How To Make: DIY Gravel Vacuum (Aquarium Gravel Cleaner)

The powerhead used in this video: Pump for larger gravel vac's: DIYAQUAPROS website: Join The DIY AQUAPRO Team ! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: DIY gravel vacuum DIY gravel cleaner Aquarium gravel cleaner Aquarium gravel vacuum *Disclaimer* Some of our projects use materials and tools that can be dangerous. Our projects are meant to be fun and safe for all parties. If you decide to engage in any of our projects, remember you are doing so at your own risk. DIY AQUAPROS will not be held responsible for any personal injury or property damage resulting from any of our projects or instructions. Be safe and enjoy !

How To Make: DIY Gravel Vacuum (Aquarium Gravel Cleaner) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 253

Education 11 years ago 683,705 views

The powerhead used in this video: Pump for larger gravel vac's: DIYAQUAPROS website: Join The DIY AQUAPRO Team ! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: DIY gravel vacuum DIY gravel cleaner Aquarium gravel cleaner Aquarium gravel vacuum *Disclaimer* Some of our projects use materials and tools that can be dangerous. Our projects are meant to be fun and safe for all parties. If you decide to engage in any of our projects, remember you are doing so at your own risk. DIY AQUAPROS will not be held responsible for any personal injury or property damage resulting from any of our projects or instructions. Be safe and enjoy !

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Most popular comments
for How To Make: DIY Gravel Vacuum (Aquarium Gravel Cleaner)

Rajesh Gupta
Rajesh Gupta - 7 years ago
very nice sir
Luis Armando
Luis Armando - 7 years ago
I was doing a water change and my siphon just stopped and I think the little circle that works the siphon got stuck or sumthing any help?
Dante Versolato
Dante Versolato - 7 years ago
I just bought a ECO 396 submersible pump but it doesn't pull any water out of my aquarium? Am I missing something? Perhaps the pump doesn't work??
Juceasar Valdez
Juceasar Valdez - 7 years ago
Q: would a few sand damage the filter pump?
Andres Lopez
Andres Lopez - 7 years ago
Does someone reccomend do that?
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
Female adaptors got dp
Fishman - 7 years ago
In any mature tank if you suck water from beneath the gravel and then return that water to the tank you will be adding toxic wastes such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide back into the tank. Especially in a planted tank as you showed in the video. It can get anaerobic at the bottom of a gravel column.
Roger D. Byrd
Roger D. Byrd - 7 years ago
you fail to show how you modified the power head pump.for the intake of water very important
Mark Mc
Mark Mc - 7 years ago
Nicely done.. Heaps of info in a concise form!

10. comment for How To Make: DIY Gravel Vacuum (Aquarium Gravel Cleaner)

Pred Toxics
Pred Toxics - 7 years ago
you can just buy a normal gravel vacc for cheaper
kyle wegienka
kyle wegienka - 7 years ago
For everyone using this specific powerhead, be sure to seal the intake cap portion on the powerhead. it has an O ring, and twists to lock tight, but the seal isn't great. Check the video at 5:15 and you'll see he's done the same.
Kelly Galeazzi
Kelly Galeazzi - 7 years ago
I swear this guy thinks he is Joey from King of DIY
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Saves getting a mouth full of tank water :) nice idea
oh its Omar
oh its Omar - 7 years ago
or go to petsmart and get one for ten bucks
TheEnragedGamer - 7 years ago
oh its Omar you can't get a powerhead driven one for 10 bucks
Inventor, Ace Editor, Photo Videographer
Inventor, Ace Editor, Photo Videographer - 7 years ago
I am an inventor working on this idea for awhile. I just tested it this very hour. The solution is simple and suck in everything faster with mesh screen ( to filter gravel from going into pump ) at intake. Put the tube with filters at the output right back into the tank filtered. I use porous foam plugs.
Jason Gilsinger
Jason Gilsinger - 8 years ago
is it1 1/2 or 1/2
Hai Phan
Hai Phan - 8 years ago
The project is so great but I have a question : How powerhead can be worked if impeller running 'dry' ? That's external pump and it's not easy to make powerhead works unless you place it in the Aquarium tank
I brought 1 external pump with input and output and it doens't work, there no water flow coming in & out...You guys got any advices ?
Christopher Soles
Christopher Soles - 7 years ago
Hai Phan prime the pump first.
cutie pie
cutie pie - 8 years ago
where did you get the red bucket? and how much?
Schploopy15 - 8 years ago
ha i made this before i saw this

