Wild Caught Discus Fish Room Tour

We visit Dean's fish room and check out his wild discus as well as other fish brought back from our collecting trip in Peru. ✅Read our Aquarium blog ► https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium ✅Get Member Status on Youtube ► http://bit.ly/2MeT9nh On the Aquarium Co-Op aquarium channel we focus on freshwater fish, tropical fish, aquatic plants and in general all freshwater aquariums. Our goal is to help take your pet fish and graduate you to an aquarium hobbyist. Aquarium fish in general we find are a great way to learn about ecosystems. Your fish aquarium will reconnect you with nature. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to aquariumcoop and check out our weekly videos.

Wild Caught Discus Fish Room Tour sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Discus 6 years ago 10,168 views

We visit Dean's fish room and check out his wild discus as well as other fish brought back from our collecting trip in Peru. ✅Read our Aquarium blog ► https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium ✅Get Member Status on Youtube ► http://bit.ly/2MeT9nh On the Aquarium Co-Op aquarium channel we focus on freshwater fish, tropical fish, aquatic plants and in general all freshwater aquariums. Our goal is to help take your pet fish and graduate you to an aquarium hobbyist. Aquarium fish in general we find are a great way to learn about ecosystems. Your fish aquarium will reconnect you with nature. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to aquariumcoop and check out our weekly videos.

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Most popular comments
for Wild Caught Discus Fish Room Tour

Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Check out the full length videos of us collecting in Peru here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maLGZ5XD_Kg&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWxA-AIGvZQ2OEeXVS5YKsio
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 6 years ago
What kind of gravel is that
Friday Fish Facts
Friday Fish Facts - 6 years ago
I could listen to Dean talk about fish for hours
Waidon Nielson
Waidon Nielson - 6 years ago
Dean, you GOTTA quit your job and join the co-op crew!
James G
James G - 6 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Haha she sounds like a wise woman. Can't wait to see you on another collection trip, what an adventure! Thanks for your hard work
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
She comes to China etc. Not everyone thinks having diarrhea in countries without bathrooms sounds like a great time.
Jose Montalvo
Jose Montalvo - 6 years ago
Hey Cory,
Have you considered the Banded Knifefish/ Gymnotus carapo Linnaeus? It belongs to the Family Gymnotide; Genus Gymnotus Linnaeus. They will grow to about 1’ long. No Dorsal Fin. 200 to 260 anal fin. It’s nocturnal and they love lying in hiding during the day. It hunts smaller fish at night, so remove your small fish, or they will disappear. They can swim backwards. Dorsal, pelvic, and caudal fins are missing. There is no external sex differences observed. They can be found in waters from Peru all the way up to Guatemala. There are several Knifefish species, but those that you have seem to match those mentioned above. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it!
Austin's Aquatics
Austin's Aquatics - 6 years ago
It wasn't you or Dean's fault
Hunting and Fishing Untamed
Hunting and Fishing Untamed - 6 years ago
Banded knifefish

10. comment for Wild Caught Discus Fish Room Tour

Braden Ellis
Braden Ellis - 6 years ago
Can I get the special Deans fish room tour? What age do the angels leave Dean’s fish room and come to Aquarium coop? Curious if I saw some last time I visited the store.
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
Generally angels are ready to go to the shops at 3 months, sometimes a little younger.
Tampa Tom
Tampa Tom - 6 years ago
I’m sorry to hear about the shipment. Dean I would like it if you would travel with Cory and continue collecting from the wild.
dentednj - 6 years ago
Maybe another option is to set up large breeding facilities in Peru and other countries that you import fish from. You will be saving the fish from environmental pollution and overfishing, plus poor shipping continuity with sporadic shipping. Think of all the jobs you'd be creating in these poorer countries! Importing/exporting would be under a more controlled time schedule and could be flexible when problems arise.
Mike Gibson
Mike Gibson - 6 years ago
Shoman Blues
Shoman Blues - 6 years ago
Having been a fish hobbyist for the majority of a lifetime and also having been a store owner and custom aquarium builder dealing in fresh and salt water fish and corals etc. I don't allow myself to do the "do we have a right" discussion. I have a hard time justifying a hobby that is systematically ruining our environment. Whether it's with over collection which happens on a global basis or release of non native species not the least problematic for the US is the Lion Fish. We can't argue that it's OK to collect because someone else is going to kill them. That is an extremely irresponsible position.

