Burnie Vlog: Scuba Diving at the Great Barrier Reef | Rooster Teeth

Ellie flips the script on Burnie and gets him out of his comfort zone. After Pax Australia she takes Burnie and Ashley scuba diving, staying on a liveaboard boat at the Great Barrier Reef. Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2uOx6JG » Get your Rooster Teeth merch: http://bit.ly/2ucTVUb » Subscribe: http://bit.ly/13y3Gum MUSIC: Go To Sleep, Bustra - Everything's Different (Monstercat Release), Da Tooby - Knockout 2, Liquid Lounge, Anders Morlin - Money Job, Pacific Palisades, Matt Cherne - Close. About Burnie Vlog: To celebrate the “Year of the Rooster,” Burnie decided to make a weekly vlog to show the inner workings of Rooster Teeth and experiences from his life as CCO! Travel with Burnie as he represents the company all over the world, catches up with old friends, and goes behind the scenes in all things Rooster Teeth. More Rooster Teeth: » Achievement Hunter: http://bit.ly/AHYTChannel » Let's Play: http://bit.ly/1BuRgl1 » Red vs. Blue: http://bit.ly/RvBChannel https://www.youtube.com/user/RoosterTeeth

Burnie Vlog: Scuba Diving at the Great Barrier Reef | Rooster Teeth sentiment_very_dissatisfied 71

Diving 7 years ago 123,655 views

Ellie flips the script on Burnie and gets him out of his comfort zone. After Pax Australia she takes Burnie and Ashley scuba diving, staying on a liveaboard boat at the Great Barrier Reef. Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2uOx6JG » Get your Rooster Teeth merch: http://bit.ly/2ucTVUb » Subscribe: http://bit.ly/13y3Gum MUSIC: Go To Sleep, Bustra - Everything's Different (Monstercat Release), Da Tooby - Knockout 2, Liquid Lounge, Anders Morlin - Money Job, Pacific Palisades, Matt Cherne - Close. About Burnie Vlog: To celebrate the “Year of the Rooster,” Burnie decided to make a weekly vlog to show the inner workings of Rooster Teeth and experiences from his life as CCO! Travel with Burnie as he represents the company all over the world, catches up with old friends, and goes behind the scenes in all things Rooster Teeth. More Rooster Teeth: » Achievement Hunter: http://bit.ly/AHYTChannel » Let's Play: http://bit.ly/1BuRgl1 » Red vs. Blue: http://bit.ly/RvBChannel https://www.youtube.com/user/RoosterTeeth

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Most popular comments
for Burnie Vlog: Scuba Diving at the Great Barrier Reef | Rooster Teeth

Crippled Gamer
Crippled Gamer - 7 years ago
Man, that coral reef was so sad looking. Lacking colour and what not. :(
Texas Graves
Texas Graves - 7 years ago
I think I saw Burnie at a grocery store. I went to Cairns for a holiday in November and I saw someone just like him... coincidence? I think not!
TFA Daryl
TFA Daryl - 7 years ago
Wait, how longs burnie been banging his assistant? I thought he was engaged?
Wolfgang - 7 years ago
Loving the Sly Cooper background music, lol.
sleepybadtzmaru - 7 years ago
Ellie is such a badass and gorgeous!
Jacob Zumo
Jacob Zumo - 7 years ago
Omg. I’ve done this exact liveaboard in cairns.
Will Herondale
Will Herondale - 7 years ago
I'm so, so happy about what Burnie said about sharks... they aren't something to fear, respect definitely, but also empathise and appreciate. People's attitudes towards these beautiful creatures needs to change for the threats facing them to be taken seriously, and in some way Burnie Burns just helped further that goal
Will Herondale
Will Herondale - 7 years ago
It kills me how bleached and dead that first second of reef is... they're so impresed with it and it's not even a healthy reef
TM Delacrush
TM Delacrush - 7 years ago
Simple; leave the bodyguardee to fend for himself and you go and survive

10. comment for Burnie Vlog: Scuba Diving at the Great Barrier Reef | Rooster Teeth

Ace Wolf456
Ace Wolf456 - 7 years ago
In case of zombies, go to Australia. Everything wants to kill you, and it wants to kill the zombies too. If all else fails on land, get on a boat.
Ace Wolf456
Ace Wolf456 - 7 years ago
3:23 I swear, on mobile, in the reflection of Bernie’s glasses Ellie looks topless. I know she isn’t, well I don’t think she is, but it’s how it looks.
Ace Wolf456
Ace Wolf456 - 7 years ago
I had to pull it up on my TV to be able to tell for sure, but I’m pretty sure she’s wearing a tee shirt.
Fastest Gun NJ
Fastest Gun NJ - 7 years ago
The music in these is always so great.
Imperial Waltz
Imperial Waltz - 7 years ago
Burnie looks like my dad. He really is the Internet's Dad
BinaryHelix - 7 years ago
As some others have mentioned, bear in mind that literally everything looks like this underwater without artificial light. After you're more than a few feet down everything turns blue-ish. If you were to break out a light, you'd see much more color. The reason underwater photography looks like it does is because the photographers have large lights they take down with them to show the true colors of creatures down there. While yes, the Great Barrier Reef does have a bleaching problem, to assume that the whole thing is bleached is a misnomer.
sojokuyo - 7 years ago
you should really put links in the description to all the music in the vlogs just saying
Euan Hammond
Euan Hammond - 7 years ago
Ellie's "i"s have turned American.
Bobbydog66 - 7 years ago
Ok, I've never scuba dived before, how exactly did burnie clear his mask in skill 3. Did he simply blow with his nose and unseal the mask a tiny to get the water out? Or was the blowing pressure enough to get it out? I'm totally unfamiliar with this.
16:09 Also was there one for the lion fish? Cause that scared me when he showed up!
Bronson A
Bronson A - 7 years ago
Wait, did Ashley get to go for the final dive in the end?
Onlineplayer joseph
Onlineplayer joseph - 7 years ago
8:10 quick ellie use razor leaf and rekt him

20. comment for Burnie Vlog: Scuba Diving at the Great Barrier Reef | Rooster Teeth

Tre da 5'9
Tre da 5'9 - 7 years ago
The music in your vlogs is the best, who makes these selections?
Jason² Trahan
Jason² Trahan - 7 years ago
God I miss scuba diving. Belize was fantastic!
James Carthew
James Carthew - 7 years ago
I happened to be on the Kangaroo Explorer at the same time as the Rooster Teeth guys. They were really friendly, great people. I'm glad they enjoyed their trip to our country, everyone should try to see the reef at least once in their life. It's an amazing experience.
Loonykilla10 - 7 years ago
Really impressive to see the variety of fish, kinda sucks a lot of the SPS corals are bleached. The tomato clowns in the anemone were my fave. Having a saltwater fish tank has helped me be an advocate for keeping our reefs safe.
WhiteXian XIII
WhiteXian XIII - 7 years ago
IGN 2/10 Corals. Too much water.
Melodee Sea
Melodee Sea - 7 years ago
The coral bleaching is so scary and incredibly devistating
Camp53 - 7 years ago
Original Goose1
Original Goose1 - 7 years ago
It must be nice being rich
Greg T
Greg T - 7 years ago
I bet the threesome was wild.
Prestd - 7 years ago
This is literally a series for those of us with less money to live vicariously, love it

30. comment for Burnie Vlog: Scuba Diving at the Great Barrier Reef | Rooster Teeth

