What size tank?
Discus 7 years ago 12,659 views
The inch per gallon rule is highly controversial and much contested. In today's video, we talk about how to know how much space our fish need. Fan mail can be sent to: PO box 146 Manchester PA 17345 Buy me a coffee: http://msjinkzd.com/about_msjinkzd/support-our-site/ Instagram @msjinkzd Website and stocklist: http://msjinkzd.com/stocklist/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/msjinkzd/
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I'm currently running two 240 liter (63 gallon) tanks with incomplete stocking but the more "complete" tank has soon around 30 neon tetras, 17 rummy noses (bleheri), and 8 peppered cories as the dedicated fish that stay in the tank. I call this the tetra tank.
The other has only ten six-banded barbs and six elegant cories but the cories will move into their own tank after I get third 240-liter tank and the bridge to join it with the other two. The fish here will be asia (mostly malaysia and myanmar) themed with a sizable group of danio choprae and the barbs.
The rest are "wandering fish" that freely use the connecting bridge(s) to switch tanks which includes ten kuhli loaches, six otos, four twig catfish, two sturisoma whiptails and two red lizard catfish - oh and my lone bristlenose. Naturally these are still counted against stocking of any of the tanks. For example the kuhliis are counted against the asia tank stock despite the fact that they like to use the bridge to hop between tanks.
The primary reason why I want the third tank is to expand the stocking options a bit more. I'm also sure the wandering fish are happy with even more room to move. I'm just not sure what will be the theme of the third tank. :)
In a 12g planted tank would you be able to stock more boraras maculata and shrimp than if you were stocking a 12g tank that had only hardscape or fake plants?
10. comment for What size tank?
The water in my area is very soft, would the fishs die if i would not treat the water?
Reinforces what you are saying. Basically, fish biomass (weight) grows nearly exponentially with body length.
20. comment for What size tank?
2 x Pearl Gourami
6 x Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish
10 x Glowlight Danios
3 x Otocinclus
6 x False Julii Corydoras
10 x Amano Shrimp
Would you say that is overstocked? or anywhere near overstocking?
I now have a south african cichild tank, and over stocking keeps the aggression down and I can't have enough filtration on the tank. I have water turning over 9 times an hour in the tank.
30. comment for What size tank?
While browsing through your channel(s), I found the Multi Cichlid Syndrome video! I was so happy to see all the various Dwarf Cichlids and was hoping you could help!!!
I have a pair of Apistogramma Cacatuoides (Orange Flash) and wanted to know if they could be houses with a trio of Apistogramma Cacatuoides (Double Red)??? I know it sounds silly to ask, but they are GORGEOUS and I'd hate for something to go wrong!!!
Thanks again for all your input!
Amazing video, this is my go to video when someone asks about stocking. Thank you for your time.
As would a single pea puffer.
By the way the shape of the tank also makes a difference, since a long, shallow tank can house more fish than a short, deep tank of the same volume.
50. comment for What size tank?
I only use for community live barers guppy molly platy rasbora Tetra etc..
I use it, and I’d recommend it as a rule if your stocking certain fish. I change to rule for diff fish for example if large molly then the are worth 2 of the inches. I use it to do easy math and get a feeling of size and bioload
Yep yep, they like to climb on my tank's lids, and they cover the surface with detritus XD
For example your personal favourite, the Kuhlii loach. While quite long, they're really thin and produce a low amount of waste, however they do love to swim around a lot at night and they're very active. Just their swimming speed alone shows that they're much happier in a decent sized tank.
100. comment for What size tank?
Also, I had to learn this false rule in order to win an Aquarium Management Competition for my school. Came 1st place in Ohio though:) now that I have graduated, I’m looking into becoming a judge for the competition, so I can update the questions with more accuracy. Love the vid!