Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank

This is an interesting way to turn a classic science experiment into a functioning addition to a fish tank. It makes a pretty cool display! Be sure if you try this to have plenty of water circulation in your tank or the water in the suspended area could become oxygen deprived. There really shouldn't be any problems if the tank is well functioning prior to adding the new compartment. You may also want to put a wide base of some kind below the supports so the extra weight is spread over a larger area and you won't risk cracking the bottom of your tank. I learned the trick with the styrofoam float from this video: #NightHawkInLight -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Check out my latest video: "How To View Invisible Air Currents With Lasers" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1293

Education 9 years ago 3,305,439 views

This is an interesting way to turn a classic science experiment into a functioning addition to a fish tank. It makes a pretty cool display! Be sure if you try this to have plenty of water circulation in your tank or the water in the suspended area could become oxygen deprived. There really shouldn't be any problems if the tank is well functioning prior to adding the new compartment. You may also want to put a wide base of some kind below the supports so the extra weight is spread over a larger area and you won't risk cracking the bottom of your tank. I learned the trick with the styrofoam float from this video: #NightHawkInLight -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Check out my latest video: "How To View Invisible Air Currents With Lasers" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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Most popular comments
for Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank

Champa Das
Champa Das - 7 years ago
what fish are those ?
Nova Animations
Nova Animations - 7 years ago
r dose minnows?
Nguyễn Quốc Cường
Nguyễn Quốc Cường - 7 years ago
Light Slayer
Light Slayer - 7 years ago
akuarium lawa tapi ikan bilis yang dibela
Dedi Hidayat
Dedi Hidayat - 7 years ago
I want. asked the water to go up. in suction or in inflatable
Sketch it D.I.Y
Sketch it D.I.Y - 7 years ago
Pretty cool
Barbyl W
Barbyl W - 7 years ago
Real plants.
Van Allen
Van Allen - 7 years ago
In the news: Mysterious drowning deaths are up 0.34%
Andy Montechiarini
Andy Montechiarini - 7 years ago
1:55 face when realizing you have just accidentally swallowed a fish

"In that moment he realized, he freaked out".

10. comment for Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank

Munashe Dominic Fudge Mabvoro
Munashe Dominic Fudge Mabvoro - 7 years ago
Alca Bringer
Alca Bringer - 7 years ago
Nice vid bro.
sTaTiicz andy
sTaTiicz andy - 7 years ago
That is so ugly
ItsJust FishN
ItsJust FishN - 7 years ago
That's so cool and creative.
Sam's Fish Tank
Sam's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Plaece checkout my channle Sam' fish tank
My goal is 1k
Miguel Angel Mendez López
Miguel Angel Mendez López - 7 years ago
It's Viray
It's Viray - 7 years ago
are those rasboras
john james
john james - 7 years ago
Amazing. Learned something new.
Aravindan Keerthanan
Aravindan Keerthanan - 7 years ago
AB Engineers Anand
AB Engineers Anand - 7 years ago

20. comment for Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank

Midhunlal Chavakkad
Midhunlal Chavakkad - 7 years ago
Anurag Anand
Anurag Anand - 7 years ago
Make some video s on fish bowl to decorate
Curtis Burgess
Curtis Burgess - 7 years ago
great idea thank you
april bodley
april bodley - 7 years ago
The water that is displaced from the bricks makes this pointless.
Free Saxon
Free Saxon - 7 years ago
Great, good idea, except for those those two bricks standing up on their ends, waiting to fall sideways, from goldfish to plaice in one move
gà đông tảo nhựt trường
gà đông tảo nhựt trường - 7 years ago
Good jod
mauro grisi
mauro grisi - 7 years ago
im in love...
BloodAngel - 7 years ago
you can just drop the bowl into the water and raise it out upside down, then u dont need to be sucking air and there will be none left at the top
Takis mhtsotakhs
Takis mhtsotakhs - 7 years ago
Mark Khan
Mark Khan - 7 years ago
Very cool idea

30. comment for Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank

Mossad altruista.s
Mossad altruista.s - 7 years ago
I cant put 2 likes...sorry
Diane Chang
Diane Chang - 7 years ago
Great idea
Joe B.
Joe B. - 7 years ago
Careful about mouth to fish water. -- liverflukes.
Phuong Phan Hong
Phuong Phan Hong - 7 years ago
Goog idea
iJorded - 7 years ago
Everytime I get high I end up watching tips for stuff I dont own
IandB - 7 years ago
Aquatic _smile
Aquatic _smile - 7 years ago
never use stirafoam (spelling not good) the thing in it could hurt you fish. It could also flake off and they could eat it and die. Really cool idea though
RooSin - 7 years ago
That's disgusting lmfao
farm animals
farm animals - 7 years ago
Glenbert Amoson
Glenbert Amoson - 7 years ago
Wow that is so easy
a person with a youtube account
a person with a youtube account - 7 years ago
Couldnt you fill it up then lift it but not all the way out of the water , then put te blocks under it ?
midlaj ck
midlaj ck - 7 years ago
Dranzo Draack
Dranzo Draack - 7 years ago
Bobby Mountains Critters
Bobby Mountains Critters - 7 years ago
I have no clue why someone would do this. It makes no sence.......
Kenji Nguyễn
Kenji Nguyễn - 7 years ago
I wonder if i put this in my turtle tank will the turtle drowns
MentleGentleMen - 7 years ago
1:55 that face you make after drinking 2 liters of fish water just to make a raised compartment for fish to swim up.
Crazycat 999
Crazycat 999 - 7 years ago
How about just add enough water that it starts filling the container
Mephusto West
Mephusto West - 7 years ago
I had not even thought about this but I love this idea. Thank you. Also, I just realized this was an old video.
ColdFacts - 7 years ago
john kimball
john kimball - 7 years ago
What type fish are thay food fish or pet fish

50. comment for Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank

Rave Dropz
Rave Dropz - 7 years ago
Does your face permanently have a snapchat filter on it?
Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel - 7 years ago
wot a moron
Sis&bro CHANEL
Sis&bro CHANEL - 7 years ago
Love this vid
Minh Trí Channel
Minh Trí Channel - 7 years ago
stanky banky
stanky banky - 7 years ago
camila zhong
camila zhong - 7 years ago
leonvlog _
leonvlog _ - 7 years ago
Plastic plants are shit Please buy real plants thank you
mr. green
mr. green - 7 years ago
Thats so Beuty
J3AN P3T3R - 7 years ago
but... but why ?
Emil Sørensen
Emil Sørensen - 7 years ago
Near my home, there's a pond where such a raised compartment allows the fish to survive winter.

I think the idea is that it won't freeze over since it's not exposed to air, so it'll let in sunlight. I figure there's more to it - they probably have to circulate the water - but it's nifty anyway.
Cynical - 7 years ago
Wouldnt filling it up with water the slowly raising it above the water level work the same way? you eould just need on other guy to put in the support and add more water.
acquaplants - 7 years ago
Yuuji Norita
Yuuji Norita - 7 years ago
Great video man!!!
#Y0u0nlyLif30nc3 #Yolo
#Y0u0nlyLif30nc3 #Yolo - 7 years ago
sparkdragon - 7 years ago
MrAnderson234 - 7 years ago
1:23 bro I would suggest pouring the fish in much more gently to reduce stress.
Aeolwn - 7 years ago
Mahardika Pitaloka
Mahardika Pitaloka - 7 years ago
Ohhh boy cant wait to drink all that fish water
Eric Ecklund
Eric Ecklund - 7 years ago
So good! Thanks for sharing!
AmiralIs1996 Isamiral
AmiralIs1996 Isamiral - 7 years ago
Mr WashiSan
Mr WashiSan - 7 years ago
Very cool
ALEX PHARAI - 7 years ago
Are you sucking in the air or blowing out
ALEX PHARAI - 7 years ago
E.g. like drinking soft drinks from a straw like that sucking or are you blowing
William Sydney
William Sydney - 7 years ago
What a brilliant idea
Isaiah Alvarenga
Isaiah Alvarenga - 7 years ago
I love watching you your the only who does cool experiments
Argelia Arteaga
Argelia Arteaga - 7 years ago
That tank so clear those fish be flyin'
TheHoboWhoSavedJohhny - 7 years ago
Joshua Caraway
Joshua Caraway - 7 years ago
Airsoft BBC
Airsoft BBC - 7 years ago
Interesting. So how long has that fish tank been cycled?
Till Meierhoff
Till Meierhoff - 7 years ago
Can sb say to me which kind of fish they are?
kiran telgote
kiran telgote - 7 years ago
Till Meierhoff
Till Meierhoff - 7 years ago
Which size got the tank? Do sb. have the link to it?
Feri Ahmad
Feri Ahmad - 7 years ago
I'm afraid those little fish would stuck there like forever
Moses Harry
Moses Harry - 7 years ago
I love this video
M M - 7 years ago
Shirin Ariana Afg
Shirin Ariana Afg - 7 years ago
thats a really nice idea. Thanks for sharing.greetings from Afghanistan :)
Mr.Waffles Montgomery
Mr.Waffles Montgomery - 7 years ago
Omfg I did it thanks, but my cat got on top of the bowl and knocked it over its a big mess
The Nexus
The Nexus - 7 years ago
Youre awesome
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
It's cool but the only problem is the ugly ass blocks you have to use
Javier Fernandez
Javier Fernandez - 7 years ago
Yard sale tank and jar. 5 bucks of rocks. 10 bucks of fake plants. 30 feeder fish. And, of course, the pump.

