Who Killed My Fish?!

One of the most common questions we get asked is what killed my fish? There are so many factors that go into an aquarium that there is really never an easy answer. Instead we need to look at the overall picture and see if we can see what we've done wrong to get to this point. Sign up for our Deals Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/cH_pmb Our Website: http://www.aquariumcoop.com Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aquariumcoop Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aquariumcoop/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aquariumcoop/ Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 http://amzn.to/2hpl3Ls Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V http://amzn.to/2yyRUV2 Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 http://amzn.to/2hq2WF6 Microphone : Video Rode Micro http://amzn.to/2hx4ocF Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 http://amzn.to/2zEGcvu Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 http://amzn.to/2zEZGQL Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM http://amzn.to/2iTe3qy Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight http://amzn.to/2hyljLP Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp http://amzn.to/2zFRGyL Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M http://amzn.to/2iTBYpM Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q http://amzn.to/2yzsXZE Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k http://amzn.to/2zJ2wCf Compact Drone : DJI Mavic http://amzn.to/2hqSmhu Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic http://amzn.to/2idDjIs 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti http://amzn.to/2yzJugc 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm http://amzn.to/2iTC68K Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) http://amzn.to/2yCl5qf Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO http://amzn.to/2zEmQqg Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922 http://amzn.to/2iW1WZN

Who Killed My Fish?! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 74

Discus 7 years ago 29,398 views

One of the most common questions we get asked is what killed my fish? There are so many factors that go into an aquarium that there is really never an easy answer. Instead we need to look at the overall picture and see if we can see what we've done wrong to get to this point. Sign up for our Deals Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/cH_pmb Our Website: http://www.aquariumcoop.com Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aquariumcoop Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aquariumcoop/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aquariumcoop/ Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 http://amzn.to/2hpl3Ls Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V http://amzn.to/2yyRUV2 Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 http://amzn.to/2hq2WF6 Microphone : Video Rode Micro http://amzn.to/2hx4ocF Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 http://amzn.to/2zEGcvu Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 http://amzn.to/2zEZGQL Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM http://amzn.to/2iTe3qy Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight http://amzn.to/2hyljLP Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp http://amzn.to/2zFRGyL Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M http://amzn.to/2iTBYpM Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q http://amzn.to/2yzsXZE Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k http://amzn.to/2zJ2wCf Compact Drone : DJI Mavic http://amzn.to/2hqSmhu Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic http://amzn.to/2idDjIs 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti http://amzn.to/2yzJugc 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm http://amzn.to/2iTC68K Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) http://amzn.to/2yCl5qf Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO http://amzn.to/2zEmQqg Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922 http://amzn.to/2iW1WZN

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Most popular comments
for Who Killed My Fish?!

Terry McDonald
Terry McDonald - 7 years ago
Is there a rusty wessel fish house vid in the works?
Ed's Fish
Ed's Fish - 7 years ago
Huge fan of these short format videos, good idea.
Phil O'Sofical
Phil O'Sofical - 7 years ago
Hi Cory. Great video. Love the message that we fish-keepers are responsible for the well being of our fish. Not always easy to accept but the only way we're going to improve our hobby!
FISHONAJ - 7 years ago
Is this clickbait...LOL...the title says WHO not WHAT!!! Went i went on vacation...oh god love her, my neighbor said she'd take care, but coming home and seeing the clown loaches and dead discus left me heartbroken. I did't even ask how she did in my tetra tank, i was only gone 10 days...now i have a boat and play with the fish i catch in it...sorry no more tanks...AJ Johnson III :( Happy New Year, i sub and really like your vids!!!
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez - 7 years ago
I have a question about Metronidazole and praziquantel can I help with white poop
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
The last 20 years my only tank wipe (50% or more) has been from equipment/hardware failure. Most other solo deaths have been age or getting trapped in/under something.
Vue Lee
Vue Lee - 7 years ago
since that happened and it has happened so often to other as well, (now i dont know if this is true) but, asian myth speaks of those animals weather its a bird, fish, dog or cat, on that day, that it died, it gave its life up for you. kinda like a thank you. so dont feel so bad.
Paul . Alexeyenko
Paul . Alexeyenko - 7 years ago
S a l t
i feel sad
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
Some words of wisdom here.