20. comment for How To Make: DIY Gravel Vacuum (Aquarium Gravel Cleaner)

Julio Ayala
Julio Ayala - 8 years ago
Can i use a ecoplus 264 for this? Same materials used for this 1/2" fittings and all?
katelin - 8 years ago
good question... does anyone know??
Leonardo - 8 years ago
Awesome video. Tempted to try this for my new tank
Emin Nezerli
Emin Nezerli - 8 years ago
eco 185? - eco 396? ☝
ComocosonoEWL - 8 years ago
Gonna try this but mod the design since I already have the siphon from a kit I bought that broke. Maybe connecting the end of the hose through a chamber made of 4-8 inch PVC with a screen and a lot of that stuffing as filter media. have the pump pull the water through the pipe and filter and collect in that canister for easier dumping.
Input to output diagram:
gravel cleaner head>hose>valve>Large PVC Pipe with stuffing and screen>valve>hose>pump>hose to tank.
*Valves will be inserted into holes drilled into the screwable PVC end caps, the ones you open with channel lock pliers.
kenneth marvin abillar
kenneth marvin abillar - 8 years ago
how did you install the second tubing?
LaTDolly Beauty
LaTDolly Beauty - 8 years ago
Toyota fronter suv
I Am
I Am - 8 years ago
just cut some holes or slits in water bottle it will decrease suction power.
Engelbert Eichhorn
Engelbert Eichhorn - 8 years ago
nice thx :D
fdjffd Fjfv
fdjffd Fjfv - 8 years ago
cool bro!! B-)
Bill Loman
Bill Loman - 8 years ago
Question: I have a pea gravel bottomed tank. Could I attach a filter to the output side and run the water through the filter and right back into the tank?
AQUAPROS - 8 years ago
I wouldnt recommend it because you dont want small rocks/snails/debris going though the pump internals :/

30. comment for How To Make: DIY Gravel Vacuum (Aquarium Gravel Cleaner)

Jose Andrade
Jose Andrade - 8 years ago
Why should we not fill up the tank using this vacuum?
Martin Masher
Martin Masher - 8 years ago
im gonna attach a big hosse and use it for water changes! thanks!
Jarrell Gomez
Jarrell Gomez - 8 years ago
I made this and my brother stole it thinking it was a penis pump,I'm thinking about pressing charges
Hazri O
Hazri O - 8 years ago
Why such an elaborate build? Just attach the bottle on the powerhead (suction part) and used the powerhead as a handles. The powerhead eject the filtered water on the side there's no need piping or other stuff.
Ashton Mccants
Ashton Mccants - 8 years ago
I'm sure the extension was for people with deeper tanks. I need a ladder to do water changes in my 380 gallon, so it was great to see something like this. Also holding the powerhead may be a bit annoying over a longer periord of time.
Roberto Rodrigues
Roberto Rodrigues - 8 years ago
Hazri O
Barry Boghean
Barry Boghean - 8 years ago
good idea BUT you should never throttle the intake of any pump. You can safely throttle the discharge of a centrifugal (kinetic) pump, which most aquarium pumps are. So install the ball valve on the discharge side of the pump.
Zoey Morris
Zoey Morris - 8 years ago
could you give me a links where i can buy these parts you used in this video. i would like to make this with 50FT tube.
Swampster - 8 years ago
What sort of power head ( LPH ) would I need for this...been looking here in the Uk and only something like a Maxi Jet is near enough the size
Barry Derbyshire
Barry Derbyshire - 8 years ago
Instead of a power head, would a normal submersible pump work?
Leib33 - 8 years ago
This was genius! I happened to be looking for a DIY wet/dry vac system to attach to my regular normal vacuum cleaner so I can wash out a window a/c without flooding my apartment and this video popped up and caught my eye. Having a 10 gal fish tank devoted solely to a quite now oversized goldfish bought 4 years ago to keep another goldfish company that my little daughter's teacher gave out, I'm finding myself doing a twice daily poop scooping with a net and a 40% water change 3 times a week to keep up with this monster's urine and poop production. I can't wait to rig something up like this. Thanks for the idea!
Cami Benett
Cami Benett - 8 years ago
Around how much did it coast
Cami Benett
Cami Benett - 8 years ago
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
Is this necessary for small tanks for fish like bettas??
NHPaintballer - 8 years ago
Have been thinking of doing something like this and you had the first video I found that has it! Our 75gal tank is now in the basement. We used to use the Python gravel vacuum setup that hooks up to the sink. Problem is, now being in the basement, there isn't enough pressure to pull the water all the way up anymore. So I've been thinking of buying a pump to use inline and drain the water out the garage, then still using the Python setup to refill water.