William Malave
William Malave - 7 years ago
Does anyone have Burnie's music playlist? I'm enjoying the music for the vlogs.
Diddly Squat
Diddly Squat - 7 years ago
William Malave
The music for this vlog is listed above. I think Ellie chooses the sound track for the vlogs- heard that somewhere ;)
TheBull169 - 7 years ago
I've been there to that exact place
TheBull169 - 7 years ago
Did you guys see any trigger fish pretty sure this Is their mating time.
faceless58 - 7 years ago
Giant clams are crazy that is straight out of Mario or something
Sam Lee
Sam Lee - 7 years ago
So where’s the 3-some footage at?
Jerome Nopal
Jerome Nopal - 7 years ago
10:57. We found Nemo. No Dory tho.
DyllanRW - 7 years ago
Reef sharks aren’t scary
Average youtuber #13
Average youtuber #13 - 7 years ago
YOOOO, welcome to my country mate
Gamer Sollace
Gamer Sollace - 7 years ago
What's the max depth you guys did? I'm curious, never dove(?) dived? at the Great Barrier Reef before.
shadowragna743 - 7 years ago
My favorite vlogs are when burnie goes around the offices talking to everyone. Mostly gavin, Barbara and the original rvb team
DDnufcGamer - 7 years ago
It's funny how quick Burnie went from trying to cause Ellie as much annoyance as possbile, to just giving her the best job in the world.
Cody Beaton
Cody Beaton - 7 years ago
On today's episode of 'Rich Person Does Rich People Things'
Zach Bohn
Zach Bohn - 7 years ago
Merrick Williams
Merrick Williams - 7 years ago
Shame they didn't have a red filter to color correct the underwater footage. Would've looked a bit nicer.
james malone
james malone - 7 years ago
Was the coral bleaching while they did this it is usually more colourful. Yay for global warming
Nicholas Bryant
Nicholas Bryant - 7 years ago
Yoooo, whoever chooses the music is awesome. Love these low-fi beats!
EvitalovesThings - 7 years ago
It would be cool for deaf people to go down there because they can just talk in sign language :D
EvitalovesThings - 7 years ago
So are Burnie and Ellie a thing now?
Moonlight Shadow
Moonlight Shadow - 7 years ago
Hopefully they don't build the Adani mine which really will kill the reef of :(
David Z
David Z - 7 years ago
How much does a trip like this cost? It looks amazing. On second thought, by the time i can afford this it won't matter anymore :(
Muhammad Syafiq
Muhammad Syafiq - 7 years ago
If you look at this video, you'll see that Red vs Blue didnt get Burnie enough attention

50. comment for Burnie Vlog: Scuba Diving at the Great Barrier Reef | Rooster Teeth

Druiloor - 7 years ago
0:50 burnie's doppelganger
texaslonghorns2222 - 7 years ago
Love ocean videos. The ocean is pretty amazing.
Alex Valdez
Alex Valdez - 7 years ago
Burnies beard is amazing
surferonfire - 7 years ago
All that coral WAS dead. Bleached is dead. 99% of what was shown was dead. So sad
Diddly Squat
Diddly Squat - 7 years ago
promised you it’s not all dead. They didn’t have the correct filters or lights. It’s never as bright and colourful as in the movies unless you’ve got the right kit! ;)
MultiQuanzaAVQ - 7 years ago
PSA @ everyone who thinks it looks grey and depressing. Color is lost the deeper you dive. Everything eventually fades into blue. They didn't show any bleached coral in this video. (Source: me, I'm a diver)
jonathan saletri
jonathan saletri - 7 years ago
yep yep.
Herebrand - 7 years ago
I always wanted to scuba dive around the Azure Window because it was one of the most amazing places to dive, but during my last trip to Malta/Gozo the water was a little too cold, the sea was too rough and I decided not to do it. Exactly one week later the arch collapsed, drastically changing the underwater landscape and affecting the whole ecosystem in the area. I have great memories and amazing photos from the trip, but I'll always regret not taking the chance to dive that day.
AMGwtfBBQsauce - 7 years ago
Those fish with the electric blue edges and poka-dots... wow that is pretty...
BombasticJedi - 7 years ago
This video is so chill and soothing, fantastic editing
Shelby Bay Thurman
Shelby Bay Thurman - 7 years ago
Awesome music choice for the underwater scenes! It really is like another world. Thanks for making the vlogs and sharing with us! <3
Aaron McDonald
Aaron McDonald - 7 years ago
the girls look amazing without makeup.
Burnie too i guess.
Andre Klinge
Andre Klinge - 7 years ago
3/2 of the great barrier reef are dead because of clobal warming. If we dont stand together it won't be great anymore in less than 10 years.
lotsoninjas - 7 years ago
wow they all look so different without their makeup
nazart - 7 years ago
Ellie in a diving suit, <3 <3
Josh Plays
Josh Plays - 7 years ago
Why aren't these called Ellie Vlogs? Maybe Burnie will start doing his own Vlogs some day...
emeraldomega10 - 7 years ago
BURNIE DONT HOLD YOUR BREATH WHEN YOU TAKE OUT THE REGULATOR. Blow little bubbles until you put it back in. Its literally the #1 rule of SCUBA diving...
Zach Brancato
Zach Brancato - 7 years ago
Dennis Bliek
Dennis Bliek - 7 years ago
Came here in hopes of ellie in bikini,or at least burnie.
TheFrostyCrane - 7 years ago
Dont you mean Scooba...
Glitchtheplanet - 7 years ago
That hair though
Stephen Cassel
Stephen Cassel - 7 years ago
So what's the song playing while they're diving? I see the music listed in the description but can't make heads or tails of that list. Help!
Stefanie Bernstein
Stefanie Bernstein - 7 years ago
Does anyone know why they don't create their own channel?
Seb Hudson
Seb Hudson - 7 years ago
RT does - Blue Plant
Kornel Paroczai
Kornel Paroczai - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure Ellie is perfect
George gamer
George gamer - 7 years ago
I'm doing the same thing every Summer day diving is dangerous in Greece with so many boats
mega icculus
mega icculus - 7 years ago
Shaka Brah
Raphael Loh
Raphael Loh - 7 years ago
Damn, didn't get to see Ellie in her swimsuit... They should've taken a seashell from the floor as a souvenir
coolbluebird21 - 7 years ago
Raphael Loh If that were true the ocean would've been full of sea shells, other crabs and fish re-use other shells, there is a cycle. By taking things out you are removing resources
Adam Westbrook
Adam Westbrook - 7 years ago
Raphael Loh glad you agree in the coral part :p but no (gonna sound like a hippy but meh) if nature put it there leave nature to it. If a tree fall in the woods you leave it here and let nature take its course. Shells do help the ocean ecosystem as small fish and shrimp use them for protection from predators and they also help shore line and sea bed erosions and help transport nutrition like algea sea grass and sponge where ever the current takes them that does more good than putting them on your windowsill. Like everything else in the ocean if it's naturally there leave it there if say you could take an old beer bottle the the ocean if unless it becomes part of the environment meaning things start living in it or growing around it.
Raphael Loh
Raphael Loh - 7 years ago
Adam Westbrook Yeah but I'm not talking about taking a chunk of coral or one of the fish, wouldn't taking an old seashell be helping the environment? It'd be like recycling to makje room for another sea creature's rubbish
Adam Westbrook
Adam Westbrook - 7 years ago
Dive companies don't encourage taking stuff from the water as if everyone did there wouldn't be anything left to see
Owain Kril
Owain Kril - 7 years ago
she's so cute and deadly <3
Maggie Rose
Maggie Rose - 7 years ago
DAts so coool!!
SEY DAERLENG សីដើរលេង - 7 years ago
Where's that? i want to go.
scotishjoe - 7 years ago
what is elie on at the end, her pupils are like dinner plates
Duncan lance oliver
Duncan lance oliver - 7 years ago
hey to all those complaining about the place getting damaged then stop wanting to visit the place and stop if you do so trying to see all the sight in less then 14 day if you people wanting to visit such place try visit the place in the way were you live thier that way your would be able to use the natural clean way of visiting the lands these place occupy like kayak row boat instead of massive desail engine moter boats just an idea the next time you go for a hoilday go on a 1.5 year hoilday sure it would mean you would have quit work or save up for really long time but wouldnt the story be amazing in the future and less people would viist the place and people might actually start enjoying the photo that today tech allows you see put it this way their are tv and camura that take better detailed photos then your eyes can view in real life way not use them in stead of cause unfix able damage no none of youwill because your self and greedy and wastfull heckj its way half of your never enough money cause you dont think that way
Evolution1101 - 7 years ago
Burnie is getting fat again.
xPokeyyy - 7 years ago
glad you three enjoyed Australia
heated2408 - 7 years ago
Omg I didn't think that they would ever be here in cairns!
Adam Rogers
Adam Rogers - 7 years ago
Does it bother anyone else that Bernie has become a background feature in his own blogs. Should be renamed Ellie's blog honesty.
pikap864 - 7 years ago
When do they announce the love triangle?
DLJR09 - 7 years ago
rakim - 7 years ago
Is Burnie still with ashley?
Samantha Veitch
Samantha Veitch - 7 years ago
Omg I live there and I was literally there where they are on the Sunday gettin on a boat sooo sad I didn't know I miss them !!!!!!!!
1Hawk2Hawks - 7 years ago
i am glad i saw it before it started dieing
misterlobsterman - 7 years ago
Kangaroos don't live on the water. How is that boat gonna explore them?
ADeadDuck - 7 years ago
I live in cairns they were a 15 minute drive from me. Damnit. The GBR is amazing though :)
Ahmad123N - 7 years ago
Ellie is gonna be a Superwoman at the end of all this
Avishadur - 7 years ago
One of the few times these ladies will be almost as salty as AH
Anthony Knapp
Anthony Knapp - 7 years ago
I think Ellie looks very cute in the morning without makeup
F Clarke
F Clarke - 7 years ago
Burnie’s mid life crisis blog. We watch as he spends more and more time away from his wife and child and more time with his hot young blonde “assistant”
OmniviumVelocity - 7 years ago
That sounds about right for the other vlogs, but this time Ashley was there too
tilgare - 7 years ago
F Clarke You must have missed the part where his girlfriend was there with them too.
Benpurple4 - 7 years ago
So you couldn't use most of the audio? Too much to fit in? What's with the long montages with funky music?
Benpurple4 - 7 years ago
Pretty much what I expected, I figured it was too windy.
coolbluebird21 - 7 years ago
Benpurple4 The boat was likely loud, hard to hear them speaking and underwater ya arent missin much, scuba equipment is loud
Tristan C
Tristan C - 7 years ago
You did not see a: great white, bull, tiger, or mako shark so that's why it wasn't scary
Emilio Luera
Emilio Luera - 7 years ago
Rip The Great Barrier Reef. Wish I could of seen you in person.
awsomesaucekirby - 7 years ago
Burnie is making his own navy seals

