VlogGully 2: The Magical Rescue (Great Barrier Reef, Scuba Diving, and Fish Jokes)

Day 1,071 December 6, 2013 ——— Get official ApprenticeA merch: http://www.districtlines.com/apprenticeA ——— Featured production of the day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vklAHgcZYS4&list=PLdhhRP5fmk4LRrqRj0KAMgBs3D-_GDHGx ——— ApprenticeA Productions http://www.twitter.com/ApprenticeA http://www.facebook.com/ApprenticeA http://ApprenticeA.tumblr.com http://plus.google.com/103285064074023191372 ApprenticeEh Daily Vlogs http://www.twitter.com/ApprenticeEh http://www.facebook.com/ApprenticeEh http://ApprenticeEh.tumblr.com http://plus.google.com/100320895261333978779 ——— Corey Vidal http://www.youtube.com/coreyvidal http://www.twitter.com/coreyvidal http://www.facebook.com/coreyvidal Samantha Fall http://www.youtube.com/SamanthaFall http://www.twitter.com/SamanthaFall http://www.facebook.com/SamanthaFall Rianna Finch http://www.youtube.com/riannafinch http://www.twitter.com/riannafinch http://www.facebook.com/riannafinch Saskia Vanell http://www.youtube.com/saskiavanell http://www.twitter.com/saskiavanell http://www.facebook.com/saskiavanell Corrado Coia http://www.youtube.com/CorradoCoia http://www.twitter.com/CorradoCoia http://www.facebook.com/CorradoCoia Saskia Vanell http://www.youtube.com/saskiavanell http://www.twitter.com/saskiavanell http://www.facebook.com/saskiavanell Joel Sullivan http://www.youtube.com/joelksullivan http://www.twitter.com/joelksullivan http://www.facebook.com/joelksullivan Will Weeks http://www.twitter.com/willwks SeanDSullivan http://www.twitter.com/seandmsullivan http://www.youtube.com/seandmsullivan http://www.facebook.com/seandmsullivan Tim Deegan http://www.youtube.com/timjdeegan http://www.twitter.com/tim_deegan http://www.facebook.com/timdeegan Louis Cole http://www.youtube.com/funforlouis http://www.twitter.com/funforlouis http://www.facebook.com/louiscole Jesse Welle and Jeana http://www.youtube.com/PrankvsPrank http://www.youtube.com/bfvsgf http://www.twitter.com/JesseWelle http://www.twitter.com/PhillyChic5 ——— Outro theme song written and performed by: Andrew Huang http://www.youtube.com/songstowearpantsto http://www.twitter.com/andrewismusic http://www.facebook.com/songstowearpantsto ———

VlogGully 2: The Magical Rescue (Great Barrier Reef, Scuba Diving, and Fish Jokes) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Diving 11 years ago 8,985 views

Day 1,071 December 6, 2013 ——— Get official ApprenticeA merch: http://www.districtlines.com/apprenticeA ——— Featured production of the day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vklAHgcZYS4&list=PLdhhRP5fmk4LRrqRj0KAMgBs3D-_GDHGx ——— ApprenticeA Productions http://www.twitter.com/ApprenticeA http://www.facebook.com/ApprenticeA http://ApprenticeA.tumblr.com http://plus.google.com/103285064074023191372 ApprenticeEh Daily Vlogs http://www.twitter.com/ApprenticeEh http://www.facebook.com/ApprenticeEh http://ApprenticeEh.tumblr.com http://plus.google.com/100320895261333978779 ——— Corey Vidal http://www.youtube.com/coreyvidal http://www.twitter.com/coreyvidal http://www.facebook.com/coreyvidal Samantha Fall http://www.youtube.com/SamanthaFall http://www.twitter.com/SamanthaFall http://www.facebook.com/SamanthaFall Rianna Finch http://www.youtube.com/riannafinch http://www.twitter.com/riannafinch http://www.facebook.com/riannafinch Saskia Vanell http://www.youtube.com/saskiavanell http://www.twitter.com/saskiavanell http://www.facebook.com/saskiavanell Corrado Coia http://www.youtube.com/CorradoCoia http://www.twitter.com/CorradoCoia http://www.facebook.com/CorradoCoia Saskia Vanell http://www.youtube.com/saskiavanell http://www.twitter.com/saskiavanell http://www.facebook.com/saskiavanell Joel Sullivan http://www.youtube.com/joelksullivan http://www.twitter.com/joelksullivan http://www.facebook.com/joelksullivan Will Weeks http://www.twitter.com/willwks SeanDSullivan http://www.twitter.com/seandmsullivan http://www.youtube.com/seandmsullivan http://www.facebook.com/seandmsullivan Tim Deegan http://www.youtube.com/timjdeegan http://www.twitter.com/tim_deegan http://www.facebook.com/timdeegan Louis Cole http://www.youtube.com/funforlouis http://www.twitter.com/funforlouis http://www.facebook.com/louiscole Jesse Welle and Jeana http://www.youtube.com/PrankvsPrank http://www.youtube.com/bfvsgf http://www.twitter.com/JesseWelle http://www.twitter.com/PhillyChic5 ——— Outro theme song written and performed by: Andrew Huang http://www.youtube.com/songstowearpantsto http://www.twitter.com/andrewismusic http://www.facebook.com/songstowearpantsto ———

