Whats The Best Tank Size For Discus? Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals

What’s the best size aquarium for Discus, I’ll answer that next on the Ultimate Discus Guide Hey everyone it’s Lisa with kgtropicals.com and today we’re talking about aquarium size for Discus. If you look around online you’ll find a bunch of videos showing Discus in tanks from 30 gallons and up but what’s the best size and what’s the minimum size? In my opinion full grown Discus shouldn’t be kept in anything smaller then a 75 gallon tank. These fish have the potential to get much bigger then you might think and if you put them in something smaller then 75 gallons you may never see them reach that potential. But wait a minute, I see breeders using 20 gallon tanks all the time to breed Discus so can’t I just use a 20 gallon if I only get 2? Well when breeders use 20 gallon tanks to breed Discus they’re taking grown adults that have grown up in much larger tanks and placing them in a 20 gallon specifically for spawning. A 20 gallon tank provides a smaller more confined area for the fish to focus on what they are there to do without the distractions they may face in a larger tank. These fish were by no means raised in these tanks. So what’s the ideal tank size for raising your Discus so they can reach their full potential? In my opinion a tank that is 100 gallons or more is ideal. I really like the height, length and depth of a standard 125 gallon like John has his Africans in from Live Fish Direct. It’s the perfect amount of room for the fish to be able to explore and not be on top of each other all the time cause let’s face it, you’re not only gonna buy one Discus. No you’re not a bad person if you put Discus in a 55 gallon. Like I said, it’s just my opinion that they need to be in a minimum of 75 gallons. If you’re buying smaller Discus you can grow them up for quite a while in a 55, just make plans to move them up to something bigger eventually. So there you have it, I hope this has helped you to understand a little more about Tank size as it relates to Discus. Don’t forget if you wanna see more Ultimate Discus Guide videos you should definitely click this button to subscribe so you can be one of the first to see the next episode when it goes live. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you next week. Music: http://www.purple-planet.com

Whats The Best Tank Size For Discus? Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Discus 9 years ago 49,016 views

What’s the best size aquarium for Discus, I’ll answer that next on the Ultimate Discus Guide Hey everyone it’s Lisa with kgtropicals.com and today we’re talking about aquarium size for Discus. If you look around online you’ll find a bunch of videos showing Discus in tanks from 30 gallons and up but what’s the best size and what’s the minimum size? In my opinion full grown Discus shouldn’t be kept in anything smaller then a 75 gallon tank. These fish have the potential to get much bigger then you might think and if you put them in something smaller then 75 gallons you may never see them reach that potential. But wait a minute, I see breeders using 20 gallon tanks all the time to breed Discus so can’t I just use a 20 gallon if I only get 2? Well when breeders use 20 gallon tanks to breed Discus they’re taking grown adults that have grown up in much larger tanks and placing them in a 20 gallon specifically for spawning. A 20 gallon tank provides a smaller more confined area for the fish to focus on what they are there to do without the distractions they may face in a larger tank. These fish were by no means raised in these tanks. So what’s the ideal tank size for raising your Discus so they can reach their full potential? In my opinion a tank that is 100 gallons or more is ideal. I really like the height, length and depth of a standard 125 gallon like John has his Africans in from Live Fish Direct. It’s the perfect amount of room for the fish to be able to explore and not be on top of each other all the time cause let’s face it, you’re not only gonna buy one Discus. No you’re not a bad person if you put Discus in a 55 gallon. Like I said, it’s just my opinion that they need to be in a minimum of 75 gallons. If you’re buying smaller Discus you can grow them up for quite a while in a 55, just make plans to move them up to something bigger eventually. So there you have it, I hope this has helped you to understand a little more about Tank size as it relates to Discus. Don’t forget if you wanna see more Ultimate Discus Guide videos you should definitely click this button to subscribe so you can be one of the first to see the next episode when it goes live. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you next week. Music: http://www.purple-planet.com

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Most popular comments
for Whats The Best Tank Size For Discus? Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals

K Nicole
K Nicole - 7 years ago
Rule of thumb is one discus per ten gal. 5 discus in a 55 is FINE. No need to have to worry about saving 600 bones to size up. Jesus
Tyler Mannon
Tyler Mannon - 7 years ago
Can I put two discus and a 30-gallon tank with other fish like fancy guppies and plus pleco
theklrdude oo
theklrdude oo - 7 years ago
best size is 38 triple D
Ross Elkins
Ross Elkins - 7 years ago
All I wanted to know is x amount of discus will fit in x amount of gallons.