100. comment for Burnie Vlog: Scuba Diving at the Great Barrier Reef | Rooster Teeth

GamingNinja999 - 7 years ago
I did almost this exact thing just over a year ago and it is definitely worth it. If you ever have the time and money, do it, it's one of those things that you experiences and never forget.
ArsonalTech - 7 years ago
Looks like it was filmed on an iPhone with all that over exposure
NeedForSIeep - 7 years ago
For those wondering, "most of the dying" parts of the reef are supposedly being regenerated. I went diving there last year and our guide showed us the regeneration process. The camera doesn't pick up color underwater that good as well. It's not as colorful as it's advertised though.
JohnnysWorldofTV - 7 years ago
So when is Rooster Teeth going to make the Last Of Us film staring Burnie and Ellie.
Herebrand - 7 years ago
I was thinking that they should do it with Ellie and Joel Heyman.
Simon Hylander
Simon Hylander - 7 years ago
ellie who is this guy in your vlogs?
Sergio Melendez
Sergio Melendez - 7 years ago
I wonder what camera was used for the underwater parts. Does the boat have them on-hand as rentals or something?
coolbluebird21 - 7 years ago
Sergio Melendez A go-pro..?
That Guy Magnum!
That Guy Magnum! - 7 years ago
Hey I did that at the end of September. I can really recommend people do it ASAP before it all dies.
Matt Pins
Matt Pins - 7 years ago
Literally this whole video I️ kept thinking of burnie arguing for gif vs jif by saying scuba vs scooba
TheReal008Zulu - 7 years ago
Ahhh, Cairns. Last time I was there, it was 41 Celsius in the shade.
AMGwtfBBQsauce - 7 years ago
Charlie Criscola
Charlie Criscola - 7 years ago
I feel so conflicted now... I was really looking forward to seeing them go scuba diving. Then I realized that they were going to the Great Barrier Reef. The one place I've been wanting to dive in my whole life but then I saw how much color is no longer there. It's so hard not to feel so sad about it. The GBR and many other places like it around the world are dying and I feel like there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop it.
Improvised dd
Improvised dd - 7 years ago
This spot will be worse than others only because it's probably dived on a lot like all the dive company's go to spots.
josh anderson
josh anderson - 7 years ago
Charlie Criscola sadly that is how the aus gov is handling the situation
Hunter Townsend
Hunter Townsend - 7 years ago
I live here and see that hotel and jetty they're on every day... this made me feel things
Hunter Townsend
Hunter Townsend - 7 years ago
Cryptix cairns represent
Cryptix - 7 years ago
Hunter Townsend lmao. Im here rn, going to snorkel in the reef tomorrow. I felt things too when i found out Burnie is here too!
Sven3ST - 7 years ago
Less music on conversations, please.
Sven3ST - 7 years ago
They found Nemo! GG
Garas Lewis
Garas Lewis - 7 years ago
Im an Australian an even i dont have the money to go to the GBR, maybe the prices will come down when its all dead?
stephy - 7 years ago
needed the red filter attachment to help out with the blue washout
Sven3ST - 7 years ago
When are they going to change the name to Ellie Vlog?
Tindale - 7 years ago
Thats not a shark, this is a shark ( holds up a 7m Great White )
CButtonshaw - 7 years ago
what? you from South Africa (or Australia) ?
Condud1 - 7 years ago
This reminds me of that flick Open Water, just without the death
Deon Spates
Deon Spates - 7 years ago
I like boats!
Shuredye - 7 years ago
Liquid Lounge is the Jazzhop joint right? Sauce??? Anyone?
Braden Dolezal
Braden Dolezal - 7 years ago
Burnie vlog aka father daughter vlog
Dolphins13718 - 7 years ago
but the reef is dead
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Who's burnie ? I subscribed to rooster teeth and I get notifications for"burnie vlogs "
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock Plus if you live in another country and not Australia there is Austin, Texas, August, 3rd-5th, 2018, and maybe just maybe if you don't live in America, they could be doing it in another country, just type in RTX & the country or city name and hope for the better good.
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock I'm pretty sure you can just buy a ticket without being an RT member, but here's a bonus (I know they do this in RTX Austin, Texas, I don't know if they do this in Australia RTX) But if you get an RT First Membership account you can get applied to an RTX RT First Panel and if you get an RT Double Gold Membership you can get applied to an RT Double Gold Panel.
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Tellecron oh yeah another question (Btw sorry if I'm asking too many questions) do you have to be a RT member to buy tickets or can you just freely buy tickets and go to RTX ?
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock No problem.
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Tellecron thanks for giving me this info. I really appreciate it.
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock Funhaus is one of their channels and if you're looking for Linsday Jones she is in always open which is a podcast like show and I'm pretty sure if they do it in rtx you can ask some questions plus there're also autograph codes depending on the ticket you buy I think.
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock I don't know how many days it takes for the tickets to arrive, and possibly you have to pay by credit card or debit card as I assume they'll run out of tickets thus possibly not selling it offline.
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock I mean in most expos you'll be able to buy sharp objects inside if ate the legal requirement of age, but I don't know if you'll be allowed to bring it in, you'll either have to cover up the sharp edges or see the legal requirements of props and possessions in their terms of agreements.
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Tellecron so what do I to go ? Ok so I order tickets, do I have to use a credit card ? How many days will it take for the tickets to arrive. And what do I order ? Because I click on "order tickets" it's says "fauhnus-something" and other stuff.
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock So in Sydney the next RTX will be in 2018, February the 3rd-4th. Here's the link, http://rtxsydney.com .
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Tellecron will they kick me out if I bring my scythe ? I only want Lindsay jones to sign. I mean do they allow weapons? Mine is about 4 foot. The blade is really sharp.
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Tellecron seriously? Damn they move a lot. If you know the location of where the next expo will be held can you tell me and give me the link to see.
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock So you'll probably have to keep up to date in things such as podcast to find out.
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock They change it sometimes, I mean usually I hear it's in Austin, Texas, but last time it was in London, England. Who knows, they might even do it in a city in Australia again.
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Tellecron so uh.... do you know where rooster teeth hold expos ? I tried using google to help me find the answer but for some reason it didn't say anything about where they do expos
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Tellecron you seem to know a lot about rooster teeth than me. I have a few questions, first where does rooster teeth hold expos or cons or whatever so I can go. Because I've never been to one, and I wanna meet the voice actresses of team RWBY. I literally have a real scythe made of obsidian... or at least the blade is made of obsidian and I'd like the voice actress of ruby rose to sign it.
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock Something you'll have to find out yourself, I enjoy the name as a mystery.
I'm a Vegetable
I'm a Vegetable - 7 years ago
Tellecron so Matt owns rooster teeth ? And why did they name themselves "rooster teeth" lol
Tellecron - 7 years ago
Burnie is the co-founder of Roosterteeth, Matt Hullum is the founder of Roosterteeth.
kempo 95
kempo 95 - 7 years ago
Coder Drelock Is that a joke or a legitimate question?
ARTbyRMF - 7 years ago
Ellie's eyes are so pretty <3 Also now they know how to dive, and Ellie said they could live off the shore, does that make their post apocalyptic world, their oyster ?
noobgamer2340 - 7 years ago
Scuba diving, no thank you, im more of a snorkeling kinda guy :D
Brayden - 7 years ago
It's so weird seeing how different the reef is. I flew over from Perth about a decade ago when I was a kid to snorkel (albeit at a different area), but it definitely looks less colourful and full of wildlife (though maybe thats just the camera/not filming everything). Either way it's a cool experience.
Kiriya Oburi
Kiriya Oburi - 7 years ago
Cant wait for the next Ellie Vlog. Oops. I meant Burnie
Pinstripe - 7 years ago
The reef looks wrecked.
ninjadudeX - 7 years ago
"That's the Great Barrier Reef yo!"

