Panik diver girl

Panik diver girl sentiment_very_dissatisfied 239

Diving 9 years ago 330,454 views


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Most popular comments
for Panik diver girl

Lamp-Stand - 6 years ago
She must not have had training and received certification.
Jano le cyclo
Jano le cyclo - 6 years ago
Fait autre chose que de la plongée...idiote !
Jack Joe
Jack Joe - 6 years ago
I wouldn't want neither to have that piece of shit of pilot fish to stick to me.
xxXxX_Trigger_Finger_XxX xx
xxXxX_Trigger_Finger_XxX xx - 6 years ago
Worst fucking English ever
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 6 years ago
xxXxX_Trigger_Finger_XxX xx i know
Nolan Olivier
Nolan Olivier - 6 years ago
If i ever posted a video of my wife doing anything like that on youtube, my life would not be worth living. Then again, she dealt remarkably well with a shark last week, and she'd never seen one before.
nook chorris
nook chorris - 6 years ago
that fish looks like a giant dick, you are not safe from the patriarchy even underwater! no wonder she was scared, that fish TOTALLY looks like a rapist
Philip Kekahu
Philip Kekahu - 6 years ago
Meike Peters
Meike Peters - 6 years ago
man kann Sich wirklich schnell mal erschrecken! ich war mal an einem Korallenriff, wo Delfine schlafen und habe Sie beobachtet, als von hinten ein mächtig großer Schatten auftauchte - da habe ich auch gleich abgespackt - weil ich dachte, ein Riesenhai!
Alaska gamer
Alaska gamer - 6 years ago
Girls panic for something that is peaceul and cool but why

10. comment for Panik diver girl

Nitis_ Contess
Nitis_ Contess - 6 years ago
I am 14 and I have been diving for 4 years, first thing I was taught: NEVER PANIK. This girl should never dive again.
Sean Gillen
Sean Gillen - 6 years ago
Man, that's too bad. The vis looks great with zero current.
Jason Abell
Jason Abell - 6 years ago
wtf its a fish what was she expecting. an elephant
Spinlayer - 6 years ago
They are evolving.. now they can shout under water too...
dotch - 6 years ago
Girls always panic
Fraeulein Anonyma
Fraeulein Anonyma - 6 years ago
How can they talk and understand
eachother under water ?

And why did she panics?
Seems like she saw something that scares her. But didnt get the reason on theier conversation.
Meister Kaos
Meister Kaos - 6 years ago
One time, a remora attached itself to my cylinder, and I didn't even notice it until someone told me when I surfaced.
1980Raffael - 6 years ago
she should better stay at the pool no joke.
You Tuber
You Tuber - 6 years ago
Dives in the ocean... Is afraid of fish
vonick1 - 6 years ago
you have no business being in the water if you're scared of a remora

20. comment for Panik diver girl

Lui Jui
Lui Jui - 6 years ago
I hope you left her in the water and went home alone^^
GalaxyTCB - 6 years ago
Should not be diving at all! That was very dumb and dangerous to her and her dive buddy.
Mike McLaren
Mike McLaren - 6 years ago
I had a Remora Attach itself to my leg once....I thought it was so cool.....I felt like I just got accepted into some kind of underwater fraternity.
Eddiebert - 6 years ago
Alles gut...
A M - 6 years ago
Is that his sister or his wife or his partner
the bro
the bro - 6 years ago
I laughed so hard at that part 1:18
A M - 6 years ago
I don't know why she scared she has to calm down I will kill that animal shark
MrTomcreativ - 6 years ago
It's maybe first time..
Why other experience diver not stop this situation before happening why?
If she doing this first time will be a stressful anyway....
otcubaba - 6 years ago
Philip Kearney
Philip Kearney - 6 years ago
Ridiculous their completely harmless

30. comment for Panik diver girl

fred noinoi
fred noinoi - 6 years ago
Ridicule !
manta1969manta - 6 years ago
This is why I always dive alone
Jael Jade
Jael Jade - 6 years ago
Oh my god! So dangerous! If you're afraid of fish, why the hell would you scuba dive. I'd have loved a ramora tag along. Ppl like that are a danger to themselves and other's.
TheGOATVegeta - 6 years ago
Should have used that spear gun on that large panicking fish.
terratex 90
terratex 90 - 6 years ago
GK Max
GK Max - 6 years ago
Du hast net zufällig einen vater der berthold heißt
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 6 years ago
GK Max nee
high C 35
high C 35 - 6 years ago
hahhahaahahhahahhah was für scheiß
Harald Führer
Harald Führer - 6 years ago
I was attack by trigger fish, was Happens with her, i don‘t think about it.
Denkoss - 6 years ago
Sry man but shes dumb
Matty Koto
Matty Koto - 6 years ago
Get her freakin ass off the water!!! She should not be diving.
The dude abides
The dude abides - 6 years ago
A B - 6 years ago
imagine she had an encounter with great white shark! LOL
Yes 90125
Yes 90125 - 6 years ago
JAWS 5 ....... In the water everyone can hear you scream. FFS!!
JMont - 6 years ago
So...I guess the Remora freaked her out? Tried to attach itself to her? If this is what caused her to panic, then bowling would be a better activity for her. She's a danger to herself and others if she panics that easily over something so trivial.
Akid fms
Akid fms - 6 years ago
Haha... she can speak..haha
Svenn Dhert
Svenn Dhert - 6 years ago
Interesting video, unlike most I disagree, if you buddy panics, its time to call the dive, for whatever reason the panic is there. Its your task as buddy to calm your buddy down.
Isaia Wright
Isaia Wright - 6 years ago
Everyone do what I did. Find a beautiful girl who can cook great, keeps the house clean. And loves the stuff I love. Fishing ✔️ SCUBA ✔️ BackPacking ✔️ SnowBoarding ✔️
sandinyourshoes - 6 years ago
What really made this poor young woman snap?
Throw communists out of helicopters
Throw communists out of helicopters - 6 years ago
Reshiram XD
Reshiram XD - 6 years ago
Okay ... sie ist schon mal nicht zum Tauchen geboren ... ähhh ich will nicht dran denken wie sie reagiert wenn ein Hai kommt

50. comment for Panik diver girl

666 PeeP666
666 PeeP666 - 6 years ago
tf is here fucking problem is she retarded
joop69 fainth
joop69 fainth - 6 years ago
everyone panics sometimes its normal human emotion but calm ness of mind in any situation will help u focus
Anton Gruba
Anton Gruba - 6 years ago
Did she die?
B18BC5 - 6 years ago
awww that fish was like... Will you guys be my friends?... i wanna swim with you . Apparently your gf didnt appreciate the gesture lol
Cali Curmudgeon
Cali Curmudgeon - 6 years ago
I think the creepy remora coming up behind her freaked her out.
your mommy dearest
your mommy dearest - 6 years ago
Hey bro!! Get her a hefty life insurance. Then go diving seperately. Thank me later.


