Wild Caught Discus Care with a Master Breeder

I got to sit down with Dean The Master Breeder and talk about how he collected these beautiful discus and his plans moving forward with them. They've come a long way and they are in no better hands than Dean, himself. How does he keep them? What does he feed them? Huge thanks to Dean & Aquarium Coop for their collecting footage. Deans Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZqV6ew8V4SvovPrTIQ_DfA Aquarium Co-Op Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJuJfXCKNWu4-VifYixs8A My Store : https://www.SwhiskeyShots.com Instagram : JimmyGimbal Tip Jar : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/yNLQ8Y9 Paid & Licensed Music By : EpidemicSound.com

Wild Caught Discus Care with a Master Breeder sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Discus 6 years ago 10,482 views

I got to sit down with Dean The Master Breeder and talk about how he collected these beautiful discus and his plans moving forward with them. They've come a long way and they are in no better hands than Dean, himself. How does he keep them? What does he feed them? Huge thanks to Dean & Aquarium Coop for their collecting footage. Deans Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZqV6ew8V4SvovPrTIQ_DfA Aquarium Co-Op Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJuJfXCKNWu4-VifYixs8A My Store : https://www.SwhiskeyShots.com Instagram : JimmyGimbal Tip Jar : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/yNLQ8Y9 Paid & Licensed Music By : EpidemicSound.com

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Most popular comments
for Wild Caught Discus Care with a Master Breeder

John Hansen
John Hansen - 6 years ago
I'm here in Northeast, Brazil.
Once in awhile my friend and I go out Collecting fish. We find more fish in the city than in the interior of Brazil. My buddy says that it's because of the food that gets dumps in. I've found fish in hoof prints, amazing how they can survive in water too hot to step in! I need surgery in February and then I'll see if I can find some Discuss.
Great video!
The Fish Tank Barn
The Fish Tank Barn - 6 years ago
Awesome video Jimmy ! Love the wild discus and wilder stories. Very interesting in the feeding.
Full Moon Aquatics
Full Moon Aquatics - 6 years ago
Nay nay Discus! Their story is so interesting. This is awesome. Thank you both so much.
Johnfloyd man77
Johnfloyd man77 - 6 years ago
Amazing fish, more updates on there progress please..
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 6 years ago
Wow! A discus I actually think looks good - I find the line bred ones looks like an animator drew in the color.
54Punchie - 6 years ago
beautiful! I have been saying for years that if I ever do discus again, I want the wild ones. Love them
ROD FOULDS - 6 years ago
Jimmy dean... lol ....cool vid guys
A Gamer's Wife
A Gamer's Wife - 6 years ago
Dean the man! Thanks so much for your insights on wild discus. Just watched a Segrest Farms tour where the representative also said that wild-caught discus are hardier since their environments in nature fluctuate so much more than what discus breeders keep their fish in.
CD 1
CD 1 - 6 years ago
Is there any danger of overfishing because of the wild-caught wave?

10. comment for Wild Caught Discus Care with a Master Breeder

ER1C0 5U4VE - 6 years ago
those fish are stunning! i'm sure it's not just the mad camera and editing skills
Marcus Hibdon
Marcus Hibdon - 6 years ago
wow this is cool. but get ready fokes peta shit heads. are working hard to stop this i know dam basterds thare trying to get it band so u cant bring in int fish out of the wild get them soon petas a bunch of tearerist
CrowntailHalfmoon - 6 years ago
Awesome video
Could you do one on Dean's water change methods and storage system?
Also in his diy bbs hatchery and tips on how to setup to maximize hatch rates of bbs eggs?
Also one on electric blue rams how to breed them and select male and females? Thanks
Kiran Nayak
Kiran Nayak - 6 years ago
Hi. I'm a hobbyist in India with 12 x 125-180g tanks of discus. One of my breeder friends had wilds which didnt spawn for a year, so he gave them to me. They spawned in 3 days in my 4x2.5x2 tank with azoo triple blackwater added. (then i shifted them to a breeding tank). Funny thing is they skipped the 4 JBL discus cones in the tank and spaned on the pump rubber pipe. :D
Collins Aquatics
Collins Aquatics - 6 years ago
Dean is just the coolest.
Countryside Aquatics
Countryside Aquatics - 6 years ago
Another great video Jimmy! I'm going to be getting some wild discuss soon, once the cold weather is gone so I feel comfortable having them shipped. Keep up the videos with Dean, he's such a wealth of knowledge
outlaw9np - 6 years ago
Great video! I always enjoy Dean's insights
Con Con
Con Con - 6 years ago
Love that Dean!
jane tanked
jane tanked - 6 years ago
Awesome video thanks Jimmy. So much Dean love, its' great. I'd like to request a video of Dean's brine shrimp technique, please.
Mad Fish Diva
Mad Fish Diva - 6 years ago
I always enjoying seeing Dean. So much knowledge. Those are beautiful specimens. Looking forward to the spawning updates. As always great job!