I was looking to get this...

Do you think 800 or even 1000 gph pump is too much for a 75 gal tank? We use big gravel. We have always had a problem getting some of the heavier waste out, even when it was same floor as the sink, I just want to make sure I can get the waste out and not be disappointed with a wimpy pump!

Also, when you prime the pump prior to turning it on, what do you use? Could you use a bulb pump or do you just suck the tube? Just curious. Thanks for any info you can give me! Appreciate it!
Tasha Holden
Tasha Holden - 8 years ago
I watched your ad. I hope that you get proceeds from that. :-) /thanks for the info. I have a pond that needs de mucking of plant matter. I think this will work.
AQUAPROS - 8 years ago
Thanks Tasha, its very much appreciated :)
DABn All Day
DABn All Day - 8 years ago
This doesn't seem cost effective.. With the cost of all the materials + powerhead and most importantly time, isn't worth it.. Gravel vac is only 9.99 and already made, unless you live in the country or very isolated area, this isn't a very useful diy.. IMO
DIY Hobby
DIY Hobby - 8 years ago
DABn All Day its for people who fancy diy works. and depends on your material you got on hand.
Xotaele01 - 8 years ago
Too much expensive, the work and the materials.
Ahmed Shifaz
Ahmed Shifaz - 8 years ago
Mr. Bozack
Mr. Bozack - 8 years ago
I stopped watching this at gravel only. I still liked it, though!
Tonguç Endem
Tonguç Endem - 8 years ago
i hate it when you say D I WOW Aqua prows
Сергей Бубка
Сергей Бубка - 8 years ago
Done! Used in Russian aquariums!
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 9 years ago
great video! similar to what i do except i put it back into the sump in my saltwater aquarium. subbed.

50. comment for How To Make: DIY Gravel Vacuum (Aquarium Gravel Cleaner)

