques at: http://www.krillaquaria.com/

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Most popular comments
for Weekly Discus Tank Maintenance

Monstraucity - 6 years ago
Is it tough in the water bill?
Lexus Rene
Lexus Rene - 6 years ago
Can you add the prime and chemicals directly into the tank while the discus are in or should they be removed?
Krill Aquaria
Krill Aquaria - 6 years ago
We added Prime directly into the tank with the discus just before adding the new tap water.
Arup Das
Arup Das - 6 years ago
Not weekly man you have to change the water daily 80-90 % it is very much essential for discus tank......happy fish keeping
jean claude soquite
jean claude soquite - 7 years ago
L,W,H Of your tank sir???
Willie Loh
Willie Loh - 8 years ago
An 80% change weekly isn't going to get you robust adults. I suggest 100% every other day as a minimum.
Krill Aquaria
Krill Aquaria - 7 years ago
When we do water changes, our water is connected directly to the tap.
Andrei Bloju
Andrei Bloju - 7 years ago
Is the hose directly connected with the tap or with a barrel with water?
Krill Aquaria
Krill Aquaria - 8 years ago
Thanks! Currently our pH sits at around 8.2.
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 8 years ago
150 gallons is probably a good reason for the growth. I see your using tap water, what is your pH on of the tap?

By the way, love the tank and the big adult Discus!
Krill Aquaria
Krill Aquaria - 8 years ago
You are correct. For those seeking to grow out discus, more frequent water changes are required. However, we purchased most of our discus at their adult size. Those seeking to grow discus from a juvenile size must expect to put in more frequent water changes. That being said, we have managed to grow one of our fish from a size smaller than a quarter to roughly 6” in a year on this water change schedule. Our current water change schedule is based on maintaining lower safe levels of nitrates for our group not based upon the necessity to grow out discus.
Codey Sobrino
Codey Sobrino - 8 years ago
I have 2 discus in my 125 gallon and I tried adding a new discus but was bullied by the other 2 Any advice please
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 8 years ago
Add in groups of 3 or more at a time to spread out aggression like Krill said. Adding one into an already Discus establish pecking order tank is always tough and possible deadly for the newbie.
Krill Aquaria
Krill Aquaria - 8 years ago
+Codey Sobrino
Discus are shoaling fish, this means they tend to stay in large groups for social reasons. Additionally since discus are cichlid fish, like other cichlids they can show signs of aggression towards one another. Keeping discus in larger groups can help to spread the aggression around so no one fish is constantly harassed. It is usually recommended to keep discus in groups of 6 or more. I’m not sure how many other fish you have in your 125 gallon, but if you have the room I would recommend adding at least an additional 1 or 2 other discus. The two original discus could kill the newbie if the issue continues. Hopefully adding discus will help “spread the love around” so to speak. I wish the solution to more problems in life was to simply add more fish!
Samuel Mendonca
Samuel Mendonca - 9 years ago
When doing water change do you age the water and what dechlorinator product you use.
Krill Aquaria
Krill Aquaria - 9 years ago
+Samuel Mendonca
We are fortunate that the parameters coming from our tap water do not require us to age or do any other pre-treatment methods. We simply add Seachem Prime as our dechlorinator into the tank before adding our tap water.

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