Yep that's all of it. Right there.
James O'Connor
James O'Connor - 7 years ago
Kind of surprised the underwater footage wasn't stabilised
dick chappy
dick chappy - 7 years ago
What is it about Burnie and foreign blonde girls?? First it was Barb, then Ashley (I know shes American but they met in Australia) and now Ellie
Silver Phoenix
Silver Phoenix - 7 years ago
How was it like sleeping on the boat? I've always wanted to do that.. Most I've done is slept on the USS Yorktown at Patriots point..
Wasn't really the same cuz it wasn't shifting
XGO SLYDOG - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that thinks Ellie and Burnie are a secret couple... Just saying
F Clarke
F Clarke - 7 years ago
Nope. Not jus you.
ninjadudeX - 7 years ago
Benjamin Lee
Benjamin Lee - 7 years ago
Ellie in swimsuit hnngggggfg
Sovereign Shiba
Sovereign Shiba - 7 years ago
I dont want to sound bad but you should never jump into the water feet first while wearing fins, you should fall in on your back.
Adam Westbrook
Adam Westbrook - 7 years ago
Grumble king not true as depending on the area as if your just on a platform you can't role back like in a small boat so you do a giant stride where you take a big step forward and leave the other to follow behind in a bent back position if you get what I mean?
Smithy V
Smithy V - 7 years ago
Luke Allison
Luke Allison - 7 years ago
Ashley came along to make sure Bernie wasn't getting that underwater head
Ask Me
Ask Me - 7 years ago
Bunch of half assed "skills" there. Certified diving instructor here and all that would fail someone in my classes. Safety first, not last when you're trying to look cool.
maxismax - 7 years ago
Same. He also turned off the air flow from my tank to simulate running out of air. (but he told us before doing it)
jonathan saletri
jonathan saletri - 7 years ago
Yea when I did mine my instructor would rip out my reg and pull off my mask at random times.
coolbluebird21 - 7 years ago
Ask Me I took a Padi scuba class and we deffinatly had more than 3 skills xD
maxismax - 7 years ago
Yes! Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. One of the big things I noticed was that he held his breath in skill 1 and 2. He also never fully took off his mask and cleared it.
Seth Miller
Seth Miller - 7 years ago
I feel happy that you guys have so much fun but then again with all that comes a different kind of stress and issues.. Don't ever be discouraged Rooster Teeth!
Jonathan Maki
Jonathan Maki - 7 years ago
MyCaptainPugwash - 7 years ago
There is some color there but also a lot of noticeable bleaching, I know it is wide spread but didn't know its so wide spread that tourist providers are forced to take to areas that are effected the least rather then not at all.
Chris Preece
Chris Preece - 7 years ago
Ok but if Ellie didn't drop her phone off the side of the boat and accidentally destroy it is she really learning anything from Burnie?

Unrelated note but oh god I forgot how badly I get thalassophobia.
Harmonic Chaos
Harmonic Chaos - 7 years ago
Criken would absolutely love this.
James Fuller
James Fuller - 7 years ago
Oduunich Loftuer
Oduunich Loftuer - 7 years ago
wait wait wait what happened with the drone?

Also really sad seeing the GBR dead and dying like that. You hear the stories about it being dead, or dying, etc but completely different from seeing it. For those who don't know, the first days dives, where everything was white/gray and powdery, that's dead coral.
Jaren Ward
Jaren Ward - 7 years ago
This turning into Ellie vlog
Wolf Dragon
Wolf Dragon - 7 years ago
You mean the dead barrier reff. RIP
Jonathan Wakeley
Jonathan Wakeley - 7 years ago
youse all should have gone with wavelength, its a great company. scuba diving in the great barrier reef is a waste because the best looking coral/ wildlife is at the top of the reef. just go snorkling
Rowdee Munkee
Rowdee Munkee - 7 years ago
Christ Burnie must be loaded.
light - 7 years ago
I find the GBR is a bit over rated. Being an Aussie and stuff I mean I love the reef but there’s a reef in Western Australia called the Ningaloo reef, it’s a fringe reef, this means you literally have to walk in the water from the beach and you’re right on top of it. I love it one of the best places to go!
Rowdee Munkee
Rowdee Munkee - 7 years ago
light I mean, a few decades ago it couldnt be beat but its be deteriorating for years. Nowadays i think your right
Razzlewolfflight - 7 years ago
Ashley just wandering around a boat in her bathing suit, chomping on hot peppers. Damn, girl...
Tardisgx - 7 years ago
Come dive in Scotland! Then diving everywhere else is easy peasy :)
Severe Autism
Severe Autism - 7 years ago
Was that water wet?
ninjammer726 - 7 years ago
that sounds fun
SmokeBasilisk - 7 years ago
They did mermaid, but what about merman?! lol
Steven Sal
Steven Sal - 7 years ago
U weren't supposed to show the skills that u preform. #savethecorals
darrin stefaniak
darrin stefaniak - 7 years ago
Ashley is so gorgeous, Bernie is a lucky man
Razzlewolfflight - 7 years ago
I REALLY want to enjoy this, but the reef is so pale that it makes me want to cry. At least there are still animals there. The cute little white-tip reef shark made me smile.

