Spearfishing Freediving Great Barrier Reef Cairns Australia 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水

The girl Summer Great Barrier Reef Freediving 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水 x Gopro Hero 4 Crayfish and sharks !!!!!!!抓龍蝦去囉! Email ✉ summeryaz@gmail.com Instagram @thegirlsummerr https://www.instagram.com/thegirlsummerr/

Spearfishing Freediving Great Barrier Reef Cairns Australia 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 163

Diving 8 years ago 496,980 views

The girl Summer Great Barrier Reef Freediving 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水 x Gopro Hero 4 Crayfish and sharks !!!!!!!抓龍蝦去囉! Email ✉ summeryaz@gmail.com Instagram @thegirlsummerr https://www.instagram.com/thegirlsummerr/

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Most popular comments
for Spearfishing Freediving Great Barrier Reef Cairns Australia 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水

Yueze Lou
Yueze Lou - 7 years ago
Erika Yewsang-Gonthier
Erika Yewsang-Gonthier - 7 years ago
Dip shit Asians come here and don't O-bay the rules pathetic pricks
Gabriel Arredondo
Gabriel Arredondo - 7 years ago
Donde consigo equipo barato para eso..?
mesfin hailemariam
mesfin hailemariam - 7 years ago
Isn't this a protected area? Sad to see people taking pleasure out of slaughtering beautiful creatures at a protected area that is supposed to be a heaven for all sea creatures.
Anna Ja
Anna Ja - 7 years ago
I think a huge crab came out of her twat
TheR3aL.M.s - 7 years ago
4:52 asian and japan hoes likes sluts
ervz19 - 7 years ago
Small tits no good
mandycxxxxxx - 7 years ago
Monkey Angkor
Monkey Angkor - 7 years ago
i love this video so much

10. comment for Spearfishing Freediving Great Barrier Reef Cairns Australia 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水

Monkey Angkor
Monkey Angkor - 7 years ago
Awesome girl
Agent Smith
Agent Smith - 7 years ago
Dislike for killing beautiful animals. Girls who have compassion are the way more attractive
quiksilver 06
quiksilver 06 - 7 years ago
nice selection of background music.
mr. md.zulkifee yusoff
mr. md.zulkifee yusoff - 7 years ago
Special Prom 2u.com /?id=agen2me
Jairo Baez
Jairo Baez - 7 years ago
I'm a simple man. I see ass, I click.
Awakening Call
Awakening Call - 7 years ago
0:37 that form looks like an ass
Renato Pesca Sub Gyn
Renato Pesca Sub Gyn - 7 years ago
It seems like I saw the Minnie Mouse there. 5:55
South Coast Spearos
South Coast Spearos - 7 years ago
Nice vid
Muhd Ikhram
Muhd Ikhram - 7 years ago
All the divers re together to keep the ecosystem and all the coral very well and you went to that place do those stupid spearfishing at the park plus touching those coral like that. Such a destroyer. You cant be called diver.
Anna Ja
Anna Ja - 7 years ago
Get outta our Beautiful ocean u mutt

20. comment for Spearfishing Freediving Great Barrier Reef Cairns Australia 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水

Dana Sutton
Dana Sutton - 7 years ago
the getto music doesn't fit the beautiful scenery.
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger - 7 years ago
Mr05sti - 7 years ago
You two are gorgeous! :) very sweet video! come over to san diego and lets do it! we got blue fin!
yan mao
yan mao - 7 years ago
how can get there and what is the name about this diving point?
Pok Ho Man
Pok Ho Man - 7 years ago
Which island is it? Beautiful ~~
Fabien H
Fabien H - 7 years ago
Never realized the Oceans were so filled with bikini chicks! For every shark or Tuna less, we're getting 2 tanga girls instead. I guess Darwin would have explained this evolution....
Shen Lily
Shen Lily - 7 years ago
Raúl Orta Valero
Raúl Orta Valero - 7 years ago
pretty girls and nice spearfishing, did they help you looking- after lobsters before fishing them? Anyway very nice video!!
Dr Chunky Biscuit
Dr Chunky Biscuit - 7 years ago
Cruel gits. I wish someone would do that to all of you!
Gerardo Zapata
Gerardo Zapata - 7 years ago
hola muy respetuosamente te ves muy hermosa muy bella pareces una sirena te ves muy linda en las profundidades del agua hola me llamo Gerardo Zapata soy mecánico Automotriz vivo en San José Costa Rica ste ss mi número 89091971