Dump that stupid cunt. Fck it then leave it.
Both could have died.
aussi3212 - 6 years ago
should have let that silly cunt drown.
AltaMirage - 6 years ago
It's just a fucking remora. Take her to the surface FFS.
Rui - 6 years ago
Shes a Perfect Example of Dumb/Stupid Blonde. Those people are danger to others who love diving
Terry Bruce
Terry Bruce - 6 years ago
Not the sport for everyone.
Daniel Palmer
Daniel Palmer - 6 years ago
Fucking stupid!!!! She going to get both your asses eaten alive!!! So pissed off at this stupid person! You do not do that shit!! Ever!!!!!!! Period!!!!
Giada Penelope
Giada Penelope - 6 years ago
IF ONLY she knew, that fish is completely HARMLESS and only sticks to bigger fish to get some remains of what they eat!
Saixe - 6 years ago
The remobra probably mistook them for a huge fish and tried to attach itself on them, since there are no other big fishes in the viscinity.
vaseem s
vaseem s - 6 years ago
I am not worried about that girl but the people around her, O man she is good on land on day times only
Yuriy Yuriy
Yuriy Yuriy - 6 years ago
She is so crazy!!!
Jordan Whitmire
Jordan Whitmire - 6 years ago
Girls are dumb
John Rambo
John Rambo - 6 years ago
If there is a diving wage gap...she proved why. Damn near killed the man
J Rod
J Rod - 6 years ago
Hell no, you know the temperament needed for diving. That's not it.
Fos Boss
Fos Boss - 6 years ago
Dr. Scarlet
Dr. Scarlet - 6 years ago
a remora scared her?
Das Schneckerl
Das Schneckerl - 7 years ago
think about metoo mr. fish
Homo EconomicusX
Homo EconomicusX - 7 years ago
every idiot is allowed to do whatever he wants, especially the idots from the country of the brave and free. lol, fuckers ...
Орех Орехов
Орех Орехов - 7 years ago
Рыбка сделала кусь?
Блин так ведь и утонуть можно...
gmsx - 7 years ago
shes probably a bitch out of water too... c´mom this is no normal panic.....
submob - 7 years ago
Aren't these fish the cool little dudes that attach themselves to bigger fish and hitch rides?
Vlql Vlql
Vlql Vlql - 7 years ago
cf;f - 7 years ago
девушка такая странная. с ней рыба дружить хочет, а она кипишует.
Moon Shine
Moon Shine - 7 years ago
fucken bitch ,,,!!
Spralex Fishing
Spralex Fishing - 7 years ago
If you scary about fish dont dive....
PaK Deville
PaK Deville - 7 years ago
Merchant Ivory
Merchant Ivory - 7 years ago
This is why i prefer a FFM (Full Face Mask) Not only is it safer so your regulator doesn't fall/ get knock out but you can also talk to your diving buddies. They do use up more air which means less dive time but id rather be safe and avoid something like this.
حسين المزمومي
حسين المزمومي - 7 years ago
28godzilla - 7 years ago
LOL she got scared by a harmless Remora fish... I got to swim with sharks once, I should have been scared but I loved it! Seeing this only made me laugh XD
UnsettlingSun - 7 years ago
she became panic, destroyer of worlds
KyrelBiggums - 7 years ago
Everyone is saying she got freaked out by the fish but i think its much more likely she was suffering from oxygen narcosis. It can send you into a full on panic or anxiety attack out of nowhere.
lem thelurker
lem thelurker - 6 years ago
KyrelBiggums nitrogen narcosis no she didn’t suffer from it its not remotely deep enough for that
György János
György János - 7 years ago
alles gut :D
Дмитрий Житник
Дмитрий Житник - 7 years ago
Это рыба прилипала , максимум что может сделать оставить засос . Данная рыба плавает с акулами и другими большими рыбами с чего стола кормится, говоря проще , рыбка искала себе нового хозяина а не нападала .
Учите мат часть . Дайвер отличается от туриста тем что знает куда идёт и что делает, без знаний дайвинг превращается в русскую рулетку. А утонуть можно и в луже
TheDonClock - 7 years ago
البنت دي شكلها تبغا تموت
Scubadoo - 7 years ago
Panic for a fish ??
Virtual ninja
Virtual ninja - 7 years ago
Raul LasPinas
Raul LasPinas - 7 years ago
I could sort out what the Dive master was saying."its Ok". Its just a fish.
Enzo Bojkowski
Enzo Bojkowski - 7 years ago
5olace - 7 years ago
dafuq! the way she freaked out! LOL! im weak! She should not be diving. When shit happens to me when i dive. My dive master told me that im literally the most relaxed person! Thats the type of attitude u need as a diver!
Indipha Yalamayosa
Indipha Yalamayosa - 7 years ago
Okay im watching this at 2017 -_-
Arissa Campbell
Arissa Campbell - 7 years ago
She could have kill booth of them people like that do not need to be doing dive
Ann Hugo
Ann Hugo - 7 years ago
What a drama queen . I cannot imagine her driving!
JUL!AN_DZ - 7 years ago
Where is this?
the roblox youtuber
the roblox youtuber - 7 years ago
.... No comments ...
Matthew Jacobs
Matthew Jacobs - 7 years ago
It's just a little remora? they don't bite xD
cha0s - 7 years ago
What the fuck?
Why did she panic?
Also the first rule underwater is: stay calm.
Theseus - 7 years ago
she is my pilot on my private jet plane..

