eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video

Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium in Poznan, Poland. 24th March, 2013. Music by Oskar Schuster: Sneeuwland Scheme of system for soft water change in big tank (unfortunately only in Polish language): http://www.mcad.com.pl/pliki/podmiana_color.pdf

eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Discus 12 years ago 212,769 views

Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium in Poznan, Poland. 24th March, 2013. Music by Oskar Schuster: Sneeuwland Scheme of system for soft water change in big tank (unfortunately only in Polish language): http://www.mcad.com.pl/pliki/podmiana_color.pdf

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Most popular comments
for eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video

Piotr Figura
Piotr Figura - 7 years ago
Chciałbym się dowiedzieć w jaki sposób odrobaczałeś ryby. Dziękuję za pomoc :-)
Gold1041975 Новиков
Gold1041975 Новиков - 7 years ago
Хороший Альтум !
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
That blue discus..wow.
EL CANTANTE LAVÓE. - 8 years ago
Magistral .....
George Calderon
George Calderon - 8 years ago
SOURAV GT - 8 years ago
Enkii Muto
Enkii Muto - 8 years ago
Do the angelfish fight each other too much?
Serega Gorlum
Serega Gorlum - 8 years ago
Супер видео! 100 раз пересматриваю!
malamatinas1 - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for this video! The music puts my baby to sleep in a minute! It made my life easier...

10. comment for eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video

Andres Preschel
Andres Preschel - 8 years ago
Nice tank! What are the dimensions and volume? And what lights do you use?
Admiral Fyyar
Admiral Fyyar - 9 years ago
(Youtube appears to have blocked my last comment...) Recycling the aquarium water and RO waste back through the RO unit as a means of changing the water sure is an original idea. Some questions:
did you recycle the water in this way because your aquarium water had less pollutants than your mains water, thereby stretching the life of your RO cartridges?
And have you had any PH-swing issues with a KH of 0?
Have the Corys/Ancistrus been able to tolerate the 29° heat consistently?
Jofer Alvez
Jofer Alvez - 9 years ago
I cant see water movement. No aerations or filtrations. Or did you purposely turn them off for this video? Nice tank tho...
piyush kumar
piyush kumar - 9 years ago
really mesmerizing fish tank ....beautiful
Acuarios Gaming
Acuarios Gaming - 9 years ago
Very nice! Hope You upload more videos again! I subbed you.. have a nice day!
daniel juvera
daniel juvera - 9 years ago
beautiful thank you for uploading this
consciouswei - 9 years ago
I dare to add angel fish to my tank because of your video, and they really hang out well with the discus, thank you so much.
Lorenzo Massaro
Lorenzo Massaro - 9 years ago
what kind of woods are those?
Rab Anderson
Rab Anderson - 9 years ago
Wow nice setup. It's like having your own piece of the Amazon. In your home.
Ps. This is by-far the best shoal. Of Altums I've seen. Nice work.
robbi l
robbi l - 9 years ago
how big is the tank

20. comment for eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video

Tim Stanton
Tim Stanton - 10 years ago
a true dream tank. Well done!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
Very Beautiful Aquarium! I love how it looks. I liked and Subbed 
Wonderful ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
huy long
huy long - 10 years ago
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo - 10 years ago
Piekny zbiornik. Czy mozesz napisac jak robiles kwarantanne?
Adam Savage
Adam Savage - 10 years ago
So beautiful! his makes me miss fish keeping. 
Surer Ma
Surer Ma - 10 years ago
what do you feed your fish with?i also want know~alive?
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 10 years ago
Frozen artemia, glassworm, daphnia. Occasionally mosquito larvae - living
DONFREDO - 10 years ago
Can you recognize each altum angel individually ?
ilavazhagan - 10 years ago
Amazing Pt.altum angels after seen your aquarium I got a confident and Im keeping 10 discus and 5 altum angels together your aquarium really inspired me i have seen so many videos of Pt.altum angels in youtube but your specimen Pt.altum angels are awesome hats of to you...
Keep post more videos...
swirpoznan - 10 years ago
Zbiornik jest klasą sam dla siebie. Gratuluję! Jakieś szczegóły co do wymiarów i techniki? Może gdzieś na forum go opisałeś?  Liczę na jakiś link.