10. comment for Who Killed My Fish?!

DagDaWildDog - 7 years ago
My cichlid pair attacked my tetra because they had babies
FamfritFW - 7 years ago
Love the directing in this video, like it's one of those crime documentaries. Love the work guys, Cory. Thanks for making such awesome content.
Jeremy Isack
Jeremy Isack - 7 years ago
Please make an informational video on betta sorority’s i have no idea what i’m doing
David's Fish Tanks
David's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
True man great video
George fish tank
George fish tank - 7 years ago
Thank u for that video I look forward to all your videos thank u keep up the good work
Haley H
Haley H - 7 years ago
Humans are to blame for EVERYTHING
MDStorm123 - 7 years ago
Sometimes a fish died because it was old...
Makye Smith
Makye Smith - 7 years ago
Is sand substrate bad for fish?
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
3 minute video
kawasaki000000000000 - 7 years ago
I have just recently put ottocats in my 220 with 14 rosline 10 clown loaches 2 plecos 2 angles and a cat fish and have found some dead not sure 100 percent what did it possibly thing the cat fish but cannot conferm

20. comment for Who Killed My Fish?!

The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 7 years ago
I recently had one of my siamese algae eaters just disappear on me and im still confused because i went through my tank for about an hour trying to at least find the body an i got nothing, the only explanation i could think of was the poor guy got sucked out during a water change, but ive had my tetra swim into the siphon and happily sit there whilst its draining so i thought that would be unlikely. Bottom line - i don't know what the hell happened. :(
Tony Zhang
Tony Zhang - 7 years ago
New camera???
Rien Reijneveld
Rien Reijneveld - 7 years ago
This clickbait tho
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual - 7 years ago
Yea i just Loss $50 bucks on 12 rummy nose i got last week. now down to 3. still trying to figure out why. my best guess is that them living with my super thriving guppy colony was to much activity and stress for them. no other casualties and the tank is running normal. i could have froze the bodies and brought them back to the LFS but i kinda already realized what cory was saying. Something I Did Killed Them, so it's a learning experience ill bite the bullet on.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I would always make a trip to the store and make sure their rummy nose tetras are doing well. If they have a bunch left thriving, then you know it was you. If they are completely out or they look sick there, you know it was probably on them and could mention it.
I234 Internet Street
I234 Internet Street - 7 years ago
Hi team! Earlier this fall I had some balloon and regular molly fry born, and they are getting to be about an inch long. I’ve had the intentions to give them to a fish store as they are starting to outgrow their 30 gal rapidly, but I wasn’t sure who would even take them. I instantly thought of you guys, being my personal favorite fish store, and wondered if you would take them, if there’s a limit to how many, minimum size requirements, etc. I have probably 25-40, and I don’t care about selling them for profit, I just want them to go to good homes
DCC - 7 years ago
dude love the new quality! and awesome topic video
Han-Z Waligurke
Han-Z Waligurke - 7 years ago
well said. the real deal is though, that most likely ornamental fish will pay our learning process with their lifes. so we shouldn't experiment too much or at least share the results of our mistakes to prevent others from doing them (without getting blamed ofc).
ShortNanxious - 7 years ago
The only fish I've killed, were my own, unfortunately! It's always a learning process, wether it's a disease, virus, genetics, bad food, bad equipment, medications, bad water quality or not keeping track of water changes. I'm absolutely guilty of all of the above... buying strains and not understanding their delicate genetics, that lesson was horrible, lost alot of fish but the ones that made it are obviously the ones worth breeding so good and bad together... yin and yang
Scott Preece
Scott Preece - 7 years ago
So you're saying we're all murderer's. Thanks
Han-Z Waligurke
Han-Z Waligurke - 7 years ago
if you really remember the situations of yout dying fish, it will come down to this. fish dies of aggression of other fish (your fault), fish died of sickness you didn't cured (your fault), fish died of malnutrition (yout fault), fish died of wrong water parameters/temperature etc. (your fault). what is left a fish could die of?
Han-Z Waligurke
Han-Z Waligurke - 7 years ago
you can't take the truth?
Aravis Wilder
Aravis Wilder - 7 years ago
Could you do a top 10 Pea Puffer tank mates video, please?