100. comment for Panik diver girl

Frank Bowne
Frank Bowne - 7 years ago
What the hell?
Karl Presler
Karl Presler - 7 years ago
She panic because her period started and knew that there were sharks nearby
sgtrolo1995 - 7 years ago
Would of killed her for that. Stupid bitch
James Wright
James Wright - 7 years ago
I would dump her quickly, she is an accident waiting.
Ayye Its Sophia
Ayye Its Sophia - 7 years ago
oMg a FisH tOuChEd HeR WtF wHy iS tHeRE a fiSh iN tHe wAter
Tori Collins
Tori Collins - 7 years ago
What is wrong with her? Jesus, she's a danger to anyone that dives remotely near her. I'd hate to see how careless she is with her flailing around someone she doesn't care about or isn't emotionally attached to. What was her excuse for endangering your lives like that? Did she even apologize? I understand getting scared but... broad daylight, open water, almost perfect visibility. Does she have some sort of debilitating fear of fish? If so why did she consent to diving??
Chief Lon
Chief Lon - 7 years ago
Why is this bitch so high strung man its a little ass fish, you all see how the male was calm and saved her from the situation. Thankfully she didnt have another woman diving with her they both would have been dead...
Egobuster - 7 years ago
sorry to dispell that myth, but there are plenty of great female divers on our planet. maybe you find some on yours as well.
Jánosné Gábor
Jánosné Gábor - 7 years ago
oh noo, no dead?
Bruce B
Bruce B - 7 years ago
After reading the comments it is clear with the internet society has gotten worse. People attacking people for no good reason.
johnnyphisit - 7 years ago
So, ppl with this sort of fear wouldnt put emself and others at risk. Im an instructor with 15 years experience and i would never take her diving.
Jean Simard
Jean Simard - 7 years ago
That girl shouldn't be underwater. She's didn't pass a stress test. Impossible! For a little fish like that? Crazy bitch
Jesús Fernández
Jesús Fernández - 7 years ago
crafting mac
crafting mac - 7 years ago
Fish: ay girl, you tryna chill

Girl: RAPE!!!
Spinlayer - 6 years ago
LLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I'm dying!!!! hahahahahhaahahahhhhhaaahhhahhhahaha
محب المطيريLoving Noah
محب المطيريLoving Noah - 7 years ago
Bad partner to diving
S S - 7 years ago
All these dive panic are women no suprise!!
BLACK PANDA - 7 years ago
stupid bitch it was just a little fish omfg kys
Robert Sp
Robert Sp - 7 years ago
Armalog - 7 years ago
DIving isn't a joke. Don't bring people afraid of fish scuba diving, you might kill them and yourself. And this kind of disrespect for the sport is getting way to common, not to mention the total lack of respect for the ocean, she a cold hearted bitch that will swallow you whole.
Roger Lund
Roger Lund - 7 years ago
Prob. A Resort diver.......if you have ever never seen it. It's not good. I got caught with a group of these no skill divers in Barbados on vacation once. Ugh
CitronBleu - 7 years ago
fake and staged and gay
Stefan Harrington-Palmer
Stefan Harrington-Palmer - 7 years ago
yeah, his girlfriend is so gay. ... wtf?
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 7 years ago
Instagram tim.kremer1
Apnoe - 7 years ago
Thats a goddamn pilot fish! Hes friendly.
Komsel Indonesia
Komsel Indonesia - 7 years ago
panic with remora??? LOL
Ilker Tunc
Ilker Tunc - 7 years ago
Sie sollte besser mit dem Tauchen aufhören..... was würde denn bei einer noch tieferen situation passieren
Johnny Aquatic
Johnny Aquatic - 7 years ago
DId the REmora trigger that?? Lol
Taken by The Sea
Taken by The Sea - 7 years ago
From watching this it seems like diving is something she is probably doing to please someone else (you her boyfriend?). Look at her body language from the beginning. She is gripping her mask on one hand and her regulator in the other, and seems excessively stressed well before the remora encounter. This is particularly concerning considering she is in well lit, shallow water, presumably quite warm, with perfect visibility and the tamest possible conditions yet she is not having fun and not even remotely comfortable. I have seen so many couples where one diver is absolutely not into it but manages to get by until a mask floods or some other trivial problem triggers a major panic. My husband and I literally can predict who these people are well before we get in the water but their partners seem oblivious. I have actually talked a few people out of diving and they later thanked me so I don't we should be afraid to approach people who look uncomfortable as long as you are respectful and actually care. I do. I have seen too many of those people make rapid uncontrolled ascents and wish they would just be honest about the fact that they are not into diving. There is no shame in admitting you are uncomfortable, nervous or afraid but when you attempt to mask/hide those feelings, on a dive, you risk more than your own life.
I don't want to be another asshole making cruel comments but that is an extreme over reaction to a very minor and common underwater situation. Not necessarily the remora itself (I happen to love them) but a close encounter with marine life (eels, jellies, aggressive damsel fish etc). I have had some incredibly terrifying moments underwater as a new diver (having my mask and regulator simultaneously knocked off and breathing in a lung full of ocean, losing my dive light and buddy in a cave I had no business being in and other stupid things I did or others did that were good learning experiences) but I have never once flailed, lost control of my buoyancy, screamed or tried to ascend because I understood, from day one, that that losing control underwater was always going to make a difficult situation exponentially worse. I was someone who actually had panic attacks above water so that was a concern for me however diving actually cured my panic attacks by showing me I could recover myself quite quickly out of necessity and I have never had one again.
Jamie O'Hare
Jamie O'Hare - 6 years ago
Your comment is old, and if you were genuinely curious you would have likely Googled the answer by now, but a full mask removal and replacement is simple. Water will obviously become trapped inside the mask, but it is easily removed by pushing the mask close to your face above your brow and blowing out hard from your nose. The air pushes the water out while letting no more water back in. This technique and a few others are basic diving skills which should be understood before someone goes diving.
Reuben Jensen
Reuben Jensen - 6 years ago
Ha ha, closest male gets blamed.
mark shepherd
mark shepherd - 6 years ago
Taken by The Sea
Joost Bakker
Joost Bakker - 6 years ago
AdrianoCROST illegally? Show me one law in the world that requires you to have certification for diving...
Nicole Mantip
Nicole Mantip - 6 years ago
Taken by The Sea pleasing someone else to do something dangerous is the most silly thing on this planet
seaturtledog - 6 years ago
Vall, you learn to take off your mask and put it back on under water during dive training.  the easiest thing to remember is you do not need the mask to breath and you can still see what you need to in salt water without the mask.   The point is that you can take your time and clear the water from the mask without any panic.
whynottalklikeapirat - 6 years ago
Well said
brooklyn ad
brooklyn ad - 6 years ago
I dont understand, driving a car on a daily commute is alot more dangerous and alot more ugly then the world in the ocean. In Laguna Beach there's a coral reef where you can free div when its calm and its like 30 feet deep and theres all kinds of sea life , the dopest fucking thing ive ever seen in my life no money or gear needed!
Vall - 6 years ago
realdip Whom exactly? In any case I'm not English.
realdip - 6 years ago
I'm sorry for that question, but is English your native language?
Vall - 6 years ago
So, I`m have no experience whatsoever with diving (I can dive about 3 yards deep in a swimming pool before my painful airdrums make me ascent). So i am wondering, what do you do if you mask gets knocked of? How do you get the water out if you put it back on? Lots of respect for staying calm in the situations you mentioned!
Rogue Male
Rogue Male - 7 years ago
Taken by The Sea The real learning happens after you finish your basic & (preferably) advanced.Watching experienced divers in your group is invaluable in my opinion.
AdrianoCROST - 7 years ago
She is looking like someone who didn't even finnished basic diving course (diving illegally). Crystal clear water and no more than 15 meters deep.
Gregoire Defrenne
Gregoire Defrenne - 7 years ago
Holy bibel
johnnyphisit - 7 years ago
I do totally seeing it the same way you do.
Rob Oppers
Rob Oppers - 7 years ago
That is why I always say that every dive is a solo dive, omg if she was your buddy you're fucked when something happens!
premiumsteini - 7 years ago
deine freundin sollte besser nicht tauchen, wenn sie solche panische angst vor kleinen fischen hat. ihr befindet euch in deren lebensraum und da ist nunmal mit fisch und anderem getier, welches durchaus auch mal neugierig werden kann, zu rechnen. die schreierei unter wasser verbraucht übrigens nur unnötig luft ;-)
MrScottishBeaver - 7 years ago
lmao who the heck is afraid of a remora??? they're the chillest fish in the sea
Indy BearFan
Indy BearFan - 7 years ago
It detected the fact that she was a shark in disguise and tried to attach...
Tareq Victim
Tareq Victim - 7 years ago
WTF? Ich denke, sie sollte lieber in ein Aquarium schauen, statt zu tauchen...
Рандомные уроки unreal engine
Рандомные уроки unreal engine - 7 years ago
Stupid girl, panic under the water, death...
StealthVice7 - 7 years ago
I hope you dumped her.
notyur bizns
notyur bizns - 7 years ago
That was a pretty pesky remora.
John Christopher Wrightson
John Christopher Wrightson - 7 years ago
Jeez she's a liability...
Spencer Udell
Spencer Udell - 7 years ago
I had a remora as a pet once. He ate all the other fish in the tank :( All he wanted to do was see what all the fuss was about. I am sure you scared him more then he scared you. But I totally agree you have to remain calm. I had shit go wrong at 120ft and if I would have panicked it would have been a wrap.
stefano98 - 7 years ago
Fuching dumb bitch deserved to die
Shane Cooper
Shane Cooper - 7 years ago
It's a remora. They don't bite. They don't sting. They aren't dangerous. They are hitch hikers. That fish wanted to stick to the tank. It would've stayed there the entire dive and done no harm.