TruckRat - 9 years ago
I think that if you partly close the valve, it would reduce the water flow, which would then reduce the suction and therefore, can be set low enough not to pick up the sand. Or at least, minimize it. Not a bad idea, but if you powered it with an air stone, it would be cheaper, and much more compact. No need for the hoses and just use a filter bag on the end to catch the debris.
Jeff Bragg
Jeff Bragg - 8 years ago
Great add on idea!
Sakib Hussain
Sakib Hussain - 9 years ago
Igenyar Saharam
Igenyar Saharam - 9 years ago
I tried such idea before. The biggest problem is that the electric pump won't start sucking by itself. You have to, as you said, prepare siphon first which is hell of a hassle. That is the main reason, when selecting gravel vacuum, people prefer ones that have self-start valve or bulb pump. Also the cost of the whole set could be quite expensive.
kierankay100 - 9 years ago
great idea but just use normal aquarium filter pads it is cheap enough and love this idea of the bottle but tbh id prefer to remove the fish and put them in a holding tank of the same water ... then siphon and clean while getting rid of the old water and then add the treated water after just makes sense as no filter will clean 100 % would rsther just do the water change at the same time .. luckily for me i have a small aquarium and tbh i havent cleaned it for over two months and the water is crystal clear free of nitrates and the fish are happy but i am doing my water change in a couple of days going to use this desgin and buy a external filter ... these are the first fish i have ever owned to im new to all this and i love the cleaning part of it stops me from ever losing interest
Ian TheInventor
Ian TheInventor - 9 years ago
I use an external filter connected via a pipe to a gravel vacuum attachment so that water is filtered & fed back into the tank. Works better if the external filter is on a chair or table so it's at a similar height to the tank which means it's not trying to pump water to the tank as hard.
Steven Tasker
Steven Tasker - 9 years ago
Where can you get these fittings for a good price? B and q only has expensive PVC fittings
413xxx86 - 9 years ago
Probably had been suggested before but you could cut relief slots in the bottom of the cup and drill a few small holes in the top to only allow lighter than sand material to get cycled properly. Haven't done it ever but maybe it just might work.
rov furness
rov furness - 9 years ago
to slow the suction down why don't you close the ball valve down so it is reducing the flow ???
J CC - 9 years ago
+rov furness
I agree with you! The solution is already built in that device. The intake suction can be regulated by adjusting the the ball valve as wished. These pumps won't break, even if the ball valve is completely closed and kept like that for a while.
CR Alltech
CR Alltech - 9 years ago
could you use a smaller ecoplus pump?
king Reyes
king Reyes - 9 years ago
I want to make a small tiniest version for my 3 and 5 gallons Life Plant Betta Fish Tank, Thank you
aguasvivajoel - 9 years ago
You can put a sock on the output end to catch the waste too. Maybe that can help with sand. Or still work great with gravel
CheapSkateSimmer - 9 years ago
Only modification I would do, with this pump you can throttle back the suction to be able to use it with sand by adding a valve on the return end, that way you can slow it down.
Jorge Elizalde
Jorge Elizalde - 9 years ago
Will this work with Aragonite? Thanks for answering
JOWEE BOIE - 9 years ago
Isn't it bad for the powerhead to be running "outside" the water area as shown here? Luv the idea though!
Rahul Singh Manhas
Rahul Singh Manhas - 8 years ago
thanks a ton on that info!!! so can i run the submersible power head outside the tank???
JOWEE BOIE - 9 years ago
+D rB =)
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+JOWEE BOIE This confuses a lot of people. Powerheads say 'do not run dry', but that means do not run the pump with no water being sucked into the pump.

