Discus Fish: Can hobbyist keep them without all the water changes?

Discus Fish, Symphysodon ( AKA: Pompadour fish): Can hobbyist keep them without all the water changes that are deemed necessary for their well-being? You’re not going to like the answer. Anoxic Filters: It eats ammonia for breakfast. Lunch is a simple bit-size snack of Nitrites. And for dinner it’s Phosphates, Nitrates and many other ions that most people wouldn’t think of as real food for bacteria. This has been the routine these pasts 30-years now for the Biocenosis Clarification Baskets (BCB’s) inside the Anoxic Filtration System (AFS). In that time I have reviewed and analyzed over 60 different filters ranging in price from $40 to over $45,000 in cost. Have written over 350 articles and publications with over 250,000 words spilled on this subject about Facultative Bacteria and the Anoxic Filter. You’d think by now my pen would be running dry-especially if you feel, as some do, that all pond filters are pretty much the same. If that were the case, I could have written just one simple paper, for that very first filter I analyzed, then cut and pasted it for all the rest of the articles I have written on the subject of the Anoxic Filter. What was I thinking? Of course, all pond and/or aquarium filtration systems are not the same in their ability to clean water. One good reason for their differences is that the filters themselves are not the same in their ability to take ions out of the water body. Some hobbyists like to think that all filters contain, say, a working anoxic zone and will more or less work alike, yet this could not be further from the truth, and for the simple reason: Anoxic zones do exist but not in significant numbers to really make an impact of the aquatic Eco-system they are trying to clean. One of the more fascinating facts about pond filters and/or aquarium filters is revealed when you talk to their designers. It fair to say that each filter are the topology du jour, some filtration designers depart from this crowd in search of what they feel is a better way. The Anoxic Filtration Systems handles available foodstuffs and the ponds insults progressively different and more inline with Natural Systems and how they utilize ions in their open systems unlike our closed systems do. Rather than using the same reconstructive filters provided like other filters do, others, like Nexus for example, implement their own filter medium in a churning sump. Then there’s the motionless filter medium school of filters in which ions are passed through the stagnate medium are converted to harmless or at lest in some conversions, to ions that are non-toxic to our animals but are limited in this process too by making more byproducts than we started with. Among all these ways, are any right or wrong? It depends on whom you ask. Objectivity is not to be found among designers, and if it were, what a monotonous world it would be, don’t you think? As hobbyist or anyone that wishes to clean water naturally, we want our filtration systems designers to be passionate, searching the Holy Grail, driven by a near-mad desire to give us the cleanest water possible and all its glory…at least that’s what I did with the AFS. We can look to measurements for better bacteria to foodstuff insults. But, as we all know, measurements can’t tell us how something is working if we can’t measure it simply and perceptively. More important, no set of measurements can tell us how something will affect the animals if elements are missing from those measurements. Hobbyist test kits will only go so far in their class and then something like pheromones, in particularly, growth suppressant pheromones associated with overcrowded ponds comes up, that we can’t explain why they do or do not exists in a given system. Distressingly, this short-coming also applies, more or less, to subjective hobbyist reviews of what their ponds are doing with a particular filtration system like the Anoxic Filter, that other systems can’t do without serious intervention. While I do my best to communicate to readers how something works with the AFS, all I can ever really tell you that it works and its been working now for over 30-years. I have written so much about fish growth in the past years, that the AFS seems to accelerate Koi growth to the point that even my smallish pond can grow them to 24" (60.96 cm) with no problems. In my pond if you have more than two Koi you are already pushing it to its limits on fish to water capacity. Yet, this accelerated Koi growth is noticeable with all those that practice good husbandry with the AFS and the same results are consistently repeatable. To find out more of about the Anoxic Filtration System click link below: Anoxicfiltrationsystem.blogspot.com

Discus Fish: Can hobbyist keep them without all the water changes? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Education 7 years ago 3,210 views