The reaction of the diver was irrational, based in fear, inexperience, lack of knowledge/training, and extremely dangerous. Her actions could have easily got someone killed and trying to tell instead of using hand signals is ridiculous.
Kian Mctierney
Kian Mctierney - 7 years ago
What if she knocked out the other persons mouthpiece...(Sorry I don't know the name)
Andrea Groothuis
Andrea Groothuis - 7 years ago
It is a regulator. If she would have kicked his reg out. We would have to see if he would be calm enough to put it back in or change to backup.
xl - 7 years ago
Can not imagine what would happen if it was a great white shark... And yes you dive on their food plate
WoopWoop - 7 years ago
I spent so long trying to figure out why she panicked. It was the little fishy touching her hair
Walter Cash
Walter Cash - 7 years ago
What a stupid fucking whore!
e octav
e octav - 7 years ago
Fucking idiot bitch.
should stay at home
Noob Slayer Airsoft
Noob Slayer Airsoft - 7 years ago
There's fish in the ocean, omg!
LEGEND TV - 7 years ago
Ilsont juste a eempneter ya 3/4 metres
James Lames
James Lames - 7 years ago
lol just wanna smack her out cold
9mm james
9mm james - 7 years ago
rest in peace next time she will drown both of you. I would not get into the water with her . all that over a fish
Sofian Salem
Sofian Salem - 7 years ago
Alles gut !!! alles gut !!! 1:38
Was ist los ??? 1:47
Alles gut ! 1:51
Alberto Banegas
Alberto Banegas - 7 years ago
I swear if someone does that on a dive with me, ill get out of the water of smack her real hard. Never diving again with an asshole like this one.
Alberto Banegas
Alberto Banegas - 7 years ago
Lol I sure would with someone like that on a dive, I can skydive but am freshly new to scuba diving. So yeah, fuck that mate.
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 7 years ago
Alberto Banegas haha... go and die
jack Medford
jack Medford - 7 years ago
Why did she panic
Christopher Armstrong
Christopher Armstrong - 7 years ago
hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha stupid twat its just a wee fish
Kuitok HD
Kuitok HD - 7 years ago
did u said "alles gut, alles gut" are u german?
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 7 years ago
Kuitok HD hey ..we are from Germany
lourdesmaria santos
lourdesmaria santos - 7 years ago
falar em baixo da água, deve ser muito complicado.
xristos vasiliou
xristos vasiliou - 7 years ago
the poor fish is stil runing away scared to death... .rumours say it lives now in antarctika :)
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is that?
Mark Genhem
Mark Genhem - 7 years ago
What type of fish was that, Had much balls.
J C - 7 years ago
Take regulator of her mouth, so she forgets the fish
avi mes
avi mes - 7 years ago
Denis Ryan
Denis Ryan - 7 years ago
If I saw those shark things I'd pull my regulator off and drown lol
Songe Songea
Songe Songea - 7 years ago
nytrucker718 - 7 years ago
Wtf is she crazy??
zarirvtech - 7 years ago
banned her from diving
Geoff Rowley
Geoff Rowley - 7 years ago
Graham Savill, you should spell it as remoras (plural)