I can tell you that I am happy that I am no longer involved with the hobby or business. I don't condemn you for doing it but after watching myself and hundreds of other store owners kill countless millions of fish. I'm glad not to be a part of it anymore. Yes, I eat meat, yes I consume products that ruin our environment. If it's alive it is using other life to survive.. that's the way life works but I don't know..... just didn't feel right about selling things that could be the last.
I didn't feel right about it and got out of it. Responsible collecting does not exist. If there is no market, then the collecting will stop. You breading chihlids, tetras, etc does not preserver the wild fish. Teaching does not preserve the wild fish. The ability to not over harvest is what preservers things. Doesn't matter if it's fish, horses, birds.or trees.

This is just my opinion and there is nothing I would enjoy more than spending a day collecting or keeping Fish, ants, corals etc.
Benjamin P.
Benjamin P. - 6 years ago
I certainly agree with you on the releasing fish into non native habitats part, that just comes down to education. I get where you're coming from, but don't you think on some level that we as hobbyists that know how to properly care for these creatures have a responsibility to keep them alive if they are being threatened in the wild?
im frank
im frank - 6 years ago
Dean!?! are you kidding? work & make money vs travelling the world, looking at & for fish, eating crazy food and making money. there's no competition!! oh, and you don't do it alone? you hang out with friends? man! what a life! what an opportunity! imagine how many people ask cory if they could join him.
viperr007 - 6 years ago
Who knew dean was such a Miley Cyrus fan
Steve's Aquatics
Steve's Aquatics - 6 years ago
The Adventures of Cory and Dean, around the world collecting fish. I'm telling you right now you would have a million subscribers in less than 1 year.
Este Glez
Este Glez - 6 years ago
Is jimmy going on vacation to Ohio, or is he moving back to ohio?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Moving back to Ohio.
maniatikoleal - 6 years ago
It sounds great Dean quitting his job and you two going into fish missions worldwide. I imagine this as you two in superheroes costumes.

20. comment for Wild Caught Discus Fish Room Tour

Jake Douglas
Jake Douglas - 6 years ago
Dean’s tanks are immaculate! How does he do it??
Bug Gus
Bug Gus - 6 years ago
mean green breeding machine
Ed Wolfram
Ed Wolfram - 6 years ago
Dean, Cory, and Gary do Papua!
BO BO DEE - 6 years ago
in order to keep em alive a great way is actually soak the food in ginger. before shipping if you feed them ginger I bet you'll come back with 95% of them.
matthew smith
matthew smith - 6 years ago
The Internet needs more Dean, a whole hour of incite will do me for now!
Scott Villeneuve
Scott Villeneuve - 6 years ago
Who cares about a Hannah Montana poster when there's a 917 in Gulf livery on the wall!
Scott Villeneuve
Scott Villeneuve - 6 years ago
+Deansfishroom I have that car on a shirt, and some Gulf livery shoes, too. I noticed the other cars...but that one catches my eye as a Porsche nut.
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
Exactly, and they missed the other cars too!
nsane992002 - 6 years ago
I love Dean's fish room. You guys make me want to go check out wild habitats of fish I love so bad.
blesson87 - 6 years ago
Finally I ve got closure to the Peru shipment... I'm surprised anything survived being bagged for 4days straight! It's a tough pill to digest but hey atleast we re aware of what goes on in Peru and well you still have the experience of collecting in Peru.
Gary Smith
Gary Smith - 6 years ago
Wow those lanceolata are awesome looking! It’s a shame Dean isn’t going to breed them! Cory can you get some of these from that same location?
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
You do never know though, sometimes fish that I have no intentions of breeding figure out how to do it anyway.
Jeffrey Myers
Jeffrey Myers - 6 years ago
Dude those black oto’s are sick
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
They are really cool, and another fish that I started out with just two and probably have over 100 now.