1.2 million views and counting.

That's one badass, no longer wet, fish setup. ;) nice post.
Javier Fernandez
Javier Fernandez - 7 years ago
1.2? 2.9! This is the single most viral thing ever!
iiPotato - 7 years ago
What type of fish are those ?
Veron Gunter
Veron Gunter - 7 years ago
ι lιĸe тнιѕ vιdeo.
DoNotPushHere - 7 years ago
Aren't the fish annoyed on the low pressure water? If I'm not mistaken, that water is below 1atm, right?
Juan Conde
Juan Conde - 7 years ago
beatiful video!!! thank you1!
Martins A little bit of everything!
Martins A little bit of everything! - 7 years ago
Very cool! I am now a subscriber!
Till Meierhoff
Till Meierhoff - 7 years ago
Nice Video dude, it Looks very nice and clean. Can someone write me the link from the tank?
Till Meierhoff
Till Meierhoff - 7 years ago
the big one
Jake Gerry
Jake Gerry - 7 years ago
isnt it unsafe to put the rock blocks in their bc of ph and acidity and carbon snd stuff like that
Alex Adam
Alex Adam - 7 years ago
bro just fill the bottle with water in the full tank and turn it upside down and pull it out slowly and keep putting water in the tank and you won't gotta succ
Leilani - 7 years ago
I saw this in the stores and it was $150, And this DIY Is amazing and not so expensive! Awesome.
Manula Hewage
Manula Hewage - 7 years ago
Fernando Lara
Fernando Lara - 7 years ago
I bib it