Even IF parts of the reef are recovering there is A LOT more we need to do to help it. The amount of garbage in our oceans and CO2 in our atmosphere is disgusting and real progress needs to be made immediately to reverse the damage we've done.
Ienzio _
Ienzio _ - 7 years ago
Razzlewolfflight You realize they look so pale because the further down you go the less color you see right? The GBR still isn't in good condition but like you said it is recovering
shinta strife
shinta strife - 7 years ago
flipthescript used to be a magazine in Australia not sure it it still is but the choice of words. lol
PhysicsPixel - 7 years ago
Ellie do the Felix Baumgartner jump next. Situation: your team is in trouble on the ground and you have to do a Master chief orbital spartan jump to save them. Think about it.
Lauren - 7 years ago
Why does the thumbnail look like a rap video from the 90s?
SmokeBasilisk - 7 years ago
I wonder if anyone has ever had a "Scuba Forget" and without the gear, sucks up water. lol
Hunter Morgan
Hunter Morgan - 7 years ago
Anyone from the Caribbean saw that lion fish and immediately thought "kill it"?
Adam Westbrook
Adam Westbrook - 7 years ago
Hunter Morgan yep thought that as well but this is there native waters where as in the Caribbean they're rodents but they do taste nice
MrPingn - 7 years ago
Nice music
TheOdd101 - 7 years ago
How long until this permanently becomes a series about Ellie training Burnie instead?
james evarts
james evarts - 7 years ago
Scarx2gt - 7 years ago
Ellie's job here is literally the official third wheel lol. Or...the temporary daughter lol....
Richard Lemler
Richard Lemler - 7 years ago
burnie this was an amazing video! i am a scuba instructor down in the florida keys and love seeing my sport gain some awesome exposure. if you and/or your family would ever like to get certified let me know cuz it would be a pleasure to hook it up for you brotha.
Jaime Grey
Jaime Grey - 7 years ago
Burnie looks like Neil from Camp Camp with that hair.
Charley Lynch
Charley Lynch - 7 years ago
Did Ellie pick up them guys at the end? I want to know if theres a feud going on between Ellie and Ashley
Ienzio _
Ienzio _ - 7 years ago
Charley Lynch Why would there be?
Varilak - 7 years ago
You guys need to contribute to the cause and go to the Caribbean and hunt some lionfish.
Crecraft - 7 years ago
Ellie is so badass.
RaskStar - 7 years ago
Burnie is a rad old men.
Bromageddon7729 - 7 years ago
I can't swim so I'll just die
Adam Nicholls
Adam Nicholls - 7 years ago
The edge of Ashley's eyes look pretty bad at the 9:20 + part.
Im not sure if it is just because her face is red and dry from being rubbed by a towel.
If it is just an effect of me being drawn to it because of her sunglasses and those making it look worse.
Or a combination of various other things I cant think of.
TuckerTalkz TV
TuckerTalkz TV - 7 years ago
Yeh I rate Logan Paul's trip better
The Fox
The Fox - 7 years ago
I've been to those docks before omg!
Satan Gunner
Satan Gunner - 7 years ago
I wish I could see this episode of the burnie vlog, but my crippling fear of sharks in this enviroments stops me from doing so
fufufuaru - 7 years ago
the submarine chapter in world war z's one of my favorites in that book, so fascinating and scary at the same time esp when a zombie horde was climbing all over it
Natasha Stuart
Natasha Stuart - 7 years ago
I messed my ears up diving
000gabu000 - 7 years ago
If Burnie ever got the role as the Hulk he'd look like a broccoli
SoloBrick - 7 years ago
Grand blue is a diving manga
Daniel Barrios
Daniel Barrios - 7 years ago
Someone tell her to cosplay as Pearl from SU.
RetiaryWorm471 - 7 years ago
Skill 2 was incorrect burnie it’s a full swinging motion bring your arms more at a 45 degree angle
DISZZ - 7 years ago
I have one query for you...
RetiaryWorm471 - 7 years ago
You gotta dive in the Florida Keys one of my favorite places to dive at
UberVilla - 7 years ago
this looks so awesome
AHNovak _
AHNovak _ - 7 years ago
It's sad to see how fast our oceans are dying.
thordelta0 - 7 years ago
I wanna go before its gone...
Cookie man
Cookie man - 7 years ago
SirPerfectful - 7 years ago
Ellie getting the D towards the end of the vlog lololol
Ray Baker
Ray Baker - 7 years ago
I'm from where this was filmed!
Blazekingz - 7 years ago
not as colorfull as i expected it to be
autootter123 - 7 years ago
You lose colour at depth naturally. Red diminishes first - they could've chucked a red filter on the camera and it'd give a more accurate image of the colours down there
umce vidyas
umce vidyas - 7 years ago
damn, burnies looking grey. how old is he again?
Ethan Holcroft
Ethan Holcroft - 7 years ago
Rip coral
Klust413 - 7 years ago
You guys film in such beautiful places. It would really be nice to see all this in 4k quality. I'm a first member and a youtube red user who tends to watch more of your content here than on the site because this is where I tend to go for video on demand services. Please please please start uploading videos in 4k for youtube.
Clasher3000 - 7 years ago
I love to scuba dive
aurélie - 7 years ago
this is amazing, jealous!
matt peszka
matt peszka - 7 years ago
Have any of you seen my son!
Mike Allen
Mike Allen - 7 years ago
That early morning Ellie face was super cute hahaha
kanofo1 - 7 years ago
Kill the lion fish!!
Keltic Sage
Keltic Sage - 7 years ago
Strange choice of music for an underwater shot, it gave me more of an Egyptian vibe
SmokeyDesperado - 7 years ago
imagine a year Ellie have had.
Kasper The Guy
Kasper The Guy - 7 years ago
Amazing music on this one!
Suigintou101 - 7 years ago
Any one got a link to the first song, they play. Cant find it anywhere on Youtube
MainBlag Banner
MainBlag Banner - 7 years ago
Scubba diving, you mean.

