Treasures of Roatan - Snorkeling and Freediving on the Reef
Diving 11 years ago 47,755 views
Come explore the beauty of the reef surrounding the Island of Roatan. This video was shot in its entirety while freediving on the reef at West Bay, in December 2013. Again, many thanks to the people at Roatan Marine Park for their excellent conservation work. Camera; Sony Handycam HDR-CX580 Music by; Llewellyn Disclaimer; This movie is for personal use only. I do not own or hold any rights to the music used. NO copyright infringement is intended. Please watch my other video about Cordelia Banks, a unique coral reef in the Carribean;
video, I'm Honduran I don't know this paradise of my beautiful county; I'm feeling nostalgic .
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10. comment for Treasures of Roatan - Snorkeling and Freediving on the Reef
I'm very honoured you liked my video
I have never been near Sundance Villas. Everyhting you saw in the video was filmed at West Bay.
The snorkeling might be just as good where you are going, so you might be happy with staying there the whole time.
If, not try heading out to West Bay for a day with the kids.
The snorkeling is very easy there.
At West Bay, there is a wharf right in front of Infinity Bay hotel (the Infinity Wharf). In the day time you should always enter the water to the left of the wharf. The boats come in on the right side of the wharf, so it's a little dangerous there. The best place to enter the water is at the left end of the beach (a 5-minute walk from Infinity). Once you get there, swim right out perpendicularly to the beach (towards the white buoy), and after a minute or so you will find a small passage and right after that you will be in 15 feet of water. The corals form valleys and peaks, so at some point you will be in deeper water and then in much shallower water. And yes, all the fish you see in my video are right there, 100 feet from the beach. some are quite common, others less.Very few sharks around West Bay. There are a few Nurse Sharks, but they usually rest around the bottom during the day.
You can try going to Cordelia Banks. That's on the South Side, and there are more Nurse Sharks there.
Here is the video I made of that;
Also, here is the link to a more recent video filmed at West Bay.
It features more fish species and the quality is better (and there is a Nurse Shark in that video).
Let me know if you have other questions... And have a great trip!
PS: I you go to West Bay, try to go there when the cruise ships are not in port. They are only there 2 or 3 days during the week, but on those days the population on the beach doubles or triples...
20. comment for Treasures of Roatan - Snorkeling and Freediving on the Reef
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
You can also try some snorkeling spots not far from West Bay, like the Blue Channel. It’s a 10-minute ride by boat and I’m pretty sure the dive shop at Infinity Bay can take you there. They can also recommend other snorkeling spots you can try.
There are some Garifuna people living on the island. They mostly live at the East end of the island. You should ask about day trips that go there. You could also look into Gumbalimba Park, which is only 10 minutes from West Bay; they have free-roaming monkeys that come and sit on your shoulder when you offer them sunflower seeds, and also some parrots, which also live free. They are free to come and go as they please, but choose to stay because they are well treated. You can also see the parrots fly overhead around 6 a.m. at the east-end of West Bay (near Las Rocas). And if you are feeling adventurous, Gumbalimba Park also offers a great Zipline through the forest canopy.
There might also be a day-trip you can take to the mainland to a very quaint Honduran village in the mountains call 'Gracias Limpiras'. Ask about it at Infinity, and if they don't offer it, go to the Henry Morgan hotel and ask Nathalie about it.
As far as restaurants, you will definitely want to try the Coconut Shrimp at Bananarama, and check out their 2 for 1 pizza night Monday or Tuesday. You can get 2 large pizzas for the price of 1, so bring some friends. For high-end dining, you should go to 'The Vintage Pearl', which has an excellent wine cellar and some 4 star dining. You will also be encouraged to try "Gio's", which is your typical Crab shack. Some people love it, some people don't. I was among the latter…
Have a great trip and let me know how it went when you get back!
Any other 'terra-firma' suggestions are welcome as well. ie dining, excursions? Infinity boasts it's own water purification system--- feeling a little paranoid to venture out-- digestively. Would love to get to mainland and do a Garufina day trip but it doesn't seem to match the ferry/flights to do 'just a day'. We are leery of the 'animal attractions' on the island as they are captive ;o(. Thanks again for any suggestions and have a wonderful day.
Cheers, Tony
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
Thank you to show to the world that my country also has a lot of beauty, good people, and that we love to see visitors like you, who respect and love our natural life. We hope you return soon to Honduras, Bienvenido!!!
30. comment for Treasures of Roatan - Snorkeling and Freediving on the Reef
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
Awesome video!
Thanks for sharing!
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
50. comment for Treasures of Roatan - Snorkeling and Freediving on the Reef
Peut-être qu'en cet instant même vous êtes en plein tournage au Roatan. Votre vidéo est magnifique! Toutes nos félicitations! Vous nous avez fait rêver mon mari et moi. Nous prévoyions un voyage au Roatan cet été. Tous deux amoureux fous de snorkeling, nous aimerions savoir à quel endroit avez vous capté ces superbes images? Était-ce sur la plage de West End? Peut-on voir ces poissons uniquement en plongée ou nous pourrons également les voir en snorkeling de la plage sans aller dans les eaux trop profondes? À combien de mettre de la plage peut-on déjà se régaler de voir nos amis colorés? Nos avons regardé un hôtel sur West Bay puis un autre sur Sandy Bay... Nous serons heureux de lire vos commentaires qui nous seront très précieux. Un grand merci à l'avance :)
Michel et Diane
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.
I have published a new video of Roatan, filmed in HD, and featuring over 60 marine species. Please have a look and let me know what you think.