Worming my discus

Me worming my discus, I do this every month as suggested and as a precaution worming,discus,aquarium,tank,tropical,planted,captainhelmet69,Discus (fish),Fish,Fish (food),Aquatic,Water,Talk,Talking

Worming my discus sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Discus 12 years ago 6,613 views

Me worming my discus, I do this every month as suggested and as a precaution worming,discus,aquarium,tank,tropical,planted,captainhelmet69,Discus (fish),Fish,Fish (food),Aquatic,Water,Talk,Talking

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Most popular comments
for Worming my discus

Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 8 years ago
I used this product a couples of weeks ago with my Discus and minutes later they all pooped.
bigseanSM - 10 years ago
Hi captain, I know your not keeping discus anymore but I've just got into them and have just used the worming product in this video! Will any worms come out of my fish or do they die internally? And if they do come out of the fish, will they be alive and a risk to my other fish?
Great video's by the way, shame your not into discus anymore but good luck with your new fish :-)
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
i will do thanks
john brown
john brown - 12 years ago
I will thanks I've just had a look at ur vid on sexing ur discus iv done a little vid on a picture in my book check it out I've sub you sub me back if u want thanks again
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
no does not sound right to me either i have no problems with the stuff i use seems good so i would give it a try
john brown
john brown - 12 years ago
I don't know he reckons well what he said was did I no any one with pigs cause what they use to worm them he worms his discus with the same thing don't seem rite to me but I'm goin to get same stuff u use thank for replying back iv had them discus for 2 years with a breeding pair the female died
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
whenever my fish look pale or are not eating then i put the wormer treatment in if not iv been using it every months now. the person who said to you not to use any treatments is he a discus specialist or just some fishkeeper at a shop? turning up the temperature is known to kill diseases and parasites but you never will kill the worm in the discus
john brown
john brown - 12 years ago
Hi nice discus and tank I recently went to get some discus wormer as my discus are not well the bloke at the shop said they got worms but then he said he wouldn't trust anything of the shelf he said turn the heat up to about 90 so I put them in a bare bottom tank and I've got the temp on 90 I've lost 4 discus the three remaining seem to be getting better wot do u think
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
its recomended only with discus fish i now do it approx every 3 months unless they show any signs like looking thin and not eating or discolored ie going dark

10. comment for Worming my discus

captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
thank you, amazing hobby. I will be adding more vids in the near future so please subscribe :)

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