Yeah, Burnie, that's not over.
Cix - 7 years ago
So next episode we're sky diving off the Eiffel Tower right?
Slipstream Technician
Slipstream Technician - 7 years ago
boxhead6177 That's when the world's ecosystem goes haywire and France falls into the sea, the top of the Eiffel Tower will stick out the top and allow for divers to jump off
boxhead6177 - 7 years ago
Why did I read that as "Scube Diving off the Eiffel Tower" ?
Slipstream Technician
Slipstream Technician - 7 years ago
Please, jumping off the Eiffel Tower is too easy, they're going to make Ellie perform a HALO (High Altitude Low Orbit) jump
Cix - 7 years ago
Ethan Neir I know… YouTube being stupid and not letting me see the bar
Ethan Neir
Ethan Neir - 7 years ago
patrickguyum - 7 years ago
Base jumping*
Defenestrated Window
Defenestrated Window - 7 years ago
I think Franz Reichelt would have something to say about that.
David Zean
David Zean - 7 years ago
Haha one thing at a time Simon (Cix)
TeacupTempest - 7 years ago
Cix there gonna climb up it, discover something that doesn't exist and give a monkey a shower.
Lying piece of cake
Lying piece of cake - 7 years ago
They went to Australia and didn't do Mad Max training?
Woober511 - 7 years ago
Extra life coral edition #forthecoral
Holmesy87 - 7 years ago
Out of curiosity, why do divers have the valve end of the tank towards their heads?
As a firefighter, it was really weird seeing it like that, we have the valve at the bottom of our backs.
Will Herondale
Will Herondale - 7 years ago
Holmesy87 so your buddy can grab hold of it if they need your attention or to hold you bach from a danger you haven't seen, also to prevent tangling with your regulator and octopus hoses
Holmesy87 - 7 years ago
Makes sense guys, thanks for the answers.
Always interesting to see how different professions with similar equipment adapt to different needs =)
Wild Yak
Wild Yak - 7 years ago
Convenience - usually they're around 12L, firefighter ones are about 5.5L AFAIK. They're heavy. Getting them on is a lot easier when they're stood upright rather than trying to flip them.
Ancillaries and safety - different scenario so different safety procedures. Allows the hoses to be accessible by the user (see Burnie doing skill 2) and your buddy should they need to, who you should ALWAYS have with you without them being kicked in the face.
It's how it's always been done, developed from there and would be too much of a change now.
Avishadur - 7 years ago
I mean, I just assumed because air wants to travel upwards when underwater; but I then think that probably won't mean much since the tanks would be pressurized anyhow...
Wanker Sauce
Wanker Sauce - 7 years ago
From when I have been diving I can think of a few reasons, one is for your dive buddy to assist you with.. the tanks weigh so much and getting them on without using the valve is a pain, it is also for control and testing purposes alongside transportation ease
topgunner1011 - 7 years ago
Mainly to help with Hose Routing. JUst hoses restrained over the shoulders in predictable postions, as opposed to ones comming up randomy from below. Beyond that, its easier to inspect the valves for your dive buddy, instead of putting your head right agains their ass.
lackaroowin - 7 years ago
a few reasons i can think of are: flat bottoms so that the tanks can stand upright (sitting on its side at the beach could get sand in it or they would roll around in a boat), easier to use as a handle, makes it easier to grab your airline (cant reaching behind in the BCD is hard), also possibly to stop the valve from getting entangled in kelp, and that we dont mess witht he valve unless its the start or end of a dive
Liam EFC
Liam EFC - 7 years ago
I scuba'd in the coral reef a few months ago. One of the best experiences I've ever had and probably will ever have.
somthingbrutal - 7 years ago
looked like a lot of fun, i do enjoy these blogs
Ledger - 7 years ago
9:37 "Thats the great barrier reef yooooooooooooooooooo"
James Rich
James Rich - 7 years ago
The great barrier reef used to be much more beautiful
Jacob Moriancumer
Jacob Moriancumer - 7 years ago
+Lizard Man - Yeah: that El Niño that hit it really messed it up. Good news is that the El Niño's passed, so there is a chance that it will recover within the next 5-10 years.
Lizard Man
Lizard Man - 7 years ago
Can confirm that the reef used to look waay better and livelier. Probably has something to do with the fact that most of it is dead.
James Rich
James Rich - 7 years ago
Pat ManDX I haven't but my family has and I've seen pictures that they took and it looks more colourful than what I saw in there. Obviously there's more colourful parts of the great barrier reef so maybe they're in a different party my family went to. I really want to see it though.
Pat ManDX
Pat ManDX - 7 years ago
Do you say that out of experience, or cause you saw it in the movies? Cause the movies and documentaries make them look much more colorful than they are in real life, or so I've been told.
Strade Incorporated
Strade Incorporated - 7 years ago
I like how people were commenting how bleached it is 30 seconds into the video being posted. Like, I'm sad too, but come on.
Spirited Aloena
Spirited Aloena - 7 years ago
It's sad what's happening to the Great Reef ecosystems regarding the bleach thang. I recommend watching "Chasing Coral" ,such a well done documentary about it..ngl, I cried
Spirited Aloena
Spirited Aloena - 7 years ago
Hero yeh ikr? I never would've thought I'd tear up over coral, but that's just how well-done that documentary is
Hero - 7 years ago
you cried over coral?
Keegan Hottinger
Keegan Hottinger - 7 years ago
I've seen it too. It's very well made and emotional but it presented a lot of circumspect evidence which is being disproved. Most research and aerial picture databases are showing that the worst bleached sections, the southern section of the Great Barrier Reef, is actually recovering even though the CO2 levels are higher now than in the past ten years. Science will always unveil itself.
Jack Bessant
Jack Bessant - 7 years ago
For a vlog, can you please do an office tour of all the stages please! (One that’s updated from the RT short one)
CheshireCrab - 7 years ago
Jack Bessant He did that already
The Chips
The Chips - 7 years ago
Burnie: sees a shark Swims towards it
jonathan saletri
jonathan saletri - 7 years ago
yea sharks are sweet as long as you know how to act around them. you can even pet feel them.
Razzlewolfflight - 7 years ago
That shark was essentially harmless. It was clearly small and most reef shark species are perfectly docile unless you harass them. I was much more concerned with how close they got to the very venomous lionfish.
Mikey Soto
Mikey Soto - 7 years ago
Drdraco50 - 7 years ago
you can live offshore (as long as you have enough pressurized air)
ImFrelled - 7 years ago
Dradraco50 ~ As long as you're not deep diving and need a specialized Nitro-Oxy mix, all you need is an air compressor with an approved filter to keep contaminates out and you are good to go.
Drdraco50 - 7 years ago
ImFrelled ah ok, i had no idea that could be done on ship that easily
ImFrelled - 7 years ago
That's what the portable compressor is for. Hook to the ships power supply, fill your tanks.
rpgbrandon - 7 years ago
Please don't stop doing these even if the views drop. I'm living vicariously through you guys, and it's been amazing.
CheshireCrab - 7 years ago
rpgbrandon Go do something with your life
kimzstan - 7 years ago
Burnie more like burn money. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
J0ECRAWF15H - 7 years ago
what's funny is he actually makes some of his money back for these things through the videos
David - 7 years ago
It must be nice to have to travel for work AND have a flexible enough schedule that they can do cool stuff as well. Saves a lot of money as well if you think that most of the time Burnie is not paying for the flights!
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
kimzstan must be nice, eh?
William Waite
William Waite - 7 years ago
I love that the name of the boat they're on is called 'Kangaroo Explorer'
Gas Mask guys
Gas Mask guys - 7 years ago
Darn that is not far away from me XD too bad I could not see them
Trav Alln
Trav Alln - 7 years ago
Wont have the reef forever with all this global warming.
James Rich
James Rich - 7 years ago
3 of the coolest people here.
peter kennedy
peter kennedy - 7 years ago
They should just name it Ellie vlogs.
Harriet - 7 years ago
Seeing it so bleached made me sad but still must've been a cool thing to do!
Destry Soule
Destry Soule - 7 years ago
you need a light in order to see the proper colors
PacMonster0 - 7 years ago
What Blazing Eagle said also they didn't go in the portions of the Reef that are badly bleached. The Great Barrier Reef covers over 134,000 square miles of ocean.
theDTYP - 7 years ago
It's so depressing how gray and dead everything looks
jccdftt jvvhhjj
jccdftt jvvhhjj - 7 years ago
Asmodeus Evolution works not in a decade , the barrier reef will die.
jccdftt jvvhhjj
jccdftt jvvhhjj - 7 years ago
Yaiga22 I was snorkling in africa and the corals had the same color 1-4 under the water, because the corals are dead.
MotherAce - 7 years ago
"Don't worry, nature finds a way."

Thats the worry. Once nature finds out that there's a dominant mammal that is damaging it, it will rid itself of the species. One way or another.
Lizard Man
Lizard Man - 7 years ago
Yaiga22 well, yeah. That and the fact that about 90% of the reef is dead
WDKB - 7 years ago
Hey Burnie is not that old
FuckYou - 7 years ago
Burnie is not that old dude.
MBarrett 50cal
MBarrett 50cal - 7 years ago
we did just have a cyclone and that will stur the water have make it cloudy
Asmodeus - 7 years ago
Don't worry, nature finds a way. Already, parts of the Reef are recovering despite ocean temperatures rising.
SteelArc - 7 years ago
Idk. i think burrnies beard is fine.
paranoidcrrpg - 7 years ago
I am a certified diver and the deeper you go the more color is lost.

