Tubbataha Reef Diving via Expedition Fleet Oceanic Explorer

Tubbataha Reef diving is a truly unique experience. Rated among world's top ten dives, this UNESCO World Heritage site features vivid colors, variety of unspoiled corals and abundance of marine life. Diving on this twin atol ranges from shallow coral gardens to the immense vertical walls, splendid night dives and multiple wreck sites. On the other hand, I must admit that even here, a lot of damage to the corals could be seen and planning of diving on the liveaboard trips could potentially be improved from the part of the Expedition Fleet operator. For a detailed video review of the ship (Oceanic Explorer) and the whole liveabord diving trip, please check out my video review here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d10k8vAkRw Keywords: tubbataha,reef,expedition,feet,oceanic,explorer,stella,maris,ocean,sea,diving,scuba,site,unesco,world,heritage,philippines,palawan,sulu,dive,coral,pelagic,fish,manta,ray,shark,bank,jack,tuna,moray,eel,dragon,scorpion,liveaboard,safari,trip,marine,manila,luzon,park,gopro,north,south,atoll,wall,puerto,princesa,Underwater,barracuda,video,review,chase,boat,safety,nitrox,air,night,sanctuary,octopus,nudibranch,ranger,station

Tubbataha Reef Diving via Expedition Fleet Oceanic Explorer sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Diving 11 years ago 32,160 views

Tubbataha Reef diving is a truly unique experience. Rated among world's top ten dives, this UNESCO World Heritage site features vivid colors, variety of unspoiled corals and abundance of marine life. Diving on this twin atol ranges from shallow coral gardens to the immense vertical walls, splendid night dives and multiple wreck sites. On the other hand, I must admit that even here, a lot of damage to the corals could be seen and planning of diving on the liveaboard trips could potentially be improved from the part of the Expedition Fleet operator. For a detailed video review of the ship (Oceanic Explorer) and the whole liveabord diving trip, please check out my video review here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d10k8vAkRw Keywords: tubbataha,reef,expedition,feet,oceanic,explorer,stella,maris,ocean,sea,diving,scuba,site,unesco,world,heritage,philippines,palawan,sulu,dive,coral,pelagic,fish,manta,ray,shark,bank,jack,tuna,moray,eel,dragon,scorpion,liveaboard,safari,trip,marine,manila,luzon,park,gopro,north,south,atoll,wall,puerto,princesa,Underwater,barracuda,video,review,chase,boat,safety,nitrox,air,night,sanctuary,octopus,nudibranch,ranger,station

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Most popular comments
for Tubbataha Reef Diving via Expedition Fleet Oceanic Explorer

Yueze Lou
Yueze Lou - 8 years ago
good footages
did u use a color filter?
SEA - AIR - LAND - 8 years ago
this is shot with the very first generation gopro with no filter. all color corrections are done in the SW
NCTZEN - 8 years ago
this is where I live Philippines !
Lillian Wendt
Lillian Wendt - 8 years ago
You are so lucky to have dove with dolphins <3
Spinners are quite beautiful, aren't they?
charles hu
charles hu - 8 years ago
@1:58 turtle! you need to work on your buoyancy! turtle! u destroying coral! stahp! staaaahhhppppp~~~!!!!!!! cries
SEA - AIR - LAND - 8 years ago
this is right unfortunately, I hit the coral which normally never happens to me. very sorry for that :-(
Reign Heart
Reign Heart - 8 years ago
C H E F - 8 years ago
Who did you dive with, and what are the prices like? Awesome video by the way!
SEA - AIR - LAND - 8 years ago
read the title and you will know :-) check my other video for the trip and ship review
this was 5 years ago so not sure about the price
Zesty Breakfast Burrito
Zesty Breakfast Burrito - 8 years ago
Hi! We're The Clean Initiative, a high school student group aiming to make creative ways of raising awareness about environmental concerns. May we please have permission to borrow some of your clips?
SEA - AIR - LAND - 8 years ago
sure guys, go ahead :-)
Vera Venus
Vera Venus - 9 years ago
amazing video!. i hope to explore tubbatahha reef soon..#bucketlis "=_
CNLE PN - 9 years ago
Dear admin, please see your inbox. Thanks!