30. comment for Who Killed My Fish?!

Tropical Fish Success
Tropical Fish Success - 7 years ago
Video quality is excellent! Great editing too.
Savanna Morrow
Savanna Morrow - 7 years ago
I had to explain to my mother that if she finds a dead fish in her tank that seems to have been eaten, it doesn't mean other fish killed it, it means they scavenged it and ate it afterward. it's possible another fish killed it, but not likely with the fish she keeps. I haven't had a fish death in almost a year, since I stopped buying fish from a certain place. They rarely survived quarantine. But ever since I bought from a different place, everything is fine. If a fish dies I investigate the environment and test water first and work from there.
faith jackson
faith jackson - 7 years ago
Cory...Aquarium Co-Op... have a question? Can I order the Repashy grub pie in Minnesota freezing weather? Will it be okay and go bad if frozen? I live in rural area and gets shipped by sure post sometimes.
faith jackson
faith jackson - 7 years ago
Thanks for fast response ,I will be ordering again later today! Thanks Cory!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
You can freeze it no problem.
David Laws
David Laws - 7 years ago
Interesting and useful topic. Yes, we all should be learning something new or technique in this hobby, no matter how long you have been at it? Right? This what most of us do, it's our hobby, not business. So, in my view yes, we killed the fish nearly 100% of the time. This is either directly or indirectly. There was some discussion on the channel claiming it was okay to take fish from the wild. So, let's talk about that a bit. Does everyone understand the stress on a fish associated with transporting a fish from its large natural environment, to one this is much smaller, closed loop we try to mimic on a meniscal scale. Water quality, Temp and stocking levels. We change that in our hobby. A responsible aquarist tries to mimic its natural environment at much as we can. We try to get better at this everyday? I do anyway.The fact is, we will never be able to 100% duplicate its natural environment, which often will lead to fishes demise. I argue that aquarists who most closely achieve natural environment, will "kill" much less fish. We can discuss and argue getting our fish from the wild is sustainable or not all day long. For me it's B.S. But, we all know it will never stop when wild fish are cheaper. If a tank raised fish was readily available and cheaper, why would anyone buy from the wild? To help local economy? I don't think so. It's just our way to rationalize and buying wild caught fish. Afterall, seems to me there would be much less stress on a fish raised in a tank to our fish tank.