30. comment for Wild Caught Discus Fish Room Tour

Vinnie Judilla
Vinnie Judilla - 6 years ago
Quit your job Dean!!!
Richard Huff
Richard Huff - 6 years ago
Love seeing vids of Dean's fish room. You will never see a dirty tank in his fish room and that says a lot. Plus you can really see he cares about the fish to.
Michael Shipman
Michael Shipman - 6 years ago
These videos are awesome. Dean has the best collection of fish I've ever seen.
Tareck Fahmi
Tareck Fahmi - 6 years ago
Im surprised plecos naturally like high currents
Aub_K - 6 years ago
Wonderful fish tour! Loved every minute of it!
Redbeardexotics - 6 years ago
I believe the kinda zebra striped knife fish is a zebra carapo knife fish and the get about 11 inches. I've got them in before at the pet store I work at. the other ones I don't know.
OMGiFoundNemo - 6 years ago
Yes, yes, yes, Dean should quit his job and do everything you just listed
August Duwell
August Duwell - 6 years ago
What type of sponge filters does Dean run?
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
+August Duwell Yes the pro is coarser but still do the regular cleaning.
August Duwell
August Duwell - 6 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op what would be the difference between the pro and the regular? Is pro coarser? Hence less regular cleaning?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
AVP Aquariums
AVP Aquariums - 6 years ago
1 hour of Dean’s fishroom and knowledge... yes please! Thanks for sharing it with us Dean!
Dave Jenkins
Dave Jenkins - 6 years ago
Thanks for the unboxing story! I would not want to watch that unboxingt!! Yeah, I use to work for a wholesaler and we got shipment from Africa that came in like 50 degrees and we lost a ton of fish, they do not even have heat packs there
Stephen FitzGerald
Stephen FitzGerald - 6 years ago
Really enjoying the grand tour!
Denny's Fish Tanks
Denny's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Awesome video guys!!! Thanks so much Dean, Cory and Jimmy :)
Tyler - 6 years ago
So excited it’s a dean video what is it only an hour and 13 mins :P
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
He had a birthday party years ago in the garage and all his friends showed up with Hannah Montana themed wrapping paper, cake etc
mucks - 6 years ago
I know, I know, I know what they are ... they is, fishies! :))
Chad Bellbowa
Chad Bellbowa - 6 years ago
Why hank hill
TimmyME - 6 years ago
150 wild caught tetras... 5 survived. The nasty part of the hobby.
Bumpy - 6 years ago
Should’ve left em alone lol
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
No one enjoys that part.
Dave Jenkins
Dave Jenkins - 6 years ago
Thanks for doing!! Dean should quit his job and you should open up a breeding building so there are more tanks for breeding and grow outs, and a shipping area
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium - 6 years ago
Also, Did dean ever spawn or Identify those yellow cory's from the first trip? I love those.
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
Those are C-123 and have not spawned for me yet. . . Still one of my favs from that trip.
Anthony c
Anthony c - 6 years ago
Love the Dean videos

