Homemade analog Twinstar, DIY Twinstar

Аналог Твинстар, помогает в борьба с водорослями. My analog Twinstar algae killer. Working for 6 months. DIY Twinstar.

Homemade analog Twinstar, DIY Twinstar sentiment_very_dissatisfied 38

DIY 11 years ago 49,631 views

Аналог Твинстар, помогает в борьба с водорослями. My analog Twinstar algae killer. Working for 6 months. DIY Twinstar.

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Most popular comments
for Homemade analog Twinstar, DIY Twinstar

heven ras
heven ras - 5 years ago
Did you add salt to the water
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 5 years ago
Aliana Ly
Aliana Ly - 6 years ago
хоть бы кто объяснил,что за штука такая?
Cash Brown
Cash Brown - 6 years ago
What parts will I need to build the same structure as you did?
...and thank you for showing that it is possible!
Anne-Laure Hipp
Anne-Laure Hipp - 7 years ago
Mine is dirty after few minutes and doesn't work properly because of that... Any solution ?
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 7 years ago
you are using wrong matherial! Use titanium or aisi 440
Kyle Lashbrook
Kyle Lashbrook - 8 years ago
thanks for telling us nothing at all..... stupid video
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 7 years ago
You can ask! I will tell!
Kushal Patel
Kushal Patel - 8 years ago
also can you please explain running time and interval time and how many hrs running require...
younis - یونس
younis - یونس - 6 years ago
It works about 5-7 minutes per hour, from 8:00-20:00
Kushal Patel
Kushal Patel - 8 years ago
can i use 24volt adaptor for same???
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 6 years ago
Ramees Koya KS
Ramees Koya KS - 8 years ago
why i cant use a regular stainless steel mesh ?
do you have a timer switch to turn it on and off ?
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 6 years ago
Yes simple timer from shop.
TC Colorful
TC Colorful - 9 years ago
do the shrimps or fish get electrocuted?
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 9 years ago
+Tria Vang No! Its Absoluteley safe! Some Time later I will make a video "How to kill mayano anemone (aiptasia)" with the almoust same dvice

10. comment for Homemade analog Twinstar, DIY Twinstar

Adam Cigler
Adam Cigler - 9 years ago
it produce oxygen and hydrogen? i try it at home with normal steel 12V 2A and bubbles from it are explosive .. thank you for your answer
orlando paez
orlando paez - 9 years ago
Hola saludos. Dígame de que material son las laminas de malla? yo lo hice pero se oxidan las mayas. Gracias por el video y espero pronta respuesta. :)
Lean Sousa
Lean Sousa - 9 years ago
+orlando paez acero inoxidable
Anna Lin
Anna Lin - 10 years ago
How many minutes that each time you on?
younis - یونس
younis - یونس - 6 years ago
i have same question
DKN MInister
DKN MInister - 10 years ago
What power supply did you use with yours? 
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 6 years ago
younis - یونس
younis - یونس - 6 years ago
15v or 19v
Rade Mihajlovic
Rade Mihajlovic - 10 years ago
What do you achieve by this apparatus, what is the purpose of this ?
DOX9500 - 10 years ago
it initiates hydrolysis, breaking down water to oxygen and hydrogen.  the by-product ions kills green water algae spores.
Yamil Bendek
Yamil Bendek - 10 years ago
awesome job....a couple of questions, what voltage and amperage is used? have you seen good results over algae? 
Catalin T Adrian
Catalin T Adrian - 7 years ago
hi, what about 5v 0.5am
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 9 years ago
+Yamil Bendek Yes, algae dies, its about 12Volts, 0.5-1amps
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 10 years ago
Voltage about 12v 2A, It's really kills algae!
Zoran Janošević
Zoran Janošević - 10 years ago
Nice build. Can you tell me what voltage do you use? AC/DC? mA?
Julien Védélago
Julien Védélago - 10 years ago
Hello !
How many time it work per day ?
Thx :)
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 10 years ago
Yes, but could be AISI420
Julien Védélago
Julien Védélago - 10 years ago
@Aqua CNL Thanks a lot ! ;)
The mesh used is Titanium ?
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 10 years ago
It works about 5-7 minutes per hour, from 8:00-20:00
Pitah1 - 10 years ago
Any results?
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 10 years ago
Results - no algae at all!
Very useful in new aquariums!
Alex Ribeiro
Alex Ribeiro - 10 years ago
Hi, Please, the meshes of the cathode and the anode are the same? What kind? 
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 10 years ago
Yeap, the material is the same, but not usual stainless steel. Special type of the USSR Steel.

20. comment for Homemade analog Twinstar, DIY Twinstar

Zsolt Májercsik
Zsolt Májercsik - 10 years ago
Hello, I would like to ask is what makes the web? is purchased from you? Thank you in advance for your answer
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 10 years ago
No, I don't make them for web, only for myself.
Jonan Villanueva
Jonan Villanueva - 10 years ago
Great Job!!

How its work? 
Jonan Villanueva
Jonan Villanueva - 10 years ago
Grill = meshes
One more question please,
How much power working this ion generator?
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 10 years ago
@Jonan Villanueva
Poles of the ions betwin 2 meshes.
What grill solution? I Dont understand what is this world means.
Jonan Villanueva
Jonan Villanueva - 10 years ago
@Aqua CNL Thank you for reply.
Also, Inside the aquarium, are the two poles of the ion?
What is the grill solution?
Aqua CNL
Aqua CNL - 10 years ago
The principle is based on ion exchange reactions.
The driving force of the process is the interaction of ions with water.
Inside aquarium electrode and outside the ion generator.
Everything is controlled by electronics.

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