So, in my view, the real focus on our hobby ought to be to continue to educate aquarists on all levels of experience to minimize fish loss due to our inability to duplicate Mother Nature 100%. Cory seems to understand this and it's not all about maximizing profit for him.
Omid Saranj
Omid Saranj - 7 years ago
I don’t get the timer
TheLukenator007 - Minecraft
TheLukenator007 - Minecraft - 7 years ago
the filter killed my fish it cot sucked in
Andrew Piorkowski
Andrew Piorkowski - 7 years ago
Worth stating that fish have finite lifespans. Most livebearer species pass by their 4th birthday. #TMYK
AJ Naps77
AJ Naps77 - 7 years ago
Awesome video, a quick tutorial On the most asked question. looking good getting ready for the jungle.
Lyle Chipperson
Lyle Chipperson - 7 years ago
Cory are long sleeve button ups out of the question?
Lyle Chipperson
Lyle Chipperson - 7 years ago
It all makes sense now. duh on me.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Are you asking if I wear them? Yeah when you own a business that has its hands under water half the day, it’s just a problem
Hdz Aquatics
Hdz Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey Cory, figured out that Mollies live more than guppies. Whould you know why. I have a ph of 7 and every time I get them they either die in a week or get bloated. I feed my tanks once every other day.
Andrew Llewellyn
Andrew Llewellyn - 7 years ago
Double check the kh in the water, I find guppies quite sturdy if you keep the kh between 15dkh and 20dkh. This can be checked with a test kit and corrected using bicarbonate soda. The mollies also love this hard water environment. If they are bloating try using a wormer, flubendozole or prazaquantel.
Aamir Chinioti
Aamir Chinioti - 7 years ago
Very knowledgeable person...learn a lot from you...best of luck bruv..from london uk....waiting for future videos....
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
Had me worried for a second! Geeezzzz Cory! Good information!
Manuel T
Manuel T - 7 years ago
Great Peter McKinnon affect video,
DaggerOne - 7 years ago
I haven't watched your vids in a little while. Glad to see there is no fuzz on the face! he Sadness on the fish. :(
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
Petsmart put 10 guaramis in a tank less than 10 g
Scott Mitchell
Scott Mitchell - 7 years ago
If I were making these Thursday videos I wouldn't try to put a 3 minute cap on it. It seems kinda pointless and makes the video seem rushed. Still an amazing video as always Cory! This is my favorite channel on YouTube I'm certainly not trying to beat down on it. Just giving some constructive criticism, I know it wasn't asked for but I want to voice my opinion.
Yorky One
Yorky One - 7 years ago
Research your fish & its intended environment before you buy it but then again...... philosophically speaking if a fish dies but no one sees it die is it really dead ?
Award Aquarium
Award Aquarium - 7 years ago
The only time I don't blame myself is if new fish don't survive the quarantine process. Other than that I try and figure out what I did wrong.
FaLLenStormyGod - 7 years ago
i did buy last 3 days ago 16 rummy nose, 10 neon tetras 3 kooli louches and 10 cerebes i think its called, 5 rum and 3 neon already died, when i put them in the tank i already saw 4 or 5 rum have fast breathing and only stayed in one spot and i saw 1 of my angels almost eatin one of the neons and chasing them, i moved the angels when i was observing them for 30mins. the koolis are under the rock and doesnt come out even if i feed the tank, maybe i overfed the new fishes bec those fish was from the shop and they only eat twice a day with little portions, i hope no one die tomorrow
charles griffin
charles griffin - 7 years ago
FaLLenStormyGod is your tank cycled? Also adding all those fish will completely shock your bacteria system which is even worst if your tank is brand new and not cycled. Knowing that I learned not to feed my fish for a day or two. This lets my bacteria catch up and also I find that it stresses me and my fish when I try to get them to eat the first day I get them
Aesyir - 7 years ago
Hey Corey what do you think of fishless cycling? Im trying to setup a tank and having some trouble with it (its probably due to user error)
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
i also used fish flakes instead of pure ammonia. cycle completed in about 3 weeks. i also had live plants in there from another tank, so that may have helped some. oh, i also used seachem stability every day as well.
basically just get it set up and leave it alone except for feeding it (and adding bacteria if you choose to do so).
littlepiggydog on IG
littlepiggydog on IG - 7 years ago
Aesyir use fish food instead of ammonia liquid, use the same amount of food per day as you would feed the fish that would be in there

50. comment for Who Killed My Fish?!

