Turtle Reef | Deerfield Beach | Boca Raton | Snorkeling
Diving 11 years ago 18,811 views
Turtle Reef | Boca Raton | Deerfield Beach Beach Scuba and Snorkeling Dive Site http://sinkfloridasink.com/south-florida-dive-sites/south-florida-beach-dives/turtle-reef-boca-raton-scuba-diving-beach-dive-site/ The Boca Raton / Deerfield Beach Turtle Reef Beach Dive: The Boca Raton / Deerfield Beach Turtle Reef is an artificial reef constructed of giant boulders..... also known as County Line Reef. this dive site is a 5-minute walk north of the pier, in front of the Whitehall South condo building. To spot the condo from the beach, look for three identical white/off white high-rises which are next to each other. Entering the water in front of the middle building is recommended. The reef is about 650 feet out......parallel to the 3rd to last set of pillars on the pier. From April to August, countless turtles come here! Turtle Reef | Boca Raton | Deerfield Beach Beach Scuba and Snorkeling Dive Site
Turtle Reef was a great reef. One of our favorites spots to snorkel. Unfortunately the rumors you heard are true. One of people we dive with told us, "winter storms or the combination of them with the beach reclamation efforts have totally buried turtle reef. Apparently, there is some growth on the ancient reef that was exposed last year but, not much. The turtle patch still exists to the north."
South Inlet Park is about 1/3 mile north and has a similar reef structure.
We hope Turtle Reef will return for 2015.