Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank
Education 9 years ago 3,305,439 views
This is an interesting way to turn a classic science experiment into a functioning addition to a fish tank. It makes a pretty cool display! Be sure if you try this to have plenty of water circulation in your tank or the water in the suspended area could become oxygen deprived. There really shouldn't be any problems if the tank is well functioning prior to adding the new compartment. You may also want to put a wide base of some kind below the supports so the extra weight is spread over a larger area and you won't risk cracking the bottom of your tank. I learned the trick with the styrofoam float from this video: #NightHawkInLight -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Check out my latest video: "How To View Invisible Air Currents With Lasers" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
"In that moment he realized, he freaked out".
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I think the idea is that it won't freeze over since it's not exposed to air, so it'll let in sunlight. I figure there's more to it - they probably have to circulate the water - but it's nifty anyway.
1.2 million views and counting.
That's one badass, no longer wet, fish setup. ;) nice post.
100. comment for Make A Vacuum Suspended Fish Tank
The candle simply transforms air into other gases through combustion. The water level only rises because the air in the container, heated up by the candle, ends up cooling and retracting.
subscribe you...
I swallowed some water.
nothing natural
But we can both agree that it probably isn't cruel to have you live there.
My only complaints are that too many minnows for that tank size and sucking the air out with your mouth. For the latter, if you do it after the tank it setup, you risk inhaling noxious gases or consuming fecal matter.
video awsome
+Wujas _ It's so cute when one retard defends
I guess looking in the mirror taught you first hand what a shit show Go get laid already..because you're smelling up the place.
With your sense of humor, you must be very fun at parties. Also, you its not your business to tell people they can't use fake plants; its his tank and its a demonstration.
The pressure is reduced to below atmospheric pressure, which might upset swim bladders.
The lower pressure would also lower the potential to keep oxygen in solution.
Circulation would be reduced inside the "bubble".
I was concerned that it could become a dead zone at some point. Did you ever do a long trial and notice any unusual behaviour?
It's a large glass bowl filled with water. If you set it up sensibly it will be about as stable as, say, a large glass bowl filled with water. Fancy that!
eggrollsoup is right that it's a matter of using common sense, which is just as true of any other aquarium setup.
Don't cross the road wierdsnake. You might be hit by a vehicle, by golly goodness ;-)
using more bricks does not solve issue of this being unstable you Brazilian monkey.
Now lets test this out a few times just to be sure. Bring the slow mo cams.
That's not true aidan. pressure is measurable in any fluid and increases with depth when the fluid is subject to gravity. On earth the pressure in the oceans increases by about 1 atmosphere per 10m of descent.
Ouch :-O That's about a 15% pressure drop I think, which would pop my ears.
Thinking about it though, most lake and ocean fish will be diving at least 10m down (possibly 100m+) then coming back up which doubles then halves the pressure on their swim bladder and I know fish aren't getting the bends, so maybe it was a silly concern :)
The water in the upturned bowl has weight, which is pulling down on the top of the bowl. If he takes the pipe out of his mouth the weight of the water would suck air in rapidly. (In fact it is the external air pressure forcing air into the pipe to displace the water.) If the bowl was a 22m high pipe the weight of the water column would be enough to form a vacuum at the top. The exact height depends on the air pressure at the surface of the aquarium water which is in fact pushing the water up the pipe. (This is the principle at work in a mercury barometer in fact, but mercury is much heavier and will rise less than a meter.) A fish swimming at the top would basically explode as if it was in space.
At lower pressures less gas (e.g. CO2 and O2) will be able to dissolve too. Probably not a problem as long as fresh water can circulate into the dome.
Hope that helps :-)
Please don't insult this handsome man by comparing him to that republican
i dont even own a fishtank
thats how you sound like retard
Second there should be something slightly squishy between the blocks and bottom glass like a thick piece of solid rubber and absolutely no pebbles between the blocks and bottom glass. The cylinder of water has a lot of weight.
Those were fake plants. Also the dome is bound to fill up with some less-than wholesome gas as it binds to organic matter (as in the fish urine)
The true face of pain.
although since they are a schooling fish you are going to need something like a 5 gallon since they need to be kept in groups of 5 and a filter.also if you want to try breeding them just add a cave and the male will claim it and take care of the eggs until they hatch.after they hatch just feed the babies something like brine shrimp,egg yolks or some other tiny food.
the only down side to these fish is they are sold as feeders so they aren't coming from the best conditions. so you may need to treat keep some kind of general cure on hand.but once healthy they should live 2 to 4 years.
Little Nemo
are you mr bean?