Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant in Perth. Royal de Luxe. Perth, Australia

Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant in Perth. Royal de Luxe. Perth, Australia sentiment_very_dissatisfied 213

Diving 10 years ago 750,269 views

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Most popular comments
for Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant in Perth. Royal de Luxe. Perth, Australia

Hesin Chan
Hesin Chan - 6 years ago
such a beautiful work
renz miguel tena
renz miguel tena - 6 years ago
I dont Like The Song Stupid
canal das primas Silva
canal das primas Silva - 6 years ago
I Love
Brayden Eames
Brayden Eames - 7 years ago
Wish it could happen again, not necessarily in Perth but places in Australia. sadly this kind of thing rarely happens, such a shame.
David Anderson
David Anderson - 7 years ago
What song and artist is playing at : 2:50?
Alferez Silva Sunem
Alferez Silva Sunem - 7 years ago
Sasori xD
JBezzy Burney
JBezzy Burney - 7 years ago
kawaii cute unicorn
kawaii cute unicorn - 7 years ago
0:08 what kinda song is that?
Alexis Perez
Alexis Perez - 7 years ago

10. comment for Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant in Perth. Royal de Luxe. Perth, Australia

Potato Sock
Potato Sock - 7 years ago
Is it me or do the giants remind me of Titans in clothing.just me?k .-.
Joel Rosas
Joel Rosas - 7 years ago
Soo cool
Ash - 7 years ago
I Thought She Was Eleven At Frist Lol
Makayla Almond
Makayla Almond - 7 years ago
I think the puppet adult is her uncle
BLABLABLA630 Msp - 7 years ago
This scares me too much
Shirley Collins
Shirley Collins - 7 years ago
Also why are there no apearences in the U S ? I would love to see it in person
Shirley Collins
Shirley Collins - 7 years ago
Why was the Little Girl giant laying in the street, did she fall. ?
mikyam2 - 7 years ago
TheRoblox Penguino
TheRoblox Penguino - 7 years ago
How? Why? Just wooo!
Gymnast Forever
Gymnast Forever - 7 years ago
Where can you see these
Brayden Eames
Brayden Eames - 7 years ago
they mainly occur in Liverpool and other places in Europe. as Royal de Lux are French, but the WA government obviously requested it to happen in WA/AUS...

20. comment for Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant in Perth. Royal de Luxe. Perth, Australia

Poun Sochoeun
Poun Sochoeun - 7 years ago
Bahisham [love]
Bahisham [love] - 7 years ago
It's creepy but also cool at the same time
Jeff MacDonald
Jeff MacDonald - 7 years ago
Jack  Troyer
Jack Troyer - 7 years ago
XxSpiderBoyMusic 009xX
XxSpiderBoyMusic 009xX - 7 years ago
Im so toast
Emma Bionson
Emma Bionson - 7 years ago
LMGamer36 - Gaming and more
LMGamer36 - Gaming and more - 7 years ago
Adrian Aguirre
Adrian Aguirre - 7 years ago
Those big things creep the hell out of me
venty gamming
venty gamming - 7 years ago
iv been thiee loads and ahe dudnt dance
Nerovick - 7 years ago
that is really cool but also a little bit creepy for me

30. comment for Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant in Perth. Royal de Luxe. Perth, Australia