Not remora's. (possessive). Did you graduate from high school?
Geoff Rowley
Geoff Rowley - 7 years ago
Graham Savill likes to attach himself to threads by sucking on and posting the same comment dozens of times- boringggggg
nopainnogain - 7 years ago
MrMus TangMan
MrMus TangMan - 7 years ago
I would not even go into a swimming pool with that woman....
Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch - 7 years ago
Glad she didn't kill you...what was she thinking?
Oscar Skarin
Oscar Skarin - 7 years ago
I was the guy fiming actions previous to the remora trying to attach to her tank that triggered her panic attack. She was clearly very inexperienced and out of her comfort zone.(body language holding her reg etc). And the guy screaming in the reg and acting half panic himself that triggerd her. They should not dive alone without a dive professional (if that was the case) before getting more experiance.
James Jamsey
James Jamsey - 7 years ago
she is mental lmao
Rob K
Rob K - 7 years ago
Wtf was she screaming about, that tiny shark? Time for a new girlfriend.
Kanaka Powa Moana
Kanaka Powa Moana - 7 years ago
Stay THE FUCK on land if you're going to lose your shit over a goddamn remora. Take it from someone who has over 20+ years in the Ocean, that is the last fucking place you EVER want to panic.
Chance Pemberton
Chance Pemberton - 7 years ago
I needed a good laugh like this.  I know it was not funny for her but watching it now is the funniest thing I have seen in a long while.  We were on a dive once where the Dive Master was really into one of our dive members.  So we get to a place where he has us all sit on the sea floor as he has spotted a squid.  He proceeds to delicately pick it up and of course slowly passes it to his favorite well endowed girl.  So far so good,  Then it happened, the thing suddenly freaked and shot off between the girls breasts, sucked on and was not coming out.  Amazingly she remained relatively calm and did not panic.  So the dive master jumps over and starts reaching deep trying desperately to get the squid out.  He finally eased it out and it swam off.  She had little round sucker marks for a while though.
mysteryliner - 6 years ago
How does one become a dive master,
without following the lesson about respecting sealife,
And not to play around with your trainees?
amir behmar
amir behmar - 7 years ago
I still try to understand what exactly happened here
Hunwutzzzz - 7 years ago
alles gut
Getier2k - 7 years ago
Der arme
Eric Davidson
Eric Davidson - 7 years ago
how stupid can you be in the one place your not to freak out and you do
Laurence Goodwin
Laurence Goodwin - 7 years ago
Somebody needs to get that girl a penis
Jeff Barris
Jeff Barris - 7 years ago
remora love
skyym3 - 7 years ago
Wow, just WOW. That had to of scared the HELL out of that poor fish.
Pcego - 7 years ago
Jezus CHRIST! dumb bitch!
Mikey Hope
Mikey Hope - 7 years ago
Holy fuck, imagine if she saw a shark.
Silesian Sailor
Silesian Sailor - 7 years ago
Good lord...
Wiineko - 7 years ago
stupid girl
Jackfless The Gamer
Jackfless The Gamer - 7 years ago
what are she shouting for
Majestic Fox
Majestic Fox - 7 years ago
Poor fish he didn´t do anything wrong but nobody likes him xD
Lonnie Cavenee
Lonnie Cavenee - 7 years ago
Get away from me ya damn fish! Didja see the look in his eyes? He was a killer I'm tellin' ya! I'm lucky to be alive!
Alex Morgun
Alex Morgun - 7 years ago
i had a fight with this fish sometimes. This fish is a cleaner, sneaky bastard. when it bite your lips it feels like electric shock. Then lips can be inflamed. My fishes of this species was two palm sized. If this huge bitch bite my lips i would bite back
Ricardo Ramirez
Ricardo Ramirez - 7 years ago
Defining moment when this girl realizes she should be a hiker on land instead
nigel day
nigel day - 7 years ago
A panic moment over a remora fish I`d say not trained properly or not ready for open water yet.
Said Abimelec
Said Abimelec - 7 years ago
poor poor remora (fish)
Weary Wanderer
Weary Wanderer - 7 years ago
where is this?
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 7 years ago
Weary Wanderer oh yeah ...nice egypt so much..
Weary Wanderer
Weary Wanderer - 7 years ago
cool, I was just there last week. Got my SSI certificate. Amazing place. As newbie it's easy to let fear take over.
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 7 years ago
Weary Wanderer Sea!
gonzalo060375 - 7 years ago
Panicking divers...worse than drunk drivers.
Fail Force One
Fail Force One - 7 years ago
Hi there, we want to use this video in one of our comiplations, please contact us
Poker Invest
Poker Invest - 7 years ago
Remora fish love to attach themselves to sharks and hang out and eat plankton. Cool little guys.
Sam Poster
Sam Poster - 7 years ago
Владлена Сидоренкова
Владлена Сидоренкова - 7 years ago
Go to pool idiot !! ...
chinaGADGETSreview - 8 years ago
freaking out like this can be deadly. If she would have lost her regulator, it probably would have ended with water in her lungs and shooting to the surface while holding her breath, what could lead to a lung rupture even in waters less than 10m deep . Uncontrolled movements with your arm can nock-out your buddy who (hopefully) is trying to help you. It was just a remora touching you. What will happen if a cleaner fish bites your lips? Or if a trigger fish really attacks you to defend his territory? You have to stay calm or quit. Not everybody should dive and panic attacks can lead to death very fast.
Rogue Male
Rogue Male - 7 years ago
chinaGADGETSreview Trigger fish are MFSOB's! I pull my knife out whenever I see them.
johnnyphisit - 7 years ago
Im an instructor and defo i wouldnt dive with her.
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing, too many people are afraid to share diving videos where things go wrong. This seems to show an issue that could have been a hell of a lot worse but was managed fairly well (Some improvement points). As per people on about the panic, I have seen long term divers panic. Panic kicks in when the brain shuts down due to task loading ie too much going on and out of ones control. While diving, it is very easy to become task loaded. As per these remora's they do like trying to attach themselves to large fish, as a human in the water this can be nerve racking for anyone.
johnnyphisit - 7 years ago
"Panic kicks in when the brain shuts down due to task loading ie too much going on and out of ones control." What you do you talking about ? Hope that you are not an instructor.
zoltanie - 8 years ago
Lol, that was great =D
skankhunt42 - 8 years ago
David Hamilton
David Hamilton - 8 years ago
REALLY ??? What the f...k is she doing in the water,