100. comment for Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank

piotrdunder - 7 years ago
Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
Great vid loved it, quick tip for that tank get a bigger filter
Louis Quatorze
Louis Quatorze - 7 years ago
The candle experiment doesn't actually demonstrate the work of low pressure.
The candle simply transforms air into other gases through combustion. The water level only rises because the air in the container, heated up by the candle, ends up cooling and retracting.
Trevorfoggia - 7 years ago
That's a cool take on a simple aquarium, thank you for sharing this. I'm going to give it a go.
Richard Klang
Richard Klang - 7 years ago
Won't the water get deprived of oxygen
Chris Eckman
Chris Eckman - 7 years ago
yeah, don't think I'd wanna chance sucking down aquarium water
wvned - 7 years ago
LOL Somebody failed science class.
MOCHA DEERGON - 7 years ago
my home two well I should say had to tin foil fish they both jumped out of the tank andthey both dried up pretty
MOCHA DEERGON - 7 years ago
and sorry that my phone types for me sometimes so some things I say are messed up like they don't make sense it's my phone
MOCHA DEERGON - 7 years ago
I'm really sad because Merlin was the one that didn't survive and he was my best friend we have had that fish for a very long time whenever I am sad let's go see Merlin and he would make me happy again the other one serve because I took water into my mouth I took the fish and stuck it to my lips and blue water out its mouth and through its lungs and now the other fish is alive but sadly Merlin did notlive o
MOCHA DEERGON - 7 years ago
play dried up and I failed my mouth full of water and blue into their little mouse and no only one survived my fish CPR the other one I couldn't get to in time they were out of the tank for at least a whole minute
It's Ethan!
It's Ethan! - 7 years ago
He must have been burned in your stomach too.
Tape Kleister
Tape Kleister - 7 years ago
Ever thought of filling the bowl in the aquarium, turning it around and then just lifting it?
Shirin Ariana Afg
Shirin Ariana Afg - 7 years ago
خیلی جالب Thanks
ITZAL 7 - 7 years ago
it's nice good wandaful!!!!,
big kahona
big kahona - 7 years ago
I always wondered how they did that now I know and I'm going to try it myself thank you for the video I gave you a thumbs up and I am going to subscribe to your Channel have a good day God bless you and your fish
Williams Wonder
Williams Wonder - 7 years ago
trying this.!
vivek mp
vivek mp - 7 years ago
Hunter Cook
Hunter Cook - 7 years ago
that is so awesome!!
christom ngrace
christom ngrace - 7 years ago
he is so cute
Sebastian De lara
Sebastian De lara - 7 years ago
My friend did this and he swallowed some aquarium water, left him sick for a week
muffdriver69 - 7 years ago
that's so coooll!!!!
josef williams
josef williams - 7 years ago
the ted cruz eye brows annoy me
Arnold Quiñola
Arnold Quiñola - 7 years ago
ah!! it sucks!! the water!!
D Mac
D Mac - 7 years ago
FishingInStyle HD
FishingInStyle HD - 7 years ago
I Liked The video :)
GeRm_ LiNe
GeRm_ LiNe - 7 years ago
these things are slick.
Jason Sofield
Jason Sofield - 7 years ago
That's awesome
Shohan Chowdury
Shohan Chowdury - 7 years ago
wow loved it
JimboTheGreat33 - 7 years ago
Thanks for doing a video right. You had a unique idea that doesn't take long to explain, and you chose to not waste everyone's time by talking for a fkn hour. Instead you put it simply, showed your technique, and taught the world something without wasting much time. Liked and subscribed. Youtube needs more people like you; i'm so fkn sick of what SHOULD be a 2 minute video being dragged out for 15 min. Thanks again.
Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 7 years ago
JimboTheGreat33 I agree. I hate when people have to give a speech before they show anything.
Arbaz T
Arbaz T - 7 years ago
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 7 years ago
oh this guy's hot! be careful with them concrete blocks though because they'll leach out stuff that will kill them Rosey reds especially in that small of water volume. lots of water changes! How did you get healthy Rosey reds though? I'll bet you go them at PetSmart and they all died. The last couple years I've bought at least 3,000 of them and finally have ended up with a healthy colony in my 150g stock tank. I'm still treating about 30 in a 20g tank since November and they never stop flashing even after multiple PraziPro/paraguard treatments. I'm hoping the healthy ones in my pond will breed.
Kmtparker - 7 years ago
does this work for betas?
Pieulpe - 7 years ago
Why wouldn't you just dump the vase into the tank, turn it upside down and pull it out ?
iinsaneocto - 7 years ago
u said vase wrong!!
DAVIED SKEETE - 7 years ago
Imrn Hahah
Imrn Hahah - 7 years ago
do not suck fish water through a straw that can be poisonous
Kay Skywalker
Kay Skywalker - 7 years ago
Neat idea, but make sure you have no jumpers in the aquarium otherwise this could easily backfire.
CinnaManBun - 7 years ago
haha tiny face
rawr bitch
rawr bitch - 7 years ago
i dont jhave fush but i went into a youtube hole
Chloe's Fish
Chloe's Fish - 7 years ago
That tank is not appealing
Spike D-B
Spike D-B - 7 years ago
you also simply could fill the tank, turn it upside down and put it on top of the bricks, and it wouldn't get empty as long as you don't get it outside of the water, no need of the complicated stuff with the pipe.
THE SAINT - 7 years ago
this guy looks like a junkie with his unkempt beard
Solid Food
Solid Food - 7 years ago
nice brother
Michele FALZONE - 7 years ago
nice vid
Steven Peterson
Steven Peterson - 7 years ago
very cool
Xander Zoolander
Xander Zoolander - 7 years ago
This would be amazing if you could get a fully enclosed second tank and have a pipe between the two
Cale MacEanruig
Cale MacEanruig - 7 years ago
What about just filling the tank, lowering the smaller part in sideways, submerging it and then lifting the water up as the lower tank is topped up by an assistant.
Fadli Portnoy
Fadli Portnoy - 7 years ago
good idea bro,, i like it so inspiring me
Вадим Вадимович
Вадим Вадимович - 7 years ago
Его ты как баба накрасился и прилизался?
sreekalasuresh pillai
sreekalasuresh pillai - 7 years ago
nice and cool sure i try this at home
kavin kavin
kavin kavin - 7 years ago
thanks for helping me to decorate my tank
Sang Generasi Muda
Sang Generasi Muda - 7 years ago
subscribe you...
Chris Bullock
Chris Bullock - 7 years ago
what happens if you don't top off the water in time... looks like an accident waiting to happen
sharon roark-chesser
sharon roark-chesser - 7 years ago
This is super cool!!! I want to try it! Thanks!!
Michele Bump
Michele Bump - 7 years ago
A great know how.With some creative innovative design there's a lot of potential for a spectacular fish tank.
Jason Kinnear
Jason Kinnear - 7 years ago
Nice... like I would really want a fish tank with 2 huge concrete bricks in it..... does not exactly look beautiful!
Patryk Miłek
Patryk Miłek - 7 years ago
크리스찬 - 7 years ago
That styrofoam part, good idea dude
wippy wazzy
wippy wazzy - 7 years ago
put a bubbler beneath it thatd be awesome
Mareva Mariel Natividad
Mareva Mariel Natividad - 7 years ago
miamia miamia
miamia miamia - 7 years ago
MISTER DABILINA - 7 years ago
That's cool I've never seen that before
HouseofCards - 7 years ago
Lol I'm in the weird side again
B honest aquarium & adventures mullins
B honest aquarium & adventures mullins - 7 years ago
awesomeness I'm going to dry that bro thanks science is very interesting & cool & fasinating
Hellish Venturi
Hellish Venturi - 7 years ago
shame about the two ugly brisks! alternatively.. and upside down flower pot with some fish entries drilled around the bottom.
Sarang Prem
Sarang Prem - 7 years ago
Good idea.. I like it.
good kush
good kush - 7 years ago
can i use bricks
Jerymie Monta
Jerymie Monta - 7 years ago
so this is what do you do now after quitting transformers.
Siddhantg Gharti
Siddhantg Gharti - 7 years ago
that's a great idea, brother
Imran Liaqat
Imran Liaqat - 7 years ago
SHAUN ROBERTS - 7 years ago
bigger fish could knock it out.
Fuentes - 7 years ago
okay but what if i don't have any fish
Modesto E Hackney
Modesto E Hackney - 7 years ago
I know the feeling
Exydus Zepreasha
Exydus Zepreasha - 7 years ago
ur the best for posting this ever so simple method of completing an awesome project
Albert Contois
Albert Contois - 7 years ago
Ethan Carver
Ethan Carver - 7 years ago
very cool vid man
zumeo80 - 7 years ago
j'adore :-)
SmartyPants - 7 years ago
good idea
luck186 - 7 years ago
The Betta Obsessor
The Betta Obsessor - 7 years ago
I would love to do this, but I'm too scared something will go wrong and I will end up swallowing a fish or something.
beaneruno - 7 years ago
genius! I love this idea thank you
beaneruno - 7 years ago
genius! I love this idea thank you
Dulcie Ives
Dulcie Ives - 7 years ago
what happened to star wars
JEREMY BOUCHAIN - 7 years ago
super idee
Mike Flanagan
Mike Flanagan - 7 years ago
This is SO going to drive my Biology students crazy next year! I'm going to wait to do it until over summer break so that they just walk in on the 1st day and BLOW THEIR MINDS! - 7 years ago
Average joes Cooking
Average joes Cooking - 7 years ago
those concrete blocks will raise the pH crazy high
shajahan hossain
shajahan hossain - 7 years ago
Very nice
Shad Crain
Shad Crain - 7 years ago
Evil little Bob gyysyisjdgidje
Ali Soltani
Ali Soltani - 7 years ago
thats so cool
Jamie Blake
Jamie Blake - 7 years ago
Very cool. 2 Thumbs Up!
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
You gotta disguise the bricks with plants : moss etc .. but i like the way you adapted the pond idea
Shin Da
Shin Da - 7 years ago
make it so there isn't a water connection between the two compartiments, and if a fish goes to the bottom he'll fall onto the other aquarium
Botong Lin
Botong Lin - 7 years ago
I never get a like
Santos Pizarro
Santos Pizarro - 7 years ago
can you make your fish some little toys that are safe but mechanical, nothing dangerous am thinking like something that moves in the water.
Youngen192 - 7 years ago
Della Hol
Della Hol - 7 years ago
Yeah, can't forget about those.
Máté Kovács
Máté Kovács - 7 years ago
poser guy 1:53 :D
Leu Tuan
Leu Tuan - 7 years ago
thank for your video, i love this
James Pagous
James Pagous - 7 years ago
This video was so
AleX uploader
AleX uploader - 7 years ago
so it supports the structure.
AleX uploader
AleX uploader - 7 years ago
you can make cover with a large hole in it
AleX uploader
AleX uploader - 7 years ago
I think you should cover it. and the structure is unstable that it may fall
ITS CGO - 7 years ago
Nice vid but those brick don't look safe for the water in the aquarium
Tony xattri
Tony xattri - 7 years ago
this is cool..
Saul Steck
Saul Steck - 7 years ago
I smell an invetion from all this
ARIF HASANAT - 7 years ago
imlerith - 7 years ago
wow why i doest thought this before
Christian Gadomski
Christian Gadomski - 7 years ago
that's legit
AP_Thomas - 7 years ago
I was just thinking about what if you swallowed the water
Ajay Bhaskar
Ajay Bhaskar - 8 years ago
i loved ur idea brooooo really great
Darwin Eka Syahputra
Darwin Eka Syahputra - 8 years ago
what if the fish are caught ? is danger ...
Drew B
Drew B - 8 years ago
nice video, trim your mustache
David Hodges
David Hodges - 8 years ago
dude this is so cool but wouldn't advice a child doing it they might actually swallow I fish
Victor Fox
Victor Fox - 8 years ago
And all those fish died when the pH jumped to an 11. Please don't use cement bricks unless you explain to everyone that they have been soaked in buckets. Until it no longer raised the pH levels.
Nitinai Krulamphu
Nitinai Krulamphu - 8 years ago
I swallowed some water.
Anid Alx
Anid Alx - 8 years ago
i will try me too! soo nice!
titanic te
titanic te - 8 years ago
that is so cool
Shiho Hikaru
Shiho Hikaru - 8 years ago
ah. i end up swallow some fish water. yuk
Ramon Orozco
Ramon Orozco - 8 years ago
fish breath
K2_SLAYER_ - 8 years ago
Schrimschrim - 8 years ago
the most ugly fishtank i have ever seen.. what a shame
Chris Cristian
Chris Cristian - 8 years ago
I never thought of that.
RagdollRalph - 8 years ago
Hehe, your face at the end is adorable! :3
Be YourSelf
Be YourSelf - 8 years ago
Mar tin
Mar tin - 8 years ago
It's more stable if you are putting the bricks in before the soil I guess...
Matt Halpain
Matt Halpain - 8 years ago
I love vacuum suspended fish tanks as it is so interesting and beautiful to see the fish swim up and explore in the above water part of the tank
Julia Darcy
Julia Darcy - 8 years ago
now you have two ugly bricks in your fish tank. and is concrete still highly alkaline when dried? idk. but I'm not putting concrete bricks in my aquarium to see if the ph changes and kills my fish
meteor_falling_from_the_sky - 8 years ago
Nice vid. Inspiring :)
Surfview - 8 years ago
Very clever! I've never seen this idea demonstrated before. Thank you.
Manny Bhidya
Manny Bhidya - 8 years ago
my mom said youre handsome, but you have a fat persons voice,