30. comment for eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video

Anthony Gepayo
Anthony Gepayo - 10 years ago
What kind of floating plants you have in there?
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 10 years ago
Ceratopteris pteroides
Char Lee
Char Lee - 10 years ago
Love your tank!!!!!! 
denny lawhun
denny lawhun - 10 years ago
Stunning aquarium !! I can only hope to have one like this some day .
Heinrich Przybylski
Heinrich Przybylski - 10 years ago
7Jaroslav - 10 years ago
Super altumy poslite kontakt
Mias Bouwer
Mias Bouwer - 10 years ago
Simply amazing. You have great skill in keeping Angels with Discus. Most people are affraid of that combination. Brilliant!
AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella
AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella - 10 years ago
Lovely aquarium, superb i should say.. I want lol..
hai nguyen
hai nguyen - 10 years ago
salute my friend :}
Cristian-Gabriel Stan
Cristian-Gabriel Stan - 10 years ago
Amazing Altum specimens and altogether an excellent video. Love that aquarium.
daniel villa
daniel villa - 11 years ago
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 11 years ago
Very nice cichlid. There
Tchoopiper Piririu
Tchoopiper Piririu - 11 years ago
Lindos acaras 
Bartek Rutkowski
Bartek Rutkowski - 11 years ago
Piekny zbiornik i piekne ryby super klimat. Mam jedno pytanie nie napisałęś nic o swiatle - jaka moc i jakie zródłow swiatła jak rozwiązałeś problem długości zbiornika ?? Z góry dziękuje za odpowiedź. Jestem w trakcie  zmiany zbiornika i chce stworzyć cos w podobny klimacie jak twój będe wdzięczny za informację. 
JesusG90247 - 11 years ago
I wonder what size of tank is this ???
zibi7000 - 11 years ago
 1500L   size: L x W x H: 265cm x 85cm x 65 cm
Akvarie Planten
Akvarie Planten - 11 years ago
Nice!! Please check my Channel too!!
Marat Abirov
Marat Abirov - 11 years ago
I like this tank, but i think feeding discus and Altums arent good... well mono swarm, discus or Altums should look better ( pressed Like), btw im feeding discuses got some videos there...
kaczor maciej
kaczor maciej - 11 years ago
Super !!!
Bartek G.
Bartek G. - 11 years ago
Ronald Anthony
Ronald Anthony - 11 years ago
wow tank dimensions? and glass thick?
TheNotoriousT.A.M. - 11 years ago

50. comment for eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video

discusctx - 11 years ago
Very nice planing on makeing one soon also, What syour water  PH = ? , Tempº =?  TDS = ?  
伊佐未勇 - 11 years ago

