Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

Here is the latest shipment of Wilds from Santarem Discus straight from the Amazon river. We don't acclimate them because we match the pH to what Santarem Discus has. But watch to see our secret to keeping them healthy after a 2 day journey! Shop: https://wattleydiscus.com/ Instatram: https://www.instagram.com/jack_wattley_discus Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WattleyDiscus/ Jack Wattley Discus 6944 NE 4th Avenue Miami, FL 33138 Tel: (305) 758-7848 info@wattleydiscus.com https://wattleydiscus.com

Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Discus 5 years ago 14,543 views

Here is the latest shipment of Wilds from Santarem Discus straight from the Amazon river. We don't acclimate them because we match the pH to what Santarem Discus has. But watch to see our secret to keeping them healthy after a 2 day journey! Shop: https://wattleydiscus.com/ Instatram: https://www.instagram.com/jack_wattley_discus Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WattleyDiscus/ Jack Wattley Discus 6944 NE 4th Avenue Miami, FL 33138 Tel: (305) 758-7848 info@wattleydiscus.com https://wattleydiscus.com

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Most popular comments
for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

Hector Holmes
Hector Holmes - 5 years ago
Great video
Spirit - 5 years ago
I feel bad for the discus... All that stress just to end up in some selfish persons aquarium with their freedom taken away. They are wild fish they should stay in the wild. Discus are bred in captivity this really isn't necessary.
Subhankar Sikdar
Subhankar Sikdar - 5 years ago
Sir please your WhatsApp number
bleewicket - 5 years ago
Love your passion, makes me want to get into discus! Awesome to see Cory there, keep up the great work!
Skerpful - 5 years ago
Wow, not a Discus guy, cichlids for me but, flip, those fish are awesome, can tell Gabe sure takes good care of them!
Venesh Pillay
Venesh Pillay - 5 years ago
Great video, I just love the wild colours
Nicholas Brewer
Nicholas Brewer - 5 years ago
Since there are so many bred do you really need to take wild caughts? Kinda cruel.
Nicholas Brewer
Nicholas Brewer - 5 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus as an aquarist i respect your age old reputation and beautiful fish , but shouldn't we let nature figure out who eats who? With the awful current rape of the Amazon do you think catching wild caught discus is responsible?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
So it's better to be eaten by a pirahna than to be adored and given a.much better home. To each his own. You have your opinion and we have ours.
JUANMA FISH DISCUS Canarias - 5 years ago
Que hermoso vídeo de los salvajes, un saludo y esperándolo español
Dawn Cunningham
Dawn Cunningham - 5 years ago
There is no need to be taking Wild discus from the rivers all to make cash might stop when there is nothing left
Dawn Cunningham
Dawn Cunningham - 5 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus 0 need to take wild discus there's loads of domestic one to choose but hey what can you to someone who is a selfish cunt by the way I have been keeping discus since 1968 so no I don't want eat them I will leave the food for the native people
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
+Dawn Cunningham so why don't you go eat them and I will keep them as pets. I won't hold it against you like you're trying to hold it against me. To each his own.
Dawn Cunningham
Dawn Cunningham - 5 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus And that is why they should be left they are a food source
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
When there's nothing left we will still be breeding them. We may be the ones repopulating some day. We're not eating them like the natives.

10. comment for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

paul jenkins
paul jenkins - 5 years ago
Why do my discus keep going dark in colour then bk norman then dark again
speeds181 - 5 years ago
What food do you recommend? I just subscribed
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Wilds we feed the Tropical wild Granules and the beef heart mix.
Praveen KR
Praveen KR - 5 years ago
Gabe, they look beautiful... do u have partners in India ? Would like to buy few
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
+Praveen KR 011786-493-3116
Praveen KR
Praveen KR - 5 years ago
Jack Wattley Discus : do u ship them to South Asia ? Would like to buy few. How do I contact you ? Whatsapp ?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
No one in India represents us my friend. Not yet.
Nicolas Vassart
Nicolas Vassart - 5 years ago
Genial como siempre! Y esperando la versión en español !!! Un saludo desde Costa Rica!
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Thanks Karl
David Scampini
David Scampini - 5 years ago
As always Gabe, Great Job.
Keep up the good work!
Santarem Discus Ltda
Santarem Discus Ltda - 5 years ago
It is an honor to be working for so many years with one of the oldest professionals in the United States of Discus like Gabe Posada . Jack Wattley Discus has always been a reference to me and Gabriel Posada work in maintaining this world-renowned company is tremendous passion and determination. https://hugodiscus.blogspot.com/2019/05/jack-wattley.html . Working with good professionals becomes easy for an exporter like Santarem Discus. Honesty, professionalism are arguments for this business and personal relationship over more than five years !! Our company, keeps its agents will around the world throughout all these years the quality of its service, excellent Wild Discus but above all the passion that unites importers, exporters and final Wild Discus customers . Thanks brother Gabriel Posada
Derrick Brown
Derrick Brown - 5 years ago
i love it i cant wait to get some wild caught discus i currently have 8 young adults going on 3 years now.. love them
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 5 years ago
G’day mate. My 1st time here And I’m impressed with everything going on here I’m hooked Top job
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Renaldi Diskus
Renaldi Diskus - 5 years ago
I did not understand why salt comes in?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Makes the discus build up body slime. A natural defense against bacteria