20. comment for Wild Caught Discus Care with a Master Breeder

michael a
michael a - 6 years ago
Can't beat nature when it comes to beauty :)
Arturo Salgado
Arturo Salgado - 6 years ago
By far my favorite video you have uploaded
FudgeYourCouch - 6 years ago
Awesome! How’s he coming along with those cool bettas the coop got for him? Those things are insane
Twin Cities Guppies
Twin Cities Guppies - 6 years ago
Lol when did you get here?!? He just shows up whenever he want. Love the video and I do miss my discus.
Usama Chaudhri
Usama Chaudhri - 6 years ago
Dean please for the love of fishkeeping make a YouTube channel
smiler - 6 years ago
These are stunning
HtownFishTanker - 6 years ago
I love learning about discus. Especially when dean talks about it!!
Kyle Knudsen
Kyle Knudsen - 6 years ago
Loved that you showed us where it came from on google earth
Amanda Verma
Amanda Verma - 6 years ago
Seriously enjoying your videos lately Jimmy! Keep em coming!
Cichlids23 - 6 years ago
Dean is a badass, so humble...Wait did you just say Jimmy Dean and I haven't eaten breakfast yet??? arggg

30. comment for Wild Caught Discus Care with a Master Breeder

yingfing thao
yingfing thao - 6 years ago
Cool video!
MeloMoogle - 6 years ago
JimmyDean!!!! lol

Excellent video! Thoughtful questions that an average hobbyist would want to know, and then wonderful answers that have extra depth and knowledge tidbits. It may sound silly but one of my favorite parts was when Dean was talking about the water and there were clips to show just how much water/how fast it is in certain areas in the wild. That's stuff that otherwise an average keeper might not get to see or understand.
Holger1106 - 6 years ago
Top vid, top discus!!
Sandy Rodriguez
Sandy Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Any video with Mr. Dean is a must watch.
Aqua God
Aqua God - 6 years ago

Puff puff pass
Richard James
Richard James - 6 years ago
Nice! After keeping domestics for a while, I like the wilds more
clement chim
clement chim - 6 years ago
Please do a spotlight on the macrostomas
Che Lin
Che Lin - 6 years ago
$10 adult wild caught discus... Man I wanna go to Peru... Nice video Jimmy.
Jessica W
Jessica W - 6 years ago
I had to watch yours twice before watching the coop release that followed.
JustAnotherInsectNerd - 6 years ago
4:14 Nuchal hump! Also, that was a great DISCUSion about discus!
Grassypeak - 6 years ago
Love your species spotlights!
Judge POng
Judge POng - 6 years ago
Love Dean!!! This guy has a very good camera presence... Smiles a lot... What's not to love!?
Most of all very knowledgeable... I'm from the Philippines and he inspires me to be a master breeder... I'm now a budding breeder myself and have successfully breed discus... The first person in my city...
We don't have the same breeding program in the US, but I'm inspired to breed as many species as I can... So I can offer them here and share my passion with others... Thanks Jimmy and Dean!
LowLife - 6 years ago
"Thanks for watching JimmyDean, Im Jimmy - AND IM DEAN!"
LowLife - 6 years ago
love that show
Michael Palad
Michael Palad - 6 years ago
Hi I noticed that unlike most breeders he uses a black background instead of all white. Why does he do so? Dont the fry get lost or confused when the tank color is dark and cant find the parents?
SwissBiscuit - 6 years ago
Whites are used with man made breeds like pigeon bloods who are more likely to "pepper" with dark backgrounds. Dean likes using black backgrounds cause thats what works for his projects.
Waters Rising
Waters Rising - 6 years ago
Do you guys ever discuss the ethics of taking fish from the wild for the hobby?
Waters Rising
Waters Rising - 6 years ago
A Gamer's Wife thanks! Great info and an interesting project. I’ll read more about it. I hope there are similar efforts in Africa and Asia and other parts of the world where fish are collected.
Getthat Cornouttamyface
Getthat Cornouttamyface - 6 years ago
I don't understand how dean's ph drops so much. Can someone elaborate please?
brett packer
brett packer - 6 years ago
cities buffer acidic tap water because of lead pipes
Robert Brown
Robert Brown - 6 years ago
The nitrogen cycle reduces ph in a tank, unless it's sufficiently buffered. These are soft tanks, so the ph falls. How much depends on stocking/water changes. If your ph isn't falling its probably due to your substrate having solid buffering characteristics.
Luck Aqua
Luck Aqua - 6 years ago
So beautiful Wild Discus, you are lucky.
Jimmy SirLonewolf
Jimmy SirLonewolf - 6 years ago
I love the coloration on those wild caught Discus.....And now I want some :O)
And I love when Dean talks about fish and breeding, he's so inspiring.