buddha_ TgameA1
buddha_ TgameA1 - 8 years ago
free all gold fish free all my ni**@$ yo
Alvin D
Alvin D - 8 years ago
look like he enjoy drinking all the water xD
TransHerring - 8 years ago
o wow. awesome!
Roter Bananenkrieger
Roter Bananenkrieger - 8 years ago
It s 3:33 here in germany. School begins in 4 ours and I started watching GTA Videos. Now I am here. Wtf am I doing with my life
Roter Bananenkrieger
Roter Bananenkrieger - 8 years ago
It s 3:33 here in germany. School begins in 4 ours and I started watching GTA Videos. Now I am here. Wtf am I doing with my life
Indy Revoly
Indy Revoly - 7 years ago
Living it to its fullest, obviously.
Tony Branco
Tony Branco - 8 years ago
wawan arianto
wawan arianto - 8 years ago
nice work
charlieme5150 - 8 years ago
I accidentally drank some of the water doing this and now I have ebola. who do I sue? please help me
iLLSHa Cephied
iLLSHa Cephied - 8 years ago
Those little fucks will taste so good when deep fried. In Malaysia they do have little deep-fried fish.
thurguud - 8 years ago
that was awesome
RCPRO B - 8 years ago
You could have just stuck the whole container in the water, then inverted it, and then elevate it onto the bricks. You don't need all this mumbo jumbo
Brown_Boy - 8 years ago
never forget
Sameera Wijerathna
Sameera Wijerathna - 8 years ago
DJ Beanie
DJ Beanie - 8 years ago
When you use the styrofoam I recommend that you put a small amount of tape on the edges of it so you dont have debris floating about.
TheGirlInTheDress03 - 8 years ago
Mochi Licious
Mochi Licious - 8 years ago
Thanks for the good idea
Turkey Tamer03
Turkey Tamer03 - 8 years ago
this is cool
Celismar Silva
Celismar Silva - 8 years ago
Gordon Fiala
Gordon Fiala - 8 years ago
I wanted to do that so much... never got around to it. my fish froze in a puddle outside fall 2015.
Andres Pilquil
Andres Pilquil - 8 years ago
fish species?
Papi Chulo
Papi Chulo - 8 years ago
WTF....did you swallow their poop mixed water of the tank?
Burning Blood
Burning Blood - 8 years ago
Uuuuuh fake plants :(
Kappa - 8 years ago
the bricks take more space in than that you give them lol
Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 8 years ago
Instructions unclear, dick stuck in the hose.
KirG Utzon
KirG Utzon - 8 years ago
Nice! Have a question; do you use fake plants? If yes, why?
83RBurke - 8 years ago
I have that same filter in my frog tank. Sucks horribly. Cool though
Aqua Man
Aqua Man - 8 years ago
are those concrete stones?
Tech FLag
Tech FLag - 8 years ago
very useful videos thanks
Jose Amaya
Jose Amaya - 8 years ago
this is very creative
paul kharsahnoh
paul kharsahnoh - 8 years ago
Rhaegar Targaryen
Rhaegar Targaryen - 8 years ago
omg 1:55 look at his face
Wikky Arizal
Wikky Arizal - 8 years ago
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 8 years ago
If you have expensive tropical fish DO NOT USE STYROFOAM! Bits break off and the fish eat it and die. If you want to lose your expensive fish then ignore this.
Aaron Rodrigue
Aaron Rodrigue - 8 years ago
Seer-of-things - 8 years ago
very cool
Yvonne McLean
Yvonne McLean - 8 years ago
like it a lot..but what happens when winter is here & the pond freezes, does the fish die…
ii _Frosti
ii _Frosti - 8 years ago
That looks awesome
sebbes animals
sebbes animals - 8 years ago
im gonna do that on my fish tank
HowlingGray - 8 years ago
This is a very cool idea, but I think it should be noted that this is not a good idea for tanks with bettas, gouramis, or any other fish that breathe from the surface. If they go in and cannot find their way out they will suffocate.
cutie pie
cutie pie - 8 years ago
that's pretty cool!
Minecraft pro Singh
Minecraft pro Singh - 8 years ago
I want a fish tank because of my mother she is fat
Kristy Lee
Kristy Lee - 8 years ago
That's really awesome.
Nolan Vlogs
Nolan Vlogs - 8 years ago
You have to many fish in your aquarium
JoyBozz - 8 years ago
Cant you just put the glass underwater so its filled with water, turn it around and lift it on the rocks without letting air in it.
ardvark84 - 8 years ago
This is a great idea but more as cool trick because it can easily end up in tears. If the air will find it's way into the raised compartment, water will just fall out of it making a big mess at least...
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 8 years ago
I'm trying to figure out how to create a self-sustaining terrarium with more than just brine shrimp in it can you give me some advice how I could create a food source for goldfish or betta fish to the point where they never need to be cleaned fed supplied oxygen. can I just have 200 gallon fish tank and half of it is sealed off and filled to the brim with plants?
Xuxa Garrity
Xuxa Garrity - 8 years ago
888rim888 - 8 years ago
Any idea on what to use for supporting for such set up with a nano tank. Thanks !
kidamaroo - 8 years ago
Lucky fish...they get a room with a view
Max Deyes
Max Deyes - 8 years ago
Chad Goen
Chad Goen - 8 years ago
very cool and simple idea. will be using
J Braga
J Braga - 8 years ago
There is no vacuum. You're welcome.
wierdsnake - 8 years ago
While this looks cool, This is incredibly unstable. I really have to advise that people don't use this method.
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 8 years ago
Sweet thanks
Laurisa Murray
Laurisa Murray - 8 years ago
very nice video!
Aryannataters - 8 years ago
Good commentary and a nice video, but blocks of cement in a tank is ugly and dangerous, I'd hate for one to randomly fall over and ruin your tank, floors and kill your fish :(
J.S. VINES - 8 years ago
plz promote my channel if possible
J.S. VINES - 8 years ago
u r the best
Aly Zainal Abidin
Aly Zainal Abidin - 8 years ago
love it! thanks
Shaik Corso
Shaik Corso - 8 years ago
Have the cement blocks broken through the bottom of your tank yet?
Daniel - 8 years ago
thanks man
DZ كنوز المعرفة
DZ كنوز المعرفة - 8 years ago
i like it so muche
Brad Saint George
Brad Saint George - 8 years ago
Please this was really cool!
bonob0123 - 8 years ago
tiny hole in that top sucker and all the water comes down overflowing the main tank. Shouldnt happen but I dont like to fuck with entropy this hard.
Regie Thorganby
Regie Thorganby - 8 years ago
Sucking the Hose you get a Mouthful of Yummy Fish Water!!
Arkenseth Israel
Arkenseth Israel - 8 years ago
thanks great idea nice
DJ HG - 8 years ago
what a nice voice you have
Sebastian Lund Nielsen
Sebastian Lund Nielsen - 8 years ago
I never even had fish, why am I watching this?
Elijah Ruben
Elijah Ruben - 8 years ago
I really want to do something like this. I just don't trust my asshole cat.
Rahuul Y
Rahuul Y - 8 years ago
Smart Boy!!!
mitch Palombi
mitch Palombi - 8 years ago
could you do this in a tropical tank
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
What Species Of Fish Are Those?
Carter Overtinie
Carter Overtinie - 8 years ago
Rainbow Mustachio Gaming guppies
Yog Rai
Yog Rai - 8 years ago
I tried doing this but i too swallowed a fish
watch for strong delusions
watch for strong delusions - 8 years ago
I'm doing this for my fresh water shrimp
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 8 years ago
Very cool! Gives me another idea for my aquarium! Husband is going to kill me! Hahahaha!
AnimuPowa :3
AnimuPowa :3 - 8 years ago
and subscribe to my youtube channel
29Gsaltaquatics - 8 years ago
I enjoyed it
Mk Munafar
Mk Munafar - 8 years ago
cool to see you vid bro
joseph levy3111
joseph levy3111 - 8 years ago
WHAT If my thank have a top and i don't have a way to put light in the tank without it?
American horror GOREY
American horror GOREY - 8 years ago
Check out my tank on my channel! COOOOOL!
John Hussar
John Hussar - 8 years ago
My fish lasted about a month
Ila Galvin
Ila Galvin - 8 years ago
Great idea
Luca Majur
Luca Majur - 8 years ago
Mainong Xiong
Mainong Xiong - 8 years ago
Will this work with a sponge filter since the filter is constantly making bubbles?
Artur Wojtkowiak
Artur Wojtkowiak - 8 years ago
This shit is not an aquarium - this is a plastic trash
Willem Arnhem
Willem Arnhem - 8 years ago
No need for styrofoam. Just blow bubbles under the vase. They will float to the top themselves.
KatietheMuffin - 8 years ago
Cute idea! But anyone wanting to do this with a betta, I recommend against it! Anything that needs to go up for air would be really confused by this set up! No bueno!
ThatFishFreak - 8 years ago
Check out My new Fish Tank And Fish Channel Subscribe for more!
Bob Ansell
Bob Ansell - 8 years ago
Sithichok9 - 8 years ago
Good Idea.
Brent Kooi
Brent Kooi - 8 years ago
But who wants two concrete cinder blocks in their aquarium?! Ugly, and it can't be good for water quality!
Kader Zillzn
Kader Zillzn - 8 years ago
what type of fish is that? Can u give me the name. do the need air pump?
Brock Leonard
Brock Leonard - 8 years ago
This was awesome man!
you2angel1 - 8 years ago
Yeremia Aflaiic Bai
Yeremia Aflaiic Bai - 8 years ago
what a cool idea! really wanna try it very soon.. is there any idea to replace those blocks?
Paul Micelli
Paul Micelli - 8 years ago
Battey Te Houkamau
Battey Te Houkamau - 8 years ago
Cool thanks man
Samantha Weatherly
Samantha Weatherly - 8 years ago
wow this is so simple and fantastic. My brain is bursting with possibilities.
KolikaLove - 8 years ago
Really cool!
80ksb - 8 years ago
What kind of fish use in this tank?
Vladimir Shamuratov
Vladimir Shamuratov - 8 years ago
What's the name of the fish in the start ?
Patrick Alexander
Patrick Alexander - 8 years ago
EPIC!!!! Thanks for the great tip. Getting one for my aquarium ASAP.
yaku achbach
yaku achbach - 8 years ago
did he jus suck the fish water!!
//il Mio blog Acquatico\\
//il Mio blog Acquatico\\ - 8 years ago
Blake Geiger
Blake Geiger - 8 years ago
That is cool
Visar Sadiku
Visar Sadiku - 8 years ago
Awesome....Loved it
Shaikh Mohd Fazal
Shaikh Mohd Fazal - 8 years ago
What are alternatives for cinder block. I think it may harm water quality
Karl Orth
Karl Orth - 8 years ago
what a cruel home ...
nothing natural
No - 8 years ago
I could say the same about your home.
But we can both agree that it probably isn't cruel to have you live there.
[PLZ]-Muschelmann - 8 years ago
Nice Video i will do this !!!!!
CMAenergy - 8 years ago
Why did you do it the hard way? When you could have filled the glass jar inside the tank turned it up side down and lifted it up and have someone but the bricks under it.
Catiline - 8 years ago
this is great, thanks for sharing, i'm sure my students would love such a thing!...JG
depi zixuri
depi zixuri - 8 years ago
1:55 "I slurped fishy water" face.
Kurt Riegel
Kurt Riegel - 8 years ago
See Gerald Ander Lee's comment .... yes! The air tube approach is unnecessarily complex.
Typhoonbladefist - 8 years ago
no tubing required: dip jar in tank, fill up then flip over and pull up. need to empty? lift jar then proceed to clean up your now soaked carpet/floor
stopfollowingme - 8 years ago
Typhoonbladefist lol you just shut down half of the commmenters
Jack Graybird
Jack Graybird - 8 years ago
We should call this Fish tower or something like that.
symbolicsin - 8 years ago
Reminds me of the Water Bridge between two tanks, Great Vid !
Forhad Khan Alif
Forhad Khan Alif - 8 years ago
this is awesome
lbobeica - 8 years ago
You don't need the tube to suck the air out! Just fill the container under water level then flip it upside down while keeping it under water, then bring it flipped above the water, maintaining the bottom margin under water at all times. This way you will have NO AIR at the top!
Davy R
Davy R - 8 years ago
Won't fish experience lower/negative pressure in penthouse?
Mustard On My Anus
Mustard On My Anus - 8 years ago
they ain't diving to the bottom of the ocean
sayWHATmeow - 8 years ago
Andrea Campanella
Andrea Campanella - 8 years ago
what about the oxygen in the lower tank? I think that could be a problem on the long term...
David Kabbes
David Kabbes - 8 years ago
Ruben Santa-Waldron
Ruben Santa-Waldron - 8 years ago
If you had an air stone in your tank, you'd better not put it under the suspended area!!
Kratax - 8 years ago
But is there suction into the upper part? Are the fish stuck up there?
an nam4
an nam4 - 8 years ago
good game and well player
Molanus בני אדמ
Molanus בני אדמ - 8 years ago
Amazing idea, thank you
Thanh Quang Phạm
Thanh Quang Phạm - 8 years ago
It's the best idea ever!
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS - 8 years ago
one question, I used plastic stilts to raise mine and that 10 gallon is as heavy as any 10 gallons of water is. i would prefer to use cinder blocks but I was worried about the PH. Did you soak or otherwise prepare yours used in your video?
NightHawkInLight - 8 years ago
Cinder blocks are maybe not the best option. There have to plenty of other similarly sturdy options out there, or ways to make your stilts more sturdy
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS - 8 years ago
my puffers love this. their 125 gallon also serves as a coffee table in the middle of the main room and they follow me back and forth like dogs. the tank has blue panels on the ends which seemed to annoy them because they were always waiting for me when i went out of sight into the kitchen. i put a 10 gallon up on stilts so they could swim up and see over the top. i floated a prawn into it to lure them into discovering that they could swim up past the water line. puffs are so smart anyway, but this was so exciting you could almost see them thinking, watching each other swim up and look around. really cool thing. and no bad side effects as far as water quality, just better beggars at dinner time.
Marianne Leavitt
Marianne Leavitt - 8 years ago
wowza. super cool!! If only I could keep my lid off
Xavier Mondragon Jr
Xavier Mondragon Jr - 8 years ago
Fish are cool and all... until they shit all over your tank
Natalie Jefferson
Natalie Jefferson - 8 years ago
will that work for oscars
Jesse Lee Humphry
Jesse Lee Humphry - 8 years ago
I'm curious, why not just use the styrofoam in the first step instead of the tape? It makes pulling the tube out less stressful for fear of someone clumsy knocking it over, I guess.
DaffyDaffyDaffy33322 - 8 years ago
For cleaning the tank, couldn't you just siphon the tank like normal? I'd expect the upper tank would let out just enough water to keep the main water level equal, until the upper tank is drained of course.
Ankur Kistamah
Ankur Kistamah - 8 years ago
Ramaswamy Venkatesh
Ramaswamy Venkatesh - 8 years ago
original idea ! Nice . If only the non transparent bricks are replaced with transparent and waterfilled glass container with large perforated holes at the sides ,large enough for the fishes , placed at gravelbed so fish can use entire space it will be a real beauty !
Letnom Valie
Letnom Valie - 8 years ago
Depending edge entity hlfxi distinction draft pass slam cool interview distribute.
D Secret
D Secret - 8 years ago
sweet vid, funny face. get a little water there did ya?
World Embassy
World Embassy - 8 years ago
Kenneth Ramirez
Kenneth Ramirez - 8 years ago
Very nice!
Oblixius - 8 years ago
what if the filter pushed bubbles under the chamber and it begins to fill with air, wont it over flow then ?
Andiecapay - 8 years ago
Frodo what are you doing with a beard ?
Frank J
Frank J - 8 years ago
Instructions weren't clear. Woke up to a mess and my fish smashed by the bricks
where's my cat?
where's my cat? - 8 years ago
I think I accidentally drank the water ugh
Omar Khan
Omar Khan - 8 years ago
This is really stupid.
Tony Bui
Tony Bui - 8 years ago
Adnan A
Adnan A - 8 years ago
Barbra Reis
Barbra Reis - 8 years ago
Alestiiidae [no_last]
Alestiiidae [no_last] - 8 years ago
I feally enjoyed the concept, and it is a good way to add some dimension to a standard rectangular tank.