Specifically I want 6 discus from young to adult. Kept in a tank with cardinal tetra and hatchet fish. This will be the only tank they'll stay in. Therefore it will need to suit the fully grown discus and hatchets and cardinal tetra.

I'm thinking a 600 litre/ 131 gallon tank. For 6 full grown discus. 30 cardinal tetra. 20 hatchet fish. 12 corydoras catfish. 1 Vegetarian only pleco. 1 Atya shrimp(African giant filter fan shrimp)

All kept and 27 degrees Celsius.

Almond leaves added to soften water.

R.O water used. Making my own R.O water.

Water changes once every 2 weeks.

2 times a day feeding, 1st with frozen bloodworm & beef heart. 2nd flake food mixed with Cory pellets. Twice a week cucumber or potato for the pleco.

Live plants and driftwood in the tank with river rocks. Soil substrate with gravel on top then sand on top of that.

External canister filters amounting to 10x per hour flow rate of tank volume.

This is what I think is suitable for my setup after years of research. If I have it wrong I'm happy to learn now rather than buying it all and figuring it out from my mistakes.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
suman das
suman das - 7 years ago
15 gallon fish tank ok for 4 discus
Vic Nash
Vic Nash - 7 years ago
2 foot washroom is ok for you
Paw Print
Paw Print - 7 years ago
suman das if you've watched the video you wouldn't be asking such questions!
Vickie Workman
Vickie Workman - 7 years ago
a womens breast does not account for her smartness , come on guys quit being so discusting!
The Atlantean Fish Lover
The Atlantean Fish Lover - 7 years ago
Vickie Workman do u mean discus-ting!?
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
huh, I thought there was an inverse relationship.
Shazeb Uddin
Shazeb Uddin - 7 years ago
I have a question for Discus fish!
can you keep larger discus with smaller discus fish in a community tank.
RNM _LP - 7 years ago
It depends on the Number of Discuses.
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
Woody's Discus
I have a 60 gallon 24" high x 48'' long. No substrate, a few small pieces (2) with Anubis (to help with water quality) . I do water changes EVERY night ! My beauties are very healthy, and eat like crazy. 48" long is all you need for Discus. They like long and deep tanks. The height should be at least 24" inches as well.
PetSmart has a 150 gallon that will fit right were mine is, 48"long x 30" tall. I want it bad !!!!!

10. comment for Whats The Best Tank Size For Discus? Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals

Robert S
Robert S - 7 years ago
Y'all straight men keep denying rape culture, but all you need to do is look at these comments.
Dawn Scoggins
Dawn Scoggins - 7 years ago
She's totally covered, wearing a sweater...and they're still doing this crap. Ugh
Will G
Will G - 7 years ago
How many gallons per fish? For example 10 gallon per fish?
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Thats not really how it works. Its all about how much filtration/aeration and how much work you are willing to put into it.
M.Z. Ali
M.Z. Ali - 7 years ago
what do you think of my discus? I really like your fish!
gaming lab
gaming lab - 7 years ago
if i put a discus in a 60 gallon tank with guppies and couple of mollies its gonna be a bad idea.I want to put a 3-4 cm discus.Should I?
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
hi I currently stock 1 Oscar and a severum but I'm thinking about moving them on so I can start with discus what would u suggest me doing with tank keep it running after theve gone or scrub the tank clean ready for discus how would you do it can you get back to me pls.
Brandon Lyautey
Brandon Lyautey - 8 years ago
ok, so I have a question. if I want to keep one because my friend is getting rid of his discus and it's about 6 inches. he tried to offer it to pet stores and no takers. so I have a empty 30 gallon with some driftwood. would this be ok as long as it's just ONE lol
FunkyMunky1137 - 8 years ago
I realise that this is probably a moot point by now but a 30 gallon tank would be large enough for a single discus. BUT since discus are a shoaling fish it is highly recommended that no fewer than 4 are kept in a tank to ensure happy and healthy fish (breeding pairs being an obvious exception).
svtcontour - 8 years ago
Just subscribed :)    So I have a 120 gallon with some smaller discus which I'm hoping would grow with and get used to the other tank mates (school of clown loach and silver dollars).  So far all is fine they don't seem to be getting spooked or in any way harassed. Tank has lots of driftwood and is planted as well (sturdy plants that SD fish cant eat through that quick).