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Most popular comments
for VlogGully 2: The Magical Rescue (Great Barrier Reef, Scuba Diving, and Fish Jokes)

affenonkel - 11 years ago
All of that looks so fun. Well, minus the prawn - those freak me out. On a random note, I always liked the very short hair on Joel but it's really cute when it's a little longer too.
Kevin Spratt
Kevin Spratt - 11 years ago
awesome stuff... i love shrimp!
Justo Blando
Justo Blando - 11 years ago
1:56 Corrado Death Stare!
Ian Reed
Ian Reed - 11 years ago
I freaking love diving and am suuuuuper jealous. I need to do this someday!
publicsafetydan - 11 years ago
No video for two days? U guys okay?
YcatsVlogs - 11 years ago
i love shimp  but i will not work to eat it 
Josh - 11 years ago
I love how loyal Corrado is to his stache.
Aqil Azli
Aqil Azli - 11 years ago
Where's todays vlog????????
AClover4life14 - 11 years ago
OH MY GOD SOO COOL!! I want to go diving in the great barrier reaf thats amazing 

10. comment for VlogGully 2: The Magical Rescue (Great Barrier Reef, Scuba Diving, and Fish Jokes)

Dana Morris
Dana Morris - 11 years ago
These vlogs have made me wanna be more adventurous haha
ryannadmc - 11 years ago
You're drinking Bundaberg! - best drinks in the world!
WeLoveKnowledge - 11 years ago
BEAD76 - 11 years ago
Enjoy seeing the contiki trip from all the different vlogers, looks like your all having an excellent time in Australia. The reef looks outstanding, I saw the this on the contiki channel you've captured some amazing footage, good job everyone & thanks for taking us along with you.
Josh Fletcher
Josh Fletcher - 11 years ago
I'm from the deep south in the US so those shrimp instructions were pretty tame. Corey forgot to suck the juices out of the shrimp head. The legs are usually pretty good too.
Toronto Maple Leafer
Toronto Maple Leafer - 11 years ago
Oh yes, just a note to make for when you get back, you should change the name from ApprenticeEh, to ApprenticeTanned.
Toronto Maple Leafer
Toronto Maple Leafer - 11 years ago
Lol, our Canadianism must seem so weird to people with our accents. Like the part where Will is just sitting there so amused while Cory was saying "We're aboat to get on a boat." Also, I was watching this vlog while it felt like it was -17*C outside waiting for the transit. I was hoping for the vlog to radiant heat, but alas no luck. Could you guy bottle up some of that heat and bring it back to Canada?
Mitch Conway
Mitch Conway - 11 years ago
I'm drowning under the weight of all these puns.
Jaibee27 - 11 years ago
you forgot to rip out the disgusting black vein thing from the prawns back lol.
Sara Kelly May
Sara Kelly May - 11 years ago