As long as water is going IN the intake and through the pump OUT to the output, it's being cooled by the water. "Submersible" pump means they have usually sealed any electricals inside a block of epoxy.
Ian McLeish
Ian McLeish - 9 years ago
Hi folks, I can't find an equivalent filter with a 240v rating, does anyone know if there is one available? Thanks
hentai nat
hentai nat - 9 years ago
polyester doesn't need electricity to filter a liquid.......
Ian McLeish
Ian McLeish - 9 years ago
Don't forget us foreigners with different voltages!
Arthur SCHOPENHAUER - 9 years ago
going to try it
Shamim Ahmed
Shamim Ahmed - 9 years ago
where do i get this power head from? i bought the one that is listed in the above link. it does not have input and output as shown in video.
Olivia M
Olivia M - 9 years ago
No Offense but it's way faster and cheaper to buy one
Shamim Ahmed
Shamim Ahmed - 9 years ago
+natlie c from where? i need a strong one for my 65gallon tank
Squirrel Attackspidy
Squirrel Attackspidy - 9 years ago
A list in your description with item links would be helpful for either Lowes or Home Depot, as there are many items to choose from that match your description.  For example, you list male risers but don't put how long they are supposed to be.  It's not an easy build for me since I don't know what to get from your video (other than the pump).
Squirrel Attackspidy
Squirrel Attackspidy - 7 years ago
Actually they do have all the materials with the exception of the pump. I bought the pump online and it failed within a week. Once I returned that, I bought a pond pump at Home Depot. Less money, more powerful and it hasn't failed in two years. It also came with a bunch of adapters and attachments. I used those materials to build a better one than this guy did.
Shamim Ahmed
Shamim Ahmed - 9 years ago
+Squirrel Attackspidy they dont have these stuff in lowes of homedepot. u have to go to those local shops.
Marquis Kennedy
Marquis Kennedy - 9 years ago
Yes very helpful now I can really save some money
Drew Barries
Drew Barries - 9 years ago
I bought the pump from City Pets close to my work near Beltway 8 and Beechnut in Houston and they even did price matching to the Amazon price plus a few dollars which was still less than shipping. I found all of the plumbing parts and even a perfect 20 oz. bottle at my local Home Depot and the Poly fill at Michaels. I struggled at first with the siphon like someone else mentioned but after I had the siphon completely flowing to a bucket I was able to plug the pump in and just dead headed it with my thumb in order to bring it back to the tank for recycle. I have only had my 36 gallon tank now for around one month but the amount of crud this thing extracted was just incredible. I use larger size gravel and so the concern about sand getting entrained was not a problem for me but I imagine chocking off the flow with the ball valve may work to control the vacuum pressure. I am going to add a power rated rocker switch to the line for easier on off control and may experiment with adding a squeeze siphon inline to get things started. Thanks DIY AQUAPRO TEAM!!
Steve Syed
Steve Syed - 9 years ago
This is an awesome idea, great job.  What I did, since I already had one of those siphoning gravel cleaners and an extra water filter that came with the aquarium kit I bought (but I upgraded to a better one), I simply run the water through the filter as it hangs over a bucket, and dump that water back in.  Rinse out the filter media for use next time.  If you don't have an extra filter, just stuff some media in the vacuum/bottle like they did here.

It's nowhere near as convenient as this, though, but just an idea for others who aren't inclined to go through with this.
Allison LiBengood
Allison LiBengood - 7 years ago
Steve Syed he shows the output going directly back into the tank. not a bucket.
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+Dave “The One and only” Gahan Yep, you can do that. Just plumb it into the middle of your hose, like what's done in this video. Then you can turn the valve to adjust speed, after you have the siphon going. If you are NOT using a pump to do this (meaning it's your basic gravel cleaner fed by siphon/gravity)... I'd put the valve closer to the output end of your hose. That way, if you need to close it for some reason (like answering the phone etc)-- you will not lose the siphon.
Dave Lebowski
Dave Lebowski - 9 years ago
+Steve Syed Yes, this is also a good way to do it.....I am using some cotton as filter media instead of an extra filter. But I need to slow down the suction because now its filling the bucket really fast. Should I put some valve between the hose to slow it down? Will it work?
Ajara Dias
Ajara Dias - 10 years ago
Can I use this system to clean a pond with lots of debris... Thanks for sharing this awesome idea
Daniel G
Daniel G - 10 years ago
Isn't the idea behind gravel vacuuming to remove fish waste? I'm confused by your cotton material you're putting in the hose (watched without sound). I don't see that material being coarse enough to trap the fish waste either.