Flashlights help a big deal.
Sunlight is also a factor, i went diving on bonaire and with the sun there was still enough color at 16 meters( 60 feet i think?)
Cyanide7662 - 7 years ago
Nah mate, thats just Straya mate. Everyrhings either dead, dying or dead inaide and trying to kill you. Why we sell tinnies at the servo, only way we can cope.
Yaiga22 - 7 years ago
It's not, water absorbs light so everything turns to blues the deeper you go. Red is gone by the time you get to 15ft or so. Why I always have a flash light with me diving so I can still see the true colors of things. It gets even trickier to show everything on camera, red filters help, but still doesn't give coral justice at a certain point. Eventually you just need super expensive lights to get footage to look like it does in real life.
DareStep - 7 years ago
At the same time though the plants seem amazing
jonathan kay
jonathan kay - 7 years ago
That's just physics, and science
HCXWJ - 7 years ago
Woah, hope you had fun in QLD, it's great here. Scuba diving at the reef is unbelievably surreal.
Seraephus - 7 years ago
Great video to get blazed and chill with
0rang3z - 7 years ago
Shame all the coral will be dead within a few years. Yikes
Josh Plays
Josh Plays - 7 years ago
Life uhhh.... finds a way...
Nick Acker
Nick Acker - 7 years ago
I highly recommend that anyone interested in the topic or interesting in understanding whats going on with the reefs, you watch a netflix documentary called "Chasing Coral". It's so beautifully shot and interesting that it almost takes your mind off the fact that these reefs are dying. Absolutely worth a watch in my opinion and its only about 2 hours long, if that.
Alex Johnston
Alex Johnston - 7 years ago
Most of it’s already dead. Experts think it’s beyond saving
Wanker Sauce
Wanker Sauce - 7 years ago
Tommy Glass I mean that has a lot to do with it aswell in a way but eh the pressure is kinda of putting, it also is to do with dry suits
Cohben James Pettrup
Cohben James Pettrup - 7 years ago
What're you on about? Pauline Hanson said it was fine
Kenny K
Kenny K - 7 years ago
Lizard Man
Lizard Man - 7 years ago
already is
DanVal - 7 years ago
Bossman2025 So... what's the point of ignoring one of the biggest issues we face. News media here in Aus do stories on the state of the reef etc. occasionally. However, it just gets ignored, pushed aside and people forget about it. Nothing gets done. This happens with one of the greatest/most famous ecosystems in the world. There are other ecosystems just as greatly if not more damaged in the ocean but these get even less recognition than the GBR because they are not world renowned.
No one asked you to read the comments, we are not shoving it down your throat. Anyway from what I have seen most of them aren't depressing, negative comments anyway.
thedragneelswordsman - 7 years ago
Bossman2025 I mean I didn't intend to make it depressing, just wanted to discuss current ocean biology with some other people who have way more knowledge than I do about the subject. But I do remember how coral reefs are supposed to look so as awesome as this video was, my heart was a little sad seeing how much of the reefs were bleached. I mean heck, that ending with the tigerfish actually had some vibrant colors on the surrounding coral/rock structure so you could really tell the difference between the environments
Bossman2025 - 7 years ago
DanVal it’s still bringing a nice video into a depressing place and with everything going on right now I️ think everyone would agree that we all can hastily make comments that may seem negative
DanVal - 7 years ago
Bossman2025 Nothing about politics in this thread, we are discussing the impact of a changing climate and ocean on coral. You're the one that mentioned it first.
Bossman2025 - 7 years ago
Why did have to make a beautiful video about politics. Come on.
Keegan Hottinger
Keegan Hottinger - 7 years ago
I mean, you're certainly not wrong about your first statement. I definitely hyphenated my statement, maybe more than I should have, but increased carbon dioxide levels do in turn cause coral bleaching. More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as you know, cause the greenhouse gas effect by trapping heat that wuold normally escape the atmosphere via radiation. Warmer temperatures equals greater solubility of carbon dioxide in the water. This in turn causes acidification. The higher pH levels have been shown to kill the microscopic algae and plankton that are necessary for many organisms' survival in the ocean. Coral reefs take advantage of phytoplanktonic colonies which live in a mutual relationship. The mechanism of photosynthesis in these phytoplankton is impaired by higher or lower acidity in the water than natural levels as it changes the oxidating behavior within their mitochondria. The plankton are unable to metabolise and as a product they die. Their death leaves corals with no food (as you stated) and though they may live for a bit they can't live for very much longer. The increased carbon dioxide levels have autally been studied since the 1970's and there is a wealth of knowledge on the subject. What we don't know, like I said in my first statement, is why coral responds to the increased carbon dioxide levels in the ways that it does. It would be expected that the increased carbon dioxide and warmer ocean temperatures resulting would kill the coral as has been studied however the new growth of coral limits the theories relating to this subject. An interesting theory is that the colonies of microorganisms that survive in mutual relationships with the coral reefs have adapted to the change in water temperature in a fast amount of time due to their very efficient reporoduction rates. Increased CO2 and warmer temperatures have a confounding effect on coral bleaching (or so researcher thought). They are related in profound ways and one cannot be discussed without mention of the other as both acidity and warmer temperatures have negative effects on the health of a coral.