30. comment for Spearfishing Freediving Great Barrier Reef Cairns Australia 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水

Philip L
Philip L - 7 years ago
please don't hurt the great barrier reef
Waheed Ullah
Waheed Ullah - 7 years ago
Wao so biutifull
Tim Travasos
Tim Travasos - 7 years ago
Incredible diving! Unbelievable ability to hold your breath. Beautiful setting, and beautiful girls! I have subscribed.
Francisco Gomora
Francisco Gomora - 7 years ago
Sexisss !!!!!
Galen Peterson
Galen Peterson - 7 years ago
Great Barrier Reef Wahines Spearfishing!!!
markp5737 - 7 years ago
How can you look at all that beautiful sea life and think..'I'm going to kill it" I'll never understand people who hunt either on land or in the sea.
Giselle Suarez
Giselle Suarez - 7 years ago
I saw how they nailed the harpoon inside the body of the animal, and it is shocking, I cried instantaneously...I'm not a strict vegetarian, but now I doesn't want tuna, adding the fact that here in Peru tunas are full of sodium, not extravirgin marine salt...I think that instead of eating fish to be healthy I think... what do fish eat? Apart from Sea water(which I drink 5 years ago with amazing results): algae and what fish eat....And yes honey , I am a human but drinking sea water which contain all the periodic table and more, I feel like a super girl plus diving in basic level hehe
michael' - 7 years ago
because they look at it as food, we kill them with respect, just don't torture them.
Unless u aren't human then thats a different story.
Giselle Suarez
Giselle Suarez - 7 years ago
Mm I think it depends if your body needs it...Fish is yummy but there are other omegas sources.Other than that people hunt just for pleasure, because is yummy, not for nutrition...I ignore which animal is that in the video but I couldn't bother it because as mark says, I wouldn't feel happy, not plenty free..simple as that..
theKillerBoiThatRidesAUnicycle - 7 years ago
Hmm... maybe for food?? and there are tons of shrimp in the sea so if you kill one its not gonna destroy the hole reefs ecosystem but i still think that if you kill for example a big fish, and dont eat it, you are a fucking maggot that should rot in hell
Aji Bow
Aji Bow - 7 years ago
song 2:30 ?
Explore 101 Urbex
Explore 101 Urbex - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing, If you have time can you take a look at my channel :-)
Aditya Biker99
Aditya Biker99 - 7 years ago
0:36 butt stone..!!!
Nemwot Fanizet
Nemwot Fanizet - 7 years ago
danger place to play
The Duke
The Duke - 7 years ago
why not just swim nude???
leonardo palavecino
leonardo palavecino - 7 years ago
hi do you have your 1st video with the guy?
Marcel Tjandraatmadja
Marcel Tjandraatmadja - 7 years ago
Donald Martin
Donald Martin - 7 years ago
I bet dinner at Summer's house would be an absolute culinary delight........
ivan campbellson
ivan campbellson - 7 years ago
be prepared to see devastation decades in the making. Hardy Reef off the coast of Whitsundays, Australia. Everyone is in denial but the sadness you will witness at what man has done to nature cannot be denied. The image is one of a fine haze of human faeces colour everywhere you look. Every coral structure is brown and lifeless. Gone are the brilliant plant life and sea flowers from postcards of decades ago. This has not happened from only two years of global warming, no way. The depth and concentration of despair will leave you alarmed and concerned at what the ramifications are of this devastation. I can not rest easy now after seeing this just yesterday the 18th of March 2017. Gigantic Coral structures what would have taken thousands and thousands of years to grow dead by poison. The damage is more than global warming, Chemical run off from pesticides and fertiliser over decades has caused this graveyard.
Federerfan22 - 7 years ago
What a ridiculously beautiful body that first girl in the video has...
Niwaduwata - 7 years ago
heeee heee
Gallus Gallivants
Gallus Gallivants - 7 years ago
Fantastic small video! We utterly love that destination as well. Can't wait to see more. Have a look at our vlogs from there https://youtu.be/KUP8rgiuMnE also you should think about going to to Scotland where we live. Its always freezing but the citys and people are excellent.
FOXTR0T1 - 7 years ago
I thought the lobster she caught at the beginning of the video was a lion fish, and she was just waving it around in her bare hands. I was like damn shes a special sort of crazy
Moris- walfish
Moris- walfish - 7 years ago
I Ivanov
I Ivanov - 7 years ago
great videos... make them longer. I is nice to watch