My only complaints are that too many minnows for that tank size and sucking the air out with your mouth. For the latter, if you do it after the tank it setup, you risk inhaling noxious gases or consuming fecal matter.
C_ Farther
C_ Farther - 8 years ago
Extraordinary!!!! Wonderful and imaginative.
Brandon Crosby
Brandon Crosby - 8 years ago
Love how simple it is to do most of your videos. Need to find some clear piping so I could make a elaborate area above water.
meg318 - 8 years ago
Cinderblocks are made of cinder. You should not put them in your fish tanks. They leech toxic chemicals into the water, and they raise the pH level of your tank. Use something else to raise your jar for this very cool project.
Dan S.
Dan S. - 8 years ago
this guy is a genius
Das Kuch
Das Kuch - 8 years ago
That's so cool
What the Fish?
What the Fish? - 8 years ago
This came out really well. I am setting up a guppy tank and I'm going to give it a try.
DOOBERtv - 8 years ago
yummy fish tank water
Nati Whatever
Nati Whatever - 8 years ago
DOOBERtv He sucked the air. That's why there was a Styrofoam to let it float. But yea. Especially when cleaning an aquarium you might get a drop of tank water in your mouth. I didn't die or took any harm from it so far.
Gerald Ander Lee
Gerald Ander Lee - 8 years ago
Why not just sink the glass into the tank letting it fill up with water then flip it over then pull it out?
Nayeli Valeria
Nayeli Valeria - 7 years ago
If you're doing that method in an already decorated/established tank the process of flipping it over will disturb the other decorations/fish you have in your tank. You can also keep the outside of the glass dry and clean with this method.
Luculencia - 8 years ago
Unlikely, glass is quite strong. I've done this with a 2 gallon jar before and it was fine.
Nati Whatever
Nati Whatever - 8 years ago
Gerald Ander Lee I think Baloo Bear is right. If your glass vase has a weak spot it can probably break with that pressure.
Vivin Urf Baloo
Vivin Urf Baloo - 8 years ago
Gerald Ander Lee takes a lot of strength for such a large vase, also, risky, as the glass vase wasn't meant to hold pressure
Charles-Stephen Goyard
Charles-Stephen Goyard - 8 years ago
Gerald Ander Lee thought the same thats what I did .
foxfix1998 - 8 years ago
This is a quite stupid way of doing things, submerging the vase in the water flipping it bottom up and lifting it will leave the water inside and take a lot less time and tools.
sempreviva82 - 8 years ago
Cute aquarium owner, lousy fish.
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
Are Those Zebrafish?
Karrie Blake
Karrie Blake - 8 years ago
so cool!!!! thanks
Noble909 - 8 years ago
You can just as easily fill the glass underwater, tip it over inside the fish tank and pull it up. You don't need to swallow a mouth full of tank water....
Beatriz Antillon
Beatriz Antillon - 8 years ago
Amazing, but please be careful with your fish
Victor Gonzalez
Victor Gonzalez - 8 years ago
what kind of rocks are you using for the base?
Crazy Candy Crush
Crazy Candy Crush - 8 years ago
Sir; Do you "Suck or Blow?"
Bhushan Shedge
Bhushan Shedge - 8 years ago
i enjoyed your
video awsome
event HORIZON - 8 years ago
AWESOME! You cool!
Michel Franco
Michel Franco - 8 years ago
PtLeoJet - 8 years ago
I wonder if this could be applied.... the ocean.
patrick burgess
patrick burgess - 8 years ago
ohmynoun - 8 years ago
Heard about your channel from Cody's Lab (one of my absolute faves), and this video earned my subscription!
SpartanFromSpain - 8 years ago
wow that's awesome!
Eve Goldman
Eve Goldman - 8 years ago
FANTASTIC IDEA, and not all that expensive gr8! THANKS
Invicta Maltese
Invicta Maltese - 8 years ago
that is so cool
Wujas _
Wujas _ - 8 years ago
plastic plants...pathetic...
Wujas _
Wujas _ - 8 years ago
Nightbird hhahaha moron :D
reptilesgamers00 - 8 years ago
I was defending you more then I was defending him. You just played yourself.
Nightbird - 8 years ago
+Wujas _ It's so cute when one retard defends
reptilesgamers00 - 8 years ago
Wujas was being a dick but bringing "getting laid" was just too much... very juvenile.
Wujas _
Wujas _ - 8 years ago
Nightbird dumbass. Bigtime.
Nightbird - 8 years ago
+Wujas _
I guess looking in the mirror taught you first hand what a shit show Go get laid already..because you're smelling up the place.
Wujas _
Wujas _ - 8 years ago
Alestiiidae [no_last] it's not a tank,'s a shit show.
Alestiiidae [no_last]
Alestiiidae [no_last] - 8 years ago
+Wujas _
With your sense of humor, you must be very fun at parties. Also, you its not your business to tell people they can't use fake plants; its his tank and its a demonstration.
Wujas _
Wujas _ - 8 years ago
Nightbird ahh so you are a more questions...
Nightbird - 8 years ago
Plastic plants don't decompose and pollute the tank..nor do they clog up filters. The fish also appreciate them more because live plants are very insulting to fish and like to put them down after the aquarium lights go off. How would you like to try to go sleep while hearing "I heard your mother was used for bait" jokes?
Austkrr b
Austkrr b - 8 years ago
You could have done that without the fish.
Akshay Parab
Akshay Parab - 8 years ago
superb mate
Cesar Robledo
Cesar Robledo - 8 years ago
I want to punch him in the face at 1:55
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
Cesar Robledo o
Riley Shumaker
Riley Shumaker - 8 years ago
Of course you do, Donald. Of course you do.
Oblivion - 8 years ago
win win senario
Nightbird - 8 years ago
Go rape another 13yr old girl instead you douche bag.
Logan Croft
Logan Croft - 8 years ago
ooooh of course!! so cool =O
paulowarren31 - 8 years ago
you really look like a faggot
Jose Onieva
Jose Onieva - 8 years ago
very original! like it!
王嘉歡 - 8 years ago
Please,no fake waterweeds......
bwilla wari
bwilla wari - 8 years ago
That is so cool
Dang You
Dang You - 8 years ago
you look like a fag
Amanda Tran
Amanda Tran - 8 years ago
Dang You 1:54
Gísli thor
Gísli thor - 8 years ago
pritty decent mate :) gj
Raunak Sinha
Raunak Sinha - 8 years ago
wonder ful idea....!! i will try this.
Grayson Boyce
Grayson Boyce - 8 years ago
could I fill up a tall tube with water in the middle of my pool and raise the water level in side of the tube?
Le TABBY - 8 years ago
World Trade Center never forget 0:37
Anime Tube
Anime Tube - 8 years ago
what to do if the fish die on top :)
tyblips - 8 years ago
this is super awesome but my fish is the size of my hand so I don't think I have a jar big enough for him lol
tyblips - 8 years ago
+Rainbow Mustachio Gaming hes a very big goldfish lol
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
tyblips What Is Your Fish?
KrisRaps - 8 years ago
Just Use
perdaisi - 8 years ago
very nice bro
lolimancer HE
lolimancer HE - 8 years ago
With a Glass bowl and some moulded stones it would look better, like a suspended dome add some tiny stars in the outside with a led light and it would look even better.
Andrew - 8 years ago
I like that idea
Luqman Hafeez
Luqman Hafeez - 8 years ago
that tube remind me of spongebob for some reason
Neo Kwong Ming
Neo Kwong Ming - 8 years ago
sorry it's stupid way
Houdoe - 8 years ago
wooowww awesome I'm going to try it out
Cekeybula - 8 years ago
soo ugly looking
ozan çatbaş
ozan çatbaş - 8 years ago
i have done this before and it looks realy nice and cool :) i tried it with my shrimp tank.. but your tank looks better man :)
Rakesh Choahan
Rakesh Choahan - 8 years ago
Nice one Job
Oneil Ali
Oneil Ali - 8 years ago
really Kool... gonna try
Léa Duval
Léa Duval - 8 years ago
Elijah Burgess
Elijah Burgess - 8 years ago
you had cheap ass fish
BOOMS GUNS yo - 8 years ago
nice work son
Pebbles Oatsen
Pebbles Oatsen - 8 years ago
I never thought of doing that, thank you
Edward Bignell
Edward Bignell - 8 years ago
Or just completely submerge the suspended tank and pull it up and out of the water whilst keeping the opening submerged?
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 8 years ago
It would be a horrible idea if you have bettas Cuz they might stuck and run out of air.
Baba Jaan
Baba Jaan - 8 years ago
my aquarium got broken by this
J4ker08 - 8 years ago
Do more pet videos
Erik DeWitt
Erik DeWitt - 8 years ago
Cool little idea, maybe Ill do this on one of my nano shrimp tanks
Ophio Glossoides
Ophio Glossoides - 8 years ago
cool idea! The only issue I see is when the cat tries to catch one of the fish in the top compartment and knocks it over!
Richard Towers
Richard Towers - 8 years ago
I've thought about this myself, but worried about the conditions in the raised area:
The pressure is reduced to below atmospheric pressure, which might upset swim bladders.
The lower pressure would also lower the potential to keep oxygen in solution.
Circulation would be reduced inside the "bubble".
I was concerned that it could become a dead zone at some point. Did you ever do a long trial and notice any unusual behaviour?
Justin Bradley
Justin Bradley - 8 years ago
Earthquake, some areas are riskier than others.
wierdsnake - 8 years ago
Richard Towers common sense is telling me that the way this suspended tank was done is a very bad idea.
Richard Towers
Richard Towers - 8 years ago
It's a large glass bowl filled with water. If you set it up sensibly it will be about as stable as, say, a large glass bowl filled with water. Fancy that!
eggrollsoup is right that it's a matter of using common sense, which is just as true of any other aquarium setup.

