Zacks Swim Tales/My Fishroom Tour 1H Special Mashup! Feed Fahaka Live Snails

I did a long swim tales and decided to turn it into an All Aquarium Update video a.k.a Fishroom Tour. It was a long time ago and we got a lot of new subscribers so it was due. Ask me about plants, filtration, waterchange schedules and fish in the comment section below. :-) Zacks Swim Tales: Long Fishroom videos: Puffer Videos: More playlists: Support and help me on Patreon? :

Zacks Swim Tales/My Fishroom Tour 1H Special Mashup! Feed Fahaka Live Snails sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Discus 6 years ago 3,939 views

I did a long swim tales and decided to turn it into an All Aquarium Update video a.k.a Fishroom Tour. It was a long time ago and we got a lot of new subscribers so it was due. Ask me about plants, filtration, waterchange schedules and fish in the comment section below. :-) Zacks Swim Tales: Long Fishroom videos: Puffer Videos: More playlists: Support and help me on Patreon? :

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Most popular comments
for Zacks Swim Tales/My Fishroom Tour 1H Special Mashup! Feed Fahaka Live Snails

James Barnard
James Barnard - 6 years ago
perfection beautiful tanks, it shows u care
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
James Barnard Thank you! I do!
sahlvall - 6 years ago
Tjena mannen! Hittade dig precis :D Har längtat efter en svennebanan som gör samma goa jobb och underhållning som de på andra sidan atlanten. Var i Sverige är du bosatt om jag får fråga?

Ett litet fisktips... Microdevario kobutai är en storfavorit hos mig!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Tjena! Jag tyckte samma sak. När jag startade så hittade jag noll Svenska Akvarium Youtubers. :-) Jag bor i Norrköping. Aldrig haft dom, men gillar Rasbora överlag. Så kanske ska prova dom i framtiden. Dom är riktigt snygga.
Bob Caylor
Bob Caylor - 6 years ago
"Sunny" has grown so much since she was 3 weeks old! Long video, but like any great movie, I couldn't stop until the end. Suggest Emperor Tetras for the Discus. Very elegant schoolers. Thanks for the great video!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Bob Caylor Thanks you Bob! Glad you watched the whole thing!
Flavio Design Aquairums
Flavio Design Aquairums - 6 years ago
Beautiful aquariums & fish! Except the puffer .I think them fish are
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Flavio Design Aquairums Thanks. I guess!
Dominic - 6 years ago
Great video. More ALL TANK TOUR long videos;)
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Thanks Bro! :-) Glad you liked it!
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 6 years ago
Great video
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 6 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Welcome anytime ☺
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Thanks JW!
pimpsicle305 - 6 years ago
where did you get your siphon? at 9:29
pimpsicle305 - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Thanks Man! I love that tank too. And it is only going to look better and better, when all fish are fully grown. :-)
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
It is a Marina Aqua Vac. You can get them on Amazon or Ebay. :-)
pimpsicle305 - 6 years ago
Btw the rainbow & cory tank looks awesome. i love that combination of fish.
Deanne Sherriff
Deanne Sherriff - 6 years ago
Hi Zack, your tanks are great - I just can’t choose a favourite. Of course my favourite fish is Miss Sunshine, although I love the yellow labs too.. I’m thinking of getting some Opae-Ula shrimp. Can you get them in Sweden? I can’t suggest any fish for you - I’m just a beginner. Stay cool!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Deanne Sherriff I have not tried to get them. Never kept a brakish aquarium. Thank you for your sweet comment!
Tim's Aquatics
Tim's Aquatics - 6 years ago
Love all your fish especially sunshine the puffer
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Tim's Aquatics Thank you!

10. comment for Zacks Swim Tales/My Fishroom Tour 1H Special Mashup! Feed Fahaka Live Snails

Mikael Löw
Mikael Löw - 6 years ago
Hej Zack supertrevlig att se din akvarietur i din lägenhet Zack.

Riktigt kul att följa och roligt att se ditt nyaste akvarie med har du flyttat in L-malarna ännu?

Och förresten trevlig Advent mvh Mikael
Mikael Löw
Mikael Löw - 6 years ago
Hej ah du menar på land

Ja då har vi monstera, philodendron, lucky bambo visa ormbunkar och gullrankor phothos, fredskallan och flamingoblomman olika landmossor ska tydligen funka med klängväxter ska fungera bra som lianväxter många växter som används i t.ex aqua terrarium ska fungera testa mvh Mikael
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
God morgon! :-)
Jag menade växter som lever på land, som även växer snabbt och lätt med rötterna i akvariet och växten ovanför ytan. Känner till dom akvarieväxterna i listan och tack för att du lade ner så mycket tid. Men tyvärr menade jag det vi pratade om i en annan kommentar. Kändes som du ville tipsa mig om andra växter än Gullranka att använda för att ta bort nitrat. Men om jag inte kunnat något akvarieväxter så hade det varit en grymt bra tio i topp lista för snabbväxande akvarieväxter. :-) Tack Mikael. Verkar som du vet en hel del om akvarieväxter. Då är vi två ;-)
Mikael Löw
Mikael Löw - 6 years ago
God morgon Zack Tack så mycket för att du svarade på mina kommentarer mvh Mikael

Här kommer mina 11st snabbaste
Den snabbaste växande växterna är:

1. Mexikansk ekblad (Shinnersia rivularis) växer 20 cm per vecka.

2. Gälört (Limnophila sessiliflora) växer 15 cm per vecka.

3. Vattenwistaria eller indisk vattenfläkta samma art (Hygrophila difformis) växer 10 cm per vecka.

4. Vattenspikblad (Hydrocotyle leucocephala) växer 10 cm per vecka, är också en flytväxt kan ligga på ytan.

5. Vattenvän eller indisk vattenstjärna (Hygrophila polysperma) växer 10 cm per vecka. Finns en färgmutation på denna växt och den blir röd i bladen kallad Sunset.