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Nothing to do with being an idiot. Experienced divers panic... Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
Elesi.K - 8 years ago
worst thing you could do is scream letting more oxygen out, you wanna conserve that shit
Abel Aquaflora
Abel Aquaflora - 8 years ago
She is acting like its gonna suck het blood.
Brendon Fish
Brendon Fish - 8 years ago
i hate panickers. i had a guy one time stay perfectly calm through an almost catastrophic uncontrolled ascent (new diver, new gear. Took two of us completely negetive and me dumping his air while wrestling the inflator away from him, he was pressing the wrong button, to get him back down. immediately called off the dive. Bad mojo.) But this lady can't have the presence of mind to stay at least calm enough to not strike at her partner?!?! I get she didn't know what the fish was but i don't see any situation in which that behavior would help. Get her out of the water, she's just a swimming statistic.
Kritik - R
Kritik - R - 6 years ago
G Wreckster yea but that's not what i ment. I ment that you don't talk about people like that.....he don't know shit about this sizuation how they got there and Stufe.
Kritik - R
Kritik - R - 7 years ago
Brendon Fish Think about these words, when you're in panic.
Taras B. Ukrainian
Taras B. Ukrainian - 8 years ago
Meghan Lamonte
Meghan Lamonte - 8 years ago
What a dumb ass fucking bitch
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Nothing to do with being an dumb. Experienced divers panic... Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
Rasta Eli Fire Blazin
Rasta Eli Fire Blazin - 8 years ago
You mad sis?
Brian Conroy
Brian Conroy - 8 years ago
that fish is harmliss its a ramora
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
Viktor Kuznetsov
Viktor Kuznetsov - 8 years ago
ебанутая овца! Тогда сиди дома и смотри телевизор!!!
~Oia~ - 7 years ago
А что вообще произошло-то, с чего она вдруг начала истерить?
fabryvr - 8 years ago
fortuna che non era uno squalo....
Youzzef ashrafz
Youzzef ashrafz - 8 years ago
I LOVE that fucking fish every time I go diving It just knows its me always comes and stick its sticky layer(above the head) on my tank
Junius Michel
Junius Michel - 8 years ago
I'm glad we have idiot divers on YouTube. We can show people how stupid they were and how they could have corrected the problem
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Nothing to do with being an idiot. Experienced divers panic... Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
miyage_ - 8 years ago
Ohhh there is a fish in this water :D
Leonidas1993 - 8 years ago
If a harmless Remora triggers that sort of reaction in her. I would love to see how she would deal with being in the presence of a shark or curios giant octopus.
Dudesnext - 7 years ago
Harmless remora? Ok she's over reacting. But the guy in shorts, I guarantee you that his skin isn't stuffed to deal with a remora's sucker. Those things are so strong that they rip-off sharks skin. So your human skin oh boy...
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
Noob Slayer Airsoft
Noob Slayer Airsoft - 8 years ago
One of the rules about being a diver is showing respect to sea life, anyone who doesn't like being close to animals/fish shouldn't be diving.
youko schinagawa
youko schinagawa - 8 years ago
whats she doing???
Adam Moore
Adam Moore - 8 years ago
you fucking pussies
Joey LoBianco
Joey LoBianco - 8 years ago
Vlad Țepeș
Vlad Țepeș - 8 years ago
Thanks for posting. Really, your GF should not be diving though. Panic = death.
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Experienced divers panic... Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
OneMr Colditz
OneMr Colditz - 8 years ago
another idiot diver just waiting for an accident.
OneMr Colditz
OneMr Colditz - 8 years ago
Graham Savill yes I can see where you are coming from, maybe my comment was posted with too much haste.
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
I am assuming as you put underwater photographer you do a lot of studying sealife. 99% of divers are recreational, and dont have the knowledge and could not be expected to know every creature. Majority of fish keep their distance, when you come across something that doesnt, its off putting. As per panic, everyone panics when put under enough stress and task loading...
OneMr Colditz
OneMr Colditz - 8 years ago
Graham Savill not me, 20 years experience of diving, underwater photographer. I have educated myself as to what, if anything can harm me, and what to do if I find myself in any situation. the operative word being 'education'.
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Nothing to do with being an idiot. Experienced divers panic... Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
Noob Slayer Airsoft
Noob Slayer Airsoft - 8 years ago
OneMr Colditz ikr
Les grenouilles a Pattes
Les grenouilles a Pattes - 8 years ago
Take your octo and purge some air at it lots of time they go away after that
fletch2405 - 8 years ago
If she can't stay even remotely calm then she really shouldn't be diving. She's just posing a risk to herself and potentially other divers.
Eleos Soele
Eleos Soele - 7 years ago
Graham Savill god you've copied and pasted the same fucking garbage like 8 or 9 times. Her reaction was not "a little freaked out" buddy. It was full blown terror and a very dangerous loss of control. There's a difference between being "a little freaked" and having a major panic attack
Justin Torres
Justin Torres - 7 years ago
the way she reacted... i thought a shark was attacking... jesus...
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
Noob Slayer Airsoft
Noob Slayer Airsoft - 8 years ago
fletch2405 that's what I was thinking. One of the rules of being a diver is to respect the sea life, reacting like this is not the responsible thing to do.
Zhongjian Liang
Zhongjian Liang - 8 years ago
she's wearing a wet suite, what did triggered the panic ? The fish could not get inside. It really provied that man and woman are not the same, IMO.
Richard van Tricht
Richard van Tricht - 8 years ago
lol that fish :D
John Dough
John Dough - 8 years ago
Lets see how you react when a Remora sucks onto the back of your neck.
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 8 years ago
+John Dough yes I know....many people are verry cool here ,but in this situation is it different..
John Dough
John Dough - 8 years ago
Anyone trolling her.
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 8 years ago
whom do you mean
Mr.Tumbleweed - 8 years ago
What a fucking idiot, youre both lucky to be alive. If this is how she reacts in a situation when a fish tickles her, its going to be a sad video when something real happens.