Don't cross the road wierdsnake. You might be hit by a vehicle, by golly goodness  ;-)
wierdsnake - 8 years ago
eggrollsoup You're 15 and can't grasp at the idea of Murphy's law. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
using more bricks does not solve issue of this being unstable you Brazilian monkey.
eggrollsoup - 8 years ago
wierdsnake "not this set over" and also you can use 3 or 4 bricks if need be also what would knock it over if indoors? Examples? I'm the youngest in my current household i'm 15 so there is no kids also i have no free roaming pets indoors what would knock it over you said anything can
wierdsnake - 8 years ago
eggrollsoup that is not the point, literally fucking anything could not this setup over.
eggrollsoup - 8 years ago
wierdsnake not everyone has cats
Laranda Lee
Laranda Lee - 8 years ago
Great questions, wondering the same thing myself.
wierdsnake - 8 years ago
Forget the fish, if the cat pounces it, the fuckin thing falls over and breaks the whole rig killing all your fish.
Shifu Careaga
Shifu Careaga - 8 years ago
.. depth is measured from the relative surface height. Firstly, the pressure is going to be almost uniform throughout the entire fluid in this tank. secondly, the fish will automatically adjust based on what they feel internally. You're just being paranoid. The water pressure differences in this experiment are so negligible you literally exerted more pressure on my brain with your worry than difference the fish will feel.
northwoods1986 - 8 years ago
You had me at exploding fish.