20. comment for VlogGully 2: The Magical Rescue (Great Barrier Reef, Scuba Diving, and Fish Jokes)

mahala Bradford
mahala Bradford - 11 years ago
This is like reliving my ozzy holiday. So many memories! Thanks guys for filming.
thejessta - 11 years ago
Rianna's faces <3
batwyrt - 11 years ago
I live in France and didn't know you guys were not used to eat shrimps like that. Here we always get them with the shell and take it off ourselves.
Sparkuus - 11 years ago
WOW! An Amoeba with a clown fish in it wold be one BLOODY BIG amoeba! :)
Sorry, couldn't help being a smart ass! :) 
Robert Jack
Robert Jack - 11 years ago
That was a awesome awesome awesome awesome vlog
sailingblindly - 11 years ago
"It looks like a bunch of water, and it is." "Spoiler alert: it's wet." Corrado Coia: bringing you breaking news.
cindyreddeer - 11 years ago
Watching Wally the fish on the CTFxC vlog was so cool. I loved how he just came to you for pets. :)
HeyJudeItsVictoria - 11 years ago
I was very satisfied with all the fish puns made today.
vlogging peacock
vlogging peacock - 11 years ago
for some reason seeing Corrado in the Jelly fish suit made me think of cone heads.  Not sure why.
Ali - 11 years ago
Hey Sam are you single? I'm a really cool guy and yeah, call meh :)

30. comment for VlogGully 2: The Magical Rescue (Great Barrier Reef, Scuba Diving, and Fish Jokes)

mystica375 - 11 years ago
I want to be adopted by fish too! :(
lurveit - 11 years ago
Is taking the shell off a prawn really such a new thing for those overseas? It's such a normal thing for us Aussies. 
Devon Huntley
Devon Huntley - 11 years ago
When you're back in Canada you are all going to be SO tan compared to everyone else!
Stephanie Feng
Stephanie Feng - 11 years ago
i do believe that my way of opening shrimp is quicker... 
canadaprairiegirl - 11 years ago
The Apprentice A team ...tanned? What is this madness.
iBangAPES - 11 years ago
expected corrado to say "i see booty upon the seven seas" @ 11:41 xDD
Luky Schmooks
Luky Schmooks - 11 years ago
Oh my god Joel your Elwins shirt!!!! SO GOOD
ApprenticeEh - 11 years ago
Steven Scott
Steven Scott - 11 years ago
So cool that I got to go to Australia through the vlog I will use +Contiki to go on a giant vacation it looks like so much fun  
Paul McAllister
Paul McAllister - 11 years ago
So many adventures on this road trip. Thanks for taking us along guys. {B^)
Alexander Fraser
Alexander Fraser - 11 years ago
When did YouTube start allowing Prawnography?
Countitall Joi
Countitall Joi - 11 years ago
I so want to go to the reef! I better sign up for scuba lessons.
Alyson Clarke
Alyson Clarke - 11 years ago
Corey, have you been diving anywhere else other than St. Lucia? I got my certification in Florida. we only dived in fresh water locations, but it was beautiful nonetheless.  
Alyson Clarke
Alyson Clarke - 11 years ago
well, St. Lucia and Australia lol
falastinibabygurl - 11 years ago
Am I allowed to have favorites? Corrado is my favorite! <3
falastinibabygurl - 11 years ago
Lol Corrado at 12:06 made the joke 10x better!
zexx2004 - 11 years ago
7:13 Dutch speed skating team - 11:35 Dutch speed skating team in summer
Dominique Lempares
Dominique Lempares - 11 years ago
So, did you guys go jellyfishing?
Dyan Hall
Dyan Hall - 11 years ago
Love the videos such amazing things that you all have gotten to do!!!
Angela Hicks
Angela Hicks - 11 years ago
I think some of those puns put up a great barrier between you and the audience.
Ernest Paul
Ernest Paul - 11 years ago
thats deep
toastersXftwX - 11 years ago
falastinibabygurl - 11 years ago
Lol that was a good one
Lesley Pedatella
Lesley Pedatella - 11 years ago
This is just.....breathtakingly beautiful. I hope someday to get to see the Great Barrier Reef...so amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! <3

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About VlogGully 2: The Magical Rescue (Great Barrier Reef, Scuba Diving, and Fish Jokes)

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