UpjoanCrawford, youre the scariest, most psychotic person on the internet. Do not ever breed. You are absolutely pathetic. Report them and move on, disgusting human. Joan would rather watch someone die than read a curse word. SJW's need to go. no room on this earth for your disgusting ilk
J Hawk
J Hawk - 7 years ago
Mr. Tumbleweed is a sensitive little pussy.
Alberto Banegas
Alberto Banegas - 7 years ago
Lol ShambhaMyka a business owner has time to be fighting over youtube comments? Lol right. If so, business must be low mate.
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
We did? Excellent! Where do we go to enjoy the fruits of our labours? (Oh, and you're welcome ;) )
zzlint - 7 years ago
Congrats guys, you made it to reddit. thanks for the entertainment
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
The Rest of the World (i.e. every country except the USA) spells it moustache. No, really! Look it up!
Mr.Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
Thats okay, your account will be terminated soon. Bye :)! Bye joan, you psycho!
MY 'racist' tone. Lol, what a dumb judgmental cunt you are.
Are you the racism police? Also, mustaches, learn to spell you stupid fuck? Hahahah. I can only imagine the mustache you sport you fat old loon.
It would be a shame if I started posting all your comments to your family members. Wonder what they would think of you :). Anywayyyy, say goodbye to your account :)
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
What an odd use of the word 'convoluted'....anyway, I mentioned earlier that 'bad words' don't bother me in the slightest (you cunt), it's the racist tone in your reply to Herr Kremer which inspired me to chuck the metaphoric tomato. As for getting off the internet? Nah, I might stick around for a while, poking you from time to time. You porky, moustacheless, kiddies' computer game playing lunatic.
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
Also, you've erroneously omitted an apostrophe in "can't" AND "you're" (again! Do I need to send you to headmaster for a spanking?). And it's capital E for "English". But what does any of this have to do with diving, he asks?
Mr.Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
Go take another shot and finish off those pills bertha, you should probably get offline once in awhile. Its like you never leave you pathetic whale. Wtf is wrong with you? Shouldnt old psychopaths like you be playing bridge or some shit? The internet doesnt need your psychotic, SJW bullshit, betty. Go look for a comfy coffin, ya?
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
I detect a strong aroma of Dunning-Kruger in the air..
Mr.Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
Dumb whore, there are more mistakes in your paragraph than an entire toddlers book report. Cant even tell if you're speaking english really. Youre fucking pathetic Joan.
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
Ok, you win mate. You're amazing.
Mr.Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
+Upjoancrawford How can you look stupider than you already do? Holy shit. Your choice of vocabulary is as laughable as your grammar. Go back to school Joan, youre fucking pathetic and dumber than a fucking doorknob.
You are everything thats wrong with this world. All these SJW college kids crying about their safe spaces and you whining and crying and attempting to speak English because someone said a CURSE word.
You are fucking pathetic. Id say the same things to your face you fat, obnoxious, self centered, safe space inducing cunt. Now please, find that bottle of bleach and stop taking this planets finite resources you fucking cow.
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
I'm a lover, not a fighter :) That said, you truly are an appalling boy. Thanks to the bravery of being out of range, fools say things online which they'd never say in person for fear of copping a smack in the mouth. (For the record, the idiotic abuse directed at me, which you seem to have adopted as a hobby, is water off a duck's back. It was your comments regarding our German friend's English language skills which revealed an extraordinarily high level of repugnance in your personal baggage and which prompted me to go in to bat..)
Mr.Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
+upjoanCrawford Nice retort. I can see your sad little brain trying to fight back. Go back to tumblr and shit posting you femiwhale.
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
Oh good, you're still here..
Mr.Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
+Upjoancrawford Maybe your name and low IQ make you such a worthless landwhale. Noone cares about your banshee wails when someone curses you psychotic bitch. Please go drink bleach before you log onto tumblr and begin your daily donut brigade. Thanks, try to cheer up without eating someone.
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
Sigh....Are you ever pleasant? (Don't bother answering that as I've had enough of this. It's no fun because it's too easy, like tripping a one-legged person. Try to cheer up.)
Mr.Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
Always one pathetic, stuck up cunt who gets upset over one word. Get over yourself betty. Youre pathetic and your kind is dying out. Now go take your xanax you psychotic zombie!
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
Ah, so you ARE always like this. Man, I'd hate to wake up every day feeling like you. Have you tried medication?
Mr.Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
Awe, the SJW whiteknights are coming in, Stfu you whiney little faggots. Hope you drown with a moron like this
UpjoanCrawford - 7 years ago
Mr.Tumbleweed, are you like this all the time (angry and abusive), or were you just having a bad day?
Poker Invest
Poker Invest - 7 years ago
Actually she was lucky this dive was so shallow as she wouldn't have suffered any bends here. Panic, under water, will kill you. I know, I'm a divemaster.
Mapplesauce - 8 years ago
What an irony; words such as "spelt" and "learnt" can also be spelt as "spelled" and "learned" depending on which variation of the English language you speak.
Mapplesauce - 8 years ago
Spelt was spelt correctly...
ShambhaMyka - 8 years ago
Haha no, I'm a business owner. You're a really angry person. I hope that whatever it is that has made you so angry in your life will relieve so that you can live a happier life. Good luck in your endeavors.
Mr.Tumbleweed - 8 years ago
+ShambhaMyka I bet you have a really sad life. Now go practice your lines, "would you like fries with that."
ShambhaMyka - 8 years ago
If you're going to make fun of someone's English skills, maybe you should learn that "spelt" is a fish. I think the word you were looking for is "spelled". Just sayin'... ;)
Mr.Tumbleweed - 8 years ago
Also, its spelled panic. And a small remora tickling your head isnt a reason to panic. Maybe you should take a few more diving classes and take a few classes on your local marine eco system. This is pathethic, as is your response and attempt at English.
Mr.Tumbleweed - 8 years ago
+Tim Kremer Prolly dove and snorkeled in more dangerous areas than you can imagine mate. Still not the best reaction in an underwater diving experience. But thanks for adding so much to the conversation!
Kelly Ash
Kelly Ash - 8 years ago
Damn, I wouldn't be diving with my girlfriend anymore if she freaked out on me like this underwater.

