eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video
Discus 12 years ago 212,769 views
Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium in Poznan, Poland. 24th March, 2013. Music by Oskar Schuster: Sneeuwland Scheme of system for soft water change in big tank (unfortunately only in Polish language): http://www.mcad.com.pl/pliki/podmiana_color.pdf
10. comment for eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video
did you recycle the water in this way because your aquarium water had less pollutants than your mains water, thereby stretching the life of your RO cartridges?
And have you had any PH-swing issues with a KH of 0?
Have the Corys/Ancistrus been able to tolerate the 29° heat consistently?
Ps. This is by-far the best shoal. Of Altums I've seen. Nice work.
20. comment for eMWu's Pterophyllum Altum and Discus fish aquarium - 2nd HD video
Keep post more videos...
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