Great video as always, Jimmy.
Alan Pitkeathly
Alan Pitkeathly - 6 years ago
Love it when you and Dean get together and make videos, always great and the knowledge Dean has on breeding is amazing. Wild Discus are so much nicer to look at than ones in hobby by a million miles
Pleco Pimp
Pleco Pimp - 6 years ago
Awesome video

50. comment for Wild Caught Discus Care with a Master Breeder

Pleco Pimp
Pleco Pimp - 6 years ago
I heard a similar story about the Peruvian green discus. I heard that in the 70s someone had to many to fit on the plane and had to let some go. Allegedly the original ones came out of the Tefe river. They are awesome fish. I currently have 2 that I’m hoping is a pair.
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 6 years ago
Beautiful discus, a lot better looking than your run of the mill lfs discus imo. Very nice dean!
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 6 years ago
Very interesting, especially with the natural diet observation.
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 6 years ago
+brian griffith Lol I am but I wasnt there while they were shooting the whole thing
brian griffith
brian griffith - 6 years ago
Dude you are in this video
Michiel van geel
Michiel van geel - 6 years ago
Yee more Dean!
That you guys evens listened to me :)
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium - 6 years ago
Great story, Awesome graphics with the map! Ive been working on trying to set up a map of plecos, corys and various other fish species if you or anyone else would want to help out?
rich andy
rich andy - 6 years ago
Nice video.
REEL'S TANKS - 6 years ago
at 4:07 you can see it change color
Good ride Cowboy
Good ride Cowboy - 6 years ago
Love listening to Dean, very interesting and cool guy!
Pamela Pilling
Pamela Pilling - 6 years ago
Always like your videos with Dean, Jimmy. Thank you!
BigDsmoke - 6 years ago
Killer video of some beautiful Discus & as always love to listen to Dean. When its coming to the end your like no wait keep going Lol!!
Travis Casnave
Travis Casnave - 6 years ago
I dont normally like discus bit these guys are beautiful. The natural brown/gold colors are amazing. Ide love to see these guys in Australia. Great work guys
Dwight Pilsner
Dwight Pilsner - 6 years ago
A Gentleman that does so much for the hobby.
Tony - 6 years ago
Killer vid
Dylamos - 6 years ago
these late night jimmy vids get me off at night.
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 6 years ago
Now watch me whip whip
Watch me Nanay
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics - 6 years ago
Neat, thanks for the close look. Dean’s water must still be low KH if it drops 2pH levels from tap to tank over time. Always love seeing his setups.
Lotad - 6 years ago
more dean? heck yes!
Bentley Pascoe
Bentley Pascoe - 6 years ago
Dang you and your fast editing powers! Great video Jimmy, any advice from Dean is always good.
Este Glez
Este Glez - 6 years ago
Always enjoy the extra wisdom from Dean!
Thanks guys for everything!
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 6 years ago
Cool beans, Jimmy and Dean! I love just hearing all of Dean's tips and experiences. And that shallow depth of field....I'm cryingggg. What lens and ap were you shooting at?
Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 6 years ago
You got first Sol! Yay!
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 6 years ago

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