Lumpydog - 7 years ago
Nice talk, I couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing. Cheers
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Awesome video Great info Thanks for sharing #FishFam #NJAE18
Robert P.
Robert P. - 7 years ago
A very good subject. Considering that I walked down to feed the fish room and my male gourami is dead. He was just spawning yesterday. Lest he died a happy fish. Still it shocked the heck out of me. Swear I even muttered those words "who killed my fish?"
The Enderguy
The Enderguy - 7 years ago
Galway Girl
Galway Girl - 7 years ago
I'm pissed from the fact that i can't get Gbr,ebr and bolivian rams. I really want a pair
dan le
dan le - 7 years ago
it drank too much
Dali Vigil
Dali Vigil - 7 years ago
Could hear you talk for hours 3 minutes is such a tease
paulus matusevicus
paulus matusevicus - 7 years ago
No 1 prevention of fish death: water changes weekly (30 to 50 %). Voila. Problem solved.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
paulus matusevicus Yep, even more frequent water changes. I did daily water changes for 4+ months in my 2.5 gallon to hep out with my bettas fin rot and preventing ammonia spikes while cycling the tank. That tail/fin still looks the same but atleast my betta is a healthy boy lol.
Xtreme Pro Exotics
Xtreme Pro Exotics - 7 years ago
And will you get into saltwater PLEASE!!!!?? I can't be the only one going broke
Xtreme Pro Exotics
Xtreme Pro Exotics - 7 years ago
I bought 10 baby albino Bristlenose Plecostomus and got 11, I put them in a 29 too fast and didn't QT as long as I should have so they introduced a fungus of some sort(wasn't visible when I introduced them specimens to the established planted 29) so the corydoras got the fungus so I have to treat for a week with pimafix and it solved everything, completely my fault
Cris Eloisa
Cris Eloisa - 7 years ago
I think the slow-mo cutaways would work better if they were cutaways to aquariums with a decreased slow-mo speed as opposed to items around the room, because that would still provide more visual interest while keeping us focused on the topic! Love the video.
iRlazyGoat - 7 years ago
Frank did it!
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 7 years ago
iRlazyGoat awe Frank is to sweet to do it, now beans on the other hand, i don't trust that guy(
pia a
pia a - 7 years ago
So funny!!!!
Jason Arencibia
Jason Arencibia - 7 years ago
Frank and Beans together, they are a team! lol
Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 7 years ago
Thank you for the video.
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics - 7 years ago
Water parameters are perfect!
BC Fishroom
BC Fishroom - 7 years ago
great vid!
The Professional Memest
The Professional Memest - 7 years ago
I’m very worried:
My zebra danios always used to eat goldfish flakes for the past month, so I tried getting them tropical flakes.
Their not eating those.
Now their not eating the goldfish food either!

I’m considering trying to feed them brine shrimp.
The Professional Memest
The Professional Memest - 7 years ago
Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 7 years ago
The Professional Memest fasting means not feeding
The Professional Memest
The Professional Memest - 7 years ago
Dyne Dragon what’s that
Dyne Dragon
Dyne Dragon - 7 years ago
The Professional Memest I would try fasting them for a day or two.
Susan for SLC Aquatics
Susan for SLC Aquatics - 7 years ago
I like the three minute thursdays even tho Cory never does three minutes. Therefore I would ditch the on screen countdown and the fade awaits from the main talent were distracting for me. Thanks for trying new things tho
Zip Lynx
Zip Lynx - 7 years ago
totally agree
jane tanked
jane tanked - 7 years ago
This was the first video where I thought, wow, what a beautiful picture. You're so pixelated!
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
i get it. consequences for actions by lack of education. like my lack is i ordered gravel from petco. didnt know it wasnt fine gravel. should have read. also, yesterday the molly and frog passed away. fish died from ich and frog well was my fault i put it in a quaranteen tank that had suction cup filter. it got smashed from the filter. was my fault i should have known it would happen. suction cups dont hang on. well i hurridly took the fish and frog out without my kids seeing. they too young to understand death. all we have left is 2 tetras. i took off the suction cups on the filter.
Aquariums Anonymous
Aquariums Anonymous - 7 years ago
great video, I often see people grasping at straws to find answers to their fish dilemmas as well and they (myself included at one point) often look towards the water supply or a mystery disease when the solution can typically be found in way more simplistic ways. Thank you for reminding us that mistakes happen and keep the 3 minute Thursdays coming!
Gavin Eberra
Gavin Eberra - 7 years ago
I have a question and YouTube hasn’t answered it wet . What fish can live with a Betta that lives in a one gallon tank
Albino Catfish17
Albino Catfish17 - 7 years ago
mrmas That’s what I’m gonna do
mrmas - 7 years ago
I keep a betta with tetras and rasboras in a 10 gal. Most I've kept do great with small community fish, but you could end up with an aggro one.
Albino Catfish17
Albino Catfish17 - 7 years ago
Cade - 7 years ago
Gavin Eberra I wouldn't put anything in a one gallon with a Betta.
Iryniepoo - 7 years ago
Whats really sad is my oldest cory died this morning and now I'm watching this. The shoal will never be the same. RIP.
tortoisetom1 - 7 years ago
Tangerines looked great!
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 7 years ago
Reminds me of the problem I have with boesmani rainbows, I tried to add 6 of them 5 years ago but only 2 survived so a couple of times I have added another 4 and every time those 4 new fish die yet I still have 2 that are thriving and 5 years old, a real head scratcher as to why that has happened.
bob sun
bob sun - 7 years ago
Amen it’s use as fish kippers
jayman8543 - 7 years ago
Great advice.
Dorkula - 7 years ago
I see what you did there.
209Control - 7 years ago
Dorkula for a brief second I thought you might of had a hand in killing corys fish
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
I got scared reading the title
Roger Dedham
Roger Dedham - 7 years ago
I havnt had a fish loss in over a year. Knock on wood
Andrew Givens
Andrew Givens - 7 years ago
That's not really that long lol.
Stormy Mist
Stormy Mist - 7 years ago
Roger Dedham don't jinks it
Jake - 7 years ago
slowmo cutaways were a little unnecessary.
EZ's Aquarium
EZ's Aquarium - 7 years ago
Might be experimenting. I do agree...it didn't fit with the video.
Jason Arencibia
Jason Arencibia - 7 years ago
yeah, they didn't tie in with any moment of drama, they didn't highlight a point in the topic.