50. comment for Wild Caught Discus Fish Room Tour

Michael Duncombe
Michael Duncombe - 6 years ago
Love your videos
Corona Ken
Corona Ken - 6 years ago
super interesting, thank you.
Jeff Mueller
Jeff Mueller - 6 years ago
Nope so I breed dark knight rams and usually it's about 70% gold rams and 30% dark knights
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
So if you breed the gold ones back together do you get some dark knight ones in those?
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium - 6 years ago
Quit the job Dean! ; )
Mitsuolevel - 6 years ago
$250 for that fish wot
Marvel Geak
Marvel Geak - 6 years ago
Those could be Eigenmannia virescens, not sure about the striped one tho
Gerald Wallace
Gerald Wallace - 6 years ago
Thanks for the tour. It's always great to visit with Dean. I also really appreciate the Peru wrap up. Dean...it's time to hit the road. Viva La Cooperatives!
Bongwater Aquatics
Bongwater Aquatics - 6 years ago
Mean Dean the fish catching king.
Elissa Jackson
Elissa Jackson - 6 years ago
Love this video.
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 6 years ago
Wow that is a terrible story about the shipment, I hate to hear that! Importing fish is a tricky business, more like gambling then business!!?? I also wonder why the Peruvian government won't crack down on the Illegal gold mining? Their native waters and the fish that live in them are such a huge natural resource ,I think it could help to write the government and bring a huge awareness of the problem and try to get someone to protect the waters and environments...it makes me mad that they just ruin whole ecosystems without being challenged or confronted!!?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
The same reason we still have violence in the USA. It's hard to stop people with guns from being violent. Money and government is involved etc
Redacted Xx
Redacted Xx - 6 years ago
What are those tubs you are floating your fry in?
Redacted Xx
Redacted Xx - 6 years ago
+Morgan Newby Thank you very much!
Morgan Newby
Morgan Newby - 6 years ago
I think they're cambros. They're used for food prep in big kitchens and Dean is a chef so it makes sense he'd have some. If you look at the back end they're held up with screws because they only have one handle.
Rodney Thompson
Rodney Thompson - 6 years ago
Yes, Dean needs to quit his job. Where he’s able to ship his fish around the country and spread them throughout the hobby.
Paul Grimes
Paul Grimes - 6 years ago
150 taken and only a handful survive?
Raymond Bardeen
Raymond Bardeen - 6 years ago
Paul Grimes whole rivers are being destroyed by illegal gold mining... chew on that
JAWB's Aquarium Tanks
JAWB's Aquarium Tanks - 6 years ago
this, this type of videos are the best imo. thanks for sharing
Reef Daddy
Reef Daddy - 6 years ago
If you want even current, use maxpect gyres instead of eco tech mp10’s
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
Thanks, I'll look into them
Collins Aquatics
Collins Aquatics - 6 years ago
I have rams bred by local guy with the black bars down the side. As they get bigger the lines faded and you see the yellowing/oranging of the fins at the same time. They come from a line of rams never subjected to hormones.
ipkb - 6 years ago
Greetings from malaysia. I always love a trip to Dean's. Thanks for sharing.
Southjersey scumfuc
Southjersey scumfuc - 6 years ago
The one stripped knife is a species of Gymnotus most get fairly large (12-24inch) hope that helps very big knife fish fan . Thanks for sharing dean is the man!
Addi B
Addi B - 6 years ago
Huge fan of Dean! If he does go full time, I think he would do great on youtube
Collins Aquatics
Collins Aquatics - 6 years ago
Any video with Dean is a special treat!
Bill Druding
Bill Druding - 6 years ago
Awesome video! I know you're going to get smacked by Youtube for low viewership, but thanks for putting this out there.
Alan Pitkeathly
Alan Pitkeathly - 6 years ago
Dean said he hadn't kept puffers before so what happened to the amazon puffers he collected in Peru on his first trip?
Christian Gronberg
Christian Gronberg - 6 years ago
I have a school of six serpae tetras in my 20 gallon and they are still being semi aggressive
Dope Aquariums
Dope Aquariums - 6 years ago
Those zebra knife fish are cool
Josh Deskin
Josh Deskin - 6 years ago
Can someone help me out cause I couldn’t understand the name of the fish , it’s when Cory had to climb on the ladder to look at it. He was saying they were selling for 250 a pair? Beta something. That fish was stunning.
Josh Deskin
Josh Deskin - 6 years ago
Delaine LD thank you very much. Just found a pair for sale.
Delaine LD
Delaine LD - 6 years ago
Josh Deskin betta macrostoma
Gerald Wallace
Gerald Wallace - 6 years ago
I believe it was Betta Maculatus
rich andy
rich andy - 6 years ago
Great video.
Pablo Lagos
Pablo Lagos - 6 years ago
Dean and Cory are an excellent example for the future of our hobby. I want to be just like Dean. Accidents while shippings fish is to be expected but are always a terrible outcome.
Sean OHara
Sean OHara - 6 years ago
Miley cyrus on the wall and fridge.
What's going on here friend ??
Predator_Magnus - 6 years ago
What is up with the Hannah Montana posters and pics everywhere?
cgobeng - 6 years ago
Black ghost knife fish maybe? Also, Rachel O'Leary would love those nut husks. Love this follow up from your trip.
cicco - 6 years ago
Thank you guy's for video just love the fish room....
R.M. d'Alost
R.M. d'Alost - 6 years ago
The striped knife fish looks like Gymnotus pedanopterus.
Brantov - 6 years ago
Very nice video, interesting.
Mike Gibson
Mike Gibson - 6 years ago
Allison Lepage
Allison Lepage - 6 years ago
Most likely it’s his daughters and it migrated into the garage. Or, it’s an inside joke with him and his friends. We never know lol
The Fire Blaster 123
The Fire Blaster 123 - 6 years ago
25 th comment
Love it
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 6 years ago
So very enjoyable to watch and learn. Dean, I love your fish room. Everything looks to be thriving. I was in aww of your Praecox tank. But then I love many of your tanks. :)
yea , its me
yea , its me - 6 years ago
Jimmy is filming cory which is filming the fish in which is looking at cory which is the same as filming with the brain as the memory card making jimmy filming cory filming the fish filming cory who is getting recorded by jimmy
corrosive72 - 6 years ago
Dean whats with the Hannah Montana poster (got something you need to tell us lol)
Zeke D
Zeke D - 6 years ago
Where does dean get his little fry tubs from?
Elissa Jackson
Elissa Jackson - 6 years ago
Check out some of the old tours of his room. There old microwave dinner containers.
Arnaldo M.B.
Arnaldo M.B. - 6 years ago
Ohh yeah I was waiting this video since the last tour!!!!
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 6 years ago
I love these types of discussion. Get some specimens from these ecosystems for the hobby while there are still some left
A.R Aquatics
A.R Aquatics - 6 years ago
great video
Bare Bottom Aquariums
Bare Bottom Aquariums - 6 years ago
Great long video. I always feel like even though Dean's fish room videos are about an hour long. We still dont get it all. But I love dean videos. Thank you.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
"What have we got that's hidden in the garage?" A Hannah Montana poster apparently. That's what is hiding in Deans basement. lol
Kris Rogers
Kris Rogers - 6 years ago
What we didn't know until now is that Dean IS Hannah Montana, not Miley Cyrus...
chamberlain hunt
chamberlain hunt - 6 years ago
You need to tell him make a YouTube channel in would be sick to
chamberlain hunt
chamberlain hunt - 6 years ago
Great vids man keep it up
jehr bear
jehr bear - 6 years ago
No judgment ^^
I loved HM, I know all the songs. <3
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
She was my fav, okay, not really, see my reply somewhere else in these posts.
Draconical Gamer
Draconical Gamer - 6 years ago
Early squad where you at?