Now lets test this out a few times just to be sure. Bring the slow mo cams.
Richard Towers
Richard Towers - 8 years ago
+aidan shafer
That's not true aidan. pressure is measurable in any fluid and increases with depth when the fluid is subject to gravity. On earth the pressure in the oceans increases by about 1 atmosphere per 10m of descent. 
i i
i i - 8 years ago
Water pressure throughtout any body of water is constant, it is only the air pressure in the 'bubble' that is below normal.
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS - 8 years ago
not at all! i worry about my puffs having separation anxiety. better to make sure. those fish depend on you. :)
Richard Towers
Richard Towers - 8 years ago
+Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS
Ouch :-O  That's about a 15% pressure drop I think, which would pop my ears.
Thinking about it though, most lake and ocean fish will be diving at least 10m down (possibly 100m+) then coming back up which doubles then halves the pressure on their swim bladder and I know fish aren't getting the bends, so maybe it was a silly concern :)
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS - 8 years ago
i dont think it bothers them. none of my puffs exploded. ive seen fish towers 5' high. it is amazing the weight of it, so you need the stand to be strong and stable
Richard Towers
Richard Towers - 8 years ago
The water in the upturned bowl has weight, which is pulling down on the top of the bowl. If he takes the pipe out of his mouth the weight of the water would suck air in rapidly. (In fact it is the external air pressure forcing air into the pipe to displace the water.) If the bowl was a 22m high pipe the weight of the water column would be enough to form a vacuum at the top. The exact height depends on the air pressure at the surface of the aquarium water which is in fact pushing the water up the pipe. (This is the principle at work in a mercury barometer in fact, but mercury is much heavier and will rise less than a meter.) A fish swimming at the top would basically explode as if it was in space.
At lower pressures less gas (e.g. CO2 and O2) will be able to dissolve too. Probably not a problem as long as fresh water can circulate into the dome.

Hope that helps :-)
kintokisa - 8 years ago
Will the water in the added jar have reduced pressure? why? This is genuibe question btw
BASStion - 8 years ago
demonjanitor - 8 years ago
you look like a very young santy claus
Greeyt Hernandez
Greeyt Hernandez - 8 years ago
I have being looking for this more than a are amazing!
BLUELINK 10 - 8 years ago
1:55 that face thoe
Nightbird - 8 years ago
+Gummy Bugz
Please don't insult this handsome man by comparing him to that republican
Gummy Bugz
Gummy Bugz - 8 years ago
his face reminds me a bit of Ted Cruz, which explains why I want to kill him every time his face shows up on screen.
Oblivion - 8 years ago
"why has god forsaken me?"
BLUELINK 10 - 8 years ago
Nightbird - 8 years ago as hell..
GorrilaJohnson - 8 years ago
A very unique idea. Maybe I'll have to try it one day
1975 damn
1975 damn - 8 years ago
You kinda look like rumpelstiltskin. Great video though m8
Jordan Meyrick
Jordan Meyrick - 8 years ago
if the bubbles from the oxygen pump get into the vase, will the vase push out water eventually and get water everywhere
Peter Piper
Peter Piper - 8 years ago
And very refreshing too!
butts - 8 years ago
why am i watching this
i dont even own a fishtank
MasterGaming - 7 years ago
Why am i replying i dont even own youtube,

thats how you sound like retard
L.P. 7/15
L.P. 7/15 - 7 years ago
butts Literally same but I have a big test tomorrow haha
Benny Bursche
Benny Bursche - 8 years ago
it´s so simple but still awesome
Sandwich Man
Sandwich Man - 8 years ago
I like this
7531monkey - 8 years ago
I tried this but ended up electing Trump! :(
LadyNightFox28 - 8 years ago
you have some really smart ideas and to go with that you are handsome ^_^
TicTac123 Cait
TicTac123 Cait - 8 years ago
Dude that's awesome ! I have a 10 gallon tank with black moor gold fish really want to do this inbox me !
wolfedog99 - 8 years ago
First concrete blocks will royally screw up the alkalinity, find an alternative, maybe ceramic.
Second there should be something slightly squishy between the blocks and bottom glass like a thick piece of solid rubber and absolutely no pebbles between the blocks and bottom glass. The cylinder of water has a lot of weight.
Shibu Kaitharath
Shibu Kaitharath - 8 years ago
nice work, congradulation
Jason Faber
Jason Faber - 8 years ago
but won't this reduce the surface area for oxygen to enter the water?
Alestiiidae [no_last]
Alestiiidae [no_last] - 8 years ago
+joni ha
Those were fake plants. Also the dome is bound to fill up with some less-than wholesome gas as it binds to organic matter (as in the fish urine)
Jonny 5
Jonny 5 - 8 years ago
oxygen doesn't really get into the water by just touching it like that. you need some motion to mix it. you can see, that his filter is sticking out a bit and the water falls back into the tank mixing air into the water. and of course you get oxygen from the plants as well. with big ones you can see a steady steam of bubbles.
Jonny 5
Jonny 5 - 8 years ago
oxygen doesn't really get into the water by just touching it like that. you need some motion to mix it. you can see, that his filter is sticking out a bit and the water falls back into the tank mixing air into the water. and of course you get oxygen from the plants as well. with big ones you can see a steady steam of bubbles.
jacob 559
jacob 559 - 8 years ago
Jeffrey Spooner
Jeffrey Spooner - 8 years ago
genius, great job
Leonie Grätz
Leonie Grätz - 8 years ago
cool ideal
Eric Bobis
Eric Bobis - 8 years ago
Ben Nett
Ben Nett - 8 years ago
The true face of pain.
TheDemonLilith - 7 years ago
Lol be nice to him
Falco Lombardi
Falco Lombardi - 7 years ago
Lookin' like Jesus.
Elijah Trenton
Elijah Trenton - 7 years ago
Roman R savage
Roman R
Roman R - 7 years ago
Nice kristen stewart inpression tho
PreviewChannel - 7 years ago
GLITCHED MATRIX - 8 years ago
he has seen kill
Brandon Crosby
Brandon Crosby - 8 years ago
Does that look like a face with mercy!
1975 damn
1975 damn - 8 years ago
Mohammed Shadab
Mohammed Shadab - 8 years ago
Nikhitha jaison
Nikhitha jaison - 8 years ago
awezome idea man
Lord Saints
Lord Saints - 8 years ago
WHAT A GREAT IDEA. i thinking of doing it.
jack han
jack han - 8 years ago
What kind of fish do you have they are cool can they live well in fishbowl
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
rosy reds they are one of the easiest fish to keep and even breed.

although since they are a schooling fish you are going to need something like a 5 gallon since they need to be kept in groups of 5 and a filter.also if you want to try breeding them just add a cave and the male will claim it and take care of the eggs until they hatch.after they hatch just feed the babies something like brine shrimp,egg yolks or some other tiny food.