10. comment for Tubbataha Reef Diving via Expedition Fleet Oceanic Explorer

sasha038 - 9 years ago
This is the first GoPro?
SEA - AIR - LAND - 9 years ago
+sasha038 thanks :-D
sasha038 - 9 years ago
Unreal! Great footage
SEA - AIR - LAND - 9 years ago
+sasha038 yes
sasha038 - 9 years ago
Unreal <3 Thanks for showing the natural beauty of the Philippines :) Its definitely under appreciated.
SEA - AIR - LAND - 9 years ago
+sasha038 oh thanks for your comment ... my trip to philippines was one of my best trips ever :-) what a great place!
ROWI Design
ROWI Design - 10 years ago
Great Video, good job!
Johnnyjnegron - 10 years ago
Amazing video! Job well done wow !
SEA - AIR - LAND - 10 years ago
thanks! have a good time diving ...
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 10 years ago
That Turtle is destroying the reef ! Somebody kill it with fire or make soup with it !
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 10 years ago
I wanna go and take all this corals for my tank !!
Fumfie - 10 years ago
Just look at the overwhelming beauty of the ocean waves. I really believe that the Go Pro is a revolutionary invention. Great capture! 
SEA - AIR - LAND - 10 years ago
thanks for your comment :-) yet this was still the first gopro version ... the new one is even better!
Jackie Silva
Jackie Silva - 10 years ago
Sir, I would like to get permission of using some of the video clips that you have here for my sister's project in her school if that is okay? We would give proper credits as well.
Jackie Silva
Jackie Silva - 10 years ago
+SEA - AIR - LAND thank you very much (^^)v ♥
SEA - AIR - LAND - 10 years ago
hi there :-) first of all ... dont call me sir :-DDD
and of course feel free to use whatever you need
if you spread the links to my youtube channel, I would be more than happy
wish you all the best!!!
Brenan Corbin
Brenan Corbin - 10 years ago
shared this on GOPRO Amateurs on FB great vid.! GO check it out!
Elise Weekley
Elise Weekley - 11 years ago
I love this video. Ocean life can be so peaceful. I just look at it and think "wow, look what God has made. It's so beautiful." I want to be a part of trying to save our oceans. If people don't take care of the earth then things like this will be gone some day.
SEA - AIR - LAND - 11 years ago
Thank you for this comment! Ocean is an emanation of true love ... this is where we came from.

20. comment for Tubbataha Reef Diving via Expedition Fleet Oceanic Explorer

Sage Sy
Sage Sy - 11 years ago
how does this look so good, when i went to tubbataha i also used a gopro and i had the dive housing, but it looked bad. pls give me some advice 
SEA - AIR - LAND - 9 years ago
+Sage Sy to get the best results with the color grading, use adobe speedgrade
SEA - AIR - LAND - 11 years ago
In fact, I am the only serious spectator of my videos, cause no one really cares, not even my family, that is being force fed every time I have a new vid. The equation is like this - 1 minute of final edited video = 1-2hrs of editing. This tubbataha video took me something like 3 weeks to edit ... 3-4 hours every day.
So lets simply face the truth: unless it is you wanting to make these videos for yourself to be happy with it, it is a waste of time. Believe me. I will finnish editing the footages I made so far and thats it. I will only be filming short clips on special occations. Good luck :-)
SEA - AIR - LAND - 11 years ago
Well, I am not a pro but filming is all about light. Where theres no light, your videos will be poor, and the deeper you go, the worse it gets as you lose the light and color. So FYI, I had to dump 95% of my footages that were simply crap for this reason, because I dont have any additional lights. If you had the expensive lights though, then GoPro would probably be too cheap to do the filming, so this doesnt help.
Second thing is post production ... use some good SW to tweak the video (curves, shadows highlights, saturation, sharpen, etc.). I use Premiere CS6 (make sure your GPU supports HW acceleration for the particular SW). There are tons of tutorials, try e.g. creativecow.com
The bottom line ... be prepared to waste A LOT of time with video editing. Afterall nobody will really watch it as there are tuns of the same video s**t everywhere and you will never even get close to professionals. It will always look kinda lousy compared to discovery channel.
MsBrittanyTV - 11 years ago
I'm 14 and I want to be marine Bio.(: btw great video!
DC PTY - 11 years ago
Nothing like nature...its hypnotic
steven harper
steven harper - 11 years ago
awesome video. Ive been to Palawan a few times and dreamed about diving there. Ive now completed my open water course so now i hope i can!!
SEA - AIR - LAND - 11 years ago
hope you go for it ... it is rated among worlds top ten dive sites, definitely worth it
SEA - AIR - LAND - 11 years ago
many thanks :-) keep divin' !!!
UNAVE - 11 years ago
Great Video! I want to go back and dive again -- thank you!

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The "Tubbataha Reef Diving via Expedition Fleet Oceanic Explorer" video is part of the diving, snorkelling, underwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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