Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)
Discus 5 years ago 14,543 views
Here is the latest shipment of Wilds from Santarem Discus straight from the Amazon river. We don't acclimate them because we match the pH to what Santarem Discus has. But watch to see our secret to keeping them healthy after a 2 day journey! Shop: https://wattleydiscus.com/ Instatram: https://www.instagram.com/jack_wattley_discus Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WattleyDiscus/ Jack Wattley Discus 6944 NE 4th Avenue Miami, FL 33138 Tel: (305) 758-7848 info@wattleydiscus.com https://wattleydiscus.com
10. comment for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)
Keep up the good work!
20. comment for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)
Gabe i have few questions!
Is acriflavine safe for good bacteria in filter media ?
How you manage nitrates in high stock tanks other than water change ?
30. comment for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)
For years I have been wanting to visit - I am about an hour north of you - but gotta have the right aquarium before I ever consider keeping any of these beautiful creatures....my community tank is too busy for such graceful fish.....
and I learned a lot but a lot from you.
especially (potassium permanganate, hydroen peroxide) duo and acriflavin personally used nice results.
Thank you.
I learn a lot from you.
we look forward to more videos.
Watch your videos.
50. comment for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)
Can I yous wab mackar??
What type of salt do you use and is it fine or coarse salt pieces?
Thank you for replying
That really puts things in perspective on how much the transportation of the fish adds too the cost.