the only down side to these fish is they are sold as feeders so they aren't coming from the best conditions. so you may need to treat keep some kind of general cure on hand.but once healthy they should live 2 to 4 years.
Green Puffy6
Green Puffy6 - 8 years ago
I will do that to my tank
Michael Echeverria
Michael Echeverria - 8 years ago
Interesting, btw, you remind me of Ted Cruz for some strange reason...
William Parker
William Parker - 8 years ago
I wana try it but I'll end up with a lung full of fish water
Ezra Pali
Ezra Pali - 8 years ago
why not just put the container into the tank right side up, allow it to fill up with water then flip it and pull it out?
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS
Peggy Thomas Executive Director PUFFER CORPS - 8 years ago
+Ezra Pali ROFL! good way to lose your fillings!
wierdsnake - 8 years ago
+Kevin Chiem When you pull the glass out of the water, even though the vacuum pulls the water up the effects of gravity are still pulling down on the water inside. So the water needs to go down but it needs air to fill the space left behind, in a vacuum there's no air to pull into the space so instead it pulls on the glass. There's a reason for him not inverting the glass. Also the way this suspended tank was done in this video, is very stupid. Other people have designs out there already that can't be knocked over by your kid/dog/cat/ball/neighbor ,ect
Kevin Chiem
Kevin Chiem - 8 years ago
+wierdsnake how so?
wierdsnake - 8 years ago
The Glass container would most likely implode.
Kevin Chiem
Kevin Chiem - 8 years ago
+Ezra Pali how do you suppose I flip it? Besides, that's a lot messier than the method in the video. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Ezra Pali
Ezra Pali - 8 years ago
Kevin Chiem that's why you lift it from the rim
Kevin Chiem
Kevin Chiem - 8 years ago
try lifting a slippery 8-pound glass. I agree, 8 pounds ins't a lot. But being slippery makes it a lot harder.
Devin DeAnda
Devin DeAnda - 8 years ago
+Ezra Pali yup! Always blowing people, 24/7!
Ezra Pali
Ezra Pali - 8 years ago
it's easier to draw a vacuum with your mouth rather than lift a couple of pounds? now we know what you do in your free time...
Ezra Pali
Ezra Pali - 8 years ago
because there is an easier and quicker way
Liquidmetal702 - 8 years ago
why not do what you saw in the video?
Devin DeAnda
Devin DeAnda - 8 years ago
Water weighs a fair bit--8lbs to the gallon--making it easier to use pneumatics to aid in the process of filling up the compartment. Also, sticking hands and arms into the water adds more contamination that just the clean vase, tape, and tubing alone.
Jj Son
Jj Son - 8 years ago
ghostypup - 8 years ago
clever sod, i enjoyed that
MrkBO8 - 8 years ago
I have been subbed for years and this is seriously the coolest channel
DIY metric
DIY metric - 8 years ago
thank this is a very great idea for my small fishs
Chases Rides everyday
Chases Rides everyday - 8 years ago
That's so cool
Srithar J
Srithar J - 8 years ago
Water is rising down automatically wat to do pls help!!?
Reece Mcgowan
Reece Mcgowan - 8 years ago
Wow !
TheKirkster96 - 8 years ago
A faster method you can do to accomplish this is you can actually completely submerge the vase and then lift it out of the water bottom first. the vase will be upside down and completely free of any air and it will be kind of heavy to lift, but can be done. This makes cleaning the tank and resetting the vacuum suspended part easier to reset, rather than sucking the air out.
Little Tangerine
Little Tangerine - 8 years ago
fish: OMGGG what a viewwww!
Garrett Oehlerking
Garrett Oehlerking - 8 years ago
The fish look like they love it lol.
Brian Napier Sr.
Brian Napier Sr. - 8 years ago
Pretty neat.
Christian Capalbo
Christian Capalbo - 8 years ago
Valbuenium - 8 years ago
What if an earthquake happens XD
naytharn - 8 years ago
your fish would be the least of your worries...
PrettyGayForABisexual - 8 years ago
Bricks are not a good idea for a fish tank. They could harm your fish. You could probably find something a lot softer that won't harm your fish.
Tobias Duke
Tobias Duke - 8 years ago
Fawzi Med Documentaire&movies
Fawzi Med Documentaire&movies - 8 years ago
beautiful, i love this one ! ;)
Superb project love this one
johnny liu
johnny liu - 8 years ago
There are better ways of doing that
Soni Tomi
Soni Tomi - 8 years ago
what material do you use? Glass or Acrylic?
TM80 NotGoodWithNames
TM80 NotGoodWithNames - 8 years ago
looks like glass
HBunboxing - 8 years ago
great video really creative
zachary stewart
zachary stewart - 8 years ago
Fuck yeah dude a whole-nother level of fish tanks
Alestiiidae [no_last]
Alestiiidae [no_last] - 8 years ago
Humorous Pun
Jared Runner
Jared Runner - 8 years ago
Balvinder Singh
Balvinder Singh - 8 years ago
woohoo I like this
Nals - 8 years ago
I know it's been a year, but this is amazing! I hope I can do this too someday :)
Eliath Zuniga
Eliath Zuniga - 8 years ago
cool man
Katie Jackson
Katie Jackson - 8 years ago
This is so cool!
HaleyLynn - 8 years ago
What size tank is that?
SMB3110G Videos
SMB3110G Videos - 8 years ago
Im not doing that for my blood parrots,they will probally push the container off
The Red Mammon
The Red Mammon - 8 years ago
why, they are hybrids, thats it
Dr. CowMoo
Dr. CowMoo - 8 years ago
eww blood parrots
Wade - 8 years ago
I tried doing this but ended swallowing a fish.

Little Nemo
Random Guy
Random Guy - 7 years ago
use a smaller tube
mayo gaming
mayo gaming - 7 years ago
Chaiwat Chouylai you realize theres such thing as a saltwater aquarium
Chaiwat Chouylai
Chaiwat Chouylai - 7 years ago
Wade "Nemo" lives in saltwater.
Maldivian Aquarium
Maldivian Aquarium - 7 years ago
Poor nemo died from being eaten alive by a human
aqua lads
aqua lads - 7 years ago
Your fish are to small
Asra Shariff
Asra Shariff - 7 years ago
Jeiren Coria
Jeiren Coria - 7 years ago
Wade your supost to tack the fish out
Lightning McQueen
Lightning McQueen - 7 years ago
Mr. DVUS - 7 years ago
Wade | That's why you take the fish out ffs
John plays
John plays - 7 years ago
thanks bro
Chris Cristian
Chris Cristian - 8 years ago
Wade R. I. P
Bumble bee
Bumble bee - 8 years ago
Wade nice have fun pooping it out
Alice Lee
Alice Lee - 8 years ago
Customer - 8 years ago
David Coronado
David Coronado - 8 years ago
Aly Zainal Abidin
Aly Zainal Abidin - 8 years ago
Wade cuk..kebii... luwe koe cak... hahahaha
Predator Mafia
Predator Mafia - 8 years ago
jame jameson
jame jameson - 8 years ago
I'm having a flashback from the 90s
are you mr bean?
syahidah mohamed
syahidah mohamed - 8 years ago
王嘉歡 - 8 years ago
FrostedFin - 8 years ago
Torii Savage
Torii Savage - 8 years ago
hahahaha ewwww
Super Pancake
Super Pancake - 8 years ago
Isaiah Beeler
Isaiah Beeler - 8 years ago
I'm a straight male. But I have to say. You look like Shia la beouf(spelling?) and Leo De Caprio mixed on sexy steroids. In no way is Shia sexy but you have his facial structure
Minnow's aquarium
Minnow's aquarium - 8 years ago
What kind of fish are these?
David Soetjipto
David Soetjipto - 8 years ago
oh wow.. this is actually very creative :D
I am Groot
I am Groot - 8 years ago
Dustin the silicone i used with the CD case to fix a leak didn't work as you said, the silicone leaked out and the fish were swimming , eating the silicone like fish food and they melted .
Jared Runner
Jared Runner - 8 years ago
+Nikita I've learned the hard way that the silicone has to be 100% waterproof.....
Nikita S
Nikita S - 8 years ago
+Jared Runner Any silicon works as long as it doesnt have any additives such as mold killer and stuff, king of DIY made a video on it
Jared Runner
Jared Runner - 8 years ago
lol i watched that vid too!:);) not sure what type of silicon you used but if it was the cheep stuff that's white before it dries, that stuff tends not to hold as well.
Nikita S
Nikita S - 8 years ago
wrong video

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