50. comment for Spearfishing Freediving Great Barrier Reef Cairns Australia 澳洲大堡礁自由潛水

EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
Very cool! beautiful.
Chris Tyrrell
Chris Tyrrell - 7 years ago
WTF,!!!!!! who spears crayfish???? seriously??????
If you can't catch them by hand, leave them alone.
Ca Mai
Ca Mai - 7 years ago
music and footage is perfect @2:38. Nice video btw
The Dive Wagon
The Dive Wagon - 7 years ago
Looks like it was a fun trip! Some cool reef shots there!
wang volam
wang volam - 8 years ago
The girl Summer
The girl Summer - 8 years ago
BoerboelDog Owner
BoerboelDog Owner - 8 years ago
Hey! I'm moving to Queensland from Scotland in a few months, would love to do this. You guys with a club or just go out yourselves?
BoerboelDog Owner
BoerboelDog Owner - 8 years ago
Summer Chang Thank you :) xx
The girl Summer
The girl Summer - 8 years ago
We just go out by ourselves! Hope you will enjoy Queensland!
Moose Olly
Moose Olly - 8 years ago
bradspicks - 8 years ago
Wow, i want to snorkel with you two!
Jaeyoung Jeong
Jaeyoung Jeong - 8 years ago
martin chan
martin chan - 8 years ago
dewwwwwww i rate
martin chan
martin chan - 8 years ago
damm she's hot
ej kapileo
ej kapileo - 8 years ago
Primo Paderanga
Primo Paderanga - 8 years ago
李智宇 - 8 years ago
aren,t you afraid of drowning
Randy Boisa
Randy Boisa - 8 years ago
nice vid! I stay with blue water drifting, reef is tough peace.
Belac Orendain
Belac Orendain - 8 years ago
So hot in there
cn chok
cn chok - 8 years ago
cn chok
cn chok - 8 years ago
The girl Summer
The girl Summer - 8 years ago
road pirates
road pirates - 8 years ago
isn't it illegal to spear crays?
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger - 7 years ago
The girl Summer give me dinner
The girl Summer
The girl Summer - 8 years ago
Not in Queensland
- Anonymous
- Anonymous - 8 years ago
Damn your hot! I need a cold shower..
rob meier
rob meier - 8 years ago
you should double check with fisheries regulations over east before you put videos up spearing crayfish. we would get pretty big fines for that .. just make sure you don't land yourselfs in trouble posting video evidence lol.
DarkSagan - 7 years ago
Then take your pasty ass somewhere else.
Whirled Publishing
Whirled Publishing - 7 years ago
Spearfishing is a cunts act used by wankers, especially slaps heads
Ben Stenhouse
Ben Stenhouse - 7 years ago
Totally fine in QLD mate!!
The girl Summer
The girl Summer - 8 years ago
Thanks for reminding but I'm pretty sure about the fishing law in Queensland that you could catch crays
Skyreel Studios
Skyreel Studios - 8 years ago
Great uplifting video. Awesome music. Thanks for sharing. Appreciate women taking on such adventures. Be sure to check out my new video for Monster Lobster caught in South Africa...
kerry ward
kerry ward - 8 years ago
damn, you are beautiful !
harleyss1968 - 8 years ago
nice split tail
ychinchin - 8 years ago
Fun !
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 8 years ago
so good!!! music??
james Harrington
james Harrington - 8 years ago
Djhi Normas Zara larsson
Po'opa'a Pounda
Po'opa'a Pounda - 8 years ago
dat ass @ 0:36 (;
DarkSagan - 7 years ago
ita Ho
ita Ho - 7 years ago
0:56 real ass
Lee Jinkian
Lee Jinkian - 7 years ago
u tricked me fucker
Danial Haiqal
Danial Haiqal - 8 years ago
bikini xsiy
1nvisible1 - 8 years ago
Very clever.
4X4 900
4X4 900 - 8 years ago
Col - 8 years ago
What a great video well done
Whirled Publishing
Whirled Publishing - 7 years ago
Illegal fishing in marine conservation areas is a no no.
If you step back into the great barrier reef again you will be prosecuted.
The girl Summer
The girl Summer - 8 years ago

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