Discus Fish, Symphysodon ( AKA: Pompadour fish): Can hobbyist keep them without all the water changes that are deemed necessary for their well-being? You’re not going to like the answer. Anoxic Filters: It eats ammonia for breakfast. Lunch is a simple bit-size snack of Nitrites. And for dinner it’s Phosphates, Nitrates and many other ions that most people wouldn’t think of as real food for bacteria. This has been the routine these pasts 30-years now for the Biocenosis Clarification Baskets (BCB’s) inside the Anoxic Filtration System (AFS). In that time I have reviewed and analyzed over 60 different filters ranging in price from $40 to over $45,000 in cost. Have written over 350 articles and publications with over 250,000 words spilled on this subject about Facultative Bacteria and the Anoxic Filter. You’d think by now my pen would be running dry-especially if you feel, as some do, that all pond filters are pretty much the same. If that were the case, I could have written just one simple paper, for that very first filter I analyzed, then cut and pasted it for all the rest of the articles I have written on the subject of the Anoxic Filter. What was I thinking? Of course, all pond and/or aquarium filtration systems are not the same in their ability to clean water. One good reason for their differences is that the filters themselves are not the same in their ability to take ions out of the water body. Some hobbyists like to think that all filters contain, say, a working anoxic zone and will more or less work alike, yet this could not be further from the truth, and for the simple reason: Anoxic zones do exist but not in significant numbers to really make an impact of the aquatic Eco-system they are trying to clean. One of the more fascinating facts about pond filters and/or aquarium filters is revealed when you talk to their designers. It fair to say that each filter are the topology du jour, some filtration designers depart from this crowd in search of what they feel is a better way. The Anoxic Filtration Systems handles available foodstuffs and the ponds insults progressively different and more inline with Natural Systems and how they utilize ions in their open systems unlike our closed systems do. Rather than using the same reconstructive filters provided like other filters do, others, like Nexus for example, implement their own filter medium in a churning sump. Then there’s the motionless filter medium school of filters in which ions are passed through the stagnate medium are converted to harmless or at lest in some conversions, to ions that are non-toxic to our animals but are limited in this process too by making more byproducts than we started with. Among all these ways, are any right or wrong? It depends on whom you ask. Objectivity is not to be found among designers, and if it were, what a monotonous world it would be, don’t you think? As hobbyist or anyone that wishes to clean water naturally, we want our filtration systems designers to be passionate, searching the Holy Grail, driven by a near-mad desire to give us the cleanest water possible and all its glory…at least that’s what I did with the AFS. We can look to measurements for better bacteria to foodstuff insults. But, as we all know, measurements can’t tell us how something is working if we can’t measure it simply and perceptively. More important, no set of measurements can tell us how something will affect the animals if elements are missing from those measurements. Hobbyist test kits will only go so far in their class and then something like pheromones, in particularly, growth suppressant pheromones associated with overcrowded ponds comes up, that we can’t explain why they do or do not exists in a given system. Distressingly, this short-coming also applies, more or less, to subjective hobbyist reviews of what their ponds are doing with a particular filtration system like the Anoxic Filter, that other systems can’t do without serious intervention. While I do my best to communicate to readers how something works with the AFS, all I can ever really tell you that it works and its been working now for over 30-years. I have written so much about fish growth in the past years, that the AFS seems to accelerate Koi growth to the point that even my smallish pond can grow them to 24" (60.96 cm) with no problems. In my pond if you have more than two Koi you are already pushing it to its limits on fish to water capacity. Yet, this accelerated Koi growth is noticeable with all those that practice good husbandry with the AFS and the same results are consistently repeatable. To find out more of about the Anoxic Filtration System click link below: Anoxicfiltrationsystem.blogspot.com

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish: Can hobbyist keep them without all the water changes?