Glad there's someone in the comments that's actually educated!
Vercusgames - 7 years ago
You can already see the problem areas. Check old Nat Geo videos for comparison.
Jonathan Maki
Jonathan Maki - 7 years ago
this is like burnie and nasa all over again. science is a lie, it's all guesswork. like meteorology or politics
ArtificiallyFlavord - 7 years ago
>TLDR; Higher temps = less plant cells living in/on coral. A couple degrees is all it takes.
DanVal - 7 years ago
Keegan Hottinger Higher CO2 levels in the ocean doesn't directly cause coral bleeching (though in the atmosphere it does cause warming). Bleeching is caused by warm temperatures. Zooxanthelle are dinoflagellates, a type of micro algae. They live in symbiosis with corals, providing food for the coral from their ability to photosynthesis (they are what give coral their colour). When temperatures become too extreme they secrete harmful chemicals and the coral expels them because of this. Hence corals become "bleeched" and lose their colour. Corals can survive without zooxanthelle for short periods of time as coral polyps can still feed (the polyps are filter feeders). This expolsion of zooxanthelle evolved as an evolutionary method of coping with short extreme heat waves. Once temperatures have cooled down, coral then take up zooxanthelle again from the water column. The problem arises when there are lenghty periods of extreme heat (like the last several years in the GBR) and coral can't survive with out zooxanthelle for this longer time period.
Ocean acidification due to increased CO2 is a different issue that the consequences are not fully understood/known about yet. In short increased acidity can potentially breakdown the calcium carbonate that calcerous organisms such as corals and planktonic invertebrates use as their skeleton/exoskeleton.
Hope that makes sense/is informative.
Jonathan Asdell
Jonathan Asdell - 7 years ago
Yeah. If anyone wants to see a fraction of what they used to be like, people needed to visit a year ago
Tayni Paash
Tayni Paash - 7 years ago
Well aren't you just the soul of the party
Keegan Hottinger
Keegan Hottinger - 7 years ago
Not really. In fact the southern most portion has now been seen recovering the past two years despite higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere and higher ocean acidity. There's some interesting research published that draws into question the historic significance of coral bleaching. Basically it just means that coral bleaching is not the coral dying necessarily. The more recent theories suggest that it is the coral cleansing itself of a disease and it is mere coincidence that it happens alongside the increased CO2 levels we're seeing. Don't lose hope pal.
Bobby Zangla
Bobby Zangla - 7 years ago
Toxic Smog
Toxic Smog - 7 years ago
Look at a google maps view of the reef from now in comparison to years ago and you can watch the Coral migrate south, sad but interesting to see Mother Nature at work trying to survive the human plague
thedragneelswordsman - 7 years ago
Tommy Glass Yeah those were my exact thoughts throughout the video. I believe it's due to high levels of CO2 concentration in the water and it doesn't allow the coral to take in carbonate which is essential for their structure/skeleton.
jakob leuzinger
jakob leuzinger - 7 years ago
TerroristPenguin unfortunately one coral bleaches itself because of temperatures rising it cannot spawn itself anymore
TerroristPenguin - 7 years ago
No problem it will just come back once we all get ourselves killed as a species. Nature finds a way.
cool man
cool man - 7 years ago
isnt that in spongebob
Sydney Hebert
Sydney Hebert - 7 years ago
When I was getting certified as a scuba diver, during a dive one of my fins slipped off while a rip current was forming and the fear I felt watching the rest of my group leave without me was unforgettable lmao
Sweet Koorn
Sweet Koorn - 7 years ago
Ashly and Burnie should adopt Ellie.
CButtonshaw - 7 years ago
I'd say it's more Big Brother.
Pull Gravs
Pull Gravs - 7 years ago
Inside sources.
Adz2 - 7 years ago
Smoked 47 Ellie/Burnie are way more Father/Daughter like than lovers
this guy
this guy - 7 years ago
Smoked 47 how do you know?
Pull Gravs
Pull Gravs - 7 years ago
its more of a 3some kinda relationship
Arkham Doge
Arkham Doge - 7 years ago
Sweet Koorn pretty sure they already did
Killomainia - 7 years ago
Burnie smashed those skills. I've taught a bunch of people those basics and you aced them where as others fail miserably. It's a shame though the the barrier reef is suffering a lot though and is being destroyed
jonathan saletri
jonathan saletri - 7 years ago
man that was nothing. my instructor told me he would do it without warning. on our test dives he ripped my mask off and pulled my reg out many random times.
Destry Soule
Destry Soule - 7 years ago
i hate hate hate having to take my mask completely off, leave it off for 1 min then put it back on....
Killomainia - 7 years ago
Ah, hard to tell which it was directed at
Steven Sal
Steven Sal - 7 years ago
Sorry for the confusion but I wasn't talking bout the skills. I was talking about the Great Barrier Reef recovering.
Killomainia - 7 years ago
Maxismax that is true, holding your breath is bad when scuba diving. The biggest problem where this occurs is when you are ascending as the trapped air in your lungs expands and can cause an embolism. When diving it is very important to always blow out bubbles so that way your lungs are never at max capacity and you are constantly making space just in case you do ascend a little to much. But in this case with Burnie he was generally stationary on an underwater bar probably only 3-5m below the surface. As a Discover Scuba Dive it's something that not everyone will remember to do so I guess not fully factoring that in. But his confidence in doing the skills was better then some.
Killomainia - 7 years ago
Steven Sal it can be to some people. Everyone reacts differently to something they don't generally experience on a day to day basis. Most of the time and around Melbourne water where it's colder then 16 degrees it can have that effect.
maxismax - 7 years ago
One problem with his "Skill 1" and "Skill 2" is that he forgot not to hold his breath. I don't teach people how to dive but I am certified. Probably at his depth he is fine but when I did the classes and open water dive the instructors made a point in telling us never to hold our breath when diving.
Steven Sal
Steven Sal - 7 years ago
No it isn't
Killomainia - 7 years ago
autootter123 it's the cold water hitting your eyes nose that make you react unexpectedly. Something that you slowly become accustom to over time.
autootter123 - 7 years ago
I Remember the first time i did a partial mask flood and mask removal, I flipped out and pretty much forgot to breathe.. he defs smashed it
Skatingnoob V2
Skatingnoob V2 - 7 years ago
Killomainia but it's actually recovering...
ritcheyz - 7 years ago
If I paid for a First membership and had to put up with the broken website while they kept doing stuff like this I'd be p annoyed tbh
AMGwtfBBQsauce - 7 years ago
I mean, wasn't it just a PHP-BB forum?
Rowdee Munkee
Rowdee Munkee - 7 years ago
ritcheyz Should have seem the site when Burnie WAS responsible for IT
Tensen01 - 7 years ago
Yeah if you insisted Burnie do the site IT you'd be even more upset.
jpsnail - 7 years ago
The entitled speaks
icecream is nice
icecream is nice - 7 years ago
ritcheyz You do realise they don’t have anything to do with the IT side of things, right...?
Nate Hladki
Nate Hladki - 7 years ago
11:02 Marlin and Nemo!
toddert - 7 years ago
Me and my brother flew out to Cyprus by ourselves the other week and stayed with my god mother and her husband, and her husband took us scuba diving one day, he’s friends with a guy that owns a diving school, and I loved it. We went 6 metres deep and saw all sorts of fish, we even saw squid. I never panicked once. We did all the skills that they make you do, I did them all first time but can’t speak for the other two. Would definitely go again. I can’t wait til I’m 16 so I can fly out alone if I want.
fluffycat200 - 7 years ago


J0ECRAWF15H - 7 years ago
Justin Hughes
Justin Hughes - 7 years ago
Ellie is now Scuba Steve :)
icecream is nice
icecream is nice - 7 years ago
They really ought to rename these vlogs ‘Ellie Vlog’...
The Dragon King
The Dragon King - 7 years ago
I'm sad I took the likes off of 13, my favorite number, but the auto-like instinct is strong within me.
Sam - 7 years ago
Petition to rename this series "Ellie Vlog:"
Callefang - 7 years ago
How about "Exposed BEllie"?
Violet Harlow
Violet Harlow - 7 years ago
well I think it's time they break up
Violet Harlow
Violet Harlow - 7 years ago
mellie is the best new thing and it needs to be real
light9117 - 7 years ago
When it's called Ellie's Vlog, Burnie will be the main part of the show. XD
TheBrunkYShow - 7 years ago
Season 2: Ellie Vlog
Mayor of Smashville
Mayor of Smashville - 7 years ago
Mayor of Smashville I gladly sign
44 Paces
44 Paces - 7 years ago
Sam ya i am sure ellies husband isn't the jealous type either so they have nothing to worry about
Asha Ryan
Asha Ryan - 7 years ago
Need a Mellie vlog
Kristofer Lee
Kristofer Lee - 7 years ago
The Bellie Vlogs?
Painteagle - 7 years ago
Feat. Burnie
Sam - 7 years ago
@Ryan Gelson, I don't think Ashley is the jealous type though...
Ryan Gelson
Ryan Gelson - 7 years ago
Or the, how long until she gets assassinated by Ashley blog
Asha Ryan
Asha Ryan - 7 years ago
I second
Logan Ramos
Logan Ramos - 7 years ago
I would love to do that
jordan pennywell
jordan pennywell - 7 years ago
Golden FanGirl
Golden FanGirl - 7 years ago
We need our Camp Camp
Cody - 7 years ago
I love you, Ellie.
Deadtime 55
Deadtime 55 - 7 years ago
May Dudoit-Mendoza
May Dudoit-Mendoza - 7 years ago
YOU WHAT - 7 years ago
scuba diving, miming, keeping up with rhyming,
Golden FanGirl
Golden FanGirl - 7 years ago
There's a place I know that's tucked away!
A place where you and I can stay.
Where we can go to laugh and play,
and have adventures every day!

I know it sounds hard to believe but guys and gals it's true!
Camp Campbell is the place for me and you!

We'll swim through lakes and climb up trees,
catch fish, bugs, bears, and honeybees!
There's endless possibilities,
and no that's not hyperbole!

Our motto's Campe Diem and that means I'm telling you...
We've got:
search and rescue
training that'll save you from a heart attack
treasure hunting
bomb defusal
no refusal
circus trapeze
and fights
and ghosts
and paints
and snakes
and knives
and chess
and dance
and weights
it's Camp Camp!
ROADRUNNER5S5 - 7 years ago
Red cross22
Red cross22 - 7 years ago
Rev 5
Rev 5 - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work
Spectrum UK
Spectrum UK - 7 years ago
Sometimes I rub sand into my pubes to make my crabs feel at home.
Stormisnotaweeb B
Stormisnotaweeb B - 7 years ago
A true hero
William Cline
William Cline - 7 years ago
20 like squad
TheAwkward Eevee
TheAwkward Eevee - 7 years ago
Fite - 7 years ago
bob hobbo
bob hobbo - 7 years ago
andrew patmore
andrew patmore - 7 years ago
Fite Martensville

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