100. comment for Wild Caught Discus Fish Room Tour

Martin Balogh
Martin Balogh - 6 years ago
That knife fish looks like gymnotus carapo or gymnotus coropinae
TJ'S FISH AND REPTILES - 6 years ago
Awesome fish collection
Mattias Wahlberg
Mattias Wahlberg - 6 years ago
Lance.. awhattus?
Golden Fish Tanks
Golden Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Awesome fish room tour!
Brittany Arnette
Brittany Arnette - 6 years ago
I have no idea what species of knife fish these are but I love them! They are gorgeous!
Sailesh StHa
Sailesh StHa - 6 years ago
can u tell me at which time
3xzsucof - 6 years ago
None of my fish like frozen brine shrimp, they eat them but dont really like them.
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
I find it to be a great go to frozen food, sometimes though it can be the brand you get. I'd try a different brand and see if that makes a difference.
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 6 years ago
3xzsucof try freeze dried.
Anatole Ware
Anatole Ware - 6 years ago
Why did you make a vid at 7:02 am
Anatole Ware
Anatole Ware - 6 years ago
5th comment can I pls get subs also sub to these guys they’re really awesome I’m subbed and have notifications on
Dodo King
Dodo King - 6 years ago
Cory its 5 am get some sleep
Deansfishroom - 6 years ago
Sleep is under rated, power naps work wonders.
Spectrei - 6 years ago
I think he schedule uploaded it and I'm pretty sure its not 5am there
NotRoyce25 YT
NotRoyce25 YT - 6 years ago
Spectrei - 6 years ago
Thunderous Shore
Thunderous Shore - 6 years ago

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