20. comment for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

Chewy Ltd
Chewy Ltd - 5 years ago
I remember getting shipments directly out of South America in the 70s early in the morning and being called we need you tonight at work .. Do not worry about school tomorrow we will supply a note but will be by in about 10 minutes be ready.... Luckily we had lots of rainwater and distilled water to drop ph along with it being filtered through pete moss (before Reverse Osmosis Units) were available out of wanting to know what was the PH of the bags that you had to adjust the aquariums to?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
+Chewy Ltd sounds like you enjoyed it as much as we do.
Chewy Ltd
Chewy Ltd - 5 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus isn't technology wonderful I was in my teens when I would have to be working at 2 am in the morning 4 nights a month teachers knew that I would not make it to class but my biology teacher would have me discuss the fish that came in and my chemistry teacher would add it into the class. I ended up doing a special project that counted for credits on fish of Rift Valley because that was what our water was like LOL … And I loved Discus back then but my boss told me have fun with the Distilled water but take these Cardinal Tetras home LOL
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
We have it easy now. Real easy compared to what you guys went through.
Rex16 - 5 years ago
No to wild fish ...
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Thank God we can save them from the pirahnas. And piss off tree hugggers like you..... priceless.
Aquatic Kart
Aquatic Kart - 5 years ago
Great video once again!
Gabe i have few questions!
Is acriflavine safe for good bacteria in filter media ?
How you manage nitrates in high stock tanks other than water change ?
sanjay Sen
sanjay Sen - 5 years ago
Thanks posada...very informative video!!..my discus are very aggresive.. why is so??
dan21 reteo
dan21 reteo - 5 years ago
You got a new subscriber sir
hash glass
hash glass - 5 years ago
whoo i will take 10
Sarge Gaming YT
Sarge Gaming YT - 5 years ago
You're rich asf
Jim Hanley
Jim Hanley - 5 years ago
Great video!!
Gabriel Brens Jiménez
Gabriel Brens Jiménez - 5 years ago
Good vídeo brother. You are the best. God bless you
Holger1106 - 5 years ago
Thank you so much for your brillant Videos!!

30. comment for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

dr.geoni german soundaram
dr.geoni german soundaram - 5 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus thx for rply
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
No PP will burn on any open wounds. Acryflavin is much better. It will not burn and will heal the wounds. Also salt is added only once beneficial for mucus production to cover up open wounds as well. These remedies are used primarily during the receipt of new stock.
Gordon Choo
Gordon Choo - 5 years ago
Good question I want to know too. Hehe
Gerardo Saavedra
Gerardo Saavedra - 5 years ago
Spanish plis
Farzaad Katrak
Farzaad Katrak - 5 years ago
Thanks Gabe , always informative, but Gabe is the swimming pool salt the same as the aquarium salt ????
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Yes it's rock salt.
subhamoy chakraborty
subhamoy chakraborty - 5 years ago
What is the ph and tds of the wild discus tank?
subhamoy chakraborty
subhamoy chakraborty - 5 years ago
Thanks for the wonderful video
James Houston
James Houston - 5 years ago
Nice video. Would love another when you guys start shipping them out to see how they look.
Javier La Teana
Javier La Teana - 5 years ago
Por favor pone este video en español.... me interesa mucho
YouTubeDatBoi - 5 years ago
Damn, these fish look great! I want to get a whole bunch!
Lazaro Hernandez
Lazaro Hernandez - 5 years ago
I am sure Jack is looking down from above with a very big smile on his face - keep up the great work, Gabe.....
Lazaro Hernandez
Lazaro Hernandez - 5 years ago
Your most welcome....

For years I have been wanting to visit - I am about an hour north of you - but gotta have the right aquarium before I ever consider keeping any of these beautiful creatures....my community tank is too busy for such graceful fish.....
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Thanks Laz. Appreciate your words.
Jitu Waghmare
Jitu Waghmare - 5 years ago
Mr.Gab what is accraflaming
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Acryflavin is a mild antibiotic
oyuncak Tv
oyuncak Tv - 5 years ago
turkey, antalya from Omer akbal. I follow you with great attention as your subscriber.
and I learned a lot but a lot from you.
especially (potassium permanganate, hydroen peroxide) duo and acriflavin personally used nice results.
Thank you.
I learn a lot from you.
we look forward to more videos.
Watch your videos.
Tgon Mwort
Tgon Mwort - 5 years ago
Ever tried Humic Acid? The Rio Negro is made of it.
rich lawrence
rich lawrence - 5 years ago
Gabe, Thank's for a great video....Beautiful Discus, You are the Best
TURGUT PURADYN - 5 years ago
the fish are all very good , I'm going to be in Miami in September, and I certainly want to come with you. Good luck
Дов Гов
Дов Гов - 5 years ago
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question. I am very grateful to you and thanks again.
Carlos Demelo
Carlos Demelo - 5 years ago
I bought over 2000 thousand worth of discus from gabe I tell u the best discus hands down! thanks gabe for the awesome video bro!
XxGamerProxX - 5 years ago
No entendí ni papa pero veo el video pq eres un caballo en este mundo de los discos gracias a ti muchos tenemos estos hermosos animales en casa un saludo gabriel
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 5 years ago
Yeah Gabe I believe anything you say and have so much respect for old-timers like you that have experience and knowledge ,most importantly you don't have any problem sharing the knowledge and I think it's very clear how you genuinely want people to have success keeping discus!!!! No offense calling you a old-timer!!!!
Luis Pérez-Ruiz
Luis Pérez-Ruiz - 5 years ago
My brother you are the best!!!!!