I'm glad both of you are okay but I hope she never has to deal with any real diver emergency. You will be screwed if she does, lol.
Alex Crisp
Alex Crisp - 8 years ago
while i don't think anyone that does not feel comfortable under water should not dive, i saw some comments that are mean, not every one reacts the same way, if u where able to over come your fears and can handle your self under water, keep on doing it, diving its one of the best things i ever done, but keeping that in mind make sure that's what u want to do, a mistake in diving can cost your life.
happy diving
johnnyphisit - 7 years ago
Have you ever provided CPR to a non breathing diver on the boat? Freak out on a ship wreck at 26m spited his the reg out. He was lucky to be alive and she reminded me of him. If you cant handle your shit just dont dive.
foden34ke12 - 8 years ago
That's a Remora. They latch onto bigger fish like sharks and eat the bits left over from their meals. Its not uncommon to have them suck onto divers.
Kurrupt4Lyfe - 8 years ago
They look like an upside down shark, the way the fins are.
Wuslon Eulenbaum
Wuslon Eulenbaum - 8 years ago
Vielleicht hätte sie weniger Panik gehabt wenn sie gewusst hätte, dass es nur ein harmloser Schiffshalter ist und wenn ihre Maske nicht beschlagen wäre. Ich würde mir generell die Haare beim Tauchen immer zusammenbinden. Ihr atmet beide ziehmlich schnell; schön, dass ihr trotz Panik nicht "durchgeschossen" seid.
Mr. Hellas
Mr. Hellas - 8 years ago
izuna uchiha
izuna uchiha - 8 years ago
tim tami ist ja richtig mutig
11211069 - 8 years ago
hey kannst du bitte mehr von dem tauch Gang uploaden?
11211069 - 8 years ago
danke dir
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 8 years ago
jo wird gemacht....Viel spektakuläres kommt aber bei dem dive nicht mehr...Der schiffsbegleiter ging mit Ner Schildkröte und Freundin hat sich beruhigt..
Tigerblood - 6 years ago
Wusste doch das ich deutsch verstanden habe
beepIL - 6 years ago
LOL it's just a fucking fish...
What was she doing inside the fucking SEA if she is afraid of fish? bahahaha
Jay Markel
Jay Markel - 7 years ago
Thanks for the share!!!!
Dudesnext - 7 years ago
Don't dive with shorts!
LeWooloo - 7 years ago
Seid ihr Deutsche? "Alles gut! Alles guuuuut!"
Aber richtig reagiert und nicht gleich aufgestiegen. Sie hat sich ja auch sehr schnell beruhigt wie es aussah.
Schnitz1 - 7 years ago
You should have brought the fish home to keep it as a pet. It obviously wanted to.
Tay Oz
Tay Oz - 7 years ago
I was thinking of getting my wife into diving, however after seeing this video I think I won't chance it. It wouldn't go down well with me that my wife freaks out like that. Thanks for sharing the vid.
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 7 years ago
amit goldwaser egypt sea
amit goldwaser
amit goldwaser - 7 years ago
Tim Kremer thanks for sharing! Lovely video, where was the dive?
Kurrupt4Lyfe - 8 years ago
It went in your shorts looking for a play mate {=0)
Luis Lizard
Luis Lizard - 8 years ago
Did the fish got inside her crack?
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 8 years ago
Yeah i uploaded it the next days !
Aerial Eggbeater
Aerial Eggbeater - 8 years ago
She might want to sell her dive gear and take up knitting.....
DeployTheDRS - 6 years ago
Or cooking ;)
Kim .S
Kim .S - 7 years ago
Ahhh the water is so wet
Disgruntled Mule
Disgruntled Mule - 7 years ago
She can always dive in a swimming pool
Vlusion - 7 years ago
And the camera man can pack up to...
Mr.Tumbleweed - 8 years ago
Good idea, cause next time if some weeds brush her leg she will likely have a heart attack and die.
Belinda Davidson
Belinda Davidson - 8 years ago
that girl should not be diving!
Meike Peters
Meike Peters - 6 years ago
ganz meine Meinung, mir ist mal ein Feuerfisch direkt vors Gesicht geschwommen - ich habe rote Haare und er dachte wohl, ich bin ne neue Partnerin oder ein Rivale! aber gleich auszuflippen, wenn ein Fisch den Körper oder die Haare streift!
jabberwolf - 6 years ago
Unless there was a 20 -25 foot white shark coming at her.. or some some of prehistoric dinosaur with flames coming out its mouth, there is NO REASON for her to have panicked like that !!!
And STILL - the one thing you should never do is panic !!
A M - 6 years ago
I don't know why she scared that animal that's selfish you think I'm an idiot
OldSkool 55F100
OldSkool 55F100 - 7 years ago
Remaining Calm in the face of a terrifying situation is the difference between life or death. If you lose your regulator and inhale water you will be unable to recover after 20 seconds... She endangered her Dive Buddy.
marilyn D
marilyn D - 7 years ago
Graham Savill ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm panic about something a little bit deeper and exert all of your o2. See what happens when you realize you have none left due to your panic and hyperventilating... try to correct people with correct info. Not nonsense. You sound quite silly darling. Think before you hurry to be a know it all. Bc as of now with your comments. Your a know nothing lol. You sound very silly to an issue that just requires common sense... carry on.
Abhishek Sahu
Abhishek Sahu - 7 years ago
you er the one with zero knowledge. stfu retard.
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
indy tur no just like correcting people who post crap comments on subjects they obviously dont understand. :-) as per ramoras, one tried to attach itself to my little sister many years ago, freaked her out a bit, so don't really care for the things lol...
indy tur
indy tur - 8 years ago
Graham Savill are you by chance the girl in this video? stay away from the water you are risk to yourself or any one near you. stop bringing out the remora's topic. lol
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
indy tur majority of deaths are down to existing health issues, the next 2 are improper use of equipment and diving outside ones training or experience. Fear actual keeps people from doing the 3rd. Panic normally leads to a rapid ascent which majority of time is controlled by another diver. Out of the ones that are not normally lead to a trip to a chamber with no after effects. High percentage of new divers experience fear during there first dives this is normally due to either the environment or doing a skill. Panic normally is brought on by task loading, which results in either this video, or body and mind just freezing. If you have done any training past intro courses you would know this, or you had a bad instructor or poor course. Now as per fish, majority of fish keep there distance, remoras however like to attach themselves to bigger fish, so to a lot of divers who have never seen one to have a fish that is looking to possibly attach its self to you is out of the norm. Things outside the norm add greatly to task loading which leads to panic.
indy tur
indy tur - 8 years ago
Graham Savill because fear is what can eventually kill you down there, not a fish.
Graham Savill
Graham Savill - 8 years ago
Why not? I have seen experienced divers panic..... Remora's like to attach themselves by sucking on. Most of the time fish swim away. Most people will get a little freaked when a fish tries to attach themselves to you...
Michael Anthony Florentino
Michael Anthony Florentino - 8 years ago
Crazy bitch Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
Michael Anthony Florentino I agree
Alberto Banegas
Alberto Banegas - 7 years ago
Tim Kremer
Tim Kremer - 9 years ago
Ich hatte bei dem tauchgang nur ne Shorts an und er schwamm mir mehrere Male in die hose!gaz wohl war mir auch nicht...
11211069 - 8 years ago
oha ok zum Glück ist alles nochmal gut gelaufen kannst du das andere Material hochladen der Spot ist wirklich sehr interessant :)
11211069 - 9 years ago
Hast du das viedio von dem ganzen tauch Gang und wie kam es zu der Panik bei deiner Freundin ?

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Monster Great White Shark Attacks Cage Diver

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monster great white attacks cage diver. I was in the cage myself when this monster great white came through and I...


Hawaii Diver Swims With Record Breaking Largest...

11,935 likes 1,138,760 views 6 years ago

» See more footage of the massive great white shark: Marine biologist...


Scuba Diver Girls Snorkel the Cook Islands!!!

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Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant...

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About Panik diver girl

The "Panik diver girl" video is part of the diving, snorkelling, underwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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