So in the future, I want to get a slightly larger tank. Would I be better off getting a 180 gallon which is 72"x24x24 or a 200G which is 48x36x30. One gives more length but one has substantially more width and a bit more height. In the end, I want to have about 7 discus. I have five now.   Any suggestions welcome!
Alf X
Alf X - 8 years ago
Lisa got a new subscriber lol
fish bowl
fish bowl - 8 years ago
your tits are distracting
iRecruit Fish
iRecruit Fish - 7 years ago
fish bowl Hahahhaha she did show cleavage but yes the shirt is snug.
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
What a HORN DOG !!!!!
Nice is nice you horny tard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fish bowl
fish bowl - 8 years ago
Clint Parsons blow me fuktard
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 8 years ago
crushed my dreams lol. I've wanted a discus for a long time, but I promised myself no more big tanks until I move. Nice video and you two are adorable! I subbed and requested to join the fb group!

20. comment for Whats The Best Tank Size For Discus? Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals

Pikubird Ok
Pikubird Ok - 8 years ago
Booooooobs made it impossible to focus on discuss.
jiarealty - 8 years ago
How many discus in a tank depends on how much water change you are willing to do on a regular basis. I do a 100% water change every week and I keep 10 Discus in a 90 gallon tank with plants in pots and no gravels.
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 7 years ago
jiarealty RO water?
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
I think 55 Gallons is the minimum for discus if you want to house it with a few other fish.
30 is the minimum if you want a quarantine or breeding tank.

15 Gallons per Discus is rule of thumb.
Bunbun li
Bunbun li - 8 years ago
The strength and sophistication of the filtration will allow you to keep more fish in smaller size aquarium.
A 200 gallon tank with no filtration shouldn't even have 1 discus.
pancudowny - 8 years ago
Wow! You look allot like an older friend of mine did at your age... Which I imagine would be FAR-younger than she is now. (She's 70!)
Mean Green Stompa
Mean Green Stompa - 8 years ago
Could we just have Lisa videos from now on? Girl is mesmerizing. =)
dvdfrnzwbr - 8 years ago
Those are rule the World titties right there
Og maco Sheesh
Og maco Sheesh - 8 years ago
Sonny DaGuy
Sonny DaGuy - 8 years ago
So how many discus would be good for a 75 gallon tank?
Stefan de Vries
Stefan de Vries - 9 years ago
I have a big problem, so I got these 2 Oscar chiclids, and they're scared for light. When the ligths of the aquarium turn on, they will lay on the bottom for the whole day until the ligths turn off, then they're going to swim again. I don't know what to do?!? Do you know something? Sorry, my english isn't so well.