TheBSideDJ - 11 years ago
it would be great to have afterbreed Altums, to keep the natural stock of Altums in the orinco river high.
Javier Santamaria
Javier Santamaria - 11 years ago
Its a really good designs!!! congratulations ... I never see something like that ... what kind of food? just alive? granules? ... thanks a lots .. I gotta discus & Altum ... but separately ... Thanks ...
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 11 years ago
I will try to translate next week. I hope :)
Benny Lim
Benny Lim - 11 years ago
Hi Maceik, this is an amazing fish tank. Im sure someone there would like to know how you did your system in english. Is it possible if you could translate them in english? We would be really happy if you could! Cheers, Benny
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 11 years ago
Current temperature: 29C General hardness GH=2 drops Carbotane hardness KH=0 Water conductivity (electrolytic) 52 µS/cm (ab. 35 PPM) PH=5.5 NO3=0 NO2=0 Phosphates=0 I use only reverse osmosis filtered rain water and waste aquarium water in my tank. Reverse osmosis filter is connected to the small hydrophore. There is a scheme at Internet of my system for soft water change in big tanks. (unfortunately only in Polish language). Look at description with link above.
Emeline Rose
Emeline Rose - 11 years ago
and current temperture?
Emeline Rose
Emeline Rose - 11 years ago
thanks for the video. your altum is extremely thrive. i heard that altum require proberly water quality. can you give some info about the water parameter.: water hardness, ph, temperature
warrendafish - 11 years ago
Stunning... Very nicely done. I keep lots of discus. Those Altums are exquisite. Do have any breeding happening in the tank? Keep up the extraordinary work!!
Jeremy Sweredoski
Jeremy Sweredoski - 11 years ago
@Solidwing99 please shut up with your trolling comment on just about every discus fish video on YouTube. I have no clue as to why you have had the kind of problem you have had with Discus but clearly your experience is not typical of Discus fish. Maybe its you that has the problem and not the fish. Either way its rude to post the same comment over and over again.
RICHARD NEAVE - 11 years ago
Lovely tank. And such healthy and confident fish. What type of discus are they? Thank you for sharing.
Mariusz Zurowski
Mariusz Zurowski - 11 years ago
po ile za takie rybki licza
Dave M
Dave M - 11 years ago
Fantastic collection of Altums in a really nice tank. Well done.
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 11 years ago
My secret is good quality and very soft and acidic water. I change more than 2500 liters water per month !! I have designed and built a system for soft water change in big tanks. There is a scheme at Internet of system for soft water change in big tanks. (unfortunately only in Polish language). Look at description with link above. The system works perfect. For 1000 liters fresh soft water I use less than 100 liters rainwater from roof of my house.
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 11 years ago
I have a 1500 liters tank with: 20 Pterophyllum altum 6 Symphysodon aequifasciatus 1 Paracheirodon axelrodi (Big Apteronotus albifrons ate rest 299 fish) 15-20 Thayeria boehlkei 15 Corydoras schwartzi and Corydoras arcuatus 2 Ancistrus dolichopterus 1 big Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps 1 big Apteronotus albifrons 1 Mikrogeophagus ramirezi and plants: some Echinodorus amazonicus and many Ceratopteris cornuta - floating plants.
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 11 years ago
My fish eat frozen food: glassworms, artemia and other frozen worms. Sometimes I give frozen beef hearts with baby vitamin, spirulina and spinach and dry food Discus eats additionally: fresh cucumber, cooked broad bean, paprika Sometimes Altums eat floating plants - pieces of Ceratopteris cornuta from surface of water.
Bella Yogi
Bella Yogi - 11 years ago
how many types of fish and plants have you got there? I have heard so much about not keeping angels and discus together. It seems like you have no issues with that. Whats your secret?
andrevk1971 - 11 years ago
great looking fish and great looking tank ,what do you feed your fish with?
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 11 years ago
I used to use CO2.
Piya Win
Piya Win - 11 years ago
Very nice tank u got co2 ?
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 11 years ago
Yes. I have small herd of Corydoras schwartzi and Corydoras arcuatus (about 15 fish)
Nintenboy01 - 11 years ago
Do you also have Corydoras?
Chris Spencer
Chris Spencer - 11 years ago
Beautifully Done! I watch it on my 60" television and it is wonderful!
Christian Bolete
Christian Bolete - 11 years ago
Èxpectacular!nice job just beautiful
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 11 years ago
Mam 29-30C, TWW=0, PH=4.5 - 5.0. Moje jedzą wszystko łącznie z suchym żarciem i roślinami pływającymi. Przeważnie jedzą mrożonki.
Krystian Chim
Krystian Chim - 11 years ago
jaka temperature wody utrzymujesz ? mam 5 sztuk młodych z Czech, niestety upodobały sobie tylko artemię, inne mrożonki plują.Mam 25stopni, tww5, ph ok 6,5.
Maciek eMWu
Maciek eMWu - 12 years ago
Akwarium ma wymiary 260x85 cm i 65 cm wysokości
MixEEr - 12 years ago
jakie wymiary akwarium :) super zwierzęta !!

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