sirbreakemstuff - 7 years ago
hi, i have 125 aquarium with plenums and kitty litter. do you think its necessary that i put some biostinosys certification baskets in my sump? I am asking because there isnt any room in my sump for them and i thought the kitty litter with the plenum would do the same thing. also i heard you mention hard water. are you growing all your plants in hard water? ive been using RO water because my water has a very high KH and GH. can i stop using RO water and grow healthy plants from my tap? thanx Doc
Kevin Novak
Kevin Novak - 7 years ago
If you already use kitty litter a major substrate with a plenum, then you don't need any BCBs. My water is Lake Michigan water and is very hard just like you have and yet I do nothing special with it except use it right out of the tap so you can do the same.
Ran Dom
Ran Dom - 7 years ago
50 gallons 10 gallons change every 10 days
Phillip&Shaun's tanks tanks
Phillip&Shaun's tanks tanks - 7 years ago
Can u talk about plant madder build up our next video please I have that problem an in using a canisterfilter but plants and fish are Don great on growing good
Tancho Android
Tancho Android - 7 years ago
As always a great video dispelling the 'common wisdom' in the hobby. It would be really great if you could do some videos on your ponds and koi.
Eric K
Eric K - 7 years ago
You had to have almost doubled the bio load in your tank when you added your Discus (unless there are more fish in your tank that I cannot see from the video). Did you monitor for any ammonia or nitrate spikes? Also, you mentioned that your ph changes. What is the rate and characteristic of the change? Is that because you don't do water changes for so long and the plants slowly use up the mineral content of the water, dropping the TDS, thus slightly dropping your ph? Also, you said you won't share your papers on your AFS research with anyone without being paid, which is understandable, but would you consider putting them in an e-book for sale (priced at something reasonable for the cost of a book?). I'd buy it. Dianna Walstad's Ecology of the Planted Aquarium is one of my favorite books, I would imagine your book could be arranged to read something like that.
Kevin Novak
Kevin Novak - 7 years ago
All parameters remained stable with no problems at all and the 4x4x4 @3 BCB’s and the plenum is doing its job keeping the tank in fine condition. Everything that I test for is at zero, like I didn’t even add the fish at all to the system.
If you Google anoxic filtration system you will come across Syd’s articles he wrote in the UK about whole system and how it works in laymen terms. Really good reading if you are interested in the AFS at all.
Kevin Novak
Kevin Novak - 7 years ago
Eric K you're correct I did double my bio load and no there were no ammonia spikes no nitrates spikes and no phosphate spikes. There's another thing you didn't think about is I doubled my feeding of the fish now with the disc and still nothing is happening.

My pH is normally at 7.8 which is lake Michigan water it's only when the CO2 is being injected into the tank that it drops down to about 7.1 but then this would make sense because that's what CO2 does, it drops the pH lower, otherwise the pH would be rocksolid stable at 7.8.

I also add 1 gallon of freshwater to the tank every day due to high evaporation rates. Plus I do add fertilizers as I stated in some of my other videos but that's only at the last four hours of the lights being on and that's only a few drops every day to aid the plants.
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
I kept waiting for a front view of the tank. The plants look amazing, the fish happy and you picked some beautiful type Disc. :)
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
Great. Make sure to do one with music. The Tank is truly looking Majestic, deserving of a worldwide audience.
Kevin Novak
Kevin Novak - 7 years ago
Made a video on the from view for you.
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
We are all watching with great interest, and the tank is clearly performing exceptionally well already. Keep the updates coming. :)
Kevin Novak
Kevin Novak - 7 years ago
colinbarsby The discus fish are only an experiment to see how these touchy fish do with the anoxic filtration system and the plants are doing quite well even with the very bright light that I'm using with no ALGAE! I was really surprised to see them eating by the second day but they really didn't start eating good until after about the fifth day they were in their new Environment.

Actually the video I did on filter mediums show a front view of the tank with the discus on their second day of being in the tank. They did show a little stress on the first day but then again I did not acclimate them, as soon as I brought them home I put them in the tank. I purposely did everything wrong with these fish like any hobbyist would do that didn't know better, just to see what would happen to them.

Right now as it stands they are eating blood worms and dried food along with the Angels and the Angels don't seem to be bothering them, but it does seem that two of the discus are pairing off already.
Ahmad Echols
Ahmad Echols - 7 years ago
it only makes sense for them to be able to be in water that's not Mega clean they come from the wild and it's not super clean in the wild

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