30. comment for Whats The Best Tank Size For Discus? Talkin Discus Presented by KGTropicals

Nualgi Aquarium
Nualgi Aquarium - 9 years ago
Love all the quality stuff y'alls post. It's very informative and useful for those new to the hobby. :)
Nualgi Aquarium
Nualgi Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Daniel Smith Unfortunately, we are no longer offering free trials at the moment. We actually have a few fish stores selling Nualgi in the UK. You can find them under the "International Retail Locations" in the page here. https://nualgiaquarium.com/about-us/buy-nualgi-aquarium-at-your-local-fish-store/
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith - 8 years ago
Nualgi Aquarium I love your products but can't get my hands on any in the UK can I have a trial please.
seen videos of the best clarity ever from using your products
majestic cichlids
majestic cichlids - 9 years ago
Great advice Lisa 75g is a great size tank for a small group of discus.
ki rabbitguy
ki rabbitguy - 9 years ago
Mathew Crossley
Mathew Crossley - 9 years ago
Im really enjoying having you both doing the vids now :)
Keep them coming! I still have a lot to learn XD
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Thank you so much! Lisa :)
Jean Changuion
Jean Changuion - 9 years ago
But how many can I put in a 75 gallon
Doug C
Doug C - 9 years ago
platend vs bare bottom. and feeding your discus would be good tooics of discussion
pecktec - 9 years ago
I'm putting this on my "See Holly we need a huge tank." Playlist. :)
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Great idea :) maybe Holly will want a Discus tank too ;) Lisa
paulone65 - 9 years ago
thanks for the info.i think she asking john for his 125 tank
Dusty Mitchell
Dusty Mitchell - 9 years ago
John I think Lisa was hinting at you to move your Africans back to the 250 and give her the 125!
Dusty Mitchell
Dusty Mitchell - 9 years ago
+KGTropicals hahah good to hear!!
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
+Dustin Mitchell Lol we actually got a 125 for her Discus a couple weeks ago, after she had recorded the video:-)
Chris Gill
Chris Gill - 9 years ago
great video...i think lisa is telling john hey i want ur 100 gallon for my discus
Tony Estrada
Tony Estrada - 9 years ago
Great video, keep up the good jod. By the way I tested two sets of baby discus. 6 babies in a 60 gal and 6 in a 235 gal and guess what? The 6 in the 235 out grew the other 6 almost by two to one. Bigger tank equals bigger and happier discus.
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Thank you for sharing that :) if we all work together, we can learn so much more! Lisa :)
Paul Martin
Paul Martin - 9 years ago
@kgtropicals If a 75 gallon is your recommended size, how many Discus can I safely put in this tank? Are discus growth patterns a candidate for one of John's calculators/formulas? Thanks Lisa
Luisa Zamora
Luisa Zamora - 9 years ago
So happy I subscribed, loving the videos Lisa. I have a question about spawning. I have a pair in a community tank and they lay eggs constantly but only a few out of maybe 60 eggs actually develop. The parents are protective over the area but as soon as they see a fry release they will eat it. Why does that happen? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Lisa
Agr414 - 9 years ago
600 gallon or nothing.

Jk. Great video guys, really enjoyed seeing those large pairs.
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
That would be a dream!!!! Lisa :)
J B - 9 years ago
I had a fantasy play in my head when John asked if he's a bad person for keeping them in the 55g. in my mind she said,"You're not. bad person.. you're just cheap."
..of course it's just a fantasy..
good vid yall.
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Hahaha Thank you! Lisa :)
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 9 years ago
Thanks for he info.
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Your welcome! Thanks for watching :) Lisa
Teg tuan
Teg tuan - 9 years ago
Do a feeding discus video please? And I love those series
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Thanks so much! Proper diet for discus is definitely in the making. :)Lisa
IFG - 9 years ago
Ohhhhhh...... Nice concept. I like the questions coming from the foreground. Answering the commonly asked questions before they are asked.
IFG - 9 years ago
Good job Lisa. Keep the high quality content coming. I see you!!!
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Thanks! I'm trying to start off with the basics for people who are new at keeping discus or thinking of keeping discus. Lisa :)
MStebbz36 Cichlids
MStebbz36 Cichlids - 9 years ago
great vid again lisa...hahaha @ john shouting in background.
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Thank you :) Lisa
Haitham Mohamed
Haitham Mohamed - 9 years ago
Thank you mam !
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Your welcome :) Lisa

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