Lindsay R
Lindsay R - 7 years ago
Just compare how tall the dad is to the girl. The girl looks already tall and yet the dad is as tall as a building
Дильназ Кайраткызаы
Дильназ Кайраткызаы - 7 years ago
Mark Works
Mark Works - 7 years ago
denis kinang
denis kinang - 7 years ago
My father was a Broome pearl diver for more than twenty years, and of five children had only one daughter. This certainly meant a lot to my sister. The team on puppeteers was masterful, like sailors in the in the days of yore working the rigging.
Kawaii Tsumiki
Kawaii Tsumiki - 7 years ago
Today my little niece showed me this video in her tablet and I'm so greatful! This is so beautiful, I loved it. Also shared this with others because everyone should see this beautiful and cool giants.
WildOrange Tigeress
WildOrange Tigeress - 7 years ago
OMFG This Is Very Scary Don Do It Again
Ahmad Baedowi
Ahmad Baedowi - 6 years ago
WildOrange Tigeress j
!埼玉の羽生です - 8 years ago
Thamires Vidal
Thamires Vidal - 7 years ago
天竜希音 €£¥₩!
Katy aus
Katy aus - 8 years ago
Wow they are together!
MACKIE Ilandag
MACKIE Ilandag - 8 years ago
boleche you where in royal perth
Syriana theorist 1
Syriana theorist 1 - 8 years ago
a day after Valentine's day
Jasmine Stokley
Jasmine Stokley - 8 years ago
Rukanti Saroh
Rukanti Saroh - 8 years ago
Ini tujuannya adalah buat apaansih? Nyembah robot? Tolong dijawab
Maria K
Maria K - 7 years ago
Rukanti Saroh . Permainan tapi bisa juga atraksi juga koq
619149331 5141
619149331 5141 - 7 years ago
Rukanti Saroh mungkin cuma atraksi? :0 ah.. i dont know (saya tidak tau)
Nayla Andhari :3
Nayla Andhari :3 - 8 years ago
are these puppets or real?
Gamer Grim
Gamer Grim - 8 years ago
wait a minut looks like from a game ummm WAIT ITS BIOSHOCK OMG
That strange Kid
That strange Kid - 7 years ago
Gamer Grim YASS!!
Usedjubbyjuice - 7 years ago
I'm confused what
Gamer Grim
Gamer Grim - 7 years ago
-_- I dont have a crush on her idiot
ShinyBlueMystic Artic
ShinyBlueMystic Artic - 7 years ago
Gamer Grim Woo hoo! gamer grim have a crush on CHRISTIANA WOOO HOOOO!!...but wait..ITS ATTACK ON TITAN SHOOT GUYS RUNN
Gamer Grim
Gamer Grim - 8 years ago
+Christiana (Nemo) my name was Grim Miguel but I named Gamer Grim becuse im a youtuber
Usedjubbyjuice - 8 years ago
jose fernandez
jose fernandez - 8 years ago
the diver was different before, now he's much more cute :3
Claudia Zuluaga
Claudia Zuluaga - 8 years ago
I wonder how they do the eyes or is it a real giant but can't controlled himself
Noah Baker
Noah Baker - 8 years ago
Claudia Zuluaga ummmmmmm
Rachel Alker
Rachel Alker - 8 years ago
One of the soldiers was my uncle
єdgu - 7 years ago
Dook larue And how do you know? :o
Dook larue
Dook larue - 7 years ago
Rachel Alker that's a lie
jess nguyen
jess nguyen - 8 years ago
Rachel Alker really?
Halley Lowe Cabreja
Halley Lowe Cabreja - 9 years ago
They have scared the giants!!!!!!
spidergem1 - 9 years ago
I loved the Giants it was fantastic :)
Jm Knoll
Jm Knoll - 7 years ago
spidergem1 how about a giants and it was real
spidergem1 - 9 years ago
I loved this show was amazing and realy cool

The diver so cool he liked me :)

50. comment for Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant in Perth. Royal de Luxe. Perth, Australia

damnspiders - 9 years ago
That was my uncle with the torch. Couldn't go to see because there was too many bloody people. D:
damnspiders - 9 years ago
+Cari Jansen I was very proud :) Thanks for putting this up I wouldn't have been able to see him otherwise!
Cari Jansen
Cari Jansen - 9 years ago
wow, how proud your family must be of your uncle. glad I captured a glimps of him in the video. was difficult as I was about 4-rows back with camera held overhead (hence it being a bit wobbly) ;-)
tlstar - 10 years ago
Thanks for posting this :)
Sevgi Uka
Sevgi Uka - 7 years ago
tlstar hz ali +! Vccwrds
Charlotte Hextall
Charlotte Hextall - 10 years ago
I was there !!!
curzon79 - 10 years ago
awesome video thanks for posting it. My wife and I did not get a chance to get down to the city today. I have shared it on my facebook for others to see
Cari Jansen
Cari Jansen - 10 years ago
Thanks heaps :) Glad I could contribute some vision for those who were too far back to see things, or unable to attend themselves. It was so sad to see them disappear under the narrows bridge :(
Cari Jansen
Cari Jansen - 10 years ago
Today's video impression of the Giants last day in Perth #giantsperth #perthgiants #perthfest #legéants
Jude Andrei
Jude Andrei - 7 years ago
Jude Andrei
Jude Andrei - 7 years ago
Glen Loftus
Jude Andrei
Jude Andrei - 7 years ago
Cari Jansen f
Isabel Summers
Isabel Summers - 7 years ago
Can you please make sure video of Giant puppet
Rhainail Ibaan
Rhainail Ibaan - 8 years ago
Cari Jansen z
Rhainail Ibaan
Rhainail Ibaan - 8 years ago
Cari Jansen
Piromya Jaikla
Piromya Jaikla - 8 years ago
putra fatam ุพำำำห
putra djafaar
putra djafaar - 8 years ago
hay yu no si
putra djafaar
putra djafaar - 8 years ago
hay yu no si
Glen Loftus
Glen Loftus - 10 years ago
+Cari Jansen I'm so glad you were there again today - thanks for sharing!

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