I really like the idea of the self priming pump connected to the gravel vac though.
413xxx86 - 9 years ago
You could always add a circle layer of something like a scrub pad to filter the bigger stuff.
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
The idea is to trap as much waste as possible, the poly is pretty fine and wont let any visible material through it. This way you can help prevent waste build up without having to change the water. Not meant to be an alternative to real water changes, but may be something some aquarists want to try out. 
Stephanie Coleman
Stephanie Coleman - 10 years ago
I clicked on the link and ordered the ECO 396 pump from Amazon for $27. It only has 1 OUTPUT. NO INPUT. Don't waste your money. I have to return this one. 
AQUAPROS - 8 years ago
Yes, the pictures do not show the input that is covered by a removable filter cover.
Laura Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez - 8 years ago
so your link I. the description is correct?
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
+Stephanie Coleman Learning new stuff is what this channels all about! Good luck! 
Stephanie Coleman
Stephanie Coleman - 10 years ago
+DIY AQUAPROS GOT IT!!!! Thank you!!!
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
Remove the input cover and sponge, its there! Assuming the pump you got is actually an Eco 396. Hope this helps!  
Pinballpete007 - 10 years ago
Nicely done and well described.  I will definitely be making one for myself :-)
Omer Tube
Omer Tube - 10 years ago
thank u ^^
Hau Bui
Hau Bui - 10 years ago
where we can buy the filter
buzzyfuzzsaw - 9 years ago
+Hau Bui  E-bay or Amazon
Stephen Blair
Stephen Blair - 10 years ago
A wider bottle may reduce the upward flow rate, making it more suitable with sand. I haven't tried it, but it's an idea.
Curtis Walker
Curtis Walker - 10 years ago
Or you could just close the ball valve slightly until you get the auction desired...
John MacTaggart
John MacTaggart - 10 years ago
Why can't you put water back into your aquarium quickly? Why does time make any difference if the water is the right temperature, declorinated, and your airrating the water?
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 9 years ago
If it splashes it could stress your fish
PJ Jones
PJ Jones - 10 years ago
Yeah John... I wondered that too!
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 10 years ago
Can't you just find a way to connect a gravel vacuum to your filter? I mean, that is basically what you just did right? You took a pump from a 400 gal. per hour filter and rigged in such a way that it sucked in water with the propellor removed, correct? You needed to show what you did to the pump and just fingernail polish the pump info. Just don't use clear fingernail polish! :)
Rocky P
Rocky P - 10 years ago
Hey Mike tried this on my 20gal aquarium but couldn't get the siphon action going in order to start the process every time I did it air would keep coming into the system....would really appreciate it if you did a small detailed video on how to start the siphon action....PS my tanks about hip height!.....PS only modification I did was I used the flexible 12" hose rather than PVC. Thank and hope to receive a feed back!
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
+Rakesh Porob Sometimes the siphon part can be tricky... one of the downsides to the design. Just have to mess with it and be prepared to try it a few times, If you need more help lemme know
mlfodor - 10 years ago
Just watched this video. I had a similar rig for my tank about 12 years ago. Instead of finding a smaller pump, use the ball valve to reduce the water flow and that should take care of the sand problem mentioned in the video. Sorry if this was already mentioned in another comment. Nice setup. Think I'll revisit this for the small aquarium store I work at.
FingLing Minecraft PE
FingLing Minecraft PE - 10 years ago
Isnt that all going to cost you all to get a regular gravel vac
Vladimir Max
Vladimir Max - 10 years ago
Hye Bro. Is there any other powerheads model that can be use beside what you use. In my country, all this kind of aqua stuffs are very limited. I tried to search it on ebay and amazon. From my opinion, the price of the unit is reasonable but the shipping price is almost $100 convert to our currency. Can you please find other solutions for this. love your video.
rivethead19 - 10 years ago
Go to a hardware store, garden and plant stores, anywhere that sells things for ponds. You may be able to a powerhead and for much cheaper than you would at a fish store.
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
Hey thanks, Ive only used this pump for this project but you could totally use whatever you have access to. The connections may have to be more elaborate but you could make it work. All projects aren't black and white, you can get as creative as you need.  
Gazz - 10 years ago
I really don't know what this would achieve . its kinda pointless
Gazz - 10 years ago
+underlatch 2 months later and I come across your comment, oh it made me laugh ha ha ha , sarcasm is brain exercise lol
underlatch - 10 years ago
first thing first are u even a aquarium lover?? those who kept fishes knows how hard is it to clean the gravel.. so for goodness sake stop trolling and exercise your brain.. and notice something? among all the comments yours is the most useless.
Udi Syahudi
Udi Syahudi - 10 years ago
good day DIY aquapros, nice tips, thank u for this...i really need it
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
nel crucis
nel crucis - 10 years ago
can i use this powerhead for canister filter??
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
Yes, this is the same powerhead used in my canister filter video ! Here is a link to it on Amazon:
Glock19ist - 10 years ago
Great idea. Gets all the poop out and you could take your good a$$ time.
st s
st s - 10 years ago
learn something interesting today keep up the good work!
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
Thanks a lot ! 
Harry K
Harry K - 10 years ago
Perfect. Now you can clean the bottom of the tank, even when your tank is standing right on the floor. The same with water changes. In my case, my paludarium is standing on the floor without closet. So I am going to make this! Thx. for the vid. Very clear.
satadru sengupta
satadru sengupta - 10 years ago
I have the same problem. The only place where I could find to keep my aquarium is on the floor. The usual gravel cleaners cannot suck up the muck at all.