6. Vattenpest (Egeria densa) växer 10 cm per vecka.

7. Hornsärv (Ceratophyllum demersum) växer mellan 10 till 20 cm per vecka.

8. Guppygräs (Najas sp) 5 cm per vecka flyter under ytan.

9. Tätbladig Rotala (Rotala macrandra) växer 10 till 20 cm per vecka, blir röd till nästan rostfärgad.

10. Flytande vattenormbunke eller Hornbräken (Ceratopteris cornuta) Plantans diameter upptill 50 cm.

11. Andmat flytväxt (Lemna minor) är den snabbaste flytväxt jag känner till som kan bli omöjlig att bemästra måste avfiskas regelbundet för att den tar mycket ljus i akvariet och du lär ha den överallt i alla akvarier tyvärr. Men den ger ynglena bra gömställen.

Ps hoppas att du fick lite nytta av informationen av mig?
Det är bara att fråga om det är något mer du vill veta
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Tack så mycket Mikael. Ge mig det latinska namnet på din "lättaste" och mest snabbväxande växt som man kan ha i akvarium. Vill prova något mer än det jag har! :-)
bebebutterfield1 - 6 years ago
I have a 40 gallon with 6 N male endlers and female guppies. Loads of babies that I can't wait to see what they will look like when grown up. Great video Zack and thanx for sharing.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Yeah! It is so cool to mix, try and experiemt with gupies vs Endlers! :-) Thanks my lady
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 6 years ago
Angel fish in the discus tank!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Love that you are always so enthusiastic Gina! Keep them coming! :-)
Donna Graham
Donna Graham - 6 years ago
What's all the footing white stuff??
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Donna Graham ?
Sherry Swinney
Sherry Swinney - 6 years ago
Your puffer looks awesome.  All your  tanks are looking good.  Thank you so much for sharing.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Well, much love to you! The Puffers was in the end of the video. So thanks for watching all of it! ❤
MJ Aquatics
MJ Aquatics - 6 years ago
Nice vid love jour tanks and fish
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Thanks for always saying nice things and watching! :-)
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 6 years ago
I am also so happy you went with Sunshine! That was my recommendation on the eggs video! Blessings and keep up the great content! Your work shows through your videos!
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 6 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy I really looked at her and thought hard! She just looks like a sunshine!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Thank you Gina! I just knew when I read the name. That is her name! :-)
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 6 years ago
This just made my night! Yippeee!!!
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 6 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy you are very welcome!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Those comments makes me smile! Thanks! ❤
907 fishtrappa
907 fishtrappa - 6 years ago
awsome !!! really been loving ur videos keep um coming!!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Thanks Man! I will try my best! :-)
Doemche - 6 years ago
I have waited so long fore this video.❤️ your Tanks
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Thank you for saying that! :-) I have waited so long to do it, because I wanted to make it long! :-)

20. comment for Zacks Swim Tales/My Fishroom Tour 1H Special Mashup! Feed Fahaka Live Snails

V. Stag
V. Stag - 6 years ago
Awesome video Thanks for sharing #FishFam #NJAE18
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Thanks V.Stag. Hope I can go to the NJAE18! :-)
Eddy Ortiz
Eddy Ortiz - 6 years ago
Thanks look great ad usual Ask let me ask you when you do water changes do you have to Declorinate and adjust the PH in the new water were you live uh yeah and temperature too I did a 60% change today but I have to add PH down & Declorinate I don't mind and how often do you do these large W/C.thanks.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Wow, that was a BIG question. I do it different with each tank. But of course I have great neutral water from my tap to begin with. I always use Sera Aquatan. And I always do big 60-90% waterchanges. Ask about a specific tank instead please. :-)
Laura H
Laura H - 6 years ago
All your tanks look great! I love the name Miss Sunshine, it's perfect! Can you give the name of the big plant in your gold fish tank, I love it! For the 70g maybe something very different, Axolotl or African Dwarf Frogs, maybe fresh water eels? Or Angel fish or gourami's (leopard or chocolate are interesting). I know you will pick something awesome! Great video Zack!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Means more then you think! :-)
Laura H
Laura H - 6 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy I always watch to the end, I don't want to miss anything. I'm happy to brighten your day with a smile, I'm only returning the favor.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
I always have a smile on my face when I read your comments! so thank YOU for that! :-) And thanks for the suggestion, now I know you watched until the very end. :-)
niclas lundberg
niclas lundberg - 6 years ago
Du borde testa med en oxydator i räk akvariet funkar skit bra
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 6 years ago
Nae det behövs inte. Det är algerna som jag har problem med. Syns inte i videon men det är säkert 100 räkor där i nu. Och jag la i typ 5 vuxna och några små när jag började. (ska läggas till att jag tar väldigt lite hand om det. 50% vattenbyte 1 gång i månaden och annars fyller jag bara på det som avdunsat. :-)

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