50. comment for Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

max7171 - 5 years ago
Great fish love yout videos planning to order some fish soon
Anirban Chatterjee
Anirban Chatterjee - 5 years ago
Sir, what salt is it??
Avijit Sett
Avijit Sett - 5 years ago
Wat is the aquriam Flo.
Can I yous wab mackar??
Avijit Sett
Avijit Sett - 5 years ago
I want to sen may discus to you
Avijit Sett
Avijit Sett - 5 years ago
Sir can I send may whatsap number to know abut mor abut discus fish information
Antonio Salazar
Antonio Salazar - 5 years ago
Your the Man .......!!!! Saludos ....
Ganesh kotian
Ganesh kotian - 5 years ago
Shout-out to Gabe to answering the questions on YouTube comments as well. Am humbled. All the best and keep spreading the knowledge.
Momo - 5 years ago
Brutal channel, fantastic job Gabe!!
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
There's a special crew involved and I am grateful to them
Paul - 5 years ago
Dropping the water level in the tank to about 50% will bring them around immediately and you won't have any more problems with them! Give them a half-hour and fill your tank back up.
Raj Solanki
Raj Solanki - 5 years ago
Why did u buy wild discuss in so large qty what is use for it....?!
Sebastian Mnich
Sebastian Mnich - 5 years ago
I am also curious what is the exact name of this green substance Aqua .......?
Thomas Holden
Thomas Holden - 5 years ago
Acriflavine. It's a topical antiseptic, prevents bacterial & fungal infections.
abdel hamid ahmed
abdel hamid ahmed - 5 years ago
Perfect, what was the green substance name? Aqua***?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
+Sebastian Mnich the more the merrier and.the less bickering.
Sebastian Mnich
Sebastian Mnich - 5 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus hello, I have a question I have 6 wild discuss, of which 3 are chasing after the rest of my life, my aquarium is 500 liters, which could advise me if there is any advice for such behavior, all fish are 16 cm in size. I once heard such advice to buy more fish. Greetings from Poland
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Дов Гов
Дов Гов - 5 years ago
Hello ! It is interesting to watch your programs but I do not understand your language. Please write what you added to the water to the fish. I realized that it was salt and what else was there? And does this affect the bacteria in the filter?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Acryflavin. But all videos are transcribed so you can read.
Sonu Bumbak
Sonu Bumbak - 5 years ago
Sir Feeding my Discus Australian Black worm 2time in one day it's good for discus
CrowntailHalfmoon - 5 years ago
Do u remove through sump or dump water with acriflavin?
What type of salt do you use and is it fine or coarse salt pieces?
Thank you for replying
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Everything explained in the video
Manuel Martínez
Manuel Martínez - 5 years ago
No dejo de decírmelo, aún sin saber inglés, los vídeos son tan buenos y están tan bien explicados qué los disfruto un montón. No me queda más que decirte gracias por tu trabajo. Un saludo desde España
ashok prajapati
ashok prajapati - 5 years ago
Lovely video and thank you for this information .....
true2uroots - 5 years ago
So exciting!
Tyler Gordon
Tyler Gordon - 5 years ago
$8000 in freight for 500 fish is $16 fish. Yikes.

That really puts things in perspective on how much the transportation of the fish adds too the cost.
Tyler Gordon
Tyler Gordon - 5 years ago
So my wallet hates you now... I just bought a 150 4x2x2.5. I am thinking it's time for me to get back into wilds. Will you be doing a wysiwyg?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Absolutely, plus $200.00 in Fish and Wildlife fees and customs charges. It adds up.
NiX aKi
NiX aKi - 5 years ago
I'm so mesmerized! Hi Cory! I'll wait for your coverage in the coop. I'm so excited!
Cristian Blanco
Cristian Blanco - 5 years ago
En español porfavor
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
Disculpa no tuvimos tiempo para hacer hambos. Fue algo muy rápido como puedes ver.
Hamid Damanwala
Hamid Damanwala - 5 years ago
loveeeee ittt...discussss..tnx...for amazvidio...
Alex Aydogan
Alex Aydogan - 5 years ago
Gabriel thank you for awesome videos. However I am and I believe many people are still waiting video about irrigation pipe which covers overflow. When will you upload video about it? Thanks!
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
+Alex Aydogan this week
Alex Aydogan
Alex Aydogan - 5 years ago
Jack Wattley Discus will you be able to let me know when? Today, tomorrow, next week?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 5 years ago
That's next my friend. Already shot in English and Spanish

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About Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

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