This solution would probably go a long way in tidying up the substrate.
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
That's another great application! Thanks for watching! 
Ron Conner
Ron Conner - 10 years ago
Great Video Thanks for the information.
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
Thanks Ron!
Fernando Lanot
Fernando Lanot - 10 years ago
TheAngry Fishman
TheAngry Fishman - 10 years ago
Awesome vid. Will be checking out your channel more often. Please check out my channel if you have any time and consider a sub!
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 10 years ago
Holy cow, I need this. New project!  Thanks so much!
Karl - 10 years ago
Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 10 years ago
DIY kings brother
Djebi Loftin
Djebi Loftin - 10 years ago
What brand powerhead is that? I'm not having luck finding a good one. Thanks!
Djebi Loftin
Djebi Loftin - 10 years ago
Thank you!!
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
The second "intake" port is under the covered pre-filter. You just remove it and your ready to go. 
Djebi Loftin
Djebi Loftin - 10 years ago
Thanks man. So is that a submersible version that you've rigged to take 2 hoses? All I'm finding online is a submersible version designed to take one return hose. Please advise.
AQUAPROS - 10 years ago
The brand is EcoPlus, check em out! Their reliable. 
Michael Eaton
Michael Eaton - 11 years ago
What powerhead model did you use?
AQUAPROS - 11 years ago
Eco-396 powerhead. Its a very reliable and versatile pump, fits the threaded hose connectors we use in many of our projects and is reasonably priced, about $22 bucks
SuperTR0pical - 11 years ago
Great idea keep them coming. Awesome channel 
AQUAPROS - 11 years ago
Thanks! Our next DIY video will be a custom light fixture and will be up later this month!

100. comment for How To Make: DIY Gravel Vacuum (Aquarium Gravel Cleaner)

MrKirby1984 - 11 years ago
pondguru sent me here
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 11 years ago
Keep up the great work bud!
AQUAPROS - 11 years ago
Thanks a lot Jay!
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
New king of DIY coming to town;)! Great video, narration and content are top notch!
Zak Rafik
Zak Rafik - 11 years ago
Awsome ideas. Definitely a project I'm going to try. Good job.
AQUAPROS - 11 years ago
Zak, you're the man, Thanks! 
njw1383 - 11 years ago
That was genius!
Zet Aquarium
Zet Aquarium - 11 years ago
Dave sent me here. Im pretty active on youtube, cant believe i didnt find your channel my self. Checking out all of yours. Subbed!!
Zet Aquarium
Zet Aquarium - 11 years ago
Looking forward!
AQUAPROS - 11 years ago
Hey thanks! We are pretty new, (2 months or so) but a lot more vids to come!
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping   sent me over here, so hats off to him. Really cool idea about the vac. I'm definitely going to be checking out your other videos soon. And just subbed as well. 
AQUAPROS - 11 years ago
Thanks Nick! We have a lot more content coming out soon, hope you enjoy!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Wow, nice design. I like that you have combined all classic vac types into one. This reminds me of something I've got in the works. I still don't know if my idea is plausible, but if it is I will make a vid.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Nice one, man.
Simple but very effective.
I can't believe some penarse has hit the 'dislike' button already - You're doing a great job with these videos.
AQUAPROS - 11 years ago
Thank Richard!

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