Like when he said you added 5 tetras and the 2 gouramis stayed together, some slowmo of 2 gouramis in the corner of a tank, would at least highlight a point. not the bowl of fruit.
Fish&Plants - 7 years ago
Lol...yeah,a little to 'artsy fartsy'!
Adriefully - 7 years ago
Cory! We need to up your time to about 5 minutes instead of 3 minutes. xD this is great information for people! I see "What killed my fish?!" on FB all the time.
Joe's Fish Room
Joe's Fish Room - 7 years ago
Great video . Spot on. Know one ever likes to come to that reality of "I killed my fish" but its in fact reality. Live and learn..............Now off to my fish room to see who killed my fish ( no way it was me ) lol Happy holidays all
SC Aquatics
SC Aquatics - 7 years ago
Man, for a second I thought someone killed like some of your fish room or the 800g. Glad this wasn't the case. Good vid.
SC Aquatics
SC Aquatics - 7 years ago
Ten Dragons I dont think it was clickbait, the title was straight forward. We just thought worst case scenario is all.
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Me too. I don't know why with 103k subscribers Cory feels the need to click bait !?
Bert Shackleford
Bert Shackleford - 7 years ago
Ditto. Thought some Antifa or PETA may have sabotaged his store. You do live in Washington and Oregon is the capital for those groups so please be careful. Glad that I was wrong for once.

Keep up the good work my friends.
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
SC Aquatics I thought that too!! I was worried for a second haha
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 7 years ago
I have a 5 gallon cycled tank and when I ordered my betta online he developed fin rot. I put him in a 1gallon tank heated with aquarium salt for a week or so. When I put him back in his tank his fin rot is still progressing. Is there anything I can do.
CakeJoy - 7 years ago
Oscar Hernandez it’s called Melafix
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 7 years ago
CakeJoy What are the fin rot meds called?
Albino Catfish17
Albino Catfish17 - 7 years ago
I heard feeding him a little garlic works well, but I’m not too sure, might wanna look it up before doing that
CakeJoy - 7 years ago
Get fin rot meds
Turbo Fish
Turbo Fish - 7 years ago
Root cause analysis is life :)
eric mad decent
eric mad decent - 7 years ago
Coffee and Cory yes good morning
Jakob Schilling
Jakob Schilling - 7 years ago
Dabble Smith Thanks man ;)
Dabble Smith
Dabble Smith - 7 years ago
Good evening, from South Africa ;)
Jakob Schilling
Jakob Schilling - 7 years ago
eric mad decent In my country it's afternoon XD
Greetings from Germany
T m.t
T m.t - 7 years ago
Sometimes over care kill the fish
Silver Stream Bettas
Silver Stream Bettas - 7 years ago
I've never clicked so fast..
rurutu M
rurutu M - 7 years ago
It was trash pandas
Corvus Oscen
Corvus Oscen - 7 years ago
Dumpster Bears?
Jackson G. Alford
Jackson G. Alford - 7 years ago
rurutu M No it was the Bigfoot who eats Jimmy’s pond fish.

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